NOT AGAIN 😓 - Convoy Raiding Battle Cruisers Are Broken!!! - Nothing Wrong with our Bloody Ships

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whoa look at all these convoys look at this a submarine will be able to take out these convoys at this speed this is the beauty of the amount of attack or maybe it's the speed I don't know but these battle cruisers are amazing a convoy rating holy crap hey I'm feedback gaming and this is hard surviving for have you know it's recently in my videos are coming out more frequently why is that it's because I have a schedule now videos will be released on Monday at 6 p.m. BSC and Thursday at 6 p.m. BST Monday Thursday 6 p.m. BST feedback gaming videos two videos per week I don't normally promote my patreon but today I'm gonna make an exception if you guys want to support me directly you can go to the patreon link in the description of this video five dollars gets you access to the early access chat on my discord as well as the exclusive feedback a chat you'll be directly contributing to make more videos for me in future now tell you what to show how committed I am to you I'm gonna reply to every single comment on this video oh man I want to regret this that's right every single comment on this video I will reply to per week and what's this it's man the guns we got one two three four five six ships you know what we should do we should make nine ships in fact let's make those battle cruisers the achievement we're gonna do today is called nothing wrong with the bloody battleships hey let's make this a trivia question what is that in reference to nothing wrong with the bloody battleships what is that in reference to if you know comment below for the most part this achievement is pretty straightforward all I need to do is the United Kingdom is to have at least nine battle cruisers at any one point so if you wanted to choose this strategy you quite frankly could just load up make battleships unlimited walk away from the computer come on from work and you've probably got 50 of them and there you go achievement unlock but that would be a pretty dull video wouldn't it wouldn't it if this video gets 10k likes I'll make that video oh man no I won't oh I shouldn't set these goals cuz you guys are gonna hey I know you will so this achievement would be pretty dope I just did that so what we're gonna do now is something that you've probably never seen hearts of iron for game do we are gonna make bow cruisers that I made to hunt convoys convoy raiding battle cruisers let's do it let's do this at lightning speed synthetic oil experiments heavy haul to the hurricane construction one civilian factory's limited rearmament one division exercise merge the fleet's production is a bit more complicated if it shifts less than 50% produced we're just gonna delete it straight up there we go I'm gonna produce sword fishers get rid of the light tank only one on artillery five on guns and the rest on fighters that looks perfect you know the procedure right we make this division as big as we can make it emerge up the fleet now with the additional ships and exercise then we need some naval XP don't have a lot of fuel so the best way of getting a few as the UK is to pull it from Malaya and they're sure the sustain is probably for a day next up is shadow scheme 150 PP early mobilization now we've got heavy haul too we can go for dual purpose secondary battery so ahead of time but it's worth it okay next up instruction and also next up machine tools let's reinforce the Empire King Edward's application crisis go for the application we freed our production key up now have ships so we can make our battle cruiser so you select the heavy-haul we're gonna strip it of all of its guns apart from the essential which is the front it can fire control large engine will need one secondary battery and we're gonna go with battle cruiser armor because this makes it defined as a battle cruiser and we're going to define this as convoy cruiser mark one here we go here it is and I think we will produce one two three four of those next up is industrial effort and then silent workhorse right want to build some refineries so I'm going to take off the queue for civvies and build three synthetics in the West Midlands and then we're gonna work down disperse industry times doctrine trade interdiction the reason why I've done this is we gain extra bonuses for surface detection for bajo cruisers and less visible a this makes them more Seward for a convoy rating and the next up is an extra research lap time for free trade and will get a little bit aluminium from Canada next up is royal ordnance factories and with the extra research flyer we're going to go for bracket shooting which we can get twice as fast because we've got the extra naval experience okay we're gonna work down the path now the mechanical computing and get radar and research tax the extra political power so we're gonna give refuge to the German and Italian scientists the Builder mana refineries and London and Sussex we're gonna go for electronics concern because we want to rush that radar to go off the computer machine now there seems to be something happening in the Far East between China and Japan wonder what that is we'll take advantage of this with the extra world tension to go for a general rearmament let's go for oil processing and this means we'll get more oil for every single factory we have we're also gonna rush for the next radar as well let's pop a radar onto our Cruiser now we have the mark 3 which we will make three of these simultaneously let's go for a naval rearmament right this is our cruiser fleet we'd a good spotter this guy's extra spotting and plus he gains a bunch of other bonuses like for instance here concealment visibility and lest a mall retreat chance yes yes yes this should help with doctrines Britannia rules the waves we're gonna go the Atlantic Fleet designer gives extra armor and heavy attack we're also going to select a theorist for naval it'll work more and oil processing we're gonna try and get as much oil as we can from our home island gonna go for the encryption/decryption so we get more spotting at sea now we can go for the battleship focus so we can finish the last two holes generally improved models are always bare their best stats for the most part for everything but the stat that we care the most about is speed especially just means we can escape faster if we get intercept I don't know a bunch of ships that we don't want to fight as well as improves our detection capabilities of spotting in this game a trial wonky bill do you want to see me mid max the UK and follow the imperial Federation click on the I in the top right right we've got an excess amount of naval yards now so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grade all of you guys this will add on the dual purpose AAA like gun and it also add on the radar too it's a pretty quick upgrade to shouldn't take a few months right now on the bonuses for research for radar so we'll go down air-defense to radar let's get some more attack for our battleships I'm gonna rush for improved computing machine the reason why is I want advanced fire control right it's time to train a few divisions will spam out the 20 widths and finally shell dies right we've got 7 battle cruisers down we only need another two battleship 3 is done now we've got the heavy haul or the radar boots are done so we'll continue down the path of getting more advanced radar right we need the bonuses now for our aircraft so we're gonna go down err rearmament there we go easy alright guys I hope you enjoy this video and I'll see you guys next time don't forget to Like subscribe and bring it in bigger Bell now I'm joking we're gonna test out these ships now and see how well they perform I actually don't know how well they're gonna perform this might be a disaster so it looks like the battle cruiser 3 armor doesn't reduce any more speed with it the extra armor so I'm all for that let's go for that and we'll get the boost as well alright let's get all these planes ready let's say our exercise them first up we're gonna go for the fire command to try and get the most up-to-date fire and we'll need to also get submarine to our produce Germany's Air Force we need to go for aircraft production group make the fighters at cheaper and we'll also go for the Spitfire to partial mobilization go for it as soon as I can we'll also go for a limited conscription as well right there's no enough time to refit these now so I'm gonna have to stick with what I've got for the time being what would be useful about now would be a massive influx of oil so I think we'll import 30 units of oil from the United States here we go you know I've never actually done this before what I'm actually gonna do is send fighters to Poland and the minute I lose access to the coast I can't supply my fighters anymore so we need to set these to only gauge a low risk if they see submarines or if they see a big fat fleet they need to get the hell out of a train hold on to France a little bit longer I'm not too fussed if France Falls there this case I just will not put as much fat plains in north and south just so they hold for a little bit longer I also forgot about radar as well and let's build a big one in Sussex Poland rip right we've got lots of planes in France now so we'll try a burst to help out the lowland producing Spitfires right 100% war support total mobilization and women in the work force we're also gonna go for the cheap of Navy which is decisive battle that extra five percent bite to our army don't forget about your encryption text aha here we go and we have Italian convoys by Luxembourg I think we need more battle cruisers in our wolf packs we're not wiping them as quickly as I would like just really need oil again America help us out boys well this is not going too well and there goes France well I tried they do seem to take them out faster than submarines probably cuz the battle cruisers have got way more speed let's go over steady as she goes now we need to get rid a war to end all wars read that 25% manpower back now we're intercepting quite a few enemy ships here but every time we engage we seem to come out pretty bad the good news is we never seem to lose one of our battle cruisers we just seem to inflict damage on man but then managed to get away and repair I guess it makes them worth that money I guess with a submarine I guess you lose it instantly you never get it back but and I've just constantly ever needing to repair my battle cruisers well we need to get through to the military training act so let's go home defence leave it on our butt combo is put up a good fight here as you can see here the combo is a shoo-in my battle cruiser and just taking tiny little damages out of them just tiny little pokes out of the strength of the damage it's not devastating but it's something that a submarine wouldn't have to deal with no no we lost our first one I think it was a veteran too it's gonna be a while before these air could put it back in action at least at least three months all right these submarines again really annoying let's break off a destroyer fleet now look at that the immediately move from here now to here it's like they know the heavy hole four has now been finished we need to reduce the amount critical hits we're getting we're getting way too many on our battleship so we need to go for these tags alright let's make ideal battlecruiser there we go here we go the number for heavy ship for I don't even know that we could actually put a smaller battery on it to get more speed let's do that by control three big radar big engine dual purpose biggest battle cruise arm or we can go for battle super Cruiser yes Marquand dee commissioner and all produced that and will make a run of five of these alright what I'm gonna do is this Oh splitting them off into small fleets which seems to make them get picked off more easily so I'm gonna make a big fat convoy fleet hi here we go no agency we've found them look at this they're minute the bow Cruiser spot submarines because there's no way for them to attack them they instantly run away yeah they're unable to hit them due to the fact that the speed is just so much faster oh this is gonna be interesting loads of destroyers and loads of cruisers and in a minute the submarines arrive they run away oh look at this they're all veterans now and these are all troop transports - these are definitely worth the kill aiming for the most balls in manoeuvres right now I'm gonna combo raid in the Red Sea because Italians control the Suez Canal I guess it might be an opportunity to hit something so I look and wow the speed now means we annihilate this convoys instantly I always like doing this so we get an hour wing with an awesome ace give him a hundred planes which gives him the best bonus and we say max priority with all the best planes yet they're all fighters and it would pop them in an air zone and you just see them absolutely nail enemy planes beautiful not only is this great for reducing the numbers of enemy planes but I'm also making these guys like really experienced because they've always got the advantage over the enemy I'm in trouble with the resources so let's drop down to limited exports but also gonna go for naval production - and then we can work on all of these battle cruisers the latest models all right we're going to get a task force now to retake Africa good of these two armies think what we're gonna do is build up this little island and at the Indian Ocean and we can use this as a repair base right Africa we need to have our logistics wizard this is the supply promise we're going to run into and this is the route that we're going to take right we've maxed our radar out we start working on more fuel but I'm also going to do is build a big radar in Gibraltar too so when I do land here we're gonna have a lot of air control also build a max airfield - all right the spiteful is done let's make a kick-ass fire the neighbor situations calm down now I'm not seeing as many German subs subs from any nation in that fact and that is thanks to the neighbor bombers neither one was so strong I've noticed though the neighbor bombers are not as good as against capital ships if any ship has any air attack it seems to chew through them but mostly the convoys the submarines the destroyers they get ripped apart by naval bombers let's make a variant of our existing tanks so we've got a lots of soft attack it's good to me oh my god this is my new favorite tactic now look at these guys and look how much damage they're doing single-handedly just free fires I'm looking on the both veterans now veteran seasoned whoa here we go now this is really late and I have a feeling the Soviets are gonna have an advantage here ah want to see all right let's go let's retake Africa must hire a few chief of staff's infantry expert of cover array and air superiority our planes here and also get our bombers let's go taking Casablanca unfortunately it's under French control so do I have any choice over the supply I don't usually do this but I'm gonna boost Spain towards democracy my attempt trying to avoid them joining the war I'm gonna go for logistics as well because logistics is always a thing particularly against the AI well what a surprise supply issues and because they're an ally I can't build infrastructure mmm don't know where we can fix this problem is to push out of it right let's bring the USA into this war and break into the tanks in the mountains I don't think that is gonna happen out maybe well okay I'm wrong ie4 new battle cruisers are finished we'll just add the mom you thought forgotten about the buckaroos didn't you know African coast is where I'm going Oh completely wrecked who is a big fleet here in the East African coast let's just go here first and annihilated all those screening ship can get completely demolished and wrecked okay I've been escaped in time that's the advantage of the speed on the battle cruisers and I'm not sure about combo rating but god damn breaking open those screeding ships easy okay we've got another army that I realize I can't point into Africa cuz it's lack of space the one I'm actually gonna do is retake Norway no way let's liberate you go go go whoa look at all these convoys look at this a submarine will be able to take out these convoys at this speed this is the beauty of the amount of attack or maybe it's the speed I don't know but these bow cruisers are amazing a convoy rating holy crap I pushed them we've been a breakthrough in Norway we just need to push for Oslo so they can't escape we want these free divisions that are in there in all ways even though I've not been in direct combat with the Germans in the Italians of inflated 200k to the Germans and 275 to the Italians but with some range you know we break those up into wolf packs and it just seemed to be more effective but the games mechanics to split them off into smaller groups that he can convoy in larger areas but with this flee he tends to be more effective when they're all grouped together and they all engage at the same time so I'm just gonna keep doing it this way all right the final modification to the ship is the mark 2 and that has a bigger radar and that's it so a question you probably guys are gonna ask is why don't you fill out the top row well everything you add on here slows down your ship and I need to speed Speedy's for spotting and speed is also for running away and if I overload this ship and make it really heavy on that case I'm not gonna be able to run away so my ship will get sunk it's all about like the maximum is the speed and also maximize the amount of firepower can do when I actually do engage okay here comes the rant guys are you ready for this are you ready to get salty I'm prepared for the hate in the comment section so no matter how much I reduced my supply by though I'm taking precautions here logistics wizard also added on logistics companies as well and reducing my supply and being proactive and no matter how low my supply guess the AI just keeps funneling more and more divisions in this area so we're unable to make any kind of structure push at the moment because no matter how low I get the supply the AI just keeps following more divisions in there ran over on at last we've finally taken Oslo found a brief moment when the supply wasn't congested and we pushed in damn boys alright now it's important that we don't let any of these troops escape every division we can take off Germany it's gonna be worthwhile we're gonna go for infiltration how we're getting loads of convoys now that's as I'll expect this would go and now we've taken Oslo we're in a bad position to push and take out the rest of Norway trying to escape nope and all of a sudden the AI is jammed a lot of divisions in here again so I can't move little recount to see what I'm up to I'm trying to get as much fuel as I can from every refinery so I'm going for the refuel refining tags now doing a Big D day here this is kind of our last Porsche if I can't make this it's pretty much GG anyway supply reduction from a doctrines extra rubber because we've lost Malaysian East Indies and also working on the air doctrines and trying to pummel the German air force here a bit of a back and forth slightly winning a little bit not by much that right so this is the do or die time boys the two big fleets and we are going to put them on naval invasion support here and here alright let's go landed don't seem to have any troops on this side which is kind of strange okay we've captured Brittany we've got cher born I've got kind of a foothold to the north these troops have kind of got a la bete lost just pretty sad but whatever so they've disconnected the ones to the west side the a lot of divisions each one of their divisions are really tough too and they have got air superiority due to the production costs we're kind of holding a little bit here without the air control we can't really do this they're gonna push us back and we can't build this poor up here either so we're two judges right now I either call it here and say okay focus on Navy's pretty cause the UK but you need some ground forces to back it up and with the AEI being a bit all over the place you can I need to lead the AI in the right direction or we say five years later two thousand years later whoa and we're back one thing this is a big deal to me when playing arts are vying for is that every video has a conclusion has an actual ending and I hate it leave a series our episode just hanging like that so I decided to myself you know what what if I actually try and beat up Jeremy in this scenario how long would it take what would I need to do how is it even gonna be possible well all those questions get answered right now Germany annex the Soviet Union all of it Norway was lost then gain back then lost and then taken back again to give an insight on how this was possible it's probably best if I click on the production tab oh look at this tactical jet bombers modern tanks jet fighters so this was the process I assign all of my bombers and fighters here I strategically bomb in France aiming for the airports this will bait the German air force to fight me in this region and the result of that is my fires are strictly superior to theirs so every time there's a dogfight I come out on top but everyone lost I take they take about four though eventually there are force gets smaller and smaller and smaller at this stage where they've got less than thousand planes which for Germany in 1956 is pretty bad the question now is how did I reduce Germany down to zero manpower on all I don't serve and Italy and Vichy France I did this with the power of the atom this is a nuclear bomb the process is simple really we find the really big stack the biggest stack possible and we drop a nuke on it and the process like wipes out like 200,000 manpower per Danube depending on where I'll drop it and eventually just run out of manpower because you just keep nuking them over and over again a lot of these divisions are low strength and choose to the fact that we nuke in them probably at low and equipment cuz they've got so many military factories the probably lower the manpower hence why everything is so low right now now the only reason that they managed to make a landing here and actually make a beachhead was cuz Germany was suffering from mutinies they're just broken away from the mutinies how did they get muted as well we were kept nuke in their victory points reducing their war support below 50% result in them the crisis aspiring and they got widespread mutinies which is something like 50 60 70 percent reduction in attack power and it cripples don't tire army leaving them in this case open for a naval invasion the tech template we are using is a 20 with modern tanks artillery battalions and infantry and this is the bombing that we are currently doing at the moment our main targets our refineries and fuel depots plan was reduced about fuel that got and the amount of rubber that they've got to the stage where they just can't make any more planes and he I think it's work you're probably thinking I in a second though you're just gonna get everything from Japan at you nope they've closed our economy and so has Japan so all this rubber and fuel the Japan's got they can't give to the United States to make matters even worse they have basically no convoys and the reason why is I've been calm by rating them pretty hardcore look at the list of all these losses like every time I strike their convoys particularly around this area of Malacca hitting like a hundred convoys probably because it's exporting so much tungsten and rubber right now as you can see the delivery 0% they can't deliver any of this because there's not got the convoys so everything that's in land right now and they can't get access to and more than likely a lot of the divisions they've got land probably already deorbit but the question now is where do I proceed from here we do this and let's go everyone go here and let's do our naval invasion here we go also let's look at these air wings look at these beauties so many veterans so many aces these guys are doing some crazy damage we tend to find is when the a I've got so many divisions even though the divisions are in a week and you can beat them in direct combat it's still slow process to push them back because it tends to be like another layer of divisions behind each layer I think it's the way the AI works when it comes down to supply it doesn't want to put too many on the front because they'd be out of supply so they kind of layer them behind as you can say we are pushing them but the push is a kind of gradual this is a question you probably gonna ask how many nukes have been dropped on Germany probably over a hundred maybe 200 hundred mine and 100 of America's a lot of nukes the only reason we're able to do this by the way is because I've got maxed out logistics and also I've got logistics wizard I'm a field marshal and I've also got a infiltration assault which also reduces supply one of the issues with becoming the lead of the Allies you end up having to like deal with supply a lot but this fixes a lot of those problems we just push directly into Berlin it did have a level 10 for but it's been new so that for is long gone Germany look at that beautifully pink Germany beautiful this eyeball the losses overall losses were generally 22 million I have lost 1.2 1 million America's lost twenty two point six and it's the crazy invasions that all failed over and over and over again though I take Germany and the United States makes the entirety of the Russia a little talk about my naval strategy with position my convoys I've got three of them position here it's enough to repair cuz it's been damaged this blocks this area of the world to try and get resources through here then we've also got these guys blocking in the Med I put them in the Suez Canal first and the Perea and also round here as well at first I've got these guys position here that way they were leavin the distributor trying to hit every convoy route around the world Romania thought they could avoid the nukes nope Italy rip ooh look at the winter camo on the modern tank mmm that looks nice I don't get to do this very often but I'm gonna nuke Turkey boom last majors turkey and Japan there goes the axis and it's now Japan's time boom the United States just shows them to pop it all of the Papas pop it pop it Gigi done Vega this is the world now and the Cold War begins with the Russian Federation that has four divisions haha did you enjoy this let me know by dropping a comment and that is Zed so let's go through the conclusion here one if you're gonna do this strategy focus heavily on air first and then go for your battlecruisers rush her Akane try and fit bigger engines on the hurricane and attempt to hold back the Germans as long as you can in France and inflict as many casualties in the air as you can don't end up in a situation like me where you fall behind on air and you have to wait until 1958 Oh God to finally defeat them the main question regarding this video our bow cruise is worth it for combo rating kinda bit more flexible because you can use them as classic capital ships to support your screens as well you can use the pusher bombardment as well you're less likely to lose them in a direct conflict due to the amount of armor and HP they've got you can send them back to repair where with submarines if you lose them the gone there are definitely pros and cons overall though subs particularly sub trees and so forth at the moment are ridiculously overpowered so if you want a cheap and cheerful strategy that seems really effective mass subs is the way forward guys that's it have a good day peace out I love you comment I love you if you made it's the end of the video I'll see you soon bye bye
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 147,627
Rating: 4.9665108 out of 5
Keywords: break the game, feedbackgaming, hearts of iron 4 funny, hoi4 man the guns, everything is broken, funny moments, game exploit, game glitches, hoi4 exploit, hearts of iron 4 exploits, broken, hoi4 funny, man the guns, man the guns tutorial, uk hoi4, hoi4, hoi4 achievement, funny montage, funny moments montage, hearts of iron 4 man the guns, battlecruiser, uk, united kingdom in ww2, hearts of iron 4 uk, navy man the guns, man the guns uk, Nothing Wrong with our Bloody Ships, hoi
Id: T-PdGmt2ULc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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