DUMPSTER DIVING! BEST EVER Haul On YouTube! $1,000s Found! Dumpster Diving BIG MONEY HUGE Profit ROI

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guys we are here at barnes noble and look at this there's gotta be five to ten boxes here full of stuff i'm gonna get all these boxes to the car and get them home and we'll go through them again when we get there [Music] so in september of 2017 over three years ago i think we still hit the biggest hall on youtube i'll bet you any amount of money you want that you can't find something better than this that came out of a dumpster for free and it always bothered me we hit this when we had less than 1000 subscribers and i always thought to myself what if we had hit this when we had over 200 thousand think of all the new people that would see it think of how well this video could do so today i'm taking the time to re-edit remaster and put out the biggest haul the best dumpster haul on youtube i guarantee you again you will not find something better than this if you haven't seen this prepare to have your mind blown this is still still to this day three years later we still get messages telling us how nobody believes this it's fake it's bs whatever i swear to you this legitimately all came out of one dumpster behind the barnes and noble check this out [Music] holy crap we hit the jackpot at barnes noble we had so much stuff i filled my trunk the entire back seat that was completely covered in boxes in the passenger seat and we still couldn't get it all right here you can see five boxes three boxes another stack of boxes more boxes on the other side first i want to go over these they're called perfect bait smart scale and recipe app i never heard of them but we have 10 of these that have never been opened and if you can see that retail 50 bucks so even if we get these sell them for 20 25 that's 200 or 250 bucks we found but let's get into this first box let's go into the first box this looks like there's not much but we got a 500 piece harry potter puzzle it sounds like it's in there that's cool cool start we got castlevania is that what it is but it's new in the plastic never even been open that's freaking awesome i don't see it priced out there it is 35 bucks 35 price tag never been opened holy crap let's go to the next thing this has never been opened either a gyro maze um 30 dollar price tag i have no idea what this stuff is but that's freaking awesome we start off with two 30 dollar games now haven't been opened and a used puzzle all right let's go to the next box all right let's see what we got oh oh my god they're all full of pops holy crap there's two freaking sets of pops in here they're all in the freaking plastic i like i'm actually freaking out right now like what the heck one two three four five six seven eight nine two there's 20 pop figures in here what the heck let's see if you guys know any of these guys rachel duncan mrs featherstone i want to put them back in here so they don't get damaged mr darcy seth samuel something powers another featherstone fear lady catherine oh my gosh this is ridiculous i did not expect to find an entire thing full of pops why would they throw these away that makes no sense but this is freaking jackpot money right here holy crap ah i just need to sit here and take it in for a second what what the heck that is freaking insane entire box of pop figures man what else could be in here let's get to the next box man the amount of money we made this one dumpster already then we still have like 10 more boxes what's in this one oh i like these random ones that are just full of goodies not as much as a full box of pops but they're still fun all right let's see first we got some type of magic scroll looking book i'm not sure if this is if you know what it is let me know in the comments but it does have a 27 dollar price tag on it we got a star wars glow light usb charger does it come with a wire actually need a wire no i think this is just a usb port to charge but still pretty cool 15 bucks we got a couple little dolls here i don't know who this is um suicide squad i have no idea who that is but they have 20 price tags on them oh my goodness so much money we have this little thing i don't know what that is either but it has eight dollar price tag um let's see if it has another suicide squad thing freaking cool we have a purple cup here not really sure what that is zach 12 price tag awesome we have let's see what this is butters i'm sorry did i roll my eyes out loud the only butters i know of is from south park i'm not sure what this is but ten dollar price tag can't beat it around here i have no idea what these are a shaker tin maybe for salt and pepper or something that's the only thing i can think of that is awesome this is insane this is the greatest freaking night ever i keep saying that in all my videos but this is legitly the greatest find ever love is you little butters again no idea what this is hey it's goofy i know who you are goofy is the easter bunny still in the package freaking incredible i'm just i don't even know what to say i'm lost for words right now another one of these shakers we got a little batman series one vinyl collectible that's so awesome like i just i really want to know why these are all in the trash i have no idea this is just a puzzle a thousand piece puzzle boxes a little damage still no reason to throw it out one two three of these puzzles that have never been opened and what is this barnes noble mystery box oh my goodness they're making this too fun um come on i don't know how to get in here yep it's another pop figure it's killer croc barnes and noble exclusive park pop figure not park big excuse me that's freaking awesome there's something else in here too let's see one of those little mystery figures i actually like these let's see who's in this the hawk a bunch of superheroes i used to get these with their uh video game characters like from fallout and stuff like that this is incredible i i just don't even know what to say look we saw five more boxes over here and probably another six or seven over here oh man all right let's get this stuff out the way let's see let's get through this fbi barnes noble tape first oh my gosh there's just another one full of oh my goodness look at this look at all baba i am a dragon ball z fanatic i instantly recognize her that is freaking sick this is my this will not be solved that's mine i'm put that aside let's get into it got a batman series one figure awesome we got a muppets mini matter i don't know what that is but that looks pretty cool uh doctor who little thing a little bit of a damage box other than that it's freaking perfect ten dollar price tag on it yes oh supreme kai and trunks two more little figures like that 15 bucks a piece these are also minor but anything dragon ball z fine i'm putting aside i found another one we swees that's whis oh heck yes i got like the whole set almost already got supreme kai trunks whis oh man i want goku and vegeta where's goku vegeta those are probably the ones that sell here's another one there's um kabito from dragon ball z that's insane like i don't even know what to do right now i'm just freaking out inside um this book belongs to not sure stud on the side um let's see what's over here pocket games and coloring not sure what those are i see dragon ball z come here it's grandpa gohan this is insane why am i finding so many dragon ball z figures doctor who little box who are these coins five nights at freddy's four-piece token set that is freaking awesome 15 bucks batman series one figure awesome got snoopy and another snoopy with clovers all over him lucky dog that's snoopy don't tell me lucky dog we got a bunch of these little other world of warcraft walking dead walking dead another world of warcraft oops a bunch of these little random figures which is incredible um is this food it looks like something maybe it's something you cook with not actual food yeah it's a cookie oh okay this is opened most of this stuff seal but this is opened i guess you fill this up and you can make like a cake cookie type thing that is awesome we got a couple more of these pocket game things two joker figures those look really sick i'm not even really a batman fan but those look awesome i bet you these have a good price tag on them 30 bucks yeah i bet you these are really cool looking two little it's a robin these look like voodoo dolls or something they're just two little keychains we got another little vinyl figure which is freaking awesome um this is barbie yeah we got a barbie figure that's sailor moon that is sailor moon we got a what is this stick and rod stick sailor venus i'm not sure what it is but i know it's from sailor moon i remember this show used to come on around dragon ball z time when i was younger we got the flash here this box is a little ripped what is this another barbie figure we got a batman series one vinyl collectible and right here we have arrows just like the where the vine carried out the vine the beam came from the arrow in the knee i don't know but that looks cool we have another thousand piece puzzle 15 price tag awesome and we got three little well two no just kidding we got three little pocket pops i guess they're just mini pop figures that is freaking awesome they're brand new i have no idea why these got thrown out either hey this one actually was easy to rip i have not looked through any of them as you can see i don't know what that is oh it's like a puppet show thing that's freaking cool i'm like in my 20s and i think that's cool i can stick my hand through here a little puppet that's entertaining ooh let's see five nights at freddy's are these t-shirts these are freaking five nights at freddy's t-shirts 16 bucks a piece i don't know what size they are but they look awesome oh that's a large there's a whole stack of these t-shirts they're still in the box we have one i want them over here since they're just shirts two oh look harley quinn three four another five nights at freddy's five six in that box why is this stuff in the trash i mean i'm not complaining don't get me wrong 500 piece puzzle we got another little muppets thing right here let's see what these are cappuccino art i have no idea uh oh that looks really cool look at that it's a joker keychain it has this hat on it that looks really cool actually magic gathering i think these are protective card slips your card goes in the front that'll be on the back yeah that's what these are here's a bigger pack of them magic deck protectors that's pretty cool we have i forgot her name from charlie brown ah oh that's the flash drive she's a flash he's an eight gig flash drive that's freaking awesome you can always need flash drives we always need them we got gotham city villain pack there um uh black and white hmm i actually have no idea what this is 35 millimeter film there's no way this is like those old school film rolls i actually have no idea what this is and we have it looks like a color version of the color negative film roll do they still make those kind of cameras like they use the film roll i thought those went out like years ago i haven't seen them since i was a little kid that's what that is it's kind of cool just for the nostalgia we have little mystery figures here from i'm not even going to try to pronounce that because i'm going to pronounce it wrong but that we have more of these instant film like oh oh i've seen those cameras that people have now and they kind of like those old ones the big ones that print the picture out instantly they have newer i guess hd versions of them i think that's what all these are for lastly in this box let's see what else we got another little walking dead figure and two of these dogs from some movie or show called pets awesome freaking stuff especially those shirts those shirts are awesome all right let's do it no way oh this is full figures like i can open a store up with this stuff i found tonight i can legitimately open a store with this stuff we got another mrs featherstone agent oh i thought that was android 18 from dragon ball z we have like 30 or 40 brand new pop figures so far all right let's see what else we got in here let me get the pops out first that's funny to me don't ask why we have an agent 13 ah i keep thinking it's andrew 18 dragon ball z you can't have a blonde girl with a number on it we got some ghostbusters some hey chicken little i have not seen that forever another goofy uh we got a batman figure a ghostbusters figure this looks like a loot crate like somebody would send you that you'd pay like hundreds of dollars for that's thing you find for free hey it's the girl from monsters inc i think is it yeah there's sully there's batman this is absolutely insane this is the best night i've ever had dumpster diving by far more ghostbusters in batman man there's so many of them i can't even keep them in a pile uh world of warcraft figure uh marvel more batman and that one looks like something actually might be broken on it probably just a loose piece anyway ninja turtles and batman and in here we have a whole nother thing of pops probably one two three four five six seven eight and the two we took out another ten pop so we probably have close to 40 pops we found in here and we all know they're 10 bucks a piece so that combined with all those things that are 50 bucks a piece there's 10 of them i mean that's almost a thousand dollars not including everything else this is ridiculous this is insane and there's still more boxes like i wonder if the store is closing down or something come on i want more pop pictures give me pop figures nope but a bunch of other random stuff this is absolutely insane i've said that like 10 times already but i really just don't know what else to say is that a puppet it's a pop of my big old hand's not getting in there it is a puppet though that's cool barbie looking sexy we got a star wars does it work no but it might just need batteries who knows it looks like it's never been open so there's no way it couldn't work look at that another whole thing of pop figures down there let me get this out real quick got another barnes and noble mystery figure let's see what's in here and we have fear from inside out oh there's actually two pops in this one and we got a little captain america we got a few things this one's nicer than the other one olaf olaf i don't know what that is and we got a killer crock pop i have so many pops now i can like literally open up a store i'm not even joking all right here we go these are like those expensive anime statues yeah these are 30 bucks i wish i could find some dragon ball z ones but i'll take these the idle master two of them brand new some more of these pocket game things i still have no idea what these are but they are nine dollars so i'm not complaining there's another one we have an evil looking rabbit snowball some five nights at freddy's some more mystery figures we got walking dad guy just one more chapter little butters again i still just makes me think of butters from south park i can't help it we got another barbie it looks like middle-aged mom barbie there their little one pound weight to go around the block in we got more of these things another minifigure bunch of little pops again one two three four five more pops man i'm gonna be like a pop store soon it's really sad almost like all this merchandise that kids could use they're just gonna throw it away instead of just give it away that's okay though we'll find it another whole box full of random stuff whoa what is that whoa another mini drone i found one of these in the last video and it actually works fine let's pull this one out it's stuck anyway it's definitely in there and it's got whoa do you see that price tag right there 130 price tag on this drone oh my goodness it's bluetooth and it looks like it's one of the ones you can download the app and actually watch the camera must have a camera on it oh man i'm putting that aside because that's one of the things i will definitely use we got another five nights at freddy's shirt awesome those shirts look really cool i wish i was a little bit smaller i could fit in there uh spider-man legend series hey actual trash guys give them props give give them props they actually threw one thing you deserve to be thrown away in the box good job guys some muppets and a deadpool collector set that looks really cool too looks like a patch and maybe something that a sticker or a bumper sticker or car magnet something like that we got a baby metal shirt a bunch of little guys star wars um a chili pepper um whatever he is i don't even know what that is it looks like a dr seuss it is dr she's the lorax hey another flash drive what is her name i can't remember her name from charlie brown anyway another eight gig flash drive awesome five nights at freddy figure um walking dead figures a doctor who guy that's pretty cool we got gotham city villain set oh cool so more of these five nights at freddy's token these are pretty cool looking um more of these pocket games look at this pile of stuff like what am i gonna do with this all this is incredible two more of these games that are still sealed man that is freaking awesome they're 35 price tags some more little stuffed animals here look at this guy it looks like some thug or something some walking dead figures doctor who some bookmark things another five night of freddy's three more five nights at freddy's and let's see the last two things two little keychains the golden spider-man and not sure where he's from actually now these boxes are really heavy so i decided to go through them last because i'm making the assumption they're probably a lot of books and probably duplicate books so it probably won't take me that long to go through them right here yep i can already tell you it's going to be a ton of books a real estate exam prep i'm gonna say there's anything interesting in here these just look like yeah a bunch of books they all have red stickers on them i don't know what that means maybe that means they're getting rid of them i will donate these or sell we can donate the rest of them because i know there's people that love to read and there's no point in letting all this stuff go in the trash that box is full of books too this one's a little bit lighter than that one so maybe there's something cool in here let's see what's in this one nope this is the fun box yay all right let's see what we got here we got a guitar probably need batteries that's a 40 40 bucks for this that's insane we have looks like logo game or sh i don't even know what this is look monopoly cards go to jail i don't even know what this is that's freaking cool we got a giant kids toy here probably got dead batteries they probably threw it in here with the thing still on but still awesome it's 40 as you can see we have two little journals missing jacket you mean this jacket right here yeah literally it's missing the jacket the jacket is right there you couldn't put it back on instead of putting it back on you just trash it very nice very nice yeah you're the best here um what's wrong with this one they put a rubber band on it so they could throw it away for having a rubber band maybe puzzle puzzle ooh a java book beginning java with the clips okay this probably seems very uninteresting to most of you but i'm actually a computer science student and this stuff interests the crap out of me i actually very fluid in java and a lot of other programming languages so that's really cool to me we got another thousand piece puzzle and something else new in the box and it looks like a little kid game probably but it's 30 and it's brand new so i am not complaining all right let's go to the next box this one's really heavy this is probably stacked full of big books i'm assuming yep absolutely stacked with books we got some horror stories at least that seems interesting um x train your brain uh web colors hexadecimal another web color one there s.a.t practice hey my brother actually has to take it this year maybe he can use that so we have to pay for one some painting books just a bunch of books this box is a little smashed it's actually a little open again a bunch of books smart trust i don't really know what to do with them besides sell what i can and donate the rest but like i said even if we donate all these don't make a dollar off them i'll gladly go through the struggle of lifting them all out of the dumpster for someone to actually be able to use them and not just go in the trash like this it's ridiculous two more boxes here this one's pretty heavy too so it's probably also just books i'm assuming again yep just absolutely full of books last box here let's see what we got another box full of books hey it's actually a textbook textbooks are good because they are worth money trust me i'm in college i know they rob you blind those baker kits are 50 bucks a piece and we found four more so we now have 14 of those and they're 50 apiece before we get into those there are some loose stuff in the dumpster drag raft so let's go through that we got this huge star wars play mat which is pretty cool the only thing wrong with it is the damaged box but the actual mat itself is in perfect condition here comes the crate let me pull the crate over all right so i used this crate because all this stuff was just laying on the bottom of the dumpster wasn't in a box so i had to use the crate to grab it right here we got another walking dead vinyl figure a pack of paw patrol walkie talkies we got another one of these cv games that are completely sealed never opened actually got two more of those cv games that have never been opened we have this building thing it looks as strawbease i guess you put them together and you can build stuff which is pretty cool a back to the future monopoly edition still sealed the only problem is the plastic is ripped a little bit there that's probably why they threw it away but this thing is sealed and pretty freaking cool we have this box set doll house i haven't opened it i don't know if it's missing anything actually it has everything in it look at that a cool wooden dollhouse with all the pieces which is freaking awesome i actually have a little cousin that'll probably love that a couple of these i guess that were open from sitting at the bottom of the dumpster getting stuff thrown on them but we have an alice disney alice figure have another five night at freddy's got quite a few of these we have some more of the finite freddie tokens which are freaking awesome we have let's see here uh rocket raccoon not sure what he is but he's there got another minecraft box only five bucks but whatever's in there still in the box which is freaking awesome we have some more of these dog bookmarks and some more magic the gathering card holders some more whatever these are these pocket games and coloring i still have no idea what these are i haven't opened one yet but this is probably the 20th one of these we found two little five nights at freddy's i think yeah keychains there's little plushies with keychains and neither one of them are damaged at all which is awesome we have this cool looking joker keyring i think we had one or two of these in the other videos but nonetheless they look really cool one more five nights at freddy's and another golden spiderman keychain which is freaking sweet looking i don't even like spiderman that just looks awesome okay and that's all the loose stuff let's get into the boxes there we go and yeah you can see it this bag's gonna be a bunch of books there's actually a ton of these frozen books down here disney frozen let me see what they are is it an activity book or what oh it's music that's kind of cool there's probably like 20 of those in there so that's good let me set this box aside it's really heavy could be some books and something else all right let's see i can see it's books already but i just want to make sure there's nothing else in there i'm missing we got another huge box of books building games but that seems interesting that's actually a game design book that's really cool there's a bunch of those in there and there's just a ton ton of books in here that's cool i mean i guess that i'll try to sell what i can and what i can i can definitely donate because i know there's people who do like reading even though i don't anyway let's get into the fun boxes let's get right into it and we got another freaking goodie box look at this let's start out with this got a little foxy i think his name is five nights at freddy's keychain looks awesome we have more of these pocket games i have no idea what these are but there's so many of them anyway they have a nine dollar price tag so i'm not to complain i could probably sell these in bulk somewhere have a little looks like a prayer book five nights at freddy's keychain we got a doctor who action figure here i don't think i've seen one of these yet uh we got a flash drive an eight gigabyte flash drive that's awesome this is the third eight gig flash shot i found so i have 24 gig worth of flash drive room right now five nights at freddy and more pocket games and coloring this one has a lot of random loose stuff in there another doctor who figure a mystery figure some more of the pocky colored things some muppets guys again more bookmarks and more mystery figures this is incredible like can you believe this is in the trash we got let's see here the secret life of pets the dog and there's something else in here and we got with him a five nights at freddy's obviously not part of that but five dollar token we got a five nights at freddy's pen or pencil i can't tell let's see what else we got more bookmarks i am like making a mess and awesome merchandise like that's a great mess to have we have another one of these dogs here um what is this more five nights or freddy figures more of these pocket games what are these can somebody please tell me in the comments what these things are i have so many of them we have more mystery figures one two three four of those and another five nights at freddy's figure pack this is insane like have you ever seen somebody find this much stuff in a dumpster i've been watching dumpster videos forever and i sure have not five nights at freddy's marvel more bookmark let's see what's here oh cool superhero set look at that superman wonder woman aquaman and the flash and a mystery guy mr guy looks like he's batman but he's in there more of the dog bookmarks uh mystery figure again some trash and some more five nights at freddy's keychains along with that guy i have no idea who he is but he looks pretty cool we got another mystery figure here another mystery figure um let's see another five nights at freddy token a little joke or keychain looks like a voodoo dog again i think we found one of those earlier a legitimate joker looking harley quinn keyring that looks pretty cool more five nights at freddy's more of these pocket games what are these things it's really starting to annoy me um we got two packs of these wooden figures for suicide squad that's awesome we got a keyring here for marvel it's either got superman wonder woman or batman or maybe some of those guys on the back i'm not sure we have what is this doctor who that's cool and man i have about 10 of these games now i don't know what it is cd what would have happened if this i have quite a few of these now this is probably 10 and i think these are 30 games or something like that one of them had a price tag on and it was around 30 bucks a piece and now i have ten this is crazy let's see what else we got in here oh whoa look at that these are 3d pictures you hang up look at that backman one that looks really cool batman and robin and this one is the joker that is awesome these look expensive they're only 15 bucks i'm really surprised those look really really cool all right let's see what we got here all right all kinds of cool stuff already let's get into it got a doctor who pen it looks like and cli includes red and blue settings that's cool the box is a little damaged but the whatever's inside is perfect we got ooh harry potter's magic wand it looks like let's see turn it into money doesn't work unfortunately but wow look at that 30 dollar price tag on it that is insane we got a pack of 80 magic the gathering card protectors what is this my land horse oh it looks like a little kid's toy again damage box will probably trash because of that uh star trek figure here damage box again looks like some drawing or artist pencils probably again just a damage box he looks like he was chewed on ew doesn't look like he was chewed on to me he looks fine to me i swear these people just look for excuses to trash stuff that's honestly my opinion i really think they do that i have an art visual history just the container there's nothing in it actual trash second time we found actual trash what is this a squeezing teeth oh this is the baby toy still new in the box that's pretty cool another baby toy looks like a rattle yep rattle we have oh this is the actual jack-in-the-box clearance an eg so it doesn't have a barcode on it so instead of trying to find one they trash it let's see if it works i i know it's coming i feel like it's still going to scare me if you can see my face right now it's so focused oh gosh oh it literally didn't even open it still made me jump it's the joker a rabbit looks like a baby toy again yeah teething toy for our baby again damage boxer they just trash it's ridiculous we got ooh space invaders what does that say no save if somebody was inside i guess whatever supposed to come inside of it was gone um a prison poster have you seen this wizard uh i thought it was gonna be serious at first that's stupid it could've been a piece of paper they're all in there woodland friends skittles that's pretty cool the whole box is in there just a damaged box once again so they throw it away we got a dinosaur floor puzzle looks like a little kid one only 36 pieces the box is a little smashed of course but looks like whatever's inside hasn't even been opened yet cool colors what is this thinking putty greatest hits oh it's like a little literally a collection of silly putty that's pretty cool actually i don't know why that actually sounds interesting to me it says it's missing pieces i i really really doubt it i don't know what supposed to come with it but they write stupid stuff like that on these boxes all the time there's nothing missing we have uh whatever that's supposed to be oh it looks like just a bookmark type thing let's go to the next box all right let's see what we got looks like a bunch of kids toys again start off with this it's just a notebook i feel like sometimes they just walk around the store and say i don't like the color of that let's trash that just throw it away for no reason thomas the train rc says oh it's actually remote control that's pretty cool i don't know why why they throw it away over that little rip probably so stupid we got a 500 piece puzzle i found a lot of puzzles actually what's in the baggie whoa oh a broken glass something that actually deserved to be in there looked like it was a cat glass but that's broken i'll set that aside to actually go in the trash oh look at this i found these last time without this i thought it was a drumstick but now you see it's actually a little kid's toy you could push around that's cool we got star wars mask i have no idea what is in the trash it looks fine there's your reason damaged box so they just trash it makes no sense it's supposed to talk i wonder how you make it talk uh i don't know how to google that probably needs batteries it looks like i don't know a jack-in-the-box put that aside another one of these little wooden toys missing an ear though some of this stuff we might not have a need for use for but most of it's fine the original mouth guard challenge including five mouth guards uh it looks like some type of game where everyone wears a mouth guard i think this is a knockoff version of another game i forgot what it's called but you just try to answer questions with the mouth guard on so you sound like you're stupid but it sounds kind of funny we got a barbie doll with just a damaged box probably expensive actually only 13 bucks but still a free barbie doll i'll add it to my awesome collection just kidding we got a minecraft figure of the damage box um some eye wacko erasers it look like food okay we have defective markers you know how many times i've found something that says defective not once has it actually been defective never we got a little dr seuss pocket pop just a mini pop figure fox and socks hey i actually have this game it's really fun five second rule lastly in this one we got a little star trek figure with just a banged up box last box let's see if we can get something else good this one looks like a lot of box stuff yeah this is gonna be a good one i can already tell you so we got gobble stones still in the plastic some type of game 25 price tag and we have three of them we have camera roll it's another game um does it have a price tag on it it does 20 bucks and we have two of them it's already over 100 retail and games right there it looks like we have a bunch more figures here we got ninja turtles uh world of warcraft there's a pop down there too i see it uh ghostbusters um another batman one world of warcraft again and four or something i'm not sure we got sully figure now we just need mike we'd be good to go actually have a little girl already in another video a ninja turtle one one of those like expensive anime statues i know these things are expensive this is only 20 bucks but some of the ones i looked at before dragon ball z and shows like that they're 50 or 60 bucks a piece lastly one more pop figure i swear we probably have around 50 pops we found in this trash can and this one's a parson collins not sure who it is well guys i hope you enjoy this whole series this is the greatest dumpster dive i've ever had and honestly it's the greatest one i've ever seen i watch videos all the time i've never seen anything like this so as you can see here total we have 24 brand new board games all in the plastic still sealed we have a bunch of these cv games gobble stones magic coro camera roll a bunch of puzzles just all kinds of brand new games right here we have three packs of these little superman figures which are sick right here three packs of these figures still in the tin never even opened over here we have three packs of this film for cameras [Music] right here we have six stacks of madden magic the gathering card protectors which are pretty awesome our biggest find i think were all these pop figures we have 42 total pop figures trying to go all the way to the top so you can look through all the different ones we have couple more up here and another whole row of them over here which is just insane how many of these things we found we also had 28 total of these little mini collectible figures let's start down here some of them are covered but you can see the majority of them 28 of these there's a couple more up here we have two of these awesome joker action figures they look really cool i can't believe they threw those away three doctor who figures there's two of them there's one more right here over here we also have eight of these little minifigures some world of warcraft a bunch of walking dead avengers and some superheroes again down here we have five packs of five nights of freddie coins and a couple single ones there four boxes of star trek figures we actually found three flash drives we're using one of them but here's the other two right here you see four packs of these muppet figures three four little boxes of doctor who figures two marble figures this alice looking through the grass keychain over here you can see eight t-shirts all still sealed in a pack the majority of these are five nights at freddy's we got a couple of dc superheroes and other stuff [Music] in total we found 19 keychains are all still with the tag or either in the tag or still in the box either which way 12 of these mini pops these are the majority of them i gave a couple of these out already but they're all still in the box we have 18 of these five nights at freddy's figures that are all still perfectly sealed we actually have 22 of these terea i hope i'm saying that right mystery figure pack still sealed 24 of these pocky games i still have no clue what these are i actually still have not looked it up but we have 24 boxes of them over here we have some barbie and some type of girly looking anime statues we have three for the anime stats using about five different barbie figures we actually have 38 bookmarks here some are dogs some are flowers all kinds of other stuff one lone cup two snoopy figures back there these cappuccino arts which apparently make this stuff in your coffee look like a picture or something like that really weird but cool at the same time one star wars mask here uh two of these little wooden figures these weird little some type of asian food erasers we got six of these pet figures all still brand new we got 18 total stuffed animals like this the little ones some are in boxes but all of them still have tags on them over there you can see those two awesome batman 3d pictures that go into framing on the wall we got the one mini drone here and now let's turn the camera around and we have eight total boxes worth of books we're going to be taking these to a trade-in program and seeing what we can get for them and then just donating the rest of the library because i don't have a use for them right here these boxes are all baby toys and little toys stuff like that which will probably just end up giving away or donating because again no use for them lastly we have these baking kits here there's 14 of these and these retail at 50 bucks a piece and they're all brand new untouched in the box if you made it this far in the video we absolutely love you guys let us know down in the comments below to think this kind of stuff goes on big stories like this and think about that that's one barnes and noble there are hundreds if not thousands of those across the united states think of how much waste is happening all the freaking time it still drives me crazy years later i did the best to re-edit this footage this is what we could do three years ago we had a crappy little gopro no good editing footage no nothing it was just really bad so i tried to you know redo it as much as i could to keep it interesting if you guys enjoyed it leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 55,844
Rating: 4.9189191 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving at gucci, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving at walmart, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving makeup, dumpster diving money, dumpster diving money found, dumpster diving mrbeast, finding money while dumpster diving, found money while dumpster diving, how to make money dumpster diving, ulta dumpster diving, caught by security
Id: Vv2Q6jP5SNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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