FOUND SAFE and MILITARY CRATE In Storage Unit! CRAZY Storage Unit Finds For Nice Profit! Good ROI

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let's see what's in the safe let's see what's in the lock box now let's finally see what's in the military trunk are you ready let's do it oh my gosh today we're going to take a little break from our epic 1 000 storage unit because we just bought another storage unit online today at a facility never been to this is actually their first time hosting an online auction so let's go find out if we're dealing with scammers or we're dealing with a good facility that we can trust anyway it looks like a decent unit i think we got a very decent price so let's go see what we got [Music] all right so here we are like i said this facility never had an auction so let's see how this one goes it's a 10 by 15 we only paid 260 bucks for it it doesn't look that full but it's kind of just right down the road so we're like why not let's see what's in there let's get in there and open it [Music] so we bid on it because look some tim's right at the front we've already sold like the repair in the last day that looks like a military box back there doesn't it the green one and that black thing looked like a lock box to me in the picture that's the only reason i really went ahead with it and plus like we said it was really close it's two minutes from the dump so can't really go wrong with it let's start going through it so this big tote pretty much empty we're going to use it to fill up but there's a santa hat a gorilla a fuji film camera look at this i think you got it on your chain oh there you go i think you got it so we've got a camera that'd be worth a little bit so let's put that one aside let's get in this big tote here this one's heavy let's put on the tailgate yeah all right let's open this one can you see up here i'll try oh this one's full let's see what we got so there's boots right here what kind of boots are these there's fairies that's a decent brand so that's one and these the same thing but these are a different brand i don't know what these are they're not marked on the bottom let's look inside see if it says it doesn't say oh yeah it does they're cliffs by white mountain i don't think that's expensive so this yeah oh there's a century safe right there really dead oh it's open you ready yeah open it now no no no no i want to wait i want to be i want to wait okay light bulbs right here there's an old wheat bag penny what year is that from 1949 all right i'll keep it in there just in case one of those that are worth a little something here's a there's sperry the other one so we got those oh look is that a jewelry box open open it is check that out so got a couple pieces of costume jewelry it looks like and none of this is going to be real gold but costume jewelry we'll take two because we just added to our costume jewelry lots all right we got is this a wallet or a camera case maybe let's see there's nothing in it but a cvs rewards card so down there every thought creates your future another one of the boots let's see this is energizing your performance it's just a planner unfortunately what's in here though this is kind of interesting some batteries all right we'll take it i guess so in the big tote thing what's that why is that in there a wheel lock tool that's what that is looks like a sake ranch thingy to me but all right if you say so right here we're seeing look a bunch of paperwork let's put it in there um a couple locks if they have keys we'll keep them we always need locks oh god okay they're toys i was like um i really hope that's a toy look at this big pink bag is there anything in there not that i'm seeing just school paperwork and junk like that so drop it down yeah there's a printer and there's a book for a jeep another box oh there's some cute things under here let's put these cds in here in this in this all these are going in here [Music] go here's another camera too this one's a five time optical zoom 10.1 megapixel a1050 another camera we'll set that aside this look oh i thought it was a switchblade like a can opener or something that um car keys what's into pillow bottles pills and actual pills that lashing is gonna be checking every pill bottle i find now look there's the keys to his jeep we found the book and the key so far nothing in there let's see if we got what's that that's a tape measure boring this looks like just basic office stuff flashlight stuff yeah it's the stuff uh what's in this one what's the princess block papers papers papers more papers pair of glasses and just papers random toy cars look there's like three toy cars in here a green truck an orange truck and a tractor all right and well here's a card i think there's money in it no but nothing else in there is that all what's in this box and that is all the things this toad is sheets car other than the printer and the safe which you're going to have to wait on all right let's check out the laundry basket because well sitting right on top there's a guaranteed at least even in that kind of shape i sold some that there was a hole right here and paint all over the top of these for 35 dollars on poshmark like men's tim's people using his work boots i guarantee that's 40 bucks at a minimum right there um oh look some lunch you want some ramen no i don't think are you sure the rest of it might just be clothes and ramen noodles yeah not a fan of either though so let's set that aside this blue toad very light listen to the rattle there's something in it we just don't know what oh let's see oh you know what that is that's called junk look there's a bag of change in here more change change yeah yeah it's just some pennies shoes well that's not what you can promising right here yeah all of this crap that's legitly just is that a gift card no it's an actual bank card that is just a tote of trash so this one appears to be all clothes but i do see a person there so let's make sure it's not nothing super nice uh it doesn't have a brand on it so i'm assuming it's just an unbranded cheap one you want that looks like goth park yeah the rest of it is all closed though so let's go ahead and just close this one up set it aside right here let me just go ahead and grab the next one right yeah right as well this one looks like oh it has lots of shoes and stuff in it oh get up all right so i see an xbox live at least it looks nice yes or e5 let's see what's in it oh come on come on a fox and this and what does that come here across the bottom now is that an actual phone it's a wallet ooh nothing in there but business cards uh uh not seeing what's in here but i feel like there's a back pocket oh there is this all home decor though look at that all of it so nothing in that bag let's see what else is in the tote besides all these shoes and paper not seeing very what's this much here that's a blu-ray player dang i was hoping for a game system but we'll take that a little bit of money at least if nothing else and well other than that it's paper next tote here let's see what we got i see magazines and vhs's pictures and well a bunch of vhs's most of these are jump but there's like mostly old horror movies some of the really weird old corny ones are worth money money and i don't know if any of those are in here see forest gump the math prince purple rain more junk green mile let's see if we see any old horror movies training day i don't think so so this one it's probably just going to go straight to the dunk to be honest with you so this tote we obviously have whatever this is like a weed whacker or something is that what it is bush trimmer it's black and decker look at the blade what about it rusty rusty yeah that then we got this tommy hilfiger wallet box with no wallet let's see what's in this tote now i'm seeing cheap shoes one of my favorites what is this even used for i think it's for dogs all right uh radio [Music] and well a whole lot of nothing is what i'm seeing there better be something hidden out in here somewhere because we definitely don't have all our money back yet but that total chunk so this tote i see these boots here they're definitely work boots they're die hard brand i don't really know if they're worth anything or not but the condition if they're work boots i mean usually still sell them because nobody cares they're not looking stylish they're trying to not get their feet broken so that which one should i go through next here blankets nothing else just a blanket one blanket this is just the freaking air mattress it feels like all right a freaking air mattress there boring um well this what's that peter paul cut the dog's nails or cat's name well it's in there so it's something kind of strange all right the rest of it though is plastic junk but what's in this one look a box you hear that rattle barbie oh it's barbie yeah turn around oh look at that it's old looking at least let's see if there's barbie in there is a barbie in there huh let's see how old she is what do you think new or old in the middle um she drew on the front stuff wow i don't see a date on there it's not on the foot it's not on the butt is it on the back there it is 1966. so that's a decent old barbie right there and looking up under here oh we are it might be close no nothing well maybe we'll find more barbies in their clothes yeah that's definitely kind of a cool little find the best thing we found so far so let's put that aside let's see there's anything else in here trash oh look at these what are the since 1992 boo-boos never heard of them these look like off-brand gardens they come from like payless or something so those over there that literally nothing else in there anything else in the bottom of this nothing total bags cut bags and tote bags a whole lot of nothing so we got a little pet carrier here a couple bucks at a yard sale nothing too great what's in here though this is heavy that's a good a little good amount of money there to our sale definitely too it's heavy so let's set it over here look what i see some star wars comics star wars check those out hmm based on a three dollar price i'm going to assume they're probably not that old but star wars star wars darth maul amazing fantasy look at this spider-man book i don't see a date on it though uh i don't know another star wars one and another star wars one that's kind of cool set the comics aside at least if there's any more in here let's just hold this up kidding me pictures check the cross or car what i call it across the card more pictures pictures pictures yeah i see nothing in that box is there anything else in the tote though let's see let's see this yeah so that phone lock that here's the back to it if you want it all right shank me well let's see if there's anything in this toe oh let's see oh there's a dick what do you think that is oh boy a note a secret note huh come out come geez you got it in there pretty good there's a lot of paper stuff that little boy i know just a love note to a beautiful woman on valentine's day spending with you is the only way yes roses are still red and violets are still blue and if something happened to you i surely would die too 2007 is where we began 2009 you're still my valentine happy valentine's day that was a good phone that was decent yeah give him a price good job dude uh the only other thing in here it's like a little ribbon pin so that you think they fit my head look like the sunglasses from the comfy couch no these fit me but yeah the rest of it is junk let's see what's it this big boy oh it looks like clothes but that doesn't mean it's all closed you can have this whatever that is that whatever that is this whatever that is what's in here uh this is open what is this oxygen regulator huh maybe that could be worth a little something let's set it aside for now maybe not we don't know hey look trash bag clothes this side all the way down is close well ugh one purse we're just gonna put that in every time we didn't see it aside just put this tone up here it is extremely heavy very heavy it doesn't want to open let's see oh boy we got a lottery addict what's this is that why they lost their unit it's a good possibility it really is that envelopes um paper paper paper junk what's this a wallet come on leave me something what do you think's in there don't say nothing check your back pocket i am not i hear change i got the zipper no there's some pennies in there yeah um is that a hard drive yeah another hard drive we have a few of these uh sweat you'll never guess a couple pennies oh look that's like part of a cat watch that come on come on come on dang it and the rest of what i see crap let's look into the little blue tote well what is that heater yeah air conditioner um well let's see what else we got in there broken glass that was from gw picture frame but hmm i just wanted to make sure the frame looked like it could have potentially been silver but no it's not more paper more junk more crap more stuff i don't want to look yet so close that shoot it to the trash paw this we are waiting on because that's one of the reasons about the unit same with this it is a lock box we're gonna set it right here let's look in this red tote american chopper what's in here let's see more crap huh nope um well there's these couple other little boxes this is like a gift card holiday box yeah maybe the gift first one open why do they make it like this they're like here you go hope you have super long nails i can't get it that nothing in there let me look in the rest of this tote really quick check that out that's kind of cool might be antiquey for sure that same with this one i can never tell if it's antique or made to look antique you know what i mean that let's put it ooh look a willy may's book big mac's birthplace is that a legit newspaper for when mcdonald's came out sorry guys i zoomed too far that's pretty cool that's cool cool we'll definitely look at that see if it's original if it's original guys it has to be worth a little something there's a knife where oh ready it's plastic all right let's see what's some of some of these frames in something that could be something cool like this look the 1948 trucker maybe or something these are original like i said those could be worth the money what's in here nothing a couple vinyl cars what's up marvin gaye live one vinyl oh look at that now millions now these are legitimate old advertisements people collect old advertisements that could be our saving grace initiative john f kennedy yeah grab that tip but here's another one of those old cars kind of cool looking look at that that's a newspaper assassination of jfk that's maybe something too i'll add it over here as well for sure you can't get in there either can you no i mean not with one hand uh well look the bill clinton three dollar bill i don't know what that is that's that woman that i did not have sexual relations with at all well yeah other than that i don't see much but that's by far the most interesting tip we've opened so it gives me a little bit of hope for the four stacked in the back corner all right let's take this toe here tote top this is like i thought of the cat toy this is maybe maybe not i'm gonna stop trying to guess stuff set it aside what if this stuff wrap doesn't glass this time these are all bottles check that out oh cool this is the kind of stuff i think is cool that could be worth something but i'm always scared of it because you guys know how the post office is they're like all right what is that glass fragile put that over here what's that say very thin glass seven thousand dollars cool all right six thousand dollar art oh i got you broken i have no idea how how did how'd that happen you know how that happened stop it what's in here is that over it oh look it's for you vintage dr pepper pepper that's cool actually i like this all kind of stuff pepsi or that's not fast he just another old bottle though let's see what it is hey there it is pepsi cola so cool bottles what's in this one is that a bottle too can't tell looks like it is let's check it out come on out oops let me double wrap this one huh all right this one would be very important looks like a wine glass on the bottom of it it is look it's not even a bottle why'd you wrap that one up you know what we can do here let's look for a date on this newspaper so we have an idea of when they have at the top trick we learned from storage auction part uh i don't see one though oh i mean it's not that long ago yeah i'm about to say i could see 2017 so it hasn't been in there that long two years look at a few more it's just a cup that's i don't even know let's see really quick a couple little angel ornaments uh yeah oh look at these lights oh but still oh my foot stayed i it landed on my foot look at that huh broke the fall yep so some coca-cola plates some old glasses there some more and yeah some more so this one could be money or it could just have more of a personal value you guys let me know what you think in the comments so we're getting closer to the bat first off the cooler surprisingly perfectly clean that doesn't happen very often in this business at all i got you not one who the whole bag too teddy jewish better not sell them at a yard sale you're gonna celebrate it let's see i want to get down this stuff okay oh it's full of water i guess the roof leaks yeah i guess i see a puddle on that too too um well they can have it let's see purses looks like brandless purses at that same with that one brandless brandless and beat up um let's see let's see some shoes here at least what are they anything good these are canyon river blues that means nothing to me um well all the rest of the what's that there you go you want to wear that if it was new maybe oh well the rest of it just looks like your typical cheap clothes except for this but i don't think there's a phone in it ain't no money in it but yeah the rest of it all the way down is just your typical cheap clothes so this one says winter sweaters and shits what's a i sound like a french person taking a you know what sounds like a country accent yeah that too um this one more the same tote it up i don't want to look at it let's get into this one it says daddy shoes and trays is that what you're getting out of it yeah maybe that's some old coca-cola ones oh look this one's great decent nikes that's the brand of the boots isn't it yeah took these off first they're not in bad shape at all they're just a little dirty from being inside storage but that'll come clean tip with this part of the shoe toothbrush toothbrush will get rid of most of that ground pretty quickly and again said in the last video guys poshmark and ebay are both open go down in the description and click those if you're looking to buy some of the stuff we find in units we're updating as much as we can every day die hard oh look these stacy adams they are but look at those bottoms are these converse shoes check that out i've never seen one of these are like old i've never seen something like this in my life it doesn't have a date on it either oh look at those i've never seen converse made like this weird last box is sean white and they're definitely not sean white no some really beat up shoes there so yeah we'll keep that so that stuff looks decent last tote in that back corner more shoes what are these i don't even know yeah they look very cheap unfortunately to the trash you want to see this in the big one back here yes i just open it up right here well is that like a food processor is it i don't know what do you think i have no idea no idea oh my goodness fish oh my gosh this has so many nostalgic memories as a kid right here please work no problem batteries in it i'm keeping this yeah it's on okay 19.99 i'm keeping this for myself just for the memory um what else put me in the water like i just know it all closed you just that's copyrighted probably we're waiting to exhale vhs anyone heard of that last little thing back here oh those are usually damn very mint bags let's see is like the same kind of person we found last time yeah i need my knife in a second let me see if i can untie this no i need to cut this and see what it is all right let's see what this is let's cut through it really quick there's that um come on out out out out like i cut it it just still doesn't let it go there it goes now let's see no way really it's the same exact purse what are the chances of that yeah so what we found out are you people get these custom made with their initials 140 i might add 140 bucks unless brand new unless you find something it's kind of worthless but if we do do we got a good deal for you there's this tote all the way in the back corner listen ah there's this shoebox what kind of shoes we got here a little bit those actually haven't been worn so hey they're 50 bucks when they bought them so it might be 20 bucks there in this box um let's see what else is down here a binder clipboard mail oh clothes what's this another pair of shoes that maybe even worn once at the most yeah what brand are those and those are on sale for 20 bucks so 5 or 10 bucks yard sale maybe other than that though i think that's all we got in this one too notes and more clothes all right so we just sorted through a lot of stuff as you can see in the back of the truck right now we're just going to go to the dump because it's only like two minutes away because i don't want to have to bring the trash home and then pile it back on the truck another day take it back to the dump blah blah blah so run to the dump get rid of some of the trash and we'll come back and it's going through the unit gotta love those little country areas you know much enough costs here a massive bank breaking zero dollars nothing completely free gotta love it now let's finally see what's in the military trunk one of the reasons i really bought the trunk by the way it's freaking metal there's no wood there so that's trunk itself should have a little bit of value when you think yeah all right you ready let's do it oh my gosh we got a crock pot oh boy five bucks if we're lucky it's supposed to be like heavy machine guns and stuff and a toaster well that was a really anti-climatic milk military trunk but we still have this i swear to you guys i literally have not looked into it because i want this to be legitimate you hear that what do you think it is let's see what's in the safe gosh are you kidding me a battery in tornado boy what's the point of that like literally what is the logic that goes through somebody's head when they decide to do that that's right it can't exist no logic well the only other really thing left in the unit is this which had a good rattle to it oh that does have a good round hear this that's that's changed that's money you ready let's see what's in the lock box oh we got some shane like a dollar but yeah look at these stamps some crack it's cracker jack roy kim below i wonder how all these are 2005. i don't know if they have any value sports people let me know and that's the back of it well oh wait hold on under oh it's the cash no nothing that was a good idea though i was like looking here and i was like look at that spacing that that's gotta move but i wonder if these go to the safe because if they do we at least have they might go to this actually now that i'm thinking about it let's see no could be yes i might go to the safe the safely worth like 10 bucks at least if it's working but other than that guys that's pretty much everything in the unit the only thing i didn't go through was there's plastic shelves right there there's the shelves there's the poles but we're not selling those those are going to keep because you never can eat enough of those for this kind of business so let's get the rest of it loaded up let's get it back home let's do a recap before we can even do a recap i'm psyched again i'm telling you we got the magic touch this week so we're going through the boxes in the garage one of those cheap crappy purses guess we pull out the bottom of it i'm thinking costume jewelry right you know what that is that's a 14 carat gold bracelet it's in here because you know we have the nice gold chain that we got from the other unit the gold ring the ones we're not sure about this whole ball pound worth of silver i think it's only appropriate to take the gold chain in here and look at this there's the magnet you see magnet doesn't attach to silver but stainless steel it does you know what it also doesn't attach to gold look at this what a surprise nothing no attachment at all you know why because it's gold let me show you something else here's today's right here per gram 14 karat gold 33 84 so let's go ahead and put that in a calculator really quick hold on 33.84 per gram and let's go ahead and cut on the scale per gram put it on there eight grams of gold times eight boom there's the money i paid for the unit right there that little thing right there and that's not even including nothing else yet so now that i got that out of the way i just blew my mind i feel like i just have a magic touch you can bid on anything right now it's just gonna be like amazing just been like the luckiest week ever let's head out to the garage and do the actual recap all right so before we get into the recap let me point a couple things out number one poshmark and ebay are going ham right now look at this this is all the pre-packaged stuff already for just poshmark we have a bunch of stuff behind us that's going on ebay very soon so make sure you click those links down the description if you want to buy some of this stuff don't forget this saturday live auction and we have all kinds of stuff follow us on facebook because we'll be posting a video showing all the stuff that's going to be in this live auction and it's pretty much everything you could think of knives coins money toys just everything i mean literally there's more than that a lot more than that but other than that let's get into this we took everything out so luckily like i said since the dump was freed across the street we didn't bring any trash home which is always nice look over here this is all the glassware they had wrapped up and i want to take a closer look at these because you could definitely tell these are hand forged like not machine made at all so if anyone seen anything like this let me know an approximate age or value or something like that because they're all like that and they're kind of cool looking also skipped over a seashell i don't even know why i kept it it's kind of cool right seashell some wine glasses some little angels up here some nicer looking wine glasses if you go down to the second shop by the way this is the shelf that was in the unit yeah right here we kind of just used it to display everything you go down to the second shelf you can see all the old soda bottles and things like that that's another thing i don't know everyone says they're collectible but from what i see they don't sell for much so you guys let me know what you think we got there some plates and below all the boots from the unit which are quick easy sales too and then you have the other choke behind you which is some more just random things that are worth a little bit of money here and there just weren't worth kind of showing yeah but overall because of the bracelet it's a good unit i think this stuff and all this is probably about 250 dollars total which we paid 260. so it wouldn't have been that good but the bracelet pretty much paid for the unit so this is all profit and you can't beat that tomorrow we will be back in the heavenly godly unit that just keeps on giving to go through more boxes totes and bags so be ready for that too if you enjoyed it leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 43,635
Rating: 4.9318461 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: txNQ2rwdceA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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