JACKPOT! Found BOX FULL OF MONEY! HUGE SCORE! Storage Unit Finds in Storage Unit For Big Profit ROI

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wow what's in the freaking red case there's something down here all right oh it's huge it could be worth big money we're back at the gold mine of collectibles this 360 dollar four by eight or eight by 10 or i don't know storage unit that's just been loaded with box after box of valuable collectibles and you know what it's not going to stop now let's get into the boxes in the back let's get the first box off for this video and see what kind of crazy collectible stuff we can get into this time that sounds kind of strange let's see what do you think we got in this one kitten i'll say that oh i heard pants you're right they're burnt up hands too so this is the yard sale stuck out of the yard sale and take what you can get kind of box next box let's see what's in this one this one says bathroom which a lot of times is where people keep their jewelry so a lot of jewelry boxes have been found in bathroom boxes let's see if that's the case for this time around uh doesn't look like it's gonna be does it looks like a lot of towels and sheets on that side let me make sure the same thing is true on this side all the way down out bit me no just joking that's all towels and sheets well you got the next one this one's gonna be a good one it says christmas nutcrackers you know what i'll take nutcrackers because they always spell open your stupid box open all right let's see all right let's see and not the other side because this box cutter is dull it takes like two hours to cut through tape oh look at these they're nicely wrapped let's pull one of these guys they're taller than i thought they would again yeah they're definitely different let's see open up the present it's frosty brand new with this tag still they paid 25 bucks for him when they bought him they still got his tag on them um set him out here for a second pull out a few more and see if they're all brand new because they're all brand new money money money get out of here big boy this one looks bigger this might be santa's fat though nope just another one today's he goes right back in there though like he stands he just comes out of his stand but overall nice another nutcracker here i'm gonna set him down here and lay him down so then fall over all right the next one maybe this one that fell down let's see if this is a nice looking one too oh look at that another one this one it looks like he might be military or something like his little pins a little sword at this thing so another nutcracker and there's probably one two three four five six seven eight more in there that didn't even open so money all day next box here let's see what's in this one some of them are taped with like see-through tape some of them are taped like this duct tape i don't know why let's see what's in this one uh any more collectible stuff we need a coin collection that's what i've been like feeling like it's gonna be in here somewhere coin collection or jewelry collection it looks like it's definitely more collectible type stuff in this one let's see if we got this time around live well love much laugh off often all right let's say laugh off then what that oh look at this hey a little native american statue with like a dream catcher in the background kind of cool definitely over here and this kind of creepy looking to be honest with you yeah it's a little creepy just a little bit what is it coca-cola polar bear of course and what is this oh look at that coca-cola refreshing deliciousness this one looks like it could be old you know why there's no barcode this is probably what was used to stick on the wall and it has a number on it so that one could be valuable the old ones are worth definite money what are these these are their personal certificates which we'll just get back this is a calendar from 1998. all right what's in here what is this first off open this is a flag sheet sheet all right follow the flag a thing of lighters look what i see all these nutcrackers in there have me getting busy have they been locking in forever you know what happens look they made a little nutcracker a baby nutcracker these are more personal pictures let's see what's in this what do you think's in here oh look a whole bunch of little collectibles let's see more m m's too so i don't want their bobble heads check that out he's got like a rabbit in his hat a little eminent bobble head no date on him here's another eminem guy the blue one you know what a lot of these other ones look like it's coca-cola stuff little coca-cola ball this one's just christmas but i think i see some coca-cola ones in here as well or maybe they're just polar bears but a lot of little ones look at this one okay maybe it's like at one time this was something you build and put together with all the little characters around it and the christmas scenery that's my guess i don't know could be wrong could be right let's set that down here for now there's another box like that see what's in this one right here oh yeah look i see coca-cola on the bottom of it already look at that old-school panda bear getting it out the machine then we got look coca-cola scoreboard uh that oh no there's a coke bottle right there let's say that might just be an actual panda but no and again there's a whole bunch of coca-cola stuff in there i don't know if these are all different ornaments or again maybe this was a complete set that goes together what does the box say the swiss holiday it doesn't say anything about coca-cola so i don't know if they put these in there themselves or they came like this i don't know what is this whoa look at that it looks interesting what's it else is in the bottom first plastic like a tree topper yeah like an angel type thing goes on top of your tree wow what's in the freaking red case what is it a painting set all right acrylic painting set so there's that and i think that's all that's in this box but hey we're starting to find collectibles already let's get this box out and cut it open and see what we got but before we cut it open guys 2021 is gonna be the best year ever make sure you like the video please have takes half a second and of course subscribe if you're new because we do stuff like this all the time so let's see what's in here this box is taking a little bit of damage so let's hope whatever's in there is not also damaged oh it's close so i can't really be damaged let's see if that's all that's in there no what's this these whoa a whole pack of hand warmers uh that's so good stuff okay selling stuff works too this stuff will definitely be up for auction multi-tool crafting lots and things like that what is this in here for nothing and nothing all right weird sewing stuff let me see if i feel anything else in here other than clothes oh yeah definitely what is that a speaker yeah a little speaker there's something down here all right what kind of cologne is that versace and that's almost full this could be worth money right here i'm gonna take some of these clothes out because i do feel quite a bit of stuff on the bottom so i want to make sure i've got to show you everything what are these golf balls oh whoa huh what is in here these actually little packs of golf balls they are look little packs of golf balls in there so they're actually in there this time which is good is that what this is too doesn't sound like this might be teeth yeah tees and what are those little things do you look like the thing would go on the bottom of the shoes okay never played golf so i couldn't tell you then we got these are actual golf balls that are in there so that's cool then a hat variety or by the way something like that golfing stuff here's more golf stuff right here look two more packs of golf balls um these are cheese and these are balls i'm assuming yeah balls again so lots of golfing stuff in this one um these are like golfer type hats you know like golf all nike hat cowboys just some old hats a bunch of more old hats here so maybe like a vintage hat lot see if anyone wants it we'll see over here whoa what's that train deck well first we got this star wars guy what's in there they paid 50 cents a yard sale probably is that star wars no it looks like um it is luke skywalker okay so it's got a little watch in it pretty cool and well what else is down here what's this train thing i'm gonna pull it out in a second i'm just trying to see what else is over here first whoa it's metal for sure check that out it's a metal train look at the bottom look how old it looks you can see all the little individual gears and everything but definitely metal but other than that that's all that's in there so that box could definitely have a lot of value too like i know certain versaces can be worth a ton so we had to look it up some are like 15 bucks some of them like 100 or some bucks so this overall could be a really valuable box next box right here it's got that duct tape on this one maybe that means that's where all the good stuff goes no the last one wasn't duct tape was it i don't remember no okay that was pretty decent stuff so you can't judge it when i see clothes when i first look in here because they use their clothes as padding they put them under it most of the time oh there's some dirty towels i'll tell you that let's pull some of these towels out throw them down oh i see eminem look at this oh it's huge whoa look at that a giant eminem christmas tree this is extremely heavy actually that's pretty cool it looks like it has like a light fixture in it so it might have a star in there it looks like something's chipped off the top it might have had a star originally that glowed when you plugged it up so i'm gonna set this down here so it doesn't get damaged any more than it already is that's pretty cool this stupid stuff that once you put it up it's on your floor for the next year this cows what's this like a knee brace type thing oh wow the nutcrackers are really getting it in in here look they had one two three babies there's more in there oh my goodness we have an octo mom four babies five babies oh my goodness these nutcrackers man they were nutcracking all right there's five more of them that was good wasn't it thank you six we can find two more mom that's the albino one uh that's just a little family frame i do see some personal pictures in here that i'm gonna try to take out really quick so we don't have to edit itself this one and this one yeah these are personal pictures so it's this one that'll just go right back to them other than these in here you got this hello sunshine you got this thing and well you got just a few more personal pictures down there so that's christmas tree though it could be worth big money next box right here oh thank you thank you i need that back tie into their tape let's see what we got it says winter clothes but we already found one that said that on it that also had some other cool collectibles in there with the clothes all right let's see i see fancy looking sweaters like this what brand is this uh open open open just says styling company so maybe it's just fancy looking but i think this one is nope never mind i feel stuff at the bottom already i'm gonna have to throw some of these clothes out so we can we'll put them back in there and see what's under them because there's definitely stuff under there again that hanger just punched me in the face don't you love these here okay now what you don't want them oh come on gosh close get out get out get out i want to see what's at the bottom oh my gosh there's something really stupid it's just a little hanging leprechaun thing and a christmas reef and another christmas tree that's all pulled another box off the top it says bathroom again it does actually feel like it's just towels but we're going to cut it open and make sure that like you said what do we do here let me show you all of it guys all of it you don't want legitimacy get out of here you don't see the thousand dollar fines and you're gonna see the dirty bathroom stuff too you're gonna see every little bit of the unit this is more sheets and house all the way down let's tape it up and get it out next box here let's see what this one says and i put it upside down oh huh all right let's see what's in this one what do you think i'm not gonna lie but i was just thinking maybe we should open them upside down because all the good stuff's on the bottom maybe it feels like clothes and it looks like clothes but it looks like all sweaters stuff like this will go on poshmark what brands we got karen scott this is what karen's aware it's actual care and brandon so i mean look something in here is new they paid they rip the price tag off while they get them but there's clothes in here and there's a new other stuff down there under the sweaters how come this time we open it upside down and the stuff under the clothes is now on the top i don't know buy sweaters go to the ground oh they can't be washed oh yeah they can that's right washing machine let's see what's at the bottom that's crazy that really is crazy let's see so we got this santa this is that weird material when you touch you're like that's the best way i think to explain it um what's that injury fact the baseball this reminds me of straight of the stanley and they have this little box of the baseball in it official league baseball uh what's this oh look it's a little elf with the abominable snowman thing right i think something from rudolph the cartoon too oh okay it's all probably wrong um look a little christmas ball uh this is another little christmas ball who knows like it's just a plain red box with no label on it open let's see what it is oh look it's mickey mouse a mickey mouse little mini snow globe what's this special moments photo paper what are these oh they looked it's like rudolph they paid like 11 bucks a piece for these but they could be worth a lot more this movie's collectible that's for sure so those guys you got this santa thing that's kind of weird looking samus so you got some race cars here 164 scale action racing collectibles that's kind of cool and other than that that's it so i think we decided now that whatever way we open the box this stuff is going to use instant transmission and transport to the other side so let's fault the next one next box you choose upside down or front side up let's run that up all right let's change it around what's it say jimmy johnson collectibles oh yeah let's see give me some autographs and things like that let's see what we got in here put the blade away so i don't cut myself all right oh wow look at this box so coloring book a couple of prints these are probably things that people take to the races in hopes of getting autographed if it works like the uf6 whoa look at this a lowe's coal tractor trailer truck this whole box is all collectable holy crap it wasn't fun it was i didn't think it was gonna be legit look the car is still in the package some magazines with him on it even must have been their favorite driver i'm going to assume yeah you think you'll think here's look three more cars still in the package we got beverage coasters never opened we got that paint set thing so you can paint it uh paddle ball all kinds of stuff man they're like me with dragon balls i don't care what it is uh there's a little stocking it's even got little candies in it unopened this is fruit flavored candy looks like the little mechanic toolbox thing with candy in it wow this is cool check out this big action figure of them there's a big boy right there in a little stocking with some stuffing stalkers we're just gonna act like that and happen let's just keep going there's a little mini car there's a little heart focus on the stuff please there's another little mini car there's a little mini decoration stop strawberrying over there you're getting all red you look like a strawberry we gotta focus on recording sorry i'm showing i'm trying i'm gonna get this eagle after you if you don't all right let's start unraveling some of this oh please don't be broken please nope whatever it is shattered all right this is jimmy johnson's swan i guess he makes salon the box can say anything else other than jimmy johnson so he makes swans apparently let's see what's in here this feels like this might be another no no look these ones survived at least so it looks like there might be some other collectibles under the genie johnson oh cool oh that looks cool i feel like we should keep this yeah i'm going to keep it put into a little armor guy i kept from the other part oh look at this one this got weight to it as well igloo oh look at that that's definitely cool so these are just like you know odds and collectibles let me open just a couple more up and see what else we got and then i'll pack this box back up and go on to the next one check those out some little betty boot pieces right here let me put them back here somewhere they're not going to get broken back in the paper sit sit good boy uh which one do i pull out this one this one all right this one is huge let's see what it is oh this guy looks like his work yeah it's clark but that's a gnome with a bear we've legit probably have 50 to 100 gnome collectors from this guy no idea how much value we have like i said some of them are worth hundreds now we're open though some of them worth like a couple bucks this little mikasa m-i-k-a-s-a it's a little bowl in here and here's the top of that bowl one more one more one more i found it done this one feels so light is there anything in there what is it if it is it's so tiny all that paper for that all right let's put this box together and go into the next this poor box looks like it took some kind of beating wow and let me cut it really quick hold on let's see anything we found some books in other parts other boxes that were like really old like some as far as back in the 1800s so no telling what else we could find in there oh look a lot of shells magic comes can't i have something to eat no can i have something to eat no if you don't know where that's from i have something to eat no uh let's see it's the prayer thing so this one's like really random isn't it yes all right so i'm gonna have to let's see i'm just gonna drop some of these books on the ground oh my gosh everything you take you break if you have anything of value you're just gonna destroy it see i can comment on youtube too except you know it's not true and you have no proof of it but whenever you split your boat that little thing looks kind of cool uh so look at all these books get out of here huh every time i see over i think of drake and josh i don't even think of oprah maybe that's the downfall being born in the 90s holy crap this is a big seashell look at this one that's pretty cool what else is in here another one so this is like some big seashells in this thing i don't want to break it look at that that's pretty cool definitely what else have we got here oh look at that one another big seashell um you know what let me start going to get this stuff out of here all right now we have the papers out the way check out some of these monsterously huge seashells and you got this necklace attached to it uh is there another one oops so what's the vhs here disney princess vhs and we got some sunglasses which are what brand doesn't say so probably off-brand this monster seashell it's a big boy these are heavy too what is this no idea strange there's the other half to it what did it say something right here what does that say made in taiwan maybe it's like a little jewelry container just handcrafted there's a bed wheel there's like a what is it called rosary and other than that it's blankets but these giant seashells are definitely pretty cool next box will be next time so make sure you subscribe to come back bye
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 66,433
Rating: 4.900527 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: SNsz8lqjLPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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