Dry Canning 35 Pounds of Drink Mixes for Long Term Storage

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hello youtubers Alaska prepper here today I was going or I am going to put these away in mason jars for long term because I noticed that some of these are coming up on their expiration date and I want to make sure that I preserve them now we use these on a semi-regular basis I usually during the summer will use them a little bit more because we're doing work outside more and we kind of like these flavors but also when I got these I thought they were a great deal I think I told you guys on one my one of my last payday preps that I picked up tang and this kool-aid and I think it was that country time too that I picked up that one time for on average like $5.99 apiece which is a great deal so those small ones I picked up at the commissary they were on sale about a year ago and they were about a dollar 20 apiece so not a bad deal but it's time to put these up in some mason yours and I'm gonna use half-gallon mason jars to do these so it's gonna be very basic pretty much I'm just going to go ahead and empty the contents of these things into a bowl or I'll probably try to do it without a bowl first but we'll see I think it'll be easier to empty it into a bowl and then scoop it into the mason jars and for those of you that have not seen the food saver in action I'll go ahead and show you guys I'll do one or two mason jars and show you guys how easy it is to use that way you won't be intimidated or shown away from not getting one if you can alright and also a couple other pieces of information as far as whether we should use a oxy and oxygen absorber or not so give me a minute let me go ahead and set up the bowl and we'll be back back ladies and gentlemen alright so this is as simple as simple as gonna get okay so I'm not teaching you guys anything that you don't already know there are a few things that I do want to cover about the lids that you use to do this all right so that'll come up on the next segment okay so as you can see here I got a bowl filled it up one thing that you're going to run into here is the dust from this mixture okay so there's only one thing that I think is best to do as far as putting it in the jar so that you don't accumulate a lot of dust in the air all right a lot of that sweet dust in there and what I like to do is I like to take my first few scoops and tilt my jar down as much as I can that way if it does get dusty in there at least most of the dust will be trapped inside all right just do it nice and slow doesn't have to be fast okay and I'll probably do that I'm talking about halfway up and you see that's not too bad that's not making too much dust now I know I'm gonna get some of some people that are opposed to drinking these kinds of drink mixes right because they're definitely not juice but what you have to remember is that if you're storing this now we do rotate these because we do drink them we just we don't go through a whole bunch of them you know we maybe go through one of these containers every six months okay and as you can see we probably have about three years supplies if we weren't able to get them anymore right and they do have a very good shelf life all right just you just want to think if you were not able to get what you normally like to drink all right you want to be able to put something away that is going to last you a long time and be available to you now there are other drink mixes that you like that are storable like this that are dry you can store them in the same method this is just one form of dry canning all right and there are many forms of dry canning for example you can dry can buy putting jars in the oven all right for a while and then putting the leads lids on and that will make a seal however that's not a good idea for something like that this something like this excuse me that's full of sugar okay because the sugar may start to melt and it probably would okay so you can see I'm getting higher so I'm tilting it a little less okay and I think if too much dust starts coming on just cover the lid and give it a second alright so that it can settle down because you definitely don't want to be don't want to be getting a sugar high by breathing in all this all of this sugar does and you see right there what I'll do is this I will bring it all the way to the top okay so I'll bring it all the way to about there you see that that is definitely outside the jar okay but then I'll shake it around I'll hold my lid don't pack it down just a little bit and it'll give you a pretty good headspace it'll still give you about a half inch headspace if you can see that yeah so that's good to go right there so pretty much this is the same method for all of these different flavored drinks okay what I will do is this I am going to go ahead and put this to the side all right and then I will come back when I've got all of my jars filled alright so you can see what it looks like as far as how much room these take up the main reason I got these out is in case I needed an extra little bit of filler to finish filling a jar I can break one of these open but these will be the last ones that I break open if I don't need them I won't to open them and I'll just keep them we'll rotate these alright so we'll be back in a little bit all right ladies and gentlemen we're back and we were able to get ten jars ten half gallon jars filled with seven of those five-pound containers okay now some of them are 5 pounds some of them are like four and a half pounds so but I'm gonna call them 5 pounds I'm gonna call 7 times 5 pounds because I did have to open up two of the smaller ones to finish filling the pink lemonade and the dang alright so I would say that we're putting away 35 pounds of drink mix okay now I wanted to show you real quick for those of you that are not familiar with the FoodSaver I've had this and I've used this food saver in other videos as well but I've had this for a very long time I want to say it's probably going on close to 10 years at least eight or nine years I would say because I brought this with me from Washington when I used to live in Washington and we lived there for almost six years and we've been here for about four so I remember buying this soon after we got there but in order to dry can okay which is what we're gonna do today you're going to need to have an attachment alright and your attachment is gonna look like this now they come in wide mouths and they come in small mouths this is a wide mouth attachment usually you can buy a set of two and they're not very expensive alright so this is what you're going to use to place on top of your lid all right in order to make a seal once you activate your food saver it's also going to come with a tube like this alright that has an end that looks just like this on both sides one of them goes in here and the machine okay let me show you guys it's not hard to put on and take off I'll try to do this with with the camera in hand okay you just want to make sure that it's on there nice and taut alright don't kill it and then what you're going to do is is when you when you are or sorry prior to starting the vacuum process okay prior to starting the vacuum process you're going to go ahead and pick dry and normal you don't want to do dry and fast okay because there are some fine powders in there I don't think it'll pose a problem because I've done this before a lot of people say it's not good for the food saver but I've done this a lot and I've never had a problem alright I've uh dry canned flour sugar and these types of fruit mixes or drink mixes which are really sugar what you're doing here is storing sugar with a flavoring in it okay and I've never had a problem and then right before it starts sucking the air out you're gonna hit canister all right you're gonna hit canister and it's gonna take off okay now you're gonna make sure that before any of that that your handle down there you see that handle you're gonna make sure that it's down enabling this lid to clothes if this doesn't close it's not gonna work for you okay so whenever I see this seal flash all I do is I just lift up my handle I close it and it turns off no big deal okay so that's what we're gonna do let me go ahead and put the camera over here so that you guys can have a better view and there's some of the ones that I've done right there now I wanted to talk about the lids real quick I bought two cases of these half gallon jars I had a good deal because they were like two or three dollars off so I got them for like I don't know between nine and eleven dollars I think maybe telling change I don't I don't remember exactly because we bought several cases of different size jars but I got a really good deal of this now what we're gonna do here is dry can right so I took the twelve lids that came in the two cases of jars that I bought and I saved them and I'm just going to use reuse some lids that I've used in the past you can reuse lids when you're dry canning now the lids that I'm using I use for pressure canning like this one was a chicken all right but as long as your lid doesn't have any dents or any deformities on it and your seal looks pretty good you should be okay what I do with these is even though it's not recommended or suggested or even need it I go ahead and I boil them for just a little bit where I get them really hot for just a few seconds before I put them on there the reason I do that is so that this seal here can maybe get a little looser which will make it a little bit better to seal okay so I do not use the new lids when I'm doing this I grab the new lids put them away and then I go ahead and I go to my reserve of used lids all right so keep your new lids those things are expensive I mean up here for a 12-pack I believe they're just about $4 like I mean I can't believe I remember a few years ago you could buy a 12-pack one of those little boxes for like under two dollars now they're like over four dollars over here so if I find them on sale I'm gonna definitely stock up on them so just got a go sale hunting for those right so that's what we're gonna do with these lids now I wanted to show you a lid that I won't use I'm not saying it won't work it just might work but I'm not gonna try it I mean I couldn't see if it seals but you see that it's got that indentation but what I see with this one is is that D is that the seal is still in really really good shape so maybe we'll give this one a try and see if this works and this one was from cherry jam that I made in 2012 so we'll give that a try let's see so now we have to make sure to remember ladies and gentlemen that you grab yourself a paper towel okay just grab yourself a paper towel make sure that you wipe this off right this should be very easy look at that and you can see that you're getting it off by that I said go ahead and wipe off your rims okay I mean just think about it ladies and gentlemen think you know we don't prep for Armageddon right we prep for anything all right and prepping for anything am i and my view is making sure that you at least have the first three B's of prepping all right everything you need to take care of your about biological system ie food water man alright good clothing to keep you warm shelter things like that right and then we need of course any kind of prescription medications for the second be band-aid prescription medications you know basic first-aid supplies but you know can you imagine how boring life would get if all you had access to was just water alright and maybe making a tea now and then we pine needles and things like that that you can forge for alright it would get pretty boring pretty quick this is not something that I would say yeah take this out and just consume consume consume you know if you know you're not gonna get a notice this is mint this first of all in my opinion is a good storage of sugar okay cuz that's what you got here it's mostly sugar right but also let's say good morale morale booster all right things like this is a good morale booster and I know some people will say well as god preservatives it's got food coloring yes it does and unless you live a full organic life if you're lucky enough to have a full organic diet then you're gonna find these things in almost everything all right unfortunately I'm not saying that's a good thing all right but you will and not everyone is able to have citrus trees where they can grow lemons and things like that so that's that's why I store this we don't use this a lot like I said we go through maybe two of those large containers a year maybe two sometimes less but it sure would be nice to have this if something were to happen where we couldn't get any more all right so all right so look ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna try this lid first and see how it works now as you can see also and some of these what I did was is I took the scooper and I put them in there all right so I took the scoopers and I put them in in with the jars or at least the the scoopers that I have because we ended up with more with more glass jars mason jars than we used in the five gallon containers cuz the five gallon containers a little big for one jar so okay so as you can see right here I've got my lid on alright all you have to do is take this attachment and put it in this little hole very easy but put it in there nice and taut okay you're going to is this wired lid yeah this is going over here you want to give this one a try and see what happens I'm saying it will seal pretty good alright so what you want to do with this is you don't want to put this in at an angle when you take it off you want to take it off at an angle but when you put it on you want to make sure that your lid is nice and straight there's on there really good okay and then you just gonna put this in straight down trying not to knock your lid off its seat okay now that you've got that done you're gonna come over here to the FoodSaver like I said before you guys can see that but you're just gonna push the button SS canister and that's gonna start sucking up here and the closer it gets to having as much air evacuated out of there as it can have you'll hear it strained you here is starting to restrain [Music] the more estranged the closer you'll know there you go and it's done and what you do now is is you just pop this off okay and you'll hear a hiss there you go that should be sealed oh when you take this off you don't want to take it straight out you want to go out an angle alright and if you got to wiggle a little there you go okay but if you go if you try to take us straight off you might pull the lid off alright this is gonna take some force so if you come out at an angle you'll be able to break that seal and bring it out just like when you take the lid off when you take the lid off you don't try to take the whole thing off you just try to pop one off right alright and look at that that's sealed very well ladies and gentlemen well this is heavy but look at that I'm lifting it up just by the lid okay so what I'll do is is I'm gonna go ahead and clean this off and I'm just gonna go ahead and put kool-aid on here cuz that's what it is regular Kool Aid alright so I'm gonna do one more okay so that you guys can get a get a gist of exactly what it is that you need to do and how you need to put your lid on okay there you go oh another thing ladies and gentlemen I forgot to say this you do not want to put any oxygen absorbers in this alright do not put any oxygen absorbers in this if you since this is mainly sugar most of this is sugar if you put an oxygen absorber in here this is gonna turn the contents that's gonna turn hard as a rock alright I don't know why maybe dr. kit can let us know why that happens if it's a chemical reaction or something but I really don't know why that happens so all I know is that in the past I have to put away sugar in containers with an oxygen absorber and it turns into a rock now having said that that sugar is not bad this is gonna be a pain in the butt to try to break it up to be able to use it but it definitely is not bad you can still use it okay so again we're gonna go ahead and and did you see that ladies and gentlemen I had no problem with dust or anything okay so there you go there's our lid we're gonna put this nice and straight okay we can put in our and then all we have to do is press the button that says canister you'll hear that [Music] there you go all right and then remember when we take this off we're gonna take it off at an angle if you need to wiggle it up a little bit that's fine there you go all right and there you go ladies and gentlemen that's got a very good seal and that should extend the life of this for a while now I think the oldest of this kind of a product that I've used was maybe like three years old and it was fine it was a little crumbly but it was still fine to drink drank it tasted really good like it was supposed to taste nobody got sick so I know that this works here all right so ladies and gentlemen let me go ahead and uh finish sealing these all right we'll be back in a little bit all right ladies and gentlemen so I'm done getting these things dry canned or vacuum seal whichever way you want to call it so as you can see they're all sealed I labeled them all I just wrote over the old lettering I'm sure that I'm not gonna mistaken this for chicken all right and I'm gonna have this in the part of my pantry where I keep my Sugar's okay so I will put a lid on these I won't tighten them super tight and let me tell you why I like to put a lid on these it's just in case if for some reason they fall and they don't break I don't want the lid to pop off and make a mess all over this all over the place that's why I like to put a lid on here and I also like to put a lid on even the pressure canned goods that I can just to get them out of the way and to have them in one spot right and I'm those I really I don't even put them this tight on those and this one you can see it's just a bit tight but I'm those I just put them on really loose because I just use them I just put them on in order to store them away okay so there you go so ladies and gentlemen let me know what kind of drink flavorings of any do you store if you store any and what kind would you recommend and do you guys have any ideas on they're out there on on what to forage for if you are looking to make a tea or make any kind of drink that would take the monotony away of just drinking plain water okay so hey ladies and gentleman I hope you enjoyed this um I wish I could say it was a really short video but you guys know I like to blab so yeah let me know in the comments if you guys tour any of these away if you think it's a good idea if you store any other types of drinks if there's any other mixes out there that are a lot better for you okay as far as health-wise and as far as being able to store them long-term okay I think that one of my next big purchases is going to be condensed milk and evaporated milk because I have a feeling that the price of those items are going to increase as well as time goes on and when I say increase I don't mean by a measly two to three percent a year even though they increase by more than that but those are the numbers that were given but I think that those items dairy items are gonna increase a lot as well so I'll probably start looking for sales and going out there and seeing what they've got alright ladies and gentleman thank you very much for joining in today if you haven't subscribed then you here for the first time please push the subscribe button you know join a great community if you guys are or one of the AAP communities VIPs thank you very much for spending a little bit of your time here today ladies and gentlemen if you'd like to support the channel there's many ways in which you can do it a lot of them don't cost you a penny that's just due you doing the exact same thing you already do except for using my link you can use my amazon link if you're gonna purchase any precious metals and there are no coin dealers near where you live I have a precious metals doing link as well SD buoy on and thank you very much for all of your support alright ladies and gentleman I hope you guys have a great day today having said that remember that when do people do good things good things happen remember to reach one teach one and repeat if we all did this the world would be a better place and you know that it will be a better place many blessings to all of you in your families
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 68,535
Rating: 4.9521275 out of 5
Keywords: dry caning drink mixes, long term storage
Id: IMSws88HcGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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