Prepping Cheese With WAX Can Make It Last Up To 30 Years Or More!! Got Cheese??

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hello youtubers Alaska prepper here well happy Sunday to all of you I hope there's lots of you guys out here today having a good time in the chat I know I'm gonna have a good time today alright so let me tell you a quick story actually no not yet so today's videos ladies video ladies and gentlemen what I'm gonna be doing is this I'm gonna be showing you how to preserve hard cheese for long-term storage right one of our community members has been in touch with me and they've been doing this for a long time and they know exactly what they're doing so I put a list of things together that I needed to get in order to do this video right and I'm gonna show you guys how I'm gonna do it today as per the instructions of our gracious community member that's teaching me how to do this over the phone okay so some of the things you're gonna need is you're gonna need some cheese okay today I'm gonna do some mild cheddar I'm gonna do some Kobe Jack and I'm going to do some pepper jack okay and what I'm told is and I've done a little bit of research on this and it seems that when you preserve cheese the right way using wax it's gonna last you well in excess of 20 years I hear 28 to 38 years all right as long as you do it right and as long as you store it correctly okay so I'm gonna go over that with you guys on this video so let me tell you a quick story of the first time I tried doing this without any instruction I went ahead and did everything wrong first I didn't allow the cheese to dry which is one of the steps that I'll go through with you guys and then I used the wrong wax okay I use paraffin wax which is not really good for preserving cheese because it's harder it's not as malleable as cheese waxes alright and they do use petroleum in that product even though it's food safe I would call it these use petroleum whereas and cheese wax they don't okay and when I stored it away I stored them on top of each other inside of a box where it did not have any circulation to allow any air to circulate around it all right I just stored him in a little box on top of each other I think I probably had about 15 20 pounds and I came back a couple weeks later and it was a big green blob alright so that was my first experience so I'm very excited to do this today and to see how it goes so what I'm gonna do though is I'm gonna cut these into half pound pieces and I'm gonna do them in small pieces like that so that every month I'm gonna come back to these and I'm gonna show you guys what it looks like after a month after three months after six months all right if after the six months we're looking really good I'm gonna do a huge batch okay but that's how I'm going to start out all right so like I said we're gonna need cheese you're gonna need cheese wax okay I decided to purchase the black cheese wax the only reason that I could come up with and more unlikely is probably not necessary to do with black all right yes I figured that black wouldn't allow light and which I don't really know if that will affect it or not so I decided to go with black all right and we're I swear I end up storing this it will be in a cool dark room alright that has good ventilation alright so here's what the wax looks like alright and remember the last pity prep that I told you I picked some of these up and that I was gonna end up using them I'm gonna use these bags to put inside of my slow cooker and then I'm gonna use the slow cooker to melt my cheese and then when I'm not my cheese my wax and then when I'm done using that wax all I have to do is lift that bag out of there store it away and it'll be ready for the next time okay so that's what these bags are for if you guys already have a container where you melt wax on a regular basis and that's what you use it for you could probably use that but this is the route I'm gonna take because I really don't have any additional containers that I can be both to just waxing cheese I didn't want to use the aluminum pots that I have because this cheese is going to be covered with this wax and I don't want this wax being heated up in an aluminum pot alright so that's what I'm gonna use these bags for um let me put this aside so I can show you what else I am going to have a I get you can call this a cooling rack but this is actually one of the small racks that goes in my new wave oven you know new wave ovens have two so I'm gonna use this one to allow the cheese to to dry overnight okay and I'm gonna bring you guys back in a couple of minutes to show you what that's gonna look like however it was recommended to me that I shouldn't place the cheese right on top of metal so I really didn't have any wood that I wanted to get and I really didn't want to go out and get twigs off of trees and stuff like that right now so what I'm gonna do to compensate is I'm just gonna cover this rack with some cheesecloth which will allow air to circulate through it okay so when we come back I'm gonna show you how I place my cheese on here to allow it to dry okay and then I'll tell you I will tell you why why we have to allow the cheese to dry there for a certain period of time right but having said that ladies and gentlemen as I told you on the short video that I made on Saturday the mail call video I'm gonna be doing some giveaways today alright and I am going to give away two of these guys this is not a prepping thing it's just something that I think would be a lot of fun for someone to have and it would really make someone's life a little easier when it comes to cooking now I research this a lot this is like an insta pop alright or an instant pop and I researched it a lot I looked at the instant pot and the price is pretty comparable to the instant pot I think this one's like five dollars less expensive than the instant pot right the reason I like this with the exception I mean with with the exception of that I read a lot of reviews and the reviews were really good on them is that this one does everything that the instant pot says that it does but it also brings a glass lid all right which the instant pot does not alright you can buy a glass lid for the instant pot but this one brings it and it also provides an extra an extra seal okay it also brings an extra seal right so you have a glass lid and an extra seal and this does everything that the instant pot does alright so I'm gonna give away two of those ladies and gentlemen now one of those I'm going to do a random number right so I'm gonna tell you guys all in caps pick a number from this to this all right depending on how many people we have in the in the chat and the other one I'm just going to give away randomly I'm at a certain point in the video I'm just gonna pick a name I'm gonna close my eyes pick a name and that person's gonna get it now ladies and gentlemen let me go ahead and ask you guys for a favor and you don't have to do this if you don't want to all right but when I give away the random instant pot where I asked you guys to pick a number if you've gotten a pretty good prize like in the last month I would ask you to allow those that haven't received the prize to enter for the drawing all right and for you to you know not enter it this time all right that way we can get some of the people that have not won anything a chance to win something okay however I'm not gonna check I'm not going to check whether you've entered whether you've won a prize or not you know so that's just totally on you all right it's up to you whether you want to do that or not I'm not going to judge if you do that's up to you right but I was hoping that maybe the people that have-not the community members that have not won anything yet would maybe have a better chance of getting something if those of you that have won something in the last month or so you know for gold picking a number for the first one now the second one that I randomly pick is gonna be a hundred percent random okay I'm just gonna pick someone at a certain time when I feel like picking someone I want to pick someone and that person is gonna get a message during the chat saying a send me your information because you just won this a pressure cooker this is actually a pressure cooker and it does a lot of really cool things I don't have one of these but I really want to get one and once you guys get yours the two winners I would like to see if you guys let me know how you like it so I'll decide whether I want to get one or not right in addition to that ladies and gentlemen I'm also going to be giving away about three maybe five ball pressure canning or ball canning books all right you know the the ball books that teach you everything about canning and has a whole bunch of recipes I'm going to be giving away anywhere between three to five of those all right and you may ask yourself ap you just did a giveaway not too long ago why are you doing another giveaway so check this out remember that our anonymous community member that donated the fifteen hundred dollars for us to give away the pressure cookers well those pressure cookers as fate would have it were on sale all right at first we thought that we were only gonna give away fourteen pressure cookers all right with the fifteen hundred dollars and it turned out that not only did we give away fifteen pressure cookers all right with the fifteen hundred dollars but all of those pots frying pans and the crust and the dutch ovens that I gave away and the Coleman stove that I gave away and the fifty dollars that I gave that I sent to rogue preparedness all of that was covered in the $1500 because the pressure canners were on sale and on top of that they had a $5 coupon so every single pressure canner that I purchased had a $5 coupon alright and they were on sale so I was meaning to fork over the bill for all of the frying pans and the and the dutch ovens and the coleman oven that I gave away I was thinking that I was gonna pay for that but the $1500 covered everything everything see ladies and gentlemen it's true and good people do good things good things happen as fate would have it we did all of those giveaways with the 1500 dollars that were contributed towards just initially 14 pressure cookers all right so I have some money that I was gonna spend last time left over and that's what I'm gonna spend this money on I'm gonna give away two of these Corsi electric pressure cookers and I'm gonna give away anywhere between three to five of the ball canning books all right so ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for joining in today I will be back in a second to show you guys what I'm doing with this cheese all right and then we'll get on with it all right because I'm sure some of you want to win something today all right and I want you to win something all right just ladies and gentlemen I just want to tell you guys how much I appreciate you guys and and I know that material things is not everything but it's my way of saying thank you guys for building such a great community all right this is why I do this I do this for a couple reasons - thank you for the community that you have helped me build and also because I want to be able to encourage you guys not to only pay it forward all right but also to prep alright so if you're here you're not prepping you know I hope that these things encourage you to prep and not only that but to stay with this community that is so awesome and just keep reaching one and teaching one and repeating all right so we'll talk to you here in a second all right ladies and gentlemen we're back and as you can see I've got my cheese here laid out so what I did is I took the one-pound blots and cut them into eight ounces and I had a couple of eight ounce blocks that I cut into four ounces okay now from my understanding you be able to preserve these in one pound blocks just as well however like I told you all my plan is to preserve these and dig into one of these the first month alright and then dig into another one the third month and then another one the six month before I proceed to making a large batch all right so what we're gonna do is is we're going to allow this to sit here for 24 hours okay so 24 hours from now and the reason for that is is we want to allow it to dry up a little we want to allow some of this cheese to dry up which is one of the mistakes that I made when I first tried to do this a few years back yes I did not allow the cheese to dry up so we're gonna allow it to naturally dry up for 24 hours and then we're gonna be back and go to the next step okay one thing that I forgot to mention actually two things the first one is one of the things we're going to need also is we're gonna need some vinegar okay I'm gonna use some distilled white vinegar alright and that's going to be used pretty close to the point where we actually dip the cheese into the wax okay so that's where we're gonna need also another thing is is when you handle this cheese alright when you're cutting it make sure that your hands are really clean okay because we want to make sure that we don't introduce any really bad bacterias right on top of this alright the air that's flowing around it of course has some bacteria in it but it's not you know you can you know when you touch something like door handles and stuff like that that's got really nasty bacteria okay so want to make sure that your hands are clean alright make sure that you let these out as you can see there's plenty of room for air to circulate around these all right and then we will be back ladies and gentlemen well I'll be back in about 24 hours and for you guys I'll be back in about one second all right so we'll see you then hello youtubers we are back so it's been about 25 and a half hours since I put this cheese out to dry out a little bit now let me show you what it looks like and also let me tell you about the wood so I was talking to my mentor this morning and I was told that the best way to do this is the way that they did it back in the old times which was to rest your cheese on wood okay this is the way they've been doing it forever I guess for thousands of years and this is the way that it is recommended to do it because it works all right as you can see the cheese is dried out and it is dry to the touch one thing you want to remember is is remember to make sure that whenever you handle this cheese that you have really clean hands okay so you don't have any bad bacteria in it so now what we're gonna do is I've got the wax melting in a pot here let me show you okay here's my wax it's melting in a pot I tried melting it and my slow cooker but it was taking a really long time but as you can see I just created a double boiler here with my glass bowl and you can see my plastic here that I'm using to capture the wax when we're done and it's nice and liquidy all right for lack of a better term all right so this is ready to go so what we want to do now is is I'm keeping this on low okay so that I can stay melted and what we're gonna do now is we're gonna prepare the cheese for dipping into the wax so the step that you have to take prior to dip it into access you need to get some white distilled vinegar okay don't use apple cider vinegar all right or anything like that it has to be white distilled vinegar okay and I'm just gonna pour it on a plate I figured would be the easiest way to do it it's just to put it on a plate that has a little bit of a bowl in it right and what I'm going to do is I am going to take each piece of cheese and I'm just going to dip it on all sides okay BAM I'm just going to make sure that all slides are covered in the vinegar what this is going to do is it's going to allow for any additional bacteria or fungi or spores that were in the air to be neutralized okay so I'm gonna do that while I'm talking to you guys by the way let me go ahead and I'm going to continue to do this until the 30th of April melody to nish if you are watching this video you need to contact me so that you can claim your pressure canner okay we are waiting on you melody so please contact me so that you can claim your pressure canner and I can have it shipped out to you right if you don't want it if you do hear this and you don't want it send me an email anyways or leave me a comment saying that you want to donate it to someone else and won't make that happen okay so let's see there's a little piece of pepper from the pepper jack that wouldn't hurt anything if that stay down there okay so what we're doing is we're just covering this on all sides with the vinegar and ladies and gentlemen you didn't see this but when I started I this is the second time that I started recording this the first time that I started recording this part I forgot that I had already put vinegar on the plate and I grabbed the plate and the vinegar fell all over the floor so I spent the last few minutes cleaning up before I started making this video again now my kitchen smells vinegary all right so we've got one more piece here so ladies and gentlemen what we're going to do after this is we are going to take this I'm gonna take this entire little wrap that I've got here all right and I am going to place it in the freezer all right for about 15 minutes okay that will allow the vinegar vinegar to dry off number one and also that will get the cheese cold enough so that when we dip it in the wax the wax will harden quickly okay because we want to be able to do that okay so I'm gonna bring you guys back when when I take this out of the freezer and we are ready to dip okay so we'll be back in a little bit see you then all right ladies and gentlemen we're back now I just took the cheese out of the freezer and as you can see they're pretty dry okay so what we're going to do now is I'm going to go ahead and dip the first couple of blocks so that you can see how I dip it well let's see how long it takes because really I haven't done this in a really long time and the last time I did it was a really big fail so I'm gonna follow I'm following the instructions as close as I can to what I was told to do okay so we're both doing this for the first time here if you've never done it before I'm gonna start with the smaller block back here okay and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna dip half of it all right and then I'm gonna bring it up and let the let the wax harden up okay I'm gonna let it harden up now my mentor told me that I can double dip these so I can let them I can let them harden up and as you can see I'm probably gonna have to do that because you see the bottom here so I think I'm gonna double dip these while they're still here and then I'm gonna dip them one more time actually that looks really really good see that that looks really nice and one thing that I've noticed ladies and gentlemen between this wax and the paraffin wax that I used last time is that this wax is a lot more malleable it is a lot more giving so it's like stretchier I guess you can say if you want to call it that all right so there you go see that now I'm going to let it harden up just a little bit and it really helps a lot when the cheese is nice and cold right but you don't want to leave it once you dipped it in there once you don't want to leave it in there too long when you dip it again because then it'll just end up melting the wax off that's already on there okay so I'm going to go ahead and put this up you see that wow that is really cool I really like the black wax I think it's really nice they have different color waxes they had red they have white they had black I think they had like a a yellow yellowish kind of a wax I I decided to get the black because I don't know for some reason I just thought that the black would keep light from infiltrating but I guess that doesn't really matter with this okay so there you go I double-dip that one see you see how quick it stops dripping because the cheese is nice and cold all right I'm gonna do this one I guess we can do them all together ladies and gentlemen just one dip hold it just for a second and the thing is also ladies and gentlemen is that when you eventually use this this cheese when you eventually cut it up and use it you can actually take this wax and reuse it so once you buy the wax once depending on how much cheese you're putting up you can reuse this wax when you use when you cut into the cheese now what I did here was is I only I only put one pound of wax in this bowl and I was told that one pound of wax will cover up to ten pounds of cheese and I was also told that if you're going to do and look at that that still has a little bit there so I'm going to go ahead and dip this again and I was told that if you're going to do 10 whole pounds of cheese that you should have at least two pounds of wax in there that way you're not trying to scrounge for the last bit and there's a little hole right there I really want to cover that up so I'm gonna go ahead and see if it'll get in there there you go I got in there real good but look at that how nice and hardened on this is looking like really good - boy that's nice here's our Colby and what I'm gonna do ladies and gentlemen with this is I am going to put these up and I am going to cut into one of these in a month and show you all what it looks like and then I'm gonna cut into another one in three months and I'm gonna show you guys and then six months and I think that at the three month point if everything is looking good and it looks like I followed the process correctly what I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do a really big batch of cheese because because I'll know it'll be you know I'll have confirmation after three months that the process is doing what it's supposed to do it and as far as preserving the cheese okay so you know how I end up with some little holes in the bottom there like that I know why I'm doing that because I'm touching the bottom of the dish I shouldn't be touching the bottom of the day Shh okay so you see when I don't touch the bottom it covers everything okay so look at that that is really cool I am so glad that I was able to you know get some guidance in how to do this properly because I don't know if you guys have bought any of the freeze-dried cheese but man that's so expensive all right for what you get and and every once in a while I see a big sale a really good sale on cheese and I don't get that much because honestly we just don't go through that much cheese here you know we maybe go through about I don't know I would say maybe a couple of pounds a month and if it's uh during the summer when I I do like to make pizza pretty often during the summer maybe a little bit more but still we don't go through that much now you see the other part I'm gonna do the other half now and as you can see that the wax has already dried up enough for me to touch it so I'm gonna go ahead and give this a go here as you can see it's covered it pretty good I got to get that little bit right there but I'll get that here in a second and look at that this one covered it really nice but I'm still gonna double dip it okay and then I'm gonna do it like this also and then I'm gonna come back there you go I'm gonna come back and get this top part also so I think that one of the tricks to this ass is to a lot of other things is that you have to be patient so like if I try to if I would have tried to just get all of that in one shot I probably end up making a mess and missing something but here we go you see that I think this cheese wax is definitely worth the extra couple of dollars that you pay for it because it's what it's supposed to be used for okay like I said I used that paraffin in the past and then it was just it cracked up it was all cracked you know it it just didn't do the job the way that it's supposed to do it and just doing it with this right now just with you know these few little blocks I can already tell the difference between using you know the proper cheese wax and using the paraffin wax that I had used in the past all right so here we go let's get this part okay look at that it's coming out nice okay got everything covered and I think I'm going to go ahead and get this bottom part real quick and you just want to make sure ladies and gentlemen that you have everything covered and I just got some wax on my fingers where I want to be on a couple of my fingers don't do that because it's pretty hot you see that now I got a black fingertips right so it says a lot about using more wax than what you're gonna need because it gives you that extra you know that extra depth that you can dip your cheese into alright cuz as you can see you see how I'm struggling now to try to get get it dipped far enough to cover everything which is okay you know part of the wax that I did the first time was still good enough to where I can hold it and it's nice and now it's nice and firm now all right but I'm gonna have to probably come back to this one alright I'm gonna go ahead and aw yeah I'm just going to come back to this one and cover it when the rest of the other wax has been or has gotten a little hard alright and there's nothing wrong with that ladies and gentlemen if you do that as long as you're covering it up pretty well okay and I don't know if I'm just being paranoid but I think that after these have all hardened really well I might do another dip on all sides just to make sure oh look at that okay look at that oh you see that Wow that was kind of cool because it fell off but it didn't all fall apart so there you go we're still good seem to see what I mean look at that I'm not gonna edit this out because I really think you guys ought to see that because you see what I mean I was not being patient enough instead of just saying hey you know what let me stop for a second let me put this one back all right because it's gonna need another dip instead of doing that I tried to get it done you know in one shot so there you go ladies and gentlemen that's a perfect example of be patient all right and I think that part of the reason why that piece of cheese slipped off is because I had wax in my fingers and it was slippery so I'm gonna take this wax off right now all right actually we may just take it off right here all right so let's go ahead and do this part but the piece that fell in there was just a piece of wax so it's fine and again that uh that goes for for the fact that you should probably I probably should have put the two pounds of cheese in here the two pounds of cheese the two pounds of wax so that it would have given it giving me a lot of depth all right so however it looks like it worked out all right so I'm just gonna put this one back and then I'm gonna come back and dip it again okay so it pays not to be in a hurry absolutely let's go with this one right here I really like this this black wax I really like this black box black wax all right as you can see easy-peasy ladies and gentlemen this is definitely not rocket science even I can't mess this up let me tell you that right now and we've got one more over here and from what I'm told a DS and gentlemen this cheese is preserved properly all right will last as long as 28 to 30 almost 40 years if you store this in a well-ventilated area I was told not to store it on top of a metal shelf to try if you do have a metal shelf you can line your shelf with natural wood chips okay and it will allow in the wood chips would allow air to circulate throughout the cheese because the cheese needs air I was also told that you do not want to place this cheese in a freezer then you want to leave it in a well ventilated area okay where air can circulate around it so let me go ahead and grab this one I'm going to grab this one and then I'm gonna go ahead and sign off and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and place these back in the freezer for probably about five minutes and I'm gonna dip it again okay and I'm going to dip them again all right so what I'll do is I'll come back after I dipped all of these one more time and show you guys what it looks like and then ladies and gentlemen I think that'll be about time for us to sign off okay so let me go ahead and turn this burner on real quick they leave it on low so that this wax will stay melted and then I'll come back in a few minutes and then I'll show you what they all look like when they're are fully waxed so I've put my first layer on all right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put it back in the freezer for about five minutes maybe ten minutes all right so just so that you can get a little bit cool all right definitely don't want to leave them in there really long all right I would say no longer than 10 minutes I'm gonna come back I'm gonna do one more dip and then we'll be done with dipping in okay so ladies and gentlemen I honestly don't know how long we've been going but I hope that by now we've got a few winners okay so I hope that you've been having a good time today and I hope that you try this or I try doing this if you guys want to wait until I do my test runs and cutting them open and seeing what they look like you know then you can do that but really if you find some cheese on sale and you buy yourself at least one pound of wax you can try yourself with smaller pieces and do your own experiment and see how they come out all right and then you can share with us the AP community how your cheese preserving came out because ladies and gentlemen you know what just like I said in one of my past videos you're gonna need some comfort foods you know if it ever come if there ever comes to time when when comfort foods aren't available for you to readily get at a supermarket or a store man can you just imagine life without cheese hmm I don't know I I think I'm gonna have to get me some milking goats just in case but hopefully this here will work and we'll be able to preserve some cheese for long-term which will be a great thing I don't mind the canned cheese like that bag of cheese that I had before it's actually really good that big of cheese is good for grilled cheese sandwiches you can make a nice off Rado sauce with it and you can also make a nice mac and cheese sauce with it but having chunks of cheese like this that you can actually cut up and have what crackers or you know having a sandwich or something like that you know it would be terrible for me if I could never do that again so and that's one of the things that we prep for ladies and gentlemen is so that we can have some of the things that we enjoy and of course the things that we need in a times when they may not be available all right so I'm gonna go ahead and put these in fridge let them cool down I'm gonna give them a second dipping and then I'm gonna show you guys what uh what it looks like and how I'm gonna store it and then I will sign off after that ladies and gentlemen all right so I'll be back in a little bit all right ladies and gentlemen so here we have it I have double dipped all of these cheese's and they looked really good now some of the things that I look for when I was doing my second dip was I was making sure that I couldn't see any cheese like you can see right there I could almost see a little white right there I'm gonna give that another quick dip I'm not sure if that's not that big of a deal or not but I want to make sure that I can't see anything I want to make sure that they're completely covered as you can see this came out really nice look at that and it's still a little bit cool to the touch and let me tell you if you do this make sure that you placed them in the freezer because that really helps with the wax hardening up pretty quickly and as you can see they all came out really really nice at least they look nice to me I'm sure that with practice they look a little bit better but I think this is a pretty good go around for the first time and like I said if you're gonna do this make sure that you do it with cheese wax okay I'll tell you guys what I was gonna give away some ball canning books all right the ball book of canning I think that's what they're called I'm also gonna give away a couple of pounds of this cheese so that some of you guys can try this yourself okay so I'm gonna give away a couple of these pounds of cheese and I'll probably be doing that right around now so hopefully you guys have stayed with me this long right but I think it looks great and uh my mentor I'm sure will give me a call and let me know if I did anything wrong and if I did I will make sure to do a follow-up video and that you guys know but I think I followed the instructions pretty well that I was given alright so what I'm gonna do now ladies and gentlemen I'm not gonna show you where I'm gonna store this because it's in a dark part of my house all right and there's really actually not a lot of lighting there but I'm gonna put this on a shelf that has a lot of ventilation and I'm actually gonna leave it on this same little rack right here I'm just gonna take this rack I want to place it on the shelf and I'm gonna leave it just like that and as you can see there's plenty of room in between each block of cheese and it's gonna allow for air to circulate and what I'm gonna do is now my mentor didn't tell me to do this but what I'm gonna do is probably every three or four days and I'm not sure if this is necessary or not but I don't think it will hurt probably every three or four days I'm gonna go and I'm gonna turn him around one quarter turn all right like that just to turn them around just so that they're not laying on this piece of wood for too long I'm gonna turn them around a quarter turn like every two or three maybe four days and then the longer I have them maybe I'll wait a week but I'm gonna go ahead and baby these until I cut into them to see how they turn out so the next time that I'm gonna take these out probably be in about a month and I'll do a video of cutting into them now some of you may be asking AP how do you know what cheese is which because they're all black well I know that the small ones are pepperjack okay the big ones I had a pound of a mild cheddar and I had a pound of Colby I have no idea which ones they are alright but these aren't intended for me to cut into them soon all right and when I cut into them I'll probably cut it into a couple of pieces each alright so that I can see how each is doing alright however in the future what I would do is would probably do one kind of cheese at a time and there are a couple of options that you can take when you're doing this so for example I told you that they sell different color cheese waxes right so you may want to color code your cheese alright so like for example let's say you're doing a mild cheddar then you may want to do that one in red alright let's say you're doing a pepper Jack you may want to do that one in black all right etcetera etcetera however there's nothing wrong with using the same color for everything ok you can take a little piece of paper and write what kind of cheese it is on here and then it'll stick to the wax alright you can maybe put a little bit of wax on here and stick it on there just so you know exactly what it is so you can use whatever method you'd like to identify what kind of cheese is under the wax ok however I think that the color coding method is a pretty neat idea I mean it'd just be pretty cool seeing different colors so I think what I'm gonna do is is in the future I'm gonna order some red and some it's like a yellowish orange kind of cheese and I'll have those three colors and then you could even probably mix your black and red and have like a purple right so you can get creative with this kind of stuff and make it a little bit fun to do as far as the colors go but if you want you can use the same color you just come up with a way of of labeling it and you don't know what you have now another thing that I wanted to cover is you do not want to wrap this in plexi wrap you do not want to put it in a baggie or anything like that you want to leave it out in the open where air can circulate through it freely alright and you want to have it in an area that is well ventilated alright that way you can have a good circulation of air going through this alright if you contain this in any way ie if you put it in a ziploc bag or if you wrap it or anything like that you're probably not going to have good results because from what I understand as far as my teachings go is that you need to make sure that this is well ventilated and like I said before ladies and gentlemen this will last 20 30 even up to 40 years all right what will happen to the consistency of the cheese and the taste of the cheese is that the cheese will get we'll get a tighter inside and it will get sharper than what it was last time that's why I decided to go with a mild cheddar that way if I end up keeping this cheese for several years by the time that I use it it may be a sharp cheddar okay so that's what I'm gonna do with this okay and like I said I'm just gonna store this in a well-ventilated area where it's not super hot okay like I said I've kept it and I'm gonna keep it in a room words probably never gonna be above 70 degrees Fahrenheit okay that's where I'm gonna keep it all right ladies and gentlemen so ladies and gentlemen I hope that you had a good time today I hope that those of you that want a prize will not I hope but congratulations to those of you that have won a prize today melody tarnish last call melody tarnish I really really want to give that pressure canner away to melody Tanisha and she was one of the originals chosen so that's gonna be it for today ladies and gentlemen all by the way if you guys are not subscribed to the Marthaville report i know that uh mark Fugo news and more frugal TV is very widely popular but i was just on the more frugal reports and I'll tell you what the young lady that hosts that program is extremely intelligent and she was actually going through the founding fathers and the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and stuff right there and I think she's actually still alive so as soon as I sign off here I'm gonna go and finish that video and finish that livestream with them so I'm really really glad that I found a more frugal family because I'll tell you what ladies and gentlemen if you're not subscribed over there I know they have a ton of subscribers and everything like that and it's not like they need me to be sending you guys over there and obviously no one's asked me to but if you like this community I'm pretty sure that you'll like that unity as well all right a lot of very good-hearted people over there and there's a lot of our community members over there as well so it's a good place to be all right however having said that thank you guys very much for joining in today I always have a great time chatting with you guys live I look forward to Sunday's 8:00 a.m. Alaska time every week because I get to hang out with you guys and it's always a great time all right so having said that ladies and gentlemen thanks again for joining in congratulations to the winners and remember that when good people do good things good things happen and remember to reach one teach one and repeat if we all did this ladies and gentlemen the world will be a better place and you know that it will be a better place many blessings to everyone of you and your families this is Alaska prepper in our mouth
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 126,939
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: Prepping Cheese Long Term Storage
Id: tF9hz3oQ0eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 9sec (2829 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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