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hello youtubers Alaska prepper here so today as she's gonna see in the title we're making some geek right and I want to explain to you guys what ghee is up just second my camera is about to fall here all right I wanted to explain to you guys what ghee is why it's a good idea to store it all right what uses there are for it and why I'm doing it okay so first of all what is ghee ghee is pretty much butter that has had the water evaporated out of it through a cooking process and has had the milk solids in the butter burnt out and what I mean about burnt out is not really burnt out it's just cooked to a point where it drops to the bottom and then once you get rid of the milk solids and you get rid of the extra water that's in there you're going to be left with just a pure butter fat okay or the pure milk fat whatever you want to call it but all you're gonna be left with this appears fat now why is it a good idea to have some ghee in your long-term storage okay so this is what I think G if he can be used for the same things that you use butter for right now and it can also be used for frying right you know any of you that have tried to fry with regular butter you know how the butter turns really brown dark brown that's because the solids inside of the butter are burning right that's what turns the actual butter dark brown when you use it to fry something in high heat it's because all those solids are burning and that's what's making it really dark brown now with ghee since you've eliminated all of the water in there and all of the milk solids it has a higher flashpoint which means that you can fry with it without it burning up and getting all brown and stuff a toast it's actually more like a oil or like a fat okay so that's a good reason I have ghee a second reason why I'm canning ghee is because I've got a whole bunch of butter every time that I go to the store if I always go through the butter section if I find that there is a sale on butter I'll get me at least 2 or 3 or 4 pounds like the last time that I went to the store that they had a sale on butter it was for less than three dollars a pound I think it was for like two dollars and fifty cents a pound or something like that which up here I'm not sure about where you live but up here where I live in Alaska that's a really really good price for butter normally the cheapest butter you can find around here is about 350 a pound which is still a decent price but it's still you know for around here is a decent price so I don't buy that full price I wait for sales and when I see a sale I jump all over it because I know that I definitely want to have butter should anything happen that would keep me from getting butter through my regular means right that's why we prep so that's why I'm making e today now really quick before I let you guys go for now okay I'm gonna tell you what the first step is obviously this is the first step in making G is having butter and putting it in a pan today I am going to jar 14 times of ghee and if you go to Amazon or you go to a store and you take a look at how much a pint 16 ounces of ghee goes for you're going to see that this is a very good cost-effective way to prep butter okay because a pint jar of ghee I took a look earlier this morning in Amazon I think they start at like nine dollars and I see them as expensive as 21 dollars well at about I'm saying that I'm averaging about three dollars a pound for butter for the butter that I've got because I get it on sale and I stock it up in my freezer I would say that for each pint of ghee that we process today I'll probably have about three dollars and 25 cents in butter and the extra 25 cents on top of the pound is because like I said you're gonna lose a little bit of volume because of evaporation and because of the burn off of your milk solids okay so that's why I'm saying so would you rather have something that you made yourself that cost you three dollars and 25 cents or would you rather go buy that same item from a manufacturer who's selling it at three times more than what it would have cost you to make yourself for me that answer is very simple right for other people it may not be they may not have the time to do this so if you don't and you want to go ahead and pay the premium then absolutely that's up to you okay another reason it's because that I'm doing this is because I love that red feather brand but it's so pricey so I'm waiting for the red feather brand butter in a can to go on sale again like it does during Christmas time where it was like four dollars a can which is a great price for that to stock up on it but I cannot see paying seven eight dollars a can for that although I do think it's a very high quality product and if you want to do that instead I would not say anything that there's anything wrong with that because it is a very high quality product and I think it's outstanding it's an outstanding product you know it's one of the things that I would recommend the most if you're not going to do this yourself is to get something like that okay so I'm trying to save a little bit of money here trying to capitalize on whenever there's sales on butter whenever I go to the supermarket I always look so I capitalize off of it whenever I can and now I'm able to make my own ghee for a third of the price of what I would pay for it you know at the store okay so ladies and gentlemen what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna continue to fill those up with my butter then I'm gonna start melting it I'm gonna bring you guys in here I'm gonna bring you guys back when this is about halfway melted because there's really nothing to see all I'm gonna do is empty another few pounds of butter in here and I'm gonna start melting them then I'll bring you back and I'll tell you what the second step is so your first step is you wanna you're gonna want to get your butter ready count how many pints you're gonna be jarring all right and then go ahead and maybe depending on how many pints you're doing like I'm doing 14 today alright I would add like maybe a tenth of a pound of butter per pint all right so or an ounce per pint extra alright so to make sure that you have enough to fill up all your jars and in addition to that anything that's left over in here and after we're done filling up our jars you can always put in a bowl and use for yourself right there won't be anything wrong with it whatsoever all right so we'll talk to you here in a few minutes all right I'm back you tubers so what you're looking at there is 15 pounds of butter so what I did was 15 pounds wouldn't fit in there all at once so what I did was is while I was unwrapping some of the butter that I still had left to unwrap I turned the burner on and now it's in the process of just melting now ladies and gentlemen this is very important right here when you turn your burner on make sure it's on the lowest setting all right this process is gonna take a little bit of time right it's literally gonna take a little bit of time it's not gonna be done in 20 minutes all right there is a little bit of a longer process than other canning endeavors that I've enjoyed all right but this is definitely worth it you save a lot of money doing this and you can have long-term butter put away for long term and not have to worry about the Shelf stability now one thing that I did forget to mention was that I'm using a mixture of salted and unsalted butter in my opinion it doesn't matter whether it's salted or not when I go we'll get butter if it's on sale I don't care if it's salted butter or unsalted butter I grab it because if I'm using the butter and the recipe calls for salted butter I just add a little bit of salt all right no big deal and from my experience salted butter doesn't really do anything negative to the final outcome all right so however you can use whichever kind you want you can use salted or an unsalted so what I'm gonna do ladies and gentlemen is I'm gonna go ahead and cut this off here in about 2 or 3 seconds I'm gonna come back when this starts to simmer okay so it's gonna be a few minutes from me just a second for you but I'll be back when this starts to simmer so I can tell you what the third step is so the first step is get your butter in there the second step is let the butter completely melt all right and then I'll be back when it starts to simmer all right and make sure that you remember to leave that burner on low I would put it personally I put it on the smallest burner that I have on my stove okay once this is all melted and you're starting to let it simmer you're gonna want to make sure that you're on the smallest burner on the lowest setting that you have on your stove that's just what's always worked for me so that's the way I'm gonna keep doing it all right I'll talk to you in a few we are back you tubers here you go you see this right here okay this is what we're looking for you can see there's a little bit of foam up there I've scooped up some phone and you want to scoop up some foam you want to make sure that you can see the butter exposed right there because it allows the water to evaporate quicker I've found in the past that if you need that foam up there it'll take a lot longer for the water in there to evaporate now the water has to evaporate before all of these solids start to burn off okay if you can see and it's burping a little bit too so I don't want to get it there get my camera dirty because you can see all those little white specks around there floating around you know and bouncing around those are the milk solids they've coagulated together so now what we're doing is this we're keeping this at a really low heat allowing all of the water that's in there to evaporate and then once it evaporates you'll see that the solids will start burning out and falling to the bottom okay I'm gonna bring you guys back when I see all my solids starting to fall to the bottom and you'll see a very big difference from what you see here to what you'll see then you'll see that the butter is very translucent and a lot more clear than what it is now and here's the foam that I got off the top see that I filled this entire little container which is probably about eight ounces with foam so there's probably about two ounces maybe three ounces of butter in there okay but this ladies and gentlemen you let it get hard you put in your fridge and you'll be able to use it just like you use any other butter alright you just have to use a little more because it's got a lot of air in it alright so we'll be back in a few minutes ladies and gentlemen we are back ladies and gentlemen as you can see the butter has fully melted okay so I wanted to show you this part even though it's just melted butter because I wanted to mention something that I may have to do as you can see the butter is only about half an inch from the rim okay now if for some reason you have to remove butter from your pot because you think that in my spillover there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing that you can grab a bowl alright and just take some butter out of there put it in a bowl and then once the butter that is simmering once it condenses down a little bit because of the loss of whatever water there's in there you can go ahead and put it back in there and let it continue its process but what I'm gonna do right now is is I'm gonna leave this alone I'm not gonna touch it I'm gonna leave it alone and I'm gonna wait until it comes to a a small simmer all right so I'm gonna be watching this I'm not gonna stay very far away from this I'm gonna check it every 10 15 minutes because I've got the heat on almost just about the lowest setting that it can go okay so I'm gonna check it about every 10 or 15 minutes and as soon as I see this start simmering I'm gonna stand right here and watch it for a few minutes until I'm satisfied that the simmering process won't make the butter overflow okay so don't be afraid of it just be cautious you know and just use your common sense so we'll be back in a few minutes once this is actually simmering so that I can show you what it looks like and what to look for during the simmering process all right that way you'll know when you're done actually simmering it down alright so we'll be back in a few ladies and gentlemen hello youtubers we are back and we are getting to that the last part of the third step here okay as you can see look the crust on top of this and you can see that it looks a little brownish now okay it's a lot different than what it looked like before before was nice and bright yellow the form on top now it's a little brown so I just taken this off of the burner I am gonna skim all of this foam off the top okay and it's still extremely hot so you want to be extremely spindly careful this here is no joke right ladies and gentlemen this is really no joke you want to be very careful with this I would recommend that if you have little ones that you keep them away from this while you are doing this and don't become distracted okay because like I said this is extremely hot so what we're gonna do is we're gonna skim the top off and once we skim the top off you're going to see what the clarified butter looks like all right we've just made this into ghee which key is just pretty much clarified butter okay too easy and what we're gonna do is once we put this in our jar we're gonna tighten up the jars I've already got the lids going over there on my other burner okay I know that someone told me in a past comment that I think it was JT or someone else also told me that we don't need to heat up the lids anymore that's how I've been doing it forever so I'm just gonna keep doing it I don't think it'll hurt anything so I still heat up my lids before I put him on now ladies and gentlemen since this butter that we're putting in these jars is really hot what I'm doing now is I am preheating the water in my pressure cooker I don't know if you can see the pressure cooker over there you can see it right here I am preheating that water because you do not want to put a jar that is full of hot product in a water that is cold all right you have the chance of cracking your jar if you do that so make sure that if you're going to do this make sure that that water is preheated it doesn't have to be boiling inside the pressure canner it just has to be pretty pretty hot all right I'm gonna give you like an exact temperature like it needs to be 180 degrees or whatever just use your judgement if that water is hot enough to where you can't really touch it I would say that's pretty good all right okay and I think that's enough in it if you can see the butter just a second ladies let me dump this over here okay now if you can see the butter you can see the difference between that butter the way it looks now and the way look before this butter is now clarified you can see see that it's clarified in it if you take a look at it I'm not sure you can see that well you can see that it's translucent so you can see to the bottom of that of that ladle right you can see to the bottom of the ladle all right now those little extra bits of foam that you see on the top that's not gonna hurt anything all right you can put that in there it's not going to hurt anything but you see that that's nice and translucent so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this and we are going to fill up our jars okay now just a second ladies gonna see you okay turning off my lips there before they get too hot so now we're gonna fill up our jars and this is where you are extremely careful as well where you're doing this step filling up your jars all right I'm gonna position my pots too so that is really close to my jar so I don't have a long ways to travel all right and you can't see the jars ladies and gentlemen but basically I'm just putting butter in a jar you want to leave at least a good half inch of headspace and be very patient during this part so you don't make a mess and so you don't burn yourself okay because whatever mess you make especially if you get a whole bunch of water around the around the rim of those jars you're gonna need to clean that up before you put the lids on alright if not you're not gonna get a seal alright so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go ahead and fill up all of my jars and when we come back I'll have all of my jars full and I'll be getting ready to put them inside of the pressure canner okay so I just did one jar and I'm gonna go ahead and cut it off here let me move my my funnel over to my next jar even when you're moving the funnel you want to be careful not to put any not to drip any butter on the rim of the jar all right because it's butter it's oily and it's a lot more difficult to clean and then if it was like jam or if it was something else but as you can see ladies and gentlemen you see how nice and clear that butter is and you can see you can tell that the color is way different than what it was before all right before I boiled off all of the excess water and burnt off the solids alright so we'll be back in a few minutes as soon as I get these jars filled up and then I'll show I'll show myself putting them in the canner and then we'll Khanum and then we'll take it from there all right we'll see you in a little bit we're back ladies and gentlemen so I've filled every one of these jars I fill twelve I still have two more to go but I just wanted to show you what it looks like there you go see how nice and clear that butter looks right that's how it's supposed to look so now I'm just giving it my finger tight I'm just tightening these finger tight and placing them in the pressure cook and then ladies and gentlemen what I'm gonna do is I'm going to process these just like I process any kind of protein so I'm gonna process these I'm gonna pressure cook them or pressure can them just like I what pressure can meet or just like I pressure can those beans the other day all right since these are pints I'm only gonna leave them in there for about 75 minutes at pressure okay so once it reaches the 10 pounds of pressure I'm going to wait 10 minutes after it reaches 10 pounds of pressure and it may be different for you depending on what else altitude you're at okay and then once that 10 minutes lapses then I'll be able to start my timer for 75 minutes and that's about it really and what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you guys what the butter looks like once it comes out of the pressure canner and then I'm also going to show you what it looks like after it's been sitting on the counter for a full day and it's been able to solidify that way you'll see what it looks like and then like I said I have some ghee that I processed a few years ago I think about four maybe five years ago and I am going to do a review on that guy that I processed a few years ago because I still have all of the jars that I processed except for one all right ladies and gentlemen will go ahead and uh well you know what let me go ahead and show you what the solids look like after they have sorry about that later so this is what the solids look like you see down there you bring a bed I still have a couple of jars to fill so I still got butter but you see down there those are all the solids burnt to the bottom of this pan all right and dog is gonna be getting that okay there's nothing wrong with it I'm pretty sure you could eat it actually I saw a video a few days ago I forgot what culture it is but they actually do this they eat the solids from the butter they make Gihon then they take the solids and it's like a what do you call them when it's something fancy like a luxury item for them you know it was like a nomadic tribe somewhere and I think maybe in the Middle East somewhere in Asia but I saw that they ate it and I'm sure it tastes pretty good all right so all right ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna bring you guys back once these bad boys are done pressure canning I'm gonna show you what they look like when I get them out of the pressure canner and then I'm gonna show you for the last thing what they look like after they've been sitting on the counter for 24 hours so that you can see what it looks like after the entire process has been done all right so we will talk to you guys later all right ladies and gentlemen it is time to get the ghee out of the pressure cooker all right here we are I wanted to show you I mean I wanted to show you me opening this up to remind you to remember that if you do got this pressure cooker before you open it up make sure that all of the pressure has gone down on its own and make sure that you turn this valve up to the steam right there so it can let out any pressure there is in there but that's only after the pressures going down on its own okay you don't know if you don't help it I open that valve early okay now we just open that up and when I open this up even though it's been a while I still give it a little bit of room just in case in case there's still some steam in there look at that ladies and gentlemen that's liquid gold look at how nice and clear that butter looks nice we want to go ahead and put in down there here I was only able to make eleven of them okay because the 12th one only got filled up about three-quarters of the way so I just went ahead and I went ahead and filled up the jar but I never put it in here I just kept it to use to use uh for ourselves and I'm just gonna put it in the fridge you see this boy that is some pretty looking butter all right let's get the second room this is beautiful really goodness wait I'll show you guys this now ladies and gentlemen when you are handling these make sure that you don't tip them over but you know like this like tip it over like that you don't want any of that product you don't want to give that product any any of a chance to get under the seal all right or to get under the gasket of the over and whatever it is you want to call it all right cuz then you don't want to want to make sure that your seal doesn't pop or anything like that suit so make sure you keep your jars nice and straight up and down okay and when I put them down here I like to always leave a little bit of room in between them so that the air can flow through them a little bit better all righty almost there ladies and gentlemen then I'll be able to show you all of them one shot all right okay check this out look at that ladies and gentlemen isn't that something that is a thing of beauty right there got 11 full jars each jar you're looking at about 1 pound per jar okay so you're looking at 11 online you'll find these anywhere between you know 9 10 to $20 a pint and look at this we've got 11 jars we got 15 pounds of butter in here so we're looking at less than $50 worth of butter and we just made at a minimum $100 worth of product all right so we saved $50 by making these right so as far as I'm concerned that easy almond that's a heck of a deal that's a great deal and I'm sure that the product is gonna come out good tomorrow morning I'm going to go ahead and uh it's evening time right now tomorrow morning before I go to work I'm gonna go ahead and come back down here I'm gonna do the final shoot of this small video I'm putting together here and I'm sorry and I'm gonna show you guys what it looks like plus I'm also going to open up that other jar which I think is behind that Carver but I'll just show you tomorrow it's already it's already half full I didn't put a regular lid on it like this one I just put one of the plastic lids on it because I know I was just gonna put it in the fridge but I'll show you that and then I'll spread some one little piece of toast and let you guys know what it tastes like all right til then and see you guys tomorrow good morning everyone so it's a morning time the day after and this is what they look like see that I mean I don't think the camera gets it justice it it's a very nice yellow color on that it's not dark yellow like you see in the butter you know and regular butter they use but it's a nice light yellow color as you can see us all solidified right now I'm gonna allow them to stay there for the rest of the day then wash them up and put them away tonight but here is the partial I didn't end up pressure canning that one this we just use it ourselves and I already gave it a sniff test just to see what it smelled like and it smells really rich yes you can definitely if you guys do this ladies and gentlemen which I recommend that you do all right when you smell this when you smell the finished product you compared to regular butter you're gonna smell it's it's not you can't really compare it this you can really smell the nuttiness from the buttery flavor you can like smell the flavor on this I'm not sure how to describe it but it's really really good and I've got I wanted to get a piece of bread over here and show you guys how easy it is to spread this okay so I'm gonna put my camera over here but I just put a piece of bread in the toaster and I want to show you how easy it is to spread this so all first of all ladies in your monami let me go ahead and make correction I noticed yesterday that I said that I only jar 11 jars know it I charge 13 and a half or 13 and three quarters so we really did better than what I said we did on the last snippet of video that I did so right here you got 13 full jars and about a 3/4 full jar all right so we got a full 14 pounds of butter out of this out of the 15 pounds that we put in there plus I've got all the foam that I collected in the fridge that I'm gonna use this you know use for butter as well but yeah we ended up with 13 full jars that I'm gonna put away for storage and then ended up with this plus a little more out of the phone so like I said we're gonna we ended up losing roughly maybe just shy of a pound of butter we ended up losing because of the solids and because of the water evaporation and all that but still a great deal so the numbers that I said prior to this or even better because you got 13 times 10 that's 130 dollars and we spent $50 in butter or less it was actually less than $15 in butter but we'll say $50 so you're saving yourself by doing this one time if you collect your butter when you find it on sale you're saving yourself what it costs to buy all the jars and if you do it more than once if you do it a couple of times you just paid for your pressure canner if you get a pressure kind of like the one I've got so let me stop blabbing on here let me show you guys how easy it is see this I hope you can see this so it's creamy and it's not hard alright this is not hard for you to take out I wanted to show you that and it'll spread look at how easy it spreads and now ladies and gentlemen let me tell you this this goes a really long way okay because this ghee it's got so much of a butter flavor on it it's so buttery and I mean it's got such a concentrated butter flavor on it that you don't really need a lot of it okay and I can't wait to use some of this to fry up some steaks all right I'm sure it's gonna be delicious but I'm gonna give it a try and just let you guys know what it's like ladies and gentlemen I know that I am always saying wow this is so good this is so much better than the store-bought I'm always saying that every time that I can something will show you guys how to do something that requires any kind of cooking but the the the the fact of the matter is that it is this was delicious doing this with ghee makes you not want to use regular butter and just make your own ghee because it is so good and this guy even this one that I didn't pressure can this one right here you should have no problems we're leaving it in the counter for I mean as far as I'm concerned I leave it on the counter for a week or two it'll probably take us a couple of weeks to three weeks to use this or I won't have any problem with even even though I didn't pressure could that because it's pure fat okay so it should be shelf-stable for a while even though you didn't pressure cooking these however in my opinion ladies and gentlemen okay you can do your own research but in my opinion this key here that I pressure can this is gonna be shelf stable as far as I'm concerned pretty much indefinite as long as you control the temperature of the air around it keep it out of the sunlight alright don't knock it around things like that no just regular storage techniques that we use to store canned goods so well ladies and gentlemen that's about it I hope you enjoyed this video I mean I hope you get something out of this and I really really hope that you guys decide to make your own okay because this right here now this is a huge money saver so let's say for example now ladies and gentlemen I'm not trying to tell you not to like buy canned butter like the red feathered butter and stuff like that when I see it on sale I'm still gonna buy some more even though I can do this okay just because I like that butter I think that butter is excellent quality alright it has an outstanding shelf life and it's it's a good product I really like that butter this I feel is better right here but it's like I said before this is like a concentrated butter flavor I think that what I'm gonna use this for the most would be for like frying and for baking and things like that because you don't have to use as much as you normally would alright but I'll still buy the regular butter however I'll do this more often okay I will do this more often because you can definitely eat this like butter alright but this right here I will do more often I think it's gonna go a lot farther now using regular butter because you don't have to use as much but if you like that the texture of this is not as fluffy I should have said that the texture of this is not as fluffy as regular butter all right regular butter in my opinion with it has more of a whipped quality to it all right whereas this does not all right all right so imagine spreading peanut butter and then imagine spreading like jelly or jam the peanut butter would be like the consistency of butter and this would be the consistency of like jelly or jam or more of a jam okay that's the best way that I can describe it okay so a lot of people are stuck on nom on the way that things feel on the texture alright and this by no means this has an offensive texture to it at all I enjoy it I think it's great but like I said if you like regular butter just keep buying what you like to eat alright but I highly recommend this this has many uses right here right ladies and gentlemen I'm starting to blab so I'm gonna go ahead and sign off now I hope that we are chatting right now aren't actually alright so thank you very much for joining in I'm gonna go ahead obviously um I've decided to premiere this for this Saturday's video so I'm gonna go ahead and give it a go to do a little editing and see if I can splice all these together without ruining it and we'll talk to you guys then alright have a great day ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen if you would like to support the channel what what does it do you wanna be able to see tell the community members where they can do to support the channel give this man money no give me money yes this is how you can stop well that's one of the ways but I don't necessarily need money there's way any good advice it needs it well that too but there's ways that the community can support the channel by doing things that they already do if they do these things like they do them but to do it to support this channel like for example ladies and gentlemen if you click on my Amazon link you will support the channel it won't cost you any more do you use Amazon this is my lake and body things now do you think it'll get restored now the e is my link no why don't you use my link if you use my Amazon link then did you last appropriate community is able to benefit from it because my account is not on YouTube well I usually revenue from Amazon I use a lot of the X's on revenue to give back to the community by doing giveaways you bet to these people yes they're my community members of course I have to get back then you went through the last giveaway and no well you should answer the next avoid it's gonna be awesome I can't wait to do this giveaway so anyways ladies and gentleman I'm sorry for for the yes Daddy you should be three so everything is not free even if people tell you it's free it's not free so the most if let me finish to ask you to pee telling the community how they can support the channel ladies and gentlemen you can support the channel by using the Amazon link it doesn't cost you any more you can also support the channel by letting one or two of the ads that come up during the videos run through so that our channel can be credited with that ad if you press the skip button do you ever press the skip button yes every single time garbage its channel not support dunno if you don't press the skip button it gives the channel a little bit of revenue so that I can do giveaways I like doing giveaway because it allows new Preppers to get some cool stuff that they can use for their prepping endeavors do you understand that that's why I like to do it you take this derivative and instead of buying vulgar I'm not gonna fight against these people who definitely will of usable vodka well they don't get the money they get an actual prize in the mail I haven't made my silly life look well also well here's another way I know you like precious metals right you say like silver for making silver bullets to you where was you little ladies and if you are in the market buy some precious metals please take a look at my SD bullion link below every time that you registered UST be on the channel get some credit for that as well and the revenue that I'm going to get from st bullion if anyone registers with them I'm gonna use to give away silver what do you think about that Victor do you want to use mastic Boyan link so you can buy yourself some silver silver silver' now ladies and gentlemen if you can dig in your pockets you're more than welcome to do a super check during our live chats and you can also buy me a coffee by taking a look at the link down below do you like coffee Victor coffee cool you don't know what coffee is Sophia you just like do they have coffee flavored vodka in Russia this is look all right let's say we're gonna go ahead and leave it at the a ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna go ahead and sign off now so remember to be good to each other because when good people do good things good things happen remember to reach one teach one repeat this good people remember each one teach one a treaty if we all did this the world would be a very good you know that it will be a better place many blessings to all of you your families this is a master prepper and Victor and we're out goodbye
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 78,290
Rating: 4.9557691 out of 5
Keywords: #makingghee, #longshelflife, #savemoney, #prepper
Id: g5vDkrpGJQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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