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[Music] hello youtubers Alaska prepper here I thought I'd go ahead and show you guys what the sunrise looks like through the trees as I told you guys what I'm up to today so I've been storing rice in this manner for about a year and a half now I started doing this because my wife bought me the special receptacle to store dry goods in and I wasn't sure how I was going to work so I figured I try it it's been about a year and a half since I've been doing this and the results are outstanding now this is a great method that you can use to store bulk rice for pretty long term like I said about a year and a half without having to use oxygen absorbers or mylar bags or anything like that so using this method you can store where you're going to use in about a year and not worry about it going bad or getting in up by bugs or anything like that so let's go ahead and get to it enjoy the view [Music] well I hope you guys enjoy that beautiful sunrise ladies and gentlemen it is a beautiful day out here we had a little bit of rain yesterday but boy it's a beautiful day out here and it's not that warm it's been about in the 70s for the last few days but right now it's a nice 52 53 degrees outside I'll be it is only about five o'clock in the morning or less so let's get to it ladies and gentlemen so this is the rice that I'm gonna put away for storage today now when I say put away for storage I'm gonna be using this rice as the year goes along I'm not sure if you guys saw a video way back I don't even remember how old it was probably probably more than a year old where I was actually putting some rice into the container that I'm gonna be talking about here and that's the rice that I use on a weekly daily basis whenever we need rice we go into it and for about the last year and a half or so we've gone as a family throw about 60 pounds of rice or so I went ahead and emptied a little bit that was left out of the container so that I can show you guys how much fits in there but I think you guys are gonna be pretty impressed as to how long this rice stays good for when stored in this manner now let me go ahead and tell you a quick quick story I saw a video a long time ago more than a year and a half two years ago that kind of inspired me to try to do this thinking that if they can do it where they are we should be able to do it here where we are because our conditions here are probably a little bit better depending where you live I was watching a video about Vietnam and it was centered on a family that lived kind of like in the I don't want to say the jungle but definitely not in the city right they lived in an area that was humid and hot for a lot of the year especially during the rainy season when it's really humid there and in a corner of their house they had one ton of rice stored they had 40 50 pound bags of rice stored in like a corner of their house and now the house that he lived in was a really big house but it was an open house meaning that it wasn't insulated it wasn't protected against the outside elements as far as when getting in and things like that it didn't have windows or anything like that the windows that it did have like shudders all right that will let air in and all that kind of stuff so I really wasn't protected against the heat or the humidity of where they lived and someone asked young lady that was giving him his tour of the house what is all that rice for and she told them that in the beginning of the year they buy all of the rice that they're gonna eat all year long for the whole family and they stored there and this was like a family of six people now think about that ladies and gentlemen they go through one ton of rice for six people in one year and that's because in their culture they eat rice mainly almost every meal of the day so that was enough rice to get him through the whole year and I was thinking to myself well hon the world is that they can keep this rice good for a year just leaving it in their original sacks and leaving it out there on the floor of their house right at the corner of their house that they had it in and it was good nothing wrong with it right so they ate it throughout the year so I'm like we should be able to do that here at a capacity that we are comfortable with meaning how much rice do we use in the year so I just found out this last year that we go through about 60 pounds of rice in a year that's roughly 5 pounds of rice a month which is about right because we usually cook rice here probably at least once a week sometimes twice a week so 5 pounds a month sounds just about right so being able to store rice in a 60 pound container for the year without having to worry about that rice going bad would be a good thing so let me show you what it is that I'm talking about now this here is a storage bin and my wife got this for me from Costco like I said about a year and a half for a little more than a year and a half ago and when she first got it I was like what are we gonna use this for and she said well we can use one of those for pet food because she got two she said we can we use one of those for the dog food and the other one I figured that you can use it to store whatever you want in it and I started thinking what could I store in there and then I came up with the idea of storing rice in here after I you know after remembering that video that I watched about the family in Vietnam that stored all that rice in their house and what this is is this is a container that holds 65 pounds of dried goods and it has what's called I believe these are called gamma lids and they you know they twist on and off and they have a gasket right here which will make it airtight once you seal it on they're not hard to put on or to take off all you have to do is make sure that you seat it and then twist it us twist it until the seal is seated on the container let me go ahead and show you the inside of it so you can see how deep it goes so there you go you can see there's still a few grains of rice during the corner from what I had left over I had probably about 5 pounds left over from the stock that I put there before and I emptied it in a bag and I'm gonna place that on top of the new rice that I put in there but towards the end I'm also gonna show you what the rice that was in here looks like compared to the rice that we're gonna put in there looks like so this is a very simple container I actually looked these up and they do sell these at Amazon they run for about $35 per and they sell different sizes as well so 65 pounds is too big for you I believe they sell 25 pound or 35 pound containers as well and like I said I've been able to keep my rice in here for well over a year without it going bad so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna dump let's say we've got 55 pounds of rice that we're gonna go ahead and dump in here you're gonna see over there that we have 1/2 of those yellow cowls bags those are 15 pounds apiece and we have that 125 pound bag of Cal roast rice they're different brands but they're the dish but they're the same kind of rice so that's why I don't mind putting them together and they both come from California they're probably from the same farm you know that raised them they just have different brands on them so we're gonna go ahead and dump these in here then I'm gonna show you what the rice looks like and what it looks like in here once I've put in 55 pounds in a container that's supposed to hold 65 pounds now I've already put 30 pounds of rice in here and it's not even halfway up to the top so this thing will definitely take 65 pounds as I've only got another 25 pounds to put in here so let's see how far it goes up so there you go ladies and gentlemen that is 55 pounds of rice right there and as you can see we still have plenty of room to put more in here like I said I have about five pounds of the older rice that I'm gonna put right on top of here in addition to that I am going to go ahead and put in a couple of bay leaves I don't think it's really necessary because I've already frozen this rice once and then let it sit for a few days before doing it before putting it in here like you saw me do just now but I always do it anyways because I already have them old man send those to me about a year ago and I've been using them so I'll go ahead and put a couple of bay Leafs in there so now let me go ahead and show you what it look what the new rice looks like and what the older rice looks like okay so this rice right here is some of the rice that was left over in there in that corner like you saw and this is what it looks like right here okay I'm not sure how well you can see that but I'm gonna go ahead and place it on this yellow surface so that you can see the difference so that there's what the rest looks like that has been in there for over a year this year rice is some rice that I took out of this container here just now and this is what the new rice looks like I'm gonna go ahead and do a close-up so you guys can see right next to each other and as you can see there is really no difference and this rice this is the new rice and this is the older rice so it did a really good at preserving that rice in that container and no damage has come to it and like I said ladies and gentlemen over a year and a half I would say at least at least one year and a half because today is me right yes I would say about a year and a half that I've had this rice right here in this container and no harm at all has come to it so I think it's a great way to be able to store you're ready to use rice and bulk that way you don't have to bother with putting it in small containers or working off of a small bag this will save you a lot of money because that way you can buy in bulk and you can have somewhere to put it that's neat and organized there's one other thing that I want to show you about you can see how easy it is to put this lid on all you have to do is it's just a twist on lid it's not a big deal so all you have to do is just make sure it's seated and right there it's nice and snug you don't have to put it on super tight but one other thing that I really like about this is that these are stackable and what you can do is this when you do your rice you can either do it downward or this way and you can stack these on top of each other I think you can stack up to like three of these on top of each other so if you have a corner in your pantry a corner somewhere your house that's not being used you can put away almost 200 pounds of dry foods and three of these containers stacked on top of each other and they don't take that much room now I think this works great for pretty much anything that is a dry product all right that you want to keep moisture away from it that seal on that lid does a great job at keeping moisture out and whenever I open it to use it I just open it take out what I need and seal it right back up I don't let it stay open for a long time because you really don't want any humidity getting in there into your dry products that's your dry products enemies is humidity all right so ladies and gentlemen that's all I've got for today I just wanted to show you this because I was getting ready to fill this back up and like you know what this has done a great job for the last year and a half or so that I've had it and I wanted to share this with you guys that way if you guys are interested in getting one you can go get one so having said that I hope you guys have a great day I'm working from home today so I got to get ready to go to work gotta go get my coffee ready and get on my couch with my computer so I hope you guys have a great day today thank you very much for joining in remember to be good to each other when good people do good things good things happen remember to reach won't each one a repeat if we all did this the world would be a better place and you know that it will be a better place many blessings to all of you your families there's Alaska prepper I'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 133,534
Rating: 4.9039392 out of 5
Keywords: foodstorage, buyinbulk, savemoney, prepper, longtermstorage, foodshortagecrisis
Id: 6Cz-6ji9rMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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