Long term food storage. Rice in Mylar bags, stored in food grade buckets.

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alright alright hey y'all I got a little project going on it's a cold winter day here in Indiana so we're gonna try to get some stuff together downstairs in the basement who is take you downstairs and show you what I got going on and see if you like it we'll go from there seeing a bit you yeah what we've got going on here is I've got we've got my bucket set out these mylar bags and then the five gallon bags of course and I'm going to put one in each and something you want to be real careful about when you use these bags as they are they are they're tender so you know things like watches rings bracelets things of that nature when you're doing this you want to be careful because you could easily poke a hole oh okay I'm gonna I'm gonna finish this up this floor is getting them all fanned out and get them ready and then I'll be back well I do want to do this I want to take I want to take all of my I'll leave that on honey I love you okay take all this stuff off just so that I don't just so that I don't poke any holes in a good pair of jersey gloves would probably be good that's what I did is I hold it like this and then I picked the sides and don't use fingernails you don't say I mean try to try to keep your hands [Applause] taking a square bag and put it into a round hole is not easy but it can be done you just got to take your time and take it when you do and kind of look like that okay you remember I'm down in there like this doing what I need to do because your fingernails anything [Applause] you know you've got you've got plenty of bag on top so putting it down in there and getting it to words out to the edges of the bucket these are 50 pound bags and of course I've got 200 pounds but but these buckets they hold somewhere between 22 and 25 pounds so I want to try to get as close to 25 pounds as possible another important thing is to make sure everything is dry okay there's a few things that as I've done these there are things that really maybe mad in the learning curve so I try to try to pass that on so get as much in here as possible but what I'm gonna do this [Music] Oh got that down like that you know so many inches in the bottom of the bag what I'm going to do is I'm going to now take my knuckles again and I'm going to use the rice to help me get all of the bag down in the corners so that again so that I get it I'm using my hand like this in the bucket just trying to trying to get all them creases lined out get the bucket laying in the bottom like I need it to so that it can hold as much as possible so you [Applause] now this is where I would be nice if you had an extra pair of hands because I'm trying to fill this and get as much as possible in there so [Applause] okay now basically filled the bucket to the top okay you and then a little bit left there now I'm pulling up on the bag pushing down on the rice just kind of get everything to fill that bucket as much as possible referred wrinkles I'm not too worried about it because when I blow the bag up when you go away okay so right now I'm just pulling up on the bag and pushing down on the rice at the edges of the bucket I'm trying to get as much of this product in there as possible okay so what we're doing here just let you see them taking my knuckles and I'm pushing in on the bag at the edge of the bucket while at the same time pull it up with the other hand and I'm not going to be able to film this so you're pushing down wrinkles not worried about it just kind of kind of working but I just want to push it much of this just showing you the process of pushing and then like I said as I'm as I'm pushing I'm pulling up on the bag to just try to get it as tall as possible [Music] okay she's pretty good there okay yeah that one's pretty much ready okay so I've got my get my bag about ready to go okay there's one okay and when I start when I start one of these buckets like this one here my hands not going down very far okay but when you start one of these buckets you'll notice how far down your hand can go okay okay you can see how far down by pushing on this the softness of it okay so right tighter so we're gonna we're going to NAV we got them all we've got them all filled we've got them all pound it down we've got them there's 200 pounds here the one buckets a little short but we'll be all right with that so so what I've done is this is important by the way does that took I took a paper towel and I ran just a just a just a quick run through the sink to get it just a smidgen damp I mean it's you couldn't rain it out if you had to I got another one and what I did is I went around to all the banks with the very damp rag and I took my hand and I went down in the bank so far and I just basically did this because what that's doing is that's getting rid of all of the dust that putting the rice and and stuff so anyway I've already done it's important to do this because when you seal these up you know you know it'll make sure that they seal up so I don't know call it call it OCD call it what happened anyway I did all these like I said that is very it's barely damp it's barely it's barely damp but anyway so did that and I let them sit yeah you know just I did that and I walked away actually I made me a cup of coffee AHA made me a cup of coffee and just give that time to breathe make sure that everything's dry and now we're getting ready to seal them up so I've got a vacuum cleaner there and what I did is just a you know a woman's flat hair thingy whatever women yeah yeah so anyway so what this is going to do is this is going to actually seal the bag and glue it together so and this really works awesome we did get on Amazon and bought one of those little cute thingies that you know maybe to store a bag of potato chips or something like that but it's just too small and it leaves a little line is all it does and it works great for potato chips or something like that if you want to reseal it up you know you eat whatever and then you seal them up to put him away for the day that little thing he works great for that but for this and it would be the equivalent of hollowing a boat with a Pinto anyway all right so so I got this which is more like hauling a boat with a tank and now I'm ready to hold my bag together okay I pull my bag together get it all nice and flat and straight and ready to go okay and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this and I'm going to run it make sure I get everything flat and then I'm just gonna put this and I'm only going to go down you know a couple of inches or so I don't need to you know I mean if if ever I need to open this for anything I have more material here to where I could reclose it if I need to but it's a it's a it's a process so anyway so we're going to take this and we're just going to go down a couple of inches and I'm going to seal up that end and I'm gonna hold it there for a second or two okay now now once I do that now I've got the ability so I've got everything in line ready to go and now I'm going to grab this side of the bag and when I do that I can just take this and pull it and pull it slow give it time to seal and I'm only going to go so far with this and I'll tell you why because we have to put an oxygen absorber in here okay and that oxygen absorber okay so you see how I did that all right now leave that on what I did is I left the section here because what I have to do now what I use when I use the vacuum on it what I've done is I figured out how to do this and it's just my way of doing it so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take and I'm gonna make a L shape right here okay so I'm gonna take this on down further and I'm gonna seal that right there just like that okay what that's going to do is that's going to give me like a pocket here for me to be able to put my vacuum in and be able to get under the vacuum to finish the seal once I've got the oxygen absorber in there okay so what if that has I've created this this L shape okay and I've got these for a five gallon bucket of something like rice wheat flour stuff like that that is danced in other words it's not like pasta like for instance I've got I've got these here that is elbow macaroni and as you can see there's all kinds of air in that jar from the just you know you can when we pack it so hard and then there's oxygen in there so an item like this would need more oxygen absorbers then say something like rice rice is dense when you when you know you've seen the earlier I was packing it down and shoving it down packing it down well there's less air in a bucket of that then there is a bucket of this so you can go online and you can check and see what things are called for and in this case with something like I got cornmeal rice this this requires a 2,000 it says online to 1000 but I've got 2,000 oxygen absorbers and they're sealed up in this jar and I want to be quick about it because they do they start they start absorbing oxygen as soon as you take them out so we're going to take this open this okay and I'm going to take one of these oxygen absorbers out of here and you feel it it feels good okay it's not all clumpy and things like that so you put this lid back on and we'll set this up here all right so I'm going to take this now and I'm gonna put it in this bag [Music] just like this I want to try to get it centered so I want to drop it like that all right now I got my bag ready okay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay all right and I'm gonna get my get my sealer ready for when I get underneath here need to look at that okay so I need to actually I need to pull this over closer now that the oxygen absorbers in there I can pull that over to where I know that I want to get a good seal here so now I'm going to take this and I'm going to prepare the bag for this up process okay so now I'm taking and hitting everything pretty much ready to go like that and then I'm going to put this in here like that and when I turn this on you can see it stuck you can see it sucking down yeah okay and it's only gonna do so much but they're a little the oxygen of Georgia itself is gonna do the rest okay if you fail to see the indentation of the rice in here okay so now I want to take that and clearly up okay now but doing that let that cool a minute you can see you can see how I've taken the air out of that bag okay with the indentations that are in there the oxygen absorber that's in there will suck up the rest of any remaining stuff that is going on so really this one you want to be careful you want to try to you want to try to make this stuff down the way it asks for it you know I mean kind of kind of you know you don't want to put any major crimps or anything like that in it but once it's like that it's pretty much done okay done okay and then of course I'll take my marker look I don't know what it is it anyway I'll take my marker and write on it but you can see did you hear that pop what that is is these oxygen absorbers just suck the air out of that jar and and it's and it's sealed up okay you know two things I know this is I know this is elementary oxygen and water are two of the main items that will destroy the food and we just eliminated them so I date this this rice will last a long time and I mean I don't even know exactly how much weight that is but we'll find out so let me let me get back with you you just good job now what I've got here in these jars is this is flour and that's cornmeal and what it is is you know why did I use jars for that versus bags well two things number one it takes a while to use this much flour does rice too but I want jars you know I want to have some jars you know I I grew up with I grew up with grandparents and parents and we we gardened and and weak and and you know stewed tomatoes and all that stuff and and you know in an emergency if God forbid we have to pull this stuff out we're in if we're in an emergency and in that emergency um I'm gonna be growing a garden and so with with the idea again I'm not a I'm not a prepper I'm not even remotely close to what I see sometimes in these you know these guys prepping and stuff but I do believe in food storage I mean you got to have it so but what this does is this allows me to save space because I'm using the space so I put stuff in here and I pull it out as needed but in an emergency if I need these jars I can dump this stuff into bags and use the jars but for right now you know as I do this it's you know it's I'm utilizing the space is basically what it boils down to now I will say that I believe in blessings I don't believe in luck and I believe in blessings and I think that was just a blessing because I was I was sucking the air out of this getting ready to seal it up and it wouldn't suck down the way all these others are done and it's weird it's like why why won't you do it I'm thinking maybe there's a hole in the bag and there may be but I also come to realize that I had forgotten to put an oxygen absorber in there before I sealed it so I I'm inclined to believe that don't seal it up yet ready I know there's some I think that's weird but hey yes that's my thinking thank you Lord the way I it's the way I think so so let's try this again let's see if this thing will suck up now anybody can explain that that's sucking down hard day it just wouldn't go but it is [Music] you all right so 200 pounds of rice done up in buckets and I say again I'll check them tomorrow make sure they stay you know good and tight and that's how you store up some food this stuff will last a long time so I look forward to doing this video and hopefully got some more coming hopefully you guys like this and we'll see what happens the next time see you
Channel: Chasintails 411
Views: 71,828
Rating: 4.8470874 out of 5
Keywords: food, long term storage, rice, emergency, preparedness, buckets, mylar bags
Id: a6JJcJjB-eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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