How I Can Butter - 5 Year Shelf Life!!!

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welcome everybody we will go to homestead heart and today we are canning butter so it's always y'all grab your cameras grab your kin supplies with your butter grab your jars and let's do this [Music] all right so before we get into the video y'all go ahead and give the video a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and follow us on our homesteading journey okay we have so much coming to share with you all this season so y'all make sure y'all stick around for that so hit the notification bell so you don't miss a single video that we will be uploading to our channel all right now supplies grab your canning stuff I have my dry lip there my little magnet my funnel I have my lids simmering over here in this pot right here I still simmer my lids I don't care what balls say and I have my jar sitting in my oven I have my bands hanging on my oven door and my oven is set at 225 35 degrees something like that just to keep the jar as hot because we are going to be can in some hot but okay alright let's go ahead and get butter for them let me show you what butter I'm using okay I'm using the great value brand butter I like using this brand of butter because it just seems to work better for me I have attempted to can the expensive butter lol I would test it to can that butter and it didn't quite work out it wasn't good I mean it was kind of like a I don't know it just didn't do good you know so I said you know what I'm gonna go back to the tried and true what I've been Canon and that's this great value butter now you can can salted or unsalted or you can do like I'm doing with just panning a equal amount of each one mm-hmm I'm doing six pounds of salted six pounds of unsalted and the reason being sometimes the salt can get so intense once you pan it you don't want it to be too salty and sometimes it could be a bit grainy if you have just the salted butter right I mean it's still good now don't get me wrong it's still good but I like it when I mix the unsalted mm-hmm with the salted it gives it a perfect balance I love and I'm down to my last jar or but y'all what is the date on this June 8th this is salted only June 8th 2015 so this butter is just at five years old and it's my last one and I'm probably gonna be opening it let me see oh no I might not need to open it for another week or so you know but I'm canning more of it now and you see how beautiful it is right you know gorgeous this is five years old and it still looking as beautiful as the day I candy so I'm gonna put that to the side and I'm gonna go ahead now so we can get started with our [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now we have the hardest part of this process out of the way okay so as you can see I have a pretty big stockpot right here I got it from Walmart did wasn't no expensive pot so I got my pot here stove I'm not gonna turn the power on it I'm going to go ahead and open up all of my butter and just get it put in here okay [Music] almost put in there let me interrupt the scheduled program to advise you that there is not an approved canning recipe for butter with any of the federal government sites canning sites or the what is has the national canning something or other there is not an approved recipes for canning butter okay I just wanna let you know that you're not gonna find it in the ball book guide to canning you're not gonna find it in these recipe books for candy okay however people have been canning butter for decades and you can go to the supermarket and buy canned butter yeah you can so if you can it just know you're doing this at your own risk okay but don't worry because it's easy and I scanned it for years and I have never had a problem okay now back to our regularly scheduled [Music] I have a lot of butter in the pot already and I still have a lot left over on the counter but what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and turn my fire on medium low actually I'm gonna put it on the low because I want to start the butter to melting without burning my butter and I've got my really long long wooden spoon here to be able to constantly stir this until the butter melts enough for me to add in the remaining butter now this is gonna be a long process because the butter has to melt slowly okay you cannot print this up but you're gonna burn your butter in who wants to can burnt but make sure you got this baby down on extra low and lows of go get this butter in here it's already starting to melt so get this butter in here and let this baby do what it's got to do okay okay do y'all see how the butter is beginning to melt now it's all beginning to melt and I'm just giving it a turn oops oh my goodness I don't have to clean up dead butter splash I'm just giving it a turn and that's just to keep it from sticking moving it around but like I said my fire is following the lowest setting that it will go on because I want to make absolutely certain then my butter does not stick and as you can see it is melting okay but I'm gonna give this a stir and I'm gonna let it keep stirring I'll let it keep on melting and just turn it every so often just so that butter don't burn on the bottom and while it's doing that I'm gonna go ahead and start opening the remainder of my butter so that I can get it added to this pot because actually its melting at a pretty good pace just give it a turn just so we don't burn turn so it don't burn while this is melting there are two ways that you can can your butter okay now some people and I'm going to show you the different points of where you can stop okay when it comes to can and butter but I always take it a step further because I like to be absolutely certain that the butter is gonna be safe for us okay so when this melts and it comes to like a little simmer not a rolling not a hard boil but like a little simmer then it's going to be hot enough to start to put it in hot jars okay and so you can either can this butter in a pressure canner or you don't have to can it at all the difference is is that if I pressure cannon I know that it's good on my shelf for five yards or so okay before I was so rudely interrupted I forgot where I was but what I'll do is I will show you both methods as I get to that step okay because I don't want to confuse anybody so just to let you know ahead of time if you don't want to can your butter you will not need your pressure canner you won't need a water bath canner you won't need a canner at all okay but if you do want to can it then you want to pull out your pressure canner okay but I'm going to show you those steps once we get to those steps all right y'all stick around alright y'all my butter is just about melting I still have a couple of humps and chunks in here but it's still melting so what I'm gonna do now is go ahead and turn my heat up to just about a medium because I need this baby now and start simmering a bit okay I needed to get hot because we're about to put this in some hot canning jars so this butter needs to be hot just before it gets to a hard or rolling boil it needs to have a simmer : okay [Music] right before fetus a little stir this is heating up this is heating up y'all that's exactly what we wanted to do continue to heat up but we want to come back and give it a stir every now and then okay up right giving that a stir starting to get that foam on the top which is fine I'm if you want you can skim that foam off I typically will skim the foam off of my butter and it's just about at a nice little simmer y'all now you can actually wait for this butter to get to a point where it starts to boil it'll crack the surface of this foam okay it'll actually move the foam out of the way now because we're getting so close to this being ready to jar up I've got my water heating up in my pressure canner I got the fire down on low for that because I need that water in the bottom of the canner to be hot okay so when I put the hot jars in everything will be nice and hot okay now I am grabbing me a spoon and a bowl and I'm taking that phone off the top okay I'm not gonna throw this away hmm whether you know it or not once this settles down y'all gonna add this just some they put a little slump look at that some oatmeal you still got but again that's great if you want to leave the foam in you can it's not gonna hurt your butter okay but I just think City to me it makes for a better product if I take the foam off the top and as you can see is beginning to simmer okay so now we're at that simmering point that I was telling you about is not quite a rolling boil is just a live little simmer okay and it's breaking the surface of this foam which is what I was telling you about earlier is starting to break the surface of the phone and that's how you know this is ready to be put in jars okay and there we go I'm still trying to grab phone alright y'all stir turn the fire off cause this is ready to go in jars turn the fire off when it gets to that point and I'm gonna stop right there with the phone so I have to get this baby in some jars look at all of that yeah hmm we don't want okay my hot jars are out of the oven my lids are back here simmering I'm gonna give this one more stir looks good I don't need that phone anymore the water in my canner is good and hot now we can get too jarring this baby up okay y'all wanna put my funnel in my first jar we're out my my ladle you will need vinegar for this okay because you must clean the rims of these jars with vinegar is just like doing me you have to use vinegar to make sure the rims are good and clean let's go ahead and get this jar de [Music] I am going to leave a one-inch headspace on these jars then I move on to the next one [Music] [Music] and as you once you're filling your jars every now and then when you put your ladle back in the pot be sure you give it a stir okay because the solids in the butter will separate okay then you'll see that in the jar they will separate but if you just give it a stir then you can make sure that everything is nice and mixed inside of the pot before you ladle it in the jar okay I'm almost done [Music] down to my last jars here [Music] [Music] and I have a very little bit left in the bottom of my heart yes the live I'm just gonna put that in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator so I have 13 pints of butter here and now I'm going to go ahead and take my vinegar in my paper towel I gotta get these babies cuddly and off okay cuz we do not want any fat around what is hot around the rims of these jars okay [Music] [Music] okay all of my rims are clean I'm gonna take this extra vinegar and dump it over into my canner I'm gonna grab my lids that have been simmering in this water here yeah still nice and hot and I'm going to get a lid on each and every one of these [Music] all right almost done another thing I wanted to add about this butter if you're going to pressure pan this butter then you can easily make a delicious garlic butter all you would have to do is drop maybe like 1/4 of a teaspoon of some minced garlic minced garlic fresh garlic about 1/4 of a teaspoon or however much you want drop it in here and then you'll have yourself some garlic butter now I'm gonna go ahead and get my bands on this is my handy dandy band holder [Music] get these in the canner see that and they're beautiful now you see the solace in the bottom we're going to talk about that all right so because I have 13 jars I need to add another rep to the top of my canner to the top of the jar something get the rest of my jars yeah I'm going to get the rest of them in the canner just sit them right on top [Music] okay now if you didn't want to can your butter you could stop at this point right here and all you would have to do is just constantly shake your butter like this to keep the solids mixed and then sit it back on the counter and then you would want to come back in about 20 minutes or so because the solids will start to set a little bit and then you want to shake it again and then you'll sit it back down on the counter until the jar is completely cooled then you'll keep going back and mixing them up like this to make sure that their butter looks just like that so that the sadhus will be mixed into the butter and not sitting at the bottom okay so okay so it cut off on me the camera but I think I said that I'm not stopping at this point I am putting mine in the pressure canner and I am going to can this as though I was canning meat because it is a fat right has protein in it so I'm going to can this like I'm Canada meat so this is a pint sized jar and if I was cannon chicken I will be cannon of prank sized jar at 75 minutes and from my altitude it would be ten pounds of pressure but I'm getting ready to drop this in the pressure canner crank up the heat [Music] Longo's my lead so again this is going to press your can for me 490 I'm sorry for 75 minutes okay hi it's for 75 minutes when you can and meet 75 minutes on my book yeah so I am going to let this go ahead and process now some people even water bath can get for like 15 minutes or so I believe it is but hmm again y'all I don't want to ever have to wonder when I open this butter I know this butter is safe for my family to eat because I know I put it under pressure before I put it on my shelf and the other thing is is that if you don't can it at all and you just do it that method that I just showed you picture everything solidifies the jars will seal if you don't can it because it's hot so the jars will seal the difference is if you do not can it it will last you six months to maybe a year I think some people have kept it two years that way but it does have fat in it and if it's not under pressure it may go rancid okay but if you put it on the pressure I know this is gonna last me for a minimum of five years I'll bring y'all back when I'm ready to take these babies out of the pressure camera i reg you all I just thought I would bring you all back real quick to show you the next step in pressure canning our butter so now I have the pot cranks up the heat too high too high to go ahead and start to build up pressure and that's exactly what it is done and now it is venting its venting and what that means is out of the vent pipe there is a steady flow of steam that is pushing out all of that air right so it's a steady flow of steam coming here and this has to do this step venting for ten minutes so I have my timer set after 10 minutes is up and the timer goes off after 10 minutes I'm gonna come back and put my pressure regulator over this vent pipe here and then I Rea will allow this canner to build up to 10 pounds of pressure once it gets to 10 pounds of pressure I'll reduce my heat I will set my timer and it needs to hold at 10 pounds okay check your altitude to see what your what your altitude is so you'll know at what pressure you need to can your or process your low acid foods okay so for me it is 10 pounds of pressure all right and this will process after I get the pressure regulator on and I'm at 10 pounds of pressure this will process for 75 minutes ok and I'll bring y'all back [Music] okay this is an am gonna start building to ten pounds of pressure since I've put the pressure regulator on it won't take long it'll be up just like that and when it gets to ten pounds of pressure I'm gonna start my timer for 75 minutes I'm going to reduce this to a medium heat and then keep my eye on the gauge and then after I make sure that I'm at ten pounds or if it keeps going up a bit I'll just reduce it a little bit more until I get to that sweet spot and allow this to hold between ten eleven pounds of pressure so that's what we're doing this okay y'all Seco okay we're now at ten pounds of pressure I'm gonna go ahead and reduce my heat down to a medium low go ahead and set my timer for 75 minutes okay that's it my 75 minutes is up I'm gonna turn off MA now everybody who's been watching my hidden videos you already know what I'm about to say and you are a newbie a new Canada I'm talking to you do not touch this camp okay let this cannon sit right here reason being this tanner is still loaded with pressure you don't want to go fill that in with this and everything go boom look leave a can alone okay that's all of us a little bit I believe like that I'm leaving like that okay when this canner comes down from pressure this pressure gate should be at zero there is a nipple in the back that is up right when the pressure is no longer up in this canner that nipple is gonna fall two things to the fore the nipple is down the gauge is at zero when those two things happen then and only then do you remove the pressure regulator and open this lid all right the canning process is done they are already pinging inside of the canner I just need to open this can of up and get them on the counter okay everybody let's get them out now take this off cuz my gauge is at zero and the nipple is down in the back so I take this off right no boom-boom okay yeah when you open your lid for all of my new canners when you open up the lid on a cannon you open it away from you so you don't get a stink face full of you know steam okay cuz I understand we like to cleanse the pores but you don't want to peel off the skin so make sure you open that lid away from you okay y'all hear that they are really sealing [Music] yeah I'll see that this button looks so good I'm telling you he looks so good yeah I'm telling you yeah this button looks so good so with my jar is cool I would be picking them up just like I did with my other jars you know when I was showing you and just giving them a turn to mix those solids up together that's how and I'll keep doing it until the jars are just about completely cool and the solids have settled all throughout the jar okay this was that foam and butter that was leftover and we've already used some one because putting this on toast to go with spaghetti okay so anyway this is all done and I have 13 pints of butter from 12 pounds of butter right yeah so y'all that's basically it that's how I can butter but for everything else that I use butter for everything that's what I use Mike and butter for so I hope it helps I hope it helps I hope you found this information helpful if you did don't forget to give it a thumbs up and remember to subscribe to our channel so that's gonna do it you all for today canning butter Willa thank you all so much again for watching homestand part thank you to all of our wonderful subscribers new and existing we appreciate all of your support so thanks again for watching peace and blessings to each and every one of you and we will see you in the next video [Music]
Views: 484,312
Rating: 4.9661932 out of 5
Keywords: How to can Butter, How to make pineapple jam, How to store Dry Beans Long Term, How to can potatoes, How To Can Carrots, How to make homemade Jelly, How To Can Green Beans, Black Farmers, Black Homesteaders, How To Start Homesteading, How to Process Chickens, How to cook Okra and Tomatoes, How to Raise meat birds, how to can meat, how to dehydrate vegetables, livestock guardian dogs, how to start a garden, how to grow squash, how to get rid of the squash vine borer
Id: zmrw_O0_hW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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