Prepper Series - How to Vacuum Seal Powdered Milk

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hi this is Chevy Belair Jamie Pendleton we're back today because we're still working all week this week on our long longer term food storage which is us not just Keaney in the water bath canner or a pressure canner but we're also doing oven dry cleaning this week so that's what we're working on now and we're also working on the FoodSaver vacuum sealers so I've been doing this for a couple of years now technician 77 you go over and give him a visit here on YouTube he is really really good at this and I've learned all that I know from him as far as a vacuum sealing itself and goes in using the vacuum FoodSaver vacuum sealer so I credit all of my knowledge on that towards him and so I thought I picked me up one and I got a rec room out on a widemouth lid and off of ebay and I think I peed seven or eight dollars apiece for this plus I feed 1995 it's an inexpensive food saver if it has this little notch right here now this is just simple food paper it will do the bags but you just have a simple hole right here this is where the hose fits in right here and then the other end of the hose of course fits into the vacuum jar see all right and I've even had people tell me the big terms even they've had problems with the regular outlet that they just pop these out and turn it upside down and they've had luck with the ring turned upside down in the record amounts with this is a white mouse and this is what we would be using today of all my dehydrated goods I think I've lost some lemons and some lines but not the oranges and I think that was my fault because it didn't do hydrate them far enough down that there must have still been a little bit of moisture just with a little bit of moisture in there and when I vacuum seal them they mold it within six months so but far as loss goes that's the only thing I've lost so far vacuum sealing so and I think about vacuum sealing is is you can use the same with over and over if you're really careful when you pop it open and you don't mint the lid and you can even use your lids from your water bath canning like your does and jams and from your pressure community and things like that you can reuse those lids again for vacuum sealing but you can't use the vacuum sealing lids for the canyon lids and you can't breathe you skinny with on you know pressure canner water bath can lids so I hope that straightens that out this is a good way to recycle with your pressure canned and your water bath candle is is to use them on vacuum sealing okay so and that works for me just bring out the jars in here and the oven and here I have just a little bit of vinegar just a couple of tablespoons for some clean napkins which we're just going to cut it sit aside here we have our wide mouth vacuum sealer you have the tube I kind of set this back so we don't get any powders on it like that even got our unit plugged in and everything that's fine we double that I know that these are dry but you don't want put your hand in here because this is all sterile and I just showed you the process on how to sterilize your jars we washed them really well we turn them upside down in our boiling water we boiled them for 10 to 15 minutes 20 minutes max is all it takes and then we turn these upside down into to 20 to 25 oven and let them dry for about a half an hour okay then we turned off the oven and let these come down and cool naturally clean this really well everything we're using here is sterile now we're just going to do our jar and this gun is sticky and that's why I'm going to use the vinegar right here because it is very sticky stuff however it's sticky you kind of see it make it a mess and I don't want to get this powder in my powder mess it's making I don't want to get that anywhere near my alright now to work and then I'm also going to cover up my woods because on the lids here I just took and we just put them in the oven for on the 225 and I just set him on top the jars in the oven for about two or three minutes warmed him up really well and kind of their life from the best that I could now I'm just gonna take a napkin and I'm going to cover these lids up as well because these powders that those powders could keep these from sealing and I don't want that to happen so I'm just covering everything up here with just napkins just real quick look how powdery that is there we go fill this up like this isn't a half gallon half gallon jars you can do quart jars you can do pints or you can do that - I mean you can do whatever size you want as long as you have the right size vacuum sealer connector I probably should have cut this box over before yes I already done - so [Music] now we're going to take this and we're going to step out see how the powders in here see that that's all over that so and we and you don't want to really touch these rooms like I just showed you but I just wanted you to see the powder but Young normally I don't touch there touched off the rim so I'm going to clean that with that we're going to give ourselves about it I will probably have three quarters of an inch to an inch headspace because when this vacuum seal this is going to suck me out and that's just this it's the dried milk and remember every time you use this and get whatever you need out of it just take a little bit of vinegar clean the rim let that dry put on the lid and seal so you can seal this I don't care if there's only this much product in the bottom of this jar you can still Rebeck you seal this and you can use the lid over and over and over after you do that sometimes you go give your hands a little bit of a wash off a little soap okay so now what I'm gonna do here is I'm just gonna take the vinegar just go get a little bit wet on the tip of my napkin okay so we don't want anything dripping so I'm gonna give it a second here to kind of soak into the napkin I don't anything dripping and then I'm gonna bring like a little form right here between these two fingers like there that will make the edge like this and then I go around the edge of the glass gently just like this right here there we go straight up vinegar I'm not using water vinegar dries it's a antibacterial and get all that powder off of here and kind of clean this up with a powder hit this and make these sticky then we're going to take a dry one and we're going to same thing here we're gonna get that nice and dry we don't want any moisture inside this jar when you vacuum silvus none whatsoever and then one more time with the vinegar like I said this powdered milk you don't normally do this on anything else powdered milk is very sticky and plus like I should I showed you that I stuck my finger in there so okay so I'm gonna get one of our sterilized lids or sterilized as you can get it I guess there we go and then what you're going to do is you're going to slip on your vacuum seal lid here and you're going to take this off you're going to take this off that gets any air that's between the lid and inside of here out and then pop that back on walk down your unit and then press the button [Applause] all right didn't you remove this just like that right there you're playing on that bit more I have something that didn't work when the green light came on really fast let me try this again something I did wrong I didn't have the thing put on there all the way there we go let's try this again there we go I didn't have that on here I'll play there's a reason for it trust me let's figure out what that reason is sometimes you have to unplug the hose put it back in just like that right there all right now I know we're working because the cream I didn't come on there you go and you heard it pop down then you remove this release the air off the top of that go like that that comes off a lot easier and voila look at that see that you can hold that up by the top and that one is done now you can put a hundred CC oxygen absorber in here if you like and again we're going to cover the unit back up again because I do not want this give my machine you get this machine's kicked and stuff and it's hard to clean them so it takes a few extra minutes to do that but it's well worth it okay so not much left in this one all right open up another one we're gonna do this again try it a little box in there as far as you can I know it makes it harder to see but that kind of keeps the powders out from falling out instead of going like this you're better off going like this and keeping the powders out a little bit how it came the powders down Crysta a tough gal but sticking me a little bit longer to fill the vets and like I said you just take out what you need of this and just keep Reeve a cume sealing it and there's no other method where you can just keep reclosing it down protecting the product inside time soak in for a second make that little V don't touch the product clean this up take a clean one do justice good I'm only doing this on the powdery things now if you're doing you can't do powdered sugar here or any fine like clear gel anything that's a really fine powder it's not a heavy powder like baking soda I can do baking soda it doesn't fly everywhere but if it's a really powdery fine misty powder I mean this right here is probably from powdered milk this is probably about as fine as a granule you probably want to go doing this because you just don't want to get it up inside your tubes you can ruin a really nice machine doing that so I've tried different ways of trying to do it I've even made plastic cut it down on top to keep it from coming up because that didn't work so no I think that's overkill but trust me it's it's not all right so all right so okay so your lid like I said I washed these in the sink as well with a little soap and water rinsed them really well and then I let him dry in the oven for about five or ten minutes and then I let them cool down it's not necessary to have a hot rubber ring on these but you do want to use the bpa-free lids because you don't want any product touching these lids especially since we're going to be doing this this will stay good for about probably anywhere between three to five years probably maybe longer I avoid I've only tested it for two and a half to three years so I'm not one to tell you how long I can tell you what I've heard and I've heard up to three to five years so and I mean my pattern up was good at two and a half years so I can speak for two and a half years alright so we're gonna put that on here like this and cover the machine again I know that's kind of a pain in the butt but I'm gonna get it done and plug it from machine and put it back on take off the top there we go perfect now you can store these just like this you don't have to put a ring on it but we live in a dry fairly dry climate and we have air conditioning on for right now so I put a lid on it like this just to help keep it on and then I back it off about just about a quarter of an inch and back it back off and then I store mine with the Rings on and I'll tell you why I do this because whenever you use this you know you're not going to use the whole thing at once so you're going to take out what you need and you're going to be vacuum seal it so this is another way for me to be able to actually store some rings because I've got big boxes of rings and yeah so that's up to you whether you store your things when I dry canned my rice and I screw these are way tight you can go here and see that video right there on how to dry can then of course you do that but I can take the Rings off now for dry cleaning my rice or I can leave them on now I'm choosing to leave them on and I put him on like that and I just backed it back off about a quarter of an inch this just that shares me so I can get them off fairly easy from them because I crank these on really tight in my dry candies but but yeah so go watch that video and learn how to dry can't can a rice and beans and other pastas you can even do pasta like spaghetti and about macaroni you can do gluten free or regular pasta so that's my dry can then sent dried milk right here makes five gallons of milk and I know people say oh I hate the way instant right milk it tastes well you're in a shtf situation I'm pretty sure that you're just gonna be glad to have some sort of nutrition and some sort of milk for your children you know I'm going to tell you how to make this add just a touch of vanilla and maybe just a hint of sugar too and you'll make this taste like fresh milk you will like it just a hint of vanilla and and that would get rid of any odd flavor about the instant very milk okay so that's how you backw you meal I hope you've enjoyed this episode this is chef envelope Jamie Pendleton be sure and hit that subscribe button because you know what we have a lot going on and I think we have some things that we can teach each other you know I would just love to hear from you so leave a comment below and let me know what you think of how you're doing that's how you're doing your long-term food storage and like I said this is an instant dry milk so I won't have ever kept mine for about two and a half years before I've used it up but people say three to five years on the instant dry on the instant dry or the regular not that dry milk it's not instant so and then there's other things and that's the nut just vacuum sealing that you can vacuum seal leather dehydrated goods and like potato flakes or whatever and they may be good from five to ten years so don't don't think that just everything vacuum still is only good for three to five or whatever years because it can be good longer different products are good for longer like vacuum sealed pasta can be good up to 10 to 20 years so but I still dry canon because pastas and greens get bugs and eggs in it so so that's a good way to do that remember always wash and then sterilize your jars put them in the oven make sure that they're really good and dry before you put your product in because water will will mold and completely ruin your product when your dry cleaning anything whether it's a vacuum sealing or oven canning it can ruin your product so again that's why I use the vinegar because vinegar dries a lot faster than water so in the end it's a sterile I mean you know it helps sterilize the rims and helps get that clean in case anybody touched it you don't want to get your finger oils on the rim so anyway this is chef in builder Jeannie Pendleton thanks for coming along for the ride be sure and hit that subscribe button and I hope this has helped you I really do blessings
Channel: Our Little Homestead!
Views: 93,221
Rating: 4.8816066 out of 5
Keywords: Prepper Series, how to vacuum seal, powdered milk, chef janie pendleton, jane pendleton, milk, vacuum packing dry goods, vacuum sealing dry goods, dry foods, Christ, prepper, prepping, shtf, SHTF, WROL situation, long-term food storage, short food storage, must have kitchen gadgets, homesteading, our little homestead, our half acre homestead, Linda's Pantry, Noreen's kitchen, Survivalism, Salvation, easy survival food, dehydrated food, how to store food long term, end of the world
Id: 1mtxSPQLVK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2015
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