Never Use Oxygen Absorbers With These Foods - Basics How To Use Oxygen Absorbers

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foods Never use oxygen absorbers how  to use oxygen absorbers foods not safe   oxygen absorbers long term food storage prepping  covid 19 coronavirus pandemic food shortages hi   it's AlaskaGranny Alaska Prepper putting away  food storage for long-term emergencies is such   a smart thing to do we've seen there's a lot of  unrest in our country at this time election aside   from a lot of natural disasters and having enough  food on hand make sure whether there's a pandemic   earthquake forest fire whatever it could be you're  going to be able to feed your family when you have   a stockpile of food you don't need to go to the  store you can shop the food in your own pantry and   in your stockpile oxygen absorbers are a great  way to help seal up your food for long-term food   storage oxygen absorbers remove the oxygen from  the container we've stored your food we want to   preserve the qualities of the long term food  storage foods we buy and prevent the oxygen   insects and even moisture from destroying or  harming or damaging our food we don't want to go   get food out of our pantry and find out that it's  deteriorated it's no longer good or safe to eat   when you want to use an oxygen absorber we  know that they come sealed up in a pack and   when you open these oxygn absorbers you  need to immediately be ready to use them   and store any extra oxygen absorbers into a  clean canning jar with a tight fitting lid   because they will begin to work immediately  and any oxygen absorbers that are not placed   inside an airtight container will be wasted  because they will absorb all the oxygen   that's just around you normally in your home  before you even begin to open your oxygen   absorbers make sure you have a clean canning jar  to store any extras or have something like an iron   or a flat iron that you can reseal the package  oxygen absorbers that it came in you can have   this flat iron preheated before you open oxygen  absorbers take out the ones you need and then   seal the package back oxygen absorbers are a great  way to store dried foods foods that are naturally   dry in content like beans rice oatmeal pasta  lentils split peas foods that are naturally dry   there are a lot of foods that are just not safe  to store with an oxygen absorber and I'm going   to tell you what some of those foods are and why  you shouldn't use them there are a host of foods   that seem like they're dry but they're not dry  completely they're not dry enough to remove the   oxygen and what happens is you risk allowing  botulism to grow into your airtight container   botulism only grows in a container where there  is no oxygen botulism you can't see it you can't   smell it you can't taste it and it is lethal  and botulism can kill you you don't want to   mess around with your food storage these are  foods you can store in airtight containers but   never use them with an oxygen absorber the first  one is brown rice brown rice has a lot of oil in   it and it doesn't last for long term food storage  a better choice long term food storage is to   choose white rice jerky is another food you should  never use an oxygen absorber you may find little   packets in jerky but that's not for oxygen that's  usually for moisture control like a silica pack   like you might find when you buy a pair of shoes  jerky is not dry like beans and rice so don't use   an oxygen absorber with that granola is another  food you should never use an oxygen absorber   I like to make my own granola in the crock pot  I'll put a link to a video of how I make it   and then I store it in clean canning jars but I  don't use an oxygen absorber just storing it in   a clean canning jar it can last about two years  in my pantry dried eggs are also not safe to use   an oxygen absorber dried eggs that you would buy  from something like Augason Farms that come in   a number 10 can are commercially freeze dried  eggs so that's a different story than trying to   dry and dehydrate your own eggs brown sugar should  not have an oxygen absorber that can turn it into   a brick right inside your jar never use an oxygen  absorber with dried fruits and vegetables like   prunes plums raisins apricots cranberries and  even other foods like these dried mushrooms   these are not dried enough to be considered like  freeze-dried or dehydrated to the point of they   are crisp and they would snap and break when you  bend them anytime foods they're still flexible   do not use them with an oxygen absorber baking  powder baking soda no oxygen absorbers they can   actually explode no oxygen absorber for nuts don't  use an oxygen absorber with powdery foods like   sugar salt when you open the number 10 cans of  long-term food storage for example the foods from   Augason Farms once you open them there's about a  year of shelf life left on the contents and yes   you can take the extras and put them into an empty  clean canning jar and put on the lid but don't add   an oxygen absorber if it's a powdered food like  tomato powder the oxygen absorber can turn it   hard and then it's a big brick inside your bottle  and your product isn't going to be very useful I   bought this pack of 100 oxygen absorbers from the  lds or the mormon church online it was less than   ten dollars and I paid three dollars shipping to  have 100 of the oxygen absorbers mailed to my home   these are 300 cc's how many ccs of oxygen  absorber do you use when you're sealing your food   if you're storing a quart jar you need  100 gallon jars require 400 cc's 5 gallon   buckets need 2 000 cc's and the mylar bags are  going to need according to the size of your bag   you can buy oxygen absorbers online at amazon that  I think are 100 cc's the only size that the mormon   church sells is 300 cc. it's perfectly safe to  add a larger oxygen absorber to your container but   make sure that you have enough so pay attention  to whatever container or package you're using   that you have enough oxygen absorber to seal up  the bucket jar or mylar pouch that you're using   when you do use an oxygen absorber make  sure it's foods that are already dry and   that you're ready to go here's a jar  of macaroni I have my oxygen absorber   I can stick oxygen absorber right down in nestle  it into the food and quickly put on the lid   and the ring and then the oxygen absorber is  going to suck out all of the oxygen in the   jar it can take a couple hours for it to work and  you'll know it's complete when the top is sealed this one's not sealed you can hear there's  still air in it just like when you can things   in your pressure canner or in your water bath  they don't seal unless this lid sucks down   but this just went in and so after a few hours  that's going to be sucked in and I'll know that   it's sealed completely if you're going to be using  the long term food storage food within a year   save your oxygen absorbers for foods that you  plan to store longer term sometimes it's hard   to find oxygen absorbers and it's also an  added expense where it may not be necessary   for the foods that you're going to be rotating  if you do want to open and use the food that's   been sealed with an oxygen absorber you just need  to open the canning jar pry off the lid carefully   maybe with the side of a spoon and if you wanted  to reseal your container you would need to use a   new oxygen absorber because that one has already  been used up if you only use part of the food   you can add another oxygen absorber and seal it  up if you wanted to open up a mylar bag and use   some of that food open it very carefully along  the seam pour out the food you want add a new   oxygen absorber squeeze out extra air and then  seal it up again with your flat iron make sure   you have your iron hot before you open your  oxygen absorber so you don't waste any of the   suction power of it waiting for your iron to heat  up oxygen absorbers are wonderful for food storage   but they're not appropriate for all types of  foods so keep in mind which foods you should   never use an oxygen absorber how to use oxygen  absorbers long term food storage and feel free   to use them on all kinds of other foods to help  your foods last the longest if you liked my video   I hope you'll share it with someone else who might  enjoy it learn more at and please   subscribe to the alaskagranny channel   youtube prepper prepping channel
Channel: AlaskaGranny
Views: 52,208
Rating: 4.97716 out of 5
Keywords: food to Never Use Oxygen Absorbers, how many oxygen absorbers to use quart gallon bucket, how to use oxygen absorbers, foods to NOT USE oxygen absorbers, what foods are safe long term food storage, best foods long term food storage stockpile, prepping food for long term storage how to oxygen absorbers, What are oxygen absorbers, when to use oxygen absorbers, what foods to store for long term food storage using oxygen absorbers, what foods should never be stored with oxygen absorbers.
Id: P5nkbB_UsP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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