NEVER BUY CANNED MEAT AGAIN | Easiest Method To Preserve Meat - Step By Step

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hello youtubers Alaska prepper here you're probably giving me the same look that my wife gave me a few minutes ago when I put this on but you know what you guys deserve nothing but the best so I'm gonna give you the best different so in case some of you guys didn't watch my last video or the one before that I said that today we're gonna go ahead and do some canning of beef alright and we're gonna use two cold pack method and if I have room in the canner I'm gonna do a little bit of meatloaf as well okay so stay tuned for that we'll be back in a few seconds we're back youtubers so check this out the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to show you the size in which I cut my roast into okay cuz I'm going to cut it into cubes and then I'll sign off for a few minutes because I'm sure you don't want me you don't want to watch me cut 15 pounds worth of roast into little cubes okay but I wanted to share something with you first I have a question for you all how do you know that you are a hardcore canner alright alright this is how you know when you open up a brand-new jar alright and you get two lids and you're so excited that you wake your wife up from a dead sleep to tell her that you got an extra lid and your jars so just in case for those of you that didn't know that's always very exciting ladies and gentlemen so before I even start cutting those let me tell you what I've done already so I took out about I want to say 20 or so quart size jars alright I decided to go with quart size jars because it's easier to get the meat out of there okay and I've noticed in my family that a lot of times when we open up a I'm sorry I just misspoke I decided to use pint sized jars not quart size all right and a couple of reasons it's easier to get the meat out of here even though getting pint-sized jars is not as cost effective as getting quart sized jars alright because when you buy a dozen quart size jars at least here where I buy them at the local Walmart they're only about an extra dollar dollar fifty for the quart size than what they are for the pint sized okay but I did have a brand new one of these sitting next to a new case of quart size jars as well but I decided to use these because it's easier to get the meat out of these all right and second is I've noticed that whenever my wife uses a quart size jar of whatever meat we may be using that day that we don't use the entire court so I'm thinking that a pint works better as far as using what you need for that one time okay so that's why I'm calling with pint sized jars however you can go with quart size jars if you like I'll probably mention this later on but let me mention this now so I don't forget just remember that when your pressure canning pint size jars you only need to pressure can them at full pressure alright for 75 minutes instead of 90 minutes I always can them for 90 minutes alright whenever I'm canning meat I always can it for 90 minutes whether I'm doing quart size or pint size right it's just my way of airing on the side of safety okay so that's what I do alright ladies and gentlemen also I'm hoping that there's a little bit more room left over because I really don't think that I think I've got about 13 pounds maybe all together of beef roast I really don't think that 13 pounds is gonna fill all those jars up and the canner only takes 16 pints okay so I don't think it's gonna fill those up and I've only got about 4 pounds of ground beef to make meat loaf so if there's a couple of jars left over there are empty I'm thinking about canning something that I've never can before and I'll show you what that is if we have room all right so let me go ahead and take this meat out one thing you want to remember and I know I'm I am very being very simplistic here and probably giving you guys information that most of you know all right you can see this is a cheap little knife all right but it gets very very sharp all right when I sharpen it it gets very sharp all right we've had this a long time and I enjoy using this this knife for prefer using this knife over some of our more expensive knives because this has such a nice edge on it as far as being sharp right I think it cost us like five six bucks but we've had it for years alright so for those of you that are beginning and that are doing this and that are not used to cutting meat all right all the time remember that the sharper that your knife is the safe for that it is okay if you start cutting meat with a knife that's not very sharp you're gonna end up slipping or something and hurting yourself okay so you're gonna do what you're gonna do however I would recommend that you make sure that you start off with a really sharp knife and if this starts getting really dull in the middle because you're cutting a lot of meat then stop clean it dry it and sharpen it and then start again okay all right so let's say we've got our meat right here and ladies and gentlemen when I cut these I do not trim any of the fat okay I leave all of that in there so all I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna cut these into about 1/2 inch to 3 to 3/4 inch sections as you can see and I'm only gonna cut about half of this one right here and I'll show you guys what it is that I'm going to do some people I've heard all right I've heard some people say are some channels or other Kenner's say that it's not good to put a really big thick piece of meat him they're like for example let's say that if I cut this up and are your stuff a big piece of meat in there in the jar and try to count it that way some people have said that you could end up getting sick if you jar that way because there's a possibility that the middle of the meat will not get cooked all the way right I've never actually put a big piece of meat like that inside of a jar are the closest that I've come to that is jarring kolpak meatloaf all right and I've never had a problem with it I actually quite enjoy the meatloaf coming out of a canner more than I enjoyed making a fresh I think it's got a much better flavor all right so now what I'm gonna do ladies and gentlemen is I'm just gonna cut this same thing about 1/2 inch now you can cut this into bigger pieces if you like okay it doesn't have to be 1/2 inch all right it can be I just think this is the way I like to do it I know that when I first started canning I cut them into a little bit bigger pieces but then when I think about what it is that I'm gonna do with this like I'll be making somehow fredo with this or mixing it in with rice it's nicer to have these in bite-size pieces see it's just nicer to have these in bite-sized pieces I'm very happy with this meat that I got on sale because as you can see there's pretty good quality meat this by no means any cheap me so the same thing with this I will keep all of this fat because this fat is going to give this meat some really good flavor so really ladies and gentlemen doing it this way is actually easier than hot packing it because Co packing it completely eliminates the cooking of the meat prior to you or pressure canning it and pressure canning it trust me when I say that pressure canning it will thoroughly cook the inside of your meat all right that you put in that jar you don't have to worry about that I did a little bit of research on how hot the interior of a pressure canner gets and I think in the past I said that the interior temperature of a pressure canner gets to over 300 degrees and I was wrong according to the article that I read I was wrong it said that the interior of a pressure canner at about 10 to 15 psi all right pounds per square inch of pressure in there only gets up to about 250 degrees however that 250 degrees is plenty hot enough to kill all of the bacteria inside of that canner all right when it's add when it's that pressure okay so that's really those are really the two forces that are guaranteeing that you end up with a product that is free of bacteria and will therefore last year long time okay is the heat and the pressure I'm gonna throw that piece away it's just I don't feel like dealing with it right and then of course you know when you're canning with pressure I'm not saying this to encourage you not to be sanitary but the truth of the matter is is that when you're canning with pressure you don't have to be as concerned about your jars and your lids being completely sanitized okay when you are canning using the water bath method ie if you're making jams or canning vegetables all right that's when you really want to make sure that you're charging your lids are super clean so normally whenever I can using the water bath method I wash my jars all right I let them almost dry out and then I put them in the oven at about 200 degrees for like 20 25 minutes or so okay 15 minutes will do but I usually let it go over a little bit more and make sure that they are dry and I will leave them in there until I am ready to put my jam or my vegetables in there okay that's when you want to be the most careful about your sanitation is when you are canning using the water bath nothing all right ladies and gentlemen so as you can see here this is what I'm getting right here I'm just gonna end up putting these in a bowl and I'm gonna cut all of these roasts and then what I will do is is when all of these roasts are cut I'm gonna come back I'm gonna show you how I pack them into the jars okay and then I'm gonna show you what I put inside of them and then I'll come back and show you guys what I put in my meatloaf right so we'll talk to you guys in a few seconds a few minutes from me we're back ladies and gentlemen as you can see this is how much meat those roasts ended up coming out to all right so all I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna stuff these and these jars okay let me see if I can put you there good I'm gonna stuff these in these jars and when I stuck them in there um want to pack them in there pretty good all right but I'm not gonna go crazy with it all right some people are insistent that there are absolutely no air bubbles in here I've been canning meats like this for a while and with cold packing I've never had any problems all right I've never had one failed jar with coal packing right actually in all my time doing this I had one failed jar with packing some sausage and that's because I think that my rim wasn't clean enough because you know how sausages really oily and it was cooked sausage so so all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab this we want to make sure that we do leave that you know that uh a half inch or so of space okay and I don't touch the jar with my dirty hand at all I'll touch the funnel and everything but I will not touch my jar and I'll make sure that this hand my my my clean hand doesn't get dirty and that's what I'll touch the jars face alright so you're gonna do is just gonna push down get guys meat in there that's pectus you can get it all right and believe it or not you'll be able to fit a pretty good amount of meat in here okay so all that meat that you see in uh that you see in that bowl there that I just showed you you may think that I don't have enough jars for that but there's plenty all right so you see that right there let me go ahead and show you what it looks like that's about how much I put in there alright and yep there's air gaps and everything in the bottom but what's gonna happen with this is is through the pressure and heat that meat is gonna end up losing most of its water and then when it's done you'll just have the meat kind of like in the middle with water all around it alright cuz there's a lot of water in me alright so that right there for me that looks pretty good okay I'm just going to push that jar to the side I'm gonna grab my other one wash rinse repeat alright and what I'm also looking out for when I'm grabbing my knee from the bowl I'm making sure that I don't grab a handful of meat that's nothing but fat so I separated some of my really good pieces of fat from the bowl so that I wouldn't do that and if I end up grabbing some that's not very fatty at all I'll just end up getting one or two cubes of that fatty meat and putting it in there like this one I hear that's to the side I can proudly grab a little piece of fat put it right there in the middle that that'll be just fine all right so our second one is done and really you want to make sure that you're really careful the cleaner that you keep your rims the better so try not to get any meat juices or anything on them at all that way it'll be a lot easier for you to clean when it comes time for the time so let's go ahead and push these to the side and I'll just keep working this until all that meat is gone all right so I'll come back here in a few minutes when I got all of these jarred up all right and then we'll see how many jars we've got love to see if we're gonna be able to make the meatloaf I think we will okay but uh we'll see for sure here in a few minutes all right so we'll be back in a few minutes ladies and gentlemen and by the time that we get back you'll see all of this meat jarred up and then we'll go to our next step after that all right so we'll see you in a few minutes all right ladies and gentlemen we are back as you can see well you probably can't see we've got all of our jars full of the roast okay it ended up making 12 jars okay as you can see here I've got roughly four pounds or so of ground beef and all I'm going to do to the jars of roast I am going to add a half teaspoon of sea salt that is all that I do to these ladies and gentlemen and there and it's a heaping half teaspoon and the reason I only add salt to it is to maintain its diversity so for example if I just add it or if I added like taco seasoning or something like that to it then you're pretty much limited to what you can do with that meat but if you just give it a simple seasoning like salt you're gonna be able to pretty much cook anything you want with this use it for whatever kind of meal you want all right because you just have pretty much a clean canvas all right good meat yeah so now once I put my salt in there I'm not putting any broth or any water or anything like that in there okay if it was too hot pack method where I'd where I cook the meat first and then packed it in there I would put broth in there because in my opinion it helps a lot with the texture of the meat when it's done when you do the hot pack nothing right when you're doing the cold pack method the texture of the meat when you're doing a cold pack method with a roast or beef like that all right like this it's gonna be kind of like the same texture that you get in a can of beef stew so if you ever get one of those cans of beef stew and you get one of those chunks of meat you can pretty much take the meat and it'll crumble if you squeeze it that's the same texture that you're gonna get when you kolpak beef pubes like this okay not the same texture you're gonna get when you do the meatloaf because this is just one big block of meat when you push it into the into the jar now the texture you're gonna get with this is gonna be more like a I want to say like a spam texture all right but it's not that fine all right so it's kind of like in between spam and chicken the texture you're gonna get with this okay so I I hope you can picture that but right now what I'm gonna do is is I'm gonna go ahead and add the seasonings that I add to my meatloaf before I can it now you can put anything in there you want whatever seasoning it is that you add to your meatloaf or whatever vegetables or anything like that you can put whatever it is that you want in there now I'm going to go ahead and put the equivalence of for scrambled eggs okay so this is the egg powder that you guys saw me vacuum-seal the other day alright I'm going to add the equivalents of four eggs which equals to ten tablespoons so 10 tablespoons of this powder it's about four eggs okay oh man this is sealed hard to that a food saver did a good job you guys hear that well be careful oh good thing I was wearing my apron ladies and gentlemen some of that powder down on me so I'm gonna go ahead and put about 10 tablespoons in here right 1 2 mm-hmm that's getting nothing it looks pretty good okay so that's the eggs now I just found out that I am all out of breadcrumbs so I am going to use a cup of oatmeal okay put a cup of oatmeal in there I'm gonna put a tablespoon of salt for every pound alright so we got about four pounds and you don't have to be a hundred percent precisely that's getting one I'm gonna put a couple of tablespoons of black pepper I'm gonna put four tablespoons of my dehydrated peppers auxin farms and any of you that are watching this for the first time if you guys haven't purchased the oxen Farms dehydrated peppers give them a try they are an excellent deal for you get you get so much so I'm gonna put four tablespoons in here I don't like a mess in the kitchen ladies and gentlemen that's why stop and put everything away ups I'm using it and of course I am going to put a couple of tablespoons of my adobo couple heaping tablespoons let's go ahead and put a little more there you go okay and some of you may be asking where's the ketchup oh wait a minute and I almost missed them I'm gonna put in a couple of tablespoons of dried onions now ladies and gentlemen I was buying the dried onions from oxen Farms right but then I did the math and I found that if you buy them like this depending on how much you're paying for them okay but buying them like this as far as comparing it by weight and not volume but comparing it by weight buying it like this was a little less expensive than buying the oxen Farms although I have a whole bunch of those oxen Farms dehydrated onions and they're great pretty much the same thing as this alright they're just a little longer but it was a little more cost-effective for me to buy them like this and put them in in jars with an oxygen absorber so you might want to try that or do the math comparing it to where you live and see if that works out for you if not oxen Farms is just as good so I'm going to go ahead and put two of these and I like the onions and I'm only putting two of these because I'm also gonna put in some onion powder okay I'm gonna put two two tablespoons of onion powder okay I'm also going to put where is that oh no I'm all out of I'm out of garlic so I guess I'll have to use some fresh garlic I'm also going to put about eight tablespoons of this tomato powder okay and this right here for any of you that haven't tried this you give it a try this is an outstanding product right here and I'm sure that if you've seen some of my past videos you've heard me raving about this so I'm gonna put probably about eight tablespoons of this about two tablespoons for per pound I think that's six all right so I'm done with those ingredients let me go ahead and grab the garlic from the fridge I'm coming ladies and gentlemen so I'm just gonna grab some minced garlic I'll probably put two heaping tablespoons in there this may look like a lot but it's really not when you got all that meat okay and the last ingredient I'm going to put a few heaping tablespoons of mustard now I'm just using plain mustard you can pretty much use any mustard you want okay all right and then ladies and gentlemen I also put in about a cup of water Oh miss Aladdin this is Alaska prepper says she wants a little worser Shire sauce in here so guess what ladies and gentlemen we're putting some worser Shire sauce in here let's just go ahead and I it that looks good okay can you put those back in the fridge and also I'm putting about a cup of water in here all right if it needs more water you'll know okay so I'm gonna go ahead and mix this up real quick and I'm gonna do with my hands or with one of my hands okay and then if it needs a little more water by all means that meat has a lot of water in it okay so don't be deceived thinking that uh you need to put too much in there but if it needs more just put a little bit more you're going to want this meat to have the consistency of I guess the best way I can put it is like oatmeal that it's not runny but it's not dry all right something like that because there is a lot of water in here whether you whether it looks like it or not and when you pressure Candace all that water is going to end up being expelled from me okay another thing that I've done in the past with meatloaf is I've put some beef gravy mix in it and that comes out good also okay so you can do that as well but you can see that it looked like it didn't have enough water when we started because we have so many dry ingredients in there but as you can see it's got plenty of water okay so you got to do is just mix this up I'm gonna finish mixing this up you know you mix this up until it's pretty much modernized all right pretty much uniform all right and then we can start putting these in the jars and right now I can tell that I'm not gonna have enough room to do all this meatloaf so it looks like we'll be cooking some meatloaf or I might just put put a whatever leftover meatloaf there is in the freezer and we can have it on a different day so we've already got something else ready for dinner tonight and it's better than meatloaf so we'll be back in a few minutes ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna go ahead and finish mixing this up really good and then we'll be back when I start charring these up all right ladies and gentlemen I'm mixing all right so it looks like I have a lot more meatloaf than what my last four jars are gonna take so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go ahead and take this put it in a little small Tupperware whatever is leftover put it in the freezer and the next time that we feel like having meatloaf we'll have a small meatloaf that we can make in no time all right so same technique here ladies and gentlemen here I'm just going to have a dirty hand in a clean hand okay and I'm doing the exact same thing I did with the other ones all right you know if you have kids in the house or no younger kids mixing that meat I just thought would probably be a lot of fun for them and it's a good way of introducing your kids and to you know a little bit of prepping without them even knowing so as you can see I'm just stuffing this in there this this is this part here it's not as easy as the beef and this right here I am going to try to minimize the air pockets and the reason I'm gonna do that the main reason is because I want to fit as much in here as I can all right because like I said you guys will see when I bring you guys back after it's been processed you'll see that this meat kind of shrinks because most of the water is removed from the meat and you'll see the water around it okay I'm gonna go ahead and try to get as much in there as I can and I like to leave at least a quarter-inch preferably a half an inch on top all right of headspace so even though I know that I want to get us much meat in here as you possibly can I'm not gonna go crazy I am going to go ahead and try to stick with what we need in there okay so you can see right there that looks pretty good right there let me show you guys what it looks like see that right there enjoyed it pretty good and it actually smells really good one of those seasonings we put in there there for a reason it makes it taste good alright so here's our next one all right I'll go ahead and go through this one right here so you guys can see and then I'll do the other two off camera and I'll bring you back so that we can get these bad boys in the pressure canner and start the processing process okay ah now ladies and gentlemen we this video will be a video that will serve as the entry for a giveaway okay so stick around if you're still with me congratulations because you are going to be able to enter to win a pretty cool price I think you guys are gonna like the prize that I'm giving away the only bad thing about it is is that only one person is going to win this okay now having said that next Sunday I'm doing another video doing a review it's actually gonna be a DIY you do-it-yourself review alright and next Sunday I'm also going to announce another giveaway okay but this here giveaway I will be leaving open all right for the next two weeks or really the next 13 days I'm gonna be leaving this giveaway open for people to enter okay so I will end up I will end up not accepting any more comments for this giveaway in two Saturdays okay so not next Saturday but the Saturday after I will not accept any more comments for entries into this giveaway okay so there we go ladies and gentlemen well you know what this one's got a few air pockets that I really would like to get rid of so let's go ahead and put this in here and to get rid of the air pockets with those mean ladies no miss releases just just manhandle it you know just get in there and push it down you will end up filling that void if you do that you might be able to squeeze a little bit more meat in there and the thing about the air pockets that are way down in the bottom I'm gonna have to really get that stick down there and someone did mention a good comment here I think it was my last jarring video or where I was using the ghee they said that when you're doing this to make sure that not to use a metal knife or a metal utensil to do this because you can end up scratching the jar and that wouldn't be good for the jar and that's one thing that I've never really mentioned ladies and gentlemen is that be and I do this before I before I use my jars while I'm while I'm washing them in the sink I will look at them and make sure that I look for any scratches or cracks because if you have a scratch on there it could result in your jar busting while it's going through the canning process okay so that's one thing you do want to look out for see that looks better right there okay so that's gonna be it for this one a unit I got two more jars to fill up and then we will be back when I'm getting my last couple of lids on and then we will place them in the pressure cooker and we'll have a couple of words with you then while I'm placing them in there especially for the newcomers that maybe are not experienced with candy all right some things that you may want to look out for and some things that you may want to do yourself alright so we'll see you in a few alright ladies and gentlemen we've got all of our jars filled so I've already done this to every jar but one thing you wanted to do is you don't want all of your work to go to waste and not necessarily going to waste because if your jar doesn't seal you have two options you can either eat it put it in the fridge and eat it later or you can do another batch and put it in there again alright but what I mean by all your work going to waste is your jar not sealing alright so a good way to make sure that your jar seals properly while it's going through the pressure canning process is to make sure that your rim is really clean all right and being really careful when you're putting your meat in there like I was works out and pays out in the end because all of my rims are pretty clean all I have to do is just I put a little bit of vinegar all right I wiped these and then I put a little bit of vinegar on a clean paper towel and I just go through the rim and make sure that it's nice and clean okay so now our next step is to grab our lids now I always heat up my lids all right and I understand that you don't have to anymore from what I've heard but I heat in many ways okay and I will keep doing it because that's the way I've always done it and I don't see that it hurts anything in doing so okay so now that I got my lid on all right you're not going to tighten this really tight that's about it right there okay you're gonna tighten it finger tight you're right but it's still easy to open you see that okay that's about as tight as you get it right I want to go ahead and put these in my pressure canner as I'm closing them all right and I like to have the lid on there pretty centered all right centered as you can get it and believe it or not ladies and gentlemen I've been canning for years and I just now bought one of these I've always said I don't need one of those you know a couple bucks but I just got one of these not too long ago and I'm glad I got it I should have gotten it a long time ago all right so there's our lid okay and be patient ladies and gentlemen don't try to rush it because if you try to rush it you're just gonna mess something up okay now my pressure canner I have a dual of a pressure canner well you guys know what it is it's that I'm using the tea for one the one that I showed you guys a while back a few videos ago and whenever your pressure canning depending on the quality of the water where you live you may want to add a little bit of white vinegar inside your pressure canner all right I would say that I probably put about 4 ounces in there for this batch so I'm doing now what the white vinegar is going to do is if you have hard water it's going to keep your jars from getting all cloudy so if you've ever can before in your jars the outside of them were like all cloudy that's just because your water has some minerals and you know maybe there's iron so for whatever there is that that there may be in the water in the water where you live it'll help to keep your jars from getting all cloudy and making it more difficult for you to to clean them later on once the processing is done okay so I do that and the canner that I'm using the Tefal I'm going to show it to you here in a minute in case some of you haven't seen it the canner that I'm using requires at least how many ounces was it at least a half of gallon at least a half a gallon of water all right but I usually put in 96 ounces I usually put in 3 quarts all right I put in a little bit more than what is asking for right so it requires at least a half a gallon water but no more than 1/3 up the canner so since I'm since I'm cold packing these jars I am NOT preheating the water in that can all right right now the Canada doesn't have any water in it all right right now I'm just putting my jars in here I'm just putting my jars in there I already put a little bit of vinegar in there all right but that's all that there is in there she's got a little bit of vinegar so once I get all my jars in there I will put the required amount of water in there all right so I usually like to go about 96 ounces or three quarts which is about half as much more than what is required for the instructions and I've already used this canner a couple of times doing it like that and I know that it's going to be okay so let's go ahead and I'm not trying to bore you guys to death by doing this but I do want you to see how easy this is and how quickly it goes all right there's a little piece of meat down there and ladies and gentlemen if you guys go to the store to supermarket and I'm sure you've all seen canned beef before right so I'm sure that you've all seen can beef at the supermarket prodding next to your canned chicken tuna stuff like that and you've probably seen that a can of beef that's probably a 12 ounce can they're probably going for about I would say anywhere between three to four dollars okay and that 12 ounces of product that you're getting is not all beef a lot of it is water okay so now if we figure that we're putting about a pound of meat in here right and after it's done we have about let's say between 12 to 14 ounces of actual meat you're getting more meat doing it yourself alright and it's better quality and the reason I say it's better quality is because you know exactly what you're putting in it and if you find your meat on sale like I did you're paying maybe three dollars for every one of these jars okay I haven't done the math exactly how much I spent on all this meat but I think it was two dollars and 79 cents a pound maybe I think it was so you're probably spending about $3.00 per per jar and the meat that you're getting is better quality you know exactly what's in it and it's less expensive you're actually getting more meat out of this jar then you are getting from one of those cans I would say you're probably getting about almost twice as much meat all right for less as far as the nominal value goes so it's definitely beneficial in my opinion to get yourself a pressure canner and to do your own canning especially when you find need on sale right because today is the day that you will find meat at the cheapest price because tomorrow it'll probably be more expensive and that's just a metaphor what I mean by tomorrow is in the future all right so food is getting more expensive every day so if you find something on sale take advantage of it can it yourself and not only are you saving yourself to money but you are also making something that you know that is a lot better for you than the stuff that you buy at the store okay so now let me go ahead and show you I've got my canner full all right so here's my canner it's full all the way to the top this canner ended up taking 16 pints okay so there's two rows of eight so now what I'm gonna do is I am going to go ahead and put my water in here then I'm going to put my lid on okay and then I am going to turn it on turn on the burner so what you're going to do is I'm not going to show you this because it's very Elementary okay it's very simple what you're going to do is you're going to put your lid on after you put your water and you're gonna turn it on you're going to allow the steam to come out of there it'll start steaming after a few minutes and you'll see the steam coming out of there at a pretty good rate you're going to allow that steam to come out for ten minutes before you set your weight to where it's supposed to go all right where I'm at I need at least 10 pounds of pressure however I put this canner at the 15 pound mark because with 15 pounds on this canner I actually only ended up getting about 12 and a half pounds and I rather be safe than sorry all right so what I'll do is is I will bring you guys back when this starts to steam all right and then I'll show you how the mechanical weight works all right for those of you that may not have seen this before okay so we'll be back here in a few minutes all right ladies and gentlemen we're back so here we are as I told you before we're going to go ahead and have this going until you see the steam coming out now that you see the steam coming out it's still not coming out fast enough for when it's coming out pretty fast at a pretty steady flow you're going to let it do that for at least 10 minutes right once the 10 minutes is up you're going to take your mechanical wait let me go ahead and you're going to take your mechanical weight and set it to whatever setting you need to I'm gonna set it to number three all right but that's where you're gonna set it to once your 10 minutes is up then what you'll do is is once it gets up to pressure you'll be able to see a pressure right here for me is once it gets above 10 pounds once it gets above 10 pounds I'm gonna wait 10 minutes where it's been at 10 pounds or above for 10 minutes and then I'm gonna start my timer for 90 minutes okay so you're gonna wait 10 minutes of steam then you're gonna wait for it to get up to pressure whatever pressure it is that you need it at where you live all right where I live there's 10 pounds so I'll probably let it get up to about 12 pounds or so once it hits that 10 pounds or higher you're going to let it sit there for at least 10 minutes before you start your timer now like I said I'm cooking pints and 4 pints you only have to cook it for 75 minutes or so right I'm doing it for 90 minutes just like if I were cooking quarts it's all I've always done it because I like to be on the side of safety and not on the other side okay so I'm gonna cook it for an additional 15 minutes and what it really needs to be cooked in okay so that's what's gonna happen with this I'm gonna bring you guys back once this is done and I'm able to open it okay once this is done all you have to do is turn your burner on and let us sit there until all of the pressure leaves on its own okay you're not going to you're not going to turn your take off your weight if you have a regular weight or turn this weight on to the open position if you have a mechanical weight you're going to let the pressure disseminate on its own once that happens you can open the lid okay and then you can remove your jars and put them on the counter where they're gonna rest for a while all right I'll come back to show you guys what it looks like after that's done oh and ladies and gentlemen this pressure cooker or this same style pressure cooker is the giveaway I'm giving away one of these pressure cookers okay so if you want to enter for a chance to win a pressure cooker just like this all you have to do is like the video leave a comment okay and then I will be I don't want to say choosen because I don't choose but I will be randomly selecting a winner from original comments okay so one comment per person all right you can leave more than one comment if you like but I'm going to choose each person that had at least one original comment and I'm going to randomly select one person from all of the comments make sure you leave a like sharing is not part of the giveaway but please go ahead and share as well alright and I will choose the winner in two weeks okay so I will stop taking entries not next Saturday but the Saturday after that and then I will do a video for that following Sunday and let you guys know who won this pressure cooker so I hope you guys are excited about this giveaway I think it's a great giveaway I kind of like hope that somebody wins it that doesn't have a pressure cooker but the winner will be selected randomly alright ladies and gentlemen I want to go ahead and say this ladies and gentlemen just a second ladies and gentlemen so I just wanted to go ahead and thank you guys for all of your support it's because of what you guys do that I'm able to do these giveaways okay not only those of you that have supported the community monetarily by donating money via super chats or buy me a coffee but also those of you that you know used to jst boo-yan account alright to buy your precious metals those of you that allow a few commercials to go through and those of you that use my amazon link okay having said that I wanted to go ahead and remind you all that I had a lot of requests for a proper t-shirts I went ahead and made a very amateur istic design I have the link in the description and in the pin comment if you guys want to go take a look at it by all means please take a look at it and if you want to purchase it by all means purchase it ok it's not something that I'm doing to make extra money it's something that I'm doing because some people have asked for it ok now having said that ladies and gentlemen since I'm doing this with the t-shirts and I think you can get cups to Mudds right since I'm doing this I would really love it if someone out here in the community that was an artist or a computer artist that can do stuff with computers really well if you guys can take my design and maybe make it better maybe turn it into like a cartoon design or just send me a design that I can use with your permission to use on t-shirts that would be awesome so if you guys have an ideas for designs for t-shirt designs please send them to me and maybe we'll go ahead and continue to do this if people are wanting to get some shirts ok so having said that again thank you very much we will be back in a few minutes alright so that you guys can see what it's like and I'll remember to leave a comment and like this video alright so you can be entered to win this pressure cooker and also a quick disclaimer if you do not live in the continental US or in an area where I can ship this to you economically alright via Amazon then what I will do is is I will provide you with if you win I will provide you with an Amazon gift card that equals the value of this pressure cooker so that you can order it yourself alright ladies and gentlemen so we'll talk later on we'll be back as soon as this is done processing which is gonna be probably all I remember to like there you go that was Little Miss Alaska Preppers commercial right so I will be back when this is done eighties and gentlemen until then alright we'll see you in a well for me it's gonna be about another couple hours alright see them alright youtubers we are back and we are done so as you can see I've got all the jars out of the pressure canner and as you can see they are still processing what you're looking at here is one of the meat loaves so as I said before we ended up with four this one two three and then there's one over here and then this is what the the roast looks like the cube roast okay so other than that it looks like everything is good I've been hearing them click here and I think we've got all of them except for maybe one or two that haven't clicked right there's one I don't think this one's clicked yet no it hasn't there it is but like I said it's still processing other than that I think they've all clicked so far so looks like a pretty good batch worst-case scenario is that like I said before any of them that don't click or don't seal put it in the fridge and you got a you got about a week or so tweet it you know make me a lot of it so that's another good reason why to use the pints instead of the quartz okay so ladies and gentlemen that's it I just I was downloading the previous clips and I didn't realize that this had gone on for about an hour so so we're gonna go ahead and leave it at that do remember that we will be doing the giveaway for this pressure cooker right here in two weeks so you guys have two weeks to go ahead and enter to win and the way you enter to win is as always leave a comment leave a like and please share alright but leave me a comment and I like us what you need to do to enter to win so good luck to you guys hope that we have a lot of entries and I also wanted to do a quick shout out I know that I'm doing this kind of late in the video but honestly I forgot to do a shout out to kit doctor kit and to a nun or a non thank you guys for shooting me over a coffee I appreciate it very much I just wanted to make sure I remember to say thank you very much for contributing and for donating all right so ladies and gentlemen this is going to be it okay so I guess we will talk later we will be doing this on Sunday morning so hopefully we're chatting right now and hopefully you all have had a good weekend all right and a safe one at that all right so having said that ladies and gentlemen thanks again for joining in truly appreciate all the support thank you again dr. Kidd and a nun or a nun for your contribution truly do appreciate it having said that remember to be good to each other when good people do good things good things happen remember to reach one teach one and repeat if we all did this the world would be a better place and you know that it will be a better place many blessings to all of you your families there's a last prepper
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 42,949
Rating: 4.9561439 out of 5
Keywords: #pressurecanningbeef, #easycanning, #prepper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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