Year's Supply Seven Basic Foods to Stockpile Prepper Pantry Year of Food

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seven basic foods emergency long term food  storage stockpile prepper pantry hi it's   AlaskaGranny Alaska Prepper did you know there  are seven basic foods that you could have that   you could build up an emergency long-term food  storage and with just seven categories of food   you could have enough inexpensive food to feed  your family for an entire year having a stockpile   of food goes back to biblical times clear back in  the book of genesis they talk about stocking up on   grain people who've grown up on farms ranches in  an agrarian society have always had enough put   away because they would grow their crops and then  they would store the crops to feed them until the   next growing season if you look at what the lds  or the mormon church does they've been promoting   since the 1800s that their members need to have  food on hand and it's because of the hard times   that members of their church went through so  it's just a great strategy for everyone to   look back through history that having enough  foodie was critical to survival and thriving   if you wanted to begin your prepper  pantry and your long-term food storage   with just seven foods to have enough to eat for an  entire year these are the categories of foods that   you should have does that mean that's the only  food you should ever have or that it's the best   diet for you to have for your life no but these  are the absolute basic foods that you could store   the amounts you could store so that you  would have enough to eat for an entire year   we often hear people begin their long-term food  storage with rice and that is a great way to start   but it doesn't need to be the only type of grain  that you would want in your long-term food storage   for a one-year supply you would want 400 pounds  of grains it doesn't have to just be rice you can   have everything from rice to wheat oatmeal flour  pasta macaroni quinoa there are many varieties   of grains that you could have in your long-term  food storage that can store for many many years   they're basic foods that are reasonably simple  to prepare and the benefit of them is they have   the longest life in food storage you could stock  up a little at a time as long as you store them   properly in an airtight cool dark dry environment  they can last for decades greens are a great   category to begin your long-term food storage  so that you'll have plenty but there isn't just   one green that works you need to decide what  works best for you do you enjoy eating rice   brown rice has natural oils in it it isn't going  to last anywhere near as long as white rice do you   like grinding up wheat and making your own flour  then if you decide to store wheat or wheat berries   then make sure that you have some way to grind  them up and that you know what to do with them   you can store flour but it doesn't last as long  however you can purchase flour already stored in   a number 10 can from the lds or the mormon church  on their website and it lasts for a very long time   we opened a can of the flour that we have in our  long-term food storage this past winter in 2020   during the beginning of the pandemic when flower  was not available in the store and guess what we'd   had it for many years opened it up and it was just  as fresh as the day that it was put into the can   so storing foods properly helps you be able  to depend on that food when you need it if you like to eat pasta store that if you like  oatmeal that's a great one to have too and there   are many kinds of grains that people like find the  ones that you enjoy eating if it's not something   you know how to use or you're willing to eat it's  a complete waste of money and food storage space   to stock up on foods that you don't plan to eat  use or care to use the next category in the seven   basic foods would be the legumes or the beans  that's where you're going to get your proteins   yes you can buy big bags of beans but you don't  have to just get one type for your long-term food   storage the your recommendation is 60 pounds of  beans get a variety you can go to the store look   them over figure out which ones you enjoy eating  you know how to use and your family prefers and   those are the beans that you want to store  foods like lentils and split peas are also   in this category and they're easier to prepare  than dried beans simply because you don't have   to soak them and they can be prepared in about an  hour if you do decide to store beans be aware that   red beans require an extra step those are beans  that you need to soak and pour off the water   and make sure that you cook them completely  because if they're not cooked completely they   could actually contain a natural toxin so while  they're fine to have just remember lots of beans   like pinto beans black beans white beans you  can put them directly into say your crock pot   and cook them all day and they're ready to go  but if you want to cook red beans there's the   additional steps that you need to be aware of so  that you don't inadvertently make your family ill   if you do buy one bag of beans know that that's  equal to about three and a half cans of cooked   beans that you could buy already prepared so beans  make a lot of food for not a lot of money and if   you store them in an airtight container in a cool  dry dark place they can last for decades also   beans are another food that you can buy already  sealed up in a number 10 can or you can put them   into canning jars you can put them into mylar  bags you can put them into five gallon buckets   and then you can use say oxygen absorbers  use a vacuum sealer there are many ways   to store your food for it to last the longest any  step you take to make your food more airtight the   longer it's going to last and the better quality  after a long period of time the next category of   food to store for long term is powdered milk  and the recommendation for an entire year for   one person is 16 pounds of powdered milk powdered  milks come in a lot of different varieties and a   lot of them in my opinion are simply not palatable  so make sure before you make a huge investment on   powdered milk that you find a variety or a brand  that your family is willing to eat i found that   just buying the non-fat dried milk didn't work  for my family no one cared for it i think it's   just terrible so it was more important to me  to find something that we're willing to eat   so i used to try to buy the augason farms morning  move but it became either impossible to find or   very expensive so a powdered milk  that i've been buying for my family   is the neato fortificato it's manufactured in  mexico it's a whole milk you can find it on   the hispanic aisle in your grocery store or  even find it online if you want to order it   from walmart or from amazon i find it to be  reasonably inexpensive it lasts for a long time   and it actually tastes good the container though  is not as well sealed as foods that you can buy   for long term in other number 10 cans so i always  repackage my neato fortificato i measure it into   little ziploc bags the amount that would make  a quart i put it into a canning jar and i can   store about three quarts of milk that way i also  spoon it into an empty canning jar loosely then   when i want to make a recipe i can measure out  however much i want to make whether i want to make   macaroni and cheese i just want a little bit for a  cream sauce i can spoon it out it mixes easily and   it's very tasty so make sure that you sample the  different kinds of foods that you want to store   don't just buy a bunch of food and put it away to  find out you don't like it because that could be   a catastrophe in an emergency so while food  is readily available and you have choices   try out things before you get a large supply the  next category of food for your one year supply   is cooking oil the recommendation is 10 quarts of  cooking oil cooking oil doesn't last as long as   dried foods and so you want to make sure that  you're buying oils that you'll actually use   and that you're rotating them it may seem like a  humongous amount of oil i know normally i don't   cook anywhere near that amount of oil in a year  however if you had to in an emergency situation   and these were the only foods that you had to rely  on then you're going to need more of those basic   foods to make your everyday breakfast lunch dinner  and snacks so pay attention to the foods that you   use and make sure that you're stockpiling extra  of those items the next category of basic food   is sugar or honey you don't have to have just  sugar know that if you want to store white   sugar you don't need to use an oxygen absorber  or a vacuum seal it because it's going to stay   fresh and nice as long as you keep it dry it needs  to be in an airtight container but you mostly need   to keep the moisture out of it then if you enjoy  brown sugar you can add molasses to your white   sugar and you can make it into brown sugar if you  want to have powdered sugar you can put some of   your granulated sugar into a blender and whip it  around it breaks up the crystals until it becomes   fine like powdered sugar so knowing how to use the  foods you have can help you make the foods that   you want you just have to know how to be creative  and versatile and you'll find that you can make a   lot of things out of basic foods when i was a  young mother and i didn't have a lot of money   i used to make my own pancake syrup out of a cup  of white sugar a cup of brown sugar and a cup of   water and i would heat it until it all dissolved  now i can actually afford to buy real maple syrup   which to me is just a delicacy and it's a delight  whenever i serve pancakes french toast or waffles   but my daughter still prefers just pancake  syrup not the real maple syrup i guess she   got accustomed to what she liked as a child and  that is still what her favorite is the next food   is salt you should have five pounds of salt per  person for a one year supply in your basic foods   salt is versatile because you can use it to flavor  foods but you can also use it to preserve foods   you can also use it if you're going to smoke foods  or make pickles salt can be very handy to have on   hand i even found some of the himalayan pink salt  at the dollar tree which is the exact same salt   that they sell at more expensive grocery stores  for many dollars more stock up on the kind of   salt that you like to use so that you'll have the  things you need no matter what the day brings and   what foods you care to prepare what's number  seven on the foods you need it's water now we   know we can't store enough water for an entire  year it's nearly impossible for almost all of us   to have a huge supply of water but you  do need one gallon of water per person   for just your drinking washing and hygiene  needs and that is very basic limited amounts of   water if you've ever been camping or done any  kind of off-grid living you know that water is   extremely important and you use way more of it in  your home on a day-to-day basis than you actually   realize you can store your water as simple as pick  up a gallon bottle that's already sealed up in the   store i find these to be sturdy containers they're  easy to put away in nooks and crannies in the   house even in the garage and then i can have extra  water on hand if you are going to store water make   sure that you don't store a water container  onto say the cement floor put down a board a   tile a cardboard paper something to keep it up  off of concrete also water is extremely heavy   store it down low in your pantries and cupboards  you don't want your shelves to collapse because   your water is heavy you also don't want to find  out that something sprang a leak and it ruined   the food that you had stored below it you can fill  up your own clean washed out reusable containers   there are many containers that you can use free  out of your recycling that you can store up your   own water but make sure that you store up as much  as you can have some fresh water for drinking i   even put extra containers away under the sinks  and in the bathroom to make sure that i have   extra water for cleaning and hygiene uses if  for some reason fresh water is not available stocking your prepper pantry and your long-term  food storage doesn't have to be complicated   it just requires some thought and some  organization and then you need to pick away   at it buy a few things when you go to the store  add things to your stockpile as your dollars allow   and remember these are basic things that you would  absolutely could survive on just these seven foods   for an entire year in those amounts but that's not  what we want so make sure you're also picking up   things like canned and packaged foods  that you could use on an everyday basis   pick up some things like spices and herbs to  season your foods look over the foods that you   eat on a daily weekly basis and figure out how can  you substitute those foods into your food storage   how can you add them into your food storage  find a way that you can have them in a long term   in a long-term food storage format there are  ways to have the foods you like but if you have   special dietary needs and choices it could be more  difficult for you going forward if you don't have   those foods on hand so don't discount right out  of the gate I don't like to eat beans and rice   because the day may come that you would  be happy to have those foods on hand   or the foods that you choose instead make  sure that you're stockpiling those so you   always have enough to eat no matter what the  future brings if you enjoyed my video I hope   you'll share it with someone else you think  might like it learn more at   and please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel youtube prepper prepping channel
Channel: AlaskaGranny
Views: 183,700
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Keywords: years supply of food seven basics to stockpile long term food storage prepper pantry, one year of food LDS mormon church, food storage 1 year supply seven basic foods, long lasting foods for food storage prepper pantry, planning years worth of food, how much food to store for a year, how many pounds of rice beans to stockpile per person, SHTF food storage stockpile, cheapest long lasting foods for SHTF, basic foods store stockpile survival, best prepping food storage store stockpile
Id: 2Hfj_6EFYKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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