Prepper Series - How to Dry Can Beans and Rice (This controls bugs and larvae in food stores)

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hi I'm Jenny Miller JT Middleton we're back inside the kitchen today we're going to teach you how to dry camp that's right I said dry can your beans and your rice and your other products that are your dry goods for a long-term storage okay so come along with me today for the ride we're going to have a long busy day I'm going to try to make this video as short as possible and let's get started and remember this helps you save for pinto beans black beans rise all different types of your jasmine rice is your your are your flavor dresses and stuff anything this is this form you can now buy a goal and I'm going to teach you how to save it in occasion jar for up to 15 to 30 years without using oxygen absorbers and we're going to show you how to kill a larvae and the eggs in here that you normally hit in this type of food that will hatch this will kill the eggs and the larvae from hatching that way when you open this jar up the mice can get to it the bugs can't get to it the eggs won't hatch and we're gonna show you how that's thin here in just a minute and I want you to remember your wipes whether Lysol or Clorox type wipes because I even want you to wipe the bag down when you get them home and I want you to wipe your countertops down because what happens it's back here is you know there's bugs on the inside you know there's probably bug every Bunch well puppies playing a cameraman today basically I just want to show you real quick I've washed my half gallon jars and what I do is after I drain as much water out if I can very very hot I just put this into a steam bath here and sterilize my jar it's a little bit of water and a little bit of vinegar see that try not to touch the rims at all and what I'm doing here upside down and I'm storm put these in the end upside down in the oven at 225 degrees and I'm just going to do that because I'm drying them out I don't want to put my bake baking mixes or rice or beans you don't you want these sterile and you want these jars clean these are all new jars I will tell you that I didn't wash them really really never check out this we're gonna let it drain out oh it's hot be careful in the oven I'm just going to continue to let those dry and once they've dried in there they're really dry in there and you have an upside down then what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn the oven back off let the jars naturally cool in the oven and then I'm you'll come up and the last one goes in again I just got the water maybe about a half inch of water in here oh it's just a little bit of vinegar we put the jars in put the lids on turn this almost Buntline not quite on high and we let this go on the second timer when we start steaming really well we set the timer for 20 minutes 15 20 minutes of definitely will get these nice and sterile weird is trying to sterilize the jars because this is gonna be for anywhere from 10 to 15 year food store okay here I have just stuck my half gallon canning jars I've got them 12 in the main oven and another six in my auxilary oven you I'm going to put these just a panful of these lids all mice and drive wash them dry to memory really well and then I'm going to these have to be dry because you don't want the rice or the beans to get wet during this process now we're just going to heat these up and put these in the oven for about 15 minutes remember I go water bath fees we're going to we're just going to heat them up and sterilize them for 10 to 15 minutes in the oven okay so we've gotten the jars out of the oven and I got them really dried out remember you do not want to put rice or beans or anything inside of a wet jar you don't want to do it okay that'll make it swell up and they'll totally defeat the purpose of what we're going for here which is called dry canning okay so here you can see that I just took a wiggle these I cracked open love got him nice and concentrated down just like this right here okay and maybe a room and we want about three quarters of an inch head room here on each one okay I'm just going to continue to fill these up just like that right there okay continue to pack them down remember this method is to kill the bug you know and the egg larva and stuff okay that's what this method is for a bit more to get yourself a big old spoon or scoop just like this and what I thought here was I bought the you can see this little better here I bought the twenty pounds of the great value long-grain regular rice and you can do any kind of rice with this okay everything goes saying again we're just going to take we don't want to break the glass but a little bit 2-fold we do want this puppet down nicely so we want three-quarter inch to an inch headspace and then just keep filling these up and it looks like a bag a three pound bag of this rice is going to fill up between six to seven half gallon jars and that's and that's a good because and the reason why I'm storing it this way and not directly in a bucket is because the mice can get in the buckets they can try to poke a hole in mylar bag in the corner of my lower back you'll see they're easy to break through um mice can smell things rats you name it they can get the thing little bugs we don't want that glass this is the best way to store rice and dry goods like beans this really is the best way to name it if you want an extremely long way to store your foods this right here is the way to get it right here it kills the bug this is it right here okay we're it's going to jelly and when I've got the bowl filled up we'll be right now all right the rice is in the oven at 220 degrees and we're going to do the same thing with the beams so why the Devens heating up with the rice in there I've got an auxilary oven that will hold the last six so again we're just going to take 20 pounds of beads bag open wide they look good some good conditions see these are just rigged beans all right and we're gonna dig in we're just gonna fill up these half gallons you can do quart jars for your fourth jars but it seemed here for me to store them you can tap down [Music] maybe you get six if you tap down jars / mocks okay and we're gonna fill this up about inch to three quarters of an inch head space I prefer an inch get nice and packed and then we go under the next one just like that in the oven for about an hour to an hour and a half this is another size of the jar these are gallons so I'll probably put them in for about an hour and thirty minutes about 90 minutes here we see these stones or anything get rid of those have my racks bowing here just a little bit but that's fine it's not gonna be anything permanent it's just all the weight that's in there and you can see I've got the convection on you can see the fan spinning back here that just helps circulate the heat if you don't have that that's fine you still want to set this on the same temperature and that's where we set it for for getting all the water and everything from when we wash them out but now we're at 220 so we've raised it up and now we're actually doing the sterilization of the actual jars and the rice and getting all those little bugs and critters and larvae eggs and stuff out of here okay and if I decide that that's not working then I'm gonna come back and I'll make that adjustment all right we'll be right back I'm gonna go ahead and sew the beans up in my auxilary oven here all right now I've just put the pinto beans I think I'd call them maybe beans a minute ago I didn't mean to they're actually pinto beans and I was able to get six full jars in here of that 20-pound bag and we set this though it's 225 I'll shut that and then we're going to bring it up to temperature and we'll know that the axillary ovens up to temperature when this light shuts off and then this right here says it's already there so now that's when we start timing I'll wait so this one catches up to this one and then I'll start the timing it'll be about an hour and a half before I see you back here okay and then we'll take these lids here and we will history lids up and just obviously these lids up inside in the last 15 minutes of the heating and that will warm these lids up we just want to get them a little bit warm and we want to sterilize them if we are dry candy I do they do this one up napkins here's one make sure that this top has no dust or anything on it this is hot make sure that didn't crack it's good hot lid [Music] tighten it very hot we want to tighten it down really tight this is the hard part there we go I'm going to it tight that's as tight as I can get it I'm hoping that's as tight as it gets think we're just going to keep going like that here you havin door shut if you need desks make sure you don't touch this with your fingers and you want to be really really fast with this now that's nice and hot in there we killed anything that was in there I can't get any tighter than that hopefully who's Lexi okay there we go there's our beans now for some reason these don't seal then just remember that we can use our vacuum sealer on these and these won't still you get any finger oils on here they will not seal really really good and dry it's good it you can't get a hold of it up - off the booze by asbestos fingers the best I can get it okay there's no hurry with this but there is a hurry once you get it out of the oven and these was we filled out like I said it's a really tight screw down on these by the way and I'm not putting anything on here this is just a dry napkin here I'm not touching the bottom side of that either I did have these in there for about 5-10 minutes these tops to it that's too hot even put up against my belly well there we go that's how to do that right there you would wonder as tight as you can get them should up against my body like that there we go there we go I can't believe how hot this is keep working it and keep going with it come follow that bug okay I can see this is working because can you see the little dome here where it's starting to suck down this one right here is getting ready to pop here and there and this one this one right here just pop down look at that it's down going down this one right here it's about ready to pop down so far all of them look like they're are getting ready to seal or we heard one ting and I just finished so we'll just hit this here and see if we can't hear some more teams I'll just set that there and you guys can look for more watch form while I finish cleaning my kitchen huh yeah it's working yeah that's it right here sealed that's good so there you have it dry canned goods now when we come tomorrow it looks like a lot of these are going to work they're going to seal so there's another one my biggest worry about doing this method was the fact that these were the new akkanee wood bpa-free kennywood's and so that's the part that has the the most concern so what you want to do if for some reason one of them does not seal I'm just going to show this to you make sure that your jar is nice and sterile make sure there's no water on the inside at all okay do this over the sink real quick this here is a youth lid that I've cleaned remember this one theory you can reuse lids from canning for vacuum sealing but you cannot use use lids for canning or dry canning okay anything that I just showed you only for vacuum sealing can you reuse lids this is a FoodSaver bag you've got the tube here you cannot do this with fine powders we have two sizes we have the regular mouth we have the wide mouth and these right here just place that right over the center place that on top and this kind of burps it when you put this on so if this is already on you want to remove it and then put it back on because you want to get that air out of the top of that lid there's another one sealing move and you'll keep an eye here on the side see this keep an eye here on the green light my sister these needs arise don't steal this is a half gallon jar and then there you go and watch this there you go where listen to him now a pop and john-boy and then there we hired we happened we have this a vacuum-sealed now what I would do is I would put an oxygen absorber in here and that would keep this and you want to check these about every month make sure that your sales are down for the first couple of months just to make sure I've actually had them come back up so just because these weren't the the lid wasn't centered on the jar very well or that it was a different type of jar it had a little bit wider mouth on it but I'm having problems with some of these new bald jars on the vacuum sealing but so far for caning I haven't had a whole lot of problems but this is my first time using the new lids on dry canning so that's why I wanted to do this day because we were doing we bought in bulk so that's none of these he'll this is how we conceal it and you can do it either way but dry canning you can heat it you can heat the beans or the rice in the oven like we just did that's perfect for killing the eggs and the larvae eggs on this you'll want to freeze the rice for three to four days in the deep freeze or your beans or any of your dry good projects products before you vacuum seal because you can get little larvas and weevils and and little things like that inside your rice if you don't when you open it you see little shell casings in there then you know you've got a problem okay you need to get in there the grains are still good you just need to get in there and get those killed get those out of there all right so that's how we vacuum sill and here's a regular mouth jar lid here and here is the white mouth okay and I just have a very simple I picked this up for $19 on eBay and it also does the asila mental like steaks and things like that you know the actual sheets of of plastic and you can buy that on eBay as well in one big roll and that really saves your meat saves your time you can pre slice a ham get it in here get it pre slice and get it sealed up like this Reiser and that can we save it as well and there's another one oh the rice is going now baby and just for an example we got these cookies the other day and I got six packs of these um these delicious once a year think they come out with which was the new pumpkin Oreo cookies and see I just used my see that I just used my thing here and ere did it as well now these cookies will stay fresh for two to three years vacuum-sealed and the nice thing about this is watch this I'm gonna show you a little trick watch this about vacuum sealing well I've got an oxygen absorbers right I don't think I'm open I know I didn't wipe off the little rim here and I probably have a little bit of cookie desk on the rubber ring there we go now let's try that again there we go sometimes I have to pull it off of here and put it back on [Music] over and over here we go get the air released out of it there you go now look at that I've only got a few cookies left in here but I just want to show you I can keep my cookies crush I keep everything of mine stored in teeny jars in here and on your vacuum sealer never use fine powder items like cornstarch or powdered sugar those things are too fine of powders even clear gel and they will get up into your tube here and they can ruin your they can ruin your your power saver so and that brings us back to the rice and beans so I hope this episode has helped you learn about long-term food storage and if you have any questions just leave a question or comment below tell me how you do it I'd love to know how you do long-term food storage I will tell you this the beans and the rice are good for up to 15 to 20 years all right 15 to 20 years people swear by it I can tell you that I've been caning for 32 years and I've not had an issue with this so but people tell me that they want to can like their parents that in the oven don't ever can in the oven except for dry goods including pasta beans and rice don't dry don't can in the oven any liquids or meats or vegetables all right those are low acid foods and they must be either water bath can or they must be pressure canned and the higher acid foods must be water bath canned ok so let's get this straight I'm only dry cating in the oven dry goods all right I can't reiterate on that enough so let's check our seals let's see how we did I heard him a popping sealed till the silk silk silk silk silk chilled chilled chilled chilled silt silt silt and chilled chilled chilled and sealed we have 100% seals that's a high-five baby they'll sealed so we'll come back tomorrow and we will we'll make sure that they all sell we'll wait 48 hours before we put these in the cabinet and I'm going to loosen the rings maybe a little bit but I think I'm gonna keep the rings on these I think that will help keep him still just because of the way that I did it they were dry canned so there was no water to get up underneath here and we're in a low moisture area these will be stored in the house with air conditioning from the summer to through the winter shtf doesn't happen then that's the way it will be and we're gonna come back here next week because I'm gonna teach you how to can dairy products you heard me I'm whispering so the FDA doesn't hear me Shh dairy products yes you can can dairy products and I'm gonna teach you how the chef and builder Jamie Pendleton thanks for coming along for the ride I hope you've learned something and I'd love to learn from you as well so be sure and leave a comment below hit the subscribe button and let's let's do this journey of homesteading together to chef and builder Janie Pendleton on how to dry can in the oven beans and rice blessings that beautiful Lexi Lexi you've got off your collar Oh daddy put it up on you oh you see Tian oh my goodness oh my goodness shake okay tell everybody bye say goodbye good girl okay it's been about 12 hours these have cooled and I just want to give an example here of how you should cut out the nutritional facts and even the cooking directions or anything important that you might want to keep that's on the bag of the rice or the beans or the pasta you need cooking directions that you feel that you might need to keep and what you can do is you can just take some tape when these cool down and just take a packaging tape over the whole thing there's a lot of other things if you have questions ask Jeanie you
Channel: Our Little Homestead!
Views: 1,685,562
Rating: 4.8991632 out of 5
Keywords: Long term food storage, dry canning, how to dry can, chef janie pendleton, janie pendleton, our half acre homestead, our little homestead, homesteader, homestead, prepper, prepping, shtf, how to store food longer, food storage, food, kitchen, recipe, best way to dry can food, oven canning, canning, ball, jars, Christ, beans, rice, pasta, how to can, fans, Survivalism, dry canning beans and rice, homesteading, Our Little Homestead, Emergency Food Storage
Id: aiSxDNzMwSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 08 2015
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