Druids of Mr Ripper what is the Funniest thing you've ever done in wild shape? #1

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I once killed a bandit by crawling onto him as a rat, then turning into a cow well endowed. Caused enough bludgeoning damage from making him choke on my cow dick.

Drunk one shit d&d with a shit ton of nat20s is funny af

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/oreo_milktinez 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not funny so much is stupid, but I was on a path to visually see a bear as I wanted to be able to transform into one. In the woods I left my party and proceeded to roll perception checks on the DM for Bear tracks. Eventually I managed to roll high enough and followed a set of tracks to open meadow by myself. In the matter there was a bear and unbeknownst to me the DM gave me a stealth check. I rolled a four out of 20. I tripped over some loose grass and wound up in the Glade with the bear. my genius idea was make friends with it by turning into a bear, however I did not think that one through. As soon as I shipped it into a bear, the real bear then became even more aggressively enraged at this puny half elf who Disturbed him and now cast sorcery. Needless to say I hightailed it out of there narrowly.

But hey, I got my bear shape

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Repulsive_Shelter963 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
gather round the ancient laurel plinth my fellow devotees of the boundless bounty of nature and make sure you have enough plant medicine to go around the whole party because today we're asking the druids of mr ripper what is the funniest thing you've ever done in wild shape part one i am doing my best to withhold my excitement for this video oh my god i was playing a druid i wild shaped as a squirrel i was hiding in my teammate's shirt until we were in danger i ran away and was chased by two worgen like a cartoon i jumped up onto the first worgen's head the second worgen went after me and i managed to jump on top of its head i am going to miss playing my druid i got my hands on the hunter's mark spell on a druid as well as the mobile feet i would cast it then on the next turn wild shape into a dinonicus the big velociraptors from jurassic park essentially cr1 from volo's guide which gets three attacks i put up two fingers there it gets three attacks now i put up three fingers one bite two claws each for one d8 and the pounce feature which if you move 20 feet towards a target and hit it with one of the claw attacks makes a strength save to knock the target prone and lets you make another bite attack for a fourth attack i seldom got to use the fourth attack since my bonus action was typically used to move hunter's mark but i got to pull off the tall grass scene from jurassic park against a group of gnolls darting in and out of the fight knocking some prone ripping them apart with a few crits thanks to advantage from knocking them prone the last null in the group muttered clever girl before i gutted it to end the encounter i'm currently playing a druid from a campaign that was started shortly after lockdown my party and i were magically transported into a dungeon pocket dimension by one of the leaders of the cult we were fighting when each of the four party members arrived they appeared in the dungeon in manacles attached to the wall the room we appeared in had a minotaur guardian that we would fight later but for now we had to escape without alerting to our presence due to the nature of the encounter leading up to this one of our party members was still outside and my other two party members were paralyzed in a slight panic i turned into a swarm of insects something that couldn't really be held by manacles and after doing so realized that the swarm of insects had a higher decks than my druid so i took the most practical step and used my insect swarm form to try to unlock my paralyzed companion's restraints while the minotaur was seemingly distracted by something my dm being a cool dude ruled that i could realistically pick these locks with precise enough bug movement given that the dc to pick these bannacles was really low anyways i rolled really well freed my friends including the one that would arrive later and escaped further into the dungeon without the minotaur noticing not me but another player who used to play with my current d d group he was playing a kobold druid and some of the [ __ ] he would do in wild shape was pretty funny i think my favorite moment was when the tiny kobold man ran straight between our cleric's legs only to then turn into a horse with her suddenly riding it what a way to charge into battle wholesome moment a druid i played from level 1 first learned to wild shape from a more experienced druid and asked to learn the flying squirrel form she spent the better part of an evening clamoring around a cabin and launching herself at rafters at pcs at npcs joyfully getting as close as she could to exhilarated flying battle moment higher level druid i was playing took fire elemental form to battle some vampire underlings setting three on fire then stepping back in front of them on her next turn manifesting into normal eladrain form grinning wickedly and burning them and several others to crisps with firestorm very triumphant thematically appropriate moment i was dm so this is about what players had done my group had two druids and the west march style mission they were currently on involved fighting storm giants well as you might imagine being very small is detrimental when fighting giants so naturally they became other things one polymorphed the monk into a giant ape before shape-shifting himself into an earth elemental the other used polymorph on herself to become a t-rex as i am watching this i was just thinking to myself that those are pretty good choices well that is when it got crazy the giant ape wanted to ride the t-rex which isn't normally allowed due to not having four legs but i allowed it anyway then the giant ape picked up the earth elemental and asked if he qualified as a boulder for the throw boulder ranged attack i reasoned he is a boulder basically and the right shape what happened next is a scene with a giant ape riding a t-rex and throwing an earth elemental boulder at the storm giant chieftain they ended up winning the fight and i gained a new level of respect for druids tldr giant ape-riding t-rex throws earth elemental as a boulder at the storm giant chieftain's face let's see so far my druid cordom has turned into a small jumping spider to infiltrate a secret hideout after changing and waving bye to my friend i snuck my way onto a guard and hid under the collar of his shirt and slowly sneaking around the place after finding the guy my group was looking for i crawled up his leg and hid in the barrel of his gun spent a few hours building a web in the barrel as i listened to their conversation yeah it was so cute another one was sneaking around town as a house cat when i was abducted by a little girl she sat down with me in her lap and kept petting me until wild shape wore off or i dropped it i don't remember and this little girl suddenly had a seven foot six goliath laying across her lap i got a lot of odd looks for that one newest one though during a recent combat encounter with a warforged assassin our horses got spooked and ran off from the cart the warforged attack had cut them free so as i have good animal handling i went to round them up they decided to ignore me so i used wild shape to turn myself into a female horse as both ours were male and proceeded to use the power of horse booty to lure them back to me i then dropped form and grabbed their reins the two of them were not happy with me at all after that not me but my friend in the party was a druid we were in the middle of a populated area near the harbour the druid as a joke decides to turn into a shark but not in the water on land so now there's a land shark in the middle of a populated area the halfling in the group then decides to hop on and ride it while at the same time fishermen that are around try to grab the shark and throw it into the water my character looks to see if there are squirrels nearby to throw into the shark's mouth sadly there were no squirrels around when the fishermen get closer the halfling decides to take a swing with his rapier at one of them he hits and does pretty good damage he used the blunt handle to do non-fatal damage though now after we've made a huge scene from nothing our npc character that is part of the best guide on the continent that already hates us because of how unprofessional three of our five members are finds us she really wasn't happy to see what we got ourselves into very shortly after entering the city additionally my character is now determined to find and capture a squirrel and the druid always makes sure he has water breathing up for the party not totally in wild shape but very close so my druid was a 50 year old kobold trying to make it in a sort of bounty hunter guild to make some money for his family brood and his main rival was a huge barbarian minotaur named brutus being the pettiest character i have ever had he went to go talk to brutus's mom to get revenge and ended up getting really close to her after making that well known and convincing the mom to pretend they'd always been close my kobold would always pull things like saying the lightning mcqueen oh [ __ ] your mom [ __ ] lips as well as insinuating that because the kobold had been close to his mom and can turn into a bull he can't say it's impossible that he's his dad occasionally when brutus said something mean or whatever the kobold would turn into a bull and using a magic item say no you don't talk to your father that way young man not me but a player in my game the party was tasked by a gang leader with sneaking into a rival gang's heavily guarded warehouse and steel clothes food weapons and other supplies the kobold druid got the idea to take the artificer's bag of holding and sneak in as a spider he was able to quietly sneak in and started stuffing the bag the problem came when it came to the close as he already filled the bag with food and weapons his solution wear the clothes all of them so he throws on as many layers as he can and wild shapes into a spider again this time however one of the guards saw him crawling along the ground and stomps on him dealing exactly enough damage to knock him out of wild shape as his form suddenly returns he knocks the guard's foot off with his new form and onto his rear the guard is reasonably shocked by this and sits there staring at the druid for a good few seconds with the druid also staring back at him looking like randy from a christmas story as soon as the guard starts yelling to alert the rest of the gang the druid turns and books it waddling as fast as he can back to the party he winds up getting most of the rival gang chasing him and before long they wind up in the friendly gang's territory causing an all-out gang war while the rest of the party helped win the fight the druid waddled back to the gang leader who proceeded to laugh at his seemingly bloated form in the end they won the day at the expense of the druid's pride so this story was submitted to the subreddit by none other than my friend our friend tim nolins host of knowledge with nolan podcast a player in fire and dice and dear darling friend of mine and the channel so our story begins with our party playing wizards of the coast publication storm king's thunder this is my first jump into a long 5th edition campaign after many years and i decide to play a human druid to keep it simple just a circle of the moon human druid named bryn oakmont friend of the animals and master of herbalism the gist of the campaign as head honcho storm giant goes missing and the other giant lords are causing havoc all over the sword coast so myself and my ragtag team of ding-dongs head off to protect the people and slay some giant lords we had your typical metagamer human fighter murder hobo gnome barbarian squishy sorcerer and the fear bulge cleric that shows up occasionally our first encounters with giants were tough we were low level and it would take everything we had to finish the fight we even had an encounter where a frost giant raiding party invaded a town and for three sessions we fought off 30-something frost giants with the aid of the town and an awesome gryphon tamer eventually we get to the quest to slay the giant lords we're about level 8 at this point and with how this campaign has been going so far we knew it would be a tough fight especially since the party was always in the midst of an argument between the barbarian and sorcerer we collected intel on where chief gu lord of the hill giants would be staying it was this old abandoned logging facility but oof was this guarded heavily we tried sneaking in once and ended up fighting five hill giants currently in the basement so we regroup outside across the river we still see something like 30 plus hill giants roaming around who knows what's inside and we're not sure how our first giant lord fight is going to be so we don't want to shake the beehive this sparks an argument between the barbarian and sorcerer of we go we kill from the barbarian and soon my dog of war but we have to do things my way from the sorcerer i tap the fearboard nature cleric's shoulder and ask him how his gardening is going he had this cool tiny greenhouse magic item where he could grow stuff on the go he winks and says pretty good those deadly nightshade plants are ready so while the argument is still going on between the rest of the party i stepped forward and ask the dm how many doses of deadly nightshade will it take to off a giant we start mathing it and of course while we have the materials it'll take a pretty damn good role to craft it and you'll have to convince her to drink it the cleric and i get to work in the beats lab and start crafting up the nastiest of potions this thing is like the fantasy version of ambien plus plus extra strength aka go the [ __ ] to sleep and never wake up we get the herbalism roll and with our powers combined we both roll that nat 20 on crafting this potion now for the delivery system the sorcerer was pretty skeptical of the situation but at this point the barbarian and fighter were up for it i grabbed the potion and looked at the cleric who had a decent strength mod and said these simple words throw me i wild shape into a flying squirrel and land on the shoulder of the cleric he then prepares for the toss and launches me like a football across the river toward the opening in the main building cue discount mission impossible music safe for youtube i float like a leaf on the wind towards the entrance and glide straight through landing on one of the rafters this place is a mess chief gus sits in the middle of the room sleeping on a pile of trash scattered around the room is large animal carcasses loot from them raiding and then a bunch of other hill giants sleeping or doing random hill giant stuff i scurry over to the best possible drop point and land right behind chief guh the squirrel landing sneak check wasn't too hard but the dm was persistent on making my wild shape back into a human very difficult but fortunately enough the dice gods were on my side and i nat 20 that role as well i grabbed the ambien 9000 potion and pour it down guzz opened ma who happens to be snoring the day away and she begins to choke the color from her face already begins to fade and the other giants aroused upon hearing their leader is in danger i flip them all the bird and jump backwards off guzz platform wild shaping in the process back into a flying squirrel and scurry up the rafters dodging the random [ __ ] being thrown at me i make my exit and glide back to my party the party asks in tandem and we all look to the dm who is halfway between laughing and just utter defeat we immediately begin to hear roars and grunts coming from the lair and hordes of hill giants just begin running out into the woods terrified taking whatever they can since their leader was just murdered by a small creature apparently in the book if god dies then her hill giant lackeys flee in terror we go in to investigate slash loot the place and poor disgusting chief guh looks like she just od'd on her pile of trash the perfect crime so one giant lord down four more to go but those giant lords will know to watch out for bryn oakmont circle of the moon druid friend to animals master of herbalism slayer of giants and master [ __ ] assassin thanks nolan that was a great story i love you bro so this one is another druid surprise from us to you and it's funny for how broken it is so if you like tormenting your dm and have already figured out that druids are an ideal class for such torment here's how pegleg greg and nasir are putting their hippie heads together for great lulls and even greater dps greg is a fear bulge circle of the moon druid nasir is an oath of the ancients paladin i believe he's human might be half elf i forget focusing on becoming a mounted combatant while nolan was researching this plan he thought that although paladins get a fine steed it would be funnier to have his friend become his glorious battle mount and by mount i mean brown bear glorious battle brown bear once we hit level 4 greg is taking the sentinel feat so when you hit a creature with an opportunity attack the creature speed becomes zero for the rest of the turn creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you even if they take the disengage action before leaving your reach when a creature within 5 feet of you makes an attack against a target other than you and that target doesn't have this feat you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature nasir already has the polar master feat which for the purpose of our strategy allows him to make an opportunity attack as a reaction when a creature enters his weapons 10-foot reach seeing as greg's movement is done on his turn just approaching within 10 feet of an enemy would proc nasir's pole arm master when we hit level 4 nasir will be taking the mounted combatant feat you have advantage on melee attack roles against any unmounted creature that is smaller than your mount brown bears are considered large creatures you can force an attack targeted at your mount to target you instead in our case in melee combat this would proc greg's sentinel feat granting greg an attack of opportunity which also reduces the creature's speed to zero if he hits if your mount is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a deck saving throw to take only half damage and instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw and only half damage if it fails if my math is correct in a perfect scenario at level 4 in one well played round of close combat we would be able to make the following strikes greg approaches a creature or a creature otherwise comes within 10 feet of nasir procking an attack of opportunity from nasir that's strike number one this would take nasir's reaction greg's brown bear multi-attack at the cost of one action gives you one claw attack and one bite attack i can use my bonus action to heal if i need to nasir's attack one action which is one attack with the business end of the glaive and then for a bonus action he can opt to attack with the back end of the glaive and at level 5 he gets extra attack if an enemy attacks nasir this procs greg's sentinel allowing him an attack of opportunity or if an enemy attacks greg while mounted nasir can redirect that blow to himself which would also proc greg's sentinel for one reaction so in total at level four in one round of combat between the two of us we could theoretically get six attack rolls and when we hit level five that number becomes seven factor in smites and auras from nasir as we progress and the fact that if greg's hp drops below the wild shape forms hp powerful stature a fear bull gracial trait means that he is still considered a large creature for the mechanics of carrying capacity and lifting slash pulling dragging things i mean holy hell you guys this is pretty broken uh and i can't wait to see how it plays out provided cello doesn't come for our heads if you want to see this ridiculously broken strategy in action you are more than welcome to tune into our live stream every wednesday from noon to 4 pacific time and that's at www.twitch.tv fire underscore and underscore dice that's fire and dice f d and of course uh ripper is going to be joining us on the f and d um as soon as his studio is sorted out and in the new year um he's doing some home improvement so we're really excited to see what ripper does with the space and uh we're really excited to have him back on the stream but check us out twitch.tv fire underscore and underscore dice link is in the description greetings my sweet tree talking animal transforming living swiss army knifing universe breaking circle of beloved friends and thank you for watching this video to the very end i hope i didn't get too excited there and scare you away but druids really are my favorite and there's just there's so much you can do in wild shape i was personally inspired to think even more creatively about just how broken we can make pig like greg before the dm kills him off because it's almost not even fair anymore and we haven't even hit level 4. just wanted to remind you to please join our official subreddit r mr ripper where we gather most of the stories we have been sharing on the channel if you have a story you'd love to hear us tell that's the place to post it but as always if you've got a funny wild shaped story you are welcome to drop it into the comments below check out our twitch channels we got mr ripper stream on sundays where we tell stories live on the air and we have fire underscore and underscored dice that's right fire and dice where every wednesday from 12 noon to 4 p.m pacific time we play some dungeons and dragons live on twitch if you love the channel and you feel like supporting us feel free to check out any of our sponsors follow us on the social medias you can find me on instagram and tick talk at dave makes noises you can also find me at www.davemakesnoises.com all of the links will be in the description below thanks again for watching please sub for nat 20s we love you so much and we'll see you in a couple days bye you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 35,274
Rating: 4.9460917 out of 5
Keywords: MrRipper, Dungeons and Dragons, dnd stories, reddit stories, please sub for nat 20s, funny, druid, wild shape, wild, shape
Id: h5Uno1EIvo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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