DnD players, What’s the most awesome or evil thing you’ve ever accomplished? #2 (r/askreddit)

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The most evil thing my character has ever accomplished? Easy. I masterminded the downfall of every single realm in existence in one campaign, and I was just a lowly Paladin-Ranger (turned into a Rogue-Fighter-Ranger, I can explain!)

I first made a character who was a Homebrew race (Aracoi, AKA half-fiend Scorpion people) who I purposefully made the DM 'eliminate'. He visited a group of Night Hags, and persuaded them to send him straight to Stygia so he could start a war against all of Hell and the Abyss, trying to take over all Fiends.

My DM didn't want my character to DIE, so he said the Night Hags cloned my soul and gave me a new body. It was that Rogue-Fighter-Ranger, and a Bugbear. I started to make an imprint in the Criminal World, by illegally exporting two Blue Slaads from the Elemental planes to the material planes, and I stole their control gems so they were my slaves.

I didn't make them do any strenuous activities, so their only purpose was to infect commoners with Chaos Phage. (Chaos Phage reduces your max hitpoints by 3d6 every 24 hours, and Commoners only have 4 health. There's a 1/216 chance they survive more than a day. When you are reduced to 0 hitpoints, you become a Red Slaad.) The Red Slaads instantly had their control gems stolen, and I sold them as Mercenaries to Warlords and Criminal Bosses. Every 4th Slaad I grew (because each Blue Slaad made two red Slaad a day) I would cull it, and sell the magical control gem for 500 gold to a local jeweler and their intense poison for 450 gold. *Insert genius plan that involved me selling an antidote to the hospital and creating a second variant of the poison to sell to the Blackmarket, upping the price to 500 gold*.

After making a work force of Red Slaad and Awakened Animals, I ordered them to hunt. With the gathered meat, I paid the poor people in the Slums to work for me. They were supposed to track down spellcasters and customers.

After I gained 7 spellcasters, I infected them with Chaos Phage. The next day, they turned into Green Slaads (Spellcasting Slaads that are stronger than blue or red slaadi). I threw them into an alternate dimension where a year passed every day in the material plane, and recovered them, where they ascended to Gray Slaads. I then threw them into Limbo and made them control bits of energy from the Pandemonium Stone, and turned them into Death Slaads.

I opened a portal to hell and allied myself with my alternate self, who had staked his territory in hell and a few of the 600+ layers of the Abyss, and with the help of allied Night Hags, I used Soul Larvae to speed time up in a small container that held the 7 of them, a Century of time. Once that went by, I took them out as WHITE SLAADs. In DND 3e they had a CR of 21, but in the unofficial 5e statblock, they have a CR of 23. They can manipulate and shatter time, as well as create temporal clones, and summon lesser Slaadi (basically any other Slaad). With a vast army of Slaads and the forces of hell, I overtook the Elemental Planes, then the Astral and Ethereal Planes, and by increasing my territory and feeding every humanoid I could find to an IQ 9000 device that forced them to become Warlocks and then turning them into green Slaads the next day, while simultaneously turning them into Death Slaads (I didn't want too many White Slaads, mostly because Soul Larvae could be used to ascend my Yugoloths into Ulturoths instead) and sending them into the battlefield. Also, I got some Warlocks/Necromancers to resurrect my dead Slaads as Putrid Slaads.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
before we get into the video i just wanted to point out this is another re-do do do do this used to be a tts video but now it is remastered and re-released with voice acting from yours truly so let's get right into it dnd players of reddit what's the most awesome or evil thing you've ever accomplished part two the badass super king ruler vampire of the land walks in and starts kicking my party mates around like dolls my turn comes up and instead of attacking my gnome rogue takes a knee and pledges an undying allegiance to the vampire cause i fail a persuasion check and he cuts my head off we were going to wipe anyway i had to give it a shot i think one of my favorite moments was what i've come to call the rat swarm meat grinder story we were a relatively high-ish level party low teens or so and we're exploring a dungeon i forget exactly what class i was playing it was out of one of the weird side books gotta love 3.5 e having hundreds of those but it was a sort of a ranger rogue hybrid so i was generally leading the pack we hit the end of a corridor and opened the door revealing a massive dire rat swarm the intent of the encounter would be us fighting it off while it chased us back down the quarter we'd come from lest we be entirely well swarmed i should take a moment here to explain a quirk of basically every character i play i make a point to always always buy a small bag of holding and fill it with caltrops oh i know where this is going it's relatively cheap and infinitely useful to have on hand in those kind of quantities i instantly declare i want to roll a reflex save to chuck my bag of holding into the room and shut the door which the dm has me do two roles for nailed the roll for chucking the bag and hit a 20 on the door shut part of the action my argument being that the swarm is a constantly moving entity so the caltrops were basically going to turn that room into a giant meat grinder since the swarm was always shifting or moving and would always be taking damage from the caltrops we avoided a pretty major encounter in the dungeon with full credit though opening the door still resulted in my character basically getting bathed in a mix of ground-up rats and caltrops since we still had to move forward in the dungeon less elaborate but still awesome was the time i nailed a triple crit on a boss during an attack of opportunity while blind my friends and i played a campaign that lasted for three years we had a really good dm and for the most part lots of great pcs it could be made into a movie i was playing a human paladin named ramyeon i was one of the few played who managed to keep my character the whole campaign so he ended up being level 20 by the last session our enemies we were fighting were pretty much the worst of the worst they were an evil covenant called the chasmites of they and they worshipped a giant hold they called the chasm of never been an evil god had told them that things thrown into the pit no longer existed nor had they ever existed so they kidnapped people they didn't like and threw them in doing so made whatever or whoever their victims were erased from history not even the covenant remember them the more they deleted from history the more voids they created in time and the more the planes plunged into chaos we ended up throwing the entire covenant into the chasm after a long three-session 16-hour battle with them doing so altered reality to a supercritical state which weakened the god who created the chasm he materialized to confront us and after defeating most of the pcs in our party i managed to bull rush him and tackle him into the pit because i successfully grappled him he went down the chasm under me which blinked him from existence and thus blinked the chasm from existence as well as he had never made the chasm in the first place rpcs awoke in total confusion my friend who was introduced to dnd while he was away for school his roommate was an avid player who taught him the ropes when he came back our friend group got together to start a campaign so we have a mildly experienced dm and four pcs who have no idea what they are doing however we are all having a great time especially me since i was playing a bard i decided to step it up by bringing an instrument to our second session but the only thing i could find was a finger piano so fast forward to the middle of our session we are fighting some zombies and i use bardic inspiration for one of my party members now everyone was expecting me to sing it's the way i am and they know me very well so i have everyone's eyes on me i reach into my bag under the table whip out my finger piano and play the chord progression to somewhere over the rainbow while singing a totally improvised song consisting of the lyrics please don't die that's the only time you're going to get me singing later in the session we were at a bar and there was a fight cage where a bear was fighting a dwarf and that dwarf better damn well have won the betting odds were something like 100 to 1 for the dwarf to win so naturally we all placed bets on the dwarf smart choice when the fight started the bear was kicking some dwarf butt so our warlock used mage hand and a successful stealth role to rig the fight and make us all very rich never rig a fight with a dwarf we can already win it ourselves this moment is possibly one of my greatest hits from a campaign my friend did years ago i told my dm that i'm going to jump over the wall of flames he seriously asked me at least three times if i'm sure i said yes i rolled nat 20 my dm gives me this are you kidding me look and says you jumped over the infinite high flame wall with no issues my response oh i didn't hear the infinite part from that moment on i was calling legs don't know what that means pathfinder player here we need more of you and you're after my own heart we were in a mythic campaign wrath of the righteous we were going up against a mythic chimera and we ended up campaign wiping our paladin in transition from anti-paladin to paladin and controlled by our dm got a sword summoned through him i a paladin got knocked unconscious in one turn and everyone else was going to die our ben 10 character homebrewed instead of aliens he shifted into the classes decided to end the campaign by drinking a whole bunch of shadow blood which caused a black hole to spawn and he got possessed by a dark entity and that's how he campaign wiped i'm part of a live improvised dnd stage show in milwaukee not a traditional d d campaign but close enough each show is its own story audience chooses names classes etc for each improviser as well as a location and a villain rgm and host and i split npc duties and he narrates slash guides while i improvise background music on my keyboard so this particular show the audience designates one of our players as a cleric who serves a thunder god the plot gets to a point where the party is defending a small village against a horde of oncoming enemies who are due to arrive the next day so our gm gives everyone a chance to do a training slash prep montage sharpening weapons preparing potions etc our thunder clerk decides to go to a cliff on a nearby mountain and commune with his god rgm sets him up what is your prayer now normally i keep the music atmospheric slow and creepy for suspense fast paced battle music etc but once in a while when the moment's right and i if i know the chords i'll throw in a pop song reference i know it's coming this was one such moment as the player begins his prayer i softly begin to play the opening riff of ac acdc's thunda struck thunder cleric goes on building in volume and intensity and ends up delivering an epic speech about how much ass we were going to kick in the thunder god's name all the while i stick that same riff and everyone in the audience is chanting thunder and stomping their feet along to the beat i was getting goosebumps so am i it was metal we won the battle of course but it was the lead up that was the height of the show for all of us tldr friends and i brought the house down with an epic speech set to thunderstruck in a live dnd show damn i gotta go to milwaukee it wasn't necessarily evil but we incinerated the mayor of a town then convinced the rest of his family that i was the mayor and that there was a conspiracy against our family and that we needed to leave also the party could get our friends out of prison and allow a rival family to seize power edit to clarify this was all quick thinking none of it was planned oh i love improv the mayor was being unreasonable and was abusing his power our cleric just kind of snapped and sacred flamed him in his seat the servants and guards were coming to see what the noise was so my tiefling doomstalker ranger cast disguise self to look like the mayor then a few lucky rolls and some over-the-top role-playing allowed us to convince the family of the conspiracy that it existed for literally two seconds before it all went down in a 3 3.5 e planescape game this is rare there was a supposedly evil queen that my group needed to depose in order to get the macguffin the group started arguing about whether we could trust the quest giver and we're leaning towards doing a bunch of recon the wizard and i who were neutral instead of good decided we didn't have time for that he greater teleported us into the throne room i used my planar warrior ability to open the portal to elysium and sparta kicked the queen through it then we teleported back out in case you didn't know elysium is a good aligned plane where you typically end up living such a good life that you never want to leave so kind of like a really nice prison we told the quest giver the mission was accomplished but lied and sent we sent her to the abyss we had to wait some in-game time for him to get confirmation but we got our mcguffin and moved on this was my favorite point in my dnd career because it is an accomplishment that could have been a whole campaign for a lower level group but we were all level 17 and so we handled it appropriately the gm even appreciated our speedy resolution to it my character became part of the cult of the dreamer prayed to and gave the dreamer all my dreams found the chain of hope which was a sentient artifact that the dreamer created fully bonded with the chain which allowed me to dream wherein i was able to speak to the entity in the chain and the dreamer eventually freed the dreamer though it did cause a tidal wave wherein i killed thousands of people in their city and finally left the planet with the dreamer as it was a spell jammer sidenote that was just my story arc each of the players got a pretty awesome story arc and we ended the campaign in a natural way in game after a year and a half of playing two hours every week several of us shed tears when we ended our next campaign with that same amazing dm started last saturday and the session was intense with the dice trying to kill us seriously way more intense than the dm intended oh man the list is in legion i've been at this a while the most recent thing would have to be a petal dragon fire adapt for reference a pedal is a 10 inch tall fairy slash pixie thing that's basically a flower flower wings blossom for hair it's a tiny flower fae it looks exactly as harmless as you'd imagine and their reputation in lore is just as cute it's a non-combat encounter unless your party is uh full of giant jerks you can play as one i decided i wanted to because my previous character was an orc warlord like the orcist orc to ever orc or corkwork multi-class barbarian orc paragon orc warlord warchief legendary commander assemble the horde yathral go for it so this tiny little flower thing is pretty much the opposite of that in all ways it comes with massive racial bonuses to charisma so i'm trying to decide what class to pair with this thing i don't want to do sorcerer cause i've got one already at first i thought drew it my animal companion could be a giant bee then i ride into combat grab a lance and some mounted combat feats and i let the red wall jokes flow but a little fairy thing that small really doesn't do melee combat so i kept looking found the dragon fire adept in dragon magic that's fun it's like a breath weapon warlock its whole deal is breath weapons cool i'm not stuck in melee that way and a 10 inch tall fairy spewing elemental fury across the battlefield is just hilarious i've got a plan it gets worse dragon fire adepts get a special ability at first level you count as a dragon for any feats that require that as a prerequisite cue me diving for the feats that make your breath weapon do strange things now i get gas clouds walls party buffs all kinds of hilarious oh wait awaken frightful presence so naturally big enough dragons get the whole fear aura thing big dragon you better be scared well if you are a smaller dragon and want that fear or a now instead of later you can take a feat to turn it on you've got to be a dragon to take the feet well thanks to dragonfire adept i count as a dragon for feats so now i'm a 10 inch tall brightly colored flower fairy who flies around spewing elemental fury across the battlefield and when i fly overhead it inspires terror in my enemies like make a will safe fear my dm actually spit out a little bit of his drink when i sprang the idea on him this is gonna be hilarious the only thing left to figure out is personality now i can't decide if i should stick with the child like innocence thing they do racially or make it an abrasive jerk to really drive home the ridiculousness hey back off you miserable gobshite fire breath coming from a tiny flower man is pretty funny on the other hand scolding the goblin warband for being naughty before melting them with a cloud of acid is also really funny back off you have miserable gob shot i could have done that voice too but i chose not hey everyone brian here here's hoping you enjoyed today's vid and if you did make sure to leave a like and if you're new here drop a subscribe using your bonus action and ring the bell too as youtube never seems to notify anyone of anything anymore and to keep update on all of our dealings and happenings be sure to join our respective discords follow both ripper and myself on twitter and check out r mr ripper 2. everything can be found in the description below we primarily want to focus our storytelling through r mr ripper and our comments here per video so it would be really great if you could check us out on both areas and leave us all the stories you want on the sub either in your own thread or one that already exists and also be sure to get energized with our little itty bitty coffee sponsor adventurers coffee company you get 10 off each purchase if you use the code mr ripper at checkout and trust me they deliver fast bags of beans or grinds and man do they taste great try out their dungeons and dark roasts especially it's smoky and great with breakfast that business talk out of the way how are y'all doing everyone still doing okay out there i hope so anyway as i know this world is simply revving up the nuttiness and craziness to new levels lately believe me i've taken several breaks from twitter just to keep my mental health in check because of all this stuff going around so in that regard i want each and every one of you to look after yourself and especially your own mental health and the mental health of others around you take a break each day from the internet and try reading your favorite book or maybe just doing a chapter a day or even a little bit of your favorite comic series if you prefer anything to stay away from the screens tvs phones computers just for a little bit so you can recover and recuperate a little heck share what you like in the comments below too tell me about what kind of nerdy books or comics you're into or what kind of hobbies you like even if it's stuff like yoga or reading dc or marvel or dark horse comics or even if you love lord of the rings or harry potter whatever you like share your love for nerdy stuff here because positivity it comes in many forms you know and sharing out your inner nerd is just one more way to stay connected with all of us here so go ahead and give it a share because none of us are going to judge now stay safe out there we'll see you next time all the love from me to you ladies and gentlemen see you next time bye for now
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 100,792
Rating: 4.9453387 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: z0U8pkbPaaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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