Best Dungeons and dragons ambush and ambush reversal moments #1

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We ended up drowning a merperson. So my sister decided to DM for my brother and I but we had our own plans I was a goliath paladin and he was a very short human cleric and we were both part of the spanish inquisition. we had just slept at the inn but it turned out the innkeeper was a triton. We decided that this could only mean that she was a witch. So we hunted her down to kill her and after a failed attempt to drown her we left on a raft out of town leaving our npc friend in jail. (he was very plot important by the way.) But the innkeeper followed us we killed her shark and I landed a crit that knocked her off the raft and she failed her death saves. We drown a freaking mermaid. (Afterwards my sister said that she had made the innkeeper lvl5 just so our two lvl2s couldn't beat her. She hasn't DMd for us in several years sense.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/The-pro-playtypus 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2020 đź—«︎ replies
hey everyone brian von va here i hope everyone here guy gal everyone in between is doing a-okay and that the universe is treating you as fairly as you deserve with that being said dms and players what is your i'm not trapped here with you you're trapped here with me moment part one i was playing a kenku monk named weave he got the name from his monastery which practiced boxing and weave was very fast preferring to bob and weave in a fight thus the name the party was at a town carnival and one of those things you could do is watch boxing if you wanted to fight you got a cut of the bets weave decided to fight and was pinned in an unfair fight at that as they pitted him against a tenkuruk now if the dm forgot just how powerful weave was during character creation i got lucky and rolled what my group calls an omen where you roll 2 18s when rolling stats thanks to canku race bonuses and us being level 5 we've had a 20 in dex and whiz so he had a 20 ac being an open hand monk was made for this when the fight began i was worried at the situation before i realized what i could do in the end thanks to fury of blows and open hand technique i took down the tank kurok with only taking one hit myself and suffering little damage from it way back a couple months ago when my dm didn't know the rules our barbarian wrestled a full-size remoras giant ice centipede dragon i know that from pathfinder and ripped its spine out then went on to use that as a whip later taking out four or five cultists in a single turn with it that is amazing that would be my dear dwarven champion in general but one situation sticks out pretty much we were to take care of some rats in the sewers of a city and found a smuggler's nest as well of course the smugglers engage us everyone level 10 and after one to two rounds of combat a group of three trolls emerge behind us i'm with my fighter a pretty good meat shield and tell the rest of my party to take care of the smugglers while i hold the trolls back i have a flask of oil so i was confident i could finish them what was supposed to be a four player encounter turned into a troll slaughter then the two group members with me took me up on my plan and the paladin went over a wooden bridge it's important to the smugglers while the beastmaster ranger summoned a bunch of panthers and continued to shoot them with his heavy crossbow i mean wild down the first troll for good oil on an axe and light that thing and take on the next one that also goes down in the next round which angers the last troll and he charges over to the ranger that was for some reason still standing on the same side of the bridge as i was he multi-attacks the ranger and the ranger goes down i charge after the troll angry that he might have killed my companion and face him on the bridge that is now under quite some stress and i release a storm of axe attacks for info i have taken up the two weapon fighting style as well as the dual wielder feat that gives me the option of a bonus attack action as i wield a bad lax and a hand axe first attack nat 20 second attack nat 19 bonus attack nat 19 again action surge fourth attack 21 day hit fifth attack four it i used the inspiration i kept from session one all this time everyone but me forgot i still have that so advantage 19 to hit i down that troll in one turn the only three standing creatures in my sight are my dwarf the smuggler boss and the troll i didn't finish yet and i walk up to the smuggler boss that is right now like i won't take you on you have to fight the troll and i'm like okay the troll moves on to the bridge and the dm smuggler boss is like so what now i won't let you run away and i'm just like i attacked the bridge roll for it i take the bridge down then and the troll now is neck deep in sewer water he tries to grab me but i make the save and begin to hit his head again and again with my axes in the end he collapses only his hand now hanging from the sewer water i walk back up to the smuggler boss and look him into the eyes if there was such a thing as passive intimidation i just did that because he was more than willing to leave had a player try to make a tragic slash evil backstory as a session zero entered an orphanage and went all anakin on them players still got a good alignment as it was a vampire and the kids were thralls of the head of the orphanage he was pissed afterwards but since he is considered a hero to the local people he gets free drinks at the tavern can't complain with that 5th edition artificer was walking down a hallway to loot some stuff and stepped on a pit trap which sent me tumbling down into a pit filled with zombies and a skeleton necromancer so like any normal chaotic neutral player would i slowly turn around and open my coat to reveal a large amount of homemade bombs which i dropped on the ground and gave the evilest grin my war forged could manage and he used the bombs to blast jump out of the pit the rest of the party looks confused and i reply [Laughter] my party had a warlock whose role as the only spellcaster got to her head at one point in the adventure the dm has us compete in a gladiatorial arena against each other we were all level 5 in our classes and i go up against the warlock for some context here is what each of us were up against warlock i don't know what spells or pacts she had but she had two magical items a cloak of elvenkind a magical cloak that increased a stealth roll by five the dm had meant it for me but the warlock won the tiebreaker in getting it a wand of fireballs the wand had seven fireball charges and once they were used up they were gone the warlock was specifically proud of this power and used it to intimidate the party into doing what she wanted me a half elf rogue assassin short sword of plus one damage dagger of throwing medium armor breastplate that functioned as light armor and could cast third level darkness once a week i had been saving it for a special occasion the alert feat which basically guaranteed that i was first in the turn order for those who don't know assassins could advantage against people below them in initiative and alert gives the user a plus five to initiative giving me a plus nine so how the arena worked is that we started by rolling 2d4 the first determined our starting wall and the second who got to choose where they started the warlock starts close to the corner between her and my wall so i chose the spot right next to her because of this and another incident my rogue had become notorious in the party for being the player killer i usually approach pvp with blitz attacks so i start off and use my attack to deal 19 out of 30 damage she needs one more hit to die and i need one fireball to die to protect myself from the fireball i cast magical darkness centered on her i can see through the darkness but she can't i use an action to hide my character from her removing my character from the mat and the dm says next time i take a turn i will be revealed on the map the warlock tries to cast a fireball centered on me but since she can't see where i am she ends up wasting a fireball after this i take my chance and use both my sword and my dagger to deal 35 damage i choose to do non-lethal damage because if i didn't she would have ended up instantly dead the warlock never used her fireballs to intimidate the party after that hmm it happened during our first combat i'm playing a barbarian a special one i had to roll every turn when i'm in a frenzy my first roll was fudged because the dm and i wanted to let him pass as he rages out he turns into a hulking werewolf pitch black fur grows slowly as he increases in size his wolf eyes turn purple glowing a little bit i attack a bug bear almost killing it the party finished the bugbear off and the next role i make in my frenzy rage i roll in not one the spirit sealed inside my character comes out laughing maniacally saying [Laughter] darius finally let go of the reigns he turned to the weakest character and said pray is all prey he laughed maniacally charging the pc and attempted to attack missing both the pc on their next turn used a spell an aoe hitting both of us doing half damage to me but putting the other pc to one hit point darkness the spirit was not very happy someone dare hit him he turned to the one who attacked him and charged them hitting one attack weakening her and i rolled past so on darkness and darius both pass out before i could kill anyone they finish the combat and take darius with them still to the castle we were heading to the next combat darius lost control instantly to darkness and thus i ended up on the big bad evil guy's side with another pc in a mini campaign i was in i made a blue dragonborn named avelio he was an evil who just wanted to take over the army of the troll queen we were trying to defeat in one room was her son my character was a monk fighter multi-class i used flurry of blows on all of my extra attacks missed one attack ruled for damage and almost killed him in one turn so my character was able to defeat a mini boss single-handedly in one turn after only taking minimal damage from him and then there was the queen after each fight we gotta level up i took some paladin levels so the next chance i got avelio did his flurry of blows used divine smite with all of them got two nat 20s missed one attack and ripped her to shreds by dealing three flurry of blows plus 11 damage per hit five plus proficiency bonus plus dueling fighting style equals five plus four plus two equals eleven times three by three minus one equals eight eight times eleven equals eighty eight damage that's a lot of goddamn math without even rolling my dice in the end had 10 d6 plus 16 d8 plus 88 damage to deal yeah she didn't survive she had 180 health by the way just played this a few hours ago episode zero for a new campaign the party had just woken up in a cell we were locked in what seemed like a cross between a hospital and a prison block we tried breaking out but the roles were all junk between my character the half fork wild mage a drow paladin and two humans we all have yet to regain our memories so no one knows what we can do now because someone removed a sigilled blanket off of a dripping bunk no one makes a good enough perception check so we think it's not until it falls on the drow inflicting 12 acid damage roll initiative my turn comes around everyone is freaking out and the drow and half work are irked he has had it since waking up with a hangover and no memories of anything so he cast shatter at the wall 10 feet from the snot didn't work but it opened up a way to another cell slightly more than before where two more popped out at this point i was done so i lined up all of them and cast lightning bolt a third level spell he yelled for everyone to get against the wall before this happened for a cleaner line of fire for this is a hundred foot long by five foot streak of death to be unleashed the dm didn't even let me roll damage he said i disintegrated a hole in the wall and two more bunks with it making three to four turn to an eight to ten black puddings out of a confined space me running in orcish that pissed the human in our party off enough to the point that he wouldn't let me through the opening as the chaos ensues between the party one of the puddings attempted to pass through the cell then poof a flash of dim light and they were gone and i have been left thoroughly confused hi everyone brian von va here wishing you well if you liked today's video then please leave a like subscribe if you haven't ring the bell for notifications on when we post and make sure to follow the mr ripper twitter and twitch pages as well as to join our subreddit r mr ripper where you can post stories of your very own for us to read in a video or live on stream links are in the description below using a help action come see me brian von va on youtube where i make voice acting videos and occasionally stream gaming content now today's positive message comes from my heart because i i've been suffering a lot lately and i also used it in a little bit of a competition but the meaning is always going to be real and hit home for me the pain of losing one so near and dear to you is beyond astronomical your home your heart and your life all will feel cold and empty but without loss we can't truly appreciate love or life so draw back the curtains in your house and let the sun shine in again where in the light your heart will begin to mend so out there anyone everyone be safe be happy and we will see you again soon bye for now you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 55,187
Rating: 4.9415669 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Dungeons & Dragon stories, MrRipper, reddit stories, dungeons and dragons night coast, please sub for nat 20s, D&D, Best table top rpg traps
Id: vFD7V3agtmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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