Dungeon Masters of Reddit, who is the single worst player you have ever put up with? #2 (r/askredit)

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oh boy I'm ready for round two baby I hope everyone else is dungeon masters of Reddit who is the single worst player you have ever put up with and what in-game consequences did they suffer if any part - the guy bugged us every session to join for a month despite us telling him we were not taking more players we eventually have someone leave and for some reason decide he is going to take their place he shows up to the first session without a character ready takes forever getting it made then does nothing once in-game the second session he just sits there on his laptop and seems to ignore the game on my way back from the bathroom I see his screen and the dude is just watching porn I immediately kicked him out and told him not to come back edit he just left and surprised when I told him to get out and approached me the next week to ask why I kicked him out just kind of looked upset and walked off when I told him one of the people I gamed with in high school was the worst in my groups 20 years of existence in one game he played the most annoying gnome you can imagine and he had a charisma of 18 so as he put it you have to like me hmm no not when you act like that people don't no matter how many times you insist we like your character that character got crushed by a spiked wheel he was messing with and we were all happy to see him go he also was the worst kind of rules lawyer he would argue endlessly about minor points but be wrong the entire time he tried to insist the escape artist skill could be used to run away from battles because it could make him escape artistically I eventually gave up explaining it to him and had his character drown when he failed the die roll escaping from a flooding cave system only one time that I'm aware of did a GM actually target him in a totally screw you fashion and I wasn't running that game it was a game of werewolf and he decided to make the worst kind of munchkin character by trying to fast talk the GM into going with the character having multiple personalities all of which was a different kind of werewolf so he could do anything he wanted the GM finally got tired of arguing instead of starting the session so he agreed to let him play as five characters in one rules violating super munchkin character two minutes into the game a sniper shot him in the head with a silver bullet and killed him really any player that has a chaotic evil protagonist it just doesn't work well and a lot of the time it's not fun for the other players chaotic evil is a fun alignment but it's not meant for a protagonist I think a better way to go about being chaotic evil is to be more chaotic and moral you don't have to go around raping and killing and stealing everything you see but you merely act based off of self-interest and you're willing to get your hands dirty however I suppose it might fall more into chaotic neutral but I guess the best way to play chaotic evil is don't kill for no reason kill when it suits you steal when it suits you and be evil when it suits you when playing chaotic evil be unpredictable you have to be dangerous someone who kills and steals everything they see is very predictable don't kill that clerk just because he won't sell you something for a low price manipulate him pretend to be his friend then betray him when the time is just right the thing about Psychopaths is that they can turn their empathy on and off they can simply choose not to care about people just like Psychopaths you've got a switch chaotic evil on and off and only turn it on when it suits you you've got to be evil and selfish about it - your character would trade the lives of a thousand people if it meant he got to live be subtle about your acts of evil don't be Ramsay Bolton but more Roose Bolton that's a game of Thrones reference if you don't know the biggest problem with playing chaotic evil is that in D&D your action have consequences it's not a video game where you can just do whatever you want all willy-nilly my worst player was a DM I played with recently any time a player had a misconception about a situation he required the player to go through that even if it wasn't what the player meant wasn't what the player or character wanted and didn't make any sense as an example player is moving on a mini map moves a character over a little symbol on the map you just stepped in fire you take a damage ah I didn't see the symbol and I didn't need to step there I'll just step around it to ban too late role for fire damage I wish I was joking but he literally did this and it wasn't the worst thing he didn't I call him a player because I and the other longtime DM at the table spent a good portion of our time quietly attempting to teach him how to be a less shitty DM without explicitly embarrassing him in front of the other players predictably he ignored it also his other friend was a cheating IRL whoring IRL murder hoboing in game of a half-orc kind of both who I would have had thrown out of my table after five minutes but that's another story wait no no you can't leave it at that if we want to know about the murder Horeb oh we do need to know more about the murder [ __ ] beau what the [ __ ] had a guy will call him Chad he thought he was better than everyone else he kept making nasty comments about our house which was just a typical lower middle-class house clean etc and it pushed me to where I told him to leave and not come back he didn't come back his buddy that had invited him to join us was so apologetic he had no idea he was that much of a tool nobody suffers in-game consequences for bad behavior I handled it all out of game and remove bad people from my social circle I don't taint my game by punishing people I tell them to stop and if they don't they're gone now if you mean in-game cuz they do something stupid that's fine but I'm pursuing you mean like player Chad keeps playing on his phone so in-game you killas care or something like that personally the worst was the player who clearly didn't care for how I was running the game any time I tried to narrate something he would interrupt with oh my characters already gone they're like a mile down the road would talk over the top of the table and generally try to ruin the game for everyone because he wasn't having fun as a DM he was equally bad clearly considered all the players idiots and didn't even attempt to do any world-building literally said you're the village of quest huka Stan and that kind of thing generally impatient rude and just an absolute [ __ ] and easy fix by simply never playing with him again but that sin I have a special contempt in my heart for the very nice out of character player of the lawful good cleric who while the rest of the party robbed lied stole and murdered right in front of him never opened his mouth except to say hi cast healing a guy I played with a couple of times decided to try to be funny all the time make lame jokes and in general [ __ ] up everything for everyone else while everyone else tried to stay true to the campaign and world at some point we had to tell him to take it seriously or [ __ ] off there's nothing wrong with a little humor but this guy wasn't funny at all all his jokes were lame and he would just not shut up my friend ran a game that was completely ruined by someone we were all new to D&D and we're trying it out for the first time so we didn't 100% know the rules and House ruled a couple of things just to make it easier and try to get the session to last less than five hours this did not sit well with one of our group he insisted on reading every single damn rule and making sure we were following it correct if the DM gave us some info without a role he would perk up with well actually then we had the infamous button room there was a room with a pedestal and a button we all entered and the door shut behind us as it did that the roof started to move down and the floor raised we of course push the button and the trap reset and started over again we look for exits thinking there's something hidden until I decide [ __ ] it it's a trick room let the roof close in but this didn't seem to appease said player he pressed the button like five times even after we all agreed to play it out diem straight out ignores his button presses as we've spent about 20 minutes longer than we should have in this room this dude single-handedly ruined D&D for me we weren't the best role players we wanted to have fun seemed this guy's idea of fun was the polar opposite to ours if you're out there anonymous poster give it another try trust me with the right people it's actually a hell of a lot of fun I've never had a worst player experience or played with any just the typical annoyances and somewhat stereotypes everyone deals with that can be bad or lame generally I only play with friends who can hash stuff out if it becomes problematic but there are templates people can fall into the person who always has to have their kinks and fetishes in real life placed into their character the guy who always jokes and tries to be wacky wild which derails every quest and roleplay scenario because you have to tell them don't because X Y & Z will happen the close cousin to the one above who watches and listens to too many comedy type role-playing podcasts or shows who think this campaign has to be like that the one who always has to be the brooding lone wolf guy for [ __ ] sake Frank just say you're coming and stop picking 15 stealth jacks to follow us hidden in the forest the time waster who when asks if he can do something he gets told no tries for 10 minutes to get it to work but in a slightly different way the over planner honestly though this can be a lot of people the human heart throb every female is his lust growl the couple who's out of game drama is in lastly the person who takes it way too seriously and gets pissy ruining the atmosphere sometimes for others my friends let me tell you about a dwarf named twist twist wasn't exactly a bright Worf in fact some would argue that twist was one of the dimmest Worf clerics to ever exist here are some of twists escapades the adventuring party was lost truly lost so twist decided that he would speak with his God for advice on which way to go he was instructed that he could only ask three yes-or-no questions which way he began but was immediately cut off yes-or-no questions also that counted as one question should we go down this path he's told the question is too vague to have a binary answer also that was questioned too time passes while Twist Ponder's his final question his face lights up and he proudly starts in a booming voice which way and the entire adventuring party let out a collective groan eventually it became time to explore a very narrow cave that was filled to the brim with hostile creatures twist refused to be put in the back of the party line because he was afraid he would miss out on some action he argued with the fighter and barbarian that he should be positioned near the front so we let him take the lead shortly thereafter he got scared that he would be injured and not able to heal anyone so he decided that he wanted to be in the middle so he positioned him in the middle then he became concerned that would he would miss out on the combat because he was in the middle away from both rear attacks and front attacks so he wanted to be in the back again he raised another objection shortly thereafter but that party told him to deal with it Twist hated all gnome characters why because he encountered a gnome with a flintlock pistol once he thought that flintlock pistols were abominations that went against the fabric of reality and because there was one gnome that we encountered who possessed a flintlock pistol he assumed that all gnomes possess such technology and would attack them on-site in order to destroy their wicked tech this became an issue when he attacked the local gnome Lord who was supposed to give us a mission but there was one story that led to twists expulsion from the adventuring party you see twist didn't really understand how magic worked the party had to slay a dragon once and twist thought it would be a good idea to take the time to sneak around the dragon and lay glyphs of warding the problem was this would take hours upon hours and assume that the dragon was stupid enough not to see a dwarf and heavy plate armor laying glyphs around his cave when the half work barbarian Fang told the dwarf that this was a foolish plan twist told him that he would either lay the glyphs down or do nothing at all the party agreed that the glyphs weren't going to work so twist sat at the cave entrance and refused to take part in the quest combat began and twist was given multiple chances to do something but he held his action at the cave entrance every time eventually the halfling rogue liddie tea leaf was stunned and blasted out of the cave by a strong attack and began to fall to her certain death the entrance was several metres high twist was given a specific opportunity to save the rogue but intentionally chose to do nothing the two looked each other eye to eye as she blew past him thing reacting as quickly as possible had to leap after liddie instead and took the fall damage in his rage state this left him near death and with a broken leg twist refused to heal him eventually the rest of the party managed to slay the dragon and found a weeping halfling pleading with a stubborn dwarf to heal the dying barbarian twist said he would help if the party gave him some of the loot gathered from the dragon this would be the last time the party had ventured with twist much later the party was fighting Louis the Spider Queen in the corner of the room laid a skeleton of a dwarf whose heavy armor had been cracked through by an enchanted flintlock pistol bullet there was a shield next to the body with a spiral design on it some claimed that it had a twist design the party has no idea if this was what remained of twist but they assumed it was this was all based on an actual campaign thing the Barbarian managed to recover and the kind halfling rogue decided to teach him how to read he also purchased a garish helm with antlers on it so it would grant him feather fall hey everyone Brian here just wanted to drop in at the end of the video to say hi and wish everyone well before heading off I'd like to plug our friends over to adventurers coffee company again letting the world know that if you're hankering for a haunt brew that you can use code mr. Ripper to get it whopping 10% off they're already reasonably priced bags of little roasted goodness they come in pre ground forms for us lazy folk or thick beanie goodness if you prefer to crack and grind your own you can find a link to their site down in the description below also if you liked the video they roll the dice and give us a big thumbs up and subscribe and if you have a story you'd like to tell us feel free to do so in the comments below we're literally always reading them and you never know if one of us will slap that puppy in a video and as this video comes to a close I want everyone know that we're always happy to be here narrating for you through all these times of good and bad so stay safe be happy and tune in again next time everybody have a good one
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 258,580
Rating: 4.8973255 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond
Id: zP9wEXYCvyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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