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all right let's get this truck running charge battery for you this is one truck dad can work on okay be back by dark love you what's up guys I hope your day is freaking awesome I hope you have something to look forward to this weekend I have noticed in my life that having something to look forward to helps you get through some of the crappy times so always try to have something that's like I can't wait to do this it kind of helps you forget about the crap you're going on that's going on right now in your life do you get these where you live I think they're called dandelions the problem is they grow faster the Comeau your lawn I swear this was just mowed three days ago one day they're all the way up and bloomed I don't get it it's magic all right guys as you can see I've been pretty busy out here compared to yesterday you got George cranking out the paint I think you're my official paint guy now man this is gonna look nice I love it it's gonna it's gonna bring life today is my brother's birthday his actual birthday and I'm so excited for him it's a big year for him and he's one of the hardest-working human beings on this planet and I want to make sure his birthday is awesome today so I got some plans hop out of there first we found some light you guys know we've been looking for outdoor furniture yeah they're awesome we found some outdoor furniture we liked but they were out they're gonna sell us the floor model luckily you like that you like it a lot it's pushing my back out we're in this crazy massage chair you want to sit against it and feel it are you nervous it's not gonna take off like an airplane so we got some cool furniture but we can't get it till tomorrow they're having like a big party here tonight and it's the floor model so they want to keep it for the party we're gonna pick it up tomorrow we'll still get it in time before Monday you ready let's go eat pizza we never have you ever had yeah we definitely have never had it before so is it your circle that your oh you're just making your own things are you beat and now you can draw a line through it draw a line through that means you win it's not gonna be so easy this time okay you go first this is what it looks like for me and canners hot wings hot I didn't get mild this time I got hot no hot lava well don't step in it burn your toes off he be in Cheers being best friends [Music] gonna run in here real quick what did you say you got a pool really bad man is terrible timing terrible time can you make it no no oh no don't poop in the car we're just gonna running right there to the firework place get some fireworks for my brother's birthday and go home and I want to show you guys something super cool those look cool I think those got parachutes or something you got it yep we're back let's do some shopping how about some sparklers for you guys you guys want to hold the sparklers yeah let's get some of those look at these this just looked fun you have never seen an assortment fireworks like this holy grounds for divorce oh my god this is one box oh my god that's one box one box fire it's so big look that's me and you having fun and that's mommy and now mommy you'd have fun with us Jane I think we're gonna function I did play this these guys are just hooking us up left and right I love it this is why I always come back here I think my brother's gonna be happy dude we got so many fireworks dude this isn't even half we still got a hold another card in there hey straight up you guys know I don't do a lot of advertising on this channel but these guys hooked me up every single time so I want to give a big thanks my brother's gonna have a freaking blast tonight we got we went in there for like a couple things we left with two shopping carts completely full all right we're getting somewhere now that looks real nice that's way better honey all right guys I've been so excited for my brother's birthday I got him the coolest gift I could possibly get him I haven't even opened it I got it like two weeks ago in the mail and I've been dying to give him this present now I'll tell you about it once you see it it's unbelievable so sit down do you have enough Barbie I would do Barbie yeah you ever know let's see it yeah we just wrap maybe we just wrap that and give him that that's just the all right guys check this out so excited give this to my brother this is such a huge gift and you're probably gonna ask me why I'd buy something that's nice here it is check this out the Phantom - this is like the most be a phantom I love it the reason I got this for Dale is because Dale's the one that actually inspired the woody beat and I'll tell you a little story about the toilet paper prank I pulled on Howie Mandel that prank was created by Dale calling me one day and he said hey why don't you make smile more toilet paper for your viewers like toilet paper and I was like that's kind of cool but we looked it up and it was like super expensive when I was like I can't charge you guys ten dollars over and then he was like well imagine the commercial when we get shoot a commercial toilet paper in your house and I was like no I don't I don't want to do my house but we could toilet paper somebody else's house and it was like five days later we were like let's toilet paper Holly's house and this is the actual camera that we filmed that prank with I know it's a long story but basically he inspired that whole prank we filmed the prank with one of these and he loves quad cams so I had to get this gift but that is so awesome he's gonna he's gonna love it I hope he's not gonna expect it yeah they open shoot some some stuff for me so now he's got work to do my brother just got here in the middle of us wrapping this look at all the stuff it comes with those with a brand new GoPro I can t speak no he's not I'm a Barbie girl in this Barbie world wrapped in plastic do you hear that's meowing I hope you wanted a new cat dude I know you've been wanting a new cat ever since our other one guys oh you had to bring that up why don't you trust me it's not it's not matter trust have I really become that guy put the face stickers in here I knew it did you put him up to this okay oh crap that stuff looks real good I've got enough land all that oh crap I just got real high so I'm guessing now there's there's the funny truth I didn't know it wasn't in there at all it must be in the case I got you a hardshell case that's why the case is so heavy you have to open the case well dusty during flight dang one of the reasons is because the toilet paper from this is what they use the film the exact one and I told everybody that you're pretty much reason we came up with that prank it looked good so she is thank you I'll have to believe you guys lit it without me this is a crazy smoke ball so cool of him let's go see it it's like opening a bag of flaming hot cheetos everybody look at me now run towards the camera fast when does it stop does it stop I'm certain think we got a problem here it's still going the hole [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a good night good night I think we'd be getting you service tonight Brett I won't get your head too close to the fire Ciara just died it no you look like Swamp Thing its firework time I'm killing all the lights because these junebugs they're just coming right to these windows enjoy the show it's like covering the house all right the supercell I have no idea what to expect how's it cool it's a mess they start lightening further away they're so big this one looks straight-up scary uh what is this one called I don't know here we go oh boy don't try this at home alright guys the aftermath of the aftermath we're shutting down for the night kids are packing up June bugs are out due by morning they're all gone i sleepy bug with me and our viewers got you some that's from me and the viewers all your help and we we got Mike some some chocolates [Laughter]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 14,355,213
Rating: 4.8269544 out of 5
Keywords: THE, family friendly, more, RomanAtwood, family fun, vlogs, movie, prank, vlog, prankster, GREATEST, Natural, craziest, BEST, kid friendly, Romans, atwood, vlogger, making, LA, ohio, family vlogs, roman atwood vlogs, vlogging, day, daily, everyday, smile, crazy, pranks, Prankster, Born, roman, new, kid-friendly, pranking, columbus, family-friendly
Id: cUGOqoiys_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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