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hey guys welcome to the vlog hope you're having a perfect day and happy friggin father's not like going I saw like coming a mile away little burnt ninjas whatever seconds dogs would protect you guys over me no matter what hey you guys probably just beat me and they'd still be like get on get on it is Father's Day I got my boys we were headed over to my parents house hey I got something that we're gonna do it mom and dad you ready I got something really fun to do and we talked about this a while back something I used to do we need this that yes do you remember why you don't remember wait wait wait yeah woody dude another blowout here mix and match what kind of food are you taking the puppy oh boy Birds got to eat fish got to swim we're gonna take this boogie board because there's something that I've done when I was a kid I used to do it I'm gonna attempt to do it today it's not easy it looks easy but it is not easy and I'm a lot older now so I mean they're gonna get really hurt I'm just gonna fail over and over you got your little I can't look at this look at this plunger it's a shot it's a oh my gosh you just instantly bailed on you you can't see me you cannot sit with me come on come on can I just ask a serious question you guys but in on this anybody is more than welcome to jump in why do they build Cadillacs with the biggest motors in the only people that buy them are old people that drive 20 miles under the speed limit like I want to push them off the road no but I'm serious and every single nice Cadillac you come up on you're like come on buddy come on father time is in front of me I can't get out it's like I don't get it because they super might like their their machines they're like fast cars editor's forefathers party welcome to the big world dude this is for my daddy my parents have the best garden ever look at all the dinosaurs remember this one from Christmas it's the greatest Happy Father's Day to the king himself we got you a puppy what up bro happy Father's Day I didn't take long yeah are you ready to try the ultimate pool challenge it's hard dude you did all right I'm gonna show you what the boogie boards for this is something that I probably only done once successfully but I used to think I did it all the time I really haven't done it that many times so you take the boogie board you put it here you have to go run jump on the board make it across the pool without getting wet that's the Ninja Warrior stuff you ready to take on the challenge and bust your face and no I will not be pretty when I was a kid it seemed like a good idea now yeah now I think of the dangers I'm like oh my face is gonna hit the wall or you'll be fine here's what I want to do because I'm totally dry I want to do it totally dry because then there's actually a reason to not want to lose yeah what's somewhere I can follow that all right when I used to try this I would do it just about right here and I would just run from that corner so here we go trout nail here we go man I really need to feel the board you know yeah I don't know what to expect you're definitely heavier now what do you mean you're gonna need more speed to accommodate your weight you're right yeah here we go we believe in you Roman my legs got wet but that's that's fair shorts are dry here I'll hold it for you so stays in place all right I bet you can you see me go across you you did you trick sir ready all you it's all you and I'm still trying in my shorts no I did it's because if I was in swim trunks I have no fear I just get in the water but this went across wait you already did it I did it didn't I I didn't see anything go go go you got it you got it oh it's so much harder than it looks I swear let's see it yep whoa Wow all right so what's the secret you made these bubbles yourself what did you use it's gained this soap yeah I use this soap all right here we go so Wendy you guys gotta see this beehive wasa I don't know what kind of bee or whatever it is but look at this that's a I Dream of Jeannie B he's in there oh it's a bottle B he's in there he literally is like a hermit or Bobbie he makes his own bottle and sleeps in it he's so cute I can't tear him out my dad refuses to remove it like a hive he just lives in it it's just one little yeah I think that's the definition of a high it's not a hive at all where bees sleep it's a bee basket maybe that's where I get my hunting instincts I can't I can't hunt I can't kill anything you can't even remove a bee hive but you can sting us he's a man man Jason butterflies wonder where you guys where I get all my child antics from this is the front-flip challenge right now you know basically it's like the Superman where the person puts their belly on your feet and grab your hands but we're going all the way into the pool I've never done this with a full-grown man to test this stuff I'm not a full-grown man to test this start will be using me as an example do I jump with you or do we are lay off here you just lay on me and I control ha ha ha ha this is bad so bad I don't know salmon dive it's something special not everyone gets to see this yeah salmon dives a rare Dale classic since he was a kid he's been doing this since he was 8 years old that can only be done once the summer exert so much energy so much to get off you got this Noah all right you got it buddy so we thought maybe that it was a we thought maybe it was a little appropriate to have a little flashback it's Father's Day maybe some old photos of us as a family and where do we start where do we start what you're looking at do okay that's a golden photo dude you're afraid of it it's just too personal this is rhomin at its best right there there's me and Dale working over brother it's fishing picture this is you in the background being as ornery and let's say on you that's this is a great I don't think I've ever seen this photo this is an awesome picture this is uh Cape Hatteras this is Emerald Isle this is dad Roman and Dale right there yeah for sure that's a great picture Lake Gary hmm so here we are in Lake Erie are you sure the waters that blue today yeah yeah that's absolutely that was Bucky's boat Lake Gary when we did that this is for all my my BMXers out there this was my Dino air and it was my dream by GT mate I don't know if they're still around is that a fanny pack you're wearing no way what am I wearing mom those are literally flowers on my shirt oh my gosh you know what's on my shirt look at this that is a lionfish and that's a triggerfish no you look like me pretty cute yeah some boogie board in action man now this this was one of my favorite pictures of you really yeah ever since you were young and I think this shows your true spirit and I don't think it's really changed that much I'm serious that is you all over right there even from the beginning crazy little man ready to get everybody this could be the earliest photo of me and my dad right here yeah it's close a couple more here for you this is uh I mean we love our sweetcorn check this one out me Dale and dad Shane we really don't have any group family photos cuz someone always had to take the picture selfie selfies weren't in yet selfies yet this is Dale and I ed and Cape Cod cool place that's what it was Wales here's me and Dale eating something at our first house this is our first house ever man this one really gets me look at that whoo you've come a long way papa hey you made it oh well I don't know it's gonna be fun I don't know flash let's go swimming you got to see these pictures we pulled out oh really Britney's just getting back from her dad's house she ran over there to hang out a little bit we're just goofing off man I'm not really doing much pulled out some really old photos unfortunately the day has to end if we have to say goodbye happy Father's Day all right guys we've just brought up another day and it's there I hate burning up these type of days man it's such a good day just hanging out my mom and dad and my family of course you have a good time with your dad I did I didn't stay long but did he like his gift would you get him that's such a cool gift he's never like really done it or had like a nice one to go do it we should do like a metal detecting day seriously I think it's really fun we used to do it with me and my dad used to take me in Dale all the time metal detecting actually there's a pretty crazy story my uh I should ask my mom and dad to tell you this story but they actually have a true story of they used to metal detect for change to by me and ale diapers that's a true thats a true story they were that broke I don't know how they got their hands on a metal detector it was an investment that's a true story man we we started with I still remember our first house we used up holes and our ceilings and our floor you could like to see to the to the ground through our our bathroom floor it's crazy so we're ahead at home we have eaten up this day and it was just a great day I hope you guys really enjoyed your day as well and yeah we're just gonna keep going hey boy hey Zeus I gotta drop the camera my gosh flashes PN hair grass is starting to grow well Handley one golden ball one goal we are gonna hook a bunch of stuff up to the drone and send it up for you you excited this tomorrow's gonna be a very fun vlog because we are going to hook random things up to this drone I get it I get a design I guess that'll be part of the blog is what are we going to design so that when the dog jumps up and grabs whatever's on the drone it doesn't wreck the drum that's the goal it's got to be like a quick dismount like if there's a hotdog on there how do we keep from destroying the drone so often he's sleeping on the towel is it just me is there a chance is there a chance here that this dogs are already bigger oh yeah Tommy Nick I was what are we gonna put on the drunk give me some ideas cuz we're gonna have like I'm not gonna use this drone for what most people use this drone before I mean I probably will because it's gonna be amazing but I want to do something original at this drawing I want it to be something unique and you guys be like oh my gosh why would he do that who does that's my type of style right that's what I want to do what he likes that room the messiest room the messiest room in the whole house that's where he wants to be I'm just guessing it's the coolest room in the whole house it's cold it's really cold he's a snow dog that is it for our Father's Day vlog man was such a good day starting up film too much but we really were oh you got me Father's Day gift this is pretty awesome two spices it's all real made spices for on the grill and like everything crap in there yeah these are all like literally celery's celery seeds cloves smoked black peppers sea salt bay leaves it's all real that's gonna be fun let's do something fun with that we love you guys so much thanks for hanging out with us we will see you tomorrow for a really fun like it's gonna be I promise you that I will make it really fun it'll be you know my style yeah see you guys tomorrow you were freaking awesome you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile are you going up now you know you want me to do it why are you being so brave we're one little trip one little treadmill stunt now you're a stunt woman we're walking up to the jump scene this is where it all happens people
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 7,506,332
Rating: 4.9424272 out of 5
Id: uZsjEFz0FaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2016
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