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what's up guys hope you're having an awesome day you guys keep it down in there what are you doing in my office hey what are they doing what are you doing say hi say hi to everybody so we miss alone look at this one of these two you better hurry up this girl takes so long I've never seen anything like it nope I said you look like the Wicked Witch of the West you like it no it's not bad it's just Rhonda doesn't like it she's shaking her head what happened to it you leave it at the club you leave it at the club oh hey you got pants on I don't believe you let me see your feet huh you do you put them on bottom up we gotta go before we go I'll try too strong then I bit have you guys ever bit your lip like legit like you're eating and you just chomp down on your lip like I feel like an animal like that's what an animal would do look hold the cam have you seen this when you gots a lot of focus oh my god I mean you need to put some on that uh what do you put on it I can't do anything I can't put a toothbrush in my mouth I can't like drink anything even water is like irritating I don't know what's wrong yeah I'm going to try to raw vlog all day for you guys because I know how upset you were about yesterday just getting a 360 video you guys really really let me know that you don't want me to do that anymore which is good that's what we're here for to talk to you that's it no I love when you guys it's good criticism I love it so hate all you want I learned from that right we learned from that they don't want to see you guys in the shower anymore in 360 hey do you want to fly Superman come on red yeah did you just started vlogging this I don't see anything your squeal is the absolute rest in peace headphone users squeal that's what that is you remind me of somebody right now like like uh like a character the girl in love story have no idea what she's talking about but maybe who do you guys it looks good you gonna wear that hat in public all right we gotta go hey can I get some socks on this is what my house is actually like when I don't kill the camera and we just felt like this is the sort of slight Oh closed huh before we run out I want to show you Kane's first day of preschool today way to go he rocked it out this is his little classroom he did what two hours is that oh she just did well I don't think you're gonna pass art class but he did really good he didn't really hear that I'm really proud of him Oh Ohio why won't you reign for me you ready to fight the rain you got it yeah you better run we could probably build this house faster than we can get out of it right now oh hey did you ever think you'd be excited to see the RAM I'm still not excited are you excited we're open suppose like no my be ready for me here's what we're gonna try to do today for you guys um I know that you didn't really dig yesterday's video no big deal we're gonna move on every like here's the greatest thing about YouTube you got bloody are you riding in the back of the truck the cool thing about this channel is that every day is a new day so it's like it passes so quickly so here we are on another day it's absolutely gorgeous outside and we're just gonna raw vlogging all day I'm just gonna film as much as possible and really get a real vlog today none of this three tsitsikamma doing the just kidding I am I love them I think they're really cool obviously like that that was we didn't watch a movie so I get it you guys want blogs that's really why you're here so we will stick to that format I also learned that I really learn how boil you guys are based on the quality of the video if the video is bad you guys just go crazy like I'm like oh my god who are these who are these people for comment sections not off people but it's all good new day let's kick it off let's smile let's be positive and start fresh with us yeah about what ladies and gentlemen Kane oh my god I almost forgot my phone whoo what would I do you guys never panic like you can't find your phone and it's actually in your product pocket you're like I know it happens how have they made us so attached to these devices these phones I'm so attached to it no matter how much I want to admit that I'm not I am I'm addicted I have to have it with me at all times going on oh you're walking with your superhero kind of like your Power Wheels I have to charge the battery yeah you have to charge the battery he's so confused all right put it back on you had today at least it's stormy out so it makes sense I think they'll fit you you ready there you go Bubble Boy you rock man you like them you're look in the mirror come here he's still like him feel like a scuba diver I don't know mommy's hat and girls glasses do you like it are you ready did this put your hand down ready so here we are at the Easton mall haven't been here for a long time got my Superman with me Britt is we left her in some store somewhere we had to pee I'm pretty sure filming in a bathroom is frowned upon however nobody was in then it's gonna take a while to you back hope he's stepped on a crack broke Mama's back one thing super nice about coming to the mall on a Tuesday is that there's not that many people here I mean compared to a weekend we can get away with playing and goofing off a little more come on now your hands are all dirty again come on you're swimmin you know you don't want to go swim in oh man it looks so nice I'm getting in you can't get mommy go get her this is way easier yeah watch where you're going keep it up boy five more hours I feel like we've bought in a million of these things or do we meld them all no those are markers so with canes starting preschool we need all these weird little things like crowns which we should have had folders for school stuff dude you're gonna get it you're gonna get it you do that I went to grab this and you had a knife in there us I went to grab this and you had some in there so I pulled in it just oh so you're blaming whatever was in the door handle Oh get in your seat boy there's a little grocery lesson for you if you go into a grocery store hungry just turn around and go eat because you'll spend double the money some grocery stores have gotten really smart and they just put the food in the grocery store so it's a win-win for them you eat and you buy food it's for you it's like you're about to feed up a bunny are you a bunny now Cain that's salt it's bath salt do you know what it does never turns you into a zombie you're gonna be a zombie or this one turns you into a clown horse this one makes you turn into a giraffe oh you can be so tall it's turnin Oh butterfly fly away we're just kidding you put him in the back it makes you feel and smell good pretty good bath salts you guys remember where there like people were turning into zombies eat that Salt's was that what they were doing I don't know I don't know the story about oh my god guys how good does that look look just coconut play that put it in smoothies to me this is like the auto blend you just grab one throw it on blender and make a smoothie it's perfect but it comes with a price tag almost 13 bucks for that okay all right I like where you're going with this it's nice yeah no they go bad so fast you got to eat fruit so food cane you're actually starting to grow out of things who's making that noise who's making that noise who's doing it looks like mine we are out of here you know your stores making a lot of money when your entire parking lot is made out of blocks no it actually stopped raining in it's just sprinkling in looks really nasty buckle up boy Oh get in there honestly though what's it cost to have the only parking lot built out of Legos I think it'd be easier to just make your parking lot of $10 bills I think that would look nice sheet awful easy it's just that easy to just take your nails off what do you want oh no we're almost home like three more hours we just got done getting all the crap we need family stop man fruits veggies throw on a blender smooth it up thanks for driving in all this rains here so what it has rained all day guys literally all day a big toad maybe wants to come in with us and hang out see a little guy okay we're back home guys I gotta wear your grass slippers yeah okay what are those well I don't know what are those while you do this I'm gonna do something really probably embarrassing and I probably shouldn't even put in the vlog I'm gonna see I'm gonna see how many pushups I can do I'm still a little sore from two days ago when I did my push-ups and I could only do 30 that was my max 30 push that's not a lot what you should have to do on my little ball thing no I don't even harder it should do regular ones so here we go guys I want to try this don't laugh at me too hard I'm so out of shape and I want to I want to use this as inspiration because hopefully in the future I can do way more than this so let's try you saying hi come here come do push-ups with me Ready Set but he's gonna laugh at me buddy ah Swamy there's only 20 eyes only I can't even talk I'm trying to talk to you dude it felt like I don't even know about right now what happened what happened guys something's wrong so it was 30 kind of embarrassing to put on the vlog because I know 90% of you can probably out do me but that's ok that's not my strong point so when I'm good at how many can you do 10 I know I'm still a little serving I'm not gonna use that as an excuse I only did 30 when I wasn't sorry dude that's nearly your entire body weight are you doing it is that - you already stopped yeah it's okay Wow okay so who can beat me I'm telling you actually that was all I had I couldn't do 31 did you see my thirty number 31 I couldn't I just stopped halfway in fella yeah that's okay I'm gonna get better I want to do 50 I wanna be able to do 50 with no stopping yeah fifty what is that shipping crap for our smile more store I uh last month I told you guys that audible was it was gonna be their last month for that deal apparently you guys freaking love the site as do I they're back again in fact they're talking about just sponsoring this channel so every month they want to give you guys different deals that's in the works I don't know if it's gonna happen but this is a company I can get behind because I freaking hate reading I hate what is that why are you acting like that I just hate reading it's one of the worst things on the planet to me I know a lot of people love it like it soothes them it's comforting it makes me go to sleep it's great but it's 2015 and I just can't do it I suck at it I don't comprehend it I read and I forget what I just read you know we're both not very good at reading so I probably hate it because I'm not good that's the truth but it's the future this is it back when I went was that this is it back when I was in school you can listen to the stuff your favorite book they got it go listen to it you can drive you can hike you can walk you can crawl you can swim Oh in school are you allowed to listen to books yeah instead of reading them dad I don't know I don't know but you can learn so much better if I was able to listen to it and like follow along it's like having your mom beside your reading your book to you that's what it's like that's what it's like anyway guys as always they're hooking you up I thought last month was the last one but they're back and maybe here to hook you guys up for a long time so go crush yeah I don't see why you don't want this it's free 30 days free a free book just for using audible.com for slash drumming that's it you know my name put it in there check it out it's free check it out you guys know the drill you know what's up link will be in the description use audible.com for sauce Roman to get that deal I just told you about it was like that no it was open oh it was I have no idea I thought you went to bed little boys he's so thirsty mom okay so thirsty me see it's wet I think you're okay okay listen good news you can go like seven days without water so I know you're okay yeah there mama mama set me up those don't fit those wouldn't fit me those are those don't fit you know I think Mama's been throwing some house parties while we're gone she's your favorite show Georgio's I guess it's it is wine down time guys it was my bed you guys sorry guys I was gonna tell him to say night but I was gonna tell him to say good night but he's already asleep it never gains rockin the wall but say good night baby he's gonna be one of those singers that uses yeah screamo voice yeah all right guys we love you so much thanks for putting up with what he said okay we got our hands full as you can see we love you guys thank you so much for everything we will see you tomorrow thanks again we love you what are you doing Katie oh yeah actually it's just really polite other newer we love you guys we'll see you tomorrow you're beautiful you're amazing don't forget it don't let anybody tell you you're not awesome you're the greatest oh boy what's this love you see you tomorrow in the shower and girl in the shower miss you pretty interesting we have to use cold water otherwise the hot water will fog up the camera
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 6,506,122
Rating: 4.9276567 out of 5
Keywords: ohio, crazy, family-friendly, day, roman, movie, family fun, atwood, RomanAtwood, Born, pranking, vlogs, Romans, roman atwood vlogs, prank, THE, kid-friendly, GREATEST, family friendly, new, craziest, prankster, columbus, smile, kid friendly, everyday, daily, more, pranks, vlog, Natural, vlogging, Prankster, making, BEST, family vlogs, vlogger, LA
Id: 0OW1wz3_5rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2015
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