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so much fun I'll be right back okay okay I'll be right back have some fun later yeah it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful day in the neighborhood welcome to the vlog guys we are headed up it is day three with my calf and we were supposed to see a specialist within those three days the specialist cannot get me in until the 16th of September right so basically the hospital wants me to come back and check on my hand since I can't see the specialist oh it's ringing now baby father time in front of us now we're moving we'll get there patients maybe patients so yeah we're headed to the hospital you know check out my hand do a checkup hopefully no big deal we continue with our day we have special guests coming in today and ironically what's the odds of this our special guest has the exactcast on his hand I don't know anybody with a broken arm but he does great and here we are back to the emergency hope you guys are having an awesome day man I'm hoping this just goes smooth and there's you know everything's working the way it's supposed to be working at least you get an answer or something just getting more walking back out okay here's something really crazy that I didn't know this cast is meant to be taken on and off I can take it on and freaking off I'm so dumb I didn't know this stuff peels off she literally just peel it off she's like yo you can take it on and off things have changed since I broke my last bones anyways so it's like until you see a specialist they just put a bandaid on it and say oh my gosh so here's where we're at a couple reasons I had to come in today one is I've only had pain in this part of my hand because I broke that part of my hand but since I've got this cast on I've had sharp pain all down my hand and even in my wrist she straight up was like well that's because it's probably too tight you need to take it off and rewrap and I'm like what take it off take it off she's like yeah you can you can take it off get in the shower and just rewrap it I'm like what yeah that's huge that is huge good news and I was like wait this stuff kind of wears out can I get different colors for tour I can wrap it every night you know it's gonna be tricky are you good at it oh yeah I mean yeah get this stuff I want to buy you here at the hospital and she was like we'll go to like a tractor supply and get what they wrap horses in they have all kinds of color school let's go there yeah this is ridiculous man so once again I'm way far from knowing what I have to do with my hand because I won't be able to do it until after you're up and I'm skydiving with this cast let's it looked at least get a bright color so that I can see you coming see me for skydiving see you coming through the sky yeah LED casts LED cast cast with LEDs buildings home wait so are we decided that we're going skydiving we are no matter what well I never thought I'd be coming here to buy a horse wrap wrap for horses I even have a horse they should I'm just so excited to know I can take this off and take a nice shot my taking our shower our opposite of a power shower horse leashes leads collars oh you want these for you ah you know what I'm looking for oh these like them nice helmets but that's like exactly what they put on my hand we're buying all this stuff who would have thought having a broken hand would be so fun those and then cane really wanted me to get pink I have to do a pink one so this all started because I was like wait on tour I can have a different color cast each nice so this is why this is kind of coming in for tour because I leave Tuesday for tour I want to make sure you have enough for tour though to change it every day I think these are cool for tour people buy this for personal use which reminded me I really need to go buy something when I think about what we just did it's ridiculous like it's silly there's our greeters dude you ordered pizza not beets uh okay guess what they said I can take it off and rewrap it in different colors hey let me help ya you playing Smash Bros rapid mommy suit dr. Caine listen I'm sticky huh never been so excited to take a shower in my life I see the light Caine I see and feel a light they don't have this soft stuff now if we rip it oh my god my hand feels so weird it feels awful it's like stiff as a board can't move how yeah we should have bought that stuff I can get my hand feels terrible like terrible it's like stiff like it's still in the cast and it doesn't want to move like it feels awful uncomfortable just think why would you smell it why would you smell it they said it's removable I can take it on and off yeah but it kind of feels terrible look at my hand dude that's why it feels weird like that that's why I had no feeling in my thumb it stinks my hand stinks I'm not gonna lie after three days Jane I got this for you cause you said I should have got pink all right guys this is the hard part of the cast this is actually molded to my hand so I can just put it back in here and rewrap it it's freaking genius actually and I just absolutely can't wait to shower so I'm gonna do that I can't move my hand like my hand is stiff as a board feels awkward it's uncomfortable okay that felt amazing but we got to get back in the cast I'm gonna get so spoiled so fast not wearing it look at this no cast look at that Croesus the litter all this stuff the only thing I didn't get was that soft stuff that goes on inside my and you see the redness on my probably not that's what hurts the most just my wrist bone being in the cast that's what hurts the most mmm denna so wait for our guests to arrive they should be here in another hour two hours maybe they're coming in from I don't let's put it quite a drive so I'm gonna wrap this wrap this up this is like foo sees car west west coast Kasim's or we just fold so fast not having that on have to put the cash back off I've got my ball my lady wrapping me up this is a cool color King so into it no this is good color choice yeah alright I'm all casted up what you think yeah we think looks like foo sees car my color better what are you doing here all day that's what it is that's what the intro is you know arm how many days after ok so you guys know this happened while I was in Canada yes happened when I was in Toronto I come a visit see you everybody loves to help me hurt my hand a couple days later boom and no and what did you do I'm sure your story's way cool about my story and I don't I guess it's it is stupid it is stupid I was on my truck I just installed it you cover and I was so satisfied I'm like you know what this is great gonna jump off my truck apparently that's what you're supposed to do so stumble and roll and everything like that you're not a gymnast not a gymnast I am a class so me and B are both broken now is in Canada free healthcare dude free are you walked in you're like oh it's you know I got the upgraded version for 90 bucks so for 90 bucks fully waterproof he can swim he can shower everything Canada you know here I shall they make their matter I walk in with a broken on the achieve five thousand dollars course okay really happy okay here's way different than so I switch colors I can switch colors though I do you want me color yet so Pete and his fiance are here and we have nothing to do now usually if you were gonna make a trip like this it would be like alright we got it all on paper what we're gonna do we're gonna have fun we're gonna do this but it's just a dude to are on the way home yeah they were they were staying with churros this week and on their way home they stopped here and last time you were here is because you had diarrhea last time you hear you you were only you were only asleep so it's a good time not gonna be much more exciting yeah you get there actually we gotta think of something fun to do we got a because left-hand challenge there you go Pete was so excited to come out here and see smile more because they got they got their own merch too and you have you guys do like real similar all the shelves it's it's so cool to see it though it's just so cool to see you don't you know you make a business out of youtube and it's so cool that helped you know this I love this message I love it yeah I love it I love it it's excited to come out here and we actually have matching that's right I just do that thing you're we're gonna break that thing in half trying to get on your hand get off okay Wow is it real real tight it's kind of tight it's it's it'll stretch I don't think it's comfortable you're gonna lose blood in that mom or tank is doing pretty good guys we have lost some of our favorite fish though have yeah we've been losing a lot of fishes you got a top hottest topic we take it bad like fish are like dogs don't eat forever like as much food as you put in they'll just eat the eels doing great but for some reason the fish have been really sick todd has been like living out here treating his fish and trying to make them better we still have a lot of them it just sucks when you lose fish and look at this guy my clown triggers still rolling he's getting bigger so you guys got free healthcare but we do not have free merch so I don't know what your plan on Canadian dollars dollars hey we were we we were trying to get little like them little shopping carts yeah for our store yeah so you guys could like go around and no this is chaos dude what are you up to you're gonna film without even telling me yeah I'm just gonna have a little tickle water is it okay let me just ask you this can I smell it right now can I smell something no it doesn't smell bad so you won't get it you won't get you probably just smell my like little juice here okay a challenge for us this is all we need this is all we need so don't make me throw up you won't I promise you know this is nice camera holy cow dude it overheated for the first time and it ha no I promise you as a sour I don't know ah he's not telling me at all with this all right all right so so what's gonna happen here is we're gonna take a teaspoon of this and I'm gonna take this spoon of this and it's like a cinema check me man I've become really and I'm reading what it is that's okay you don't know how bad is it it is not bad I promise you it's not bad just just trust me it's not bad but more my way don't put on the floor the dog will lick it up would I lie to you I wouldn't mind you I'm Canadian I don't lie so on three baby listen I know so I'm just trusting you yes your mouth is so much maybe you should have a bigger spoon I can't put no now okay real quick the objects just to swallow and that is to swallow it first person that's it first put in this one woman I think you sign know you do I know three two one that's warhead when I swallow it why what ice won't let me sit honey it's just so hard it tastes like what's on the outside of a warhead yeah in powder form it's what they put into sour candies it's just a raw ingredient so that is what is this I'm so nervous I swallow that because my gut it's just gonna die no it's not that it's just okay so what is it guys it's called malic acid malic acid is it for making candy dude yeah totally this is what they must throw it's like sour candy yeah does it make it still taste it right do it go away my god it's like what's my stomach doing I don't know - my chest is on fire it's so bad you put weird things in your body I don't you're acclimated I forgot to tell you that's not all that's in here dude know what make this video really good see Britney Melissa did it half a spoon awesome I'm so sick dude I'm really sick I'm not being a baby on the camera on purpose like I'm really sick I'm gonna throw up for sure honey was it gonna come out like rainbow colors so you filled out that awesome dude we need to do a side by side of your face from now versus the baby food challenge quite frankly what are the action when I came in so don't make me throw up you want I had no idea I don't know if I'm Donny they're like my stomach hurt Oh maybe milk you need to eat something man I think does another teaspoon just pick one little dab do you like what even nothing right you gotta do it you gotta do it tiny drop you have to know I don't have a snow shower my mom is like a waterfall slider I just got so sick so sick Zeus is trying to eat iconic or bad but I can't go see you guys are heading out soon that's time I say girls I got six Britney put cat food on my spare never-ending no I have this I have the weakest gut yeah I have noticed that now yeah yeah so this is gonna be really easy to next time we do a video all right I got the challenge for you you have to snort a line of that what you have to snort it but you you just made me throw I'd even show you guys I was out there I just did it again I just got so sick I'm not telling you to snort a line of I'm just saying snort it I had to see did a sriracha he did a little sriracha taco sauce hot sauce there you go I'll leave this in I'm keep I'm gonna raw raw vlog it do you want me to make the line he said I figured no no you got to make a little pile look a little pause gonna be amazing what is this okay yeah that's fine that's what it's not you know we're just gonna kill me no I just threw up everything I ate all day for that little stuff so you know do something a little a little rough this is premium malic acid it is component it's completely harmless it's made to make candies with and and actually what fruit drinks they put it in apple juice and stuff so it's it's it's not bad where he's just really sour like the most sour thing I've ever put in my mouth in my entire life was right there it's a Malik lime Oh distinct bonito Zeus oh no your nose is bleeding oh okay do subscribe to people that's part of the deal I'm gonna say this nobody by malic acid don't do any of this so dumb let's blog just one zero to DOM my dog so worried about you Wow even know it taste it you liked it it was good it's good and I need like one little one yeah like one little dot tastes good like it tastes like Canyon but when you put it all together it's the worst guys don't do any of that stuff that's terrible you like it just tastes like a warhead or a sour really sour you take a Jolly Rancher and then like roll it in it oh man be terrible I suddenly don't feel so bad about what I did did you took it you took your home oh man that's such a bad doing that again nobody ever speak to you again I've got take you a challenge for you we're done we're done to a child well do one you want and you won't do one that was no more challenges over challenges alright guys that is ridiculous I'm apologize now for any sensitive viewers sensitive stomachs out there like myself that was disgusting everything I actually I actually told her was I don't know what I should put in the vlog but then I realized everything we do is just for fun guys to give you guys a laugh so if it made you laugh then that's all I was trying to do man it's all for fun don't take it too serious it's just being goofy and people love fails people love when it's not them so I figured what we just did is exactly that you get the laugh at our expense I think that's that's fair that's fun that's a big part of these vlogs so hope you guys are having a great day I am gonna end it really soon I had to run out real fast when I go home probably end it with the fam and that's really here doing something really big tomorrow don't want to give it up but I'm leaving at 4:00 in the morning for this and I guess you'll just have to see what it is get my dog my dog huh what's up you slacker where were you huh alright guys getting settled and set up and you and I don't have the little pole on my camera I can't film with my casts cuz I can't rotate my arms so I'm always it's always awkward to hold I'm gonna say goodbye to everybody Kane still playing his games I just can't thank you guys enough for coming over man really it's been really brick can you show them the way out I'm kidding always great great you guys are gonna spend the night sleep good buddy sleep good I brought my proper deadbolt rut your own like safe door we are gonna say goodbye guys I'm getting up at 4 a.m. for some more you guys want them soon enough but we love you thanks for putting up with this vlog if you made it through all of that any one of them thumbs up man we'd love to see the support on this it was almost to the point where I wasn't sure if I'm even gonna put it in the vlog up until right now I still don't know but I'm sure if you saw it you know what I'm talking about love you guys so much we'll see you tomorrow beautiful you're one of a kind smile Moana I haven't seen Brittany this excited for such a long time like she is in heaven right now she is having so much fun what do you think
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 6,184,999
Rating: 4.9385667 out of 5
Keywords: family-friendly, house, roman atwood vlogs, Natural Born Pranksters, ohio, noah atwood, Atwood, Roman Atwood, Roman, kid-friendly, vlog, challenge, kane atwood, roman atwoods, roman soldiers, kid friendly, family friendly, atwood vlogs, worst, home, furious pete, daily vlogs 2016, family fun, pranks, brittney, girlfriend, youtube pranks, family vlogs, best pranks, vlogger, hospital, vlogs, roman vlogs, kids, sick, daily, skydiving, family
Id: au_eB6oKoO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2016
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