Dressed For The Occasion | Randy Skeete

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what's our subject dress for the occasion a little slow dressed for the occasion your adventist you ought to be fast dressed video go with me to second peter chapter three quickly we used to be called the people of the book notice i said we used to be called the people of the book we need to get that title back second be to three let's read from verse 9. verse 9 of 2nd peter 3. lord verse 9 sorry verse 10. you have that but the day of the lord i read from the king james verses you may feel free to read with me but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up seeing then that all these things shall be what dissolve what manner of persons ought to be in whole holy conversation and godliness looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of god wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat now let me hear a chorus of voices reading verse 13 come on nevertheless come on we according to his promise look for what new heavens come on a new earth finish the first wearing dwelleth righteousness there are some churches where all members dress the same way i frequently go to south africa there are some churches they meet under trees and all the people wear white but you can't try that in this church but all the people who are white so no one has to compare with the other there are no fashion problems they all wear men and women in white in the army there are no fashion problems they all dress the same way but um i said that to say this dress can identify you did i speak error or did i speak truth dress can identify you now the bible says we are headed for the world and the heavens wherein dwelleth righteousness the lifestyle is all righteousness to revelation 19 10 minutes to 12 i have to speak at one o'clock for a church in new york but i won't rush if you find the passages quickly what book did i say revelation what chapter 19 let's read from verse 7. are you there read with me what does this say let us rejoice come on and be glad and give honor to why for the marriage of the lamb is come and his wife have made herself ready verse eight and two her was what granted that she should be what arrayed in filing in clean and white finish the verse for the fine linen is the righteousness of the same in that verse righteousness is symbolized how as a government to revelation 16. our subject dress for the occasion let's read verse 15 nice a lot what does this say behold i come how as a thief keep reading blessed is he that what watcheth and keepeth his garment lest he walk naked and they see his shame here again we see righteousness symbolized as a garment let's go to revelation chapter 3. revelation the book where all other books find their fulfillment eloise says when the books of daniel and revelation are better understood there will be a change in a reformation a revival among god's people revelation what chapter did i say what verse 18 are you there read with me what does that say i counsel thee buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich keep reading carefully now and a white raymond come on that thou mayest be clothed and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear here again we have righteousness symbolized as a garment now we are headed for a new world where the lifestyle is what righteousness then how should we dress righteousness should be our garment let's add to that let us go to acts 17 acts 17. the book of acts written by whom uh that's a good guess but i have to flunk you luke luke yeah luke two books what are the two books lou connects yeah that's okay what book did i say acts what chapter 17 what verse 31 read for me what's that saying because he hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world how in righteousness come on by that man whom he hath okay now that's fine he will judge the world someday in righteousness it makes sense that the world is judged in righteousness if we are preparing to enter what new world wherein dwelleth righteousness god is consistent let us go to second timothy chapter four our subject dress for the occasion ii timothy chapter four who wrote that book paul yes god bless you second timothy 4 we'll read 7 and 8. and god bless you for bringing your bibles and for loving the truth i really mean that sincerely read with me i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the face stop don't answer me i'm about to ask you a question are you fighting a good fight there are some people who expect god to just change them with no effort from them i have fought a good fight first timothy chapter 6 verse 12 paul tells timothy fight the good fight of faith the half-brother of jesus christ james in james chapter 4 verse 7 he says submit yourself therefore to god resist this is not lie down and god saved me there must be an effort jesus says come unto me the bible says if he confess let's go back to second timothy chapter four seven and eight i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith read verse eight clearly henceforth there's notice notice henceforth henceforth because of this my faithfulness to god by the power of christ there's laid up for me there's a connection between that crown of righteousness and the life you live now you cannot save yourself you cannot mass produce righteousness but there is a connection between the life we live and whether or not we are admitted to that righteous new world henceforth verse 8 read with me there is leader for me what a crown of righteous stuff describe the world that god has provided for us it's a righteous world tell me about the judgment that will decide who enters that world it's in righteousness tell me about the crown that we shall receive it's a righteous crime now let's read it again henceforth there's laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge how do you describe the judge of that judgment he's righteous then what do we need above anything else come on what the righteousness what's the central teaching of the bible righteousness by faith what god does for us and in us through jesus christ righteousness by faith and so we're looking for let me pray again father continue to be with me help me to be patient with your people bless us lord i pray be glorified and bless us in jesus name i pray amen a righteous new world a righteous judgment a righteous judge a righteous crown the central teaching of the bible righteousness but what is righteousness go to jeremiah 23. jeremiah 23 we'll read verses 5 and 6. we're trying to answer the question what is righteousness you have jeremiah 23 5 and 6. can we read now if you have my version you may read to me what does that say behold the days come said the lord that i will raise unto whom david a righteous branch and a king shall reign and prosper and he shall execute judgment and justice in the earth verse 6 keep reading in his days judah shall be saved and israel shall dwell safely finish the verse and this is his name whereby he shall be called come on the lord our righteousness question for you what is righteousness jesus so i should have said who is righteousness the foundational definition of righteousness is jesus but when jesus made us by the way it was jesus who made us well who made adam and eve can someone give jesus credit and say amen what am i doing wrong nobody says anything it was christ who said let there be light it was jesus who said let there be a firmament and the father himself in hebrews 10 tells the son but thou lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens at the works of thy hands do you understand that the man who said on the cross it is finished is the one who said let there be light he is righteousness when he said in genesis 1 26 let us make man in our image after our likeness we were to be like him then we are to be like him now if his righteousness we are to reflect that righteousness jesus christ is righteousness go to first corinthians chapter one our subject dress for the occasion first corinthians chapter one we read verse thirty first corinthians written by whom paul yes paul wrote about one quarter of the new testament luke's two books make up one another quarter of the new testament first corinthians 1 reading verse 30. when you found that say amen what does that say read for me what does it say but of him are ye in christ jesus who of god is made unto us come on wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption that verse says jesus is our wisdom jesus is our redemption of righteousness jesus is our sanctification and our righteousness listen to jesus i am the way i am the truth i am the life which is slightly different from i have a way and i have a truth and i have life no i am truth i am the way i am life john 15 1 i am the true vine that's why he was the great i am or is when he told moses go and say to the israelites i am have said me unto you i am the good shepherd i am the door of the sheep i am the resurrection and the life jesus is wisdom jesus is righteousness jesus is sanctification jesus is redemption meaning there is no righteousness outside of christ there is no wisdom that heaven approves outside of jesus christ there is no redemption outside of christ there is no righteousness outside of christ he is our righteousness so when you have christ dwelling in you righteousness dwells in you so christ but let's look at righteousness again what is righteousness let us go to deuteronomy chapter six let's read verse 25 our subject dressed for the occasion deuteronomy 6 reading verse 25 who wrote deuteronomy moses well he wrote most of it the chapter about his death he couldn't write deuteronomy 6 let's read verse 25 let me pray pray god remind me that i am here for your glory alone in jesus name i pray amen deuteronomy 6 25 are you there read with me what does it say and it shall be our righteousness if we observe to do what all these commandments come on before the lord our god as he hath commanded us then righteousness is associated with god's commandments go to matthew 20 not 20 matthew 12. quickly matthew 12. let's read verse 34. i want you to read microscopically concentrate as you read matthew 12 reading verse 34 do you have that read with me what does it say o generation of vipers how can ye be evil speak good things finish the verse for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh what comes out of the mouth originates where in the heart for us and for god the czar page 19 paragraph two ella white writes the law which seeketh not her own has its source in the heart of god the love i should say which seeketh not his her own has its source in the heart of god now when the voice said thou shalt have no other gods before me from where did that come the heart of god what did jesus say in matthew 12 34 out of the ear the heart speaking the mouth speaketh when that voice said remember the sabbath day to keep it holy what was the origin of those words come on tell me the heart of god then from where the commandments come the heart of god now the bible says this is the whole duty of man please think the whole duty of man is to express the heart of god but since we're limited it is expressed in ten commandments are you following me now jesus says the commandments are love to god love your fellow man the holy spirit told moses to write it shall be our righteousness if we observe to do how many of these commandments are then you may say oh then i can save myself let me obey listen to jesus we must study here little they're little without me finish my words you can do nothing particularly keep those commandments yes it shall be of righteousness if we observe to do but how will we observe to do through the indwelling of jesus christ because actually it is he that does it through us with our permission this was how jesus lived go to john 14. john 14 my second favorite book john beautiful book written by the disciple who was closest to christ and of whom eloise said he most perfectly reflected the character of christ above all the other disciples the one who leaned on jesus's breast he was so close that peter said to him you ask him who shall betray him never let someone tell never ask someone to tell you what jesus said ask jesus yourself are you following me you'll be so close that you ask him yourself but peter said ask him peter can ask himself anyway let's get back to john 14. let's read from verse 8. philip said unto him lord show us the father and it sufficeth us jesus saith unto him have i been so long time with you and yet has thou not known me philip he that have seen me have seen the father and how says thou then show us the father believeth thou not keep reading with me now that i am in the father and the father and me keep reading the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself come on but the father that dwelleth in me finished the verse that's how jesus lived here's how we should live galatians 2 20 don't go there just saying i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ liveth in me keep reading and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me as verily as jesus was indwelt by the father and the father works through him we are to be indulged by christ that christ may work through us and when that's the case the lives we live are righteous lives and so deuteronomy 6 25 and it shall be our righteousness if we observe to do the word if introduces what a condition as much as god loves us he will not save us contrary to our will when he made adam he did not ask adam would you like to be made he just made him and we know what adam did now god is asking us do you want me to remake you he gets our permission first before he puts us in that new world he just made adam then said do you want to stay adam said no by virtue of his sin now as i said god is making us for god is first seeking our permission getting us right then he'll place us in that new world by our request the father lived in jesus in a mysterious way and christ must live in us the same mysterious way that we might live righteous lives our subject dressed for the occasion we're heading for a world where everyone wears what a righteous character go to psalm 119. psalm 119 looks like 10 after 12 or some such thing psalm 119 and my family at born again and the bay town the port i'm still with you god bless you and whoever is listening wherever you are in new york kuala lumpur god bless you god bless you we're all one through the spirit psalm 119 verse 172. i want you to read that clearly and loudly read with me what does it say my tongue psalm 119 verse 172 what does that say my tongue shall speak of thy finish the verse for all thy commandments are righteousness in other words it is righteous not to steal that's one amen anymore it is righteous to keep the sabbath then what is it to not keep the sabbath give me a smaller word a smaller word sin because the opposite of righteousness is sin if righteousness is the law sin is the violation of the law all thy commandments are righteousness the only way to live a righteous life in the eyes of god now you may live a righteous life in the eyes of the government and they'll give you a medal and you wear that medal to hell to live a righteous life in the eyes of god that life may be consist must be consistent with god's commandments but only by the power of christ whose very life is an expression of the commandments stay in psalm 119 let's go to psalm 1 verse 142. psalm 119 verse 142. are you there what does that say thy righteousness come on is an everlasting righteousness come on and thy law is the truth what's the law give me another word for the law the ten commandments we're not saved by keeping the ceremonial law we're saved by jesus but christ calls us to live by the ten commandments the bible doesn't say the ceremonial law is the whole duty of man the kingdom of the commandments is the whole duty of man so when you read thy righteousness is neverlasting righteousness thy law is the truth righteousness and the law are virtually the same thing because the law thy commandments are righteousness go to verse 144 verse 144 of psalm 119 do you have that read with me come on the righteousness of thy testimonies is stop read verse 142 thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness 144 says the righteousness of thy testimony is everlasting it's precisely the same thing because the testimonies refer to the commandments go to exodus 31 you look at me strangely exodus 31 god is good and all the time may i say that you look like very nice people you really do did i speak the truth amen okay what book did i say exodus what chapter 31 reading verse 18. when you found it say amen if you're still looking say amen all right read with me and he gave unto moses when he had made an end of communion with him upon mount sinai come on two tables of testimony cube reading tables of stone written with the finger of god now what are the two tables of testimony the ten commandments why testimony what is the testimony it's what a witness gives are you with me you give your testimony you say what you know the law express the character of god they are witness to the character of god otherwise says god is as sacred as his law or the law is a sacred god himself they are a testimony of the unselfish character of god that's what i call test the ark is called the ark of the testimony because the purpose of the ark was to carry the ten commandments the purpose of the entire tabernacle was the ten commandments let me pray father as i enter this phase give me the right word dear god please in jesus name amen listen to me carefully reason with me this side when you entered when you when a sinner brought his animal to the priest what's the first section of the tabernacle he entered the outer court was that holy yes or no yes when the killing was done the blood was collected sometimes the priest took the blood and went where to the holy place was that holy was it holier than the outer court is the outer court called holy is the outer court called holy no but was it holy yes now was the holy place holy between the holy place and the outer court which was holier the holy place now where did the priest go once a year the more silly was it holier than the holy was it holier than the outer court so we have degrees of holiness yes or no come on sit with confidence yes or no yes we have degrees of holiness the sinner could come to the outer court he could not enter the holy place the levites could enter the holy place they could not enter the most holy we have degrees of holiness now you tell me where was the altar of sacrifice come on where's the art of sacrifice in the outer court where was the liver in the outer court is this an adventist church it is hey father where was the candlestick quickly where was the bread the uh alter vincents yes now all these things are highly significant am i right the altar represented what calvary delivered the washing of the word and the spirit the candlestick the light the bread the word all the vincent's the intercession of christ those are absolutely essential but they were not in the most holy place what really is the main article in the most holy place they are but what is the function of the ark to house the ten comma now you tell me reason with me could god have put the ten commandments in the outer court he can do anything he wants let me ask you again and so redeem yourselves could god have put the law in the outer court yes because he's god you don't want to see me angry come on you adventist could god have put the law in the holy place where did he put it in the mouth holy now you tell me what does that mean god the character of god the essence of god righteousness as expressed in the law or the law of love in the most holy place when the priest entered the most holy place all sins had to be forgiven if he entered the most holy with one sin in his life you tell me the unpleasant details drop dead the garments of the priest on the hem there were bells now jewish tradition tells us a rope was tied around his waist and it extended right out of the tabernacle now as he moved ministering what did they hear the bells when the bells stopped ringing you know what happened he was dead but you couldn't go get him unless you wanted to join him in death what did they do they used the rope to pull him out the most holy place and the thing in that place was the law eloy says the ark was merely a receptacle for the the precepts it was the presence of these precepts that gave to the ark its sacredness and importance otherwise it was just wood it was the presence of the ten commandments that made the ark untouchable you ask other if you don't believe me you know who ozza was all right that law expressed righteousness the bible says nevertheless we according to his promise what god promises he keeps if we fulfill the conditions look for new heavens new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness go to isaiah 48 isaiah 48. let's read verse 18 isaiah 48 very beautiful book by the way isaiah more than any other old testament book talks about jesus that's why he's called the gospel prophet do you have isaiah 48 verse 18 let me pray father in heaven continue to be with me the god please i pray for my heart in jesus name amen read with me oh that thou had hearken to my what stop how do you what do you think the prophet is feeling when he said all that thou has heartened unto what do you think he's feeling what's this sound like is he speaking calmly is is it a crisis is he broken up is he distressed all that thou has hearkened to my commandments keep reading then have thy peace be what as a river keep reading and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea now the prophet is attaching peace and righteousness to what heartening to the commandments of god if you want peace of mind obey god ministry of healing page 480 paragraph three four eight zero paragraph three many who profess to be christ followers have an anxious troubled heart because they are afraid to trust themselves with god they do not make a complete surrender to him for they shrink from the consequences that such a surrender it may involve unless they make this surrender they cannot have peace and so isaiah says o that thou has heartened to my commandments then hath thy peace being as a river and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea as a matter of fact the bible says the consciousness of right doing not the bible and white is the best medicine for disease bodies and minds he that is at peace with god has secured the most important requisite to health health for living page 233 paragraph 7 listen again the consciousness of right doing i know i'm trying to obey god try not to offend him by his grace the consciousness of right doing is the best medicine for diseased bodies and minds he that is at peace with god because he tries to obey god has secured the most important requisite to health now listen to many adventist presentations on health and give the eight health laws and call them new start and whatever else but no one ever says confess your sins the number one health law is confess your sins because sin is the source of sickness i don't mean to digress but sin is the source of sickness where the sins you commit or simply living in a sinful world remove sin sickness goes death goes wars go prisons jails divorce everything and god desires for us not sin but righteousness now it's 20 after 12. can i have 15 more minutes say yes all right let's pray father in heaven continue to be with me i pray i beg you in the name of jesus amen go to romans 5. romans 5 and after that we'll jump over to genesis 2 and 3. and i preach on those passages more than any other i suspect because some people just don't get it romans 5 we're looking at verse 19. do you have that i want just the men to read if the men have my version men do you have my version king james all right read with me men you're the leaders strong voices for as by one man's disobedience come on many were made sinners keep reading so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous stop how many men are in that verse how many times do you see the word man or one twice who are the men adam come on and jesus the second adam the bible says as by one man's disobedience based on all we've said give me an intelligent definition of disobedience that's true but i want another word put in there what is disobedience yes you're right but based on what i've said unrighteousness i like that man handsome man reminds me of myself unrighteousness unrighteousness for us by one man's unrighteousness and we can see that by reading verse 18. now ladies you read verse 18. are you there read for me ladies what does that say therefore as by what no start again therefore as by the offense come on of one judgment came upon all men too condemnation go on ah by the right so we have in verse 18 offense and righteousness as opposites we have in 19 obedience and disobedience those two verses are saying what the same thing but look at the words in verse 18 we have offense do you see it what's the equivalent to offense in verse 19 ah sister god bless you disobedience do we have in verse 18 righteousness come on do you see that what's the equivalent in 19 obedience then what is righteousness obedience what is sin disobedience what world are we preparing for a world of our world of a world of obedience to god where obedience is your genetic desire even as disobedience is our genetic desire now before we convert it that's why we have to be born again so we come into the world now with new spiritual genetic information which says i delight to do thy will o my god ye thy law is within my heart this is the result of conversion the new birth and it can only be done by a divine power jesus tells us in john 3 verse 8 the wind bloweth where it listeth and now here's the sound thereof but can't not tell whence it cometh or whether it goeth so is everyone that is born of the spirit only a divine being can make that change sociology cannot psychology therapy they have their place don't misunderstand me eu therapists the new birth can only be accomplished by a divine power because it requires the rewriting of genetic information at the spiritual level so as fairly as a sinners urges to sin a converted person's urge is to do right you look at me puzzled that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit listen to ellen white mind covert and personality volume 2 page 601 paragraph 4. that which at first seems difficult by constant repetition grows easy and right thoughts and actions become habitual i am saying to you as truly as a carnal person naturally prefers sin the converted person learns to prefer righteousness and will die rather than sin what's our subject dressed for the occasion what is the dress we should all wear righteousness go to not nehemiah zechariah chapter three i'm coming to the end is 25 well i'll take five more minutes you gave me 15. we have a few left zechariah chapter three we read from verse one our subject dress for the occasion and by the way baptism is an act of righteousness i hope the spirit reminds me to get into that briefly baptism is an act of righteousness when the minister baptizes you that is an act of righteousness zechariah 3 reading from verse 1 father in heaven continue to be with me please god in jesus name i pray amen read with me and he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the lord and satan standing where at his right hand to resist and by the way every day that's the devil's work resist resist oppose make your life miserable christ is there to give us power and power and power right hand to resist him and verse two what does that say and the lord said the lord rebuked thee o satan even the law that have chosen jerusalem rebuke thee is not this a brand plucked out of the fire whether the fire is drugs alcohol financial mismanagement god can pluck you out of that fire verse three now read carefully now joshua was clothed how filthy garments representing what quickly sin and stood before the angel and he answered and speaking of those that stood before him saying what take away the filthy garments from him and unto him he said what behold i have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee and i will clothe thee with change of raiment i will do that that's god i will remove and i will pay it put on you the same way god remove the aprons and put on the coats of skins and that new garment is righteousness that old garment sin but god puts it not on our skins he puts it in our hearts you see because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh the hands act the feet act everything proceeds ella white writes in christ object lessons page 3 16 every act is judged by the motive and motives come from here not here i will cloth thee with change of raymond when jesus came to john the baptist to be baptized john matthew chapter 3 john said i have need to be baptized of thee and cometh thou unto me jesus answering said unto him suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill finish the words all righteousness repentance is an act of righteousness confession is an act of righteousness baptism is an act of righteousness if we're preparing for a righteous world we must practice righteousness in this world and righteousness in its condensed form is the ten commandments and so the wisest man who ever lived who was a ancestor of jesus christ he said let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter he writes when he was an old man now he looks back over his life because all age has the virtue or the benefit of a view mirror you see you look back let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter no matter what fear god respect him give him and keep if you don't fear god you will not keep his commandments are you following me so the kingdom of commandments express your reverence for god in your love fear god and keep his commandments for this come on tell me is the whole duty of man and what's the commandments all thy commandments are righteousness deuteronomy 6 25 it shall be of righteousness if we observe to do all these commandments before the lord our god as he hath commanded us the duty of the child of god is to live a righteous life but it can only be lived by the indwelling power of christ because the righteousness is ultimately jesus christ himself dwelling in us and he speaks through us he guides our thoughts as we stay submitted like clay in the hands of the potter someone listening to me needs to practice righteousness by making a decision to be baptized or to be re-baptized because by your own assessment your life has not been what it should be and perhaps the spirit of god has been convicting you you need to start with god all over again evangelism page 375 re-baptism reconversion must take place among the brethren and she says if a person is truly reconverted let that person be re-baptized let him renew his covenant with god and god will renew his covenant with him some of us listening wherever you are need to make that decision which is a righteous one to be baptized into jesus christ because we're told in galatians 3 27 those who were baptized have put on christ and we're talking about righteousness i want you to make a decision to seek the power of christ to live a righteous life as you and i anticipate a righteous new world but prior to the new world we have a righteous judgment it's based on the ten commandments the judge presiding is a righteous judge he appears in our heads come on a righteous crown and we enter a world where everything is right angels obey human beings obey those in unfollowed worlds obey the entire universe will throb with one harmony of obedience to the creator righteousness how many of you will say with me lord i pray as david prayed creating me a clean heart of god can i see your right hand stand with me a clean heart is a righteous one because righteousness has no sin do we become saints overnight no i'm not saying that we grow in grace but your decision is a hundred percent you tell me when the mob puts a contract on you the mafia it may take 10 years to find you but they'll find you because it is in the heart to carry out that contract that hit if your decision is to live a righteous life by the power of christ that decision is what god looks at faith and works page 50 i believe it is 54. ellen white writes when it is in the heart to obey god when efforts are put forth toward this end god accepts this disposition and effort as man's best service and he makes up for the deficiency with his own divine matter he said she tried i'll make up for where she fell short he tried i will make up because god is more desperate to get you into heaven than we are to enter but we must make that decision when god told abraham sacrificed isaac it was in his heart to do it and the bible writes as if it was actually done hebrews 11 verse 17 by faith abraham when he was tried offered up isaac god accepted it as done because it was done here even though god stabbed him physically but he accepted it as done if you make a decision with all your heart and soul to keep the sabbath holy god accepts that heads bowed eyes closed dear god we thank you for your word we thank you for jesus father he is our wisdom our righteousness our sanctification our redemption we thank you for your commandments that express the righteousness of christ which is your righteousness we thank you thank god you've made a way for us to live righteous lives by the indwelling of our savior as verily as the human jesus live the righteous life by your indwelling of him there are some people listening to me to god they love you they need to make the courageous and bold step to choose to be baptized to make that decision because that is a righteous decision and while your heads about and your eyes are closed wherever you are whether here or in born again or missouri city or wherever you are around the world if the spirit of god has convicted you make a decision where you are to be baptized but for those in my presence if there's someone who has not yet made a decision to be baptized ought to start with god all over again and there are variety of reasons for the why people may do that either they did it when they understood nothing they did it and they drifted from you father or they did it under pressure but it is someone who needs to make a decision for god to be baptized or re-baptized and you've not yet made it and you'll make it now i want you to raise your right hand you have not yet made it you'll make it now raise your right hand god bless you god bless you my brother you've not yet made it to be re-baptized or baptized raise that hand who takes names i see those two hands right here i need someone to write these we see a third hand off to the left someone come quickly this is very serious we must get the names there's a daughter of god right here a daughter of god back there a son of god to my right so we have two people pastor sang the brother right here get his name please wait is for baptism rebaptism get the name we have the sister right here and we have the sister back there yes sister back there i believe in the red top we need her name anyone else if you're at missouri city raise your hand someone will take your name if you're at beta on report someone will take your name and wherever you are around the globe if you've been convicted make a decision and find a seventh adventist church where you are and let the leaders know you have made the right decision to be baptized and all of heaven will be pleased anyone else a decision for baptism or re-baptism in acts chapter 19 the first seven verses is the story of paul re-baptizing 12 disciples anyone else make one more appeal and it's for everyone listening to me wherever you are you've been visiting adventist churches you've loved what you've heard and the spirit has been moving you in the direction of accepting this truth and you want to say father i need to learn just a little more before i decide if there's someone who will say i need some extra bible studies before i make the decision for baptism wherever you are let that be known to the leaders of the churches where you are and they will arrange for you to get those studies because baptism must be an intelligent choice but do not wait until you know everything that's a trick of the devil if you know you want to obey god you know god wants to save you you have enough and you know god has a standard his law you know enough to make a decision to be baptized and now how many will say father thank you for your love i recommit my life to you can i see your hand i recommit my life keep your hands up if it does not hurt father we thank you for your word we thank you for your love which is so persistent their god your love expressed in the death of your son i pray for my heart father if i said anything wrong forgive me if i misrepresented you forgive me father bless every man woman who raised the hand they are recommitting their lives to you where their lives rightfully belong please god bless them individually bless them in the spirit of steps to christ page 100 paragraph one the relations between god and each soul are as direct and full as though there were not another soul upon the earth to share his watch care not another soul for whom he gave his beloved son give them that attention father bless us keep us faithful give us a love for righteousness dear god and a hatred for sin because you describe jesus in hebrews 1 9 thou has love righteousness and hated iniquity give us that mind i pray bless us for the remainder of this day in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen [Music] you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 35,967
Rating: 4.8072991 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: AMy23N_reA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 38sec (3218 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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