'In-Depth Study of the Book of Genesis / Part 2 by Pr Randy Skeete (EP. 9 of 9)

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[Music] father in heaven i surrender myself to you and i ask you that god to use me that i may declare the words of life correctly and simply put your words in my mouth teach your people their god and at the end of this session let us leave knowing we have learned about you and by learning about you we've drawn closer to you bring those who are on their way safely i pray in jesus name amen all right let's go to genesis 1. my favorite book the book of genesis genesis chapter 1. and i told you yesterday all major salvation doctrines have the origin in the first three or the first 11 chapters of genesis all major salvation doctrines genesis 1 let's read from verse 1. when you found it say amen now i'm reading from the king james version in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters verse 3 and god said let there be light and there was light pause who said let there be light god but here's a little puzzle for you in verse 1 when you read in the beginning god created the word god is plural elohim when we read verse 3 let us let there be light who is speaking well yes but uh all right is it the father the son or the holy ghost who said let there be light somebody so it was a choir of three people who sang the song let there be light or was it one person who spoke okay when the voice said let there be light that was the beginning of what creation creation keep this in mind now let's go to john 1 let's read from verse 1. john 1 let me get a marker reading from verse 1 john 1. read with me if you have it in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and so we have as we said yesterday we have the word and we have god the word was with god verse two the same which is the word what's in the beginning with god verse 3 says what now we have two individuals we have two individuals verse 3 says what all things were made by him so how many is that how many is him one well the bible is teaching us one of those two created now who is this one we know who that is god a father but who is this how do you know that yes verse 14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us who came down from heaven and took human form jesus christ and so we know immediately then the hymn is jesus now verse 3 says all things were made by him go to verse 10 read verse 10 he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not and so we have him again and we have he not them or they were in the world he was in the world verse 11 he came under his own and his own received them not and verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us keep reading and we beheld what his glory and so we're dealing with one person that's jesus christ now genesis 1 3 what does the bible say and god said let there be light who spoke those words christ the creator is the same person who died on calvary because he died to save what he created let us go to an interesting section of the bible hebrews chapter 1 we will see where the father identifies jesus christ as the creator hebrews chapter 1 is the father speaking let's read from verse 7 of hebrews 1. if you have my version read with me and of the angels he saith who maketh his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire that's the function of the angels they're they're the ministers of god they do his will verse 8 but unto the son in other words the son is different from the angels the angels are ministering spirits look at verse 13 of chapter one go to verse 13. read it for me but to which of the angels said he at any time what sit on my right hand till i make that enemies thy footstool read verse 14 are they not all one ministering servants that's what the angels are they're servants of god now we go back to verse 8 what's the first word in verse 8 but but introduces a contrast there's a vast difference between the angels and christ but unto the son he saith read with me thy throne o god come on is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom now that is god the father speaking we could have begun at first one and worked all our way down but i didn't think he wanted to do that so we just went to verse 7 and 8. read verse 8 again but unto the son he saith thy throne stop what does the father say the son has what does the sun have a throne if you have a throne what do you do you wrote you you uh you you reign you rule the father says thy throne what are the next two words the next three words what two words no no the next words after thy throne oh god now listen to me carefully you must concentrate who is speaking the father we know the father's divine fully god what does he call the son he calls him god now listen to john 1 1. now just listen in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god both are divine now they have different functions but they're both fully divine now let's read all of verse 8 but unto the son he saith thy throne o god is what forever and ever what does forever ever mean in that with context end sometimes it does not mean with our end but there it means without end we'll see that in subsequent verses the father says the throne of his son has been forever and ever what does that tell you about christ he's eternal the person who said let there be light we're looking at genesis it's fully god he's eternal now let's read all of verse 8 but unto the son he saith thy throne o god is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy what does the father say the son has a kingdom the son rules with the father there aren't three kingdoms the kingdom of god the kingdom of the son and the kingdom of satan there too but the father and the son rule together a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom in other words what is the central feature of the kingdom of christ righteousness and we'll get to that from genesis now what have i said so far or what has the bible said so far we went to genesis 1 3 1 1-3 we went to john 1 1-3 then 10 11-14 then we went to hebrews 1 7-8 what has the bible told us so far thing thing don't be afraid just say jesus christ created jesus is eternal he had no beginning mystery how can someone with no beginning come as a human being the greatest mystery in the bible anything else that the bible has told you this morning that what he is god christ is god the bible doesn't say christ is the father it says christ is divine fully god all right go to verse 9. thou hast love righteousness and hated iniquity now what does that tell us about christ what does it tell us about christ he loves and then we'll discuss we'll discover what righteousness is that jesus loves so much therefore god even thy god hath anointed you with the oil of gladness above thy fellows now read verse 10 you read it for me and thou lord in the beginning stop where did we come across in the beginning genesis 1 1. yesterday we looked at genesis 1 1 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth we looked at john chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the words was god then we looked at first john chapter one that which was from the beginning which you've heard which you see with our eyes and so now we're reading thou lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth finish verse 10. and the heavens are the works of thy hands now who is speaking the father what does he say about the son you're the creator of the heaven and earth they're the works of your hands now well let's go on a little more let's go to verse 11. read for me they shall perish but thou remain us what does that mean he doesn't end the heavens will pass away they shall perish but that remains keep reading and they all shall wax all as dotha garman keep waiting and as a vest shall thou fold them up and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy ears shall not fail eternal now let's go back to genesis 1 3. we're looking at christ and god said let there be light and there was light who was that jesus christ now he wasn't called jesus christ then but it's that person who came in human form and died for your sins and mine to redeem the world and so the bible identifies christ as the creator who became our savior we've also discovered that christ is eternal we also discovered that the father called christ god now why would the fathers refer to christ as god what is there about christ that makes him god with many things but in the context of genesis 1 when he said let there be light there was light that's creation now creation occupies opposition above all the other abilities of god let us go to jeremiah 10. we need to understand let there be light and there was light that's creation what's the significance of that jeremiah 10 let's read from verse 3. we're in our in-depth study of genesis and if there's anyone watching us live by internet or the recorded version thank you for joining us and we hope the lord will bless you as verily as is blessing us right in this room what book did i say what chapter 10 reading from verse 3 when you found it say amen read with me if you have my version for the customs of the people are vain for one cutteth a tree out of the forest the work of the hands of the workman with the axe stop what is going on in verse 3 of jeremiah 10 what's going on look at it again for one that's what cutteth a tree out of the forest somebody goes to the woods and cuts down the tree can you see him cutting down the tree the tree falls now verse four the decade with silver and with go what does deck it mean they cover it with precious things silver and gold keep reading they fascinate with nails and with hammers that it move not keep reading they are upright as the palm tree but speak not they must needs be born because they cannot go keep reading be not afraid of them for they cannot do evil neither also is it in them to do good now what is jeremiah describing idols idols are made by people people are made by god let me say that again idols false gods are made by people we are made by god jeremiah is going to contrast the true god from false gods so he first begins by describing how a false god comes into existence a false god is made by people go to verse 10 read with me but the lord he is a true god he is the living god and an everlasting king now why does jeremiah say but the lord is the true god he is different from the false god we read about in verse three to verse five he's different from that now what makes him different from that read verse 11 thus shall he say unto them the gods that hath not made the heavens and the earth even they shall perish from the earth and from under these heavens now jeremiah god sells jeremiah here's what you say the gods that have not made what is it that separates god from false gods more than anything else his ability to create go to psalm 96 psalm 96 we read verse 4. you have psalm 96 read verse 4 what does it say verse 5 sorry for all the gods of the nations are but the lord so we have a contrast false gods and the true god what is the the leading quality of the true god he can create of course he creates with his word now let's go to uh isaiah 40 we'll read from verse 25. we're looking at genesis 1 3 let there be light who said that christ what's the significance of the fact that christ can create where we're finding out only god can create and creation more than anything else is what god uses to separate himself from all false gods isaiah 40 reading for verse 25 read with me to whom then do you have isaiah 40 verse 25 do you have it read with me to whom then will he liken me or shall i be equal saith the holy one is there anyone in the universe equal to me says god keep reading lift up your eyes on high and behold who hath what created these things god is saying look for you to understand why i cannot be compared just look at what i have made creation more than anything else is what separates god from false gods stay in isaiah go to chapter 45. we'll read verse 18 isaiah 45 reading verse 18. are you ready for thus saith the lord that created what the heavens god himself that formed the earth and made it he hath established it he created it not in vain he formed it to be inhabited now read the last part of that verse carefully i am the lord and there is none else now read that verse again quietly then i have a question for you all right should i finish that verse here's a question give me one word that describes what that verse is about one word creation listen for thus saith the lord that what read the verse created the heavens god himself that formed the earth and made it come on he hath established it come on he created it not in vain uh go on he formed it to be inhabited that's creation then the verse ends this way i am the lord and what what does he mean by there's none else no one else can create go to verse 22. read with me look unto me and be saved all the ends of the earth come on for i am and there is give me one word that tells us what that verse is talking about salvation now why does it end i am god and there's none else what is he trying to say no one else can save so in verse 18 no one else can create in verse 22 no one else can save if christ if adam had not sinned would we need christ and calvary no we won't need a savior but there's always need for creator because he who creates sustains creation is what god presents as proof that he is different from all other gods and so when we read genesis 1 3 and god said let there be light we're listening to the voice sorry of the one who said on calvary it is finished or why has thou forsaken me father forgive them for they know not what they do that's the same person genesis presents to us the creator who became our savior christ genesis tells us therefore that christ is fully divine fully god because only god can create let's move from christ we can spend all day on christ christ still didn't have to die you see listen to romans 5 12. that takes off a little wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin the world had to be redeemed because of adam's sin how god would have handled eve i don't know but the world fell into sin because of adam's sin and so christ came to redeem adam's fall all right let's look at christ differently read genesis 1 3 again come on read it read it and god said uh-huh how was the light made by the word of god commandment yes yes which is the word of god now this the power that made the universe is right here i might have said that yesterday it's right here i'm not talking about paper and black ink or red whatever color you have i'm talking about what the word says the living word it's right here now jesus says in the first temptation matthew 4 4 but he answered and said it is written man shall what not lived by brethren but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god we are to live by god's word whether that word is the whole bible or that word is the ten commandments before sin we didn't need the bible but the commandments were there after christ comes or we live in a new world we won't need the bible god's law will still be there so the word can be the word of god the law of god we are to live by god's word when you read let there be light and there was light what does that tell you about god's word it is immediate okay uh-huh it has tremendous power tremendous power someone else let there be light and there was light not let there be light and there was a fog let there be light there was light what does that tell you about god's word it's real yes it's true it's it's what it is specific it is specific god doesn't leave us guessing on essentials the word of god is specific example remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god that is specific let there be light there was light god's word is powerful that's god's word is specific what else is there about god's word let there be light there was light god's word is creative is that what you said who said creative or somebody said okay all right god's word is creative and creativity is a divine quality the ability to create is a divine quality what does that tell you about god's word it does like it says yes but listen again someone said correctly god's word is creative but creation is only something god can do what does that tell you about god's word it's i thought i heard the word starts with the d it's divine god's word is divine let's look at god's word away from genesis 1 3. let's go to genesis 1 20. you have that read for me what does it say and god said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and foul that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven now quiz question for you what was made in that verse birds what else fish question for you again are birds living things are fish living things now and god said that's his word let the waters bring forth abundantly moving creatures that have life and foul that may fly above the earth what does that tell you about god's word okay it gives life god's word is life-giving and genesis introduces us to the life-giving word of god god's word gives life we looked at that yesterday without stressing god's word giving life how did christ raise lazarus by the word christ never entered the tomb he just spoke lazarus came when christ comes back first thessalonians 4 16 with a trump of the archangel with the voice of god and he calls the righteous dead he just speaks the word of god has life and when we receive that word we receive that life go to john 6 63. john 6 63 are you there all right read for me what does it say it is the spirit that quickeneth stop what does that mean it is the spirit that gives life to quickness to give life so god is the judge of the quick and the dead quick is opposite to dead quick means life it is the spirit that quickeneth or gives life keep reading the flesh profiteth nothing the words that i speak unto you come on finish the verse they are spirit come on and their life i cannot explain how god's word is life it's a mysterious thing but there is life in the word of god but what kind of life eternal life give me another word or everlasting life this the word i want starts with a d we said it earlier today it's divine life but who or what is the source of divine life god in him was life and the life was light of men therefore the word of god contains what life be more specific be more specific put a person put a person with that the word of god contains the life of god don't ask me how that is why it is the word god uses to change people listen to ellen white christ object lessons page 100 paragraph one what did i say christ object lessons page 100 paragraph one all right here's what it says the scriptures are the great agency in the transformation of character jesus prayed sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth then she goes on to say if studied and obeyed the word of god works in the heart subduing every unholy attribute how is a person sanctified by the word of god which has life and so when we read let there be light and there was light we know that word is divine that word carries the very life of god it has in it the characteristics of god the character of god the life of god the power of god is in god's word that's the word of god when we study the word of god and obey it it reproduces in us the character of christ go to john 15 let's read verse one or from verse one then i'll set up a sort of a algebraic formula for you john 15 let's read from verse one when you found it say amen read with me i am the true vine and my father is the husband man every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit read verse 3 now you clean how through the word which i have spoken unto you but jesus says the words i speak unto you are spirit and they are life so jesus is saying you are clean through the life-giving word that i speak you see the power that cleanses me is the life of christ the power that heals is the life of christ the power that forgives is the life of christ you know we say well we're saved by his blood yes the blood is the vehicle that carries the life that's what the bible says the life is where in the blood it's the life of christ verse 4 abide in me and i in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can ye except you abide in me now let's look at something here in verse four read verse four for me stop stop abide in me all right what's the next statement okay i in you keep reading as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more could ye except you abide in me verse five i'm the fine here the branches keep reading he that abideth in me stop he abideth in me we have that repeated same thing that's an m keep reading he that abideth in me go on i in him stop so we have i again in him go on the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing let's look at what we have so far in verse 4 abide in me i in you in verse 5 he that abideth in me and i in him we have the same thing do you see that all right let's go to 6. if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and their birth now let's read verse seven read on now if if ye abide in me suppose ye abide on me or man in me okay now what should we have over here yeah what we should have is an eye in him to be consistent are you with me uh mr cameraman i'm walking out of your frame all right okay okay now watch carefully you're all mathematicians you're bright god gave you tremendous brains verse 4 says abide in me and so on this side we have abide in me on that side we have in you verse 5 says abide in me on that side i in you verse 7 says abide in me this side should say what i in you but it doesn't say i in you what does this say if my word abides in you then what does that tell you about the word and i same thing then but where's jesus where is jesus where is jesus now in heaven is he flesh and blood yes or no yes so he can't abide in me personally then how does he abide in me but he told us in john 6 63 the words that i speak unto you they are spirit so he abides in us by the spirit-filled word this when you decide to keep god's holy sabbath because the bible says so that's christ abide in you is it a mystery oh yes christ abides in us through the spirit-filled word what does the bible say in genesis 1 3 and god said let there be light and there was light god's word is the power of god himself it is the life of god himself it is the holiness of god himself it is only by receiving god's word that we receive god let me pause ask me a question yesterday we got through very few subjects and i had a whole long list i want to get through a few yes please lock mode for your expense that makes your mind well turn mine off lock mode please lock mode oh flight mode oh i see i say okay that's what you call lock mode airplane mode okay please do that now so we have a quality recording so those who cannot be here or cannot join the live stream can benefit sometime down the road okay i'll ask you now ask me some questions on what i have said so far let the bible answer that thou hast magnify thy word above all thy name psalm 138 verse 2. his word is above his name you see his name is built by his faithfulness to his word that's why when we doubt god's word we call him a liar you see how do you doubt a word that says you look around you look at the heavens how was that made by the word the grass how was it made the word the atmosphere the word and then you doubt it the ultimate insult to god and the bible tells us to doubt god's word is to make him a liar another question yes well then you have to know what the the underlying hebrew word seth or greek word says yes well there's loi which is one member of the godhead for instance go to mark 15 34 mark 15 34 is loi and elohim loi singular elohim plural mark 15 verse 34. now this is christ on the cross he's crying out to his father who had turned away from him because he was covered with all the sins of the world mark 15 34. do you have that read for me what does this say and at the ninth hour christ did what described a loud voice saying what loi loi la masa back then which being interpreted is my god my god so we have eloise there means singular he's speaking just to the father but sometimes you have elohim which means more than one it's gonna be the father and the son together so when the bible says let us make man in genesis 1 26 that's father and son let us god created heaven and earth that's father and son mentioned in verse 1. it doesn't mean father and son spoke together but they were greed on it but the actual person who created and said let there be light is god jesus christ loi like cherub is one angel cherubim more than one seraph one angel seraphim more than one all right any other question based on what i've said so yes if you know what is wrong you ask god to give you the power to obey him you cannot worship any form of idol physical or if the idol may the id the the idol can be a false doctrine for instance there's no bible verse that supports sunday as the sabbath people insist on doing it that's a form of idol worship so if you it is the power of god in you that allows you not to worship idols obedience to god is possible through the power of god so if you think you're worshiping idols you ask god please deliver me from idol worship let me say it again obedience to god is possible only through the power of god because obedience to god is obedience to a divine standard and the human being by himself or herself cannot live up to a divine standard you need divine power to reach a divine standard both the letter and the spirit anything else based on what we looked at christ we looked at the word yes yes jesus right yes yes yes no that's true that's true no no not for physical healing no but to be saved you've got to hear it some way to be saved but you're quite right the servant ever heard matthew 8 jesus spoke it and the word did god's work god did the work of god true very good but to be saved you need to hear god's word somehow some way anything else yes do you mean by that well yes if it's the word yes a secondary source can mention the word of god so a secondary source uses a primary yes someone else mentions god's word yes they've never heard the name jesus yes will be the kingdom yes yes yes but you see you can hear not only through these but through internal conviction somehow the spirit speaks don't do that and you obey that's how gracious god is all right let's switch to another subject we cannot exhaust christ or his word but in my favorite subjects now we go from christ so you understand that before i erase this it is true the life the spirit-filled word that christ abides in us why can't he not abide in this personally because he's physical he's both man and god he's he has a flesh and blood just like you he has bones he has scars which he took to heaven with them so he can't be in you but the spirit can and the word can so christ abides in us to the word but as i said in one of my presentations during the weekend that's not close enough for christ he wants to come and be with us personally that's why he's coming back to take us to a place where there's no sin also he can be with us not through the word or the spirit but by himself all right let's go to genesis 3. don't go to genesis 3 8 go to genesis 1. let's read verse 11 of genesis 1. you have genesis 1 read verse 11 and god said let the earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed and the fruit shielding seed after his kind whose seed is in itself upon the earth and it was so okay what day was that look at verse 13. good morning weather all right so day three all right day three we have trees and grass but we just put trees now go to chapter two let's read verse 9 genesis 2 verse 9 read with me and out of the ground may the lord god to grow every tree that's pleasant to the sight and good for food the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil now the tree of knowledge of good and evil was made when on the third day all trees on the third day if you don't read chapter two carefully you'll think it came after no all trees made of the third day because at the end of day six god saw everything he had made behold it was gone now when was adam made day six when was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil made three when was that a maid so before adam was made what existed somewhere in the universe satan had rebelled lucifer against god before creation so before adam never made there's evil in the universe somewhere all right now let's find out where the source of this evil is chapter 3 verse 1. read with me now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said unto the woman yeah hath god said he shall not eat of every tree of the garden now do serpents talk no the animals are dumb animals are dumb are you with me so what's going on there's a power using the serpent and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god hath said he shall not eat of it neither shall he touch it lest he die verse 4 and the serpent said unto the woman what now god said surely die this voice said not surely die what is that what does god say what does this person say what is that it's opposite it's opposition this being that spoke to the serpent opposes the word of god remember god does everything through his word all of creation came by the word of god the enemy attacks the word of god so god said you'll surely die the enemy said you will not surely die so we know now that this power this enemy we know to be satan is opposed to the word of god we're taking a look at satan now there is a power in the universe that is dedicated to overthrowing the word of god not church the word of god because this power his best agents are in church if you don't believe me listen to the church people saying crucify him this is the devil let's go to revelation 12. revelation 12 we read from verse 7. the last book of the bible revelation 12 reading verse 7 are you there read with me and there was war in heaven michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not stopped there was a war some time ago in heaven the two armies are headed by two generals michael a name for christ and the dragon they fought michael with his angels the dragon with his verse 8 says and prevailed not neither was the place found anymore in heaven verse 9 and the great dragon was cast out that all serpent called the devil and satan now we have four names what's the first name dragon serpent and what else devil satan but look at this one why is he called now keep reading verse 9 which deceiveth the whole world now this is the work of the serpent to deceive is the work of the dragon to destroy the work of satan to uh accuse and work of the devil to oppose to be an adversary so be sober be vigilant because the devil your adversary walketh about seeking whom may desire and i saw joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the lord zechariah chapter 1 3 verse 1 and satan standing in his right hand to resist him by accusation so we have accuser adversary deceiver destroyer but if those four qualities this is the one he uses most effectively because he used destroyer to kill the the martyrs but the more he killed the more people joined the church are you following me then he stopped using this so widespread and he started using this he mingled some paganism with the bible and the church this exploded with a lot of hypocrites and so this is more than anything else what he uses now go to second corinthians 11 read verse 3 second corinthians 11 reading verse three read with me but i fear less by aha as the did what beguiled eve stop what does the word beguile mean deceive the serpent beguiled eve paul is saying keep reading through his subtlety of course that's genesis again the serpent was more subtle so paul is quoting directly from genesis 3 verse 1. keep reading your minds from the what simplicity that is in christ jesus by the way the gospel is a simple thing the moment it becomes complicated uh maybe it's not the gospel the fundamentals of the gospel are very very simple your problem is sin the solution of christ your culture has nothing to do with it the problem is sin the solution is christ your enemy is the devil your advocate is jesus christ all right so we have this being called the devil let's find out a little more about him let us go to isaiah 14. one of the greatest favors you can do for the devil is to believe he doesn't exist a greatest favor you can do because you make no preparation for someone who doesn't exist book did i say isaiah what chapter 14 reading from verse 12. read with me how are thou fallen from heaven or lucifer's son of the morning however thou cut down to the ground which this weakened the nations now here's how he got into trouble read on for thou has said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the size of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high this angel that god created his name was lucifer that's the name he had before he took on the name of satan lucifer means light bearer so we have lux pharaoh lux is light pharaoh is to carry so you cross a river on a ferry you got pharaoh to carry lux light pharaoh lucifer means light carrier light bearer verse 15 read forming yeah that shall be brought down to hell come on to the size of the pit or stop in other words you oppose god you attacked god your final end will be destruction one day that's what the bible is telling us let's find out about him before he rebelled ezekiel 28 you read from verse 11 ezekiel 28 reading from verse 11. have you found that read with me moreover the word lord came unto me saying what son of man take up this what against whom and say what uh-huh thus saith the lord what thou sealest of the sun full of wisdom and perfecting beauty stop we need to untangle the expression c list up the sun what does some come across to you as w mathematician statistics statist statisticians what is the sum the total thou see this up now watch this carefully thou see list up the sum the sum of what let's add full of wisdom what's the other statement perfect come on talk to me in beauty see listen up to some when god made lucifer lucifer represented the highest expression of the creative power of god not the universe not the world not the trees not adam not eve lucifer was the greatest expression of the creative power of god that's why he sealed up the sun the sun nothing god had made came close to lucifer full of wisdom perfect in beauty no other create listen to this quotation the faith i live by page 66 paragraph two tell me what i just said listen to these amazing words or astonishing speaking of lucifer ella white writes god made him good and beautiful as near as possible like himself which means if we're talking about that power that came into the garden this is god this is divinity the closest thing to god was lucifer the greatest power in the universe after god lucifer yeah yeah yeah definitely godfather's goddess and god hold you the great the closest thing to divine power it was lucifer's power now listen to this the desire of ages page 761 paragraph five what did i say okay say it again the desire of ages paid 761 paragraph 5. now here's what it says to him as to no other created being was given a revelation of god's love he understood god's love like no other angel did including gabriel the only other persons to understand god's love more fully would be the son of the holy ghost that's who we're dealing with that's the being that came to the serpent now if that's how powerful he is can you handle him no you can't the only power that can handle satan is god and so this power comes let's keep reading more about him uh thou serious of the psalm verse 12 of uh ezekiel 28 full of wisdom and perfecting beauty now read verse 13. read for me thou has been in eden the garden of god every precious stone was thy covering the sardius the topaz the diamond the barrel the onyx the jasper the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and gold let me show you something else let me take this off this is a this is interesting stuff let's read those stones off again the sardius topaz diamond barrel onyx so why jasper sapphire i think sapphire has two peas what else emerald karbanku my handwriting is deteriorating as i write and gold now that's lucifer's covering you know crocodile has scales and a lizard lucifer had precious stones can you imagine what it was like to see him flying through heaven now go to verse 14. read it for me thou art the anointed cherub that covereth and i have said this so now i told him about go to don't lose ezekiel 28 go to exodus 25. exodus 25 this is god giving moses instructions to make the ark and the mercy seat now we're looking at the construction of the mercy seat read verse 17 of exodus 25 and thou shalt do what mercy of uh-huh a cubit and a half two cubits in half the length of equipment and half the now read verse 18 ah stop thou shall make what what's the plural word cherubims now go back to ezekiel 28. read verse 14. what does it say there are the anointed cherub not cherubim in other words keep reading and i have said this so you see here was the ark and there were angels on either side that covered the ark as god's divine bodyguards i guess but apparently originally lucifer was the one because the bible says you are the anointed cherub god doesn't need bodyguards but lucifer was hand-picked he was made for this work to be closer to god than any other angel you are the anointed cherub that covereth i have set you song read verse 15 that was perfect in the thy ways from the day that thou was ah he was created a created being then who made him come on be specific who created him christ everything was made by christ christ created lucifer now these are the stones on lucifer go to exodus 28 look at the stones on the high priest whom does the high priest represent jesus christ all right ezekiel sorry exodus 28 we read from verse 17. we're describing now the breastplate which has stones on it okay that's lucifer let's describe the high priest who represents christ someone read verse 17 aha rose of stones stop the first one shall be the sardius go on the second row the second stone topaz carbuncle all right hold on let me scribble down of course carbuncle goes from way down here to here but it's the same stone next row emerald hold on hold on hold on have mercy on me a sapphire aha and a diamond go on third row liger agate oh sorry but i get down here agate uh-huh and an amethyst hope you know what these words are next fourth row beryl onyx jasper and they are in settings of what gold so let's put gold over here now look closely what we're dealing with who is this come on who's this who's this the high priest representing whom christ now lucifer has the sardis does jesus have that the high priest yes the topaz the high priest yes the diamond the high priest yes the beryl the high priest yes the onyx the high priest yes the jasper the high priest yes the uh sapphire where's the sapphire here the emerald where's the emerald where is he here the carbuncle where's the carbuncle uh where is he oh here okay gold over there the only three lucifer doesn't have is the liger the agate and the amethyst okay because you can't have christ has to have something more than you are you following me okay okay now you look at that now use your imagination we're dealing with the power that came in the garden that's before he sinned you see here comes lucifer and all these stones here's the high priest representing christ let's say christ has his stones what do you notice about the two of them they look i like it you have to look close to this to decide what now they're different yes you have to look close to realize wait a minute one who has three extra of these fourteen stones or thirteen he has ten they looked like two peas in a pod lucifer looked just like christ lucifer was closest to christ thou art the anointed cherub that covereth and i have said this i made you i handpicked you for a position stay right next to me he was the one who decided i want christ's position i'm not satisfied i want christ's position well that can't happen because you can't be god so he was thrown out go back to revelation 12 let's read verse 9. revelation 12 verse 9. read with me and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him and this earth became his stomping ground now genesis 3 verse 1. we're learning about this power called satan we don't want to focus on him we focus on christ but we must be aware of him all right let's read again now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god had made now what does that tell you about satan coming through the serpent were there cows in the garden were there leopards in the garden with the elephants why did he come to the serpent it was the smartest are some animals smarter than others have you ever seen a lizard in a circus have you ever seen a crocodile in the circus what do you see an elephant a seal a orca you know these intelligent animals satan chose the most intelligent animal and worked through him and beautiful at the same time because you see the serpent did not crawl until sin because of sin it was told to crawl verse 14 of gen 15 to 15 of genesis 3 but the serpent didn't crawl there are serpents in southeast asia indonesia being one of them that glide from tree to tree they don't literally fly but they glide they jump from one tree and glide to another tree or glide to the floor yes the lizards that do that so the serpent did not crawl we believe it flew but it was beautiful so system chose the most beautiful and the most intelligent we are dealing with an enemy that is strategic and knows how to come at you with such force that unless you have divine power at your aid you cannot overcome and resist him but let me take this off notice how he came at eve in genesis 3 what did he say in verse 1 read verse one come on read verse one don't take all day he said as a woman ye hath god said what is he doing he's questioning go to matthew 4. matthew 4 let's read from verse 1. you have that matthew chapter four reading from verse one read with me then was jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was afterward and hungered and when the tempter came to him he said what if thou be the son of god stop why would he say if go to the previous chapter chapter 3 chapter 3 chapter 3 read 16 17. and jesus when he was baptized went up straight away out of the water and lord the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the spirit of god descending like a dove a lighting on him next verse and law a voice from heaven saying what this is my beloved son in whom i am well plea what did the voice call jesus my beloved son of course that's the father because the holy ghost was on his shoulder in the form of a dove do we have three by the way anyway the devil comes six weeks later you know forty days forty night that's six seven forty two just about six weeks if you're the son of god but the devil heard when the father said you are my son what does satan try to do to you regarding god's word doubt is not the same thing as saying it's not true doubt means i'm not sure i can believe this i don't think i can believe this satan knows that the grass was made by the word of god he saw it made so he doesn't come and say this is not true there's too much evidence he just introduces doubt can god really save me doubt when i say i'm sorry father did he really forgive me and so doubt tortures you you see an outright disbelief in god brings a kind of a carnal peace of mind are you with me but when you doubt the word you were tortured did i did he forgive me can i conquer this weakness does he really love me and doubt tortures the enemy in the garden of eden genesis 3 he attacks the word of god and leads us to doubt that's the enemy of christ but here's what will happen to him when christ comes back go to revelation 20. let's read from verse 1. and we'll move off this unpleasant subject of satan and move to something more cheery and happy revelation 20 let's read from verse 1 let's pause let me say a prayer father in heaven i've gone too long without praying i'm sorry about that forgive me if i said anything i should not have said now strengthen me through your spirit of truth let angels stand next to me and next to my friends teaches their god bless those listening via the internet in jesus name i pray amen revelation 20 reading verse one what does it say and i saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless spit and a great chain in his hand carefully now verse two and he stopped he laid on our home kim reading that oh which is the and where did we come across those four names revelation 12 9. they just repeated and cast them into the bottomless pit so now there's coming a time when the devil will be restricted severely and we can't get into that now that's the millennium period but go to verse 10. read for me and the devil that what this now stop now we said we saw four names for the devil dragon means he does what this serpent means he does what he says satan means he does what he accuses and opposes devil means he's an adversary enemy look at verse 10 see which one is used come on read the verse for me and the serpent that deceived them because this is his primary weapon not destruction because as he tries to destroy the church physically members multiply and the devil that deceived them go back to verse 9 of revelation 12. revelation 9 revelation 12 verse 9. and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil in satan what are the next few words which they see faith that's the quality of the serpent the bible stresses he deceives all right let's read verse 10 of revelation 20 and the dragon that the seed was cast into the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever in other words there's coming a day when the devil will be destroyed by fire go to matthew 25 matthew 25 the parable of the sheep and the goats the sheep are on the right hand of god and here's what the king says to the sheep in verse 34 of matthew 25. you have that read for me what does this say then shall the king say unto them in his right hand come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world now pause the kingdom of god where we'll go if we obey god has been prepared for us for how long from the foundation of the world going out to what the king says to sinners who oppose him read verse 41. uh-huh to them honest uh-huh apart from me e-curse come on into everlasting fire prepared where did we come across the word prepared before in verse 34. do you see it you see the word prepared in verse 34 but we have prepared in 41 heaven was prepared for whom who except christ for us verse 41 tells us something was prepared what's that fire for whom uh-huh one day he'll be destroyed and his angels but not only the devil and his angels who else will be in the fire those who choose to follow his way but notice the mercy of god god didn't prepare hell for people he prepared it for the devil and his angel what god prepared for people according to verse 34 is heaven not hell but why will there be people in hell they will not obey god and he has no choice but to send him where he sends the devil because ultimately a person who disobeys god is functioning with the same mind as the devil and gets the same punishment that power in genesis 3 the serpent was the enemy of christ satan himself there is a power in the universe called satan his business is to draw us from god here's how he does it go back to genesis 3 and see if his technique is working in your life and i hope your answer is no genesis 3 we read 4 5 and 6. and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die now listen to five carefully for god doesn't know that in the day you eat thereof stop how how else can you say in the day you eat yes but in the day you eat take out eight put something else in the day sin because god said don't eat it in the day sin now keep reading your eyes shall be open come on you shall be as gods knowing good and evil now what look at this look at these three things your eyes open you shall be like god you shall know good in other words and evil now is there any other kind of knowledge it's all good or evil which means you'll know everything do you follow me if you know good and evil you know everything look at the judgment let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear god and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man for god shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or evil or bad that's it too the devil says your eyes shall be open you shall be like god you'll know everything what do you call those the devil is saying you will receive one if you sin do you know people believe that god said sin eventually leads to death the devil said sin has benefited now there's a i believe i'm correct and saying a few years ago many years ago there was a a move in canada to put cigarettes in black and white boxes and cigarette people rose up in arms and because who will buy a box of cigarettes if it's in a black and white box it's not attractive you see packaging if you're studying business or packaging is absolutely important for those of you who fly on plane next time you take a flight look at the magazine in the seat pocket in front of you and go to the back you know you buy things on the plane perfume whatever and look at the bottles in which the alcohol is placed see how artistic they look are you following me as though designed by michelangelo and renoir and some great painter from melbourne they're just beautiful but what's in that bottle cirrhosis of the liver loss of your faculties a car accident that's what's in about but you don't put a wrecked car on the car who'll want it so packaging the devil packages sin if you run around with all the women you'll be the man of melbourne or you'll be the woman of melbourne if you smoke you'll look cool if you take drugs you'll be a life of the party that's horrible god said you're going to die the devil said no no no no you live you'll know everything you'll be just like god god says sin makes us like the devil the devil says sin makes us like god and most people believe that all right we've talked about christ who is the creator we've talked about the word of god which is absolutely reliable it is it has the life of god the character of god the holiness of god the righteousness of god it's this is a creative thing it is precise then we talked about this great enemy called the devil who is very real and he has assistance who all used to be holy angels unfallen but they followed him and they will get what he gets when christ comes again the second and the third time we're going to move from christ in a certain way the word satan let's move to this absolutely central feature of the bible called righteousness go back to hebrews 1. hebrews 1 and we go to second peter 3 after that hebrews 1 we read verse 9 verse 8. we're looking at righteousness what is it hebrews 1 let's reverse say it read with me but under the sun he saith thy throne o god is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom the symbol of your kingdom is righteousness what's the symbol of australia a what a kangaroo all right and of course it has a flag the symbol of united states is the eagle we have a flag the symbol of christ's kingdom is righteousness the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom okay now go to second peter chapter 3. second peter chapter three we'll read from 10 to 13 so we can make connections second peter 3 10 to 19 not to 19 sorry 10 to 13. when you found that say amen read with me what does it say but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with the great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up keep reading seeing then that all these things shall be what manner of persons ought to be in all what holy conversation and godliness keep reading looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of keep reading wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements will melt with fervent heat now read verse 13. nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth now let's pause on that we have heaven we have new earth what's the central lifestyle in heaven righteousness what is the leading quality on earth as god desires it righteousness now listen to hebrew don't go just listen but unto the son he saith thy throne o god is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom righteousness is what christ gives us to the work of the gospel that's why the work of saving a man is called what righteousness come on by faith also justification by faith same thing righteousness by faith is the central teaching of the bible it's centered in christ we have to look at righteousness from genesis let us go to genesis 4. but no not go to genesis 4 yet let's go to genesis 2. and then we go to 3. and i hope by now you're developing a little affection for the book of genesis a little affection now read verses 16 17 of chapter 2. are you ready read with me and the lord god commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat stop philly keep reading but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it stop finish it for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die listen to me carefully god is telling adam there's something you can do and there's something you shouldn't do he didn't say in the day you think don't do it yes we know still raising this in the heart we know that but we take that so far we think that everything is in the heart once it is there or not there everything is okay don't eat it or eat it god said don't eat it if you don't eat it you'll be okay if you eat it you're in trouble don't do something or is a doing okay we know adam sinned go to verse uh let's read from verse 9 of chapter 3. read with me and the lord god called unto adam and said unto him whereas thou and he said i heard thy voice in the garden because i was afraid and i was naked and i hid myself and he said who told thee that thou was naked hast thou eaten of the tree stop did you do something that's god's question did you do something that i told you finish it for me not to do did you do what i told you not to do the man said the woman whom thou gave is to be with me she gave me of the tree and i did it god said who told you you're naked you did something go to verse 17 and unto adam he said because thou hast hearken you did something the voice of thy wife keep reading and has eaten of the tree of which i commanded this saying yes thou shalt not eat of it you did something contrary to my word you did something now let's go to genesis 4. read from verse 1 read with me and adam knew his wife and she conceived and bear cain and said i have gotten a man from the lord keep reading and she again bear his brother abel and abel was a keeper of sheep but cain was the tiller of the ground and in process of time it came to pass that cain brought of the fruit of the ground and offering unto the lord question for you did cain do something come on did he do something what did he do he brought an offering of fruit and abel he also brought of the first legs of his flock and of the fat thereof did cain do something did abel do something yes all right what did cain do cain he brought plants fruit durian that's what he brought now abel he brought a lamb both of them did something just didn't think they did something now read verse 5 for me no read verse 4 of the first thing of his flock and of the fact thereof now very carefully and the lord had respect unto abel and to his offering keeper stop what do you understand by that the lord had respect unto abel into his offering what what did i keep emphasizing abel did something come on cain did something now read and the lord had respect unto abel into his offering what did god respect what abel did god said oh okay he did the right thing i respect that not only what he did i respect him look at the verse again and the lord had respect unto abel and to his offering god can accept what you do and reject you you go along with what you do now read verse 5 but on the king and to his offering he had not respect and kale was very rough and his countenance fell now cain did something and what did god do he rejected it abel did something what did god do he accepted it now listen to god god is so reasonable i like god nice fellow now listen to god in 6 and 7. read for me and the lord said unto the cain why are thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen keep reading if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted stop accepted by whom by god on the basis of what doing what's right if you do well what i want as abel did i'll accept you when you do what god says here's how god describes it go now to first uh chapter 3. let's see how the bible describes what abel did and what cain did first john 3 verse 11 and verse 12. do you have that towards the back of the bible first john you can start from revelation work your way up if you're having a little difficulty first john chapter 3 verses 11 and 12. now we go hundreds of years thousands of years later we're getting a commentary on what abel and cain did and how the bible describes their actions do we have verse 11 of chapter three first john read with me what does it say for this is the message that he heard from the beginning that you should love one another now carefully not as don't be like cain who was of that wicked one stop what does that mean of that wicked one he was a child of the devil now why was he a child of the devil keep reading and slew his brother keep reading and wherefore why did he kill him go on because his uh-huh uh wait a minute now his own works were evil but what information do we have about cain's works what is all the bible tells us he brought plans that's what this works what does the bible tell us about abel's works people are learning now which one represents christ what does that tell about abel he understood he had a need for christ cain did not feel a need for christ now how does the bible describe what abel did look at verse 12 righteous then what is righteousness what's righteousness right doing how the bible describe what cain did evil righteousness is doing what god says to do let's go to matthew 23. matthew 23 remember when i get excited and go quickly tell me slow down please i don't want to be in melbourne and you in tasmania we must be in the same place all right what book did i say matthew what chapter 23 reading from first let's read a lot of verses from verse 29. you don't lose by reading the bible we don't read it enough are you there let's pray again father in heaven as we read let the spirit of truth guide our minds into truth day god i pray and as we see truth give us a willingness to obey that truth in jesus name amen read with me warn to you scribes and pharisees hypocrite for ye build the tomb of the prophets and garnish the sepulchers of the rights in other words they would kill prophets in the old testament then build nice tombs for them you understand what i'm trying to say very nice to him we'll kill you because you don't like the message you brought from god but we give you a nice burial all right so that's what the verse is saying verse 30 and say if we had been in the days of our fathers would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets in other words the pharisees and days of jesus jesus is saying that's what you say we didn't kill anybody we were not there with our fathers but christ has a surprise for them verse 31 wherefore ye be what witnesses unto yourselves that ye are the children of them which kill the christ saying there's no difference between you and your forefathers you didn't do it physically but you have the same attitude so you're just as guilty verse 32 fill you up there then the measure of your fathers you're just as guilty verse 33 ye serpents ye generation of vipers how shall he escape the damnation of hell now verse 34 carefully wherefore behold come on i said unto you prophets and wise men and scribe now pause you notice something interesting it's a digression what did jesus say wherefore behold what i send unto you who sent the prophet samuel in the days of the old testament christ who sent isaiah christ who said jeremiah christ christ says i send unto you not some all prophets and wise men and scribes keep reading some of whom you shall cool kill and crucify and some of them shall be scourge in your what synagogues and persecute from city to city now carefully that upon you may come what all the what righteous blood stop what is righteous blood the blood of all righteous person yeah good people get killed for god let me say it again good people get killed for god that upon you may come all the righteous blood keep reading with me shed upon the earth keep reading now from the blood of stop what does jesus call abel righteous but what is the only information we have about abel he brought the right thing you don't have anything else well we have hireship but he wasn't accepted by god because you're in sheep he was accepted because he brought one so christ calls him righteous let's go to hebrews 11. beautiful chapter hebrews 11. let's read verse 4 of hebrews 11 when you found it say amen read with me what does this say by faith abel offered to god a more excellent sacrifice than cain keep it in by which he obtained witness that he was righteous stop what do you understand why he obtained witness that he was righteous if he gets a witness that he's righteous what happened somebody saw what he did and said what that's a righteous who said that finish the verse god testifying of his gift stop who was the witness to abel's righteousness god now if god rejected cain and abel was righteous cain was evil and we read that in first john 3 12. god calls obedience righteousness what is righteousness simple obedience to what god says you know theologians and christians who like to get around obedience they find clever ways to describe righteousness no it is pure and simple obedience to god's word let's go to deuteronomy six book number five deuteronomy chapter six let's read verse 25 of deuteronomy 6. you're on me six verse what did i say no deuteronomy 6 verse 25 oh okay all right all right i thought i said 25 6. okay deuteronomy 6 verse 25 do you have that read with me what does it say and what read carefully and it shall be what our righteous stop what will be our righteousness keep reading if we observe to do come on all these commandments come on before the lord our god as he hath commanded us what is righteousness obedience to the law of god or the word this is our righteousness if we do now let's look at the law of god as we talk about righteousness go to romans 7 the commandments of god romans 7. let's read verse 12 and we'll read verse 14 we're looking at central doctrines of the bible all rooted in genesis romans 7 read verse 12 what does the bible say romans 7 verse 12. okay wherefore the law is and the commandment holy just and good how do you describe the commandments holy just and good now the bible says god is holy the bible says god is just the bible says god is good now what does that tell you if the law is these things what is the law it is a sacred finish my words as god himself read verse 14. for we know the law is spiritual stop well go on but i am carnal sold on the sin now the law is spiritual the law is holy the law is just the law is good uh psalm 19 verse 7 the law is perfect the law is as sacred as god himself now if god tells me obey this law i need help are you with me because the lord is spiritual but i'm carnal so that righteousness we must add to the definition of righteousness righteousness is doing god's will by the power of christ because you cannot keep a divine law in a human nature you can't do it righteousness is doing god's will by the indwelling power of christ all right we talked about satan we talked about righteousness what have you learned whenever i say whatever you learn you ask questions i'll ask for questions later what have you learned where's my sister who was up here what have you learned so far satan was as close to christ as any other being could be he was deliberately made that way as near as possible the only reason why satan wasn't equal with god is because you cannot make god but as close as a he as a created being can be satan was that close to being just like god a remarkable thing that's why it's such a tragedy that he fell how can you be so close to god and betray him all right what else did you learn come on move quickly satan will have you believe he does not exist or if he exists he has a tail and horns and he's half animal half-man satan is intelligent he has lost none of his intelligence as a matter of fact all the power he had before he sinned he still has towards the automotive he still has and he uses it for evil what else have you learned say it again that's what the devil tells you sin has benefits and most people believe that now sin has pleasure it has no benefits but moses decided not to enjoy the pleasures of sin for season he preferred to suffer god's people sin has pleasure it has no benefit someone else what did you learn yeah that's right that's right that's right the devil will make when you sin you look like god jesus i mean that was calling god a sinner what did you learn righteousness simply put is obedience to what god says but by what power the indwelling power of christ because god's law is a divine standard no human being can keep it without help so obeying the sabbath requires divine help now you can stay away from work on saturday but that's not sabbath keeping sabbath keeping means rest of body and soul and according to matthew 11 30 only christ can give us rest for the soul so we need divine power to keep a divine law righteousness is plain and simply doing what god says go to romans five since you are still thinking about what you learned romans 5 read verse 19 no 18 and 19. i'm going to show you something i like to put up these what i call formulas with two sides and see if they're balanced romans 5 18 and 19. i will extract some words and then ask for your comments all right romans 5 read verse 18 therefore as by the offense of one stop we have offense uh-huh go on judgment came upon all two condemnation of life so the offense led to condemnation go on even so the righteousness of one so we have righteous ness go on of one the free gift came upon to justification of life and so we have life okay what's the offense adam's sin what's the result condemnation that's why christ has to come and deliver us from the condemnation what did christ do his righteousness is the reason why we can be justified just for the age of life so the opposite of the offence is righteousness are you with me the opposite of condemnation is life now look at verse 19. read that one for me for us by one man disobedience okay pause go on many were made okay pause we have sinners go on so by thee ah obedience aha go on righteous okay now look at that you're all very brilliant people let me come over here so i don't block these two handsome men okay this leads to that this leads to that this leads to that this leads to that those two verses are saying virtually the same thing using different words this is 18 this is 19. now let me see if you're focusing what is the equivalent of this in verse 19 disobedience yes this goes with that are you following me now what's the equivalent of this sinners this and this same thing what's the equivalent to this obedience what's the equivalent to this what's the equivalent to this life righteousness is life you don't believe the bible all right it's my fault let's try it a different way go to galatians 3. it's my fault galatians chapter 3 let's look at righteousness as life again you know it's a lifestyle of obedience that's all it is what is god saying i'll do it where does he want me to go i'll go how high does he want me to jump i'll jump where does he want me to sit i'll sit righteous living what he wants i do and i do it gladly galatians 3 galatians 3. one of my favorite books galatians let's read from verse 19. read with me what does he say wherefore then serveth the law come on because of transgression come on till the sea shall come to whom the promise was made and was by by angels in the hand of a mediator verse 20 now mediator is not immediate of one but god is one now this is verse 21. read on is the law then against the promises of god god forbid now read carefully for if there had been a law given uh-huh stop if there had been a law that could give life then righteousness come on should have been by the law now wait a minute righteousness by the law but if you look at that carefully listen again if there had been a law that could give life righteousness should be by the law if them said again if there had been a law that could give life what he should preheat what he should put over here is not righteousness but life should be by the law it doesn't say life he says righteousness because righteousness is life god's life if there had been a law given that could give life then life would be by the law instead of life he puts righteousness because righteousness is a lifestyle of total obedience to god's will from the heart it's not forced it is a joyful service to god whatever god says i do now if cain had had that attitude he would not have been condemned by god my brothers and sisters don't let anyone complicate it for you righteousness the key to defining righteousness is bound up in the very first symbol syllable it is doing what is right and what is right is defined by the law of god now if cain had brought an animal it would have been a righteous act of course let me add not just bring it bring it from the heart you see he didn't and so very simply listen to what god said to kane go back to genesis 4 let's read for 7 verse 6 and 7 see how reasonable god is god gives us a chance more than a chance to be saved more than a chance and the lord said unto cain verse 6 read with me why are thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door and unto thee shall be his desire and thou shalt what rule over him god said look if you do what's right i'll accept you if you don't i'll reject you and sin will have you righteousness is doing what is right by the power of christ go to isaiah no let's go to uh romans 8. romans 8 and i'll move on to a big subject romans 8 let's read from verse 1. do you have that powerful book by the great apostle paul romans 8 reading from verse 1. read with me there's therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit now we have flesh and spirit okay what does walk mean abide give another word live you live by the flesh spirit for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus have made me free from the law of sin and death keep reading for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh god sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and forcing condemned sin in the flesh now read that last section carefully verse 4 come on that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us go on who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit listen to verse four that the righteousness of the law might be what fulfilled and that's now pause here's the law that's the law the bible says the righteousness of the law must be fulfilled in us give another word for fulfilled as i make this motion expressed in us because it was in christ in our same flesh now that the righteousness of the law might be now notice how christ came for what the law could not do it in that it was weak through the flesh god sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh the same flesh condemned how did he condemn it he showed by his life you don't have to live a life of sin that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us and this happens when the law is placed where that's the only way that's a new covenant which is the only covenant that saves that's how abraham was saved yes the bible mentions the old and the new only the new saves abraham was saved by this cup it's called new because it was ratified by the blood of christ this is what god wants from us this was not in the heart of cain it was in the heart of abel righteousness it's just right doing but to do right god wants us to love it just because it's right not because there's a benefit monetary monetary benefit or some romantic benefit simply because it is right and it can only be right if it originates with god righteousness so the bible says in heaven the new earth it's all righteousness deceptive christ's kingdom all righteousness that's it only a righteous person will be admitted to god's kingdom and christ yes my good pastor oh yes yeah what time is it i or five after three all right yeah that's fine is anyone dying no no all right okay okay let's move on because sometimes you shouldn't break something but thank you pastor god bless you god bless you all right any questions on righteousness you see they covered let's go to genesis 3. thank you reread from verse 7 of genesis 3. before we go there let's go to revelation 16. then we come back to genesis 3 revelation 16. we go from book 1 to book 66. the bible is the most powerful book on the face of the earth it really is all right what chapter did i say what verse 15. when you found it say amen now i want you to read carefully as you keep in mind what our sister asked about the fig leaves of uh that adam and eve made to cover themselves yet they still felt naked all right read verse 15 for me what's he saying behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watches and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked and they see hashem now what is that garment crisis telling us to keep go to revelation 19 read verse 8. read verse 8 form of revelation 19 and two was given that she should be read in filing in clean hand for the fine linen of the saints is the righteousness of christ now keeping in mind this uh a covering is a symbol of christ righteousness we go back to verse 15 of chapter 16 and it says behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments because if you lose that what condition you're in naked no matter what else you put on once you lose that you're naked now keep this in mind go to genesis 3. it is only the righteous robe of christ that keeps us from nakedness everything else does not work let's read from verse 7 of genesis 3 are you there read with me what does it say and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked that's physical nakedness you see and they saw fig leaves together and made themselves aprons now why did they cover themselves they were ashamed read verse 25 of chapter 2. come on read it for me and they were both naked the man and his wife and what they were not ashamed why were they not ashamed there was no sin there was no sin they had no consciousness of nakedness no sin now in chapter and verse 7 they're aware of the nakedness so they're covering the physical body are you with me verse 8 read for me verse 8 of genesis 3 sorry and they heard the voice of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord god amongst the trees of the garden now they hid even though they were covered verse 7 says they knew that they were naked they covered themselves verse 8 said they still hid behind the trees so we have the aprons and then we have trees trying to cover these two people verse 9 and the lord god called unto adam and said unto him whereas thou what did he say i heard thy voice in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself but by now he is covered but he still considers himself naked because spiritually only the righteous covering of christ can handle nakedness so adam and eve was naked in the eyes of god despite the physical covering of leaves until the righteousness of christ covers us we are exposed what do they do all right the she says what did they do what did they do what did they do what does verse 6 say when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that was pleasant to the eyes and the tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and eat and gave also and her husband with her and he did eat now did god say don't eat yes or no yes so when they both particularly fruit they both want so they sin now and they're trying to deal with that they cover themselves it doesn't work now go to verse 21 read for me unto adam also and to his wife did the lord god make courts of skins and claw them now what does that clothing represent righteousness of christ how do we know that go to zechariah chapter 3. zechariah 3 you see salvation is symbolized by the removal of one covering and the the application of another and you have to put text to text to text to see that zechariah 3 reading from verse 1. do you have that you found zechariah it's fine matthew then work your way back to zechariah not matthew's all of malachi but you can find matthew then malachi and zacharias okay zechariah 3 we'll read from verse 1. do you have that read with me what does it say and he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the lord and satan standing where at his right hand to resist him keep reading and the lord said unto satan the lord rebuked thee o satan even the lord that have chosen jerusalem rebuked thee is not this of what a what bran plucked out of the fire now read verse three now joshua's what clothed with filthy garments stop where do we first meet filthy garments the aprons of leaves that's how christ removed them now listen let's go back to three of zechariah 3 now joshua was what clothed with filthy garments and stood before the angel read verse 4 carefully and he answered and spake unto those that stood before him saying what take away the filthy garments from me go on and unto him he said behold cause that iniquity to pass from thee and will clothe thee with change of women so the removing of the filthy garments represents what the removal of sin now let's apply that to adam and eve you see the righteousness of christ is not to cover sin or to conceal sin when adam and eve came to god because they had to have come to him finally he had to remove the aprons of leaves and cover them with the righteousness of christ let me show you something now since i'm dealing with this i want you to look very carefully at genesis 3 verse 7. all right read that for me come on read genesis 3 7. stop the eyes of the eyes of who them what's your next word both all right call keep reading we're open keep reading and they stop let me write they keep reading we have there again uh-huh we have there again uh-huh come on read i want to hear you made them cells hold on hold on let me spell selves all right one made themselves made themselves aprons so look at what we have we have them who's them who's both who's they who is they who is they who is themselves who's missing god god is missing look at verse 21. read for me come on unto stop hold on hold on don't rush the preacher unto adam go on wife uh-huh ah we have lord uh-huh uh-huh we have courts not just one but two uh-huh now let's look at these my marcus dying we have adam we have the wife we have god we have coats we have clothed them what do you observe about verse 21 uh sister you're a nice person god bless you what do we have in verse 21 and verse 20. what's similar in eight not eight seven that's in verse 21 ah okay that's we have we have the how many aprons were made in verse seven look at the bible how many aprons were made in verse seven is the word apron or aprons a prince so we have more than one at least two oh this is just as dead as a oh no no no it's my fault i'm not using it well all right we have a prince one for adam one for eve that they made now look at verse 21 we still want righteousness how many courts do we have two we have courts one for adam here's unto adam and to his wife two coats this time the lord made it in verse 7 they made it in verse 7 they clothed themselves in verse 21 god clothed them only god can deal with your sins only god can remove sin only god can apply the righteousness of christ but you must allow him so somewhere between hiding in verse 8 they eventually came to christ by the way the animal killed was not killed by god was killed by adam and you're saying to me explain that and show me in the bible to leviticus chapter one leviticus one leviticus one we're looking at righteousness there's a big subject i want to get to i'll get to it lord willing you have leviticus one let's read from first one but before we read let us say another little prayer as soon as we settle down i'll pray all right let's pray loving father in heaven this subject is very very important righteousness and the application of that righteousness of christ to the sinner speak through me direct my mind bless us with truth in jesus name i pray amen leviticus 1 we try to identify who killed the animal because if you have coats of skin the bible is specific coats of skin ikeros just said coats we have aprons of leaves leaves don't bleed we have coats of skin where did the skin from a living thing leviticus 1 reading from verse 1. read with me and the lord god called unto moses and speaking to him out of the tabernacle of the congregation saying what speak unto the children of israel and say unto them if any man if you bring an offering to the lord he shall bring your offering of the cattle even of the herd and of the flock stop god says look if you're coming to me bring cattle herd flock cattle meaning domesticated animals heard meaning cows bulls flock meaning sheep and goats now verse 3 if zolfrin bear burnt sacrifice of the herd let him offer a male without blemish he shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the door of the tabernacle of her congregation before the lord now read verse 4 and he shall do what place his hand upon the head of the and shall now what does that mean that he who is he the person not the priest if you read that entire chapter you have he and you have the priest who does the priest represent who does the he represent the sinner he shall place his hand upon the head of the burnt offering now read verse 5 and he shall do what kill the burnt offering yes he that's the sinner keep reading and the priest aaron's son shall take break the blood aha round by the altar that is by the top door of the tabernacle of the congregation now he kills it the priest takes the blood and applies it because christ applies his blood but he died because of sin and so we go back to the garden it was adam that slew that animal not god but god made the coats of skins because we cannot produce the righteousness required it is made entirely in heaven god made it god clothed them they made the aprons clothed themselves god removed that aprons they were half-covered coats they were fully covered which by the way is an indication of how god views the way we should dress please be fully covered don't walk around in aprons leaves cover yourself please are you following me but that's another story let me not get into that before you walk out in a stampede okay all right anything else on righteousness before i move on yes my good sister yes through the word studied and obeyed let me give you that quotation again christ object lesson that's a very important question christ object lessons page 100 paragraph one listen carefully then we look at the life of christ the scriptures are the great agency in the transformation of character christ prayed sanctified him through thy truth what is the process of sanctification what is that well the ongoing cleansing work in the life you come to christ but you still have to grow the things you have to live off a man who comes to christ genuinely is not a man free from weaknesses and temptations he needs to grow and grow and grow the process is called sanctification as he distances himself from things he used to do and jesus prayed sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth eloise goes on to say if studied and obeyed the word of god works in the heart subduing every unholy attribute listen to jesus in john 15 3 just listen now you clean through the word clean of what sin which i have spoken unto you listen again ephesians 5 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word this is the power when this gets into us it produces the right impulses that's why christ says if he abide in me and my words abide in you he shall ask what you will and people take that to say oh i can ask whatever i want no the word abiding in us is as a controlling principle then the word in us guides our impulses guides our thinking tells us how to pray tells us what to ask for this and so jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that is why your first action on the rising must be to go to god's word i'm so glad you asked that question go to god's word not make up the agenda for the church board go to god's word and get power for that day and take it with you all during the day the word of god is the power to do everything we need it is that word in us that generates the right impulses every right impulses from christ there is no other power than the word of god okay let's go to genesis 1. genesis 1 is anyone falling in love with genesis yet no i'll be patient i'll wait send me an email when you have fallen in love with it and let me know all right genesis 1 let's read first one don't look at it just say it in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth now give me another word for created he may give another word what did god do when he created yes what did he do what's that oh let the bible tell you it will save a lot of time go to chapter two read from verse one chapter two reading from verse one thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and on the seventh day god did what he ended what how long did he work six days now listen to genesis 1 1. in the beginning god created the heaven and earth what did he do he worked he worked and he worked hard because the bible says in exodus 31 17 he rested and was refreshed all right he worked let's go back to chapter two read from verse one thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which god created and made now what are we introduced to there sabbath rest in the garden sabbath rest and may god give me the right words because there is no commandment as important as the sabbath commandment none of the other nine are as important they're all important i said as important you know jesus says wait here matters of the law the first commandment is then there's a second one head and the other but both important okay let us recite chapter 2 verses 2 and 3 again start reading stop we have seventh he reading god ended his work which he had made go on and rest it under stop we have seventh again now i'm gonna have you read that several times so take a deep breath and get ready all right keep reading his work which he had made go on and god bless the stop we have seventh again keep reading stop we have it what is it it's a pronoun which represents what a noun so what is it representing seventh let me spell seventh properly keep reading init what do we have again it okay so we have seventh again go on which god created and made now one two three four five times the day of rest is identified is the seventh one are you with me five times seventh 7th 7th 7th start reading again verse 2 go on stop ended go on come on go on rested stop same thing as ended go on all his work which he had made go on and god go on bless the seventh day and why uh-huh so we have rested again now three times we're told god rested ended is the same thing five times we're told which day three times we're told what god did are you following me all right uh let me take this section over here start reading again from verse two i'm gonna stop you frequently please bear with me uh-huh stop we have god go on ended what so stop we have his what is his pronoun referring to whom god okay so on the seventh day god ended his work came on which he admit so we have he go on we have he again uh-huh from all his work uh-huh we have he go on we have god uh-huh uh-huh he go on his go on god how many times do we have a reference to god by name or by pronoun 10. in that small passage seven times we're told five times we're told which day three times we're told what support god did ten times the superstar of the sabbath is identified who's absent who's absent notice now this is genesis 2 there's no sign yet adam and eve are absent the sabbath is not about us it's about him he is the central figure of the sabbath the sabbath wasn't given to us to have picnics it was given to us to glorify god and we know which day how many times does he have to tell you for you to get it 7-7 here's what he did let's read it again start again verse two stop don't be angry with me but i hope you can see something start again and on the seventh day what stop his work go on okay hold on hold on hold on he had made go on stop his work he had made keep going uh-huh uh-huh stop his work go on so he had made now let's look at that stop this side what do we have here what do we have here what do we have here what do we have here now i want you to think what do you understand by his work which he had made and it's repeated do toyotas make cars i mean there's toyota to make cars there's honda made cars so both make cars are you following me okay so honda can't say we alone make cars toyota makes cars audi makes cars bmw makes cars his work which he has made think what does that mean well yeah but let's come up with a grocery list of what you mean who else can do that nobody else not only is it his work but it is a work he alone can do no one else can do that but god so his work which he alone could do his work he alone can do his work the sabbath is a celebration not only of what god did but of the ability of god god not only provided activity god has ability he alone can create this work of creationist gods and no one else can do it let's read again start again verse two uh-huh uh-huh so god blessed today and he sanctified the day so what things did god do he rested on it he blessed it he sanctified it what do we know it is god god god god god god god god god what do we know his work his work his work but the kind of work only god can do the sabbath is a celebration not only of the fact that animals were made on the sixth day the sabbath celebrates that we have a god who can do what no one else can do and that is create now god says to us keep that day let's look at god's work itemize his work what did god make on day three trees what kind of trees some of them fruit trees what's that would he make fruit trees food we serve a god who can provide what food verse 9 chapter 1 and god said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place let the dry land appear and it was so so god provided water verse 14 genesis 1 and god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night let them be for signs and season days and years now god provided the sun the moon the stars the sun of course being at a physical level as we say the source of life we need the sun plants need the sun shut out the sun nothing grows we go back to genesis 1 verse 6 and god said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters let it divide the waters from the waters the firmament where we have oxygen and the gases that we need to breathe how do we know that genesis 1 verse 20 and god said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that had life and foul that may fly above the earth where in the open firmament the flies the birds fly in the firmament not in outer space that's where the air is for us the firmament so god provides water he provides food he provides air eloise says council's on stewardship page 17 we are indebted to him for the food we eat the water we drink the air we breathe the sabbath is a celebration of the ability of our god to take care of us so when you your job is threatened because you want to keep the sabbath can your god take care of you and you have to say yes or no if you say no you're calling god a liar what does the sabbath remind us of again let's look at the order in which creation was carried out what was made on the very last day of creation the very last thing god created adam denise what came before them food what came before them water what came before them air to breathe what came before them a place to live the garden what came before them the companionship of animals then he made them the sabbath is a reminder that god provides before he brings us to a situation a lot of people say i can't keep the sabbath how will i eat god already arranged that how will i pay my rent he has that arranged god never brings you to crisis and then tries to determine how will i fix it he provides the solution and brings you to that solution as you obey him by faith god provided everything adam and eve needed then he brought them into the garden that's not only the way god works physically that's the way god works spiritually go to john 6 john 6 let's read from verse 1 of john 6. my second favorite book john read with me after this jesus went over the sea of which is the sea of tiberius and the great multitude followed him because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were deceased and jesus went up in the mountain and there he sat with his disciples and the passover a feast of the jews was nigh all right verse 5 when jesus what lift up his eyes and saw a great company coming to him he saith unto philip when shall we by bread that these may eat stop now there's a crisis thousands of people have followed christ into the wilderness to hear him it's late you read that it's the only miracle of christ found in matthew mark luke and john matthew 14 mark 6 luke 9 and john 6 the only miracle found in all four gospels and matthew and mark will tell you it was night it was late the evening was coming on they were in the desert place so jesus said look how are we going to feed these people when shall we buy bread it sounds as if they were stuck read verse 6 this she said to prove him for he himself knew what he would do you look at the order of creation we celebrate creation by the sabbath we serve a god who provides and then brings us to the situation now philip didn't know that god has to test him how will we feel what did philip say 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them might take a little one of his disciples andrew simon peter's brother said unto him there's a lad here which has five barley loaves and two small fishes but what are they among so many christ added cover now when god called you to obey him believe he has provided the way for you to obey him so while your knees are knocking in tarrant red and you're scared god has provided a way all we have to do is trust him the sabbath reminds us we serve a god who has everything provided we just need to follow him in obedience go to exodus 3. let's read from verse 7. exodus three reading for verse seven read for me what's this saying the lord said i have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in egypt come on and i've heard their cries by reasonably task masters for i know they sorrows oh i like that let me pause and digress i like those three words those four i know their sorrows god knows you need tuition god knows your papers are not yet settled in the immigration office and you're scared of going back home without finishing your degree god knows your sorrows beautiful verse i know this horrors now read for say and i am stop say what look at those words again so beautiful read again verse 8 and i am come down i'm coming to help you and come down now keep reading to deliver them out of the hands of the egyptians come on and to bring them up out of the land of egypt read carefully now read again to uh and to a good land come on and enlarge come on ah now god says i'm gonna bring them to land what flowing with milk and honey god had the line marked out but where were they in egypt they had to cross what to get to the land the reason is god had it lit up go to ezekiel 20 beautiful words ezekiel 20. let's read from verse 6 of ezekiel 20 listen to god as he complains to ezekiel about the you know the hard-heartedness of the man in his day and he takes an example from the israelites when god was about to bring them out of egypt ezekiel 20 let's read from verse 6. ezekiel 20 reading for verse 6. do you have that nice and clear and loud read with me in the day when i unto them to bring them forth out of the now carefully keep reading into a land that i had a spite for them corn flowing with milk and honey which is the glory of all land stop god said i not only selected the ideal location it has everything they need because i spied it out remember the spies that joshua sent to look over jericho they took a look they came back to him with a report after they were hidden by rahab now here's god he's his own spy god said i have spied out a land for them flowing with milk and honey now i have to lead them to it i can't drag them to it i have to lead them and god leads us by our willing obedience the sabbath reminds us that god you see god spied out a beautiful land world and he made it then he made adam and eve put them in it every sabbath you and i are to stop making a living for ourselves which is really god and rest in the confidence that it is not my position at price waterhouse coopers that has me sustained it is the goodness of god and so god rested on what day the seventh day from what what he had done yes can we cook on sabbath yes we can you mean should we cook on sabbah no and that's not a story read exodus 16 verse 23 to 25 no now you can warm the food on salmon but there's no cookie on some is it widespread among us yes would the israelites rebellious yes but we should go conservative yes okay we should cook on sabbath and the dishes can wait until after sunset you see either you bear god or leave him alone partial obedience qualifies you for hell if he says don't cut don't cook oh yeah but that's why i told him in exodus 16. listen to me god who kept the food fresh from friday to sabbath in the wilderness can keep it fresh today make it on friday and leave it over god hasn't changed don't cook and if if it means just eating sandwiches make simple sandwiches stuff yourself during the week but make simple sandwiches on the sabbath don't cook disobedience prevents us from seeing the glory of god all right you always look so depressed a minute okay all right questions about the sabbath i'm not yet finished with the sabbath questions about the sabbath all right no questions let me jump on go to genesis 2. again the sabbath is a subject that can take weeks and weeks and weeks and we don't have that genesis 2. let's read from verse 21. you read for me and lord god caused the deep sleep to follow adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the lord god for taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man and adam said come on this is now born of my bone and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and there shall be one flesh that's the first wedding the first marriage that's one institution the other institution was the sabbath the two of them the sabbath as a law originated from eden the sabbath as a principle has always existed don't ask me with that i'll talk later the sabbath as a law originated in eden as a principle has always existed or the sabbath as a specific day originated in eden but the principle has always existed so we have the sabbath and we have marriage two holy institutions that came out of eden now go to luke 20 read from verse 34 luke 20 34. do you have that read for me the children of this world marry and are given and mary stop what did you mean by the children of this world is there another world is there another world coming oh come on is there another world coming yes let's keep reading the children of this world come on read with me marry and are given in marriage keep reading but they they shall be accounted worthy come on to obtain to obtain what what is that world the new world that god is making we have this world and we have that world so this is something near that is something for we have this world the children of this world they marry those who are counted worthy to obtain that word meaning it's coming keep reading neither mary go on what does that tell you about life in the new world there's no marriage go to isaiah 66 read verse 23 isaiah 66 reading verse 23. now this is a prophecy of the new world what will we do in the new world will you keep the sabbath but what do we learn about marriage in the new world it won't be there no more marriage no more child bearing i hope you still want to go are you with me some people when they hear they say i'm not going please go because the alternative you won't like are you following me and so in the new world there's no marriage no giving in marriage this all ends here because marius was a temporary arrangement to produce children that's it when god has what he wants no one marries no more children okay everyone that knew when we grew up i imagine now but the sabbath will always continue because it is a memorial of creation it reminds us that god created god can provide and sustain us will we need to be sustained in the new world yes nothing can live disconnected from god nothing and no one the angels are sustained by god and so we'll always have need to celebrate the sabbath as a constant reminder that we are sustained maintained our lives are preserved by god he uses instruments the tree of life the river of life but the power that sustains is the power of god not h2o the power of god h2o is just an instrument in god's hands yes my good sister it's a diversion but i'll be merciful no no it's okay it's okay listen to me carefully you're all reasonable people how many days did god make seven how many did he keep for himself one how many did he give you get married on one of them it doesn't make any difference to me don't attend don't get married on it leave god's day alone pick wednesday it's the same for funerals get buried on a monday tell people bury me on monday not on the sabbath are you with me why don't we leave god's sabbath alone i get this else should i have sex with my wife on sabbath you have six days who thinks of ellen white when they okay forget that who thinks of steps of christ when they're uh all right okay okay okay leave god's day alone is that on record leave god's day alone please you have six days do what you like leave the sabbath alone get buried on monday marry on wednesday and have a child on thursday leave the sabbath alone please don't get married on it don't get divorced on it don't go to somebody else's wedding on it or somebody else's funeral by the way i've never seen a spiritual wedding i never said they don't exist i have never seen a spiritual wedding every wedding i've gone to including mine the focus was what is the bride wearing what are the bridesmaids wearing how does she look not god that's another story dr james that's a good question a spiritual wedding is one way god is the focus god also a spiritual funeral god god's default not the bride god and the spiritual significance of a wedding as it relates to christ and his church because as adam said this is born of my bone the same thing is said of christ in the church in ephesians chapter five where born of his bone flesh of his flesh marriages are good things but have not seen a spiritual wedding or spiritual reception all right the sabbath will be kept in the new world marriage will not be practiced in the new world the sabbath clearly is a higher institution than marriage marriage's usefulness will end in this dispensation the sabbath will continue forever and ever now i saw i told you that the sabbath as a day began in eden as a principle it always existed let me show you something now let me try to show you go to genesis 1 1. has anyone said lord put your words in that man's mouth who said that ah thank you thank you the rest of you you're not praying but okay i still love you god's people all right genesis 1 1. say it for me in the beginning we have god okay we have god what created and we have the heaven and earth all right now i want you to look at that very closely let's pray again father in heaven please be with me again i ask if i've said anything wrong forgive me god help me to make it simple and to keep you as the focus in jesus name i pray amen in the beginning come on god did what created the heaven and the earth so we have god and we have creation okay under god we have father son holy ghost are you with me all right so we have father son all of them are divine holy spirit what do we have under created or creation come on go through the six days what do we have under creation we have okay let's living things we have man but before man what did god create before the earth was made what was already in existence before the earth was made and long before that before lucifer's sin what had god created angels so we have a statement we have angels under creation not at the same time as man but before him but we still have we have man we have animals we have plants these are things that live we have birds now watch listen to me carefully we talk about the sapling we have god we have creation does god exist yes or no this creation exists yes or no what else exists let me give you a clue listen to the word of god for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him all things were made by god so we have god and we have all things is there any other thing that exists no are you with me no god made everything we have god and we have everything made comes under creation which means there are only two ways to exist in the universe what are the two ways you can either exist as god or you exist as part of creation there's no other way to exist tell me if you understand what i just said there are only two ways to exist in the universe as god or as part of creation okay we said angels let's identify an angel let's take out let's take out angels and we just put gabriel birds we have let's have insects down here and let's put worms let's put amoeba single-celled organism am i right do you have amoeba in australia all right now listen to me carefully right now in heaven the highest created being is gabriel but where do we find gabriel over here or over here over there y he's created where do we find the amoeba over here or over here is an amoeba and gabriel are they similar in any respect what respect they were creating now let's say the amoeba got a promotion from amoeba to worm what doesn't change it's created let's say he moves up a couple steps now he's a bird an eagle what remains the same he's created the one thing that none of these can shake is that they are created that cannot change whether you're as high as gabriel or lawson amoeba you're created how do they live sustained by this then what's the relationship between that and that what should it be in this direction okay worship is good that's not what i want but worship is good it's that's it okay obedience is good you can never get rid of obedience it's good dependence now what we in order for them to be sustained they have to the relationship is dependence dependence moving in which direction yes does gabriel depend on god yes does the amoeba depend on another power yes there is something that gives a common status to everything beside god and that is created so while you may change your place on the ladder of created beings you cannot change your status as being created satan didn't like this i'm created the only other change you can make is to be what god because if you go from amoeba to inset you're still created am i confusing you if you go from bird to to whatever man you're still created the only way to shake the creation tab is to be god because god is not created lucifer didn't like that so he said i'll be like him but the sabbath is a constant reminder no no no no no if you are created you depend now you don't need a day for this this is a lifestyle every moment of every day you depend on god the principle of the sabbath is depend the consciousness i depend on god for vision i depend on god for the release of acetylcholine across the synaptic cleft whatever you call it so that information can move from one neuron to the other god keeps that eye the bible says in him we live and move and have our being comprehensive the sabbath reminds us you depend on god now there was no day before adam was made there was just a principle when god made adam god created days now what i'm about well no let me keep my opinions to myself god created days which did not exist in the days of lucifer now god has a system where this is celebrated one day a week notice i said celebrate it not not not just as you forget the other six is repeats receive special attention i depend on god god is my sustainer god is my creator not my job the sabbath i'm a created being and there's nothing i can do to change that and i depend on god for life the sabbath is a reminder of that now we have six days to work now in six days of work you know let's say you work for the government you are advisor to the president you may think well advisor surely i can move over here yeah this is a big position why am i over here i want to be over here but on the sabbath god as it were puts his hand in your chest you see you're trying to move out of your place god says stop stop go back back up back up back up back up back up you created back up back up you're stepping out your place every sub back up because the only way to know where i properly belong is to understand where god properly belongs are you following me when i understand where god belongs i understand where i belong and i stay there but this is not a position of suffering those on this side are recipients of god's sweetest blessings god doesn't bless himself god blesses us sabbath observance is a recognition of the fact that i depend on god it doesn't mean i'm lazy i depend on him whether there's a day or not that principle of dependence has always existed as long as the first thing was created dependence began devil wants to remove that so he attacks the sabbath more than any other of the ten commandments and he is attacked with great success there are christians who say the sabbath was for the jews go to genesis 2. let me take this off the board genesis 2 let's see the jews by the way anyone who accepts christ is a spiritual jew genesis 2 one to three read for me heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which god created and made now before i get to the jews and the sabbath being for them let's look at that again and see a sequence of events it is essential to destroying this business of sundays the sabbath listen again and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it why did god bless it and sanctify it but it's right there finish the verse because that innit he arrested so god rested on the seventh day god rested on how much of the day did god rest the whole day now why did god now think with me why did god bless that day okay let me put it this way we have rest then we have blessed which one came first rest on how much of the day did god rest they were there follow me closely follow the word closely god did something first he rested because he rested then he blessed so when would he have to have blessed after he rested how much of the day did he rest on the whole day so when god blessed what day was it what day was it when god blessed it was sunday i lost you as usual it's my fault watch this how many hours in a day okay god rested the entire day when he was done resting the day was done then he did what he blessed so when god blessed the seventh day what day was it it was sunday so god looked back and blessed the sabbath because why i rested on god he blessed the seventh day but it was sunday when he did that blessing go to the fourth commandment see the same thing spoken commandment 4 exodus 20 reading from verse 11. exodus 20 reading from verse 11 read with me remember the sabbath day to keep it holy go on six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god in it thou shalt not do any work thou not thy son nor thy daughter thy man's servant nor thy maidservant not thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day now wherefore what does wherefore mean because of this because he rested wherefore the lord blessed the seventh day the sabbath day and hallowed it the sequence of events is this god rested first when his rest was over you see he blessed the whole day he rested on the whole day then he blessed it was sunday when god blessed the seventh day by the way the first sabbath was not the first seventh day the first sabbath was the next seventh day because when god rested it was not yet blessed are you following me are you following are you sure sink you're all geniuses think he rested still a secular day when the rest was done then he blessed him so the first sabbath kept by adam and eve was the next on saturday god stood on sunday and blessed saturday and this commandment has never been changed from then until now it is still the seventh day that is the sabbath most of the world recognizes sunday in recognition of the resurrection of christ that's almost like saying in recognition of sin here's what i mean if adam had never sinned would there have been a resurrection no would they still be sabbath yes sin is done away with we live in a perfect world will there be sabbath observance yes will there be resurrection no god's holy law has always been it is now and will always be there why it is the foundation of his government remove it the government collapses one of the functions of the seventh adventist church is to remind the world that the sabbath is the seventh day not the first that's from creation okay yes yes the first [Music] oh the bible doesn't say but if god rested we can be fairly sure they arrested too because god was fellowshipping with them they hadn't sinned yet and god had a habit of coming down into the garden as we read in verse they heard the voice of the lord god verse 8 of chapter 3. so we don't believe the bible doesn't say but you have to reason that they didn't work they arrested with their god but the day wasn't holy is what work no even if it's work he did it on sunday not on sabbath somebody a uh-huh no we didn't rest from blessing he rested from the work of creation not from blessing the work of creation because he rested first i don't know why he did it that way but he rested first after he rested he blessed today and then told us you keep that day now as to why he did it i'll ask him when i see him but he rested first then he blessed that's that's the order that's what the word go says yes i'm not saying they can't go together i'm simply saying they come in a certain order god rested first then he blessed the day because he had rested the rest is the reason why he blessed then the reason must come before the action that's not complicated but the rest means that he ceased to do even the work of blessing ceased his work he ceased from creation yeah but blessing is not a work so why he cannot rest in a blessing i don't know you have to ask him that i said that seriously i don't know we will be making this more difficult than it is god cease from his work of creation are you with me because if i'm confused no god no let me tell you about that no the reason why god blessed the seventh day is because he rested on it that's the reason for the blessing yes the special blessing now god blessed before the sabbath came along because he blessed the animals and said be fruitful multiply are you following me he blessed adam and he said the same thing but that's not a sabbath blessing that blessing was to make the animals fruitful be blessed man make them fruitful the sabbath blessing made it holy the animals are not holy the sabbath blessing makes it holy and the reason he made it holy he did something he rested the rest is the reason for the blessing he came at the end of the day when he was finished that is why if you call the first day of the sabbath you're saying that god rested on the first day the reason for this blessing of the sabbath is rest he did not rest on the first day because if he rested on the first day there is no light are you following me all right i don't recall i don't was it the sabbath go to john 2. go to john 2. let's read from verse 1 of john 2. the wedding at cana you're not sadly just third day okay we don't need to read that's fine all right okay okay okay all right okay i don't know that doesn't make it right it doesn't make it right because the whole day abraham had two wives he was wrong but god is the god of abraham isaac jacob so he must be careful how we make comparisons he was dead wrong solomon was as wrong as any man can be he had a thousand so that you know he got the fact that he had a six day wedding doesn't make it right on nine day funeral say that again whether they make it seven or eight or nine it doesn't change the fact it doesn't make it right or wrong you understand what i'm trying to say the worst people to serve as examples for us are the jews quite frankly because they never stop disobeying god you know moses said you've been hardheaded from the day i met you so the jews not examine our example is christ all right before we do any more nitpicking let's move on to something else the seventh day is the sabbath in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter my manservant that i made servant not i cattle nor thy stranger so if someone's staying in your house who's not an adventist and the sabbath comes that person has to fall in line because that person's under your roof whether it's a relative or stranger the person under your roof must fall in line the other person believes it or not there's no work in my house and sabbath there's no this there's no that this is the sabbath if this is your home when i say your roof i don't mean a physical roof i mean your home because if you rent that room i rent this that's not my home this is it my home then if you live under my in my home you come under the rules yes they still have to observe god's holy day yes so if an adventist lives in a in the home of a i don't know a satanist you still have to keep god's holy day you follow me or find some other place to live there's no there's no exception but if the strangest in your house he has to follow you one scenario say it again under your house yes where he finds somewhere else to live or you shouldn't have taken him in the first place even if it's a relative listen to me nothing comes ahead of obedience to god if my father lives in my house i will not respect my sabbath he has to go i'll find some other place for him i don't mean throw him out the window i'll find i'll find another place i'll pay for it i'll find him i'll get someone to do housekeeping but he's not staying in my house because my first responsibility is to god never ever forget that you know uh is it that uh a call to stand apart page nine paragraph two at a very early age christ had begun to make decisions for himself in the formation of his character and not even respect and love from his parents could turn in from thus saith the lord with returning from obedience is father's word thus saith the lord was his reason for every action that varied from the family customs there were times when the family wanted to do this and jesus said no as a child and he gave his reason that say the lord because his father was first he loved mary he loved joseph but his heavenly father was first eloise said at the very early age jesus had begun to make decisions for himself in the formation of his character not even respect and love for his parents could turn him from his father's word thus saith the lord was his reason for every action that varied from the family customs there were times when mary and the other children wanted to do something jesus i'm not doing that and give a biblical reason because the heavenly father was first to him it's not easy as it sounds but because we can't see god we see our cousins our wives our cousins we see them and if we put them out we see them crying we see them struggling but we don't see god so our hearts are but no no no god must come first if it's your home everyone under your roof must show respect for the sabbath day now you can't change the person's heart but he will not work on your day or play or leave you newton john on your day yes um [Music] so it's easy to disobey that's what you're saying it's easy cooking you see i'm glad you said that listen to me carefully we find clever arguments to get around god the bible says don't cook it didn't say don't cook meals that take a long time yes they don't cook just don't cook whether on a stove on outside or in a microwave don't cook drop the subject warming up is not cooking element is clear there's no need to eat cold food but she said don't cook [Laughter] now listen the internet is listening to us you know they wonder who are these rebels in australia listen to me always find ways to obey not to disobey find ways to obey not to disobey and see the miracle-working power of god in your lives don't cook if you tell me to cook fast on that day you'll not die ah all right anything else okay let's look at another thing that comes to us from genesis let's go to genesis 1. genesis 1 i'll miss you when i leave genesis 1. are you there all right let's read verse 11. let's pray again father we're in the final session in the name of jesus christ be with us lord despite the fact i'm the one leading out you through your spirit you make things clear to your sons and daughters and give them a heart to obey in jesus name i pray amen verse 11 genesis 1 and god said what let the earth bring forth grass the air building seed and the fruit yielding fruit after healing seed after his sky and whose seed is in itself upon the earth all right and the earth brought forth what grass verse 12 an herb yielding seed and the fruit yielding fruit whose seed was in itself upon all right now god made fruit trees on the third day go to verse 9 of chapter 2. read for me and out of the ground myth the lord god to grow every tree that's pleasant to the sight the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil all right so we have a repetition fruit trees were made as a source of food now go to verse 29 of chapter 1. are you there verse 29 chapter 1. read with me and god said behold i've given you every tree which is upon the face of and every in which is the fruit of a tree yielding to you it shall be for and to every beast of thee and every fowl of thee and to everyone move on the earth where in this life i have given every green herb for me now god's arrangement was every living thing will eat plants every living thing will eat plants i mean plants are living things i don't mean plants people animals birds plants in the sea plants now by the way at the bottom of every food chain is a form of plant life if you study science at the bottom of every food chain is a form of plant plants are the most abundant form of life on the earth because everyone had to eat plants so god's arrangement was eat from vegetation have a vegetarian diet that's god's that was before sin sin entered the world and got allowed to change yes sorry just to clarify it was it vegan or vegetarian i said vegetarian but before sin it had been vegan because there's no contamination no chemicals no whatever die no sugar okay well take out the sugar know something else okay all right now here comes sin the flood comes everything is destroyed god allows people to eat meat but even before the flood came go to genesis 7. see something that i don't know if people read it before they say that uh clean and unclean meats are for the jews genesis 7 reading from verse 1. what does the bible say unto moses come thou unto noah sorry come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee have i seen righteous before me in this generation read verse two of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens the male and is female and if beast is not clean by two the male and is a fouls also of the air by sevens the male and the female to keep see the life upon the face of all the earth stop what do you notice in verses two and three of verse one verse two we have clean and unclean there were no jews around this is hundreds of hundreds of years before there was a jew the concept of clean and unclean is not a jewish thing it's a biblical thing go to chapter 9 read verse 4. read verse 4 chapter 9 but fresh with the life thereof which is the come on reed shall we not eat so here we have don't eat blood this is not a jewish thing you know we eat kosher food this is a universal thing now why do i say universal to whom was god speaking noah and yeah how many were they what do they constitute the population of the world how many people has have to be there for it to be the population of the world seven billion or eight is the population of the world god gave those lost to the population of the world don't eat blood by the way that's a good reason not to eat meat okay are you sure all the blood is out can you be sure all the blood is out one good reason not to eat meat even if it's clean meat all right and so we have god giving a diet genesis 1 29 and 30 plant life let me show you something tell me if it makes any sense at all we have three eras we have before sin what's the diet plans after sin what's the diet plans during sin what did god allow meat clean needs but we can also choose plants okay step over here before sin the diet was plant-based when sin is removed the diet will be plant-based where are we preparing to go now in this life the new world how should we prepare by living that life now which is this i tell you something else let's look at two words ideal and allowed okay what's the ideal diet what's allowed now let's apply that to divorce and marriage in marriage what is ideal stay together what's allowed divorce you're not following me what is god's desire in a marriage stay together jesus said because of the hardness of your heart god allowed you to divorce so divorce is the result of sin staying together is god's preference plan animal meat is the result of sin this is ideal this is allowed divorce is allowed staying together is ideal let's put it this way let's put ideal over here let's put a loud down here let's put it in an academic setting this is a a grade a plus this is a d plus when you take a course are you with me what's the ideal grade what's the beer the bare minimum to pass d-plus now you need brain surgery are you with me you need a surgeon which one do you want now talk to me which one do you want the one who passed at this level you want the one who passed at this level now we're preparing for a world where there's no no death no dying do we prepare by eating this we go for what i did because that's what god wants how do you prepare for an olympic event by smoking are you following me you're training for a marathon by smoking yes the bible mentions clean meats and unclean meats but remember in the bible there are periods in the days of kings god could tell a king go destroy that nation but after the israelites were taken in captivity and zedekiah he was the last king he god never did that again that's why christ can tell pilate my kingdom is not of this world that's why the kingdoms of this world i become the kingdoms of our lord one day he will be it'll be his again so times change in the days of noah there was no third angel's message we have it now so the fact that you could eat meat way back doesn't mean you should eat it now times change we are now in the day of atonement phase of of spiritual history and day of atonement takes place in the most holy place that's where the priests function mainly the only day when he went in there no meat was taken in there so you ask yourself what diet is best suited for spiritual development because diet and spirituality go together what diet is best calculated to improve the functioning of my mind to clear up my arteries so blood can get to where it wants to get and it's not a meat diet now if you eat meat on your birthday alone will i call the police no are you with me i'm not calling the police but if it's your lifestyle i won't call them either but i'll tell this you shouldn't do that you're hurting yourself every major medical organization the heart association the cancer association they recommend in the dietary suggestions cut back or eliminate uh fresh foods and they say eat plant you know vegetables you and i have to decide what will i do do i want a diet based on death death is a result of sin do i know the conditions under which those animals live am i happy to eat it as long as someone else slits its throat and i don't see don't you understand animals were made to have fellowship with us that's why god made them to fellowship with us as i tell my people animals were made to be our friends stop eating your friends i'm seeing which of you has a dog how does a dog behave when you come home oh poi you see some evidence of what god intended before sin when you watch a dog and the owner go on the youtube and watch how some lions react when they see those who raise them you just can't believe it and the thing pearls like a house can some evidence of what god already originally intended when he made animals a fellowship not food but it's a personal choice are you directed by the spirit of god but the biggest argument is diet affects spirituality and diet comes right out of genesis 1 29. so my recommendation for you is plant-based diet as your lifestyle as i said you eat some salmon on your birthday i'm not going on the jury to condemn you no no no no elmo i said it's not the occasional good deed or misdeed but the direction of the life all right ask me a question on diet what about eggs what about them should you eat them now eloise said eggs have healing properties but she says the time will come when it will not be safe to eat them now who determines when that time has come only you can determine that i can't determine that for you but she does say eggs have healing properties but there were no eggs in the garden of eden and no milk no eggs no milk another question on diet oops well there's some ice cream made without milk i think why what that's an expression it's an expression but even when they drank milk back then the pollutions we have now we didn't have them the chemicals that exist now never existed before thousands of chemicals have been developed that did not exist 200 years ago so we're dealing with different kinds of animals there's no was a cow was that hoof and mouth hoof and tail disease something that didn't exist hundreds of years ago and didn't so we deal with a different environment we didn't have a plastics in the ocean the size of switzerland floating around no we didn't have that so animals then were much safer than now milk was much safer than now eggs much safer than now this is a different world where fish die of plastics in their stomach that's the world we live in an animal stick but um injecting animals hormones and antibiotics and then they're genetically modified and oh i read of a cabbage that was grown with jeans from a cold water fish so the cabbage can grow in cold weather i don't want that cabbage no seriously they took jeans from a fish that lives in deep cold water and somehow put it in the genes of a cabbage and the cabbage survives in cold water in cold weather even plants are not safe all of them grow your own plants with your own soil diet is everything everything all right any other questions yes my good sister okay with everything that the pope is doing and the prophecies that are coming what is the pope doing no i asked seriously what's the pope doing okay okay right okay now yeah these things happen and they have been happening for a while but when you read the bible while we should be aware of these things we should not be able to give them great attention than they deserve the bible says when this this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness unto all nations then shall the end come i'm saying that to say while we must be aware and no one is more aware than we are because we have the lens of prophecy you see we must not be ignorant but god is not waiting on what the pope does to come back he's waiting on what we do you understand me so we must be aware but we must not give disproportionate attention to the pope or the illuminati of vladimir putin we need to do what we're called upon god is waiting on us christ object lessons page 69 paragraph one christ is waiting with longing desire for i don't have the precise words the the reproduction of his character in his people when that happens he'll come to claim them when the gospel is preached he come to claim them so yes my good sister we must be aware because we know sunday laws will be passed we know these churches will come together as one everyone won't become a catholic but they'll all unite under one for one enemy that's god's commandment keeping people even as in the days of jesus the sadducees the pharisees the zealots the the the the esc whomever they came together for one enemy that's jesus christ so that will happen and the united states would stretch forth his hand over to europe people power with the false prophet the us and then of course the mark of the beast will will will will be erected and we have to be aware of this but of greater concern to us should be am i preaching the message god wants me to preach and am i living the life god wants me to live so yes things have been going on for a long time i mean seven years in the 90s there was an agreement was signed between the catholics and the the the protestant churches to agree on doctrines and lay aside the differences then about four years ago this guy got on tv talking about the reformation is over and pope uh benedict or frank somebody appeared with him and made some statements that the reformation is over the guy is now dead and these things are going on they've been going on for a long time poland just passed the law is it poland no business on on sunday i mean europe has sunday laws just not enforced the pepsi has been pushing to have them enforced the last edition of the catechism 1994 tremendous big bestseller they called for catholics to push their legislators to pass a legal day of worship it looks like simple legal day means if you don't follow it they're penalties you understand a legal day of worship so this has and it will come to a head it will be passed and so yes it's good to be alert but our emphasis now should be on what are we supposed to do are we preaching the message you understand when christ came the first time almost nobody knew because the jews didn't do something they didn't preach the message they didn't study it didn't know it nobody knew it wasn't the fault of the babylonians or the assyrians the jews didn't do it in these last days the adventist is not doing it we spend time talking about how hard it is to win a buddhist in a muslim and a hindu and whatever else no it is how hard it is to win an adventist how hard is this for god to get us to do what we're supposed to do but yes the brother pope is very busy and his activities are indications that the time is near you uh almost every area of social activity is prepping for the coming of christ in the sense that either negatively or positively things that will happen the climate is changing and if you think you've seen catastrophes worse will come the tsunami of 204 two or six you know worse will come this volcano spewing in alaska not alaska hawaii non-stop worse will come and it will happen in places where they never happened before so while we have earthquakes in california and blizzards in michigan we may have earthquake in michigan and business in california so it requires us to take our eyes off secular things as our emphasis and really live spiritual lives a spiritual life doesn't mean you don't go to church i mean you don't go to work or you don't go to the gym it means that you live an alert life what's the government doing how am i responding but remember christ never authorized his disciples to criticize the government never did elvis says he never did he criticized the church not the government all right it's about ten two we're done i uh let me urge you as your friend your brother in christ make the study of god's word a priority in your life please it is a it is an obedient life that he prepares us for placing god's kingdom not just a decent life a true christian will be decent but a person can be decent another christian remember what jesus said in the days of noah did they dry they married wives they were giving in marriage what did he say about the days of lot did he do it they drank they bought they sold they planted the building not one of these things is a crime but they were lost how can you be lost for living life as usual because life as usual is not good enough lost don't let that happen to us let's have an emphasis in everything we do there must be a conscious desire to prepare for the coming of christ because he is coming let him not come and find us busy with another exam and another child let him come and find us waiting for him actively waiting so may god bless you and may your life be the reason why other people are saved do what you have to do take care of business because we're still in this life but as i said do it in such a way that becomes obvious that you are preparing for the coming of christ because he's coming coming
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 38,937
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 54sec (13614 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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