5 | Power Of Obedience - Randy Skeete

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I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is thy keeper the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand the Sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy soul the Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forevermore God is good and all the time let's try that again God is good in and all the time good morning everyone if you love Jesus say Amen that was weak if you love Jesus say Amen all right you know God loves to be told I love you he loves that you know men have to be reminded tell your wife I love you tell your girlfriend tell this person God loves to hear that we love him so I fight God for waking me up this morning I really do all over the world and I usually say this people go to bed at night expecting to wake up in the morning and they don't every morning in every city in every country people are found dead in homes private homes nursing homes hospitals prisons mental institutions those were homeless every morning people are found dead who went to bed the night before expecting to get up now I did not say that to ruin your breath I'm simply telling that to use that you and I can thank God every morning we open our eyes it is not guaranteed and so I thank God for life I thank God I can see you I thank God I heard that guitar being played just before I walked up I thank God I can see those two horses in the field I thank God I can walk on the grass I didn't see a sign that said keep off the grass I thank God I can see you smile I can hear you sing I thank God for life if you thank him can you say Amen for God never take life for granted don't take your senses for granted if you can see read the Bible read otherwise writings if you can hear listen to some sermon on YouTube or audio verse or something else use your senses to let God know how grateful you are you have them you look bothered so let me leave you alone we're coming to the end of this blessed camp meeting in all ends tomorrow morning time really flies I sometimes think of what Jesus said to Judas that thou doest do quickly because time waits for no man if you lose money you can get it back you lose a spouse you may get him or her back you lose your job you may get it back you lose your health you may get it back you lose time you never get it back and so I thank God again for the tremendous privilege is given to me to declare the words of life to you before I go any further I was told that some of you are wondering about me as a person so I I'm a very private person but you look like nice people so I'll tell you a few things I am from a little island in the West Indies called Barbados is about the size of this auditorium very small island but a lot of good people have come from that place I have one wife lovely lady very very busy with her work very busy I have no children but my wife has one child and that is me and I know all women can say amen to that every married woman has at least one child and that is her husband and so I from a child I've always wanted to preach from a child I never wondered when I was in college what should I do I always had this calling from God whatever else you do in life you must preach I grew up as a Catholic and at some point in my early life my mother heard of the Sabbath and he conducted a search for a church where people go to church and Saturday she found it so strange she was looking for actually a church called the Worldwide Church of God Herbert W Armstrong for those of you old enough to remember him but God in His mercy led her to the Adventist Church a long time ago before any of you were born and that's how it started for me when I joined that church there was a practice in the Church of memorizing Bible verses it was called morning watch and you'd go to the conference every quarter and buy the book that no longer happens and I'm sad about that and so the habit developed in me of memorize you had to learn a new verse every day plus the memory verse for the quarterly and then recite them at the afternoon program which we used to call MV which is now called a why there was also a man in my church an elder who had been sick many years and he was just in bed in that time all he read was the Bible so when God raised him from his sickbed he got up as a man with his head brimful of the bible when he would preach the Bible was open on a pulpit but he never looked down and I was a little boy in the church and I'd watch him and what do you think I said I would like to do that I would watch him I couldn't understand how he would preach a sermon 40 texts and never look down at the Bible I said I would love to do that and so that's where my love for Bible memorization began I believe the Lord has given me a little talent which I try to use even though you have a talent you must use it you either use it or you lose it and so ayah I love preaching the Word of God straight I try not to water it down no matter whom I'm speaking to no matter what trouble it gets me into I give God's Word straight and let the word do its work I love to travel and preach and God knows that the Bible says delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart and so God has allowed me to do what I like which is go all over the place but he said to me go but go and preach and that's fine so when people say to me do you go on vacation I say every preaching appointment he's a vacation because I get to see another part of the world so I was saying where was I earlier this year I was go so many but I was in the Philippines and I was in Wales and I was in England then where else was I I was in Australia in in June I was in Kenya then I left Kenya and I went to Malaysia and I'm here I go home on the 26 eight days later I go to Zambia for crusade and leave Zambia and I go to Texas for crusade then leave Texas go to Botswana for prayer conference then leave Botswana go somewhere else then go back then come to P&G in December and leave PNG go back to Botswana and that will end the year for me so I thank God and I have this practice when I go to different countries I go to a window of the place where I'm staying or I walk outside and I look at the country and I thank God for the honor of being in that part of the world even if it's a jungle and I have stayed in the jungle before I was in the Philippines and I can show you the pictures if I have them on Twitter in the place where I stayed but I slept with the lizards making a lot of noise at night they call geckos they make a loud noise for such a little lizard and ants all around the place I bought some powder the ants were resistant to the powder they absolutely refused to die and but I thank God for that adventure I'd wake up early in the morning 3:00 o'clock walk outside that little grass hut and the sky was perfectly clear see the Stars and my bathroom was a little area surrounded by a fence five feet high so I was up above it and but the Lord kept me private so I thank him for that so that's me I love people who love God I love people who love God's Word I believe the seventh-day Adventist Church is God's remnant people in these last days and I don't care about being politically incorrect I just don't care God's remnant people can be identified biblically now one of the identifying marks is they keep the commandments of God all ten and so I thank God for this church and for what is this meant to me and my prayer for you is that you will remain faithful to the truth no matter what other people do whether that other person is your spouse your mother your father your cousin your friend your enemy do not ever leave this church for any reason Jesus said in John 6 70 have I not chosen you twelve one of you is a devil Jesus had a devil among the twelve disciples but the disciples were still the early church are you following me the church does not cease to be God's church because they're Devils in it the place to find Devils is in the church Devils don't waste time going to the casino and to bars and to houses the devil already has those places the devil's come to and so even though your pastor may be a well-dressed hypocrite you are still in God's remnant Church are you following me it is still don't leave and go set up a church when nobody commits any sins you'll be wasting your time don't leave stay in God's church and why should you stay when a lot of disciples were leaving Christ in john 6:66 from that time many of his disciples walked back left him and walked no more with him and jesus said to the twelve will ye also go away Simon Peter answered said to him Lord to whom shall we go thou hast the words of eternal life what Peter was saying we are staying because of what you preach not because you have a building because Christ had none not because the members drive mercedes-benz and Lexus and BMWs no we are staying because of what you preach for those of you who don't have a church when you contemplate joining a church don't ask is the pastor handsome don't ask where do the members work don't ask is the church in the suburbs ask what do they teach and what they teach must correspond with thus saith the Lord if they do not teach thus says the Lord you will simply be enjoying a social experience not a worship experience because the foundation of worship is obedience what did God say the soul with Samuel as a spokesperson have the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices that's worship as in obeying the voice of the Lord behold to obey is better than sacrifice [Music] your special music obey me keep your large offering obey me obedience is better than sacrifice and let me say one other thing that may cause you a little concussion obedience is better than sacrifice to the extent that obedience is preferable to any sacrifice including the sacrifice of Christ now you're asking me to explain that let me explain it let me pray first before I explain the father this is not the message I had but I may continue in this vein I'll see how the Holy Ghost leads me now as I explained what I said you give me the right words father that your people may not be misled in Jesus name I pray amen why did Jesus die give me one word one word sin if Adam had not sinned would Christ have come to die No before Adam sinned was there obedience in the universe yes in the new world well all sin is removed and sinners are no more only the righteous of obedient will they be obedience yes and they shall come to pass from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me saith the Lord there was obedience before they were sacrifice there will be obedience after sacrifice is no longer necessary to obey is better than sacrifice so going to church you know what Jesus said in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men mark 7 I believe is verse 6 6 and 7 in vain Jesus says this worship is useless in my eyes why it is based on the commandments and doctrines of men now you turn that around what is the worship products EPS worship based on the commandments of God let me say it again you didn't get what I'm trying to say it's my fault think that's favor number three thing listen again in vain do they worship me why is it in vain why is it useless teaching for doctrines the commandments of men Christ is saying their worship is based on man-made Commandments and so I classify it as a waste of time you know how many churches every weekend are wasting time now if that's the case if you turn that around you realize what Christ is saying worship me based on my commandments which makes obedience the cornerstone of worship because rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft did you hear what I just what the Bible says for Samuel 15:23 before rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft now why is that because rebellion is sin listen to me carefully Jesus said he that is not with me come on it's against me which means every human being is either for God or for the devil there are two kingdoms in this world in the universe the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan and so Jesus says if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand Matthew 12 26 in verse 28 Jesus says but if I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God is come unto you now we have the kingdom of Satan the kingdom of God every human being is in one kingdom or the other now every human being either worships God or worships the devil now you may worship the devil through your career you may worship the devil by being obsessed with a husband or wife you may worship the devil by being obsessed with money you may worship the devil by whatever but you either worship God or the devil that's it now when the Bible says rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft to disobey God is to be in harmony with the devil that's witchcraft not all witches look strange and live in the forest some of them are deaconesses some a health and temperance leaders some are whatever not all witches look strange rebellion which is sin against God is the same thing as working with the devil because every time someone disobeys God the person obeys the devil there is no middle ground and so Eve she had two words of authority thou shalt surely die the other word was ye shall not surely die she had two words one from God one from the devil you and I we face this situation every day the Word of God the word of someone else it may be the Pope it may be a husband may be a politician but ultimately if it is not God's Word it is the devil's Word and God said in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die the devil said in Genesis 3 verse 4 ye shall not surely die to words jesus said you either for me or against me you either gather with me or you scatter abroad you either a sheep or a goat you either lost or save you item wheat or tear you go to heaven or hell it is always either/or and so I say again jesus said howbeit in vain do they worship Me Christian for you but don't answer me are we worshiping God in vain when God sent saul in for Samuel 15 to destroy all the Amalekites the Bible says slay utterly man and beast and infant and suckling oxen sheep camel and ass kill everything that was God's command to Saul as God's punishment on the Amalekites because hundreds of years earlier they had attacked the Israelites when they were leaving Egypt there in the wilderness and God swore I will blot out Amalek from under heaven but God gave them three or four hundred years to repent and they never did so when God told Saul killed him God was telling Saul tequila people who had decided they would never ever repent and one of the greatest favors if not the greatest favor God can do to an unrepentant sinner is take his life as soon as possible because the longer you sin the longer you suffer the flames of hell God is merciful when he puts a sinner to sleep and so God said kill all the Amalekites Saul went killed all the Amalekites except one person what was his name a gag what was his position the king and he brought a gag back God said Saul has turned back from obeying me now God is not a statistician God is a mathematician you see a statistician will say Saul obeyed God let's say the population of the Amalekites was too million only one person saved a statistician will say the whole place was destroyed not God I said not God if God says kill everybody another two million you save one you have disobeyed God is precise God gave Ten Commandments but if you keep lying in the university in 90 percent is an excellent score are you with me you get honors 9 out of 10 in God's system 9 out of 10 is a failure because if you wanted 9 you would have given 9 he wants 10 answer at a risk of being tedious and repetitious but repetition is an effective way to teach the Bible says in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men let me tell you something the commandments of men have absolutely no power to save now our theme is the power of God error has no power to save but error has a negative power to destroy in first Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 3 the Bible says and this is the will of God even your sanctification that ye should abstain from fornication the Bible says God's will is your sanctification and mind now keep this in mind now listen to Jesus he's praying to the Father and Jesus says sanctify them how come on tell me through thy truth thy Word is truth now what Christ is saying in a prayer to his father only truth can sanctify era contaminates truth sanctifies the function of truth is to remove error and to cleanse the mind sanctify them through thy truth thy Word is truth let me present to you the greatest expression of truth in the Bible God first god of psalm 119 the greatest expression of truth in the Bible zom 119 let us read verse 142 so i'm 119 verse 142 and i have no title because i was just talking to you and the Holy Spirit told me continue talking so I have no title or you can call it the power of truth because that's what I'm talking about you have Sam 119 verse 142 if you have my version read it for me what is this saying thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and I say that again value law is the truth now Jesus says in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrines the commandments are the laws of men now if God's law is truth what is man's law era thy law is truth what force 151 verse 151 read me though out near or Lord all the commandments are truth now go to Malachi chapter 2 Malachi chapter 2 this is God speaking about the priests and the main function of the priests was not only to take care of the sacrifices in the tabernacle but to teach the people the Word of God that was a major function to teach the Levites as priests teach God's Word now Leviticus chapter 2 verse 6 what does that say the law of Leviticus 2 4 6 or Malachi ah thank you my lovely sister Malachi yes god bless you for being attentive Malachi mm-hmm when I said the priests were all right Malachi 2 4 6 what does that say the law of truth was where in his mouth and iniquity was not found in his lips stop now I want you to look at those two can I come down a little closer you didn't say yes or to walk all the way there I don't want to look like I am let me just now the law of truth was in his mouth read the next statement iniquity was not found where now I want you to put two things together the law of truth in his mouth mouth and lips are the same thing in those two you look at those two expressions the law of truth with his mouth indicative was not found in his lips so its mouth and lips same thing they're the same now the law of truth is the opposite to what in that next statement iniquity which means what give me another word for iniquity sin then what is sin this on those two statements look at what is sin anything that is contrary to the law of God look at it again the law of truth was in his mouth and iniquity was not found in his lips in other words if the law is in your mouth there's no room for iniquity or sin so the law of God is a very opposite of sin and a major function of the priest even today priests being the preachers is to have his mouth full of the message of the law of God as the basis of true worship are you following me let us go to Romans chapter 2 we looking at truth and law Romans chapter 2 Romans 2 belief in verse 17 of Romans - do you have that let me say a little prayer again father in heaven as I proceed with this impromptu presentation which I believe your Spirit has put on my mind let that spirit of truth be with us I pray in Jesus name Amen before we read from verse 17 keep one finger if you can on Romans - 17 let's go to Deuteronomy 32 first for the power of truth is our title Dharana me 32 first for book number five of the Bible the first five books were written by Moses except the last chapter of Deuteronomy which deals with Moses his death that was probably written by Joshua but certainly not by Moses Deuteronomy 32 verse 4 read for he is though keep reading his work is a god of a god of what and without keep reading Justin Wright is here he is called a god of what a god of truth so God the Father is truth go to John 14 John 14 you know this verse very well verse 6 John 14 verse 6 what does he say jesus saith unto Him what I am the way the truth and the life so God the Father is a God of truth Jesus is the truth go to 1st John chapter 5 read verse 6 first John chapter 5 read verse 6 first John 5 all the way to the back of the Bible a few books before revelation first John 5 verse 6 do you have that read for me what they say this is he that came by water and blood even not by water only but by water and blood for this verse now and it is a spirit that beareth come on because the Spirit is truth now what have you discovered from those three verses come on 1 the father is truth - Jesus is through 3 the Holy Ghost is true now when you worship in spirit and in truth you are in harmony with whom the family of heaven now when you worship based on error you are against the entire family of heaven it makes no difference how attractive your tradition is and the biggest tradition in Christianity is that Sunday is the Sabbath it's the biggest most widespread tradition not one single Bible verse I haven't gotten back to Romans 2:17 yet but let me continue on what I just said not one single Bible let me show you what sin has done to our minds go to Genesis 2 I'll show you what sin has done to the mind genesis 2 i i'm guessing it's about 12 minutes after 11:00 what time is it something like that okay all right what time do I stop or twelve oh okay what boot did I say Genesis what Chapter two alright let's go to verse 16 the Bible says and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it finish the verse for in the death I read his thereof thou shalt surely die now who said that come on quickly God what did God say what do you call that what are those things thou shalt surely die what's that thou shalt surely die our war for four words so we're looking at the words of God let's look at God's words earlier spoken what a Genesis one thou shalt surely die God's words let's examine God's words Genesis 1 let's read from verse 3 you have that read with me I asked you to read but you don't read very loudly read with me and God said come on let there be light stop how many words did God speak let there be light are those God's words yes read the next statement and there was light stop what does that tell you about God's Word it's powerful good creative recite it does precisely what it says let there be light there was light not fog or haze or cloud lights if God's Word says light you can expect light no that's God's Word now looking for 6 and God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters of course God made the first through the word all the way down first 9 and God said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together first 11 let the earth bring forth grass the Word of God the Word of God whatever the world says is what happened if that's clear say Amen now Eve knew that she knew that let's use our imagination and go to the Garden of Eden we're looking at Eve and the serpent having a discussion they're texting face-to-face if I can put it like that alright now you're watching Eve now you're behind the tree she doesn't know you're there we're watching her where is Eve standing where do you think she's standing what's under her feet what's under her feet grass when was the grass made then how by the Word of God so she was standing on proof that God's Word is true where was a serpent in a tree where were the trees made before you tell me the fourth day let me show you a third day she was looking at a tree evidence and proof that God's word has power what was above her head the sun shining sure day four verse 14 and God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven she saw evidence everywhere she looked she saw proof that God's Word is reliable powerful creative trustworthy and does exactly what it says she was surrounded are you following me now you're not following are you following me okay now let's get another word Genesis 3 listen from first one are you there read with me please now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said he shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it lest he die first for clearly now and this serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die stop we will compare this with verse 17 of chapter 2 thou shalt surely die the serpent said ye shall not surely die now Eve was confronted with thou shalt surely die and what ye shall not surely die she had to make a what a choice between what God's Word and anybody else's word you see if it's not God's Word it doesn't matter who the other person is is the devil's word I said that too quickly let me start again if it is not thus saith the Lord is the devil's word no matter who speaks it so here's Eve God's word with all the proofs of the power of God's Word surrounding her and the devil says he shall not surely die now question for you what proof did she have that the devil's word had power none none n o any exclamation mark none yet without a word from God that she should do this she made a choice based on the word of the enemy and she took that fruit did I make myself clear she had no evidence at all that the devil's word had power yet she accepted his word and of course she died because God's Word cannot fail there isn't one verse in the Bible that says the first day of the week is the Sabbath and like Eve most of Christianity chooses a word not spoken by God and it is so widespread it is accepted as truth so that those who obey the truth are regarded as funny let me tell you something if error is practice long enough it assumes the status of truth and when you attack that error you are attacked not a verse now I am talking about the law of truth God's will for you is sanctification or the sanctification removing impurities from the life how does that happen sis Jesus through the truth was the highest expression of truth the law of God because the Bible says let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter pray God and keep his Commandments come on finish the verse for this is the whole dude this is all I want says God he wanted it before I Adam sinned he wants it now because God does not lower his standards he raises the people you missed it you keep missing it because it's my fault now in the United States basketball is a big game the the basketball ring is ten feet off the ground a quartz doesn't lower the rim he trains his athletes to do it John hi are you following me the ring doesn't come down now in salvation before Adam sinned God's ring of righteousness was ten feet that was for sinless man after Adam sinned God left it at ten feet and he sent Jesus to teach us how to jump oh you know I'm talking to myself he said Jesus do you come you stay with me and I will help you reach that rim because God does not lower his standards you don't lower your standards for your children when you send them to school because you don't want your child coming home with the worst report grade in the village then you have to move are you for me when other people find out your child is the only child who flunked you have to move to Adelaide from on the era so with God God does not lower his standards yours with me now we're talking about the loft there's the way to practice truth outside of the law of God you see a law-abiding life is a truthful life now go to Roman's 2 verse 17 Romans 2 17 listen carefully and may God's holy spirit continue to be with us may God put his words in my mouth I'll finish shortly it's about 27 after 11:00 we have Romans 2:17 let the men read many have the King James Version men always God called you to be the leaders in your church in your community in your home so let's take the lead let me hear the men read they're all men who were really men read with me if you have my version are you ready read my brothers what does it say behold thou are called a Jew come on and restless in the law come on and make it that boss of God come on next verse and NORs his will come on and prove us the things that are more excellent come on being a structured ah let's stop right there now let's try to explain Paul says you see in Chapter 1 of Romans Paul says all the Gentiles need Jesus that's what he's saying in chapter 2 he's saying all the Jews need Jesus because sinasohn behold thou art called a Jew and rest us in the law you have confidence in God's law and makest thy boast of God and knowest what come on and noise his will the next statement says and app Rufus the things that are more excellent finish that verse being instructed out of the law now let me clarify app Rufus the things that are more excellent you know how to judge between right and wrong you know how to distinguish between genuine and false that's what is meant by app Rufus the things that are more excellent then the verse tells us how because you are in strong did from we're out of the law the law of God remove it and no one has a reliable sense of right and wrong my brothers and sisters boater Romans seven Romans seven let's take a look at the law Romans seven the power of truth is a title we came up with you have Romans 7 verse 10 ladies now all ladies who love Jesus and who have my version read with ladies are you ready sisters read with me was it saying and the commandment which was ordained to life I found to be unto death now stop why is Paul saying that you see when God gave the law the law is a law of life it is only death for those who disobeyed but the law existed before sin so the law has originally always been a law of life disobedience brings death now if you're thirsty what do you do you drink water but if you inhale the water what happens to you you drown are you following me if you inhale the water you drown the law of God is life mm-hmm we can work that out very easily God made Adam and Eve he put them in the confer Garden of Eden describe that environment with a few one-word responses the earth was perfect the earth was pure the earth was good the earth was sinless now here comes God listen to me carefully here comes God now I am paraphrasing - 1617 Adam my son come do you like where you're living yes do you like living in a sinless world yes Father do you like the fact there are no prisons yes no hospitals yes no policemen yes yes Father would you like to keep it yes okay what do I have to know to keep it God says simple you see this tree finish my words don't touch it you see all those threes Adam they're yours no Adam if you leave this alone and I'll watch you for a little while out of love this perfect environment will continue life will continue if you give me one word obey Adam said okay God went back to heaven and here comes sister Eve I look forward to seeing Eve in the new here comes this nice vegetarian woman and Shia she listens to the serpent and for ladies by the way let me switch the subject quickly when a man approaches you inappropriately don't discuss leave don't find out why did you talk to me like that that's not your business leave because men have a natural ability to turn your heads do not discuss with a man why he's inappropriate just leave and if you're married woman go right to your husband even if the man is in the church especially if he's integer don't discuss it if Eve had not stood and discussed we would not be in this position away so Eve sinned then Adam followed her which brings us to another lesson follow me closely now because this lesson will make you angry with me do you like me a little bit no you don't okay but do you do okay you like me a little bit but that's all I need okay kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed sire listen to what God said to Adam go to Genesis 3 I know I can smell the food but hold on with me for a few minutes Genesis 3 okay alright okay my lovely sister Genesis 3 do you have that listen to God speaking to Adam and verse 17 sorry and unto Adam he said read now for me because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake now stop how does that first end 4:17 well ok not that far but God said because you listen to someone else and you you yes there's a curse on the earth the whole earth now keep this in mind there's a whole curse on the earth look at the first part of the verse and tell me why there's a curse on the earth say that again the man did what he put his family ahead of God now that lesson is for us in the Garden of Eden he put his family ahead of God so when God came down on Sinai was the first commandment he gave thou shalt have in many families the baby is God are you coming to church no I can't why what the baby are you contributing to the church building no no no no why at the baby listen to me in many families babies are shrines with parents worship or my husband left the church but I have to follow my husband no you don't not if it goes against God listen to me carefully because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of my wife got a sink because you listened to someone else instead of me when you observe Sunday the Sabbath you're listening to someone else instead of God when you tell people I can have two wives no no you're listening to someone else instead of God when you say there's a place called purgatory you listening to someone else instead of God and when that happens the result is a curse the whole earth is cursed because a man put his family ahead of God now who invented the family God who invented childbearing God who invented food God but how many of us worship food instead of God what am I saying to you in vain do they worship me finish the verse teaching for doctrines the commandments of men ask yourself is my religious life based on the commandments of men or the commandments of God I want you to make a decision right where you sit father help me to serve you worship you based on thus saith the Lord not thus saith my tribe I give you one more Bible example than I let you go go to further go to Luke chapter one look what look one in this chapter we'll read the angel appears to Zacharias who eventually became the father of John the Baptist he was the husband of Elizabeth Elizabeth could not have children read verse 12 of Luke 1 what does that say come on nice allowed and fear fell upon him and the angel came and said unto Him what fear not Zacharias come on for thy prayer is heard keep reading and I wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son finish it and thou shalt call his name now who said that the angel but the angel was told by whom to say that God so those were God's words listen to me carefully the angel said because the word angel is from the Greek Angelo's which means a messenger no angel has an opinion of his own are you following me all unfallen angels only say what they told to say not because the robots is because they obedient so the angel told Zacharias thou shalt call his name John that's what God said go to verse 57 of Luke 1 Luke 157 read with me nicer loud and clear now Elizabeth's full time came that she should be delivered and she did what she brought for force and keep reading and her neighbors and her heard how the Lord had showed and they came to rich highsmith and now very carefully read verse 59 and it came to pass on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child stop now who is they yes all her cousins meaning relatives and her neighbors now the two groups that exert greatest pressure on us is not a government and the church relatives and friends are you following me relatives and friends that's why those who the study church growth they tell you you have best luck in bringing people to Christ if you're a friend of somebody or rather now and her read first 59 again and it came to pass on the eighth day come on that they came to circumcise the child finish that first now wait a minute what did they call him what did John said what did the angel say to call him John now do we have a problem yes who said Zacharias people who said John God who were the people who said Zacharias all the friends or relatives now here's an old woman she couldn't have children for a long time I am that I have never had a child but I understand when a woman gives birth to child she's out of it for a couple days is such a traumatic thing now she's old it's tough when you young she's old as he's on this bed surrounded by all the neighbors and friends exerting the pressure call him Zacharias when the newborn deities born people come around as though they were shipping in a manger come to worship this newborn child Zacharias but Elizabeth knew her husband had told her John read 460 and his mother as a row said not so now let me see who is really intelligent in order for her to take that stand and say not so what does she have to do she had to go against come on talk to me her friends and her relatives why did she do because God said John listen to me it is not easy to go against friends and rule it is not listening it is not your husband wants to go left you want to go right you'll eventually go left it's not easy to go against friends and relatives but this woman 8 days after giving birth very difficult birth must have been because she was all she said ah outnumbered dozens to 1 she said no John why God said John God said a several-day a man-made institution said to first you must have courage to say God's Word and many people will go to hell well educated well dressed nice looking for no other reason that they could not resist the influence of friends and relatives and take God's side sometimes you have to stand alone and say not so that's truth let me stop how many people say father helped me even if I have to stand alone to choose your word above everybody else's word can I see your hand do you mean that do you really mean that stand up with me now don't go home and fight with your husband just or your wife but just let people know in your life God is first you don't have to fight and God is first and that never changes you know there's a saying there there's an exception to every rule except the rule that says there's Misbah with this rule there are no exceptions God must always finish my words come first always I said let heaven record I said it always has bowed eyes closed a God in heaven thank you for your word sometimes it is so challenging there god it hits at the very roots and foundations of the life we've built it makes us dizzy father but this problem its purpose is to save us now Lord while heads about an eyes are closed I'm making a very tough appeal but I think your spirit has led me to make it and make a direct and clear father let the spirit do the work if there's someone listening to me you know that in your present life you've got family or friends ahead of God by the choices you make and you want to change that come you know by the choices you make you're putting family and friends ahead of God come you know you're doing that you want to changed come because the curse came on the earth because a man put his family ahead of God bless all families I have one I'm part of one but there are no circumstances when God must be put second none that always results in a curse if there's someone you know in your heart that you're putting someone ahead of God come you'll know you're doing that but God still loves you but he can't save you in that condition come listen father give me the courage give me the strength dig God you know the Bible says in Hebrews 1:3 of Jesus Christ when he had by himself purged our sins the disciples ran and left him in the Garden of Gethsemane when they saw the Romans they ran the father forsook him for a while that's why he said why hast thou forsaken me well if the father for sukham the Holy Ghost had to forsake him for a while the angels had to forsake him Christ was by himself and he stayed why because he loves us and he loved the father ask God for the courage to stand alone if that is what you have to do God needs people he can depend on the same way we can depend on God God wants to know I can depend on you anybody else you know you've got someone ahead of God or something your career your your education something is ahead of God and you want that change come change it with God's help change it continue on this suicidal path change it let God see his first and then see how God begins to bless your life I told you yesterday or the day before God wants to be first because he cannot save you from any other position than position one eze bar come sister come put God first put him first you know when God sent Christ he put you first mm-hmm then that's another subject for another time he put you first when he sent Christ put him first put him where he belongs because he's creator of heaven and earth you are alive because of God not your cousin God anyone else they have got something or someone ahead of God I want that changed I want to changed and make a second call very quick there's someone worshipping God based on error you want to change that come I am worshipping God based on error and my eyes have been opened by this message I want that changed come worshiping God based on error you come it's a father it'll be difficult but if you hold my hand I know I'll make it I want to worship you in spirit and in truth both a lot of people worship in spirit make a lot of noise but there's no truth they must be both because the spirit that you think you have is the Spirit of Truth anybody else and worshiping God based on error I want that change come I've got something ahead of God or someone come let god enable you to switch that you have to make the switch God will give you the power I'll give you 60 seconds and I pray to calls there's someone or something ahead of God in my life and I know it I want that to stop but God where he belong I am worshipping God based on era and tradition and custom and habit I want that to stop jesus said it's a waste of time he's better the leave God alone completely than to pretend to be his child forty seconds come there we pray we go to lunch you have life today we don't know what will happen on your way home I pray all of you get home safely that's my prayer for you but we don't know all you know is you're alive right now you have a chance to make a decision 15 seconds to calls father there's someone or something in my life ahead of you I have to change that second call father I'm worshipping you based on error my eyes have been open please help me to change father it won't be easy but God says with him all things are possible we're gonna pray now father in heaven forgive me for my sins forgive me for when I have put other things ahead of you whether for five minutes or five years forgive me for that I ask you to look down upon us with mercy and favoured a God you gave me this message it was not what I came up to speak you must have given me this message for a reason father someone must have needed it even if it's one person in this congregation might have needed this message you know I don't if I preached badly forgive me Father now in the name of Jesus there God work on the hearts of those who came that man that woman who has someone else in your place or something a career money whatever it is work child father give the person the courage courage from above to change the list of priorities and put you where you belong that is first if there's someone worshiping you based on error but error that has been practiced so long it looks like truth but their eyes have been opened a god give them the guts the courage to say father put me in the path of truth oh god help us we need help so badly help us father we wanted what's right we're weak the Spirit is willing to God but you know how weak the flesh is you come and help us all we can offer you father's a willingness to do what is right now combine that willingness with your power and produce victorious people blesses as individuals blesses us families Father now bless your people show them how delighted you are that they have put you first a double blessing on all the little children father as we the food you've provided let us think of spiritual food which is far more important protect us in these final hours of this camp meeting father there has been no accident no incident keep it that way they God thank you for loving us thank you for sending your son to die for us when you come de God let everyone under the sound of my voice and every family member associated with the congregation have a place in your kingdom where we shall live with you forever without sin without suffering without death in Jesus name I pray let God's people say amen and amen sing one stanza with me seeing them over again to me wonderful words of love let me more of a beauty see wonderful words of love words of life and beauty teach me faith and do beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of love ah beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of love and now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forevermore let God's people say amen and amen god bless you enjoy your lunch be a blessing one to the other
Channel: Sydney Wantok Community
Views: 115,827
Rating: 4.8331256 out of 5
Keywords: wantok camp, wantok, SDA, Seventh-Day Adventist, Truth, Wantok, Randy Skeete, Sydney, Meroo, NSW, New South Wales, The Power Of God, Power, God, Christ, Sermon
Id: _x2SQeO64IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 12sec (4032 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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