2021 Very Important message to Adventist and Ex Adventist -Pavel Goia

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in fact i was debating between about six seven presentations to finish the friday night to talk about the second coming to talk about um i had here how basically how do you get victory over sin to talk about how do you understand forgiveness and grace to the point that you have peace and joy move on and know how to forgive others or to continue the morning presentation about righteousness and growth revival now i'm going to continue the morning presentation because i believe this is the subject that adventists and christians struggle with let me explain the bible in romans chapter 10 verse 3 it says that they have replaced god's righteousness with their own righteousness that's what paul says about israel god's people and that's what i see in the church the reason people struggle is because while they say they believe in righteousness by faith they continually try to accomplish righteousness by works are we against works no am i saying go and still go and kill it okay no you follow me but those are not the means of salvation should we go to church yes should we keep sabbath absolutely it is god's law but the fact that you don't work on sabbah does it save you no do you understand but for some reason we try hard to keep them not because it's good or is wrong because we feel that we cannot be saved basically make them the means for salvation you follow me regardless how much good you do you'll never deserve salvation you follow me and we'll talk a little about this i want to explain a little what i started in the morning righteousness sanctification surrender all these terms could be treated from the deeds perspective or glasses or through the relationship perspective when you look to both hebrew and greek the word is used for both for instance in matthew says be perfect as i am perfect but then you look says love perfectly as you have been loved perfectly and is in the context of the same story same story just these words instead of be it says love and in the words in hebrew and greek these two things are presented this way and this way how do you interpret it through a deed's perspective or through a relationship perspective if you go humanly logically speaking and you try to be saved by deeds regardless how many deeds you do you can be perfect you can keep sabbath know the prophecies never still never lie never cheat pay your taxes you follow me like pharisees they went so far that you could not work more than three thousand steps on a sabbath you know those they made over 5000 rules above the law to help the law if you saw something you cannot bend to take it because that would be lifting weight from sabbah so what they would do they would step on it and wait until sunset and then take it when i was young i was raised in an extremely conservative exaggerated extreme conservative church good people but that's the way they were raised and we had to fast every sabbath by law everybody adults fasted from friday night to saturday night and then saturday night they ate big quantities of food until they fell in a coma kids fasted from friday night to sabbath noon for me that i eat every four or five hours in my room if you go you'll see apples bananas and every two thousand i chew up an apple and then i feel happy you know for me to fast so long it was torture in front of the church there was a big golden apple tree golden delicious big old loaded the the branches would go so low and those apples were a continual temptation when the kids would fast well well well there are sabbat spice all around if you picked an apple they came to you and you are going to burn in the fire because you broke sabbath why you harvest it you follow me well well the story is not over when i came to andrews i want to take some summer classes here in america not in romania okay i took summer classes it was hot it was july it was 94 95 fahrenheit humid and sabbat we didn't have school obviously sabbath is saba to worship but after church my wife says to me honey is so hot let's go to the lake with the kids and walk around the lake and cool down and enjoy nature okay we went to warren dunes in michigan in andrews by the lake and my wife is like a snake she loves sun not like a snake in character like a snake she loves sun a snake who stay in the sun forever is happy me mountains if it's too hot i can take it up to a certain point and then i go in the shade she goes to the beach and she can stay the whole day on the beach for me i get in the water that's what i'm happy i need to cool down so my wife on the beach the kids walking around and playing i went in the water it was too hot i was burning well a classmate from andrews from the seminary a pastor came to me and said pablo how could you do that what breaking sabbat what did i do it's entertainment you got in the water i said come on brother i didn't do anything well he said coat when you go in the water up to the knee it's cooling down when you go over the knee it's swimming and that's a sin and i said brother i will pray for you no no you need to pray for you i pray for me but i'm gonna pray for you too and then i said i saw you today after church at potluck you ate cookies yeah you broke sabbath i said he says why because you say that you should not do your pleasures on sabbath cookies are not necessary they are a pleasure ah you twist it i said no no no you twist it do you follow me if you try to do good as the means to salvation regardless how much good you do that's what cain did he brought his works versus abel who brought a lamb regardless how much good you do you'll never get to the level of god you'll never get to deserve heaven and even if you manage through a miracle to be like god you cannot change your past you still die because of your past sins because you are born in sin you follow me so there is no hope but if you understand this is from the deeds perspective from the relationship perspective the bible says remain in me and i in you what is that to remain connected that's relationship and jesus says if you abide in me and i in you you'll produce much fruit how do you produce the good deeds by own efforts or by being connected it doesn't cancel the deeds you'll produce fruits but not by human effort just by jesus living in you christ in you i can do all things in and the chiastic structure in greek the word in is in the top of the structure in the middle of the sentence that's the most important word in the sentence i can do all things in christ if you are in him you do it if you are separate from him zero that's what jesus says in john 15 when you separate from me you alone can do nothing zero you follow me that's the reason he says he who has christ has life basically just for the fact that you have christ in you you are saved you cannot die you understand so righteousness growth surrender you cannot surrender we talked about surrendering daily you want to but you don't have the power to so all you do you invite his presence and give him permission to help you surrender and you don't have to worry about how he does it even if you try to understand how god became human how god paid the sin how god lives forever how god is gonna save you how does he give you eternal life how is eternity don't try to understand god because you'll never be able to unless you have a brain like god's you follow me faith is not when you understand faith is when you trust in him without understanding that's faith you follow me therefore righteousness is acquired to relationship not through personal efforts and that's what people don't get they replace god's righteousness with their own righteousness that's the reason the bible says i hate your sacrifices i hate your assemblies i hate your prayers that's what god says in isaiah follow me he says i want mercy not sacrifice i want love not sacrifice but the word sacrifice doesn't refer to sacrificing a lamb in hebrew in the translation their rituals are all called sacrificial system all those all the rituals all the forms all the assemblies all the services they did it was called the sacrificial system and god says all your systems make nonsense without the lamb because they all pointed to the lamb and so if you try to do it to have all the system without the center that is jesus you have nothing it's all centered in jesus and you cannot eliminate him to do the things that he said he's like having the darkness of god without the god of doctrines that doesn't make any sense you understand you cannot have the darkness without the god who gave you the doctrines now saying that satan is extremely happy when you do the deeds he doesn't care if you are perfect and we don't have the presence safe and satisfied if you go to church and keep sabbath hey you can keep every day he doesn't care as long as you are not connected now i want you to think about this verse i'm trying to explain think about this verse in isaiah it says that your sins have put a wall of separation between us and god what does sin do what what does it do separates breaks relationship sin broke relationship between people and people adam and eve able and cain sin breaks relationships between people between people and people between people and god between god and god sin broke relationship between father and son you follow me sin breaks but relationship god's presence fixes relationships you follow me and so sin is it is a sin to break the law but sin the greatest sin the origin of sin is not what you do is when you separate for instance you don't have to break any commandment and still you will be lost if you are separated from christ you can keep the law and still be lost you follow me so the root of all sins is separation from god now let me explain salvation it's a process it's not an event salvation has three steps justification sanctification glorification i want you to hear what i say justification it's a second a moment three seconds okay an event sanctification it's a life glorification is an eternity do you follow me a moment a life on eternity justification when god considers you holy but you are not holy you are a stinger when you give your life to jesus you think you gave your life to jesus you didn't when you get baptized oh i gave my life to jesus no you didn't why do you still have problems after baptism if you gave your life to jesus you got in the water you came out and guess what you do you do what you used to do when you give your life to jesus you make a decision to marry him and he considers you holy but you are not holy you are born but you are not grown you are a newborn baby he considers you holy justified doesn't mean that you are sanctified justify means that you are attributed god's righteousness but is not yours do you understand you are not yet transformed so when you get baptized he considers you he attributes you holiness but you are not holy yet you are not grown you are not mature you are just a baby you say you gave your life to jesus but in the pacific when americans won all the islands this is the strategy that they used number one because there were so many enemy troops they didn't want to reach their soldiers so americans would send the airplanes and they would call soften the place they will throw bombs bombs until all the enemy will back off and then the americans would take one corner in the island only a few inches one corner and create a base and then from that base so point number one they would soften the place bomb the place a lot of bombs until the enemy would leave that place number two they will create a base where they will put their troops and after they hit troops and admonition they would bomb the next place and as the enemy would retract they would put another base an inch by inch they would take the rest of the island that's what god does when you give your life to jesus actually you gave a base and he would throw a tube all the bumps necessary all the hammers in your head to soften the hard ambitious heart until you surrender and say i cannot do it and you take another inch and as you surrender inch by inch this and that god would take another and another inch and that's called sanctification so when you get baptized i gave my life to jesus you actually gave a base you make a commitment to let him take inch by inch and work in you but you didn't get transformed yet and now next process is sanctification where he takes through life circumstances through things that he allows that's the reason he says that all things work together inch by inch through challenges to crisis god is teaching you to surrender another and another and another and another inch and is growing you through the process called sanctification and when you go to prayer and say lord i have this problem please solve it god says do you want me to grow you or not because you asked me to help you surrender and now when i am teaching you surrendering you say woo this is too much so all these things that we call them problems crisis actually they all work together daniel in the alliance then was a crisis israel followed by egyptians was a crisis you follow me all these things that we call them crisis it is god's intervention to teach us to different lessons surrender faith humility and so on and so forth and we instead of saying god remove them we should rather say god grow me and so saying that that's the next step is called sanctification when god would bomb your heart would hammer your life and have you inch by inch give up now that surrendering process is not that you have the power to surrender is that you give him permission to bump your heart do you follow me you say lord i give you permission to do whatever it takes it's going to hurt like crazy remind me that i'm not alone when when you go to waters i'll be with you next to you you are never alone i have inscribed you on my palms even if the mount has moved my love will never move from you illinois says that if god opened our eyes for a second to see god and see how he works and his love we would never doubt him again that angels are in are amazed how in the world we doubt him if we could see the big picture we would fully trust his methods and so you give him permission trusting in his methods in his love in his wisdom and say do whatever you have to do to take another inch of my heart and then i says this is not a one time deal surrendering and growth it's a lifelong process sanctification it's a lifelong process now this is the best possible news in the history of the universe it doesn't matter if you are grown or not god doesn't save you because of what you married because of your deeds oh you are mature you deserve to be in heaven you can be here mature paul the apostle mother teresa okay you can be here if you turn your back to jesus all your righteousness is forgotten and you are lost and you can be here that if on the cross if you turn your face to jesus and say i want you you are saved so regardless where you are in the sanctification process in the growth in school regardless your first grade second grade regardless where you are in your growth sanctification process at any moment you die or jesus comes as long as you are connected and jesus is in you you are safe because you are saved by grace through faith not by deeds you are saved by grace that means that as long as you are connected relationship you cannot perish as long as jesus is in you there is nobody that can take you away there is no way to be lost but as long as soon as you disconnect regardless how many goodies you have done there is no way to be saved without jesus salvation is in one name and that's it you follow me so that's the best news that means that you have to reconnect again and again and again and again and again and again and as long as you connect you should not fear you understand i'm trying to to give you the abc of righteousness okay the 101 righteousness 101 and so this is introduction to the sermon so i'm trying to say this i'm trying to say this it doesn't make any sense to say i cannot go to the doctor i am sick i need to get well and then i go that's what we do i cannot go to god i cannot pray i am a sinner i need to get my acts together and then i go to church then i get baptized have you heard people saying that i cannot go to god in prayer because i have sinned duh that's the reason you go to god think about it if you are healthy you don't need a doctor if you are a little sick you wait two months until you have an appointment but if you have an accident you don't wait in line you go straight the sicker you are the more recommended you are to go in god's presence because the sick need the doctor therefore you cannot say i cannot go to god because i am a sinner you say because i am a sinner i go to god do you follow me so this is the best news you can go to god any moment all you have to do is to humble yourself and say i need you i bring nothing whatever i bring my wisdom my education my money garbage paul says i consider all things and i'm sorry but paul was educated by gamaliel was influential among pharisees sadducees and teachers of the law had a brilliant future paul was somebody and he says i kind of all things the word in greek is you know what scuba means in translation animal excrements that's the translation scuba the word word paul says i consider all things garbage the word garbage enrique scuba scuba is translated animal manure he says all my education all my money all my experience animal excrements he wants to say all value zero without the cross does the reason is i want to know nothing else except christ and him crucified because that's the single hope that we have if you don't have the cross you have no religion you follow me paganism tries to do things to please the gods to win the favor of the gods we are pagans without realizing because we try to do things to please god god doesn't need to be pleased he is good all the time you follow me we even offend him when we think that we have to do something to please him he loves us while we are still enemies and so think about these two extremes paganism and catholicism paganism has replaced god with other idols things people worship their job people worship their car people worship their education people worship themselves things has replaced god with things and catholicism has replaced god who did what you do for god deeds icons idols and icons idols you have other gods icons what you do to please god to win favors christianity pushes both idols and icons other things and what you do your righteousness away and takes christ and worships christ and says that's my only hope and so instead of doing in order to deserve you connect and his presence in you does it is not that you don't do good things because god's presence is gonna produce good things the holy spirit in you is gonna produce the fruit of the spirit that's the proof that you have god's presence but those are not the means to salvation the means to salvation is relationship is the cross is his presence those are the results of salvation let me explain i'm gonna put it in a parable let's suppose that you are broke god forbid but let's suppose you lost your job they sent a letter from the bank that in two months you are going to be foreclosed you your car broke your shoes broke you are in credit card debt you are in school loans you you get a picture okay you are broke you have no food no electricity the telephone they cut it the electricity they cut it you are done and your neighbor is jeff bezos and he is a multi-billionaire okay and you go to him and you say please please what is for you a little give me some work what did i say works give me some work so i could save my problems i could solve i could save myself i could pay my debt and jeff bezos says how much do you owe 500 000 to the house 60 000 to school 40 000 to credit card you follow me all together 800 thousand and jeff bezos says you don't understand business man you don't have a business mind you oh you are in debt eight hundred thousand plus interest and you want me to give you some works to pay your debt what can you do to earn 800 000 do you follow me you say yeah i can do something for you i can do something for you we that's what we do to god i can do something for you oh you go to church that mescal must come for i'm an elder that must come for something it doesn't count for nothing i sang the song doesn't count for nothing oh i went in mission trip it doesn't count for nothing what you did you did for you i keep sabbath you do it for you i eat healthy you do it for you it does you don't make god better if you keep sabbath or if you eat healthy god doesn't need you to eat healthy he asks you to do it for you not for him you follow me so basically you say i can do something for you we had snow last night let me shovel the driveway for you maybe i solve my problems and pay my debt he says okay man let's think 25 dollars an hour is that a fair price to shovel the driver oh yeah 25 an hour is pretty good to shovel the driveway okay you work two hours shovel the driveway he gives you 50 bucks is it works or grace it works does it pay your debt oh no you don't even have enough to eat because if you go to walmart with 50 bucks two hours of work one plastic bag you need 300 to fill the cart in our days am i right when i came to this country 24 years ago gas was 75 cents a gallon right now look around you go to walmart to 300 and you can hardly feel the cart so what did you get when you worked two hours 50 bucks it doesn't pay your debt it doesn't give you even to pay your bills it doesn't even give you enough for the whole family for food for one day it gives you just two plastic bags or one you follow me and you say to bill to jeff bezos to bill gates or whoever i don't care you say give me more works he says you don't get it man you don't get it regardless how much work i give you you'll never pay your debt and you'll still struggle you need a different method to get rich no give me works worse i need to work harder i need to try harder that's what you do in spirituality i need to try harder you kill yourself trying on you feel bad oh religion doesn't work no you don't get it and so you go next day to jeff bezos and you say give me more works he says i gave you two hours of work yesterday did it help you no then don't you learn your lessons if you repeat the same thing you are going to get the same results you need something different no no no i need well we didn't have snow last night i have no work for you let me clean your house i have a lady paid to clean my house my house is clean let me cook for you i have a lady who cooks for me okay you can that's my kitchen you go in the kitchen the kitchen is clean watch watch me the kitchen is clean you work listen carefully five minutes because it's already clean how much should you be paying 25 dollars an hour if you're five minutes huh two dollars three dollars okay so you worth let's say for for five dollars okay let's say okay he looks to he says man you are really desperate and you don't get it but i have mercy on you and he gives you one hundred you worth five minutes you deserve five dollars and he gave you a hundred is it worth or grace it's both that's what some christians do god does a lot and i do a little god doesn't need you to do a little because every time you get involved you make a mess abraham did a little slept with his servant to help god because god was unable to give him a child and so that's what christians do mix what god does with what they do because they think that god needs their help god doesn't need your help you need god's help and so now he gave you a hundred that worth five minutes does it solve your debt no next day you go back man please give me more work he says you come every day you try hard every day with works it doesn't work still you don't learn the lesson you don't have a business mind let me explain this problem doesn't solve this way you need to do it my way what is your way all i know is to work to pay my debt no that doesn't solve the problem even if you work all your life you'll you'll hardly survive from month to month or maybe save a thousand or twenty thousand but you'll never pay eight hundred thousand and to have another two millions and to be rich your way doesn't work let me teach you something you won the lottery now what do you want to teach me sit down tell me your life i don't have time i have to work i have to do things in order to solve my problem sit down i don't have time sit down that's exactly what you need tell me your life i could take half an hour for you that's what you do in prayer i i could take 15 minutes for you sit down relax relax i know your problem i know you are in that tell me your life and you start a new talk and you talk and you forget time and you talk for two hours and you tell him your life he said man i never knew that i like you know i like you when you when you confess and you you humble and you tell me as it is when you open your heart i like it now we are friends you don't come to me just for money now we talk now we are friends now let me tell you my life and he talks oh i never knew that about you and he talks for two hours and after you spend four hours together you know him he knows you you build friendship and he says now because we are friends i'm gonna do something for you i don't help strangers but friends are family he writes a 500 million dollar check is that good enough why don't you smile okay 600 million are you happy now how much do you want 700 million how much would make you happy okay he writes 700 million dollar check he has billions what is that you know he writes a check he says this is a gift you say come on don't joke this is too easy to be true it's too good to be true don't don't play games on me this is fake he says no this is not fake this is a real check nah that's what we do we don't trust god's grace because it's too good to be true that's what we do he says it is real it is a gift you can never if you live 100 lives and work all your life and never eat never pay bills and save all the salaries you'd still never make this money you'll never be able to pay your debt you'll never be able to get money you'll never be able to solve your problems you need grace and that's how you start i give you grace and i don't give race to a stranger that wants just to abuse me and abuse my understanding and my friendship and my money we need a relationship and when i know you and i trust you and i know that you are honest then i give you grace you need a relationship with me in order to get my grace you follow me and he gives you 500 million dollars check and you say man come on is it real yes you still doubt but you get a ray of light wow it is real so you say hold on a second you run to the bank and you check it guys would you please to the cashier would you check this is it real and they look yeah it's covered it's real oh he's real yeah he's real he's real yeah israel what do you want israel yeah hey man what do you want would you please deposit before he changes his mind they deposit the check and you still don't get it and you go online and you say 700 million in my account and you drop and then you take your telephone and call your wife honey sit down what happened you had an accident no sit down what happened go online we received a gift 700 million dollars he says honey did you start drinking no israel cannot be real that's what you do god's grace cannot be real it's too good honey go online oh it's a mistake go online jeff bezos gave me 700 million dollar check and i checked it it's covered i deposit it's in our account we are done we are rich we are saved we don't have to from now on we don't have to do any work to save ourselves we can we we are done our children we are safe we can rejoice she says you are crazy but she goes online she starts screaming and she calls her sister and she calls the kids and she women you know i go i will go i go you know and then you stop for a second and you think and you say what have i done to deserve this nothing i just built a relationship and you go back if you if it was me you cannot just never salute him again because he saved your life i would go back to him and say let me clean the house you don't have to no i don't clean it to be paid you already gave me more than i can ever pay i cleaned because i love you i would shine your shoes i would dig your garden i joyfully i would serve you because i was done and you saved me i want to do something but you don't need to i know i don't do it to pay my debt i do it because i am happy because i love you you did for me i want to do something for you let me hug you let me let he says listen you want to dig my garden it's good to be together let's dig it together you follow me and then you and him walk together and work together not to be saved but because you understand that you have been saved people who don't do deeds they don't do because they don't understand the value of grace they don't understand the value of the cross because when you do you cannot help but serve do you follow me when you really understand the cross you cannot help you explode you sing you jump you serve and you feel is nothing i should do more not to be saved but because you understand that you are saved hey i am saved my debt is erased i will be in heaven forever nobody can touch me unless god says so i am safe when you get that you cannot help but serve not to be safe but because you have been saved you follow me we change the process we do in order to instead of connect in order to you understand how righteousness works this is not a sermon i just try to explain you a little so is change possible yes is growth possible yes is necessary in order to be saved now should we do good deeds yes why to be saved no regardless how many you do you never deserve it but why we should connect and the more we know jesus the more good did we do because we understand that he loves us and we really want to serve him do you understand how salvation works if our people would understand that our people would never be sad again would be peaceful joyful happy to serve why simply because jesus lives in them because jesus has given them grace let me explain simple simple let's suppose that you i read on the internet cannot be true if it's on the internet i read on the internet that somebody years ago got a new cell phone first time on the cell phones didn't have camera and eda you know and he didn't know to get the roaming as it was in that time and to get the the data program and together he didn't he just got the simple basic uh plan and then he went in canada in vacation and he spent a month on vacation watching movies from morning to night on the cell phone and the bill i have the picture on the internet i have the picture the bill came eighty seven thousand six hundred dollars after a month because he didn't have any data plan listening music and movies and talking roaming from canada to america 87 000 3000 was for roaming talking and the rest of 84 000 it was data and he called verizon and he says you guys you are crazy the telephone bill should be 60 dollars a month not 87 000 and they said no we are right you owe this money because you got no data plan and this is how many megabytes or gigabytes you used and that's the value and he says i never knew that and i can never pay that i am a student and the lady says well this is what we will do for you does it make sense to go against you in court we will put you in prison but you'll never recover the money this is one time grace we are gonna forgive the bill one time but don't do it ever again we will not forgive you second time get data plan and then you are safe he gets forgiven he meets his classmate and says you owe me 27 cents why because when you hit the car flat a wheel flat you borrow my cell phone to call triple a and because of you i have the problems with the verizon people like you that take my telephone and they never pay you use 27 cents do you follow me people who don't understand grace what god has done for them on the cross people who don't understand the magnitude of their debt that killed jesus people don't understand the magnitude of salvation the magnitude of eternity god is gonna give you heaven can you measure heaven regardless how huge rich imagination you have human mind cannot imagine heaven when you get there you'll forget all your tribes you say i don't even care you know paul says that the trials from now are not worthy to be compared to the glory to come and that's going to be forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever you follow me and so people who don't understand the magnitude of their death and the magnitude of god gift on the cross and the magnitude of god eternity they get all this for free but they never spend time to understand the extended grace the grace that they received by by by gift for free they never spend time to contemplate wow this is what i get 700 million dollars you follow me they never contemplate that because they don't understand what god has done for them they don't understand grace because they don't understand grace they are unable to extend to others grace because you cannot give what you don't have in order to give love you need to receive in order to give grace you need to in order to give forgiveness you need to receive how can you give what you don't have so that's the reason oh you owe me 27 cents you understand the parable the man that was in debt do you follow me the man that was in debt i can put the other presentation on this one and shows literally the mat how many he would have he would need to live 160 000 years they were paid they were paid one dinner a day the salary for a roman soldier for one day was one dinner so that was one day salary and the man was in debt not ten thousand dinners but ten thousand talents if i showed them at how heavy how many dinners were in one talent of gold talent of gold he would have to work 160 000 years not 160 years 160 000 years how many lives you have to live to be able to pay 10 000 talents that basically the message is you'll never be able to pay back jesus blood you'll never be able to pay back eternity doesn't matter how many good deeds you do it's grace and if you spend time to understand what he has done for you you are so overwhelmed that you say i will do anything for you i know that you will never measure up i know it's just a drop in the bucket but because i love you i would be joyful to even die for you it would be a privilege you follow me and you have no problem to extend grace when god has forgiven you 10 000 talents why would you have a problem to forgive 27 cents you follow me but people who don't understand grace are the mean christians even dogs run away from them you know what i mean oh sister how would you come to the church dressed that way go home and change she may have come dressed in properly but you don't go to judge satan satan named enriquez means the one who judges his brethren and the lemonade says when you judge others you take satan's character upon you oh did you hear that you have no right to judge god called you to love and to save so yes maybe that sister or that brother did something wrong you pray for them lord i don't want them in hell i want them in heaven please you pray for them when you understand what god has done for you do you follow me grace amazing grace amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved urge like me the problem we have is that we compare people with people instead of comparing people with god when i compare me with you hey i'm better than you but if i compare myself with god we all deserve to die then i don't feel that i'm superior because hey we are all sinners and we are so busy to look to people and to look to things and look to self that we never spend time looking to god and that's what makes us either depressed or proud too much looking to things and to people and too little looking to god and then you are either proud hey look at me or you got depressed man i'm such a sinner you follow me turn your eyes upon jesus don't turn your eyes on your problems don't turn your eyes upon turn your eyes upon jesus focus on him focus on him because the more you know him that's our problem we don't know god does the eternal life is not what you do it's who you know salvation listen carefully salvation is a person righteousness is not a deed it's a person do you hear me righteousness it's a person the more you look to jesus the more you know him the more you know him wait out human effort you are transformed think about the bible verse that says we look like in a mirror and we are changed from glory to glory by beholding it says we are changed from glory to glory by beholding elena says at the foot of the cross as we contemplate his love his character what he has done for us she says without human effort we are transformed more and more into his image by contemplating the more time you spend with him the more you know him the more you know him the more you are filled overwhelmed with his love and more understanding with his presence and you are like wow and the more you understand him the more you are transformed without even knowing become more and more like him whatever you dwell on that's how you your mind changes you follow me the more you are trying and the more you love him and the more you realize that you need him and the other guy says the closer you get to the cross the worse you feel about yourself people tell me pastor i've been doing that and i am worse i say praise the lord why i feel that i am more than before no brother you had cancer before you didn't know now you do know you follow me you are sick but you are too far from jesus to know that you are sick now you finally learn that you are sick there is hope for you now because you go to the doctor and so elena says the closer we get to jesus the worse we feel about ourselves when we compare ourselves to him and the more we understand that we need the more we realize that we need him we cannot do it without him and she says the farther we get to the cross the more the better we feel about self people that feel good about self that's because they are far from jesus when you get closer to jesus you are gonna feel terrible and that makes you realize i don't need god i cannot do it i now understand how these situations search me lord because i don't know myself you follow me and then that pushes you when you feel bad to need him or to desire him more to seek him or to get even closer do you understand what i am saying so this is the process you seek god and he says if you draw near to me i'll draw near to you you see god he's not going to come instantly because you'll die he's going to take another inch and as you see him more whoa you are overwhelmed and you understand that you need him more and you love him or you understand him more you are over you are you are like wow what a love what a wisdom and then you want him more you seek him more and as you seek him or he comes another inch and another and another and another and this is a lifelong process and the closer you get to him the more you are transformed to the point that you fully forget self and he fully takes over inch by inch taking your heart and that's called sanctification is not by what you do is by getting closer and closer do you follow me and the more he changes you to the degree that you become one and people look to you and they say i've seen that he's working with jesus i can see jesus in him and without you doing anything specific or special people are attracted because people see grace and people see love and people see wisdom because god lives in you you no longer live god leaves you new and that's salvation christ living in you do you understand you cannot do that all you have to do is to seek him daily and let him do the rest he is able you don't need to worry he is absolutely able to save the uttermost if he saved the woman at the well if he saved zacchaeus if he said the thief on the cross if he said rehab hello he can save if he save paul who is a prosecutor he can save anybody all you have to do is to let him do his job and not to try to replace his righteousness with your own deeds do deeds should we have good deeds yes do we get any merits to them no how do you get saved by getting closer and closer and closer and closer and closer and closer all our life as long as you leave guess what even in heaven we will never ever in eternity fully understand god's love and wisdom because we are finite and god is infinite in order to really understand god you need to be god so that's the reason elena says that forever and ever we are gonna learn and learn and get closer and closer and love him more and more and will be absolutely overwhelmed we'll never stop learning you understand we are so far from him and salvation is to connect that salvation as soon as you connect you don't have to worry if you are here or here doesn't matter anymore christ in you safe you got it we didn't do the sermon tonight really we didn't we are still at the introduction and it has 46 slides and i mean that i really mean that and i have stories [Music] i have stories but we don't have time to go to it our time is up what no okay i'm gonna give you a story then i'm going to give you a story i'm going to give you a story let me give you some quotations they are powerful let me give you some quotation listen to these quotations i want you to listen to this quotation you are a sinner you cannot atone for your past and you cannot change your heart presence you follow me you cannot change your past and you cannot change your presence to make yourself holy but god promised to do all of this for you through christ now listen carefully you what is your part must believe abraham believed god and it was considered he was not righteous later he lied that his wife is his sister later he slept with his servant he was still a stinker he was growing but he believed that god is able and abraham connected with god every day and the bible says he walked with god and because he connected god considered him righteous basically what is justification jesus takes his righteousness and puts on you his own code and takes your sinfulness and puts it on himself and you are considered as righteous as jesus and considered as sinful as you isn't that something that jesus would give you his divine godly perfect righteousness and you'll be like you never sinned and you'll take your sinfulness like he did it all something that you don't deserve you don't work for you never accomplish and that's too good to be true but that's true you follow me that's justification is not that you are holy he considers you holy he attributes you his own righteousness but then he expects you to get closer and closer so you start growing that sanctification you connect and you let him do the work and he he knows how to do it you cannot do it he can do it and so abraham believed god said to abraham think about the nonsense think about the craziness to believe faith is crazy god says to noah build an ark is going to come rain is going to flood the world are you crazy to believe that when there was never rain on earth god said to to to jehoshaphat go to war put the choir in front of the army hello do you want to sing in that choir do you follow me faith is craziness god says to you uh pray that the son would go back what's going to happen to the solar system when the sun goes back to gravity well you know human mind cannot understand god's works and so abraham when god told him look to the stars so many babies you'll have abraham could have said well well well hold on i'm 75. sarah is 65. she's already at menopause she cannot more have children no longer have children even if true miracles should get pregnant we can have one two babies and that's it you tell me as many as stars through human logics it's absolutely impossible but abraham didn't allow himself to reason he said you know what i don't care that i cannot do i cannot do it i cannot get righteousness but i don't care god can he says let there be children instantly i have a million children can god do that let there be children when you look around and you have 150 children so he says i don't care that i cannot do it as long as he promised i believe his word that's faith i believe his word i don't need to understand how or when i believe his word and god says that's what i am talking about he knows me and because of his faith god considered he was not righteous god considered him righteous so how do you acquire justification you believe god's promise you don't try to understand you don't try to deserve you don't try to work for it you choose to believe i don't deserve it i don't understand it i cannot do it but i believe his promise in the moment you believe in that moment you are righteous whoa isn't that big why do you why don't you jump i would expect now you to say yes why don't you jump in the moment you believe you are he says in the bible abraham believed and in hebrews says in that instant god conquered him righteous but the hebrew says god considered him called as righteous as god himself whoa god in the moment you believe he considers you as righteous as god hello that's enough reason to sing and scream and jump and if we understand only that we should be the happiest people on earth how could you give bible study some hope to somebody if you don't get that you need to get it and then you have that joy that people in our society have no longer and they see or say man did you win the lottery you are glowing you are happy and then you have something to give them you follow me abraham believed against the bible says that he believed against any belief that god is able to do what he promised he believed against any human logic that god is able to deliver what he promised that's righteousness listen carefully you must believe if you believe god will supply the facts how i don't care don't wait to feel oh but pastor i prayed and i don't feel it hello do you think that you feel righteousness or you feel forgiveness is not electricity brother i am forgiven you don't feel it you don't smell it you don't see it you don't deserve it you don't explain you don't pay for it it's faith don't wait don't confuse your chemistry your moods your feelings with god's character god loves you when you feel it and when you don't feel it god works for you when you feel it and when you don't feel it your chemistry has nothing to do with god's character regardless how you feel god loves you the same you follow me don't wait to feel and she says say because what we say influences the way you think talk negative and soon enough you'll be depressed talk positive and soon enough you'll be happy say i believe in a hero you know i believe not because i feel it but because god promised he cannot lie [Music] bottom line if he says so i don't care i rejoice like my son my father is going to give me a motorcycle let's rejoice think about the next paragraph let me give you to the simple act of believing god the holy spirit has already started to work a new life in you you are a child born in the family of god and he loves you just as much as he loves his son jesus oh come on that's big that's gigantic just because you believe in that moment you belong to the family of god and god commits himself to work in you you are safe nobody can pull you from his hand there is no way to be lost think about it listen carefully there is no way for anybody to lose you as long as you are connected you are absolutely safe as you read gas promises remember they are expression of unitable love and pity the great infinite heart of love is drawn toward the sinner with boundless compassion listen carefully as you draw near to him what is that relationship as you you want to be closer as you drain your him confession repentance he'll draw near to you mercy forgiveness and a new life who does the new life he does he does he doesn't say you will accomplish a new heart he says i will give you a new heart you don't make a new heart let me let me we don't have time to go to the through the sermon let me give you a story and that's it let me give you so if you have read david rovers book dave rover was a soldier in vietnam and he was kind of a i don't know sergeant or something over a group of 20 some soldiers and they had a mission kind of impossible mission suicide mission to go up a river that nobody could go everybody would go there would die and they had to get to a base and they went in the night so the enemy would not see them or not shoot and they didn't go with a power boat they went with a very quiet boat that had a battery motor not an engine you follow me very quiet and they also they were quietly going up the river all 20 some soldiers in the boat one of the enemies from the shore saw them and threw a grenade in their boat but it was a phosphorus grenade how many of you know what a phosphorous grenade is a phosphorus grenade is going to burn forever as long as there is oxygen no nothing can turn the fire off it's going to burn until all is consumed as long as there is oxygen so when dave rover saw the grenade he knew they are all gonna die in order to save the other soldiers he took the grenade throw it in the water and it exploded in his hand he took his hand part of his head part of his stomach and ribs part of his hip and he started to burn as he was spread with phosphorus and they tried to put the fire up they could not so he jumped in the water but then he had to breathe so as soon as he got above the water and there was oxygen he started to burn again his face he got under the water and they realized they cannot stop the fire as long as there is oxygen so they covered him with blankets and left only the mouth so his mouth started to burn so they covered the mouth they made a hole and put a straw so that's how he could breathe otherwise he could keep burning unless you take the oxygen away they took him to hospital he was six months in hospital they did multiple surgeries they put a plastic bag here instead of stomach they put a protest his hands they put a protester's leg they put basically and he looked like a monster and in that situation he said to the nurse he says i don't want to live anymore there is nothing and nobody in the world that can help me there is no hope for me whatever i do i will never be able to fix my life i will never be able to be a human being i'll never be able to be loved by anybody i'll be a monster i'll never be able to have a job i have no hope there is nothing i can do to fix my situation and she says well there is grace he says that's a theory who can love somebody like me he said look at me give me a mirror he says look at me who i don't deserve it i am unlovable next day he tried to kill himself and he pulled the life support tube three days later he's still alive and he says to dennis why don't i die and the nurse says why well i pulled the life support and says now you pull the feeding tube [Music] you just go hungry the life support cube is the other one and she says stop trying to kill yourself you don't know god as soon as you understand grace you'll be happy he says you are crazy there is nothing that could make me happy there is nothing that could make me lovable there is nothing that could give me hope grace love those things are theories they don't exist as long as you are good to do something people in society love you when you can do nothing nobody values he didn't understand grace he was a christian but he didn't understand grace he understood works that day the wife of the next bed soldier came to visit him that man was missing a leg and she said i divorce you i cannot live with you without the leg and she left and dave roberts says to the nurse can you imagine when my wife is going to see me look at me that day in the afternoon his wife came to see him he covered himself with the blanket says honey i want to see you nope i look terrible like a monster i am ugly she says honey you never look good to begin with i made you because of your heart not because of your looks and what you did for the other soldiers tells me that you have a good heart let me see you no she pulled the blanket and she saw him and she goes down she bends down to him and she kisses him on the cheek and she says dave i love you more than ever just as you are come home you don't belong here you belong home you have recovered but i i'm ugly who cares i love you you know people become ugly as they turn older and older who cares if you love one another you know if you look for somebody beautiful remember look in the mirror how you are you know and even if you marry somebody beautiful i have somebody a relative i'm not going to tell you who or where looks amazing like an a model but she is mean oh selfish self-centered whoo regardless how beautiful that person may be you can only one day and be happy with that person you follow me and so she says dave i love you more than ever come home i love you come home and he says in his book in that moment i understood how grace works it's not how you look it's not what you do it's not what you deserve but is somebody who loves you just as you are that's grace that's grace he says in that moment i finally got it god loves you just as you are he doesn't want you to stay the way you are but he knows that you cannot change your heart and all he wants is that you connect and his presence in you can do miracles and he is patient we have no patience with ourselves god has patience he forgives us we don't forgive ourselves he forgives us you follow me i mean think about it you do it you have forgiveness he forgives you again you do it again you honestly are forgiven he forgives you again isn't that something that's amazing i don't know if i would have that type of patience i mean i lose patience my kids sometimes i feel like don't you get it don't you grow up and i love my kids moreover with an enemy or a stranger dave rover later was giving a conference and his plastic ear fell off and like oh you know if you lose an eye or you lose an ear and people see or the half of your nose he says i put my ear back and everybody was saved [Laughter] he says in his book he says christianity has no joy because they don't understand the cross he says the solution to our problems is not what we do but is to know god you follow me that's what we need to focus on you want to solve your problems don't focus on the problems don't work on the problems that's what satan wants you to do you'll be hopeless you want to solve your problems right away connect focus on god and that deals with the other things you put him first the other things are covered you understand what i'm trying to say you deal with him and don't you worry when you have him every time in my life and i'm not an example i'm a human being you need to talk to my wife to know more about me but every time i have a problem somebody attacks me when you serve god satan hates you and he attacks you viciously i could give you story after story every time somebody or something happens somebody attacks me or something happens if i try to fight i go in stress and i lose the war if i keep serving and ignore the fight and connect with god and give it to him lord you didn't call me to fight you call me to save you call me to love so i'm gonna keep saving i'm gonna keep loving and i'm gonna keep connecting and i let you deal with that because you are my lord when they attack me they attack my daddy every time i ignore the fight i refuse to fight back and i give it to him every single time he does something that would blow your mind like joseph he turned it around like daniel he turned it around he turns it around there was a man in romania he was hand in hand with the security the kgb the secret police all his life during communism he was paid up by the police to be a traitor to the church and he moved pastor after pastor as soon as you didn't do what he said he would either fire you or move you and every time the church opposed him the police came unlocked the church i said you either do what this man says or you don't have a church we are going to lock your church so the whole church were afraid of him because he had the police behind him he was a traitor a judas he put people in prisons people got fired people got moved people got basically everybody in the church was afraid of him and he was my head elder and when i got there as a pastor i told him i said the story is gonna change we don't do what you say we pray and we do what god says he looks to me he says young man you need to learn from history i moved 17 pastors before you i fired i put people in prison you are nobody you are garbage if you don't listen to me i am god he said to me i am god if you don't listen he said that i am god if you don't listen to me tomorrow you don't have a job you can i can even put you in prison i have power should i have fought him i told him hey there is no war because to have war you need to have two people two groups i'm not gonna fight so there is no war you can fight alone if you want god didn't call me to spend my energy fighting god called me to spend my energy saving so go ahead and fight against me i'm not going to fight back like nehemiah come down let's start nope i have better things to do i'm not going to calm down i said i'm not going to spend my time and energy and resources to fight you i kept visiting i kept giving bible studies i kept doing evangeline i kept praying i kept studying and i kept praying for him my wife and i prayed for him lord this man is led by satan and he doesn't know we want him saved and my wife said to me maybe god brought you here for him and then one time i got really angry with him really angry because he really made my life miserable he would call the conference every day and like for instance i did a funeral he called the conference fire this guy he didn't show up for the funeral duh i have the pictures preaching by the casket so the conference prison called me you missed the funeral i said nope that's what he says he lies how can you prove it here is the picture ah i did the funeral service how in the world would he say but he would call the conference he said we should not keep sabbath he this guy takes drugs i never touch drugs alcohol pork in my life i may lose my temper i may be late for a meeting but drugs alcohol tobacco never touched with one finger in my life the way i was raised i you know and so say something that is believable not something you know but you would call the conference every day every day every every day and call the police on me i'm going to arrest you i'm going to terminate you one time i told myself i hate this guy i might look to me and says you should get out of ministry i said why you're supposed to love him love your enemies you know it's easy to love those who love you i said honey this guy is unlovable i said well i think god put you he didn't say god put you here for him i think god put him here for you so you learn to be a good pastor i didn't like my wife anymore and then i thought about what she said you need to get out of ministry unless you learn to be like jesus you should not be a pastor so my wife and i started to pray for him as we pray for our children diligently really pray lord take out we prayed this prayer listen carefully if you are not willing to give up your life to save somebody you are not a follower of christ that's what jesus did that's what moses did take my name off you remember that's what paul did i would rather be anathema that means english cut off from the tree of life i would rather be anatomic if you would save israel christians that follow christ are willing to sacrifice self to save others so my wife and i got to the point of praying lord we are willing to sacrifice our life if you save this guy and we stopped worrying about what he does to us and we started to worry about his salvation and i said to the lord i said listen this fight is your fight my fight is to save him your fight is to defend me elena has a quotation god called you to serve if you keep serving you don't need to fight for yourself god will fight for you and so we refused to fight we had the election the church members asked me should we elect him if we don't elect him the police is going to close our church until we put him back an elder i said you don't have a god folks oh yes you do no you don't my god is bigger than the communist government my god is bigger than this guy you pray don't ask me who to elect you pray and you elect whoever god tells you but what if they close the church if god wants the church to be closed we should close the church and if god wants the church to be open no government in the world can close it because my god is going to do something and i don't need to know what the walls of jericho come down the sun moves back i don't care but if god wants the church open it will stay open so don't you worry about god's job do your job so they said okay pastor and they said what should you do pray for him for him yet for him i said you are not a church because you don't pray for him you go to church you keep sabbath you eat broccoli that's not a church when you learn to pray for him then you are a church you are not attractive you don't get baptised because you don't pray for him hello and they listened to me and they said no pastor told us before i said well it's time for you to pray for him they started to pray for him they had the election nominating committee they did not elect him anything no elder naughty or nothing he stood up in the middle of the church in the middle of the announcements when the list was read who was voted what he was in the left side second row about the fifth chair and he point his finger to me young man today is your last day of ministry and last day of freedom in that moment he fell down he had a heart attack in the church in that instant they took him to hospital and the doctor sent him home they said a massive heart attack we cannot save him he will die he lived four five six more days that's it my wife says go if god wanted him dead he would have been dead the fact that he's alive it means that god is doing whatever to save him like the thief on the cross go visit him he's not dead yet so i went to him he says get out you came to rejoice on my debt get out i said no i came to pray for you i don't need your prayers i said that's the reason you do need my prayers and then he says it's too late the holy spirit has left me long ago i said how do you know you keep the holy spirit in a box and you look inside and it's empty how do you know well i think so based on what because i've sinned we all have sinned all my sins are bigger than yours i said i have not measured them but i am positive my sins are big too how do you know gas blood is sufficient to forgive behold the lamb of god who takes away how many oh i said god's blood is sufficient how do you know the holy spirit has left you he says well uh i think so i said do you want to be saved yes then the holy spirit has not left you how do you know pastor very simple it was the holy spirit who told the prodigal son go home it was not the human nature it was not satan it was the holy spirit who says go home your father will forgive you will restore you will love you we'll put you back like you never did it go home it was the holy spirit who pushed him and i said if you want to be saved that's the holy spirit still working with you pastor do you think there is hope for me i am positive what shall i do repent how da if you confess god forgives you need to confess to you nope i'm not a catholic priest whoever you sinned against those are the people that you confess to and to god well there are too many pastors i don't have time then you better start he said but i have no strength to call so many people i can hardly talk i said i can be your mouth call someone so tell them that i'm sorry hey he says you need to forgive him i cannot forgive him well then we need to pray for you bye i called everybody two three days i visited him from morning to afternoon and i called and i called and i called and i called and i call people he wants you to forgive you he says pastor i don't remember anybody more what about the sins that i don't remember i said you say lord forgive also my sins that i don't remember he said that and then he says am i safe i said now you are safe how do you know i read the bible if we confess he forgives this is it you need to believe that's it that's it am i saved yes you are saved pastor you are the best pastor god sent you here for me oh pastor how can i thank you i said you need to thank jesus not me and i said by the way at the moment i hated you my wife asked me to come to you so you need to thank my wife too he says would you do my funeral i almost said oh that would be my joy i didn't say it would you do my funeral yes would you tell everybody that i am sorry you don't need to you already did you have pastor but what can i do to be forgiven you already did god forgave you you need to forgive yourself god blood paid for you before you sinned before you were born on the cross he already paid in full now you just need to cash it you follow me he says that's simple that's simple he started to cry he says pastor i've been an adventist all my life i said no you have not he says i just now understand grace adventist head elder a whole life and he says i just now understand grace people that live a life of torture spiritual torture instead of living a life of joy rejoice always in the lord and again i say rejoice amazing grace how sweet the sound at the cross at the cross remember the songs my grandpa from morning tonight 24 7 always would sing or whistle i would say grandpa why do you sing because i know jesus and son you don't understand what i say if you knew jesus you would sing too you follow me why don't we sing why don't we rejoice why don't we have peace that's the reason we have no power to save anybody because we have not got it yet when you get it you are happy you have hope you have power you have peace nothing can disturb you whatever happens you are immune because you have jesus hello can you even grasp it the god of the universe in you you are immune only what he allows nothing can touch you unless god allows it if god allows it hey you need it you follow me okay our time is long is gone long ago let's pray father in heaven
Channel: Sermons Room
Views: 24,452
Rating: 4.8657341 out of 5
Keywords: pavel goia, pavel goia sermons, sermons room, pavel goia 2019, pavel goia 2020, emygidius george, life of prayer, prayer, 2021 Very Important message to Adventist and Ex Adventist -Pavel Goia, sevEnthday
Id: 7b2XsUhncU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 31sec (5011 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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