Randy Skeete Sermon - WHO IS GOD ( QUESTION AND ANSWER )

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psalm 100 verse 5 says for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations generations present generations past and that unending generation to come truth according to the bible will always endure on the other side of that coin we can deduce from that that error will one day come to an end along with those who persist in attaching themselves to error but we thank god that you are lovers of truth if i am correct say amen the bible says sanctify them how through thy truth thy word is truth the question we must always ask is not is it convenient is it easy is it economically profitable the question we must always ask is it true and it is true if it squares with this measure the hands of those of you who are not separate the advertised you are visiting for the first time mention your hands you are not a seventh-day adventist you are visiting for the first time raise your hand ah would you stand and give us your name please all right brother kenny came in and the same limousine in which i drove in but the kenny who invited you emmanuel yes god bless you kenny we're delighted you've come and may the lord take care of you in every department of your life and bless your family and i hope your experience with us today is such that you will come back let the church say amen thank you kenny god bless you anyone else you are with us for the first time you are not a set of the adventists please stand there's always a shy person if you know someone just do that and that will solve the shyness problem anyone else all right those of you who are not seventh after this but you've kept coming much to our delight just raise your hands you've kept coming you're not assembly happiness as we worship the sovereign of the universe we're living in an age when god gets very little respect but i want to remind you of aza you know what happened to him when he touched the ark god has not forgotten how to do that so please let's show god some respect no fault ringing in his presence while you are cooperating with that request i ask you to remember favor number two pray for me while i'm speaking all i want you to say is lord put your words in that man's mouth that is based on jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 which says then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mind please from time to time as i am speaking which will not be long say to god father please put your words in that man's mouth and flavor number three i want you very much to think as you listen isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 come now let us do what reason together think let's pray therefore in heaven i need your help without that i'll simply be talking but father i want to preach and so i pray that you've granted me the spirit of truth let him guide me there god from point to point as he speaks grant me the humility to listen to what he says and to tell and for me to say what he tells me to say father i humble myself before you and i thank you for this glorious privilege to speak for you i pray that the same spirit working through me will enlighten the understanding of those who listen father help us to accept the truth as it is in jesus when we leave this service dear god let us leave knowing we have met with you and have been touched by you i offer this prayer from my heart in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen our subject one with christ john chapter one reading from verse one john chapter one reading from verse one now i can't wait for you to find it as i usually do because we have a long day and i want to move on quickly without rushing have you found john chapter one reading from verse 1 the bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men let's review that passage this time we shall read it microscopically in the beginning was the word that's one entity and the word was with god that is a second entity so we have plurality of persons let me uh say that again in the beginning was the word one entity and the word was with god two plurality of persons and the word was god we have equality of persons verse two the same was in the beginning who is the same the word the same was in the beginning with god we have plurality repeated in verse two all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so while we have plurality in verse one we have plurality inverse two we have singularity in verse one of the two one created amen and that's jesus can somebody say amen for jesus all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was me let me extend that without him can nothing be sustained that was made now let's go back to verse one in the beginning was the word we know the word to be christ verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us revelation 19 13 and he was clothed in a vesture gifted blood and his name is called the word of god john 14 6 i am the way the truth and the life what is the truth john 17 17 sanctify them through thy truth thy word is true and so in the beginning was the word this was jesus he wasn't called jesus then and the word was with god and the word was god now our limited minds cannot fathom that beginning god really has no beginning but a human mind cannot understand that and so the verse says in the beginning ours fast far back as a human mind can go there was the father and the son in unity here i feel a little one-sided standing over there let me centralize myself do you approve say amen from as far back as the mind can go they have been the father and the son as one we don't know how long it was before they decided to make the angels and to make the universe but for as far back as we can go father and son were one not one entity but one in mind one in purpose one in heart in genesis 1 26 the bible says and god said let us make man in our image now the image of god is wide-ranging it is not just the way god looks ella white writes in patriots and prophets page 45 paragraph two man was to bear god's image both in outward resemblance and in character we can conclude from that when adam was made he looked like god physically or externally but of far more importance he had to look like god in his character so when god said let us make man in our image it wasn't just a character it wasn't just an appearance it was also the way man would function the father and the son always functioned as one and so god made adam in genesis 2 verse 7 and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now let's go to verse 21 of genesis 2 as we continue one piece with christ and the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took by the way this stress is how individual god is when god made adam eve did not exist [Music] if you follow the chronology of genesis 2 eve did not exist when god made adam when god planted the garden eastward in eden he did not exist when he identified the home of adam he did not exist when he gave adam a job description eve did not exist when he told adam the limitations each of those don't eat of that eve did not exist when he said it is not good that man should be alone eve did not exist where he brought the animals that adam might name them eve did not exist so when you read genesis 2 7 and the lord god formed man of the dust of the grove of the ground this refers to adam not primarily eve now we come to verse 21 and the lord god calls the deep sleep to follow an adam now god is about to make eve and in a certain sense he removes adam from the picture by putting him not into a normal sleep but a deep sleep almost as though he ceased to exist this is one on one and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rip which the lord god had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man having made eve and dealt with her we don't know what he told him then he brought her to adam and then god created the social level having first established the individual level let me say this if ever you're convicted to give your life to christ don't ask what will my husband say amen oh my wife or my boyfriend or my colleagues on the job or my classmates god deals with you one on one we appear before the judgment seat of christ not as families as individuals now adam has been made he's been revived eve has been made and they come together now listen again to the creation of eve and the lord god caused the deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took one of his roots closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rip which the lord god had taken from man made me a woman and brought her unto the man listen to adam and adam said this is now boned with my bold and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman why because she was taken out of man adam and eve god desired that they be identified so closely it was as if eve was adam's second self you didn't hear what i said well one person heard let me say it again the union between adam and eve wants to be so close you see god could have made you from the dirt just like adam but he made her from a rib from adam oneness so adam said this is not born of my boldness and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of mad she is a part of me she is my other self that's how close we are verse 24 now it's god speaking in verse 24 of genesis 2 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and there shall be one flesh father son holy ghost one god man and wife one flesh so we have adam belief made in the image of god for the purpose of this message with respect to the oneness between them so we can now humanize john 1 1 in the beginning was adam and adam was with eve and adam and eve were one a reflection of the image of god let's go to john 17. now this image has to be extended to the church john 17 we read from verse 11 our subject one with christ quarter of the twelve i'll try to finish by twelve then we moved right into the communion service john 17 reading from verse 12 if you have the king james version read with me what does it say and now i am no more in the world but these are in the world and i come to thee holy father keep through thy old name those whom now has given me finish the verse they may be one how as we are i believe i told you sometime during the week god's standards for human beings are not human god's standards for human beings are divine standards do i need to say that again you know a good teacher never thinks that having said something once the students have gotten it we have matthew mark luke john they all tell us christ was crucified why the repetition i don't know but christ repeated repeated let me repeat in the church this oneness that christ prayed for must be modeled upon the oneness between the father and the son and because the church is the body of christ when saul was persecuting the church before he was renamed paul the bible says in acts 9 verse 3 and as he journeyed he came near damascus and suddenly they shined round about him a light from heaven and he fell to the earth and heard the voice saying unto him saul saul why perceive this thou me and he said who i thou lord and the lord said i am jesus whom not persecuted but listen to verse one and saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the lord but jesus identifies so closely with the church that what you do for the church is considered as having been done to christ well somebody ought to say amen that's the closeness jesus christ wants with you [Music] and so in matthew 25 verse 40 he says in as much as you've done it unto one of the least of these my brethren finish the verse you have done it unto me that is oneness and so jesus prayed in john 17 11 that they may be one as we are look at verse 22 and the glory which thou gives me i have given them finish the verse with me that they may be one even as we are one this bible teaching really really deserves extended reflection how can human beings be one the way god and the father are one well we are not divine beings but we are called upon to behave like divine beings and to the extent two human beings can be one god requires us to be one in our sphere as human beings as god and the son are one in this fear as divine beings [Music] that they may be one as we are and so we have the oneness of the father the son in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god that's what this we have oneness of adam and eve genesis 2 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and they shall be what fresh now listen again to what adam said in verse 23 this is now born of my bone and flesh of my flesh she shall be called because she was taken out of man now let's go to ephesians 5 we have 10 minutes ephesians 5 we'll read from verse 25 our subject one with christ ephesians 5 reading from verse 25 i shall begin reading i can't wait husbands love your wives even as christ also love the church here again we have a divine standard for human beings if men love their wives the way christ loves the church what might not exist divorced now i grant you if one partner is determined to divorce there's nothing the other one can do i understand that but if spouses loved each other the way christ loves the church and gave himself for it divorce would be something you observe in a museum husbands all husbands raise your hands all right love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself foreign that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the world that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish now read verse 28 with me now what does it say so are men to love their wives as their own bodies remember what i said earlier he was adam's what other self so are meant to love their wives as their own that she is me as verily as my father and i are one john 10 30 even though we are numerically two separate entities in every other way we are one that must exist in human families he that loveth himself his wife loveth himself verse 29 for no man ever yet hated his own flesh but what nourishes it and cherishes it for his diverse evil as the law of the church we have a repetition of the divine standard for human behavior the standards for marriage is not brad pitt and angelina jolie the standard for marriage is not abraham and sarah it is christ and the church that's a divine standard of oneness required of human beings let's read verse 29 again for no man ever yet what hated his own flesh but nourishes it which means if a man loves his wife the way he loves himself he cannot divorce that woman he can do it he'll die first which is what christ did christ could have divorced the church when mankind said christ could have divorced them permanently but he preferred to die that they forced him he died to make a way to stay for no man ever hated his own flesh but nourishes it and cherish with it what do you understand by nourish when you nourish yourself what are you doing you're building up your your constitution you're strengthening your immune system the bible says the man who loves his wife will nourish that woman in other words if she married you july 2015 by july 2016 she used to be a far more superior woman because of you you have nourished her she should feel special why because you have cherished her so much that you're not even aware other women exist she fills your eyes so completely verse 30 read that with me now and tell me where that verse sends your mind read with me for we are members of this body of his flesh and of his bones stop where did your mind go genesis 2 23 listen to adam this is now born of my bone and flesh of my flesh who is the second or last adam you're too slow who is the second or last adam just don't hesitate now this is his spiritual eve give me her other name the church now as adam said this is now bone of my bone and fresh of my flesh the bible says spiritually we are born of christ's bone and flesh of his members of his body of his flesh and of his bones it is an expression of the oneness jesus christ desires with the church first at an individual level and secondly at a corporate level jesus wants to be one with you my brother my sister so closely that you are literally i'm going to confuse you right now literally in a spiritual sense bone of his bone flesh of his flesh when the father sees you he sees christ what does philip say lord show us the father and it suffices us now the father could not be seen by not natural eyes he cannot he can only be seen through christ and christ said have i been so a long time with you and yet hast thou not known me finish the verse he that have seen me have seen the father in some mysterious way when someone sees you they shall see your spouse in an even higher way when someone sees the church as it ought to be finish my thoughts they've seen christ [Music] there's no symbolic language i'm being very literal when the church is what it is supposed to be when you observe the church you're observing christ in action because he is the head of the body what am i saying in 5 minutes to 12. god is desiring or he desires a relationship with you that is so close that he's closer to you than he is the unfallen angels let me express what i mean jesus still has human form in heaven when he rose in luke 24 from verse 36 and as they thus spake jesus himself stood in the midst of them and saith unto them peace be unto you but they were terrified and the frightened and supposed that they had seen a spirit and he said to them why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your heart behold my hands are my feet that it is i myself in the greek that's the intensive it is i myself why is he saying behold my hands on my feet his hands still carry the scars of the crucifixion and his feet now this is christ in his glorified wizard body as mentioned in philippians 3 verses 20 21 the same body we will have when we rise incorruptible yet it still brought the marks of the crucifixion and why they yet believed not for joy and wondered he said unto them have ye here any meat and they gave him a piece of a bright fish of a honeycomb christ proved that he was human because he said a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have this is the resurrected christ what am i saying right now in heaven christ is still human even as he's god now i'm trying to emphasize how close christ wants to be with you we have father son holy ghost the father's the spirit the only ghost is girl his spirit jesus is both god and man so christ took his humanity with him right into the godhead which opens our eyes to this reality that god's desire for us is that we be united with him in a way no angel enjoys there's a saying something's too good to be true that you may apply that thinking to what i just said don't do that let me say it again god desires a union with us that places us closer to him than gabriel [Music] and so you look at the godhead you see father son holy spirit three divine beings then you see a human nature in the godhead you see no angel represented in the godhead no angel colossians 3 verse 1 if he then be risen with christ do i seek those things which are above set your affectional things above not on things of the earth with christ on the right hand of god what does that mean the right hand of god is the side of power when the angel appeared to zacharias in the temple luke chapter 1 verse 10 to 12 he appeared on the right side of the altar of incense where jesus said he launched out into the deep front draft the disciples cast the net on the right side of the ship the bible consistently portrays christ as occupying a position on the right hand of god and that's where we are in him amen there isn't an angel on the right hand of god this is oneness with christ but we have to believe it when we believe that and we assimilate that so it goes to all our cells while behavior must change [Music] i am one with christ when i'm dating my girlfriend i am one with christ when i'm offered a job that requires me to work on the sabbath and one with gracie i am one with christ when i come into conflict with somebody and one with grace and that oneness if it's genuine should produce a divine response can you contin can you think of a higher privilege than that to be literally united with god listen to ellen white conflict and courage page 21 paragraph five god created man for his glory that after testing trial the human family might become one with the heavenly family it was always god's desire the human not the angelic family the human family might become one with the heavenly family it was god's purpose to repopulate heaven with the human family if they would show themselves obedient to his every word my brothers and sisters we serve a god whose standards for us are so high the standards soar above the heads of the highest angels yes we were made a little lower than the angels but it was never god's will that we remained there we would begin there and through obedience we would rise to a level above the age i pray you ask god to help you to believe that so many of us rather than living as though we were made a little lower than the angels we behave as though we were made a little lower than the animals and yet god's ambition for us is to be one with him through christ and so jesus said in john 14 16 and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it sees him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you finish the verse and shall be in you when god made adam he did not dwell in adam when christ walked with the disciples he did not dwell in them he was with them through the spirit of god christ dwells in us no angel claims that privilege my brothers and sisters how can you turn your back on that kind of offer to be united with god didn't we not read was it last night the night before i am the vine you're the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringer forth much fruit abide in me and i you that's what god desires and so today our theme is oneness with christ and by the way i must confess i was not aware of the theme but i chose the message so i said listen to the pastor i was i said father you have a way of knowing what to do i said listen to the pastor i realize god has given me the right message my brothers and sisters i want you to recommit your life to a god whose ambition is for you for you is that you and he would be one that begins with a complete surrender to christ because god wants to love you as much as he loves jesus listen to what jesus prayed in john 7 23 i in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou has sent me and has loved them as thou has loved me let me say it again god wants to love you as much as he loves jesus but there's a condition bible commentary volume 5 page 11 42 paragraph 6 the believer may bear the testimony in his life and character that god loves the human agent who obeys his commands as he loves his son she goes on to say how amazing is this statement almost beyond the comprehension of the finite mind how can god love me as much as he loves jesus when i am one with christ are you listening god wants to love you now god has a general love for everybody for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son but listen to mark to john 14 21 he that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that love with me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and i will love him and will manifest myself to him clearly that verse expresses a level of love not available to those who are disobedient and disconnected from christ yes the bible says he may give the sun to rise on the evil and of the good and settleth reign on the just and on the unjust yes god has a global universal love for every created being but there is a level of love a depth reserved only for those who unite themselves to christ in desire of ages page 761 paragraph five element writes these amazing words speaking of lucifer before he said she said to him as to no other created being was given a revelation of god's love lucifer understood god's love in a way no other angel understood by god's deliberate choice and when we connect to christ god deliberately loves us as much as he loves jesus i don't know what the world has to offer that can attract someone from there but to turn away from that is to say i deserve hell but god is not willing that they should perish and so this morning as you think of what you've heard oneness with christ i hope it has reached your heart because when you experience that oneness every area of your life changes your thinking changes you begin to think like god you see the world through god's eyes you respond to circumstances through god's eyes not human eyes and so today i ask god put into me a desire a yearning a love for this oneness with dfinity oneness by me unity with uniting with me will not bring god down it will take me up which means that ultimately god's desire for you is that you be the closest thing to god himself the most powerful beings in the universe speaking of lucifer ellen white writes in the faith i live by page 66 paragraph two god made him good and beautiful as near as possible like himself he made lucifer as much like himself as he could the only reason why lucifer was a god you can't make god god's desire for us is to take lucifer's place so that we will one day be as close to god as a created being can be above angels who've never sinned now this is love that we cannot understand but we must accept and so i ask god to give me a thirst a yen a yearning a restless desire a sense of desperation to have that oneness with my savior how many of you will say father i want to be one with jesus the way jesus is one with you mention your honest right hand stand up with me in galatians chapter 3 verse 26 paul says as many of you as i've been baptized into christ have put on christ that's the step into that union baptism is the physical symbol of the act of putting on christ so that you wear christ in a certain sense and he wears you this is i'm in you and you in me and we have some candidates who will be baptized today symbolically they will put on christ and christ will put them on i ask again is this someone else who is considering baptism you may be considering it or just crossed your mind this morning but you want to say to god father i'm willing at some point to be baptized and to make known my desire to be one with christ i am willing at some point let god see you willing to be baptized is this someone who will make that decision that's your hair i am willing at some point to be baptized to put on christ just raise your hand don't be afraid just raise it i can't stay long i am willing at some point in the future having heard what i have heard as i have come i am willing to be baptized and to put on christ just raise your hand every time a preacher makes an appeal a war begins immediately a battle begins one side says don't respond the other side says respond who wins this up to you 30 seconds and i make another call i'm willing to be baptized to express visibly what has been going on in my heart this conviction that i need to live for my savior 20 seconds let's raise your hand express your willingness to be baptized at some point in the future ten seconds i have another call then i pray the call is father i'm willing to be baptized all re-baptized you know the life you've lived they have one re-baptism is biblical in acts 19 verse 1-7 12 disciples were re-baptized evangelist appeared 375 paragraph two the servant of the lord writes when the soul is reconverted let that sword be remanded so we have one over here pastor jory baptist of any one of us baptism our sister god bless you we have two we have three now i need the names taken right now before we do anything else i need the name sticker please someone had the pastor so we can do it quickly keep your hands up please and it's not physically uncomfortable baptism or any baptism we have elder write down just go right here to your left then we have someone in the back just give us your name we need to pray for you and contact information the call is a willingness to be baptized or re-baptized just raise your hand extend it to 30 seconds like obviously we have these two names here pastor okay we're getting let me take your hand down sister it's okay we have a handbag here okay everyone else sometimes you just need to start with god i was in south korea let me be quick it's already 10 after 12 sorry and i was preaching for a weekend i made a call 50 people came forward to be re-baptized and i met with them in an upper room and with me was a retired minister from south africa and he wanted to make some remarks to those who had responded to the appeal and he told them in the middle of his ministry he realized he had not grown spiritually at all he was not committing major sins he was not an adulterer a backed robber or whatever and he went to the conference president and said mr president i need to be re-baptized the president was naturally shocked what is this man doing he said i'm not doing anything but i realize i have not grown at all i want to start with god again the president said with bad place you would like he said no no no baptize me in front of my church as an example for other spiritually dead people who need to start with god again i was preaching in a certain country the pastor's wife got re-baptized and the pastor's son got re-baptized he re-baptized both of them i was in another place preaching the associate pastor of re-baptized when the word grips your heart and you feel a deep re uh reconversion the decision you may need to make is very baptized with a doubly sure commitment to walk forward and upward with god and so i ask again is anyone else will make a decision either for baptism for the first time read baptism pastor we have our name back here we have the son of god back there everyone else you know the life you've lived god knows it the church doesn't what you do right right back here elder we have someone who came together stand back here so everyone is covered forgive me for the slack to live but this is life of death all right anyone else stand again with god and tell god with your help i'll never leave you again i'll never drink it never flatline growth growing grace that's the ambition you've gotten the names hezbollah has closed before i pray is there a visitor you've been coming you'd like some additional bible studies before you make your decision let me see your hand you'll be coming you're not an adventist you'd like some bible studies to clarify some points before you make a decision for baptism let me see your hand you've been coming you'd like some more information information is good don't wait to know everything that will never happen your visitor you would like some bible studies to make an intelligent decision just raise your hand anyone who fits that square oh where are okay right oh god bless you my brother right over the elder right against the wall was there someone in the back okay right here against the wall good strong man god bless you get his information okay do we have his name all right anyone else have a visitor but i've been coming why have you been coming you like what you've been hearing i'd like a little more information before i make a decision for baptism raise your hand is there nothing is there's nothing that will stop you raise your hand if you think there's something that'll stop you raise your hand and commit that thing to god he's the god of the impossible we have to pray now father in heaven in the name of jesus dear god open our eyes our minds to appreciate the eye calling you have for us it is your desire that we be one with christ and thereby one with you as jesus and you were one way back in the beginning as adam and eve were one as church members are to be one we are to be one with you through christ thank god give us a spiritual ambition their father give us so enough for spiritual delights remove from us all attraction to the world that blunts and numbs our desire for spiritual things a union with the father through christ should be our highest ambition we thank you for the decisions for re-baptism dear god fill those persons with your spirit that no power on earth will change their minds and for those in the valley of decision move upon their hearts their god that they may decide for you because the longer they wait the more difficult it is for them to decide for christ bless their communion servants their got let everything be done to your names honor and glory i pray let god's people say amen and amen poem sister stacy we're gonna move right along with our program today and we will be favored by a special piece from brother robinson altino and let me just say a little bit about him today we have virtuoso pianist robinson altino ministering amazing grace and beyond being skillful on the piano hosting concert at concerts at lincoln center merkin hall in carnegie hall with his brother nerva altino and graduating with a master's degree from manhattan school of music brother altino is a very humble and spiritual man of god he is a husband and a father and he is the one that introduced me to elder randy skeet a couple years ago so please give brother altino a warm virtual welcome so [Music] hello [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] amazing if this is how music can sound on earth imagine when we get to heaven and when god creates this new earth oh we will have such rich and powerful music thank you brother altino for the ministration of that song amazing grace and you know we'll be talking about the sabbath which is in the heart of god's law and without the law there is no amazing grace so thank you for that peace now we will be transitioning into the q a segment of our discussion and we are joined by international speaker elder randy skeet he too was the husband and humble man of god he is a graduate of oakwood university and also of the seventh-day adventist theological seminary at andrews university where he studied for the ministry and as he would say i ask that you pray god puts his words in his mouth listen be reverent and think as he speaks please welcome elder randy skeet okay elder skeet you can unmute yourself uh is it possible to imbue him denisha no i can't i cannot um i mean i can only there we go there we go all right there we are yeah worked out god is good all the time psalm 100 verse 5 lord is good and this is absolutely true thank you very much this is the nisha for the invitation to be a part of this presentation on the subject that has 100 relevance particularly in these last days and we know as a people of prophecy that the sabbath will be the issue in the last days because it will allow people to express allegiance to god or allegiance to the enemy we know a law is coming that we'll make sunday the day of worship officially then people will have to make a choice as the sabbath was the test for the israelites coming into the wilderness so will it be the test for god's people before he entered that great canaan land and so it's a very very significant subject and i thank you for allowing me to be a part of it and may the lord's holy spirit of truth guide all of our minds that all that we say may be an expression of the truth because only truth sanctifies not opinion let me offer word of prayer and then i'll take the questions father in heaven thank you lord for the words of christ in john 16 13 albeit when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth father in the name of jesus guide us into that truth forgive our sins because sins interfere with the comprehension of truth cleanse our hearts i pray particularly me give me simple language that i may present your words in a manner acceptable to all of all ages i pray in jesus name amen amen amen thank you for that prayer elder skeet and pray lude our first question is what is the sabbath it's origins and purpose and you can take it one at a time yes the sabbath can be viewed as a principle and as a day the sabbath day originated in eden the sabbath principle has always existed let me say that again the sabbath day because the bible says in genesis 1 5 and the evening and morning were the first days so we have days as units of time introduced when god made the heaven the earth and the heavens associated with our earth but the principle of the sabbath which is the recognition of who god and the sense of dependence upon that has always existed and so the sabbath day began in the garden of eden but the sabbath principle has always existed which is total dependence on god recognizing him as the source of life and the one who maintains and sustains so the origin of the day is back to eden but the principle is all the way back and we cannot date it that's the quest the answer to the question one the sabbath is a day of worship when you do no work according to the fourth commandment it is set aside to contemplate creation but even more so the creator who of course is jesus christ creating at the behest of the father it is a day to honor god without the destruction of work or secular activities to focus and concentrate on god to stop all that we do that is required to make a living and to keep our eyes on the person who really is the source of our living it's a day of rest for the believers for the unbelievers for the land there's a sabbath for the land once every 50 years once every seven years and there's also arrests from from death so the sabbath has several levels agricultural personal spiritual at every level there's the concept of rest but we're dealing with the weekly rest which is the seventh day again the day goes back to eden but the principle goes way back way back into eternity that we cannot even imagine so that's the answer to question one is there a question too i'm sure there is denisha we can't hear you tanisha okay thank you very much for that question two is when god rested on the sabbath in genesis chapter 2 verses 1 to 3 how can we be sure that was a command for all creatures to rest because the wording is almost is almost precisely uh re reproduced in the fourth command if you read genesis chapter 2 verses 1 to 3 and i'm reading from the king james version the bible says thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and god blessed the settles they unsanctified it because that in it he has rested from all his work which god created and made now you keep that in mind and you listen to the fourth commandment exodus 28-11 remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the law of thy god in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy man's servant or thy maidservant of thy cattle or thy stranger that is within thy gates now listen to verse 11 for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it verse 11 of exodus 20 is just simply a rewarding of verses two and three of genesis chapter two and so that when you add one to the other because the bible must must be studied here a little very little when you look at those two verses one next to the other of those two passages we see clearly that what is commanded nexus 20 was required in genesis chapter 2 when god uh when we read the information about the blessing of that holy day all the commandments go together that's the teaching of the half-brother of jesus james in james chapter two verse eight if ye keep the royal law according to the commandment thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself he do well but if we have respective persons or two persons he commits sin and are convinced of the law as transgressors for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all now he goes on to say for he that said do not commit adultery said also do not kill now cain killed he committed he broke the law because that commandment existed way back then but they all go together and where did cain get thou shalt not kill well the law has always existed the bible says sin is the transgression of the law first john 3 verse 8 tells us he that committed sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning how did the devil sinned because he broke the law of god if you read romans 3 20 romans 4 15 romans 5 12 and 13 they tell us clearly without law there is no sin so the fact that adam sinned meant there was a law and the law that's given on sinai are these ten laws that express the principles of love for god and love for our fellow man so the sabbath commandment existed when adam and eve were made and was required of them by the way when god gave it to adam and eve he gave it to the entire population of the world there were just two but they were the entire population of the world and of course they passed it on to the offspring and the offspring to their offspring god's law has always been required if you read psalm 103 verse 20 the bible says bless the lord ye his angels that excel in strength that do his commandments heartening under the voice of his word the commandments of god are observed even by the angels which means observance of god's law predicted the creation of this earth god's law has always been there adam and eve were required to observe it and we're still required today someone said either you or my sister who are the poem isaiah 66 23 and it shall come to passes from one new moon to another and from one sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me and so it has always been it is and it will always be amen amen thank you so much for for making that point as well that the the law the ten commandments have existed from the beginning of creation before creation because this government is governed by his law that's right i'm gonna transition i'm gonna add brother anthony ralph on to ax the next set of couple questions so that i can monitor monitor the chat and see what everyone is saying so i'll be hopping off for a bit okay thank you very much pastor randy skate for the first two questions now we'll have the third the fourth and the fifth how can we be sure that saturday is the seventh day god rested on in creation in fact it's a three-point question three-part question was the sabbath done away with how do we reconcile paul's book and the sabbath keeping see colossians 2 16. all right so how do we know that the seventh day was the day on which god rested god has never left himself without witness to the truth never let me give you the most obvious uh defense of the seventh-day sabbath there is an entire nation on the face of the earth that has kept the center of the sabbath for thousands of years actually the law was given directly to them that there might be custodians to give it to other people i'm referring to the jewish nation and they know that the sabbath is the seventh day from sunset on friday to censored on saturday there's no argument that can overthrow that now let's use some common sense and some honesty the christian world celebrates easter on the first day of the week sunday because the whole christian world knows christ rose on the first day so easter is not celebrated on monday or on saturday on wednesday it is celebrated on sunday the day on which christ rose the christian world also regards this thing called good friday the day on which jesus died then the simple question is what is the day that lies between the two and that day is saturday the seventh day sabbath it is you know this issue of the sabbath is not a difficult one it just requires simple honesty and humility it is not a difficult task to identify the day of rest people say the calendar was changed the calendar was not changed in the sense that the order of the days were changed that has remained sunday to saturday from the memorial and so the seventh day on which god rested was the seventh day of the week the one he requires of us to observe and on which we should avoid work now the third part of the question was was the sabbath done away with no you see god's law is eternal his sabbath has not been done away with now attempts have been made with some success to institute a different day of worship for reasons not connected to righteousness let me say that again for reasons not connected to righteousness we have the popular day of worship in christianity as sunday this has no bible basis whatsoever but this change was predicted in daniel 7 25 speaking of the little horn which is identified as the the roman church by not only adventists but for hundreds of years the little horn has been identified at the roman power the roman church now the bible says of that power and it shall speak great words against the most high daniel 7 25 and shall wear out the sins of the most high and think to change times and laws now think to change because this so-called change is not recognized by heaven so they shall think to change times and laws what do you understand by times and lost well times the sabbath for them has moved from saturday to sunday that's a change in time think to change times and laws now the second commandment does not exist in the catholic catechism it is taken out because it forbids the worship of images and so we have think to change times and laws but no human being can do that because the bible says in daniel 2 21 he removes this king said of the kings he changes the times and the seasons it is god who can do that not a man uh in james chapter 4 verse 12 there is one lawgiver not two the bible says there's one lawgiver who is able to save and to destroy that lawgiver is christ the father and the father now any attempt made by a human entity is not recognized by heavens so yes attempts were made and most of the christian world observes a day enacted by human beings not by god as far back as a 321 a.d the count the the the emperor constantine who supposedly got converted to christianity he issued an edict in 321 at the march of 321 on the venerable day of the sun let magistrates and those living in the cities rest constantly past that law but he allowed those in the country to continue to work the farms because people have to eat in 3 64 i believe it is the council of laodicea there were 50 cannons or laws that were enacted at that council which went between 363-6364 law number 29 says no one shall do their eyes on sunday or on sabbath on saturday instead they should honor the lord's day which they call sunday so there was a law that forbid that made illegal the observance of the sabbath not by god but by the early church that had drifted from the standards of right and wrong and so the change to sunday was not made by god it was made by man and we're told by in acts 5 29 we opt to obey god rather than man by the way the acid test that's coming upon us will be this same very test shall we keep the seventh-day sabbath of god or the first day of the week which shall be enacted by secular powers so attempts have been made to change today millions of people follow the results of human devising but god has never changed his day as a matter of fact when jesus was discussing the signs of his second coming and of the time of trouble which would befall the jews in his day a few decades after he died jesus warned them in matthew 24 28 let not your flight be on the sabbath day in the winter or on the sabbath because he still expected them to keep the sabbath john the apostle john who lived the longest of all the twelve he died about a hundred six seven years after jesus died and went back to heaven that's when the apostle john died he wrote in first john chapter five verse three that keeping god's commandments is the expression of love it is one of the themes of his book both his gospel and his epistles revelation chapter 22 verse 14 the very last book of the bible blessed are they that do his commandments how can he do something that's done away with and so the sabbath has not been done away with but human beings under the impetus of satanic powers and i cannot be pleasant about this under the impetus of satanic forces have passed human laws that most people follow but god's sabbath is still the seventh day of the week and that has not changed amen now thank you very much how do we reconcile paul's writings of the sabbath well paul is a defender of the sabbath paul is a defender of the law paul writes in romans 7 from verse 7 what shall we say then is the law sin god forbid now if the law isn't sin then it's righteousness because the opposite of sin is righteousness is the law saying god forbid no i had not known sin but by the law for i had not known lust except the law had said thou shalt not covet what is paul saying the only way i knew what was wrong was because there is a law in romans 3 31 paul writes do we then make void the law through faith may we establish the law paul writes in first corinthians 7 19 circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the commandments of god now this is an astonishing statement for a jew to say circumcision is nothing because circumcision was used just that word was used to refer to the entire jewish system as a matter of fact many non-jews non-jews were frequently called the uncircumcised and jews were called the circumcision paul says circumcision is nothing uncircumcision is nothing what counts is keeping the commandments of god then people argue many christians argue well we are new testament christians we don't have to keep the law the law was nailed on the cross what did god do in the new covenant we are new covenant christians he writes the law in the heart of a person that's what is done in the new covenant it does not destroy the law it removes the law from stone is placed in the heart that is what is done under the new covenant so those who say we are new covenant christians are not making sense a new covenant christian his or her greatest joy will be obey god because under that covenant the law is placed in the heart of a person you read that in jeremiah 31 33 in hebrews 8 10 and hebrews 10 16. all right i think i covered that next question and by the way thank you very much i asked very politely i keep hearing voices please mute your might we're dealing with the law of god which means obedience please mute your might it is not that difficult to do that please let's have order mute your might thank you and god bless you yes my good brother amen thank you very much for that uh for the answer we now have the fourth question has there been an attempt to get rid of the sabbath if so what was it was it prophesying well i dealt with that i just believe that i was thinking about that yes and all the way back to constantine in 321 and the the council of laodicea in 364 where a law was passed making it illegal to keep the sabbath but allowing sunday as a day of rest and that law also says anyone found keeping a sabbath will be shut out of christ it is amazing that men say or people say disobeying god is life whereas god says disobey me is death it is an amazing thing that people were condemned for keeping the sabbath even though god pronounces a blessing for observing his day yes attempts were made there wouldn't these attempts did not change god's law in heaven let me just say this god came down from heaven to earth on sinai with his son and spoke with 10 commandments they came from up down any change must come from up down you cannot change it from down and send the change up i hope you understand what i'm trying to say the change must come from up and be brought down and so for those who claim to change the sabbath they have a task that they cannot accomplish because the change must originate in heaven where the law originated itself by the way when god gave instructions for the building of the tabernacle the ark which contained the ten commandments symbolize the throne of god which means god's own god's kingdom is based on law and that law is an expression of righteousness any tampering with god's law is a tampering with his kingdom that is why the issue is so serious a change in god's law is verily an attack on the kingdom of god for that change to be made since the earthly tabernacle was an example of the one in heaven to change god's law you've got to go to the ark in heaven open it change the law there and then bring it down that cannot happen because no one can move god off his throne attempts were made human beings follow man-made laws the session of their sabbath is a divine law sundays the sabbath is a man-made institution amen amen now i know you touched on this in the first i believe in the second also questions right uh in the response you give uh the question is the fifth question how did the church transition to sunday worship was it the lord's day all right how did the church transition good question the jews always give the romans headaches and we understand why no one likes to be conquered the jews of all the peoples the romans conquered the jews probably were the most troublesome of all and blessed them for that because no one likes to be conquered they were always revolting always rebelling there was a rebellion in 135 i think the rebellion of barkoba i think that's name because of that judaism was abolished or or banned or made illegal by the roman power but even before that under emperor vespasian who i believe reigned from 69 to a few decades after christ he abolished the sanhedrin and the priesthood during his reign which means judaism was very very unpopular among the romans now under emperor hadrian who reigned from 117 i believe 138 139 he made sabbath keeping illegal with all these uh this opposition to sabbath keeping from the roman powers christian you see christians were closely identified with jews and for good reason christ was a jew all the apostles were jews the first converts to the teachings of christ were jews who came out of judaism to follow the new teachings of christ and so christians were closely associated with the jews particularly because they were keeping the jewish sabbath and i use the word jewish sabbath carefully the sabbath is god's sabbath not to jewish sabbath as time passed christians began to figure out what can we do to distance ourselves from the jews so that the romans will understand we are not jews we are christians they began keeping both days sunday and saturday now something else happened saturday used to be a day of celebration the day of feasting that was transferred to sunday as a celebration of the resurrection of christ and saturday was made a day of fasting well all people love to eat so people began to observe sunday more often than saturday because saturday became a day of misery and fasting and fasting whereas sunday was a day of feasting and celebration so these things contributed to a gradual it was a certain centuries to a gradual movement away from saturday to sunday as a day of worship and of course when constantine passes law in 321 when he became a christian so-called and began trying to act like a christian it was easy then for christians to follow the example of the emperor but again it took several centuries for there to be a full-blown departure from the seven-day sabbath but god has always had people in remote places keeping the sabbath and the country of ethiopia is one such example hundreds of years ago where they kept at some point they kept both the sabbath has never been eradicated because as long as god exists as creator there will always be his lord jesus said think not them come to destroy the law or the prophets have not come to destroy but to fulfill for verily i say unto you till heaven and earth pass one job one title shall in no wise pass from the law and that means all ten so yes this is the reasons why sunday observance became popular because of the conditions in society the roman power opposed to the jews the abolition of the priesthood the abolition of the sanhedrin the making illegal of sabbath keeping making sunday a feast day sabbath a fast day all of these things contributed to a gradual shift away from god's day to a man-made day of worship thank you very much pastor randiski now we have our sixth question i will have sister denisha come in and i have a i have a request for those who are in the who are participating if you can pose your questions in the question section in the chat and we'll definitely try to answer them at the end of the questions we have post posted all right thank you very much now we're welcome sister denisha thank you very much brother anthony for making that request and thank you so much elder skeet for just breaking down uh the transition from son from sabbath worship to sunday worship and as you said it was a very subtle and gradual transition and history shows it to be true yes so we've spoken about the transition to sunday worship and the next question is what is the mark of the beast all right the mark of the beast is identified as sunday observance but not currently the mark of the beast will exist after a law is passed officially making sunday the day of worship on a universal basis i mean on a global basis when that occurs and people have to make choices now between a clear man-made law and god's law those who choose against god will then have the mark of the beast so no one has it now but the mark of the beast is that action which more than any other establishes the power of the roman church and this statement is found in their writings they have the power to change what god has written they have the power to enact laws and to change laws and so the mark of the beast and god has a mark ii which is the seventh-day sabbath are a sign or a token each power has a mark which is the way it always is the mark of the beast is the acceptance of man-made laws above the law of god that's the mark of the beast and since that law has not yet been passed no one yet has that mark but faithful members even now have the seal which is faithfulness to god expressed through obedience to his commandments including the fourth because the fourth commandment is a sign between god and these people so no one has the mark of this now but mainly have the scene of god so the mark again the mark of the observance but no one has it yet it will only be placed on people by their choice when they willingly choose a man-made day above god's sabbath on the basis of a man-made law that's when people will have the mark of the beast gives us two powers christ and satan revelation gives us two cities jerusalem and babylon revelation gives us uh two two objects of worship satan god it's a choice one or the other of course we know sheep and goats wheat and tears we know that but revelation you either worship christ the creator or you worship the devil through human agents see when someone gives an offering to an idol it's really given to the devil because the idol is stone stone doesn't know anything and so the object of worship that does not conform with god's system is sin let me say that differently when someone worships contrary to god's prescription which is his law that worship is given to satan even though the people may say is being given to god if you read exodus 32 the chapter where they worship the golden calf aaron said in verse six tomorrow is a feast to the lord that's what aaron said the day was dedicated to god but they were worshiping the devil that's why god wanted to kill all of them and moses had to intercede let me say it again when aaron and the others made that calf aaron made proclamations saying tomorrow is the feast of the lord i believe that exodus 32 6. the fact it was proclaimed as the day of god did not make it acceptable to god because law breaking can never please god the fact that someone says i keep sunday to honor god does not mean god accepts it it is no different it must be it must conform with the law of god and god's law told the israelites do not make images do not bow them to them god's law tells us the seventh day is the sabbath not the first the seventh day and to keep sunday and say it is for god your intentions may be right but your action is wrong and god in this mercy sends light such as this program to open people's eyes to teach them that good intentions are not enough we must worship god in accordance with his law his prescription and that is condensed in the ten commandments and that is done through the power of jesus christ of course thank you very much for answering that question and i think you also touched on the sabbath being the seal of god and the fact that many persons many people i should say have the seal of god but the mark of the beast is not in for no one has the mark of the beast untitled sunday legislation has been enforced that's right so we have three questions three questions in the chat and i think you just touched on this one is it wrong to worship on sunday that's the first question that someone has posed that clever question this is a very clever question worship is a lifestyle it is not an event let me say that again worship is a lifestyle sabbath observance is an event which is an expression of worship i hope i'm making myself clear what we're doing now is an act of worship when the bible says whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all to the glory of god it clearly tells us your whole lifestyle must be worshipped diet is an expression of worship dress is an expression of worship worship is living in constant acknowledgement of who god is and what my responsibility and duty to him is unto my fellow human being now so we worship god seven days a week the question isn't can i worship on sunday or monday or thursday the question is which day is blessed that's the question and the day god blessed and hallowed and set apart for special worship is the seventh day saturday not sunday so yes you can go to church on sunday you go yes but the seventh day sabbath is saturday we have wednesday night for a meeting that doesn't mean thank you for answering them amen thank you so much for that the next question is if someone dies without knowing the sabbath will they be saved if they were loyal to the other nine commandments i don't want to be mathematical someone whose life has been given entirely to god cannot be lost now no one knows everything jesus said in john 15 22 if i had not come and spoken unto you he had not had sin paul writes in acts 17 verse 30 the times of this ignorance god went at so god understands ignorance and by the way ignorance must have two qualities one i didn't know two i had no way of knowing saying to someone don't tell me that is not ignorance for second peter chapter two verse five for this they willingly are ignorant of by the word of god the heavens were of all there are many people and i have experienced this who say don't tell me i was conducting an evangelistic series of the city of detroit a very lovely lady came the first night every night i missed her the second night the second week so i called her on the job i haven't seen you she said elsie i can't come back if i continue to sit under that preaching i will have to make a decision so i'm not coming back but she was very honest in her self-condemnation very honest i am not coming back because if i come i have to make a choice this is the state of many people don't tell me i don't want to hear someone who dies in genuine ignorance but having served god you see god deals with us based on what we know if you know this that's all god requires if you know that that's what it requires someone who passes away whose life has been given to god but did not know many things cannot be lost the life of christ covers that person but no one who dies in willful disobedience can enter a land which is all obedience doesn't work and by the way there's nothing there's nothing suffering about ignorance god does not like ignorance john 17 3 this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true god and jesus christ thou has said knowledge is an essential part of salvation but where there is genuine ignorance god in his mercy will cover that person through the life of jesus christ amen thank you so much and you know we have many questions that are coming into the chat um but someone has asked a question which is our actual next question which is how should the sabbath be kept well the bible gives this sabbath be kept gives us some serious clues and after yes isaiah 58 13 and 14 let me pray again father as we continue answering questions give us wisdom wisdom take god that the truth may be properly represent and you glorified and your people blessed in jesus name i pray amen if thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath from doing thy pleasure on my holy day and call the sabbath a delight the holy of the lord honorable and shall honor him not doing thine own ways not finding their own pleasures nor speaking their own words and so we have don't do your own activities don't find your own pleasures don't speak your own words which means the bible is telling us our conversation must be different on the sabbath our activities must be different what we consider delightful and pleasurable must be different there must be some holy pleasures that are fit for the sabbath and not the secular pleasures which we have during the week which may be fine for the week and so isaiah 50 13 14 gives us some clues now if you go to uh the commandment itself exodus 28-11 remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god in it thou shalt not do any work so we know avoid work and anything related to work now since you must be careful with your words words proceed from how we think our very thinking must change on the sabbath our thoughts must be occupied that which is holy but this requires practice and discipline yes i said discipline the mind can be disciplined to focus on only that which is holy on the seventh day so that i do not sit at home or in the church view on sabbath thinking of the office work waiting for me on monday or sunday this is not sabbath keeping so sabbath keeping is that careful effort to make sure that in speech in action and thinking in all that i do i am reflecting my awareness of the extreme holiness of this day and i use the word extreme because the holiness of the sabbath is the holiness of god the bible says the law and the commandment is holy just and good what is that holiness the holiness of god and the holiness of god is present in the sabbath day commandment as it is not in other days the other days are not holy they're secular i'm not saying they curse they're just not holy the seventh day is holy the words holy hallowed and blessed are used only with respect to the fourth commandment now keeping this in mind recognizing who the creator is we guard our behavior on this day when i was a little boy and alawite tells us to do this we would cove we would turn magazines over so you couldn't see the cover page we turned them down because what you see can affect your thinking we would put a a sort of a towel to cover the television screen we would do that remove your site anything that would he would do that as children we were taught to do that we had to get our clothes ready on friday your shoes polished we did all of that because that day is so serious god is assigned an entire day of preparation now that tells you how serious that day is in the sight of god he is assigned an entire day called the preparation day now that day is not holy but the sabbath has a day attached to it called preparation day and so when you keep all of this in mind you realize everything on that day must be an expression of holy behavior which flows from holy thinking which is possible by keeping the mind on a holy god and you do that by going to the holy word amen thank you so much members of the church must be taught how to keep the sabbath let me digress a little bit i'm not sure what time it is let me check my oh just four minutes left can i have 10 more minutes yes you can take as much time as you'd like i'll escape okay thank you on the issue of sabbath keeping the law is righteousness all the commandments of righteousness we're told in psalm 119 verse 172 i think it is verse 144 and verse 141 now 142. now righteousness is something that must be taught it is not something that just happens because you're sitting in a church listen to second timothy chapter 3 verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and for instruction in righteousness righteousness is some it is not simply a quality of god which it is but it is a lifestyle it's a way of behaving it's a way of speaking it's a way of thinking and the bible says it has to be taught listen to christ matthew 28 18 to 20 and jesus came and speak unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth boy therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe what does that mean people must be taught how to obey teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and all that god has commanded us is summed up in the ten commandments because the bible says ecclesiastes 12 13 this is the whole duty of man from commandment 1 to commandment 10 members need to be taught how to obey god how to obey the second commandment not to have idols how to obey the six not to kill how to obey the sabbath commandment to keep it holy because god made it holy but you must keep it holy and the question must be answered how do i keep it holy i know how god made it holy but how do i keep it holy of the bible plus the blessed counsel from ellen white gives us a lot of information and church leaders should make it the business to regularly instruct the church in how to keep the sabbath holy because my guest is without benefit of a survey millions of advertisers have no clue how to keep the sabbath holy other than don't go to work and there's more this happens keeping and don't go to work because if don't go to work it's not worth keeping every unemployed person is a sabbath keeper and that's not the case all right thank you for that yes yes in fact the other part of the question that the person asked was how does a person keep from being bored so what do we do after worship is over this is the other part of the question forgive me for laughing you see someone who loves basketball is never bored by basketball are you with me someone who loves football is not bored by football a christian who's bored with a holy activity then my question has to be wait a minute wait a minute how can you be bored with something that is naturally the converted person the study of the word of god changes our tastes let me say that again the study of the word of god changes our tastes changes how we think changes how we respond to spiritual requirements so that boredom goes out the window when we have the word of god when we have access to the materials of hell and white when we have access to fellowship one with the other to encourage one another when we have nature all around us because god is expressed first through christ and his followers in the bible of course nature was the first book before the bible came along so there are ample opportunities to fight against boredom but the cornerstone against spiritual boredom is a genuine conversion to jesus christ and his standard of righteousness a genuine conversion will make bible study church fellowship spiritual things your greatest joy that's why jesus christ when he was talking to the woman at the well john chapter 4 she went to the village to tell the good news the disciples brought some food in verse 31 of john 4 the bible says i just mean at the same time his disciples prayed him saying master eat they knew he was hungry he said i have meat to eat you know not off he was so absorbed with trying to save the woman that food meant little to him you see because his his mind was spiritual everything was spiritual when we have the mind of christ and that has to be developed spiritual things become a joy there's no such thing as i've heard people say what will i do in heaven or the new world never never die i'll be born sick no you won't be born sick you will not be bore sick in heaven it will be your greatest joy a total and a constant surrender of the life to jesus is the defense against boredom because then spiritual things become your spiritual joy that's why the bible says of jesus i delight to do thy will or my god yeah thy law is in my heart what's in the heart is done joyfully david said in psalm 119 verse 97 oh how love i thy law it is my meditation all the day i love the ten commandments listen to ellen white the christ object lesson space 97 paragraph three the man who attempts to keep the commandments of god from a sense of obligation merely because he's required to do so will never enter into the joy of obedience he does not obey when the commandments of god are accounted a burden because they cut across human inclination we may know that the life is not a christian life true obedience is the outworking of a principle within it springs from the love of righteousness the love of the law of god the essence of all righteousness is loyalty to our redeemer this will lead us to do right because it is right because right doing is pleasing to god ask god to put love in your heart for his law and for righteousness but the bible is the most exciting book to the person whose mind has been changed there's no such thing as boredom in christ how can you be bored by the creator who just speak and the entire universe came how can that be boring amen thank you for that answer uh elder skeet now i see two persons have raised their hands or on iphone would you like to pose your question now if you'd like to please unmute yourself okay i just realized i have to unmute so let me let me uh let me unmute you or ask you to unmute okay iphone please don't meet yourself okay i'm not hearing from iphone michelle thomas i see you also have your hand raised if you would like to pose your question please do so now yes it's not a question i'm so happy that i could be online with east new york this is roger thomas i'm happy that i can see randy skeek once again i don't remember me for a long time from uh from the airport in i guess indiana oh yes yes yes yes yes you remember right it was south bend oh yes oh yes yes yes yes god bless you yes my comment is that uh what god bless is a day because because the thing it is and he called his sabbath day because the reason why he blessed the day is because any people anybody could call any day their sabbath so he specifically said the seventh day and when we look at hebrews 4 and verse 8 it says that for if jesus has given them rest then would he not afterwards being spoken of another day so if the table was changed she would have already spoken about it that's right okay thank you thank you so much um brother thomas and i just want to let everyone know this is not east new york sda churches program um this is so i i don't want any confusion uh this is by god's grace thank god the word inspired is something that the lord inspired me with about five years ago which started as a blog um i see iphone you had unmuted do you have a question and please let's limit our comments to questions if so that we don't uh expend any time iphone do you have a question that you would like to pose my question is is it okay to go on nationwalk on the sabbat it is absolutely okay to go on a nature walk listen to uh um psalm 19 verse 1 the heavens declare the glory of god and the firmament truth is handiwork now listen to isaiah 6 3 the whole earth is full of his glory yes in you can go on a nature walk in search of the fingerprint and the footprint of god in creation it is god who made the vegetation god made the birds on their fire god separated dry land from the water on day two it is god who made everything and so you go on the nature walk in search of evidence of god in a flower in a tree in a fruit one of the best things that can be done particularly where children are present is to go on a nature walk but your motivation has to be right christ object lessons page 3 16 paragraph 2 every act is judged by the motives that prompted god judges why did you go it must be to search for god just to experience god's creation and by faith to see the evidence of god in the things that he has made the same way an artist as a style creation has the style of god and the eye of faith will reveal that to us yes nature walks are excellent thank you very much pastor you're very welcome you enjoy a lot of your summons he's one of my favorite pastors ah god bless you thank you for loving god's word may the lord bless you and make you a blessing to others god bless you and your family thank you so much you're welcome amen amen thank you so much for that question uh my sister and elder skeet now i know you asked for 10 more minutes and we have reached that 10-minute mark um there are more questions there are more questions would you like to take a few more i'll take a few more okay so this next question is will all sabbath keepers enter the kingdom of heaven why or why not let me pray again father in heaven as we continue answering questions let your spirit direct his father especially direct me in jesus name i pray amen will all sabbath keepers enter heaven all obedient people will enter heaven all obedient people listen to revelation 22 14 blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter into the gates into the city why was adam thrown out because he disobeyed romans 5 19 was by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one child may be made righteous obedience through christ is our admission into heaven let me say that differently we we reclaim the right that adam lost when adam seen he lost his right to the tree of life he was put out when we obey according to the bible you can only obey through christ we reclaim the right that adam lost and that's right is reclaimed through christ obedience is the foundation of all god's blessings and the greatest blessing of course is an eternal life with jesus christ without any end so all obedient people will enter the kingdom of god as i said earlier if all you know is this and you were faithful there is a place for you in god's kingdom but for those who are willfully ignorant there is no place amen thank you very much thank you very much um the next question is and and i guess also just to clarify the i guess the question was asking if we keep the sabbath does that guarantee that we're going to heaven submission to christ stink let's go to john 15 let's see something that's very very critical when it comes to our relationship with christ john 15 from verse 4 abide in me and i knew as the branch channeled barefoot of itself accepted abide in the vine no more can ye except you abide in me verse 5 i am divine you the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing let's go to verse 7. if he abide in me and my words abiding you he shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you verse 9 as the father have loved me so have i loved you continue ye in my love the word continue means abide verse 10. if you keep my commandments you shall abide in my love even as i have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love from verses 1 to 10 or 11 we have abide about 10 times jesus says in matthew 24 14 i believe it is he that endures to the end of verse 13 the same shall be saved there must be a staying in christ you see a staying faith and works page 100 paragraph one god requires the entire surrender of the heart in order for justification to take place and in order for men to retain justification there must be continual obedience through active living faith that works by love and purifies the soul and so there's the coming to christ and there's the staying in christ a lot of people come to christ and they think that's it once they've always saved no no they must be faithful obedience through the power of christ and we must love christ the more than we love our own lives and so the key is total surrender our high calling page 215 paragraph two i believe it is hello white rice genuine conversion is needed not once in years but daily this is the life that we must live and the power to live that christ is the power that life is the power of christ amen thank you very much elder skeet we are getting so many questions that are coming in someone has asked i i'm i'm someone has acts so we spoke about the nature walk someone has asked is it okay um to go swimming or go on a beach on sabbath now you see i have heard that before we also go fishing what is your motive for that you see when in doubt don't do it when in doubt don't do it why are you going swimming if there's a question mark about that activity because very often we say we're doing things for god but we're really doing them for ourselves our underlying motive is self gratification when there's a question mark about an activity it's best to avoid it whether it's swimming fishing or you know jumping out of an airplane whatever it may be and people try to put it under the heading of i am in nature well i'm in nature right now sitting in this room in my house if i'm in a bus i'm a nation because i'm on the earth are you following me and so we must be careful what is the motive and very often we don't know our true motives swimming i would not classify as the same thing as a nature walk but i'm not god but the person who asked that or any person of a similar mind must ask himself or herself what is my real motive am i pursuing my joy or am i trying to learn a little more about god by observing the tree and the animals of the sky and the seeds amen amen and um this next question says there are a lot of denominations that keep the sabbath what is the identifying mark that confirms that seventh-day adventist or seven-day adventism is god's remnant church very good question revelation 12 17 and the dragon was rocked let me pray again father this is a very important question give me the right words dear god please in jesus name amen and the dragon was wrath with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of a seed which keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ that is a unidentified mark of the remnant church the testimony of jesus christ which is the spirit of prophecy according to revelation 19 verse 10 and you compare that with chapter 22 verse 9. the testimony of the presence of the prophetic voice in that church is one of the identifying marks i'll tell you something else that's an identifying mark listen to jesus matthew 28 18 to 20. and jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations christ sent the disciples to all nations so if we combine those identifying marks the observance of the ten commandments including the fourth the presence of the prophetic voice among that people and the presence of that people all over the world if you belong to a church a denomination that's only found in new york and connecticut how can that be god's remnant church where it is not found all over the world and one of the marks of god's church is they will go to all nations by the way i may be digressing the only two churches on the face of the earth that come close to satisfying that identifying mark that's the same 70th of this church and the catholic church there are in more nations and more countries than any other nation you look at the two now the catholic church may say and i'm not picking on people i'm just looking at denominations well we uh we're in so many nations yes let's look at another qualifying mark do you observe the commandments of god and the answer is no and you have to have all the marks not just one the commandments of god the prophetic voice in the church you must be in all parts of the world you must have the faith of jesus as well and so we look for all not just one so there's a church observing saturday in the sense that they don't work but do they see sabbath as the mark and the seal of god do they see the sabbath as the center of god's law do they see the sabbath as the commandment that identified god's reign the universe his title his right to rule do they see the sabbath as that as the highest of the ten commandments how do they see the sabbath is this simply a day to avoid work but my main point is the church must have all the identified marks not just one and by the way everyone who generally keeps the sabbath will have no problem with the other march accepting the other marks as they are presented because the sabbath commandment is the test commandment it was for the israelites in the wilderness it will be for god's people in the last days it's the test commandment anyone who genuinely keeps the sabbath will do whatever else god says amen amen now other skin you have to let me know when to stop because keep rolling in okay all right so someone has asked and i'm okay i'll ask this question first many meetings occur after the service on sabbath for example planning for a pathfinder event or planning for women's ministry event is this okay god is a good god says to the nation all those listening god is so good let me give you three examples of how good god is he made seven days he gave us six are you following me he said you take six and do all you need to do i'll take one that's mine god says here's a hundred dollars you keep 90 10 belong to me god says here all the trees on the face of the earth i reserve only one you keep all the rest now that's a good god god could have taken the reverse position and told adam only one tree is available to you all the others are mine that would have been difficult for that why am i saying that god has given us six days to do all that we have to do that does not belong on the sabbath why do we try to cram everything on the seventh day of the holy day one of the reasons is we are not willing to give god some time during the week we just barely give him the sabbath day but we are not willing to give god time during the week we act as if our lives during the week are is ours now our lives are ours but they're not the god of the sabbath is also the god of the entire week it is he that preserves life we must be willing to give god some time during the week the same way a tithe has an offering the sabbath is specified there's no argument there how much time will i give god during the week we can have our meetings on different days people ask me well can i have sex on the sabbath you have six days i do this on the sabbath you have six days why pile everything on god's holy day it is because i suspect we do not appreciate the holiness of the day which then takes us one step further back to the holiness of the god of the sabbath leave the sabbath alone it is one day you have six the sabbath pushes us to practice time management so it is not contaminated by these events that more properly belong during the week leave god's day alone do all you have to do listen to the commander six days shall thou labor and do all thy work all the secular activities choir practice practicing marching by the pathfinders and the busy bees and whomever do all of that in six days leave my day alone says god that's my response to that thank you thank you this next question is uh this week's sabbath school's lesson touched on social kindness uh doing acts of service on the sabbath what is your response uh to that um let me just read the last phrase what is your response uh to that if doing an act of service on the sabbath leads to making a purchase oh god frown jesus it's lawful to do good on the sabbath he never said it's lawful to work it's lawful to do good now disobedience can never uh um what looks like a need can never justify disobedience because we're serving a god who's capable of miraculous acts miraculous acts let's remember that disobedience can never be justified as the basis for a good work on the sabbath we serve a god who can work miraculously we really do when the ark was traveling on an ox cart and it stumbled the cart stumbled azza reached out to steady the ark god had said don't touch the ark others intentions were good he wanted to save the ark from falling and pressing onto the ground and god struck him dead not because god is harsh but because god does not joke when god says keep it holy he means keep it holy and so i'm giving you the principle on the basis of that principle you can decide what kind of good social cause you will pursue on the sabbath day we are to keep the day holy we are to avoid secular activities on god's day we must keep in mind if some crisis arises god is a god of miracles and god can intervene because god always honors obedience a genuine sabbath keeper looked for reasons to keep the sabbath holy not for reasons to compromise the holiness of the day but jesus said it is lawful to do good if your animal falls into the pit on the sabbath pull it out if a man falls in pull it out you're driving to church in the winter someone's in the ditch help the person but thank you it's lawful to do good it is not lawful to work or engage in sexual activities now this next question and i said i will ask it because this is a youth that has asked this question all right how was god created how was god created i know the question uh you can answer how was god created god was not created god has always been god is the source of life i am the way the truth and the life jesus said you will not come to me you may have life god himself everything flows from god as a matter of fact if you read isaiah 9 verse 6 one of the names of jesus is the everlasting father which means the father of eternity eternity flowed from god that's a concept that gives us a good concussion as we try to think about it god was not created all things flow from god listen to colossians 1 16 for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that out in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him verse 17 and he is before all things and by him all things consist four times we have the expression all things if you say god was created who created him god is god you don't go further back than god we cannot explain that fully but god will reveal to us when we get to the other side god has always been there everything comes from him by the way father son holy ghost they were not created they have always been there and i'm glad amen amen this question is how do we know that the bible is the truth of god because the bible's predictions are absolutely reliable for a small example daniel chapter 7. daniel chapter 7 predicted events that occurred precisely as predicted in the book of daniel daniel 2 and daniel 7 which is the the flow of of of nations the babylonians in the time the book was written the middle persians the greeks and the romans and the breaking of the roman empire into what is now europe as it was predicted in daniel 7 and daniel 2 so it came to pass that's a simple but a profound example of the absolute reliability of the the bible you take the writings of luke and axe luke was a medical doctor he was also historian modern historians who studied the book of luke and acts the books of looking at because the same person wrought both they have discovered that all the persons all the places all the events actually happen on occurred the bible is an absolutely reliable book when it deals with any subject it chooses to touch on but is history absolutely reliable archaeology has repeatedly confirmed the statements made in the bible the events in the bible the personalities in the bible the bible is the most reliable book you can read when read under the guidance of the spirit of god there is no basis for doubting the reliability of the bible let me say this there are no mistakes in the bible not doctrinal mistakes mistakes lie in the mind of the sinner the bible as god's word has no doctrinal mistakes amen amen and elder skeet i'll notice the last question all right hello um hello hello uh do you have a question yes uh and it goes back to before you there's no kindness um i am a contractor and um i get up on a sabbath morning to go to church and uh one called me to tell me my house i have young children it's 18 degrees and i have no heat no hot water on a situation like that how do you deal with it do you tell them well okay it's my sabbath i'll deal with that after sabbath and how do you deal with the situation like that well we're dealing with a situation that may lead to loss of life it's winter there's no heat there's nothing but jesus said if your animal falls at the pit the animal's life is a danger pull it out if someone's about to help the person you can't charge the person because you're not to work in the sample but it's an act of good it's a good work that you're doing on that day so it's not really work where you earn money it is an act of mercy you're performing just like pulling an animal out of the pit it's an act of mercy someone says my heat is down i'm freezing no hot water little children you go you help is a good work it's not a work that earns pay and if you have to go to the store to purchase material it's still okay now that's where you have to talk to god that's why you have to talk to god because there's a holy spirit who directs and guides that's where you have to talk to your god father should i take this step of that step is there another way to fix this problem without taking an action that normally would be a violation of the sabbath you talk to god is there another way to do this so that i do not have to violate your sabbath you put that to god and god will direct you okay thank you god bless you thank you for that question now i'm gonna open the floor does anyone else have a question that you would like to pose oh okay someone has yes i have a question go ahead my question is um we assembly adventists have the six days and we'll do um should we go out there on saturday and do distribution of food or clothing when we have the six days what should we actually do on the sabbath as god do we come that as good giving food is good yes given our clothes is good of course but as you said or you suggested is it possible to do it on one of the days of the week you see the sabbath must always be on our minds it must always be on our minds and by if when that's the case it guides our choices our decisions our behaviors on the six days am i conducting myself in such a way on the six days that no violence or is done to the sabbath can it be done for between sunday and friday and almost always the answer is yes you know david wanted to build the ark that's a good thing not the ark the attempt the temple god said no let's solve it do it so the fact that something looks good doesn't mean that you have to do it we seek god's guidance can i restrict this thing to the six days one of our problems generally is that our very low view of the holiness of the sabbath we have a long view of the holiness of god's sabbath which is directly a result of our low view of the holiness of god anything that can be done in the six days do it it may call for sacrifice it may cause some inconvenience but calvary was inconvenient but jesus went through it amen obedience is a form of sacrifice all right elder skeet you let me know when you want me to ask the last question all right let's hear this one uh this question is if people need to take buses to get to church is a bus driver who knows about the sabbath and chooses to to work doing wrong is the person riding the bus doing wrong by paying for the bus okay let me express what i said earlier our motive must be how can i obey not is there a way to get around this commandment the question how can i obey how this is what must drive us how can i too often our question is how can i get around this thing and once we have that mentality we'll find ways to get around because the carnal nature will produce them christian church members you know elvis says before christ comes we will go back to primitive godliness so that if i know there's a member in my area who needs a ride i arrange to have that person picked the church can make arrangements to have people picked up but very often guys one person doesn't care about the other once i get to church that's my business you find your way a church family is a family one cares about the other literally that's why paul uses the body to refer to the church if the torah is hurting i am hurting if you shoot me in my all you have shot me church members should come together what can we do to ensure that people have transportation so they do not have because it's not only a matter of paying the bus it is a matter of being in an environment that is not conducive for sabbath keeping you're hearing things you're seeing things all of that must be considered what can the church do well let me tell you something when god's people come together with the motivation what can we do to ensure that we obey god god makes a way but we must get away from well how can i get around this and get around that we must get away from that what we do as a church family to make sure that church members get to church without taking buses or trains amen amen and and you know i there are two more questions that i see and i think you perhaps answered the first one saying is it okay to keep the sabbath alone and forget the other nine commandments no you can't do that genuine obedience is total submission to god the bible says ecclesiastes 12 13 the commandments of god are the whole duty of man so if you ignore nine you're ignoring a major part of your duty the whole duty of man is obedience to god's law by the power of christ you cannot pick and choose because either one and disobey your short disrespect for god you know when feet breaks into your house he doesn't have to break every window he breaks one and he comes in one broken window and the security of your house is compromised one broken commandment and you've compromised the authority of god in your own life god gave us ten because he wants ten if he wanted nine he would be given nine god is very precise god told neiman through elijah dipped seven times if he dipped six he would have gone home a leper he had to dip several god is precise and serious and strict with god strict and love go together very well thank you thank you all the skeet now someone has asked um what if you go to a job like if if you work for a senior home i guess this is like for the medical field those that work in that realm is it okay for them to work on sabbath but not take the pay for it you're not supposed to work on sales and how many languages i should say that we're not supposed to work on sabbath now being a medical doctor or nurse is not the basis for working because you get time and a half or double time we have counsel from loi medical mission uh medical ministry page 216 paragraph two if the doctor or the nurse has to go in only do that which is necessary to ease suffering that's what she says reserve everything else for the next for the next day or the next secular days only do what is necessary to ease suffering which is consistent with it is lawful to do good on the sabbath and of course the money must be given to the church which very few people do so the doctor or nurse does not mean the sabbath does not apply to you because once you make an exemption for a nurse or a doctor here comes the firemen here comes the policeman here comes the electrician here comes the pilot here comes everybody well i need an exemption none of the 10 comes with an exemption all right this next question says and thank you for that so should pastors not receive honorariums for preaching on the sabbath that's a very interesting question should pastors not receive honorariums for preaching on the sabbath i've never heard that never thought of it it was a very good question now the bible says the laborer is worthy of his reward but if preaching is considered work you see when an elder preaches is that work perhaps no now if a pastor is is hired by a conference he is already being paid by a conference there is no need for him to be paid by a church to whom he goes to speak you understand but work whether it's preaching or whatever it may be work must be avoided on the sabbath but the church has to be shepherded on the south but if it applies to uh the conference can very easily say we're paying you for what you do between sunday and friday we don't pay you for what you do on on on the holy day but we i still get back to the question should a pastor receive an honorarium for what he does on sabbath i've never heard that i'll have to think about that never heard it now if you consider preaching work then he shouldn't work on sabbath thank you for that no work is to be done on sabbath no work do good yes no work no compensation for work on sabbath amen amen now this question and thank you for that this question says my local sda hospital organization holds 5k so five kilometer walks on the sabbath tied to different diseases well it's a seventh-day adventist hospital organization they all 5k walks in sabbath i tell you god's people god's people make me smile why can't they hold it between sunday and friday leave god's sabbath alone leave it alone keep questionable activities for the week if there's a question about it avoid it you have six days to walk 10 000 miles if you choose why do it on the sabbath my policy is leave the sabbath alone don't touch it you're not supposed to touch the tide don't touch it let me just mute someone and then i will allow okay dr terra long i see you would like to pose your question you are free to do so and pastor skeet i have a follow-up question to the wand of broken and sabbath yes so i am a nurse if all the nurses don't go to work and suffer because it is work who will take care of the patients now you're looking at it you're looking at obedience from man's point of view not from god if god calls you to obey him he will deal with consequences we must never look at this thing from the perspective of people even though people are involved but we must always begin from the side of god the bible tells us it's lawful to do good on the sabbath yesterday is suffering yes our prophet tells us only do that which is necessary to ease suffering and leave the rest you see when we when we go and apply for jobs we must tell employers very clearly who we are and what we stand for very often we don't because if we do we may endanger possible employment our employers must know right up front this is what i do this is what i don't do because i'm a seventh-day adventist [Music] and so if you're a nurse or doctor whatever you are god bless that profession luke was a medical doctor but it does not change the fourth commandment in it thou shalt not do any work again alawite tells us do good do good but leave unnecessary work for other day honor god's law this is no joke total obedience to god is not as widespread as some of us may think there's no such thing as convenient obedience the highest expression of obedience is calvary that's what the bible says he became obedient unto death even the death of the cross genuine obedience includes sacrifice amen amen this is very sick i'm glad we're having this discussion one reason before the power of god is because we don't obey god amen thank you for that elder skeet now this next question kind of speaks to the one about the honorariums it says is it okay to pay singers or musicians to play or sing in church on the sabbath well if it's wage earning it's work it's work in it thou shalt not do any work amen amen you see we there must be principles on which we stand one principle is you cannot make an exemption for any one of the ten commandments you cannot do that once you do that you open the floodgates to make exemptions for all the other nine so some man can argue well i live in a country where they uh ten times as many women as men so i'm helping out society by having five wives no no no no no we cannot make exemptions for any one of the ten amen amen now i'm not too sure how related this question is to the sabbath but someone has asked is it okay for an sda to join the army well okay so it's not related but you know in the army you have to deal with the sabbath as far as as far back as the 1860s the church had a position that it's okay for members to join the military but not in a combatant um not as a bearing arms as a non-combatant in other words you go as a medic a chaplain some area of service where you do not have to shoot people and kill people that's the position in a non-combatant status yes but also keep in mind when you're in the army you don't belong to yourself so you there's a risk involved by going into the army uh someone who cares about obeying god's sabbath commandment will try to avoid situations that make sabbath keeping a difficulty that goes to students you go to school that knows nothing about god because you think the school has a good name is prestigious then exams are set on sabbath and you take them we must avoid situations that create difficulty in obeying god especially the sabbath commandment avoid them many people sacrifice for a degree amen or the sabbath for god or the sabbath verse uh some romantic partner we think of others first we don't think of god first amen and someone had posed this question earlier on and i had responded to it but someone said i heard brother skeet saying that the sabbath was before creation what was before creation why was the principle established then the principle of the sabbath is the recognition of who god is now before this earth was created angels existed lucifer existed long before they were sin on this earth or this earth was even made simple reasoning if you go to genesis chapter 1 you read verse 11 and god said let the earth bring forth grass the earth yielding trees the fruity yielding fruit after his sky vegetation made on the third day one of the trees made was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which means evil existed before adam was made because i was made on the sixth day the tree of the knowledge of good and evil on the third day lucifer existed long before the universe was made uh the cosmos connected to this earth was made they were angels they were archangels they all existed unfollowed worlds existed that's why the sons of god shouted for joy at creation when they saw how god created this world and the atmosphere connected to this world they rejoice so as long as there has been created beings the sabbath principles existed because anything created depends upon god for his continued existence where does matter whether it's time whether space anything that exists exists by the power of god we just don't know about how big a god deserves amen amen and the recognition of god as the one who sustains me that's the sabbath principle the day began with the creation of this world by the way that principle must go with us sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday so the sabbath principle must be observed all during the week the sabbath day is observed one day of the week the sabbath principle so when you're sitting on your desk you're managing some big company you're making two million dollars a day you recognize god deuteronomy 8 18 give you health to get wealth when you're doing whatever you're doing you're running a successful business god gave me the talent and the skill so the dependent principle goes all during the week the day is the seventh day amen thank you for that complete answer and to my knowledge i believe we have covered all questions that have been asked well let me run another one pops up yes on zoom facebook and youtube all right let me share this with you comment to obey god obedience is a non-negotiable experience with god the power to obey is the very power of the life of christ in you jesus said in john 14 10 is the father in need that does the work then for us it must be the power of christ in us with christ in us doing the things of god become our natural joy and we do them even at the cost of life and limb because obedience is just a way of pleasing god first john 3 22 and whatsoever we ask we receive of him because we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight you know if you do always ask the question how can i obey god avoid the question how can i get around this command whichever one it may be may the lord bless you and always remember all of god's promises are based on obedience may i make a short comment please who's that this is a ned smart all right go ahead doctor the nurse dr denise is the boss she'll tell you yes denisha may i well go ahead you have started already okay i just want to say to elders i like how you are firm in your answers and your belief you sway not to the right or to the left amen perfect when you talk about god take a straight path that's right don't hem and hold on no wave a straight path even if you're not perfect yourself but you're talking about a perfect god stranger adam had simply obeyed god we would not be in this situation now but he disobeyed and it was a small act we just had a fruit that's what vegetarians do but look at the world today obey him with god amen amen amen god bless all those who listened and i really mean that from especially the youth and the young boys and girls god bless you and use you to advance his cause a lot of trouble is coming upon us tremendous trouble is coming very soon we have to make our stand for god now a lot of people who believe i'll be faithful when the time of trouble hits or the sunday lord has passed uh-uh the bible says in luke 16 10 he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much it is faithfulness in little things that god judges us and determines how we behave when the big thing hits if you're not fearful now how can you be faithful when the death penalty is passed it does not work it makes no sense practice faithfulness now in little things when the big trials come you would have practiced faithfulness and you will be taken through by god god bless you in all that you do thank you doctor thank you very much elder skeet for answering all of these questions and even staying 46 minutes and change over time may the lord continue to bless you and your ministry thank you all for your questions and interaction and i pray that you left here with a better understanding of the sabbath and more so of what god requires of us and who he is his law is love and we keep his commandments out of an expression of love and our faith to him so the sabbath really just embodies who god is and honors him as our creator and redeemer um so we're coming down to the close of this program and i had wanted to put this file in the chat last year i had done a series on how the sabbath was changed and i put it all together in a pdf and i just put it in the zoom chat so if you would like to take a look at that you can and i invite all of you to come out god willing sabbath april 10 at 2 o'clock p.m eastern standard time where we will be having a question and answer with dr walter vice discussing victory over sin so can a christian be perfect uh does god require christians to be perfect what does that perfection uh require of us um and it god willing will be answering that question so feel free to tune in then and i realized i had actually missed another question asking to explain matthew 12 verses one to five god willing another time we will now have our closing prayer by elder sell on gilbert ooh and i forgot to thank everyone that participated thank you so much sister stacy anne for starting us off with a poem happy sabbath thank you brother robinson altino for ministering so powerfully amazing grace thank you brother anthony ralph for assisting and asking those questions to elder skeet and elder gilbert thank you to advance for doing the closing prayer all over to you amen it was a joy it was you know the psalmist said the joy of the lord is my strength and as eldasquit spoke it just filled me with power and strength and confidence to keep going on it was uh very um edifying and so we ate until we had a lot to put aside for for another day so even now as we are praying i thought my phone would cut out on me it's say the battery is very low but god kept it so let us pray which was a joy it was a very very good time that we had here today and we are never bored on the sabbath when we are enjoying the things of god amen let us pray father in heaven we thank you we praise you we glorify you lord we are so happy that we were able to ask all these questions to your servant eldest keith i pray lord that he will continue to protect to guide to educate him and use him in ways that he would not even think about but in ways when he reached to heaven he would realize the thing that he did in uh educating and helping save so many lives blessed three months bless us all thank you for all the participants those who asked the question uh be with us and keep us faithful keep us faithful and thank you in jesus name i pray with thanksgiving amen amen amen amen thank you so much elder gilbert and i should say i'm not a doctor yet i am in my third year out of a seven-year bs md program um so i am studying studying to be a medical doctor um and i just want to close out with this song i was supposed to play this song at the beginning of the program and i had forgot um but here it is this is amazing grace you heard brother robinson altino minister amazing grace on the piano but hears it vocally thank you all [Music] how sweet the sound that saved like me [Music] i once was lost but now i am found was blind but now [Music] i see [Music] it was grace that's all it's my [Music] [Music] freely [Music] though how precious how precious did that grace appear [Music] [Applause] and days i have already it was god's grace and grace [Music] when we is [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] everyone that is the end of our program thank you so much for tuning in and i pray that the lord grant you a rich blessing and favor and that we all would leave here with the greater not only understanding of the sabbath but a greater love for god and his requirements for us that they are love um i pray that you are blessed and once again god willing i'll see you all april 10th 2 o'clock p.m eastern standard time as we have a question and answer segment with dr walter vive discussing victory over sin thank you all for tuning in and may god bless you thank you word not for grace that's absolutely correct biblically god is good and all the time psalm 100 verse 5 says for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations generations present generations past and that unending generation to come truth according to the bible will always endure on the other side of that coin we can deduce from that that error will one day come to an end along with those who persist in attaching themselves to error but we thank god that you are lovers of truth if i am correct say amen the bible says sanctify them how through thy truth thy word is truth the question we must always ask is not is it convenient is it easy is it economically profitable the question we must always ask is it true and it is true if it squares with this measure the hands of those of you who are not seventh the advertised you are visiting for the first time mentions you were not a seventh-day adventist you were visiting for the first time raise your hand ah would you stand and give us your name please all right brother kenny came in and the same limousine in which i drove in but the kenny who invited you emmanuel yes god bless you kenny we're delighted you've come and may the lord take care of you in every department of your life and bless your family and i hope your experience with us today is such that you will come back let the church say amen thank you kenny god bless you anyone else you are with us for the first time you are not a set of the adventists please stand there's always a shy person if you know someone just do that and that will solve the shyness problem anyone else all right those of you who are not seventh day out of this but you've kept coming much to our delight just raise your hands you've kept coming you're not assembly happiness ah god bless you my brother i recognize god bless you my sister there's someone else there's not a lovely sister worried aha god bless you god bless you god bless you come on church say amen it is an honor to have you could have been somewhere else by your own choice but you chose to be with us and we recognize that and we thank you and we say from our hearts god bless you and god bring you back again we have a long day ahead of us so i want to plunge right into the message before i do would you kindly turn your fault off so nothing written to the presence of god as we worship the sovereign of the universe we're living in an age when god gets very little respect but i want to remind you of aza you know what happened to him when he touched the ark god has not forgotten how to do that so please let's show god some respect no fault ringing in his presence while you are cooperating with that request i ask you to remember favor number two pray for me while i'm speaking all i want you to say is lord put your words in that man's mouth that is based on jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 which says then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mind please from time to time as i am speaking which will not be long say to god father please put your words in that man's mouth and favor number three i want you very much to think as you listen isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 come now let us do what reason together think let's pray dear father in heaven i need your help without that i'll simply be talking that father i want to preach and so i pray that you have granted me the spirit of truth let him guide me there god from point to point as he speaks grant me the humility to listen to what he says and to tell and for me to say what he tells me to say father i humble myself before you and i thank you for this glorious privilege to speak for you i pray that the same spirit working through me will enlighten the understanding of those who listen father help us to accept the truth as it is in jesus when we leave this service that god let us leave knowing we have met with you and have been touched by you i offer this prayer from my heart in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen our subject one with christ john chapter one reading from verse one john chapter one reading from verse one now i can't wait for you to find it as i usually do because we have a long day and i want to move on quickly without rushing have you found john chapter one reading from verse one the bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men let's review that passage this time we shall read it microscopically in the beginning was the word that's one entity and the word was with god that is a second entity so we have plurality of persons let me uh say that again in the beginning was the word one entity and the word was with god two plurality of persons and the word was god we have equality of persons verse two the same was in the beginning who is the same the word the same was in the beginning with god we have plurality repeated in verse two all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so while we have plurality in verse one we have plurality in verse two we have singularity in verse one of the two one created and that's jesus can somebody say amen for jesus all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was me let me extend that without him can nothing be sustained that was made now let's go back to verse 1. in the beginning was the word we know the word to be christ verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us revelation 19 13 and he was clothed in a vested gifted blood and his name is called the word of god john 14 6 i am the way the truth and the life what is the truth john 17 17 sanctify them through thy truth thy word is true and so in the beginning was the word this was jesus he wasn't called jesus then and the word was with god and the word was god now our limited minds cannot fathom that beginning god really has no beginning but a human mind cannot understand that and so the verse says in the beginning ours as far back as a human mind can go there was the father and the son in unity here i feel a little one-sided standing over there let me centralize myself do you approve say amen amen from as far back as the mind can go they have been the father and the son as one we don't know how long it was before they decided to make the angels and to make the universe but for as far back as we can go father and son were one not one entity but one in mind one in purpose one in height in genesis 1 26 the bible says and god said let us make man in our image now the image of god is wide-ranging it is not just the way god looks ella white writes in patriots and prophets page 45 paragraph two man was to bury god's image both in outward resemblance and in character we can conclude from that when adam was made he looked like god physically or externally but of far more importance he had to look like god in his character so when god said let us make man in our image it wasn't just a character it wasn't just an appearance it was also the way man would function the father and the son always functioned as one and so god made adam in genesis 2 verse 7 and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now let's go to verse 21 of genesis 2 as we continue oneness with christ and the lord god calls a deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took by the way this stress is how individual god is when god made adam he did not exist [Music] if you followed the chronology of genesis 2 eve did not exist when god made adam when god planted the garden eastward in eden he did not exist when he identified the home of adam he did not exist when he gave adam a job description eve did not exist when he told adam the limitations each of those don't hear that eve did not exist when he said it is not good that man should be alone eve did not exist when he brought the animals that adam might name them eve did not exist so when you read genesis 2 verse 7 and the lord god formed man of the dust of the grove of the ground this refers to adam not primarily eve now we come to verse 21 and the lord god caused the deep sleep to fall upon adam now god is about to make eve and in a certain sense he removes adam from the picture by putting him not into a normal sleep but a deep sleep almost as though he'd cease to exist this is one on one and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rip which the lord god had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man having made eve and dealt with her we don't know what he told him then he brought her to adam and then god created the social level having first established the individual level let me say this if you're convicted to give your life to christ don't ask what will my husband say or my wife or my boyfriend or my colleagues on the job or my classmates god deals with you one on one we appear before the judgment seat of christ not as families as individuals now adam has been made he's been revived eve has been made and they come together now listen again to the creation of eve and the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the lord god had taken from man made me a woman and brought her unto the man listen to adam and adam said this is now bone of my mold and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman why because she was taken out of man adam and eve god desired that they be identified so closely it was as if eve was adam's second self you didn't hear what i said well one person heard let me say it again the union between adam and eve wants to be so close you see god could have made you from the dirt just like adam but he made her from a rip from adam oneness so adam said this is not born of my boldness and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of mad she is a part of me she is my other self that's how close we are verse 24 now is god speaking in verse 24 of genesis 2 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and there shall be one flesh father son holy ghost one god man and wife one flesh so we have a belief made in the image of god for the purpose of this message with respect to the oneness between them so we can now humanize john 1 1 in the beginning was adam and adam was with eve and adam and eve were one a reflection of the image of god let's go to john 17. now this image has to be extended to the church john 17 we read from verse 11. our subject one with christ according to twelve i'll try to finish my twelve then we move right into the communion service john 17 reading from verse 12 if you have the king james version read with me what does it say and now i am no more in the world but these are in the world and i come to thee holy father keep through my own name those whom thou has given me finish the verse they may be one i believe i told you sometime during the week god's standards for human beings are not human god's standards for human beings are divine standards do i need to say that again you know a good teacher never thinks that having said something once the students have gotten it we have matthew mark luke john they all tell us christ was crucified why the repetition i don't know but christ repeated repeated repeated let me repeat in the church this oneness that christ prayed for must be modeled upon the oneness between the father and the son and because the church is the body of christ when saul was persecuting the church before he was renamed paul the bible says in acts 9 3 and as he journeyed he came near damascus and suddenly they shine round about him a light from heaven and he fell to the earth and heard the voice saying unto him saul saul why perceive this now me and he said who hath our lord and the lord said i am jesus whom not persecute us but listen to verse one and saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the lord but jesus identifies so closely with the church that what you do for the church is considered as having been done to christ well somebody ought to say amen that's the closeness jesus christ wants with you [Music] and so in matthew 25 verse 40 he says in as much as you've done it unto one of the least of these my brethren finish the verse you have done it unto me that is oneness and so jesus prayed in john 17 11 that they may be won as we are look at verse 22 and the glory which now gives me i have given them finish the verse with me that they may be one even as we are one this bible teaching really really deserves extended reflection how can human beings be one the way god and the father are one well we are not divine beings but we are called upon to behave like divine beings and to the extent two human beings can be one god requires us to be one in our sphere as human beings as god and the son are one in this fear as divine beings [Music] that they may be one as we are and so we have the oneness of the father the son in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god that's oneness we have oneness of adam and eve genesis 2 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and they shall be what flesh now listen again to what adam said in verse 23 this is now born of my bone and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man now let's go to ephesians 5 we have 10 minutes ephesians 5 we'll read from verse 25 our subject one with christ ephesians 5 reading from verse 25 i shall begin reading i can't wait husbands love your wives even as christ also love the church here again we have a divine standard for human beings if men love their wives the way christ loves the church what might not exist divorced now i grant you if one partner is determined to divorce there's nothing the other one can do i understand that but if spouses loved each other the way christ loves the church and gave himself for it divorce would be something you observed in a museum husbands all husbands raise your hands all right love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself already that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the world that he might present to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish now read verse 28 with me now what does it say so are remember what i said earlier he was adam's what other self so are meant to love their wives as their own that she is me as verily as my father and i are one john 10 30 even though we are numerically two separate entities in every other way we are one that must exist in human families he that loveth himself his wife loveth himself verse 29 for no man ever yet hated his own flesh but what nourishes it and cherishes it for the verse even as the law of the church we have a repetition of the divine standard for human behavior the standard for marriage is not brad pitt and angelina jolie the standard for marriage is not abraham and sarah it is christ and the church that's a divine standard of oneness required of human beings let's reread verse 29 again for no man ever yet what hated his own flesh but nourishes it which means if a man loves his wife the way he loves himself he cannot divorce that woman he can he'll die first which is what christ did christ couldn't divorce the church when mankind said christ could have divorced them permanently but he preferred to die than they forced him he died to make a way to stay for no man ever hated his own flesh but luvishes it and cherish with it what do you understand by nourish when you nourish yourself what are you doing you're building up your your constitution you're strengthening your new system the bible says the man who loves his wife will nourish that woman in other words if she married you july 2015 by july 2016 she should be a far more superior woman because of you amen you have noticed her she should feel special why because you have cherished her so much that you're not even aware other women exist she fills your eyes so completely verse 30 read that with me now and tell me where that verse sends your mind read with me for real members of his body of his flesh and of his bones stop where did your mind go genesis 2 23 listen to adam this is now born of my bone and flesh of my flesh who is the second or last atom you're too slow who is the second or last adam christ don't hesitate now this is his spiritual eve give me your other name the church now what did philip say lord show us the father and it sufficeth us now the father could not be seen by not natural eyes he cannot he can only be seen through christ and christ said have i been so a long time with you and yet has thou not known me for them finish the verse he that have seen me have seen the father in some mysterious way when someone sees you they should see your spouse in an even higher way when someone sees the church as it ought to be finish my thoughts they've seen christ there's no symbolic language i'm being very literal when the church is what it is supposed to be when you observe the church you're observing christ in action because he is the head of the body amen what am i saying at 5 minutes to 12 god is desiring or he desires a relationship with you that is so close that he's closer to you than he is the unfallen angels let me express what i mean jesus still has human form in heaven when he rose in luke 24 from verse 36 and as they thus spake jesus himself stood in the midst of them and saith unto them peace be unto you but they were terrified and the frightened and supposed that they had seen a spirit and he said of them why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your heart behold my hands are my feet that it is i myself in the greek that's the intensive it is i myself why is he saying behold my hands on my feet his hands still carry the scars of the crucifixion and his feet now this is christ in his glorified wizard body as mentioned in philippians 3 verses 20 and 21 the same body we will have when we rise incorruptible yet it's still for the marks of the crucifixion and why they yet believed not for joy and wondered he said unto them have ye here any meat and they gave him a piece of a broiled fish of a honeycomb christ proved that he was human because he said a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have this is the resurrected christ what am i saying right now in heaven christ is still human even as he's god now i'm trying to emphasize how close christ wants to be with you we have father son holy ghost the father is a spirit the holy ghost is girl his spirit jesus is both god and man so christ took his humanity with him right into the godhead which opens our eyes to this reality that god's desire for us is that we be united with him in a way no angel enjoys there's a saying something's too good to be true and you may apply that thinking to what i just said don't do that let me say it again god desires a union with us that places us closer to him than gabriel and so you look at the godhead you see father son holy spirit three divine beings then you see a human nature in the godhead you see no angel represented of the godhead no angel colossians 3 verse 1 if he then be risen with christ the one seek those things which are above set your affectional things above not on things of the earth with christianity on the right hand of god what does that mean the right hand of god is the site of power when the angel appeared to zacharias in the temple luke chapter 1 verse 10 to 12 he appeared on the right side of the altar of incense where jesus said he launched out into the deep-fried wrath the disciples cast the net on the right side of the ship the bible consistently portrays christ as occupying a position on the right hand of god and that's where we are in him amen there isn't an angel on the right hand of god this is oneness with christ but we have to believe it when we believe that and we assimilate that so it goes to all our cells while behavior must change i am one with christ when i am dating my girlfriend i am one with christ when i'm offered a job that requires me to work on sabbath and one with christ and one with christ when i come into conflict with somebody and one with grace and that oneness if it's genuine should produce a divine response can you contin can you think of a higher privilege than that to be literally united with god listen to ellen white conflict and courage page 21 paragraph five god created man for his glory that after testing trial the human family might become one with the heavenly family it was always god's desire the human not the angelic family the human family might become one with the heavenly family it was god's purpose to repopulate heaven with the human family if they would show themselves obedient to his every word my brothers and sisters we serve a god whose standards for us are so high the standards soar above the heads of the highest angels yes we were made a little lower than the angels but it was never god's will that we remained there we would begin there and through obedience we would rise to a level above the angels i pray you ask god to help you to believe that so many of us rather than living as though we were made a little lower than the angels we behave as though we were made a little lower than the animals and yet god's ambition for us is to be one with him through christ and so jesus said in john 14 16 and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it sees him not neither knoweth him but he know him for he dwelleth with you finish the verse and shall be in you when god made adam he did not dwell in adam when christ walked with the disciples he did not dwell in them he was with them through the spirit of god christ dwells in us no angel claims that privilege my brothers and sisters how can you turn your back on that kind of offer to be united with god didn't we not read was it last night the night before i am you're the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringer forth much fruit abide in me and i you that's what god desires and so today our theme is oneness with christ and by the way i must confess i was not aware of the theme but i chose the message so i sat and listened to the pastor i was i said father you have a way of knowing what to do i said listen to the pastor i realized god has given me the right message my brothers and sisters i want you to recommit your life to a god whose ambition is for you for you is that you and he would be one that begins with a complete surrender to christ because god wants to love you as much as he loves jesus listen to what jesus prayed in john 17 23 i in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou has sent me and has loved them as thou has loved me let me say it again god wants to love you as much as he loves jesus but there's a condition bible commentary volume 5 page 11 42 paragraph 6 the believer may bear the testimony in his life and character that god loves the human agent who obeys his commands as he loves his son she goes on to say how amazing is this statement almost beyond the comprehension of the finite mind how can god love me as much as he loves jesus when i am one with christ are you listening god wants to love you now god has a general love for everybody for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son but listen to mark to john 14 21 he that hath my commandments and keepeth them here is that love with me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and i will love him and will manifest myself to him clearly that verse expresses a level of love not available to those who are disobedient and disconnected from christ yes the bible says he may give the sun to rise on the evil and of the good and settleth reign on the just and on the unjust yes god has a global universal love for every created being but there is a level of love a depth reserved only for those who unite themselves to christ in desire of ages page 761 paragraph five elohim writes these amazing words speaking of lucifer before he said she said to him as to no other created being was given a revelation of god's love lucifer understood god's love in a way no other angel understood by god's deliberate choice and when we connect to christ god deliberately loves us as much as he loves jesus i don't know what the world has to offer that can attract someone from there but to turn away from that is to say i deserve hell but god is not willing that they should perish and so this morning as you think of what you've heard oneness with christ i hope it has reached your heart because when you experience that oneness every area of your life changes your thinking changes you begin to think like god you see the world through god's eyes you respond to circumstances through god's eyes not human eyes and so today i ask god put into me a desire a yearning a love for this oneness with dfinity oneness by me unity with uniting with me will not bring god down it will take me up which means that ultimately god's desire for you is that you be the closest thing to god himself the most powerful beings in the universe speaking of lucifer ella white writes in the faith i live by page 66 paragraph two god made him good and beautiful as near as possible like himself he made lucifer as much like himself as he could the only reason why lucifer was a god you can't make god god's desire for us is to take lucifer's place so that we will one day be as close to god as a created being can be above angels who've never sinned now this is love that we cannot understand but we must accept and so i ask god to give me a thirst a yen a yearning a restless desire a sense of desperation to have that oneness with my savior how many of you will say father i want to be one with jesus the way jesus is one with you may see your honest right hand stand up with me in galatians chapter 3 verse 26 paul says as many of you as i've been baptized into christ have put on christ that's the step into that union baptism is the visible symbol of the act of putting on christ so that you wear christ in a certain sense and he wears you this is i'm in you and you in me and we have some candidates who will be baptized today symbolically they will put on christ and christ will put them on i ask again is this someone else who is considering baptism you may be considering it or it just crossed your mind this morning but you want to say to god father i'm willing at some point to be baptized and to make known my desire to be one with christ i am willing at some point let god see you willing to be baptized is this someone who will make that decision nice you have i am willing at some point to be baptized to put on christ just raise your hand don't be afraid just raise it i can't stay long i am willing at some point in the future having heard what i have heard as i have come i am willing to be baptized and to put on christ just raise your hand every time a preacher makes an appeal a war begins immediately a battle begins one side says don't respond the other side says respond who wins this up to you 30 seconds and i make another call i'm willing to be baptized to express visibly what has been going on in my heart this conviction that i need to live for my savior 20 seconds with that request i ask you to remember number two pray for me while i'm speaking all i want you to say is lord put your words in that man's mouth that is based on jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 which says then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mind please from time to time as i will not belong say to god father please put your words in that man's mouth and favor number three i want you very much to think as you listen isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 come now let us do what reason together think let's pray dear father in heaven i need your help without that i'll simply be talking but father i want to preach and so i pray that you've granted me the spirit of truth let him guide me there god from point to point as he speaks grant me the humility to listen to what he says and to tell and for me to say what he tells me to say father i humble myself before you and i thank you for this glorious privilege to speak for you i pray that the same spirit working through me will enlighten the understanding of those who listen father help us to accept the truth as it is in jesus when we leave this service dear god let us leave knowing we have met with you and have been touched by you i offer this prayer from my heart in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen our subject one with christ john chapter one reading from verse one john chapter one reading from verse one now i can't wait for you to find it as i usually do because we have a long day and i want to move on quickly without rushing have you found john chapter one reading from verse one the bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men let's review that passage this time we shall read it microscopically in the beginning was the word that's one entity and the word was with god that is a second entity so we have plurality of persons let me uh say that again in the beginning was the word one entity and the word was with god two plurality of persons and the word was god we have equality of persons verse two the same was in the beginning who is the same the word the same was in the beginning with god we have plurality repeated in verse two all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so while we have plurality in verse one we have plurality in verse two we have singularity in verse one of the two one created and that's jesus can somebody say amen for jesus all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was me let me extend that without him can nothing be sustained that was made now let's go back to verse one in the beginning was the word we know the word to be christ verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us revelation 19 13 and he was clothed in a festive dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god john 14 6 i am the way the truth and the life what is the truth john 17 17 sanctify them through thy truth thy word is true and so in the beginning was the word this was jesus he wasn't called jesus then and the word was with god and the word was god now our limited minds cannot fathom that beginning god really has no beginning but the human mind cannot understand that and so the verse says in the beginning ours as far back as a human mind can go there was the father and the son in unity here i feel a little one-sided standing over there let me centralize myself do you approve say amen amen from as far back as the mind can go they have been the father and the son as one we don't know how long it was before they decided to make the angels and to make the universe but for as far back as we can go father and son were one not one entity but one in mind one in purpose one in heart in genesis 1 26 the bible says and god said let us make man in our image now the image of god is wide-ranging it is not just the way god looks ella white writes in patriots and prophets page 45 paragraph two man was to bury god's image both in outward resemblance and in character we can conclude from that when adam was made he looked like god physically or externally but of far more importance he had to look like god in his character so when god said let us make man in our image it wasn't just a character it wasn't just an appearance it was also the way man would function the father and the son always functioned as one and so god made adam in genesis 2 verse 7 and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathe into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now let's go to verse 21 of genesis 2 as we continue oneness with christ and the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took by the way this stress is how individual god is when god made adam he did not exist [Music] if you follow the chronology of genesis 2 eve did not exist when god made adam when god planted the garden eastward in eden he did not exist when he identified the home of adam he did not exist when he gave adam a job description eve did not exist when he told adam the limitations either those don't eat of that eve did not exist when he said it is not good that man should be alone eve did not exist when he brought the animals that adam might name them eve did not exist so when you read genesis 2 verse 7 and the lord god formed man of the dust of the grove of the ground this refers to adam not primarily eve now we come to verse 21 and the lord god calls the deep sleep to fall upon adam now god is about to make eve and in a certain sense he removes adam from the picture by putting him not into a normal sleep but a deep sleep almost as though he ceased to exist this is one on one and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rip which the lord god had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man having made eve and dealt with her we don't know what he told her then he brought her to adam and then god created the social level having first established the individual level let me say this if ever you're convicted to give your life to christ don't ask what will my husband say or my wife or my boyfriend or my colleagues on the job or my classmates god deals with you one on one we appear before the judgment seat of christ not as families as individuals now adam has been made he's been revived eve has been made and they come together now listen again to the creation of eve and the lord god caused the deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took one of his roots closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the lord god had taken from man made me a woman and brought her unto the man listen to adam and adam said this is now bone of my bold and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman why because she was taken out of man adam and eve god desired that they be identified so closely it was as if eve was adam's second self you didn't hear what i said well one person heard let me say it again the union between adam and eve wants to be so close you see god could have made you from the dirt just like adam but he made her from a rib from adam oneness so adam said this is not born of my boldness and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man she is a part of me she is my other self that's how close we are verse 24 now is god speaking in verse 24 of genesis 2 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and there shall be one flesh father son holy ghost one god man and wife one flesh so we have adam belief made in the image of god for the purpose of this message with respect to the oneness between them so we can now humanize john 1 1 in the beginning was adam and adam was with eve and adam and eve were one a reflection of the image of god let's go to john 17. now this image has to be extended to the church john 17 we read from verse 11 our subject one with christ according to 12. i'll try to finish by 12. then we move right into the communion service john 17 reading from verse 12 if you have the king james version read with me what does it say and now i am no more in the world but these are in the world and i come to thee holy father keep through thy own name those whom thou has given me finish the verse i believe i told you sometime during the week god's standards for human beings are not human god's standards for human beings are divine standards do i need to say that again you know a good teacher never thinks that having said something once the students of god we have matthew mark luke john they all tell us christ was crucified why the repetition i don't know but christ repeated repeated repeated let me repeat in the church this oneness that christ prayed for must be modeled upon the oneness between the father and the son and because the church is the body of christ when saul was persecuting the church before he was renamed paul the bible says in acts 9 verse 3 and as he journeyed he came near damascus and suddenly they shined round about him a light from heaven and he fell to the earth and heard the voice saying unto him saul saul why perceive us now me and he said who i thou lord and the lord said i am jesus whom not persecuted but listen to verse one and saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the lord but jesus identified so closely with the church that what you do for the church is considered as having been done to christ well somebody ought to say amen that's the closeness jesus christ wants with you [Music] and so in matthew 25 40 he says in as much as you've done it unto one of the least of these my brethren finish the verse you have done it unto me that is oneness and so jesus prayed in john 17 11 that they may be one as we are look at verse 22 and the glory which now gives me i have given them finish the verse with me that they may be one even as we are one this bible teaching really really deserves extended reflection how can human beings be one the way god and the father are one well we are not divine beings but we are called upon to behave like divine beings and to the extent two human beings can be one god requires us to be one in our sphere as human beings as god and the son are one in this fear as divine beings [Music] that they may be one as we are and so we have the oneness of the father the son in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god that's oneness we have oneness of adam and eve genesis 2 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and they shall be what fresh now listen again to what adam said in verse 23 this is now born of my bone and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man now let's go to ephesians 5. we have 10 minutes ephesians 5 we'll read from verse 25 our subject one with christ ephesians 5 reading from verse 25 i shall begin reading i can't wait husbands love your wives even as christ also love the church here again we have a divine standard for human beings if men love their wives the way christ loves the church what might not exist divorced now i grant you if one partner is determined to divorce there's nothing the other one can do i understand that but if spouses loved each other the way christ loves the church and gave himself for it the voice would be something you observed in a museum husbands all husbands raise your hands all right love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself already that he might and cleanse it with the washing of water by the world that he might present to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish now read verse 28 with me now what does it say so on men to love their wives now as their own bodies remember what i said earlier he was adam's what other self so are meant to love their wives as their own that she is me as verily as my father and i are one john 10 30 even though we are numerically two separate entities in every other way we are one that must exist in human families he that loveth himself his wife in love with himself verse 29 for no man ever yet hated his own flesh but what nourishes it and cherishes it for the verse even as the law of the church we have a repetition of the divine standard for human behavior the standards for marriage is not brad pitt and angelina jolie the standard for marriage is not abraham and sarah it is christ and the church that's a divine standard of oneness required of human beings let's reread verse 29 again for no man ever yet what hated his own flesh but nourishes it which means if a man loves his wife the way he loves himself he cannot divorce that woman he'll die first which is what christ did christ could have divorced the church when mankind said christ could have divorced them permanently but he preferred to die that they forced him he died to make a way to stay for no man ever yet hated his own flesh but novices it and cherished with it what do you understand by nourish when you nourish yourself what are you doing you're building up your your constitution you're strengthening your new system the bible says the man who loves his wife will nourish that well in other words if she married you july 2015 by july 2016 she should be a far more superior woman because of you amen you have never she should feel special why because you have cherished her so much that you're not even aware other women exist she fills your eyes so completely verse 30 read that with me now and tell me where that verse sends your mind read with me for real members of his body of his flesh and of his bones stop where did your mind go genesis 2 23 listen to adam this is now born of my bone and flesh of my flesh who is the second or last adam too slow who is the second or last adam christ don't hesitate now this is his spiritual eve give me your other name the church now as adam said this is now bone of my bone and fresh of my flesh the bible says spiritually we are bone of christ bone and flesh of this square members of his body of his flesh and of his bones it is an expression of the oneness jesus christ desires with the church first at an individual level and secondly at a corporate level jesus wants to be one with you my brother my sister so closely that you are literally i'm gonna confuse you right now literally in a spiritual sense bone of his bone flesh of his flesh when the father sees you he sees christ what did philip say lord show us the father and it sufficeth us now the father could not be seen by not natural eyes he cannot he can only be seen through christ and christ said have i been so long time with you and yet hast thou not known me servant finish the verse he that have seen me have seen the father in some mysterious way when someone sees you they should see your spouse in an even higher way someone sees the church as it ought to be finish my thoughts they say christ there's no symbolic language i'm being very literal when the church is what it is supposed to be when you observe the church you're observing christ in action because he is the head of the body amen what am i saying in 5 minutes to 12 god is desiring or he desires a relationship with you that is so close that he's closer to you than he is the unfallen angels let me express what i mean jesus still has human form in heaven when he rose in luke 24 from verse 36 and as did spake jesus himself stood in the midst of them and saith unto them peace be unto you but they were terrified and the frightened and supposed that they had seen a spirit and he said of them why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your heart behold my hands on my feet that it is i myself in the greek that's the intensive it is i myself why is he saying behold my hands on my feet his hands still carry the scars of the crucifixion and his feet now this is christ in his glorified wizard body as mentioned in philippians 3 verses 20 21 the same body we will have when we rise incorruptible yet it still bore the marks of the crucifixion and why they yet believed not for joy and wondered he said unto them have ye hear any meat and they gave him a piece of a broiled fish of a honeycomb christ proved that he was human because he said a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have this is the resurrected christ what am i saying right now in heaven christ is still human even as he's god now i'm trying to emphasize how close christ wants to be with you we have father son holy ghost the father's the spirit the only ghost is clearly his spirit jesus is both god and man so christ took his humanity with him right into the godhead which opens our eyes to this reality that god's desire for us is that we be united with him in a way no angel enjoys there's a saying something's too good to be true that you may apply that thinking to what i just said don't do that let me say it again god desires a union with us that places us closer to him than gabriel [Music] and so you look at the godhead you see father son holy spirit three divine beings then you see a human nature in the godhead you see no angel represented in the godhead no angel colossians 3 verse 1 if he then be risen with christ do uh seek those things which are above set your affectional things above not on things of the earth with christianity on the right hand of god what does that mean the right hand of god is the sight of power when the angel appeared to zacharias in the temple luke chapter 1 verse 10 to 12 he appeared on the right side of the altar of vincent where jesus said he launched up into the deep-fried wrath the disciples cast the net on the right side of the ship the bible consistently portrays christ as occupying a position on the right hand of god and that's where we are in him amen there isn't an angel on the right hand of god this is oneness with christ but we have to believe it when we believe that and we assimilate that so it goes to all our cells while behavior must change [Music] i am one with christ when i'm dating my girlfriend i'm one with christ when i'm offered a job that requires me to work on sabbath and one with christ i'm one with christ when i come into conflict with somebody and one with grace and that oneness if it's genuine should produce a divine response can you contin can you think of a higher privilege than that to be literally united with god listen to ellen white conflict and courage page 21 paragraph five god created man for his glory that after testing trial the human family might become one with the heavenly family it was always god's desire the human not the angelic family the human family might become one with the heavenly family it was god's purpose to repopulate heaven with the human family if they would show themselves obedient to his every word my brothers and sisters we serve a god whose standards for us are so high the standards soar above the heads of the highest angels yes we were made a little lower than the angels but it was never god's will that we remained there we would begin there and through obedience we would rise to a level above the angels i pray you ask god to help you to believe that so many of us rather than living as though we were made a little lower than the angels we behave as though we were made a little lower than the animals and yet god's ambition for us is to be one with him through christ and so jesus said in john 14 16 and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it sees him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you finish the verse and shall be in you when god made adam he did not dwell in adam when christ walked with the disciples he did not dwell in them he was with them through the spirit of god christ dwells in us no angel claims that privilege my brothers and sisters how can you turn your back on that kind of offer to be united with god did we not read was it last night the night before i am divine you're the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringer forth much fruit abide in me and i you that's what god desires and so today our theme is oneness with christ and by the way i must confess i was not aware of the theme but i chose the message so i said listen to the pastor i was i said father you have a way of knowing what to do i say listen to the pastor i realize god has given me the right message my brothers and sisters i want you to recommit your life to a god whose ambition is for you for you is that you and he would be one that begins with a complete surrender to christ because god wants to love you as much as he loves jesus listen to what jesus prayed in john 7 23 i in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou has sent me and has loved them as thou has loved me let me say it again god wants to love you as much as he loves jesus but there's a condition bible commentary volume 5 page 11 42 paragraph six the believer may bear the testimony in his life and character that god loves the human agent who obeys his commands as he loves his son she goes on to say how amazing is this statement almost beyond the comprehension of the finite mind how can god love me as much as he loves jesus when i am one with christ are you listening god wants to love you now god has a general love for everybody for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son but listen to mark to john 14 21 he that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that love with me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and i will love him and will manifest myself to him clearly that verse expresses a level of love not available to those who are disobedient and disconnected from christ yes the bible says he may give the sun to rise on the evil and of the good and settleth ray on the just and on the unjust yes god has a global universal love for every created being but there is a level of love a depth reserved only for those who unite themselves to christ in desire of ages page 761 paragraph five element writes these amazing words speaking of lucifer before he said she said to him as to no other created being was given a revelation of god's love lucifer understood god's love in a way no other angel understood by god's deliberate choice and when we connect to christ god deliberately loves us as much as he loves jesus i don't know what the world has to offer that can attract someone from there but to turn away from that is to say i deserve hell but god is not willing that they should perish and so this morning as you think of what you've heard oneness with christ i hope it has reached your heart because when you experience that oneness every area of your life changes your thinking changes you begin to think like god you see the world through god's eyes you respond to circumstances through god's eyes not human eyes and so today i asked god put into me a desire a yearning a love for this oneness with dfinity oneness by name unity with uniting with me will not bring god down it will take me up which means that ultimately god's desire for you is that you be the closest thing to god himself the most powerful beings in the universe speaking of lucifer ellen white writes in the fifth i live by page 66 paragraph two god made him good and beautiful as near as possible like himself he made lucifer as much like himself as he could the only reason why lucifer was a god you can't make god god's desire for us is to take lucifer's place so that we will one day be as close to god as a created thing can be above angels who've never sinned now this is love that we cannot understand but we must accept and so i ask god to give me a thirst a yen a yearning a restless desire a sense of desperation to have that oneness with my savior how many of you will say father i want to be one with jesus the way jesus is one with you mention your honest right hand stand up with me in galatians chapter 3 verse 26 paul says as many of you as i've been baptized into christ have put on christ that's the step into that union baptism is the physical symbol of the act of putting on christ so that you wear christ in a certain sense and he wears you that says i'm in you and you in me and we have some candidates who will be baptized today symbolically they will put on christ and christ will put them on i ask again is this someone else who is considering baptism you may be considering it or just crossed your mind this morning but you want to say to god father i'm willing at some point to be baptized and to make known my desire to be one with christ i am willing at some point let god see you willing to be baptized is this someone who will make that decision nice you have i am willing at some point to be baptized to put on christ just raise your hand don't be afraid just raise it i can't stay long i am willing at some point in the future having heard what i have heard as i have come i am willing to be baptized and to put on christ just raise your hand every time a preacher makes an appeal a war begins immediately a battle begins one site says don't respond the other side says respond who wins is up to you 30 seconds and i make another call i'm willing to be baptized to express visibly what has been going on in my heart this conviction that i need to live for my savior 20 seconds let's raise your hand express your willingness to be baptized at some point in the future 10 seconds i have another call then i pray the call is father i'm willing to be baptized all re-baptized you know the life you've lived they have one read baptism is biblical in acts 19 verse 1 to 7 12 disciples were re-baptized evangelism 3 75 paragraph 2 the servant of the lord writes when a soul is reconverted let that soul be remanded so we have one of the hairdresser for re-baptism any one of us baptism or reefer our sister god bless you we have two we have three now i need the names taken right now before we do anything else i need the name please someone help the pastor so we can do it quickly keep your hands up please if it's not physically uncomfortable baptism already baptism we have elder write down just go right here to your left then we have someone in the back just give us your name we need to pray for you and contact information the call is a willingness to be baptized or re-baptized just raise your hand extend into 30 seconds quite obviously we have these two names here pastor okay we get it let me take your hand down sister it's okay we have a handbag here okay everyone else sometimes you just need to start with god i was in south korea let me be quick it's already 10 after 12 sorry and i was preaching for a weekend i made a call 50 people came forward with god and so i ask you again is anyone else will make a decision either for baptism for the first time read baptism pastor we have our name back here we are the son of god back there everyone else you know the life you've lived god knows it the church doesn't what you do right right back here elder we have someone who came together stand back here so everyone is covered forgive me for the slight delay but this is life or death all right anyone else stand again with god and tell god with your help i'll never leave you again i'll never train never flat lie growth growing grace that's the ambition you've gotten the names hezbollah has closed before i pray is there a visitor you've been coming you'd like some additional bible studies before you make your decision let me see your hand you've been coming you're not an adventist you'd like some bible studies to clarify some points before you make a decision for baptism let me see your help you've been coming you'd like some more information information is good don't wait to know everything that will never happen your visitor you'd like some bible studies to make an intelligent decision just raise your hand anyone who fits in the square oh where are okay right god bless you my brother right over there elder right against the wall was there someone in the back okay right here against the wall good strong man god bless you get his information okay do we have his name all right anyone else i'm a visitor but i've been coming why have you been coming you like what you've been hearing i'd like a little more information before i make a decision for baptism raise your hand is there nothing is there's nothing that will stop you raise your hand if you think there's something that'll stop you raise your hand and commit that thing to god he's the god of the impossible we have to pray now father in heaven in the name of jesus dear god open our eyes our minds to appreciate the eye calling you have for us it is your desire that we be one with christ and thereby one with you as jesus and you were one way back in the beginning as adam and eve were one as church members and to be one we are to be one with you through christ thank god give us a spiritual ambition their father give us so enough for spiritual delights remove from us all attraction to the world that blunts and numbs our desire for spiritual things a union with the father through christ should be our highest ambition we thank you for the decisions for re-baptism dear god fill those persons with your spirit that no power on earth will change their minds and for those in the valley of decision move upon their hearts their god that they may decide for you because the longer they wait the more difficult it is for them to decide for christ bless their communion servants they god let everything be done to your names honor and glory i pray let god's people say amen and amen poem sister stacy we're going to move right along with our program today and we will be favored by a
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Keywords: randy skeete sermons, randy skeete sermons on marriage, randy skeete sermons 2018, randy skeete sermons on relationships, randy skeete sermons 2021, randy skeete sermons gyc, randy skeete sermons on prayer, randy skeete sermons 2019, randy skeete sermons august 2020, sermons by randy skeete, Randy Skeete Sermon - SOMEBODY IS LYING ( A NEW DAY ), IN DEPTH STUDY OF THE GENESIS BOOK, Randy Skeete Sermon - THINKING OF YOU
Id: YXNIweVuQkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 39sec (14259 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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