The Need for Prayer | Randy Skeete

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and God spake all these words saying   i am the law thy God which have brought thee out  of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage   thou shalt have no other gods before me  thou shalt not make unto thee any grim   image or any likeness of anything that is in  heaven above or that is in the earth beneath   or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt  not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for i   the lord thy god am a jealous god visiting the  iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto   the third and fourth generation of them that hate  me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that   love me and keep my commandments thou shalt  not take the name of the lord thy god in vain   for the lord will not hold him giftless that  taketh his name in vain remember the sabbath day   to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do  all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath   of the lord thy god in it thou shalt not do  any work thou not thy son nor thy daughter   thy manservant nor thy maidservant not thy  cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates   for in six days the lord made heaven and earth  the sea and all that in them is and rested the   seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the  sabbath day and hallowed it honor thy father   and thy mother that thy days may be long upon  the land which the law thy god giveth thee   thou shalt not kill thou shalt not commit adultery   thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear  a false witness against thy neighbor   thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house  thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife   nor his man's servant nor his maidservant nor his  ox nor his ass nor anything that is thy neighbors   happy sabbath everyone i'm very grateful to  god for this splendid privilege he's given me   to fellowship with you this way and my sabbath  greeting extends to all those connecting with us   somehow via the internet whether it's facebook  or youtube however you're connecting thank you   very much for your interest in the word of god and  for tuning in i am particularly eager to welcome   anyone listening who is not a seventh-day  adventist if you are following thank you very   much we are honored by your presence and i use  the word presence deliberately there's a brand   new way to be present in church these days that  is via these electronic platforms thank you very   much for joining us and may god specially bless  you for being a part of this service tonight   i am grateful to this the leadership of the  church for entrusting this sacred desk to me   and my reassurance to you as it has been to god is  that i will deliver the words of truth as they are   in christ jesus our emphasis of course is watching  and praying and we are at a time in our lives   earth's history when surely we have  to watch and pray and pray and watch   in a critical time in his life in the garden of  gethsemane when jesus appealed to his disciples   watch with me one brief hour they could not do  it and they fell asleep this is no time to sleep   because we really are from the time i came to the  adventist church long long long time ago i heard   that christ was coming and people have always said  that but surely the conditions in this world today   bring us to the point of concluding that  jesus christ really is coming sooner   than we suspect one of the great tragedies  that will be with his coming is that he will   catch many members of the church by surprise  he will not catch his children by surprise   he will catch many members of the church by  surprise because those who those two things   are not always the same and i speak with  deep respect but i may also speak directly   not all members of the church are children of god  and so he will catch many members of the church   by surprise but hopefully you are more than just a  member of the church you are indeed a child of god   and the child of god lives by every word  that proceedeth out of the mouth of god   before i go any further let me ask you to do  three little favors for me they're very simple   favor number one wherever you are preserve  reverence you may be in your home preserve   reverence why because we are worshiping  god and the holiness of god does not change   because we are via this platform called zoom or  youtube or facebook that does not reduce minimize   or dilute the holiness of god god is always god  regardless of where he chooses to be and since   our purpose is to worship him let us do so in  spirit that is the spirit of god and in truth   favor number two while i'm speaking pray  for me and simply say lord put your words   in that man's mouth my words have no life  my words cannot save you the words of god   can change your life the words of god can  reclaim that lost member who left the church   the words of god can redirect your steps the  words of god can heal your physical diseases   i desire to speak the words of god in  jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 the bible says   then the lord put forth his hand and touched  my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i   have put my words in thy mouth and those are  the words i desire to speak so from time to time   pray that prayer and god will hear you because  the bible says in first john 5 14 and this is   the confidence that we have in him that if we  ask anything according to his will he heareth   us and to ask him to give me the right words is  surely the will of god then favor number three   think isaiah 1 18 come now let us reason together  saith the lord that gives me the reassurance that   i serve a reasonable god satan is unreasonable god  is reasonable and so god tells you come now that's   you and god through the word let us reason  together use your common sense use your mind   use the intellect god gave you and in so  doing the spirit of god will bless your mind   our subject the need for prayer let's  pray dear god we're alive by your mercy   we are here because your angels brought us safely  we thank you to god that despite the pandemic   which has restricted gatherings and movement  we can still assemble this way and indeed the   preacher's voice can be heard at a much greater  distance before we go any further further   if we have sinned against you forgive  us our only problem father is sin   your only problem with us is sin the world's only  problem is sin forgive us where we have offended   you particularly forgive me because my duty my  task my burden is to deliver spiritual things   and i am made of dirt help me father cleanse  me and grant me an infilling of your spirit   that my urge my desire my aim may be to  glorify your name by lifting up the truth   suppress my carnal nature father and let only the  glory of god be seen bless those who listening in   person and via the internet touch them with truth  their god for it is truth alone that sanctifies   it is truth alone that makes people free a very  special blessing on all our guests who are not   seventh-day adventists we're honored by their  presence and we ask you to bless them their god   to such a degree they will want to worship with  us again if anyone listening to my voice has   contracted the coronavirus i ask in the name  of jesus who healed everyone who came to him   touch that person they god and restore that  person 100 because you're a god who heals   your word tells us in exodus 15 26 i am the  lord that healeth thee in psalm 103 verse 3   who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth  all thy diseases and in psalm 107 verse 20 he   sent his word and healed them father heal anyone  who may have contracted that virus now dear god   i commit this service to your glory speak through  me i pray in jesus name amen the need for prayer go with me to acts 17 we'll read from verse 22   and I read from the King James Version of  the bible acts 17 reading from verse 22. the book of acts the central figure  of the book of acts is not paul   it's the holy spirit I thought i shall let you  know that the central figure the superstar of   the book of acts is the holy spirit acts 17  reading from verse 22 and again i asked god   to put his words in my mouth very directly then  paul stood in the midst of mars hill and said   ye man of Athens i perceive that in all  things you too superstitious for as i   passed by and beheld your devotions i found an  altar with this inscription to the unknown god   whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him declare  i unto you god that made the world on all things   therein seeing that he is Lord of heaven and  earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands   neither is worship with men's hands as though  he needed anything seeth he giveth to all life   and breath and all things we pause there at 25.  listen to 24 and 25. god that made the worlds   and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of  heaven and earth because he also made the heavens   dwelleth not in temples made with hands there's  a common belief you come to church to meet god God does not live in a church acts chapter  7 verse 47 Solomon built him a temple   how be it the most high dwelleth  not in temples made with hands   as saith the prophet heaven is my throne and  earth is my footstool what house will he build   me saith the lord or what is the place of my rest  hath not my hands made all these things so god   is saying you cannot house me i don't dwell in a  building the building cannot truly accommodate me and so we go back to acts 17 24 25 the  most high he does not dwell in houses   neither is worship with men's hands  verse 25 as though he needed anything consider those words microscopically  as though he needed anything god   is not in a position of  need for his survival we are let ellen white tell you how extreme our need is  councils on debts and foods page 56 paragraph two   he is caring for us every moment he  keeps the living machinery in action   if we were left to run it for one moment we  should die we are absolutely dependent upon god i'll repeat that last statement councils on  diet and foods page 56 paragraph two we are   absolutely dependent upon god keep this in mind  and go back to acts 17 we shall read verse 28   our subject the need for prayer acts 17 verse 28  before i read it i'll pray again father please   speak through me i pray in the name of Jesus amen  for in him we live and move and have our being you've read that many times look  at it again for in him we live   and move and have our being this is comprehensive when i walked up to the pulpit  i walked up by the power of god   muscles had to move certain things had to  fire electrical impulses had to be released   action potentials i think the experts  called them all of that had to happen   and all of that is kept functioning by  the word of god he upholdeth all things   by the word of his power i walked up  to this pulpit by the power of god you can hear me by the power of god you see me by  the power of god if god withdrew his sustaining   hand everything would collapse and so the servant  of the Lord says if we were left to run it for one   moment we should die Jesus says without me finish  it for me he can do nothing spiritual or physical   which means we are absolutely dependent upon God  and God has no needs for his continued survival   or existence because god himself is life  let me say it again god himself is life   he does not have to be fed and nourished in  that sense he does not need anything from us   we need everything from god now this condition  of need did not begin when adam and eve sinned   every created thing depends upon god long before sin as said with the Adventists we ought to feel  our need for god more than any other perhaps   religion on the face of the earth  because the principle of the sabbath   is dependence the consciousness of  being dependent upon god and by the   way that sabbath principle of dependence  must be with us sabbath Sunday Monday   Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday so in a  certain sense we are sabbath keepers on Tuesday you didn't get that it's my fault let me  try again we are sabbath keepers on Tuesday i didn't say we keep the sabbath on Tuesday  i said we are sabbath keepers on Tuesday why   because Tuesday or Thursday we live with  the consciousness i am dependent upon god Lucifer hated that he did not want to  depend upon god he wanted to be his own   boss and you know the rest of that sad story  we are dependent upon God and this dependence   i said it existed before sin because everything  created depends upon god animate and inanimate if it sounds extreme it is  everything depends upon god animate and inanimate so the concept of dependence  is not something that came into existence   as a result of sin but the scope  of dependence changed with sin revelation 22 verse 14 when i joined the  church this was called an Adventist text   along with revelation 12 17 revelations 14  12 Isaiah 8 20 john 14 1-3 we call those   Adventist passages for their bible  passages but as young people we had   to know them it was required revelation 22  14 sat with me without looking at the bible   blessed i think that do his commandments tell  me the next few words that they may have what   a right to the tree of life and may enter in  through the gates into the city i want to key on   the expression right to the tree of life because  if we reason this verse is telling us clearly   because of the opposite of obedience  which is what disobedience what happened adam and eve lost something what was  that the right to the tree of life are you with me let me assume you're not  so that i can repeat what i just said   through disobedience adam and eve lost  their god-given right to the tree of life and so revelation 4 22 14 tells us   blessed are they that do his commandments that  they may have right that right will be restored christ triumphant page 211 paragraph  three christ triumphant page 211   paragraph three if adam and eve had lived by  every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God   they never would have fallen never  lost the right to the tree of life all who live by every word that  proceedeth out of the mouth of God   will be brought back to the Eden home in  other words their rights will be restored and so while the system of dependence always  existed before sin because all of creation   depends upon god the extent changed with sin  now adam could no longer go to the tree of life   prior to sin there was no need for  adam to pray he could speak to god how   face to face revelation 22 verse 4 tells us and  they shall see his face and his name shall be   in the forehead so the restoration of rights to  the tree of life the restoration of face-to-face   communication all of this will take place when  sin is removed but as long as there is sin we   have this this extra this extended sense of  dependence upon God we have to pray to him   we have to petition him and we cannot pray to  him directly we have to go to god through christ   no that's not a negative thing don't  misunderstand me but that's not ideal we talked about the need for prayer because of sin   which created this dependence which was never  originally god's intention yes all creation   depends but sin intensified that to this to the  degree that now adam and eve have to pray and   petition and plead through someone else but i said  it was not ideal it's not when god made adam and   eve sinless they had face-to-face communication  with him christ triumphant conflict and courage   sorry page 20 paragraph seven conflict and courage  page 20 paragraph 7 to adam in his innocence   was given communication with his maker  direct free and happy after his transgression   god would no longer communicate with  him only through Christ and angels   after his transgression God would communicate  with man only through christ an angel so there   was a restriction of access to god direct actors  i should say now we have to depend on a mediator   which was not the original design  we have to pray we have to plead   we have to we have to what's the word  sue for mercy we have to importune god not because God is harsh he sits on the throne  with folding arms enjoying watching people beg no   no no it was we who sin through adam consequently  we have to let god see the earnestness with   which we desire to return to that original  state of face-to-face communication with god   the need for prayer let's go to isaiah 59.  strengthen the point i'm trying to make Isaiah 59   we'll read verses 1 and 2. i'll  subject the need for prayer you have isaiah 59 1-2 behold the lord's  hand is not shortened that it cannot save   neither his ear heavy that he cannot hear but your  iniquities have separated between you and your god   and your sins have hid his face from you that  he will not hear sin created the circumstance   that made it necessary for us to pray and  plead and in partune and do that through   a third party and we thank god for the  third party do not misunderstand me   we thank god in the same book comfort  and courage page 20 paragraph 6 after the fall christ became adam's instructor  he acted in god's stead towards humanity saving   the risk from immediate death he took upon him  the office of mediator and we thank him for that   because of sin first timothy chapter 2 verse 5  there's one god and one mediated between god and   men the man christ jesus and we thank christ for  his words in john 14 6 i am the way the truth and   the life no man cometh unto the father but by  me but this was made necessary because of sin   when sin is removed we will speak to our god  face to face but now we have to pray and plead   and beseech and there are examples of people  praying and begging god not because god is harsh   but since we chose sin we must let god see how  badly we want the opposite which is righteousness   and a restored relationship with him when hezekiah  was told he would die isaiah said set that house   in order for thou shalt die and not live the  bible says hezekiah wept sore he cried and he   pleaded with god and god told isaiah go and tell  him i have heard thy prayers have seen thy tears   i will add into thy day years 15 days 15 years i  heard your cry i saw your tears when hannah wanted   a son her husband had two wives the one wife  had children hannah couldn't have she was barren   she went up with her husband to the temple to  the pray and worship at a certain season and   she went to pray to her god and she prayed so  fervently the priest thought eli she was drunk   she was wrestling with god we  have to do that because of sin it's not a bad thing don't misunderstand me  but in the dispensation of sin wrestling with   god praying is necessary when sin is removed  this will no longer be required when Jacob was   by that brook he was praying and praying with god  wrestling spiritually until he wrestled physically Jesus Hebrews 5 7 who in the days of his flesh  when he had offered prayers and supplications with   strong crying and tears unto him that was able  to save him from death and was heard in that he   feared he offered prayers and supplications  with strong crying this is Jesus praying as our representative having  taken our nature taken our sins   our representative he prayed and he cried i ask again why was this necessary   because of sin but i go back to my original point  point number one was we have a great sense of need   or expressed differently we are dependent upon  god whether we are aware of it or not let's take   an atheist who does not recognize god what does  the bible say in matthew 5 45 for he maketh his   son to rise on the atheist and the believer and  sandeth reign on the atheist and the believer and so those who deny god and disregard god and  marginalize god they're using god-given speech   god-given minds god-given intellects  to disgrace god they are dependent upon   god without knowing it because when the bible  says he maketh his son to rise on the evil and   the good the sun is a symbol of life and  sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust   rain is a symbol of life every living thing  requires water in some form or fashion this is a world of total dependence upon god it  is situated in a universe of total dependence of   god on god the stars that in their courses depend  upon god the circuit of the earth around the sun   is controlled by the word of god the movement of  the moon the planetary bodies by the word of god   we are dependent upon god and so we need to  pray yes prior to sin there was also dependence   after sin there will be dependence nothing lives  disconnected from god understand me clearly   nothing lives disconnected from god nothing exists  disconnected from god example this is a desk a   pulpit it's inanimate is it made up of atoms,  yes or no do atoms behave a certain way   do they have a certain structure a nucleus  a shell protons neutrons electrons yes   they function a certain way by the word of god  and so inanimate things exist by the power of God   the need for prayer we are  dependent on God not god on us I need to stress the independence of god in psalm 50 let me pray again father it doesn't  take long for the carnal nature to thrust its   head upward suppress mine and continue  to speak through me in Jesus' name amen   psalm 50 5-0 reading from verse  10. psalm 50 reading for verse 10   we're stressing the fact that God does  not need anything from us to survive you have psalm 50 verse 10 for every beast of the forest is mine  and the cattle upon a thousand hills   i know all the fowls of the mountains  and the wild beasts of the field are mine   what are the wild beasts of the field the  lion is god's the wolf is god's the coyote   is god's the hippopotamus is god's the  tiger in india is god's the jaguar in   south america is god's the mountain lion in  mexico western united states that's god's the   wild beasts of the field are mine then god says  in verse 12 if i were hungry now why do we eat to sustain ourselves some of us eat  for more than that just pure pleasure   but we eat to sustain ourselves if i were  hungry says god i would not tell thee why not   for the world is mine and the fullness thereof  you cannot give me says god what is mine   god is not dependent on us  not even to preach the gospel what did jesus say to the pharisees when they  told him tell your disciples to hold their peace   stones would cry out you see all of  nature exists to carry out god's wishes elohim says creation is a reservoir of means  at god's disposal as his needs to use them god does not need us to survive god does not  need us for his existence god himself is both   life and existence but we need god and that need  was exacerbated by sin and therefore we pray but prayer is not simply give me this and give  me that we need to pray for fellowship with god just we've come to see prayer and i don't want  to stress so much prayer i want to stress the   need but i'll say this we've come to the  place where we pray when we need something   and not simply for the joy of  their people in this age of social media people are on whatsapp  and skype you name them instagram   not because they have something necessarily  significant they just want to interact prayer is not simply a means to get things  out of god prayer is a spiritual discipline   let me say it again prayer fasting bible  study are spiritual disciplines outreach   is a spiritual discipline prayer is a spiritual  discipline just going into the presence of God   and talking with him about anything  and everything not simply asking him   for a husband or for tuition or  for healing just talking with god when Moses went up to the mount he did not go  to get anything from God called him up to talk   to him and because of that interaction he came  off that mountain you know the story of his face   he had to wear a veil fellowship with God is the foundation of  prayer not just give me this give me that   because the bible says your heavenly Father  knoweth that he have need of all these things what have i said tonight god is independent independence  exists only with god not in creation   let me say it again there is no  independence in creation only with god God does not need us in order to survive or  exist he himself is life he himself is existence   god does not need us god himself is life  we need god adam needed god before sin   that need was exacerbated after sin adam could  go to the tree of life before sin after sin he   lost that right and praying to god  is one stone in that pathway towards   reclaiming that right to the tree  of life reclaiming that privilege   of face-to-face communion with god we cannot  even hold face-to-face communion with angels unless the angel somehow dims  his brightness and makes it   possible for a human being to talk  one-to-one you read the bible carefully   when angels appeared in their full glory people  fainted angels are not divine beings they're   not god but an angel one angel came down there  was an earthquake at the tomb of jesus christ   one angel came down to the garden of gethsemane  all the soldiers fell down as if they were dead face to face with god is what we will  look forward to in the world to come   no longer needing to pray no longer needing  to importune god and plead with god and fast   all these things now are necessary and  good beneficial to our spiritual growth   but in this new world which is coming that  will no longer be necessary but until then   while we're on this earth we pray because  we need to pray there is a need for prayer and the christian who does not feel the need  for prayer does not feel the need for god   that is it again the person who does not feel  a need for prayer really does not feel the need   for god let me go one step further in my boldness  the person who does not feel a need for the study   of the word of god does not feel a need for god  so tonight i call upon you in the name of jesus   the mediator the sustainer of creation of all  life animate and inanimate of all that exists acknowledge not simply on the sabbath  but every day of the week acknowledge   your total dependence upon god and because of  this there is this need for prayer and this   dependence will become even more critical as we  move further and further into the dark days ahead   and there will be darker and darker days ahead and  so i call upon you in the name of jesus develop   a habit of prayer not just a routine a lifestyle  let me use that word develop a lifestyle of prayer   let me tell you how you can do that two minutes  to eight when do i finish whatever i want okay   all right let me pray before i do the last few  minutes father as i come to the down slope of this   message continue to speak through me lord make my  faculty your tools in jesus name i pray amen the   bible says in first thessalonians 5 17 pray finish  it for me without ceasing i'm sure you've read   that many times you've heard it many times and  it sounds symbolic how can i pray without ceasing   how can prayer become a lifestyle almost like my  very breath i'll make a recommendation for you are you sitting on a pew yes   what's it made of what's the frame  of the pew meter wood who made wood who made wood god where does wood come from  trees were who made trees on what day of the week   you're taking too long the third day are you  wearing shoes what are they made of generally   leather where does leather come from   cows and other animals who made them then  when you put your shoe on can you think of god can you develop the habit of thinking of  god have you ever driven through the country   and driven past roadkill a dead possum  dead whatever has a thought ever occurred   to you the wages of sin is death not  just the death of people but death is fairly green around here what makes it  green to grass the trees when were they made   third day do you think of god when you see grass is here today tomorrow is cut down and  thrown into the oven says jesus in matthew 6.   during the day as i was coming from the  airport i remarked on how gloomy it looked   a rain rain rain rain overcast nothing who made the sky god when you look  upon a nice clear day and you see blue   by the way blue represents obedience that's  not my message blue represents obedience   and god put us in a world surrounding wherever  you look you see blue what am i trying to tell   you everywhere you see creation was designed that  everywhere people looked they would think of god that for us in this sinful  dispensation is a form of prayer i flew in on a plane i thought  of birds all planes have wings   i thought of birds you may say helicopters  don't have wings they have rotors   they function like wings the same way the  wings of a plane so they have their own wings   thought of birds god made them on the  fifth day and human beings copied birds in   fashioning the wing of a plane they copied fish  in developing submarines they copied they copy   uh those seeds that what's that there's a seed  that spins like this when you toss it in the air   they might have studied that to develop the  rotors of a helicopter in everything you see   ask yourself is there a spiritual connection if you do that you'll go through  the day in constant prayer you have a wife at home or a  husband or a child or a friend   human beings were made on the sixth day  you walk by a lake you take a shower   water was made by god separated from the dry  land on the second day we can live in a state   of constant prayer by keeping the mind always in  heaven and a mind that dwells in heaven constantly   loses interest and tastes for the things of this  earth and by the way then i'll close the mind   focused in heaven is of greatest benefit to those  on the earth a mind focus on the earth is a little   benefit to those on the earth many many years  ago there was a preacher in new york called   reverend ike he had a very famous saying the best  thing i can do for the poor is not be one of them   that makes a lot of sense because the blind  leading the blind you know where they end up   what i'm saying is the best thing a christian  can do for the world is not be of the world and   i'm saying you can develop the habit of praying  without ceasing by keeping your mind always on god   by looking at his creation yes marred and polluted  but there's still enough evidence of the power the   presence of a glorious god tonight why do we need  to pray because we have need and that need was   extended because of sin prior to sin adam had a  right to the tree of life because of sin he lost   it now we have to pray before sin adam could speak  face to face with god after sin he lost it now we   have to pray through a mediator but we thank god  that when we pray biblically our prayers are heard   god answers and nothing moves gone off the throne  more effectively than the sincere earnest prayer   of the child of god and so tonight i want you to  leave this building and for those of you on the   internet i want you to conclude or sign off with  the understanding that we are dependent upon god   for every breath for every blink of an eye  for every heartbeat we are dependent upon god   and that dependence leads us  to pray not by a sense of force   but gladly because we thank god for sustaining  us and keeping us and as you look around i hope   you'll develop the habit of connecting what you  see spiritually whether it's an animal a person   the sky water grass whatever you see ask yourself  is there a spiritual connection by so doing you'll   keep your mind always in heaven and that in one  sense is praying without ceasing how many of   you listening to me will try to improve with the  help of god your prayer life can i see your hand   god bless you for those of you on  the internet i see your hand by faith   let us pray father in heaven we thank  you we can never thank you enough   all things come of thee said david and of thy  known have we given thee our life is yours our   senses are yours as your servant ella white writes  in historical sketches page 285 paragraph four   every youth should be impressed with the fact  that he is not his own his strength his time   his talents belong to god that of course father  applies to all ages and stages of life let us   live with that consciousness father let us feel  that sense of need for divine power constantly   in our lives and let that sense of need keep us  on our knees not only physically but spiritually   bless your people keep them constantly reminded  that the only barrier between us and you   is sin fill our hearts with a hatred for  sin a love for righteousness dear god   let our great joy be interacting with you  via the social media of heaven and prayer   take us home safely let us sleep  under the protection of your angels   if you open our eyes in the morning bring  us safely to your house of worship or to   whatever means of connection we have  and father before i close the prayer   again i ask you if anyone listening  has contracted the coveted 19th virus   in the name of jesus christ the great physician  heal that person dear god in jesus name i pray
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 86,805
Rating: 4.8337889 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Id: 1_S0A-_ZxCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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