'In-Depth Study of the Book of Genesis / Part 1 by Pr Randy Skeete ( EP. 8 of 9)

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[Music] father in heaven when you sent moses to speak to pharaoh you said to him in exodus 4 12 now therefore go and i will be with thy mouth and teach you what thou shall say i ask in the name of jesus christ teach me what to say that those who come may receive the truth and not my opinions bless every person father in this room bless every family represented guide their steps provide their needs bless them in their work bless them in their studies their god let their lives reflect your glory save all of them when you come along with those who have come to know you through their lives now give me the words their god i offer this prayer from my heart in jesus name amen the book of genesis my favorite book i love the book of genesis and i particularly like the first 11 chapters of the book of genesis uh very significant chapters if in studying any major doctrine of salvation the root of that doctrine goes back to genesis you name major salvational doctrines give me a few examples say that again the sanctuary all right yes you can find that back in genesis elements of the sanctuary something else scripture the word of god yes in the very first chapter anything else a major salvation doctrine i know you're very modest but give me some answers what the second coming that's not what you said that strays back to genesis i will go through that any other major salvation doctrine the law of god yes i'll trace that for you back in genesis within the first three chapters anything else the what the promise of the messiah yes the first three chapters of genesis i heard someone to the right i misheard okay what's your name you just came in henry okay henry and where are you from indonesia and what are you doing here what why huh no you see god is the god of why he wants to know why that's where god functions it's not i committed murder god wants to know why you understand i stole some banana why because god functions based on the motive first not the action it is why you did it first not what you did so ellen white writes christ object lessons page 316 paragraph two every act is judged by the motive so i come back to you professor why it's kind of like the one that opened up for me do you like commerce not really okay all right well whether you like it or not do well god is a god of excellence okay some other salvation doctrine i said i want you to tell me so we have the second coming we have the sanctuary we have the law of god we have what else righteousness by faith within the first yes that is the spine of the bible something else what about sin right there the first three chapters what about righteousness right there what about diet right there what about lifestyle right there what about man woman relationships right there what about the family right there what about uh dress and modern modern uh modest dress right there what about the state of the dead right there you name it and you can find it rooted somewhere in genesis 1 11. many of them in genesis 1 to 3. let's take a look at jesus's attitude towards genesis go to luke 17. luke 17. welcome those of you coming in we are going to luke 17. while we're doing that please give us your names my good brother what's your name yes dr lynch yes how are you nice to see you nice welcome lynch welcome but liz tell us where you're from and what are you studying what oh real estate real estate where god made the world so real estate is right up god's alley okay study hard lynch and my sister who came in the same time as lynch what's your name who coco coco all right and where are you from coco and what are you studying who medicine biomedicine well all right bio means life life originates with god okay god bless you study hard god bless you and study hard what book did i send you to luke what chapter 17 let's read from verse 26 who has the king james version all right read for us listen carefully and as it was of aha so shall it also be ah now jesus recognizes noah that's a historical figure and based on the historicity of noah and events around noah's life christ will tell us how to interpret the times that will exist just before he comes as it was in the days of noah then the question you have to ask is what what was it like in the days of noah jesus christ tells us keep reading they drank they married wives they were given in marriage so jesus acknowledges the fact that there was an era called the days of noah and christ identifies the ordinary events of life they were eating they were drinking which means they had to find the source of food they were marrying they were given marriage meaning they were social institutions there were children there were schools the days of noah was a real time according to jesus keep reading keep reading 27 a little bit of that noah uh-huh what does jesus christ regard as a historical event the flood now christ has been accused of many things but never of being a liar people say christ is not god people say christ was just a good man he was not the savior no one ever says christ is a liar or a bad man he is never accused of that jesus christ who declares himself to be the way the truth and the life he said there was a flood modern scientists will not accept there was a flood some sda scientists do not accept there was a worldwide flood they said there was a flood but wasn't worldwide jesus accepts the flood as a historical event and he takes the flood and the lifestyle just before the flood as the basis to interpret the conditions of the world just before he comes they did eat they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day that noah entered where so jesus accepts that someone called noah did what built an ark christ says there was an ark the flood came people were destroyed he accepts the destruction of the world by a flood this is christ's attitude to the section of the new testament the old testament we'll be looking at go to verse 28 someone else from this side read for us please luke 17 verse 28 we're looking at christ's attitude towards genesis likewise also [Music] okay stop now i want you to look at what he said about the days of noah and what he said about the days of lot what are the first two things he says about the days of noah there it is come on and they now what are the first two things he says about the days of lot dirty what is jesus saying about humanity they do the same thing now they may do it differently but they do the same thing whether you live in a house or on the tree you need some place to live whether you eat fish or you eat tofu you need a source of food so christ is saying look what they did in the days of noah they did in the days of lord as they do today this morning and i the pestiment to get something to eat and drink in other words humanity is humanity from garden of eden are you following me any questions let's keep reading verse 29 of luke 17 who read 28-29 stop what is jesus saying the same day that lot now he names noah by name he names lot he accepts them as historical figures now by saying the same day lord went out of sodom what is jesus saying there was a place called sodom now what does the bible say about sodom it was destroyed by fire jesus says yes the same day that lot went out of sodom keep reading rained and brimstone and now what does that teach us about god he's what he's got a power but what did god do he destroyed what why give me one word yes that's a long word i want a shorter one but you're right sin god will act against sin he acted against sin in the days of noah destructively he acted against sin in the days of lord destructively now let's look at the parallel conclusions what did we conclude from the fact that in the days of noah they did eat and drink in the days of lot did it eat and drink what did we say people are light now look at god in the days of noah he destroyed the world in the days of lot he destroyed lot's world what does that say about god what does he say about god these are hundreds of years between the two events what does that say about god he is the same his reaction to sin is the same regardless of the historical era god will destroy sin and sinners i should have asked you to do a few things for me i won't give number one but number two while i'm speaking if you believe in prayer quietly ask god to put his words in my mouth quietly do that and number the other thing i want you to do is think you see when you think the holy ghost reveals things to you don't just read the bible as though you're on a ski slope no the bible is a deliberate march it's not a scheme look at where you're stepping look what does this say now we said they didn't eat and drink did they didn't drink no a lot people are the same well god destroyed the days of noah god destroyed the days of lord god is the same his reaction to sin is the same and so christ accepted the historicity of the flood he accepted there was a man called noah he accepted that man built an ark he accepted that only eight people were saved let's go to second peter now first peter first peter we look at verse 19 and 20. this is now one of the apostles the great apostle peter and his attitude towards the old testament first peter yes chapter 3 verse 19 and 20. anyone who has it read for us so we have put to death in the flesh because god had to become flesh to die divinity can't die so christ had to become flesh in order to die but quickened by the spirit all right now keep the mind the word spirit in mind with spirit on your mind read 90 now by which ah now so by the spirit working through god's people back then christ preached to the spirits in prison now some people use that to talk about hell it's not hell keep reading to see what peter's talking about which sometimes were waited in the days of noah now peter acknowledges noah as a historical person but what did noah do what was the situation keep reading ah so peter says the ark was being built by this man called noah when once the long suffering of god waited in the days of noah genesis 6 verse 3 tells us god waited 120 years so peter accepts that god waited he gave the antediluvians 120 years to change so peter acknowledges there was a flood keep reading peter acknowledges that only eight people were saved just like christ peter accepts the events of genesis as actually having happened if you remove the historical nature of the events of genesis 1 11 you remove the reality of salvation and the gospel are you with me and so as we embark on the study of genesis we are embarking on the study of the most important book in the bible now you may say revelation and daniel no i say genesis but let's not fight over it but genesis and you'll begin to see that as we proceed jesus christ accepted the events in genesis as actually having happened any questions up to this point interrupt me anytime you like this should be an interactive event not a one-man lecture because if i preach i'll have to pick an offering are you following me that's the way preachers are so don't let me preach let me discuss are you following me all right any questions yes okay [Music] um [Music] the bible yeah okay well let's look what the bible says let us go back to what jesus said in luke 17. luke 17 let's read 27 and see what jesus says about god's response to the sins of the days of noah read verse 27 anyone who has it first luke 17 verse 27 all right jesus says the flood came the question then becomes the flood came from where go to genesis 6. genesis 6 let's read verse 17 of genesis 6. anyone who has it first read for us now wait a minute wait a minute who is i that's a pronoun we need the noun that goes with a pronoun who is i who is i god what did god say i will bring a flood of waters upon the earth [Music] god said i'll bring a flood and destroy the earth destruction for sin is god's work are you with me now the devil is the instigator of sin we are the perpetrators of sin and god executes judgment against sin god said i will bring a flood now go to genesis 19. let's go to the other event that christ mentioned the destruction of sodom and gomorrah genesis 19 let's read verse 25 and 26 of genesis 19. now there's a very comfortable couch right up front for those of you who feel too close to the cold air back there nice couch can sit about four people all right genesis 19 25 and 26 who has that read for us uh-huh now who overthrew the bible says he overthrew we need to identify okay who's he all right keep reading ah stop stop wait a minute where does god live when we say the lord's prayer say for me our father yes yes that's where god lives does satan live in heaven give me a yes or no no now read verse 24 again uh yes he reigned it and we're told the source from heaven the devil's residence is not heaven god deliberately sent judgment upon the sinners in the days of lot as he sent judgment upon the sinners in the days of noah god destroys sin all right any other question or comment based on what i've said so far regarding the attitude of christ and the the apostles to the events of genesis any questions before i move on any comments any area that i confused you all right let's go to genesis 1. let's look at the size of god genesis 1 i was talking to my good pastor kojo as we were coming in and telling him how i love the fact that god is a personal being he is not a doctrine he's not an essence he's not energy he is not the universe itself and some people say give it to the universe god is a person and a personality an intelligent entity and one who wants a personal relationship with us let's look at the size of god genesis 1 verse 1 someone read for us without looking without looking someone recite genesis 1 1. come on i'm listening in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth now permit me to use a marker welcome those of you coming in see if this thing will work all right we have that's how you spell beginning all right this is not very maybe i'll try the black let's see there's a little more okay i'll try black next time right now listen to genesis one we are looking at the size of god in the beginning what word goes with beginning think hard before you answer yes yes uh think scientifically time to have a beginning you must have time so we have time if you know time and space were big things to einstein now we have heaven what comes to mind when you think of heaven think scientifically space what comes to mind when we have earth matter god comes before time space and matter now don't ask me to explain how because i don't ask a scientist to tell me why i get sick from drinking milk because i can't produce lactase i don't ask for an explanation i just avoid milk you have never seen an enzyme you accept it are you following me all right you listen to the krebs cycle the teacher explains it you don't argue you just accept it you believe he knows what he's saying now i don't know how god can predate time space and matter but the god of the bible is outside so god created time god created space and god created matter you don't get bigger than that which means you can't control god nothing is higher than god now that god wants to have a one-to-one relationship with you yes what as if no one else exists the god of time space when i say the god of time space and matter the god who predated and created time space and matter that occupies so many hours of professional scientists he wants a one-to-one relationship with you that's the god we're talking about he's big and he's personal now let's go to genesis 1 verse 14. we're looking at god genesis 1 14 and god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them before signs and seasons and for days and years and let them be for lights in the keep reading in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so the bible says and god created me god made what two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night keep reading he made the stars also now god made all the heavenly bodies we look at how personal a big god is go to psalm 1 go to isaiah 40 first isaiah 40 verse 25 26 there's a cameraman forgive me for pacing back and forth i keep stepping out of your frame forgive me for ruining your artistic shots all right the words oh thank you isaiah thank you lynch i mean bill isaiah 40. that's lynch over there isaiah 40 verse 25 and verse 26 information systems that's our man against the wall all right are we ready do we have it you don't have it yet i'm a patient man we have until five o'clock do you have it now and nobody answered the preacher do you have it now all right read with me if you have my version to whom then will you liken me or shall i be equal stop pausing them what is god telling isaiah to tell the israelites there's none who do you know is equal to me you know i like i like the fact that god tells us okay you you know god tells us take me to court and sue me see if you win the case no he says that in michael chapter 6 verse 3 he shall testify against me so god tells isaiah to tell the israelites to whom then will he liken me or shall i be equal then god gives the reason why no one is equal to him read verse 26 lift up your eyes on high and behold who hath created these things what is god calling you to do tonight look into the heavens keep reading that bringeth out their horse by number in other words god is so big god knows exactly how many stars they are where not just the milky way which is our galaxy approximately 400 billion stars and their billions of galaxies now this is a kind of teaching from the bible that gives you a concussion a good concussion god knows exactly how many stars are in the entire universe does the prime minister know how many people live in melbourne he has a rough guess he doesn't know exactly does he know how many members are in your family no is he trying to find out no until voting time comes around but he doesn't know god knows are you listening to me god knows how many stars are in the universe as remarkable as that is let's look at the creativity of god keep reading verse 26. we bring in the house by number he calleth them read carefully again he calleth them no there's a word you're not saying he calleth them all by name now let's stick with our galaxy the milky way 400 billion stars estimate there's surely more now my mother sometimes forgets what my name is and she calls me by my brother's name when you're 98 you can do that are you following me yeah yeah she looks and says brian no mom this is randy okay now god knows exactly the names of every star because he gave the names in the bible naming is a form of developing a relationship on a one-to-one basis with the thing you name so god told adam name the animals adam named eve twice god could have named the animal but because god gave adam dominion but now you name them and establish that relationship because you have the dominion you name everyone god has given a name to now that's a big god who believes in one-to-one relationships go to psalm 147 and we'll read verse four psalm 147 we'll read verse four okay he tell us the number of the stars now i'll ask for another translation to see what teleth means who has a translation other than the king james read it for us the new king james all right what does that say ah he counts the numbers of the stars keep reading yes so we have a repetition of isaiah 40 26 god counts the number of the stars now here's how god's one way he separates himself from human beings he loves them but he wants them to know compared to me you're nothing go to genesis 15. we're still looking at the bigness of god when entertainment people like superstars they have bodyguards are the bodyguards small people have you ever seen bodyguards are they small people no they're big men you need to know who your spiritual bodyguard is how big he is on his muscles where did i send you now let's read the first one you never lose by reading the bible now god is talking to abraham read from verse 1 from verse 1 of genesis 15 after these things lord came unto you in a vision saying fear not abram i and i shield and exceeding great reward pause a minute those words apply not only to abram but to you let me i'll be doing i'll be digressing a lot i'll veer off the main track and say things i think the holy ghost wants me to say read those words again and take them personally read the first verse of genesis 15 again now god says abraham i am two things to you i am two things to you i am your shield i'm your great reward what does a shield do it protects what does the reward do yeah motivates yes but something more material than motivation are you rewarded for your work aren't you rewarded for your work how australian dollars okay so uh okay you're rewarded now god says i'm your reward now why did god say that in genesis 14 all right we have some god's people coming in there's some seats right up front they're the nicest seats nicer seats let's get rid of the teddy bears who are not listening and we'll make room for those who are listening okay all right there goes a young prophet okay all right there we are good good good anybody else let me take this off while we're well we leave it up all right my young brother joseph hi come on in come on in come on right over there next to your little friend this is my host family just coming in i i don't look like them but they are my family are you with me because we look alike right here can you say amen all right okay all right now where are we reading genesis 15 we read one and after these things the word of the lord came to abraham in the vision saying fear not abram not abraham abram he became abraham in genesis 17 5. fear not abram i am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward now why does god say i am your seed and great reward in chapter 14 abraham fought a battle to deliver lot from captivity are you following me go to chapter 14 quickly let's read verse 12 of genesis 14. anyone read nice and loud anyone read don't be afraid [Music] right now there were some invading kings from the other side of the euphrates river they came in they fought a battle because the uh the the towns on the plains of jordan of sodom they were under the control of a mesopotamian king when they rebelled the king came in with some associates to punish them and to you know let them know wait wait a minute no you're under my control so they came they conquered the cities they conquered sodom lot was in sodom they took a lot and they went off now let's go to verse 13. come on somebody don't take long yeah you see somebody escaped that battle you see and told what uh-huh i'm rudolph confederate with abraham so abraham had a working relationship with the surrounding tribes they respected him as a prince because he was listen to verse 14 and when abram heard that his brother was taken captive stop what was the biological relationship of abraham and lot abraham was the uncle lot was the nephew what does the bible say in verse 14 brother now let me say quickly spiritually we don't have uncles and aunts we have brothers and sisters fathers and mothers do you know your wife is your sister spiritually because god is your father spiritually yes it makes a difference in how you treat one another your wife spiritually is your sister because god is your father anyway verse 14 when abraham heard that his brother was taken captive keep reading he armed his trained servants born in his own house 318 and unto now so abraham goes chasing these four armies combined as one but when god is with you there's no force that can oppose you and succeed so abraham goes and he conquers them read verse 16. he brought back all the goods and his goods the women also and the people so abraham wins a tremendous victory brings back all the captive people who had been taken from sodom gomorrah admiral zaboy mandela the cities of the plane there were five of them he brings them back now read verse 10. come on read read read and the veil of sodom was full of slime pits aha and gomorrah fled and when the battle started the kings of sodom and gomorrah ran from the battle and they went hiding in this place which was full of pits and caves and abraham of course fought on one now abraham has won he's come back now the king of sodom crawls out of his hole read verse 17. meet abram after his return from the slaughter of cadillac and the kings that were with him come on in the valley of shavi which is the king's deal now that abraham has won the king comes out of his hall where he was hiding and he comes to congratulate abraham go to verse 21. this is the same king king of sodom said unto abram give me the persons and take the goods to thyself now stop look at 16 again and he brought back all the water all that the armies had stolen the precious things because armies don't steal useless things abraham brought back so he came back with a lot of what stuff give me a nicer word than stuff give me a nicer word than goods treasure he came back with treasure and treasure attracts everybody including cowards so the king of sodom came out of his hole he said abraham let's talk you keep the money but give me my people so i can repopulate my city remember they took all the inhabitants read verse 12 again reading 11 and 12. 11 and 12. of sodom and gomorrah aha and went their way verse 12 lord abraham brother son who dwelt in sodom uh-huh and his goods but clearly they also took the people that was a custom back then repopulate re transplanted people so they ceased to be a threat the king comes to abraham and says abraham can i have my people back why is he begging abraham abraham was he had the upper hand he won the war so the king had to beg he begs and he says you keep the stuff give me the people here is what abraham says then we'll understand verse 1 of chapter 15. read verse 22 and verse 23 and abraham said to the king of sodom i have lift up my hand unto the lord the most high god the possessor of heaven and earth that i will not take from a thread even to a shoe latchet and that i will not take anything that is thine lest thou should say i have made abraham right abraham said i am taking nothing from you so abraham won the battle but lost the money now god sees abraham and his righteous behavior listen now to verse 1 of chapter 15. read out loud after these things fear not abram i am thy shield and [Music] thought you gave up the money the gold the silver i am a reward more valuable than that now all this i digress from god knowing how many stars they are i just want to give you background keep reading now let's go to verse 2. said lord god give me seeing i go childless uh-huh steward of my house is this abraham wants a child he doesn't want money he wants a child verse 3 behold no said yeah and lo one born in my house is mine heir he wants a child listen to god in verse four the word of the lord came at him saying this shall not be thine air but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine air now carefully now let's read psalm 147 verse 4 again then we'll go read verse 15 of genesis 15. psalm 147 verse 4 again we're still looking at the bigness of god all right psalm 147 verse 4 he telleth the number of the stars he calleth them by name and we read from the other version telleth means to count and i was about to tell you how god is separating himself from puny human beings even though he loves them now let's read verse 5 of genesis 15 keeping in mind telleth means to count he brought him forth abroad that's abraham and said look now toward heaven uh-huh stop read that differently look now towards heaven and count the stars keep reading if thou be able to number them now stop let me take this off the board let me show you the bigness of god you see god never wants us to forget how big he is and how small we are compared to him so we have god can count stars now abraham finish that sentence cannot count stars count stars even though god wants a one-to-one relationship god wants do not forget how big i am because the moment you do that you see if you're walking along with someone you don't know he's the prime minister of australia he's dressed like you you're walking along you may become a little disrespectful or casual until you discover this is a prime minister then your behavior changes are you following me you're walking on campus you see a man in white hair and sneakers and he just comes from jogging and you walk in the chair who are you then you realize he is the chairman of your phd dissertation everything changes everything changes so god wants you reminds us look the difference between this person and that person cannot be counted i can count the stars you can't but i love you i want to be one-on-one with you but do not forget how big i am i know every star by name let's see the bigness of god again go to uh matthew 10 i believe it's matthew 10. read verse 29 matthew 10 29 what does that say are not two sparrows soul for a farthing come on one of them uh-huh now wait a minute wait a minute let's uh let me do this before i go any further i've gone too far without doing it actually let's pray again loving father in heaven have spoken too much without seeking more spiritual help forgive me for that i humble myself before you put your words in my mouth you tell me what to emphasize and stress let me seek to glorify you not me bless your beloved people whom you love so much as we learn of your day god let that draw us closer to you in jesus name i pray amen what was i saying matthew 10 what did matthew 10 say are not two sparrows so for a farthing now what is a farthing for those of you in the british system you know what the farthing is we no longer have well not we britain no longer has farthing a farthing is insignificant if you like to say you go to a gas station you buy gas called petrol and there's a little almost every gas station or little convenience store they have a little dish on the counter next to the cashier you know what they put in there pennies nobody wants them so you get the change you see a penny you drop it in there you go to any supermarket parking lot any gap you see a penny on the ground no one will be seen dead picking up a penny i don't pick up pennies you pick up twenty dollars but not a penny now jesus says sparrows are so insignificant you can buy two for a penny but finish the verse now one of them shall fall on the ground god is aware when one sparrow dies let me tell you about a bird in east africa it's called the red bilquilia they exist on the east the plains of east africa by the millions that bird the chicken spends the shortest amount of time in the egg just 10 days comes out so they reproduce very very rapidly of course they die by the hundreds every time one dies finish my words god knows the god of time space and matter the god who counts every star who names every star he's aware when one insignificant bird drops dead that god wants a relationship with you i've spent all this time to present to you a big god who loves you now any questions before i move to another part of that god okay we said by the way those of you who just came in we're looking at genesis and the very great importance of genesis as far as the bible is concerned space time was the third one matter god made them in the beginning that's time god created the heavens that space and the earth that's matter now uh if you saw something spectacular made by a man or a woman you look at it you're maze down to your socks what question do you tend to ask okay why is one question what's the other question though that comes first how did you do that the past and i were coming in there was a man juggling at the corner of the street raising money you're juggling two whatever little things and there's a ball he's juggling this stuff and i'm looking at him i told the pastor if he applied that time to bible study he could be the pope he just all that time to practice this thing but i prefer him to do that and commit crimes are you following me and so my question was how does he do that now you look at space time and matter and what do you say come on how did he do that how you say okay i accept you exist but how do you create space how do you create time and how do you create matter how let's go to genesis 1 we'll read from verse 1. genesis 1 verse 1 it is now 6 minutes after 2. those of you who have classes or study sessions or whatever you may have six after two genesis one from verse one read with me in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters now we stop we're looking at how he did it verse 1 tells us what he did and who did it god verse 2 begins to tell us introduces us to how he did it verse 2 says and the earth was without form and void what does that mean there are two hebrew words tohu and bohu the earth was without form it was chaotic void it was barren so when god created matter here's just matter but void baron nothing go to jeremiah 4 let's read verse 23 jeremiah 4 23. jeremiah 4 23 jeremiah is called the weeping prophet because his message was to warn jerusalem destruction is coming do not oppose the babylonians they did not listen and they paid a terrible price let me tell you something disobedience to god comes with a terrible price you either pay it now or you pay it later but you pay it jeremiah 4 someone read verse 23 for me i beheld the earth aha and lo without for was void and no read again i beheld the earth and law it was and now same thing as genesis 1 2. what jeremiah is seeing is the earth after christ comes back takes the redeemed with him and the earth is destroyed by the coming of christ everything is chaotic all human beings are dead that's what keep read verse 24 yes because when christ come there'll be chaos mountains will collapse islands will disappear that's what jeremiah is seeing read verse 25 no man uh-huh nothing living he is seeing a vision of the world between the coming of christ and the end of the millennium that's what he's seeing now you take that you throw it back to genesis 1 2. and the earth was without form and void chaos emptiness baron now so what we have in genesis 1 2 give me one word for genesis 1 2. what do we have there it starts with a d then an i then an s disorder that's what we have in genesis let me take this off we have disorder that's a condition of matter after god made mad disorder now i have a question for you we have an earth with a sun moon stars in its cons in its you know the immediate part of heaven connected to the earth we have trees genesis 1 11. we have animals genesis 1 23-25 we have uh we have water we have dry land genesis 1 9-10 we have fish genesis 1 20 21 we have birds now we have an organized ecosystem are you following me but in verse 2 we had what and no life because jeremiah helps us understand the conditions of genesis 1 2. the birds were gone there were no human beings nothing alive how did such an organized ecosystem come out of this disorder let me ask you a question don't answer me but listen uh is this sometimes disorder in your life in your family god what do i do is there disorder in society we have disorder on the highest scale my question is how did god bring about a vibrant living system with animals plants people clean air fresh water grass birds flowers out of this let's go chapter verse 3 of genesis 1. someone read for me verse 3 how does that start and god said stop look at verse 6. come on read nice and loud and god said look at verse 8 or 9. and god said look at 11. look at 14 look at 20. look at 24. all right answer the question now how did god bring order out of this order his word his word yes his word where is his word you say in his mouth well fine but here it is you don't look impressed with god's word listen to me carefully the major lesson of genesis 1 is not to tell us first and foremost in what order things were made the major lesson of genesis 1 which christ accepted as historical is the power of the word of god not the word of socrates or the word of mohandis gandhi or the word of militarisa or the word of pope whomever the word not my word the word of god nothing will bring order into your life like living by the word of god and god said let there be light and there was light let's go back before day one genesis 1 and in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth how did god create time by his word how did god create space by his word how did god create matter by his word let me make a statement you may find shocking or hard to believe nothing is more important to god than his word the reputation of god for being faithful is based on the fact that he always keeps come on his word we are introduced to the power of this word in genesis 1. when you apply for a job what does your employer want on a piece of paper what do we call that piece of paper you present wild typed in on nice paper with perfume on it what is it called a curriculum vital what do you call it resume a cv all right why are you submitting a cv he wants to know what you can do and you want to tell the employer your potential employer here's what i have done and how i have done it some of it is a lie but it makes you look good so here is here is what i have done and here's how i did it you see i was a manager at mcdonald's or whatever you were and you said i hear this and the employer reads it and oh he's impressed and he hires you above all other people who submitted cvs he hires you because yours is more impressive because he now believes that if he can acquire that skill into his company he'll be benefited god wanted work he wanted to serve as savior so god came to the world and said look i want to be hired as your savior there's another applicant called the devil but look at my cv look at what i did and how i did it and so we read them okay he made heaven he made earth space-time matter he made grass he made trees he made the seas dry land made the birds the fish the land animals he made people how did he do that how did he do that now god watches us as we read his resume he's watching us let me see if after reading this resume they can hire somebody else how do you read god's resume in genesis 1 and hire someone else who's the other person the devil because his resume is destruction murder deceit sickness disease do you understand now why to disobey or disbelieve god's word is the greatest crime against god go to psalm 138 psalm 138 and let me say as you're looking for psalm god bless you for loving his word i really mean that we live in a world that's so busy the people have little time for god's word including christians and may god bless you your family your lives because you love his word the safest life to live is a life lived in accordance with god's word believe me psalm 138 someone read verse 2 we're looking at god's word night where is thy name for thy and for thy carefully now the last part of that verse magnify thy word come on above all thy name the bible has approximately 300 names for god god said you take them all together and my word is above them let me pause questions or comments based on what i've said don't take me away in some other area who can't marry no just on what i've said so our minds are not distracted on what i've said questions comments what's the difference between the beginning from genesis not no no no no difference it's the same person that's a very good question sister god bless you for that let's go to john 1 1. thank you so much god bless you also first john by the way we'll go there as well first john chapter one let's now we're going to john 1 then we go to first john 1. we put up beginning right here all right now as you look at john 1 1 listen to genesis 1 1 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth now let's read john 1 1. in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the words were gone now it's the same beginning but let's see if we have evidence for that verse two the same was in the beginning with god verse 3 all things were what made by him and without him was not anything made that was made and so we have beginning in verse 1 we have creation in verse 3. so in the the person in john 1 1 is the same person in genesis 1 1 who 1 3 who said let there be light go to first john written by the same person chapter one we read from verse one first john chapter one we'll read from first one is john 1 1 and genesis 1 1 are they related are they talking about the same beginning the answer is yes now let's look at another book by john 1 john 1 reading from verse one who has that read for me that which was from the uh which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life now stop now listen again that which was from the beginning now the word that may throw you off you may think john is writing about something he's writing about somebody that which was from the beginning genesis 1 1 john 1 now 1st john 1 which we have heard which we have seen which our eyes have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life the word of life is a term for the person we've seen that's christ because you go back to john the gospel john this is the verse 14. let's read from verse one again then we'll skip to 14 then we'll see what first john is trying to tell us john 1 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god we have two people i mentioned there the same was in the beginning with god the same refers to that person the word verse 3 all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made by the way look at verse one two and three again now i want you to think look at it microscopically and discover a tremendous truth in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and so we have the word and the word was with god so we have a relationship you don't have a relationship with one thing you have it with two that's why we have prepositions he's on behind in front or whatever relationship they're together in the beginning was the word the word was with god the same this is the word just referred to differently was in the beginning with god we have two people again but now we have the word was god that's equality the word was with god that's plurality two people but they're equal but not the same now listen to verse three all things were made by say it again all things were made by him how is this hymn significant how many people are in verse one how many people in verse two what pronoun is used in verse three him singular but how many do we have two plural which means one of the two did what one of the two did what created are you with me one person said yes what about the rest of you listen look again microscopically we have two people we have two again verse three could have said all things were made by them that's not what it says it says by him go to verse 4. we're going to verse 3 in him was verse 4 in him was and the life was the light of so this word or this same he naturally has life life originates with him but since they are equal and the word was god then the same can be said of him are you following me because they're equal now in him was life the life was light of men go to verse 10 we still have him verse 10 he was in the world uh-huh the world was made by him and the world knew he we have him not we have single again now of the two of them one came to the world now which one go to first verse 11 he came unto his own and his own received him not now who rejected christ the romans are the jews so oh he was in the world no he came unto his own ah who rejected him the jews now read verse 14. ah where did we first find the word in verse one the word is called the same in verse two he is the creator in verse three he's the creator in verse 10. he's rejected in verse 11. more information is given he came in flesh ah who are we talking about jesus was in the beginning he is as much goddess as the father jesus so the person who said let they be light was whom jesus he wasn't called jesus then that's the creator so when i said god is a big god he made space he made time he made matter who am i talking about jesus but we know the father is equal with him the man who died on calvary created time space and mata now you tell me which is more difficult for him creating a universe or saving you from smoking what's more what's easier delivering you from smoking ah come on i lost you you're not listening am i talking to myself now let's go first john 1 now first john 1. and you found it let me know by saying amen read with me that which was from the which we have now stop john is saying i personally heard the voice of the one who made space time and matter i heard him what a privilege i heard him not via the internet i was standing right next to him that which we've heard keep reading which we've seen with her i saw him keep breathing which we have looked upon i looked at the one who said let there be light he breathing and our hands have handle of the word of life what does he mean by our hands have handled what is he saying about god or christ this person who made space time and matter john is saying i handled him all right i'm going to stand by this table handle me be quicker than that handle me what is he saying about jesus he came flesh and blood we handle him the one who created of the word of life read verse 12 first john 1 for the life was now is the word life capitalized in your bible is not capitalized all right but refers to whom jesus christ for the life was manifested come on and we have seen it and bear witness come on and that eternal life come on which was ah with the father what does john 1 1 say in the beginning was the word the word was with god what does verse 4 say in him was life so what was with god life that life which was with the father do you notice how i'm leading you in the bible study what am i doing what am i doing as i try to explain the bible to you verse here come on a verse there that's how to study the bible a lot of we have a lot of churches with all kinds of theology based on the same bible because they study differently people believe you can eat anything because they build that on one verse but the bible tells us how to study hear a little very little line up online and when you do that things come to you and you're just amazed at how god wants us to know let me pause at 2 30 just about 2 27. based on all i've said from one o'clock to 2 30. that's a long time to talk but in china you go from nine in the morning to nine in the evening so that's okay all right now think of all i've said think very important thing when you think you're acting like god when you think about the right things of course ask me a question or say something give a testimony yes that's one way the word is introduced the bible says all scripture is given by inspiration of god yes yes yes yes yes the word of god has power to give life to heal to save above everything else to create that's the word of god the bible we're told is god's divine word some parts of the bible tell us how to handle our money some parts tell us how to handle our families some tell us how to handle our enemies some tell us how to handle disputes now the part that tells you how to handle disputes is not the part that tells you how to this to raise the debt or how to heal a sick so different parts of the word of god will do different things but the word of god overall is powerful and from genesis revelation is god's word god's word is not really the pronouns and the nouns it is what the word expresses it's what it says not just you see here's how i can explain that to you what is that but if you're in argentina or some hispanic country what is it jesus now is there saving power in jesus no is there saving power in jesus yes the power is not in jesus it is the one that stands for the one who said let there be light the one who said oh death where's thy sting oh grave that's the word of god not just letters on a page you see you can burn this it's physical paper with ink that's not the word of god what it expresses that because the word of god liveth in the bible forever you can't burn it but you can burn paper all right good question thank you god bless you someone else say something think yes what do you understand by magnify someone read another version let's see if we can get some light psalm 138 verse two we're looking at magnify when you magnify something what you do you make it bigger you give it a place of prominence you magnify now any other translation for magnify exalted is that what your version says so read it for us uh-huh [Music] okay all right exalted is one magnify to give a place of prominence and preeminence god's word is above his name because his name was built on his faithfulness to his word someone else and as you listen ask yourself how does this apply to me as an individual what difference will this make in my life as i struggle from day to day to make a living and to survive in this country what difference does it make to me to know that god's word has that power and that there's a god who's so big who wants to have a relationship with me what does it mean to me as a person as i struggle through biochemical engineering or commerce or law or whatever what has how does this benefit me because god always starts with the individual any questions any comments okay what have we said so far about god tell me he wants a one-to-one relationship now that's god that's you all right tell me about you small good word yeah small real small tell me about you very good small wait what can't count the stars that's how small we are our mind is like a peanut okay go on we're dirt dirt don't smile when you say that that's serious you're dirt okay what else can you say about you all right let's leave you god come on tell me big big huh come on righteous always right something is about god based on what you've said he turns disorder into order how can you do the same thing in your life yes some people need chaotic lives i mean chaos a sense of order reliability consistency god will do it if you accept his word tell me something else about god nothing is more important to god than his word jesus takes as a name the word of god go to revelation 19. now remember we're still dealing with genesis we can take the rest of the year to deal with genesis in revelation 19 this is a vision john sees of christ coming back to destroy the wicked and take his people home here's how the bible describes him john 19 revelation 19 written by john of course but revelation 19 read verse 13 quickly and he was clawed with a vesture dipped in blood come on and his name is called the word of god john 1 1 in the beginning was the word and the word with god the word was god god christ has as a name the word john 14 6 i am the way the truth and the life but what is the truth john 17 17 sanctify them through thy truth thy word is true jesus says i am the word he picks the word and makes it his name this now what's the only way to please god faith without faith come on tell me it's impossible to please what is faith your at your response or your relationship to what he says your reaction to the fact that he made space time on matter by the word your reaction to that that's faith your trust in god's word total trust you lean your entire weight your entire being mind body soul spirit you place on god's word anything else you have heard or has affected you this morning before i move on we all focusing in genesis all right let's look at something else do you need a break for five minutes to go and pray and say hallelujah no okay so can i just go on all right okay when i asked earlier what are some of the major doctrines that come out of genesis someone said the commandments of god now let's go to genesis 2. let's make a switch we can never finish talking about the bigness of god but we have to move on and god understands genesis 2 we'll read from verse 16 we're in genesis now i don't drink water when i'm in church preaching but you don't mind if i sip all this talking all right thank you for being so nice what book did i say what chapter from what first someone read for us please commanded the man saying uh-huh freely eat uh-huh come on go on out of the tree of the knowledge uh-huh okay okay what do we have here again god commanded the man but let's use the exact word all right he commanded the man saying this my command don't do that do that we know what happened he disobeyed go to verse uh 11 go to 9 of chapter 3. genesis 3 let's read from verse 9. start for me lord god called unto adam said unto him where are thou keep reading and he said uh-huh i was afraid uh-huh keep going and he said who told thee that i was snaking hast thou eaten of the tree whereof i commanded thee that i should not eat so god is saying did you do what i told you come on not to do what do you call that did you disobey so we have command again go to verse 17 and unto adam he said hearken unto the voice of thy wife and as eaten of the tree of which i commanded this saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake now we have command again we have genesis 3 17. we're looking at commandment now in genesis command command command read verse 17 again and think read microscopically and tell me what you conclude and unto adam he said come on reed because thou has hearken now what does the word because bring to mind the cause uh-huh the reason yes okay i'm looking for word that starts with a c consequence sister what's the name felita there are consequences for what disobedience and god is saying it's because you disobeyed what was the consequence let's read the whole verse without interruption and unto adam he said because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it finish it cursed is the ground what is the consequence of violating god's commandments a curse without variation but who brought the curse i didn't say who inflicted it who brought it really adam brought it on himself how am i disobeying no adam didn't curse the ground god cursed it but the reason god cursed it was because of what adam did so in that sense he brought it on himself if your professor tells you the exam is at four o'clock in the afternoon anyone who's late will not be allowed to sit the exam and you show up at 4 30 and you fail you failed yourself now it is he that writes fail on the paper if you see that rights fail on you and then mails your grade card but you essentially failed yourself command command command having read what we read what is the reason the world is suffering today we don't obey god simple we don't obey we always have a better idea for god because we have graduate degrees father listen to me you never graduated from the university listen to me you say the same way the sabbath how about sunday i did research and i published my results in the peer-reviewed magazine sunday and what about whatever contrary to what god has said we are suffering because god's command was violated so we have the importance of obeying god's command in the garden of eden but before we get to obeying god's command adam and eve let's look at god's command operating again but before we get into that let me pray again father as i enter very very sensitive area you tell me what to say as i restrain self with your help please you tell me what to say so that you may be glorified and your blessed people blessed in jesus name i pray amen now think with me go to genesis 1 3. genesis 1 3. do you have that read for me now i'll let you read i'll keep quiet uh-huh stop stop say that again all right let's uh okay we leave command on there we'll put let there be light all right how many words are those four words let there be light go to second corinthians 4. we're looking at commandment in genesis long before the law was given on sinai we're looking at law commandment in genesis it's a quarter to three are you in second corinthians 4 verse 4 read with me what's this saying no sorry sorry verse six verse six verse six of second corinthians four just go two verses down read for me now for god who commanded the light to shine out of darkness have shined in our hearts stop well finish the verse to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ now i want you to look at that verse very carefully all right take a pause deep breath look at verse 6 again and look at what's written on the board on the right side my right side your left read out loud no read quietly microscopically and then look at the words written on the right side your left and tell me what what you see yeah you see command now tell me what you see yeah light shining out okay true keep going but look at ii corinthians 4 6 then look at genesis 1 3 the first four words are these four words all right let me help you watch this read that for me if you're taking an english class what do you call that uh it's a sentence am i right is it a sentence in australia yes this is a sentence his name is john are you with me all right now take this off what's that it's a command why do you say that yes but why'd you say that i gave you two verses look at the bible don't come up with your own genius i'm glad you have it but look at the bible read verse 6 of second corinthians 4 for god who commanded the light to shine now how did he command the light what did he say let there be what is this a command which means before we have god giving adam a command don't eat that tree we have commands being used to do what create i'm talking to myself are you following me so if you get rid of command what do you get rid of creation the devil's target is the law of god he hates commandments because commandments are the foundation of god's entire throne now let me ask you this as we think you know with computers now nobody we can't write anymore our handwriting is terrible but nobody uses a pen all right so please forgive me now let's be consistent what is this what is that a command then what is this a command now you go on and tell me something else go through genesis 1 identify another command and give me the first come on you're too slow come on i yeah the water under the heavens be gathered together what verse is that verse nine what is that a command come on give me another command let the waters bring forth abundantly or verse 20 or verse 11 let the earth bring forth grass now what is that a command now stop you can look up how was light made by command the bible says and how was the firmament made by command not suggestion listen carefully to what i have to say to you i believe the holy spirit wants me to tell you what are the very first words spoken as far as the bible tells us read the words the very first verse spoken according to the bible let it be light what's that then give me a conclusion the very first words spoken was a command now let the bible tell you the natural state of our minds because of sin don't look just listen are you listening look up and listen because the carnal mind is enmity against god for it is not subject to the law of god neither indeed can be sin has made us opposite to a system brought into existence how by command so the whole universe travels in this direction the direction of command sin has us traveling this way with all our degrees and our big houses and fancy cars and bank accounts the size of fort knox we're still traveling in this direction and the universe is going how in this direction in which direction is god going the direction of the universe because the universe follows him we're headed this way which means that sin puts us out of harmony finish my words with what moves this way the universe sin puts us out of harmony with the universe how do we get back into harmony with the how do we turn and move with the universe on god we repent and we start to do what obey now when jesus says come now let us reason together we need to lay aside culture custom tradition let's reason through thus saith the lord let me tell you a secret and publicize this secret when you read the bible honestly something will change in your life don't read the bible from a feminist perspective or black power perspective or freedom for the aborigines perspective read it from the perspective of god's love for us and his desire to save us from sin you know what the problem of the aborigines tell me only three letters in the word sin what's the problem of the native indians in the united states what's the problem of uh you know the filipinos what's the problem of the malaysians what's the solution for the black people no not sin christ are you with me where do we first come across commandment genesis 1 3 not mount sinai the concept of command and obedience is introduced in genesis 1 3. now i say the concept of what and the concept of command and obedience is found in genesis 1 3. where is obedience found in genesis 1 3 and there was light now you say wait a minute wait a minute preacher wait a minute how do you get to that conclusion how can light obey god go to mark chapter 4. mark chapter four do you have mark mark is the shortest of the four gospels mark was not one of the twelve disciples neither was luke oh thank you verse 37. that's brother bill verse 37 of mark four now i want you to read microscopically read closely when you found it amen read with me and there was a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full and he was in the hindu part of the ship asleep on a pillow and they wake him and say unto him master carest thou not that we perish now verse 39 read for me and heroes come on and rebuke the wind stop stop stop stop stop rebuked the wind and he arose and rebuked the wind keep going and set until the sea stop keep going peace be still stop keep reading now and the wind ceased and there was a great calm and so we have wind over here we have the wind ceased and for the sea which is over here we have a great calm all right are we still with god's word yes or no all right have i introduced my opinions yet not yet all right listen carefully to the word of god he arose and rebuked the wind here's how reasoning is necessary for bible study does the bible tell us exactly what he told the wind no does it tell us what he told to see yes what did he tell to see but is that a rebuke come on yes peace be still there's a review so while we don't have the words of rebuke to the wind we know he said something to the wind how do we know the wind obeyed the wind see the bible says the wind ceased why did the wind cease he said something to it there was a great calm why he told the sea peace peace what did the wind do come on it ceased but give another word it obeyed what did the sea do now let the bible say it more clearly than i can read verse 41 and he feared exceedingly and said one to another what manner of man is this finish the verse that even the wind and the sea obey him now you can only be a command you don't obey a suggestion because there's no burden to obey a suggestion i'm talking too quickly let me slow down bill said to him listen to me carefully you do not have to obey a suggestion a suggestion is up to you a command gives you no choice if you want to please god this was a command the wind obeyed this was a command the cob now i am selling you this to show you if the wind can obey and seek and obey can light obey why do you took so long to answer yes does it have to be a living thing to obey no that's the power of god's command and god himself that non-living things also obey god go to isaiah 5. isaiah 5 it's just about three o'clock and we'll read from first one we'll read several verses so you get the connection as to why god says what he says in verse 6. isaiah 5 someone read from verse 1 please now will i sing to my well beloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard i keep reading my well beloved hatha vineyard in a very fruitful hill and he fenced it and gathered out the stones thereof come on planted it with the choices vine come on built a tower in the midst of it and also made a wine press there including and he looked that he should bring forth grapes and brought it forth wild grape verse 3 and now all inhabitants of jerusalem and men of judah keep reading judge i pray you betwixt me in my vineyard what could have been what come on than more to my vineyard that i have not done it in other words god is saying what else could i do to save you that's that's another study all together wherefore when i look keep reading that it should bring forth grapes brought it forth wild now god is saying look because you didn't do what i said now i'm going to exercise judgment on you first five now and now go to i will tell you what i will do to my vineyard i will do what take away the hedge thereof and it shall be keep reading and break down the wall thereof and it shall be trodden down next verse and i will lay it waste it shall not be pruned or digged but they shall come up briars and thorns stop now finish verse 6 now wait a minute what is this the last part of verse 6a i will do what command whom the clouds now when god commands the cloud don't drop your rain what does the cloud do it does not drop the rain god can command clouds and what is their response they obey god can command the wind what is his response he can command the sea what's his response can god command light yes what are first chronicles 29 uh second chronicles chapter seven let's read from verse 12. second chronicles 7 verse 12. we're looking at command we introduce to command in genesis 1 over and over again let there be let there be second chronicles 7 let's read from verse 12. do you have that all right read with me what does this say and the lord appeared into sodom by night and said unto him i have heard thy prayer and i've chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrament now carefully verse 13. if i shut up heaven that there be no rain stop how does god shut up heaven that there be no rain he commands the cloud okay fine keep reading and if i command the locust to devour the land stop now we have a living thing can god command a locust now if you live in africa in north africa particularly well africa or middle east you know what locusts can do to your crops [Music] ah do you know that a plague of locusts can come across a land devour this farm escape that farm and devour that farm and there are stories of that happening let me say it again here comes the plague locus devours this farm skips over this farm and devours that farm what's that okay okay well i wanted to say it but you took my glory from me okay yes yes god commands the locust leave the farm run by the sabbath-keeping tithe-paying people and go devour the farmer the guy who goes to church okay leave it and the locusts obey they escape over and they leave his form they devour that form if i command the locusts to devour the land we have learned and there's so much we won't finish at all genesis 1 is command command command listen to me carefully the entire universe is the result finished by words of command that how do you get along in the universe that came into existence by command before you answer that let's go to ii peter 3. where is second peter 3 now we read very microscopically and let's think as we study god's word second peter chapter three let's read from verse five do you have second peter three verse five all right some of you do some of you don't will wait ii peter 3 verse 5. towards the back of the bible all right you have that now you have the king james read with me for this they willingly are ignorant of come on that by the word of god the heavens will have all stopped what does that mean by the word of god the heavens word of old what does that mean the heavens were created come on by the word of god and the earth standing out of the water and in the water verse six whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perish that's the flood now listen to verse seven carefully microscopically read for me what do you understand by kept in store how how by the same word what do you understand by the same word this what's the same word verse the same word that created in verse five now this brings us an important principle follow me closely let me uh let's take this off for now now while i'm erasing the board you can read verse five to seven again and concentrate please concentrate that's why god gave us a mind i'm gonna show you something all right we have verse 5 second peter 3 5 we have the word by the word of god the heavens word of old we have second peter 3 7 we have the same word now listen to me carefully god bless you for having good brains what did that word do you create what does this word do preserves but what do we understand about these two words they're the same so this word does two things what is that it creates and sustains do you understand what that's teaching us let me ask you this when god created what was the quality of his creation good matchless it was good how did he do it then if it's the same word that creates in what quality does god hope to maintain creation the same quality with which it's made and i'm talking to myself again are you following me the same quality by which creation was made is the same level of excellence at which god wants to preserve creation the word now but we've discovered based on ii corinthians 4 verse 6. let's take away a word what what can we put here now i like you i like you i like you command so we know now that the world was made by what command what am i about to tell you come on it's preserved by command because this word is the same as that so this command same thing creation is preserved by command do you see why disobedience is suicide but we are born with a mind that hates that so we're born suicidal we're born loving death you didn't hear what i said you're tired because it's what three ten minutes after three eight after three same thing we are born loving death because we're born hating god and the bible says all they that hate me love death proverbs 8 36 and you will not come to me that you might have life john 5 40. to hate god now we don't see this death because the devil told eve if the day you eat thereof in other words in the day you disobey your eyes shall be opened you won't die your eyes shall be opened you shall be as gods the devil paints death as a blessing so we love death not realizing that's what we love so christ died not to change this but to change that but modern preachers will tell you or when christ died he changed that and he left this that's what modern christians say he got rid of this and he left that got rid of order and he left disorder he got rid of life and he left death he died to save us from sin we have to accept it so god changes this he does not change his command he changes the mind so our attitude to the command changes when you realize god changes that you'll keep the sabbath let me pause i've spoken a lot about command in genesis tell me something don't take me off in some other direction command in genesis what have you learned what question do you have what contribution do you have let me pause and rest my vocal chords now as i listen to you you must have some comment to make which will bless us because god speaks to you he really does make a comment ask a question or say something nice about god you're always willing to hear that i am listening it does not have to be a living thing to obey god remember when christ was going into jerusalem the disciples were shouting hosanna what did the pharisees tell christ tell them keep quiet what did jesus say if they hold their peace come on the very stones will cry out and christ was not joking anything that god commands obeys except human beings made in this image the ravens obey didn't god command rivens to feed elijah that's what the bible says i have commanded the ravens to feed thee there first king 17 4. he come and the ravens had to know who elijah was where he was what to bring him and when am i talking to myself again the ravens in obeying god had to know who elijah was where he was when to bring the food and what obedience comprehensive obedience all right what have you learned let me ask what have you learned maybe that's easier for you yes yes is it connected to command all right all right john paralynic the paralytic john 5 yes pool of bethesda human nature um now he listened in that time he did more than listen no no he did more than listen what else did he do he obeyed yes he obeyed the word now he didn't know about the he didn't know a lot of things that's the goodness of god you don't have to know a lot of things if god tells you this and you obey it are you with me if god tells you this and you obey it results come which one comes first you can't obey without a heart change can't wait we can't obey god fully we can obey his full law but we can respond you see when when the holy spirit tells you go to church and you use that impression that's a form of obedience you see if god had to wait until your heart is fully changed no one can be saved everyone comes into the world with a little degree of faith are you following me we're not saying that man was you know he was ready for translation christ said will thou be made whole the man said yes jesus said look get up take up your bed walk he exercised faith in whom in jesus he exercised faith in christ because of that he walked so all i can say is he exercised faith in christ now you may say he was not justified but i don't know if that's correct go to verse 14 of john 5. let's see you wrote just uh verse 14 of john 5. let's see if we can answer your question because a lot of things not written but we can reason and come to the right conclusion john 5 14. uh-huh now did jesus say sin no more to somebody else who the woman now go to john 8. just three chapters to the right john 8. let's read verse 11. of john 8. read for me my good pastor now if jesus doesn't condemn you what does he do jesus you then what did he tell her now why would he say sin no more because i've delivered you are you following me i've delivered you no don't keep now while we don't see the words i've forgiven you he tells the man the same thing so we can assume that man left in what condition not only physically restored but spiritually jesus says the same thing no it may not be written but we have to reason ourselves to that conclusion but let me also say everyone comes into the world with a small measure of faith in order to be able to respond to the spirit christ doesn't wait until you're sinless to come to him he starts moving in your life before you're changed that's why this was the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world without that initial down payment of faith and the spirit even in a sinner that sinner can't respond to god so everyone comes into the world with a gift from god a degree of faith so when the spirit comes the person with that faith can respond then that faith begins to grow all right pastor somebody else somebody else yes bill no we don't have the tendency to become a sinner we're born contrary to god we're born with tendencies to sin and that's the only tendency we have that's where we're born you know it's uh you see this this bottle let me put it on the board here for you that's a very important question by the way very important question and we'll go to genesis now to provide some answers here is great there's god here is satan and here's a long line okay you're with me all right there's the upright line that's you that's me when we're born we're born leaning in this direction that's how we're born when we're converted we do what we move in this direction no one is born leaning this way no one well of course christ has to be exempted no one is born leaning in this direction we are born leaning in this direction now even though we're born leaning in that direction did i cause an earthquake okay even though we're born this way let me take this one off so we're not having any schizophrenia here all right yet we come with a little measure of faith which is entirely a gift from god this little faith allows us now it is like a receptor site on a cell is this too scientific okay let's forget the receptor sites well let's keep the receptor sites okay which is where the call of the spirit combined and cause the personnel to respond to god every person who comes into the world comes leaning that way but with a gift from god now you'll take me to the direction christ's birth is the great mystery of the bible we don't have all the precise all we can say about christ's birth and christ's life is that his battle of sin is an example for us that's what we can say we can conquer him just the way he did and that's the center of the most important thing we can conquer sin just like jesus but jesus was god and man so there are mysteries we cannot we cannot really understand but we can conquer like he does and revelation 3 21 tells us that so brother bill that's how we come into the world and god in his goodness that's why christ is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world based on that we can have this gift yes sister that's what i'm trying to tell my sister they're mysteries about christ we don't understand all i can say is uh-huh oh he took our nature he took our nature yes he took our nature yes yes yes he took our nature yes yeah hebrews 2 14 yes 2 10 to 4 he took our nation that's why we can conquer the way he conquered oh yes yes christ didn't come like he came in our condition okay that's the way we're born so god does something to brave to take us in this direction that's what conversion does in this direction and sanctification keeps us in that direction but not only in this direction because you can be direction this way and this way with sanctification become going more like this where are we going to more like more like more like what well i got yes more like god scientific you see this is upright line all right that's the dividing line anything on this side is leaning towards god but this person is leaning towards god but not the mess as much as this person so this is a thief on the cross this is enoch are you with me so sanctification has us leaning more and more and more as we see the goodness of god until we are just lost in god and god in us we in god god in christ christ in us john 14 verse 19 to 20 20. okay someone else now asks an easy question somebody oh yes yes yes is it possible because god gave us reasoning and choice of course he gave us choice yes yes tremendous risk yes true true but they still obey yes they don't reason no no and god made us that way so we can choose to serve him and he wants us to choose intelligently let me show you something else thank you for that watch watch this watch this now what did god tell adam would happen if he consumed the fruit thou shalt surely what die doubt no no sorry surely it's right over here now what did the devil tell eve listen carefully let me ask you this now how much of the word of god do we find in genesis 1 do we find god talking a lot in genesis 1. yes give me some examples of what he said let me be like okay all the way god talking talking talking we have examples of god's word and the results of god's word now adam opens his eyes and he sees the creation he sees his creator we have to believe god spoke to him told him how all this happened so adam knows and eve knows that the birds were made by the word of god the trees the water the sun moon and stars everything they know that god spoke it they know that because god wants us to know about him now when the devil tempted eve the devil try to get eve to doubt what the word of god follow me closely he wanted eve to follow what if the devil wants you without god's word what does he want you to believe his word okay i missed you my fault let me try again if the devil wants you to doubt god's word what does he want you to believe his word where was the serpent being used by the devil most likely in the tree where was eve standing where was she standing but was she standing on most likely grass did she know grass was made by the word of god yes she had to know did you know the serpent was made by the word of god yes the creeping thing is on day six what was over her head the sky did you know the firmament was made by god yes what was shining on her nice hair the sun what flew past did she know god god told her or adam did which means that eve knew that everything she could see was made how of whom ah of god what did she have as evidence that the word of the devil had any power nothing are you following me what was in the garden the devil produced nothing i'm coming to that that's the mystery brother that's a mystery there was no proof at all that the devil's word had any power surrounded by proof of the power of god's word she still chose what the devil's word you explained that to me the mystery how can she tell but there's another mystery today he's gone on for 2000 years there isn't a verse in the bible that supports sunday as a sabbath not one are you with me and yet the whole world chooses someone else's word and observe sunday so brother bill wants to how can that happen it's how yes pastor um well yes yeah it's 3 30 just about um now i will go with my people because if i'm supposed to have breaks and i can take the break at the end and we end soon that's one way well yes while we're on the road all of us are on the road with god if we stop the devil may take over so let's keep going is that okay all right okay now let's look at something else in the book of genesis what did i say is the problem with the world sin now sin is a tricky thing let's look at sin and see how merciful god is go to first john chapter three let's read verse four first john chapter three verse four do you have that yes and let me let me just say to you how blessed i am that you love the word of god and god bless you for that i really mean it seriously we live in a world where people couldn't care less about god or his word and they trust themselves and their degrees and what the leaders tell them but you seem to love god's word may the lord bless your life and lead you and may your love for god's word only increase and increase until you're lost in god and he comes to take you home all right first john 3 read verse 4 for me whosoever committed sin transgresseth also the law come on for sin is the transgression of the law that is the definition of sin the only bible definition of sin sin is the transgression of the law the law being the ten commandments of god now you may say why'd you say the ten commandments go to james chapter two james 2 let's read from verse 8 of james 2. if you fulfill the royal law according to the scripture thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself you do well keep reading but if you re have respect to persons you commit sin and are convinced of the law as a transgressor keep reading for he that said what do not commit adultery said also do not kill in other words james is quoting from what the ten commandments he doesn't have to quote all ten if i were to say to you please identify the country based on these cities and i say beijing shanghai what do you say china do i need to list all the cities in china no if i were to say identify the country new york los angeles what do you say the united states if i were to say identify the country kuala lumpur penang or milan what do you say malaysia let me give you a hard one melbourne adelaide australia okay victoria and that's the province okay all right now so we deal with the ten commandments the bible says sin is the transgression of the law but we need to look deeper into sin and see the mercy of god go to first not first john go to john 15. john 15. let's read verse 22. read for me if i had not what come and spoken unto them they had not had sin stop let's pray god be with us again i pray as we enter another phase where have misspoken forgive me give me more of your spirit hide me behind the cross and give understanding to your lovely people in jesus name i pray amen read that verse again microscopically if i had not come uh-huh what did he mean by if i had not come and spoken unto them listen again if i had not come and spoken unto them what does that mean what's that no listen again okay let's uh let's say someone drives a 60 mile or what do kilometers in uh down the street but there's no sign that says the speed is 30 kilometers per hour you see but let's say there's a sign that says 30 and you do 60. you go to the judge the judge said look did you see the sign yes then you're what you're guilty now if there were no signs you drove at 60. and the judge says were they signs and you said what no the judge said okay you didn't know we're going to put the signs up but if you do 60 again there's a cell waiting for you are you following me good now jesus says if i had not come and spoken unto them they had not had sin what is sin all right so quran is saying if i hadn't told them what is the or what is what does the law tell us what does the law tell us how to live what's right and wrong what's acceptable to god what isn't of course what is sin yes now christ is saying if i haven't given them instructions as to how they live their lives i could not charge them with sin he doesn't say they did not sin he said by saying they had not had sin there is no sin charged to them now i need to be very careful you need to follow me when christ says if i had not come and spoken when christ speaks what is he giving when anyone speaks what is the person giving ah yes yes information systems yes he's giving yes information now and the information is 60 miles per or kilometer per hour that's the information now based on this information you can make a decision as how to relate to that this is information now you decide what your behavior will be christ said i came to give to give information now if i didn't give information they're not charged but not being charged doesn't mean you didn't sin you're just not held guilty we have to understand that to understand sin an ignorant sin is still a sin but but what you're not charged let me pause let you dwell on that and ignorant sin is a sin but god doesn't hold you guilty why because you don't know that's mercy that's mercy but since it's still a sin it has to go somewhere somebody has to pay are you listening somebody has to pay now who's that jesus all sins of ignorance are placed on christ along with all forgiven sins now let's go back to the garden of eden genesis 3 no let's read 2 16 17 first you can never read that too often we just said all sins of ignorance are placed on christ because they're still sins so in order for someone to be charged with a sin by god what does the person have to have in order for god to hold you guilty what do you have to have information yes and god says you knew and you disobeyed you're guilty now genesis 2 16 17 read for me come on read and the lord god commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day thou eaters thereof thou shalt surely die what has god given adam information as to how to live you can do that don't do that now god says in the day you eat or in the day you do what yes but in the day you do what now don't give me eat but yeah in the day you sin but you sin by doing what disobey what the command that's the word in verse 16 the lord god commanded in the day you sin or in the day you eat or in the day you disobey the information you have you'll die now listen to god in verse 17 now verse 17 verse let's read 9-11 of genesis 3. you're looking at sin genesis 3 9-11 read for me and the lord god called unto adam and said unto him what uh-huh keep reading i heard thy voice in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself now listen to god in verse 11 read for me carefully and he said who told thee that thou was naked come on carefully hast thou eaten uh-huh of the tree whereof uh-huh now god said i commanded you what is he saying i gave you information now god is saying did you go against what the information that i gave you that is sin listen to verse 17 of chapter three listen again the same concept and unto adam he said what because of heart not the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt not god is saying because you did what you knew you shouldn't do then sin that carries what penalty sin that carries penalty for the sinner or sin that carries guilt let's use guilt is the willful violation of what oh give me another word we've been using the information given to us by god listen to me again sin that carries guilt is the willful violation of the revealed will of god adam knew that's what god said did you do what i told you not to do no one is punished for genuinely ignorant that's mercy even though an ignorant sin still violates the law of god christ takes that and then the holy ghost tries to open your eyes to see yes you're sinning ignorantly but here's what you should know when you find out you still confess let me say it again sin that carries guilt and penalty for the sinner is the willful violation of the revealed will of god ignorant sin does not carry guilt so we introduced the sin god said you knew and you violated that's why jesus says if i had not come and spoken to them they had not had sin they had not had sin charged to them go to acts 17. read verse 30. acts 17 verse 30. you have that read for me what does that verse say and the times of this ignorance god yeah one verse says overlook what does the king james say he winked at god is so good and even though god hates sin if you don't know god overlooks it somebody's saying man for god if you don't know but you see god does not value ignorance listen to me carefully even though your sin may be ignorant and god doesn't punish you you still suffer because sin always destroys what do i mean by that if you don't know smoking will destroy your lungs and you smoke innocently there was a time when doctors recommended smoking am i telling the truth there was a maybe the 1800s of the early they recommended smoking they did it innocently did the patients improve so an ignorant sin still damages you and god is not a god of ignorance so god always brings this opportunity to get more light so we may see wait a minute even though god doesn't charge me i'm still hurting myself sin always damages always ignorant or not sin always damages and so from the garden of eden we learn that the sin that carries guilt which is the one central to salvation is the willful violation of information we have all right the violation of god's law that is sin go to john 9 let's read verse 41 of john 9. my favorite book is genesis but my next one is john it's a beautiful book all right someone nice and loud read for me verse 41 of john 9. jesus said unto them what if he were blind now what does he mean by you were blind if you don't uh bill i like you if you did not know because ignorance is blindness so if come on read a verse now for me if you're blind uh-huh you have no sin i wouldn't charge you but now you say therefore your sin the sin i didn't charge you with when you were ignorant i charge you with now that you know now let me ask you this don't answer me what are you doing that's wrong you're not blind you know you're wrong but you keep doing it don't answer me what is it you're doing you're not blind you know it's wrong and keep doing it don't go home and think about it stop right where you're sitting make a decision let me stop this willful violation of god's law why should you stop it let me let me tell you why you should stop it as soon as you can and i should stop as soon as i can go to genesis 1 1 again and i'm going to end on this note i have a lot more to tell about genesis but genesis 1 1 why should you stop genesis 1 1 read for me without looking in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth all right now what was creation go to verse one and two of chapter two verse one and two of chapter two read for me thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them come on and on the seventh day god ended his work stop now look at that verse two of chapter two look at verse one of chapter one tell me the relationship between creation and work what happened in verse one what did god do he created what did you do in verse 2 of chapter two rested from what what is what is creation work creation is work the very first person in the bible to work is god the very first person to rest is god creation is work what did god do from his work he rested what does that mean read verse 2 again read the whole verse and see what it means to rest he ended his work with you and me keep reading and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made stop he and he stopped did he resume creation in chapter two or three no he stopped he was done are you listening to me god give me the right words listen to me god worked on the first day what did he make he worked on the second day what did he make he worked on the third day what did he make vegetation and separate water from dry land he worked on day four what did he make sun moon and stars he worked on day five what did he make the birds and the fish he worked on day six what did he make land animals and mankind then what happened he stopped did he go back to working creating no he's done listen to me carefully and we celebrate what day sabbath to commemorate the work of god we rest god worked and he's done when christ was on the cross what did he say when he just before he died it's finished it's finished all the all that is necessary for salvation finished it's in place not that he had nothing else to do but it's in place and he didn't have to die again or do anything else he died he rose he's interceding he's finished the death finished the sacrifice paid now to apply the merits but the sacrifice okay it's finished salvation is spiritual creation all right i lost you again it's my fault it's my fault what did i just say salvation think about that okay go to second corinthians 5 read verse 17. ii corinthians 5 17. read for beautiful first let's read together what does this say if any man be in christ he's a new now someone who has a different version from the king james read for me yes salvation is a work of creation what did david pray in psalm 51 10 don't go there create in me a clean heart of god and renew it's a work of creation now what did god use when he created word what raw materials did you use nothing the scholars say creation is ex nihilo which means what out of nothing you know that's the way you're saved out of nothing same way go to john 7 read verse 18. john 7 18. when you found it say amen read for me what is paul saying read nice and clear what did i say john oh no romans my mistake please i need to eat my muffin that's the problem okay john i said john again roman 7 verse 18 i am sorry for misleading you it's a terrible thing when a preacher misleads people all right romans 7 verse 18 for i know this that in me come on that is in my flesh stop what's the flesh what's the flesh the carnal nature the fallen condition that leans away from god now for i know that in me that is in my flesh go on now dwelleth wait a minute what does paul say is in the flesh nothing good in the i mean absolutely nothing let's get some support for that go to john 6 now we go to john listen to jesus agreeing with paul john 6 you found john 6 verse 63 it is the spirit that quickness come on the flesh profiteth what nothing stopped jesus says the flesh has no benefit it profiteth nothing that's christ but let's get more evidence john chapter 3 let's read verse 6. john chapter 3 verse 6. thank you brother bill read for me what does it say that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit now what is jesus doing in that verse what is he saying all right let me give you a schematic that which is born of the flesh is all flesh that was born of the spirit is all spirit what is he saying about the flesh and the spirit yeah they're different what else now that which is born of the flare he gives two things i want you to really think think hard that is absolutely true listen again that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit now let me help you what do you not find in the flesh the spirit what do you not find in the spirit the flesh no if you're flesh you're just flesh in other words what are the good things in the carnal nature none saw that here i come to god save me do i have any raw materials i can give god no god has to create what a brand new being spiritually and that's literally true so he told nicodemus nicodemus you must be improved is that what he told him he must be born again you've got to start all over then he said that which is born of the flesh is flesh so nicodemus you are flesh to become spirit you've got to start life all over again you have to be recreated in the image of god this is done by the word of god go to first peter 1 i'm telling you physical creation and spiritual creation are done the same way physical creation is a symbol of spiritual creation that's why christ told so many parables he used the physical to teach the spiritual now first peter chapter one let's read verse 23 let me speak slowly please when i go quickly because i'm excited tell me stop please don't just sit there looking nice tell me stop what book did i say what chapter what verse nice and clear somebody read by the word of god which liveth now what does being born again mean what does it mean give me another word for born again recreate it give me another word that christians use reborn yes the new birth give another word starts with c conversion but you converted from what to what from this it's an absolute change because this is pure flesh this is your spirit and how is that done by the word how is physical creation done by the word but let's get another support for the word go to james 1 read verse 18 this is the half brother of jesus james 1 read verse 18. do you have that what does this say of his own will come on begat he us with the word of truth what does begat mean to give birth to how does god give us birth spiritually by his word listen to me conversion takes place by the reception of the life-giving word of god into the heart you believe it the power of the word does its work the same way we're created physically we're created spiritually out of nothing by the word of god any questions physical creation now i love god let me tell you i love god i really do he's a nice person always nice to me now when god created physically did he stop come on did he stop and he rested did he go back and start creating again no when god creates spiritually will he come to the place where he stops come on answer me yes god will not always beg you to obey him there will come a time when god will stop and his rest will rest will last forever no more second chance there's coming a day when god will rest from spiritual creation so every sabbath please remember as god rested from physical creation one day he will cease in spiritual creation and there will be no more opportunity for anyone to be saved so don't think well i'll come to god when i'm 50 because you when you're 50 you perhaps god would have already stopped he stopped physical creation he'll stop spiritual creation and that's it if you need to be right with god do it now did god try to save the people in the days of noah yes how long did he ask noah to preach did noah preach the words of god yes or no that was god preaching when you say god's word that's god ah you missed it when you speak god's word that's god that's why the bible says christ went by the spirit and spoke to the the spirits in prison meaning those in the days of noah while the ark was a preparing and the long suffering of god waited in the days of noah so 120 years god begged and pleaded he is trying to create spiritually and then after 120 years god was done that's it the ark was shot he stopped his spiritual creation and he did not open that door until all people were dead if you need to be right with god do it now by a simple lord i recommit my life to you forgive me thank you for being patient up to this point but let me not abuse your long-suffering don't do that because god's spiritual creation will cease and that sabbath of rest from spiritual creation will last forever sin is the willful violation of the known will of god so the question is do you know something to be right and you're not doing it or i stop that but some people say well if ignorance gives me an excuse let me stay in ignorance no i have gone to places to preach and people said don't tell me no no don't tell me there is no safety in don't tell me you know loy tells us there are two reasons two two things that must be present for god to accept it as ignorance one i didn't know two i had no way of knowing you must have those two things i didn't know i had no way of knowing god accepts that but if you didn't know but you could have found out whoops and that whoops will echoes to the universe you're in trouble you could have found out four o'clock what subjects have we covered from genesis god is big yeah the word of god the power to create what has we found out from genesis so far god are you merciful yes he really is come on somebody else what is sin and what is sin transgression of the known will of god but let's be more precise what is sin that carries guilt the transgression of the known will of god not all sin carries guilt but all sin damages and the sin that does not carry guilt is a sin where we genuinely did not know genuinely didn't know had no way of knowing what else did we learn about god in genesis what did we learn from genesis come on you're all bright people you just god's word is his command keep the word command in mind what did we learn from genesis keep the word command in mind what did we learn god created by command now if physical creation is spiritual creation how does god save you didn't hear me let me say it again how was physical creation done how is spiritual creation done by command but with our cooperation you see he said god here i am and god commands he creates my command physically and what else do we learn about command in genesis think in what direction is the universe moving direction of obedience to god's command in what direction is a sinner move the opposite direction so the purpose of salvation is to do what turn us around so we can move in the same direction as god and the entire universe because sin places us out of order ellen white writes the book education page 1999 paragraph two i think it is to transgress his law physical mental or moral is to place oneself out of harmony with the universe to introduce discord anarchy ruin i think it's educated someone can check it 99 paragraph two to transgress his law physical mental or moral is to place oneself out of harmony with the universe yes what a handsome man you are now the spirit i i was talking to god while i was talking to you and i said god should i raise that point and the spirit told me back then no so i guess he meant not then what time is it 4k now for those of you who preach never preach to be sensational don't preach to shock people because you run into trouble but never hesitate to preach the truth are you with me all right let's pray father direct me please as i try to respond to that very very serious question my brother just asked you tell me what to say what not to say i really mean it father if you tell me don't say it i won't if you tell me to say it i will but if you tell me say tell me how to say it in the few remaining moments i pray for my heart in jesus name amen okay go back to genesis 1. while you're looking for genesis 1 who has prayed for me and said lord put your words in that man's mouth uh to uh god bless you god bless you the rest of you who are good-looking but stubborn please pray for me please pray for me and ask god to put his words in my mouth i need it i really do okay genesis 1 read verse 3. the first few words let there be light now we learned from second corinthians 4 6 what was that look at that read verse 6 let it be affirmative now what's that there has to be a command read verse 9 let the waters under the heavens what is that oh come on verse 11. let the earth bring forth grass what is that verse 14 uh-huh let them let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven read verse 20. come on read with energy come on yeah bring forth abundantly the moving queen now read verse 24 all right stop each of these is what command pause somebody needs to pray for me read verse 26 read verse 26 does it begin the same way yes listen to me carefully how did god make animals just tell me don't really tell me by command are animals living beings yes let me show you how similar animals are to people read genesis 2 7. genesis 2 7. the lord god formed man of the stop let's stop right there what do we have in that verse god formed man dust we have who what how or from what material read verse 19. do we have ground in seven do we have ground in seven keep reading now do we have the lord in verse seven do we have in verse 19 keep reading now do we have formed in verse seven do we have form in verse 19 all right go on so we have a living thing in 19 do we have a living thing in seven yes what am i showing you they made the same way now it's hard to get tradition out of the head when you grow up thinking a certain way even though there's no biblical basis for it it's hard to see things differently go to ecclesiastes 3. ah my brother i'm glad i'm also sorry you raised that question i don't know i don't know i'm glad i'm sorry at the same time but no i really asked the spirit should i say that earlier the spirit said no when he asked that i said the spirit said now is the time to answer ecclesiastes chapter 3 we read verse 19. thanks brother bill do you have that hold on hold on hold on now you're really eager to read okay do you have ecclesiastes 3 19. read for me those of you who have my version for that which befalleth the sons of befalleth stop someone read another version just those words for me uh-huh okay man's fate is like that of the animals give me another version the new king james uh-huh uh-huh okay what happens to people happens so we are seeing there's a sameness between men and animals of course at the physical level why do i see the physical level let's keep reading we start again verse 19 for that which befall if the sons of men come on befalleth beasts so we have people and animals keep reading even one thing befall of them we'll find that one thing is death of course now keep reading as the one diet they die the same way stop they die the same way the removal of what the breath of life keep reading yay they have all paused what does that mean what does that mean what did you just read they have the same breath this is physical keep reading so that a man have no preeminence above a beast this is physically when you bury an animal after a few months what do you come and find when you bury a man after a few months what do you come and find same thing the bible says when it comes to dying and living animals die the same way people die they have the same breath go to the chapter on the flood genesis 7. let me write a few things when you read genesis 7 you know this is the most interested you have looked since i started speaking at one since he raised that question i mean you're reading with such eagerness now your curiosity has been aroused all right genesis 7 this is the story of the flood let's read from 20 then we go to 21 and 22 all right 20 no 20. 15 cubits upward did the waters prevail and the mountains were covered stop the bible tells us the highest mountains were covered 15 cubits the waters rose above the highest mountains are you following me brother bill the waters of the flood rose 15 cubits above the high a cubit is about 18 inches 15 times that you know what that is all right now the bible will now identify and itemize what was drowned read verse 21. stop stop stop stop all flesh died come on that moved upon the earth keep reading stop fouls uh-huh come on cattle beasts hold on hold on let me right go on [Music] creeping things and man now look at that list again what do we have now this list refers to everything that died that was on the face of the earth fouls cattle base creeping things man now read verse 22. whose nostrils stop the bible says all of these had what the same breath is this my opinion are you reading the bible it lists what all flesh is this and all flesh have the same breath what is the fundamental unit of energy in a living system adenosine triphosphate is that it atp fundamental unit of energy in this and in that now go back to ecclesiastes 3. we read 19 we move right the way down to 21. we answer the question was man made by command okay genesis 3 let's read from verse 19 it is uh 11 after four i'll stop at 4 30. ecclesiastes sorry my brother god bless you ecclesiastes 3 19-21 i want you to read for me clearly as the holy ghost moves in your heart reads all right are we ready read with me what does this say for that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts even one thing befalleth them as the one dieth so that the other keep reading yeah they have all one breath come on so that a man hath no preeminence above the base they die the same way keep reading 20. read 20 now oh stop stop stop all go where where's that so if you say a man when he dies goes to heaven you have to say what a cow when he dies what i'm talking to myself again nobody's listening read verse 20 again all go yes where is that well the verse tells you keep reading [Music] they go the same place at death to dust now go to psalm 33 let's read verse 6 and verse 9. yeah 33 of psalms let's read verse 6 and verse 9. stop what do you understand by the heavens yeah what do you mean by the heaven does that include the stars the moon the planet yes everything in the heavens keep reading and all the hosts of them by the breath of his mouth keep reading for he verse 9 for he spake verse 9. uh-huh uh-huh now this is that did god also make the earth did he also make the earth everything in it how all right now the question is did god make man by command as he did it the answer is yes the bible never tells us god scooped up dirt with his hand he didn't tell us that god's instrument of operation is his word let's reason together go to john 11. you really ought to be praying for me at this time lord tell that man what to say so he doesn't confuse us please pray please pray this is serious business do you have john 11 that's a chapter where god let jesus raise lazarus from the dead let's read verse from verse 39 uh-huh take away the stone martha said unto him what come on what did martha say lord by this time stop stop now listen to me carefully what did she mean by lord by this time he stinketh what did she mean he was decomposing what is decomposition going back to what are you with me no are you with the bible what did martha say by this time why did jesus only spend three days in the grave it was prophesy that what he would not see destruction or corruption his body would not begin to decompose that's why you only spent three days it was prophesied he would not see corruption so he came back lazarus was there how long he had begun to see corruption are you following me decomposition had set in now keep reading read from verse 43 now read 43 outspoken uh-huh uh-huh yeah uh-huh come on he that was what give me another word for he that was dead based on what martha said he that was decomposed say it differently he that was going back to him uh-huh what was adam made from dust okay okay paul's thing where was jesus standing outside what listen what's between jesus and lazarus a rock he is outside the tomb what's in that tomb a man going back to dust what did jesus do he spoke and what happened to that dust a man let's get more bible proof go to first thessalonians chapter 4. first thessalonians 4 let's read from verse 16 or just 16. first thessalonians written by the apostle paul verse 4 not verse 4 chapter 4 sorry we'll read verse 16 read with me what does this say for the lord himself shall descend from heaven now carefully with uh stop keep waiting stop voice keep reading trumpet now keep reading stop are these three different things christ is coming with are these three different things he's coming no they all refer to the voice of christ who speaks now with a shout meaning that he speaks how how did he speak at lazarus system with a loud voice elijah came up he comes with a shout come on that's his voice it's loud as a trumpet what's the fifth feast of the seven freestyle to do what to form the israelites the day of atonement is coming it has to be loud he comes with a shout the voice trumpet as a result of this voice he has to say something what happens the dead in christ rise now let's think a little further how far back do the dead in christ go adam all right okay follow with me if anyone is dust is adam am i giving my opinion yes am i giving my opinion no if anyone is dust or maybe able who died before adam now here is pure dust the remains available dust everything even the bones now were dust now where is christ when he shouts because he doesn't come to the earth now with lazarus he was righteous on the tomb with he is somewhere in the the atmosphere he doesn't touch the earth so anyone on earth who says i'm christ you know that's wrong and he shouts to the dead in christ when he raised lazarus did he call him by name yeah or everyone else would have gotten up are you saying this now when he raises he just raises the righteous he must form he must have a name for just the righteous because the many wicked dead who are dead and when the life giver calls everybody comes up he calls specifically an able who is dust more than anyone else will come up with no use of his hands adam was made by the word of god eve was made by the word of god god removed that rib by his word god formed it by his word we already found out that the word that creates come on sustains now if you tell me adam was not made by god's word what sustains us if you take away the word what sustains us we are sustained by the very thing by which man was made adam was not made by god kicking a handful of dirt how does god save by his word we read that how does god maintain creation by his word how does god create by his word how does god cast out demons by his word how did he heal the sick by his word how does he forgive by his word how did he make man by his word when you see the hands of god it's a symbolic expression when i considered i think the the heavens the works of thy thing no no the bible says he spoke but because it's his work his product it is called the works of thy hands mankind was made by command and mankind is to live finish my words by command that's how we fit into a universe made by command everything in the universe is under command including man so while it's poetic to say god got down on his knees and he was personally involved yes his word his personal involvement was not how he shaped his hand was the fact that he made us in his image that's the personal side and by the way ella white writes in patriarchs and prophets page 45 paragraph 2 god was to bear man's image both in outward resemblance and in character we look like god the animals did not that's personal mother used his hands and got dust on his fingernails no he spoke how will he raise the dead at the second coming he speaks the breath of life he breathe it in it's the word of god is life the next step yes yes yes yes did the breath of life come to lazarus everything is by god didn't come down and put his mouth to no it's by the word of god because the word is life when god said lazarus come forth answer me did the breath of life come to lazarus yes or no why'd you say yes so softly did the breath of life come to lazarus did jesus put his mouth up to that no there's life in the word that's why the word of god is above everything else everything else trust this that is why everything must be judged by the word everything if the holy ghost convicts you it must be judged by the word all right i've been talking a long time so i want some easy questions what time is this 25 after four and i have to speak again tonight i'm not coming back to australia okay now i sin that's not true okay all right what have you learned today let me ask you that what have you learned somebody yes my sister um and we're forgiven by the word remember the woman who washed his feet with tears dried him with her hair verse 48 i think john luke seven he said thy sins be forgiven he said it he said it somebody else what have you learned please tell me you learned something oh yes sister you go to dirt but even before you let's okay let's go to genesis 3 again sister you're making me talk too much genesis 3 god bless you by the way i know people like to talk when i'm done here i don't want to talk i want to rest this because i have to talk tonight so please i'm a nice man but i don't want to talk i must rest the voice okay genesis 3. sister thanks for raising that the immortality of the soul this rubbish that people believe in let's look at 70 now down to 20 down to 19. genesis 3 let's pause let's pray one more time father as we close on this very insignificant point the immortality of the soul which is a lie one more time give us the spirit of truth and tell me what to say in humility in jesus name we pray amen read verse 17 now listen microscopically when you read the bible read as if you're listening to the voice of god talking to you let's read and unto adam he said because thou has hearkened unto voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which i commanded this saying thou shalt not eat of it come on curse is the ground for thy sake stop what did god curse say it again what did he curse now people believe adam was made from breath and ground listen to genesis 2 7 and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground he formed him from that that's one action then breathed into his nostrils adam was not made from dirt and breath he was made from dirt listen to god curse is the ground for thy sake he didn't say curse is the ground and the breath curses the ground that's where you come from in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life next verse thorns also on thistles shall it bring forth unto thee and thou shalt eat the herb of the field keep reading in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread now slowly till thou where now wait a minute in order to return someplace what has to happen before that you have to come from there you have to come from there on july 4 i get on the plane what do i do i return to unity that's where i came from when you leave this room you return to your home that's where you came from the bible is introducing the principle of what happens after death you go back to where you came from now let's add something else to thou return onto the ground keep reading for out of now why do i return to the ground and not heaven because i did not come from heaven where did i come from no that's god god is telling us he's giving us the roots of the state of the dead more than the roots the roots and the tron because out of it was thou taken keep reading dust thou art he doesn't say dust and breath thou art you just dust keep reading uh yes now that is where you begin the state of the dead actually you go back to genesis 2 7 how adam was made then genesis 2 19 you don't start in this the parable of lazarus and the rich man genesis god said when you die you go back to where the material that made you israel is found that's the door you return to your origin that's why when christ comes he shouts and wakes up the dead you don't wake up people who are alive in heaven and so my sister yesterday dead the foundation of that doctrine is in genesis 3 and genesis 2. you go back to where you came from people still died the same way in 2018 as they died back then the principle remains you go back to where you came from there isn't a dead person who does not decompose and the accuracy of the bible is seen in the way people die they decompose the bible says that's what you go to and we see it all the time then if we can trust how we die we can trust how they were made are you following me if god was right about how people die what happens to them they decompose then you should reasonably assume that he must be right about how they were made am i talking to myself okay okay well let's deal with that let's go to genesis 2 verse 7. since you're making me work hard i'll give you the bill and finally all right genesis 2 for 7. okay all right read four seven for me four man of the beast of the dust of the ground breathed into his nostrils there and man became a now the word living soul is the same as living things i think in the 50th creation the fish and the living things same thing let's look at the seven last plagues revelation 16. let's read from verse 3 revelation 16 verse 3 plague number two revelation 16 verse 3 i believe it is plague number two read for me what does this say start again read clearly god is listening and the second angel put out his vial upon the sea come on and it became as the blood of a dead man come on wait a minute wait a minute who are the living souls in the sea fish you know why a fish is assault a fish is a living thing a soul is a living person fundamentally us now sometimes the bible uses his soul to describe your your disposition your attitude your spirit you know and you and uh the bible says when the israelites left egypt their souls was much discovered by the way walking through the desert it meant that they they were tired the spirit was you know your discourage the soul not some spiritual part of you that goes back to heaven no no no no no a soul fundamentally is a living being go to exodus not exodus genesis 12. we read from verse 10 let's see saul again genesis 12 let's read from verse 10 an incident in the life of abraham do you have that read from verse 10 of genesis 12 and there was a famine in the land and abram went down to saudi and their wife family was grievous in the land verse 11 uh-huh come to there to egypt that he said sarah his wife behold now i know what i would a fair woman to look upon keep everything therefore shall come to pass when the egyptians that they shall say and they shall uh-huh now abraham said they'll do what to me who is me yeah but what does that mean does it mean just kill my body not my soul what does abraham say they'll kill me are you with me are you not answering me abraham said they will kill me read verse 13. they read my sister that they may be well with uh-huh uh-huh now what does it mean my soul shall live whom did he say they'll kill in verse 12 they'll kill me what does he mean by my social life i will live ah come on i'm talking to myself ah nobody's listening to me i will live they won't kill me me is my soul you know the concept of the immortal soul it only began in the fourth century after christ it was originated by augustine of hippo that's where it came from he was a great scholar but most damage to the bible is done by scholars are you following me the greatest damage to the bible are those with phds in the bible that's no strike against wisdom first corinthians 12 8 for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit god gives cement tremendous wisdom but they corrupt it and they use that wisdom to degrade god no there's no such thing as the immortal soul there too there's a great error that came out of genesis and that is that you shall not surely die that's the beginning of spiritualism it is because of this that which doctors can talk to the dead man for you so they say and you pay money to have a man talk to dirt are you following me am i telling the truth yeah you pay a man money to talk to dirt go talk to the dirt yourself and save money that lie has captured the whole world there are two lies that have captured the whole world that dead people are not really dead and the sabbath is the first day of the week using those two things the devil controls the world those two and the roots of those and are in the genesis do i talk in genesis tomorrow yes oh okay tomorrow we'll pick up the sabbath in genesis now tell me what you've learned don't ask me hard questions tell me what you've learned you've been asking me hard questions yes my pastor oh lord go ahead go ahead go ahead it's the same thing let me show you something i'm giving the bill from you to him now listen to this now listen carefully by the word of the lord okay where the heavens made now we have all the host of them what's all that talking i hear are you praying okay by what the breath of his mouth sorry for my handwriting it's very terrible now this is a this is a one this is b i'm going to call that b1 now watch carefully by the word of the lord it's the same thing as by the breath of his mouth yes where the heavens made is the same thing as all the host of them this is called hebrew parallelism two parallel lines run the same direction verse 9 does the same thing i know i won't write it look at verse 9 for he speak i'll write it he spake it was done he commanded stood fast stood fast it's done speak his command pastor your easy questions finished now what have you learned yes okay come on let god see you were listening what have you learned the size of god god is outside of space time and matter that's a big god ah and he wants to have what with you a yes it's like an elephant and a flea a personal relationship so jesus says come to me come to whom the one who made space time and matter i will give you rest rest for your souls how do you say no to that god that's why when you have a problem look at god there is no problem as big as god not even sin because the problem of sin was biggest god there could be no solution there'd be a draw are you following me we don't need a tie we need victory what have you learned don't assume you are cleverer than oh yeah no a lot of us do you are not as smart as god you're not as smart as the devil either what have you learned oh no are you related to him yeah go ahead go ahead sister it's not simple but go ahead [Music] [Music] well that's not simple at all what is the whole duty of man go to psalm 119 read verse 96 and after that i'll ask you again what have you learned psalm 119 verse 96. all right read for me what does this say i have seen the end of all uh-huh all right thy commandment is exceeding broad that's the law of god what does that mean to you the commandment of god is broad it's also what deep it's also high which means there is a lot of god's law that we do not understand or see now what is the second commandment why do you take so long what's the second commandment no god's with no no no no no make idols no have images and worship them and what's the first commandment no gods go to philippians 3. look at how deep the commandment is how broad as i try to answer this simple question philippians 3 i'm coming to ever finish no no no no no don't you don't yet sister no no no don't create confusion come on all right philippians 3 let's read from verse 17. nice and loud together of us admit walk them with walk so as you have asked for an example keyboard from any walk of whom i've told you before and i'll tell you even weeping that they are the now here's how paul describes the enemies of god go on who's uh-huh who's stop who's god is what wait a minute wait a minute now what's the first commandment for some people who is their god their belly what does that mean what controls them appetite the bible says that's your god now when you read commandment 1 exodus 20 verse 3 thou shalt have no gods before me you think of idols made of stone and wood you never stop my appetite is my god because i don't it controls me that appetite can be fulfilled or sexual whatever that's my god of a gambling that's my god the commandment is deep let's look at an idol worshiper go to ephesians 5 an idol worshiper ephesians 5. let's read from verse 1 all the way to 5. be therefore follow with god as their children and walk in love as christ also have loved us and has given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to god for a sweet swell and sweet smelling savor now verse 3 fornication and all in cleanness or covetousness let it not be once named among you as becomes there's some things you shouldn't do once keep reading foolishness now read four again neither nor foolish talking nor just in which are not convenient but rather giving a fact now microscopically verse five for this she know aha manga uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh what did you notice an idolatrous man is a someone who covets you're not with me read verse 5 again come on out loud is that out loud okay for this you know that no poor manga no just who is an idolater star a covetous man worships idols what does the 10th commandment say how do you connect commandment 10 with commandment 2 anything we covet becomes our title the commandment is exceeding broad now if god's law is the whole duty of man anything god requires commands of us is somehow covered by the ten commandments any whether it's diet managing your money raising your children everything god requires comes under the ten commandments because they represent the whole duty of man nothing god requires of you falls outside of this nothing everything god wants is covered by this we just can't see it because our minds are affected by sin so your dress is affected by the controlled by the thing modest dress comes under this we just can't see that's why david prayed open thou mine eyes that i may behold wondrous things out of thy law i just can't see them but as you come closer to christ by surrender and obedience from the heart you begin to see things you never saw before because the angels are controlled by this every command every requirement comes under the ten commandments there is nothing god can ask of you that falls outside the gambit of the ten commandments because his entire kingdom rests on this and the only way to overthrow god's kingdom is to remove the foundation for the last time tell me what you learned please and don't follow my sister she's a lovely angel but don't follow her example nor his now what did you learn blessings upon you my handsome brother okay anything else huh what did you say yes oh yes and they hurt you but we're not why you look so happy yeah we're not short we're not charged with them but they're still bad [Laughter] they're still bad okay somebody else was that god commanded all of genesis 1 we come in contact with commands the universe is a result of command then what's the most blessed way to live in obedience with god's commands but we're born with a nature that hates god's commands that's why we need to be born again you see you're born with one nature you're born again with another and the other one now takes dominion over your life the other guy the carnal nation doesn't die until this mortal puts on immortality are you with me let me say it again bill i'm going too fast the carnal nature does not die until christ comes but when you convert it the spiritual comes in and takes control and so the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary one to the other there's a constant battle but by staying in contact with christ through obedience to his word the spirit wins and wins and wins and so when the bible says we're crucified the spirits the the flesh its rule is overthrown that is what is killed but the flesh itself that nature will not be destroyed until jesus comes because character is developed as we fight against the flesh christ developed character the same way as you say yes to god and you make you know you have to make an effort to resist sin resisting is an effort you don't sit down and say jesus died so it's okay no you've got to resist and sometimes resistance is painful but the bible says resist the devil he's free from you but he comes back then you resist again and he wrote he comes back he doesn't give up you don't give up all right i gotta stop ten to five let's pray my brother are you about to raise your hand okay all right let's stand we must always give god the glory for everything are you with me but i must thank you for staying there you stayed from one o'clock to just about five o'clock listening god bless you for that god bless your studies god bless your children god heal your sicknesses god enable you to deal with your enemy may god's angels patrol around your homes and inside your homes may god bless your going out and you're coming in and may there be people in heaven because of you let's pray any prayer requests let me take them now any prayer yes pastor calvin what's wrong with him okay okay okay okay yes okay okay okay okay okay all right brother calvin yes abraham had an acid test giving up isaac we must face the acid test the abraham test comes to every believer but in different ways we pray for calvin to pass the test anybody else all right let's pray father in heaven we thank you thank god for your word and the beauty of your word we thank you for the spirit of truth that teaches us when we're willing to learn father let us step beyond learning to obedience we live in a universe made by command maintained by command de god since this command is divine we need divine help to live in accordance with your law that power is the spirit of christ in us as we bow before you god if we've sinned forgive us father you delight in mercy and the greatest expression of mercy is forgiveness where we've sinned forgive us and god give us hatred for sin and give us a restless love for righteousness bless every man every woman bless the children who came now god give rest to me and prepare me to speak to your people tonight as we depart let an angel escort everyone to his or her location watch over us tonight dear god thank you for loving us when you come save all of us father in jesus name i pray let god's people say amen and amen
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 85,630
Rating: 4.7874398 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: rnfofSC_1ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 0sec (13020 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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