Obedience Has Side Effects | Pastor Randy Skeete

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god is good and all the time how many of you love god make your hands you love god when was the last time you told him ah all right tell him often often tell god father i love you he'll appreciate that i'm quite sure god loves to be told that i love you but back it up with an obedient life can you say amen because he tells us in john 14 15 if you love me keep my commandments before i get into the message do three little favors for me favor number one preserve reverence where you are monitor your children those of you watching online i say the same to you with great respect but directness preserve reverence where you are as i always say or frequently say the fact that some of this program is online does not reduce the holiness of god god is holy whether he's on zoom youtube or whatever else we may be using facebook he is still god favor number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 says then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth think of that his hand divine touched my mouth human and the lord said behold i have put my words in thy mouth the bible says we have this treasure in earthen vessels and i want to speak only god's words prophets in kings page 6 26 the words of the bible and the bible alone should be heard from the pulpit favor number three the hardest of all think think isaiah 1 18 come now let us reason together seth the lord we serve a reasoning god we serve a reasonable god and he tells us come now let us reason together let's borrow heads and pray father in heaven we thank you for life despite all the trials and tribulations we're grateful to be alive if we sinned forgive us we ask you earnestly for an outpouring of your holy spirit he is the spirit of truth and jesus tells us in john 16 13 how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth grant me that spirit there god that the words i speak may be your words possess my mind possess my mouth my tongue every part of me associated with speech and thinking directed bless everyone listening bless all those online and father if anyone under the sound of my voice has contracted the coronavirus in the name of jesus the great physician heal that person their god because you are a god of mercy and a god of love do that i pray father for your glory and that we may have a testimony to give now father speak through me very directly i pray in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen this side what's our subject too slow that side yes obedience has god's people ought to be quick and sharp obedience has side effects genesis chapter one do you have it ah god bless you for being quick you are several adventists genesis chapter one we read from first one in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth that's my favorite bible verse in the beginning god created not evolution the heaven and the earth now we know god took six days to create and he rested on the 7th on the first day god made light on the second day the firmament the third day separated water from dry land and made vegetation on the fourth day sun moon and stars on the fifth day seal creatures birds of the air on the sixth day land animals and human beings as god looked at the six days of work here's what god said verse 31 of genesis 1 and god saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good keep your mind on behold it was very good god placed adam and eve in an environment that was by god's description and no one can assess more accurately than god the environment was very good the animal life the plant life the atmosphere the social arrangement god initiated between adam and eve called marriage everything the fact they had to rest one day of the week all of that was very good genesis chapter 2 16-17 our subject obedience has side effects by the way those side effects are blessings you have genesis 2 verse 16 the bible says and the lord god commanded the man saying now i'll put this in my own words if you desire to remain in a perfect environment no sickness no misery no plagues no pandemics no divorce no disobedient children no wars no plagues no flooded cities if you desire to remain in such an environment forever obey me now let's read how it's actually written and the lord god commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou may freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day thou eat us thereof thou shall surely die this is a passage which i refer to over and over when i preach because the gospel is very very simple the bible says of god in second peter chapter 3 verse 9 the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long suffering to us word not willing that any should perish let's commit that let's add that to first first timothy chapter two verse four who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth that's how you acquire knowledge with the head directed by the spirit of god now god's desire is that all people will come to a knowledge of the truth all people are not highly educated yet god wants all people to come to a knowledge of the truth which means the truth must be simple are you with me all right let me pray again father in heaven continue to be with me suppress my carnal nature that your glory may be my only object in jesus name i pray amen guess what you're saying sister oh you caught it all right all people yes educated uneducated rich boy white black green pearl cannot prince white god wants everyone to understand the truth of the gospel the gospel therefore must be simple in the light of the simplicity of the gospel i ask you this question what's the problem god had give me one answer starts with an s ends with an n sin sin what's the only problem we have sin why did jesus christ come to die sin he did not come to die because women couldn't find husbands he did not come to die because someone did not have a phd lack of education is not a sin a single life is not a sin christ didn't die to make everyone rich monetarily because he himself was poor jesus christ came and died because of sin if that's clear say amen now listen again to genesis 2 16 17 and the lord god commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden without me is freely notice the key word command and i spoke about that last night commanded we have it again in genesis chapter 2 verse 3 11 and 3 17 where god says commanded commanded commander of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat in other words don't do that do not eat of the tree we know thou shalt not kill we know thou shalt not commit adultery we know thou shalt not steal initially thou shalt not eat of that tree he did i am dealing with the simplicity of the gospel he did genesis 3 17 says and the lord and unto adam he said because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it curse is the ground for thy sake in other words god is saying because you disobeyed now go to romans chapter 5. quickly romans 5 you read verse 19 i read from the king james version of the bible romans 5 by matthew mark luke john x romans if you have it go to chapter 5 and read verse 19. if you have my version read with me have you found it yet read with me what does that verse say for us by one man's disobedience come on many were made go on so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous stop now think think who is that one man's disobedience adam who's the one man's obedience jesus christ the second adam so then the problem arose because of what disobedience the solution is obedience through christ read verse 19 again for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made right what i'm trying to get into your mind is this you cannot remove obedience from the gospel i don't see a clock oh there it is thank you what was my last statement you cannot do what remove obedience now a lot of christians would love to remove obedience in order to let me live any life i choose and then save me let me tell you something about the gospel go to first peter chapter four our subject obedience has side effects every one of them is a blessing what book did i say what chapter what verse 17 thank you for being alert do you have it two people have it anybody else has it read with me for the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of god keep reading and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of that obey not the gospel now the gospel therefore must be what obeyed for those who like to hide behind charge of uh legalism no the gospel must be obeyed but we're not one text christians let's go to second thessalonians chapter one second thessalonians chapter one our subject obedience has side effects and they're all blessings what book did i say what chapter reading verses seven and eight do you have that who can recite all 66 books in order can i see your hand you can you raise your hand with a degree of uncertainty my brother all right you were more confident i believe you uh all right okay i won't call you up tonight second thessalonians one reading verses seven and eight and to you who are troubled rest with us when the lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels now read it with me in flaming fire come on taking vengeance on them that no lord god and that obey not the gospel of that's right so here again we have the gospel must be obeyed but there's something else the gospel that must be done to the gospel let us go to uh mark chapter one read verses 14 and 15 our subject obedience has side effects it's 26 minutes to uh eight do you have mark the shortest gospel mark was not one of the twelve disciples neither was luke read with me now after that john was put in prison mark chapter 1 from verse 14 sorry i'm not sure if i told you jesus came into galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of god verse 15 and saying the time is fulfilled come on the kingdom of is at hand go on repent believe the gospel wait a minute what did we learn earlier we must do what obey the gospel what is john the baptist said what did jesus say believe the gospel is there conflict no because where there is belief there is obedience the only proof that you truly believe or have faith jesus said believe the gospel and his spirit inspired peter and paul to write obey the gospel go to galatians galatians chapter 2 we read verse 5. paul is talking about his visit to uh jerusalem which is also recorded in acts chapter 15 and he runs into some jews who are trying to get new converts to go back to the old jewish ways and keep all the little ceremonial laws verse 5 of galatians 2 let me pray again father in heaven continue to be with me i appeal to you in jesus name amen read with me to whom we give place by subjection know not for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with you now keep in mind he says the truth of the gospel i want you to think let's go to verse 14. read with me but when i saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel so we have truth of the gospel in verse five we have truth of the gospel in verse 14. now let's be reasonable god calls us to reason let's go to chapter three of the book of uh galatians our subject obedience has side effects chapter three first one all foolish galatians who have bewitched you now you read for me that you should not obey the truth but that you should not obey the truth finish it no no no no no no no hold it hold it think with me think let me give you some help chapter 2 verse 5 says the truth of the gospel chapter 2 verse 14 says the truth of the gospel now read verse one of chapter three let me see who's thinking come on read loudly all foolish galatians come on who have befitted you oh no no no no stop stop embarrassing heaven and earth listen again you must think when setting the word of god you must think listen again chapter two verse five we have the truth of the gospel chapter 2 verse 14 the truth of the gospel now read verse 1 of chapter 3 again all foolish galatians who have bewitched you that you should not obey the truth of the gospel now we don't have it physically written but based on chapter 2 verse 5 and chapter 2 verse 14 and because the bible says let's reason together what he means is who have bewitched you that you should not obey the truth of the gospel let's go to chapter five read verse seven of galatians galatians five for seven do you have that read with me he did you did unwell who did hinder you come on that you should not after ah i heard that god bless you god bless you i give you an a for being adventist yes the truth of the gospel what are you seeing obey obey obey in the middle of the gospel is obey but let me hammer it home because we hate obedience philippians chapter 2 reading from verse 5 our subject obedience has side effects philippians chapter 2 reading from verse 5. when you found it say amen if you're still looking say amen that's an honest man but get hurry up hurry up philippians chapter 2 from verse 5 i think he has it now let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god but made himself of no reputation took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and been found in fashion as a man he humbled himself come on and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross that even the death means the depth of the obedience of jesus he became obedient even it meant killing him he obeyed and not just any death if i had to choose a way to die i would not choose being eaten by a lion are you following me i would not choose being burned alive i would choose a lethal injection or laughing gas something pleasant and they'll go to sleep and i'm gone all death is not the same that's why the bible says and became obedient unto death even in other words there was no limit to the obedience of jesus christ to his father because he lived that kind of life listen to his testimony john chapter 8 let's go to verse 29 our subject obedience has side effects is a quarter to eight god is good and all the time yes he is he cannot be anything else but good that's his habit what book did i say what chapter 8 what verse 29 read nice and loud for me and he that have sent me is with me the father hath not left me alone why for i do always those things that please him now listen to this expression all i do always those things that please him give me one word for that obey but there's a problem god requires obedience of people who cannot obey and i need to pray again father as i enter into this section of the message please god give me simple but powerful language in jesus name i pray amen go to romans 8. romans 8. 3 7 and verse 8. you have romans 8 all right read with me because the carnal mind is enmity against god stop give me another word for enmity against okay enmity give me another strong word enmity hatred hatred the carnal mind is hatred it doesn't say it has hatred it is hatred because the carnal mind is enmity against god why keep reading for it is not subject to the law of god's talk give me one word for not subject to the law of god it is it is disobedient by nature now here's god requiring obedience from people who because of sin are unable to obey then god has to do something here is what god has promised to do ezekiel 36 in salvation god moves first somebody say amen if he didn't move first we'd be in trouble in salvation god moves first what book did i say what chapter one verse 26 and 27 are you there not yet some of you still on your cell phone bibles are you ready read with me a new heart also will i give you stop why does god have to give us a new hand we can't do it for ourselves are you with me we cannot now this promise is not first mentioned ezekiel listen to genesis 3 15 tell me what that verse says without going there and i will put enmity between the other woman where's enmity put now we have enmity twice we found enmity in romans 8 7. but this enmity is directed towards god i've lost you i've lost you you might as well confess it let me try again it's my fault romans 8 7 says because the carnal mind is enmity against god here's what god promised to do the very first promise of the bible and i will put enmity between thee and the woman god has promised to put hatred in our hearts for the things of the devil so when he tells us in ezekiel 36 26 and our new heart also will i give you and the new spirit will i put within you and i will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and i will give you a heart of flesh now read verse 27 for me and i will put my spirit within you come on and cause you to do what walk in my statue stop what do you understand by cause you to walk in my statutes i will make you obey you said amen because you're nice people but you didn't get it god has promised he will make us obey and so all we have to do is to say father do for us what david told you to do for him in psalm 51 verse 10 what does that verse say creating me a clean heart oh god you do that and renew all right spirit within me why because i cannot do it i'll tell you something else i do not want to do it go to romans 3 what's our subject too slow too slow obedience has side effects yeah i like that vegetarian all right romans chapter three we're reading from first stem do you have that read with me what does this say but as it's written yes there's none righteous come on no not one keep reading there's none there's none that seeketh after god stop the sinner does not naturally say god god has to do something so god has to change the heart god has to change the mind god has to give it that spirit because we do not desire it we have two problems we don't want it even if we wanted it we couldn't do it that's why in a certain sense it's all of god and so god says a new heart also will i give you then when i read that what should i say to god father give me what that new heart a new spirit will i put within you and i'll stop practicing spousal abuse i'll stop lying why because i'll have the spirit of jesus i'll stop stealing the tithe i'll stop working on sabbath why because i'll have the obedient spirit of christ god has promised now i'll tell you something about god god does not lie no can't lie titus chapter 1 verse 2 which god that cannot lie promise before the world began numbers 23 19 god is not a man that he shall lie meaning men lie god said i will put in your heart in you i will cause you that's what he did for christ listen to what christ said in john 14 go with me to john 14. 10 minutes to eight i'll finish at eight have a long flight back to missouri city it felt like a flight coming down that's okay all right what book did i say john 14 let's read from verse 8. we read the words of philip then the words of christ are you there read with me philip sayeth unto him lord show us the father and it sufficeth us jesus says unto him have i been so long time with you and yet hast thou not known me philip he that have seen me have seen the father and how sayest thou then show us the father keep reading believers thou not that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he did the work stop it was the father working through jesus as the father worked through jesus jesus must work through us now listen to galatians 2 20 say it without don't go there you say it without going i am crucified with christ come on nevertheless i live yet not i but christ liveth in me stop it's not what christ said about the father living in him then paul says who lives in him jesus this is the only way we can obey god and let me tell you quickly for those of you who take pride in your obedience obedience is not compliance inmates comply ah you didn't hear me inmates comply are you following me that's not obedience listen to obedience christ object lessons page 97 paragraph three the man who attempts to keep the commandments of god from a sense of obligation merely because he's required to do so will never enter into the joy of obedience he does not obey when the requirements of god are considered a burden because they cut across human inclination we may know that the life is not a christian life true obedience is the outworking of a principle within it springs from the love of righteousness the love of the law of god the essence of all righteousness is loyalty to our redeemer this will lead us to right because it is right because right doing is pleasing to god the obedience is that which proceeds from a love of righteousness obedience has side effects blessings blessings for this life come on finish my words and the life to come christ came and died because of disobedience because of his obedience we are restored our right to the tree of life and so the last chapter of the bible revelation 22 verse 14 don't go there say it it's an adventist verse blessed are they that do his commands stop there is a blessing for those who obey keep reading that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter into the gate into the city as we reason together we lost that right through adam's disobedience we regained that right through the obedience of christ working through us my brothers and sisters we must come to the place where our obedience is the obedience of christ in the sense that as he became obedient unto death we must be prepared to obey god unto death like daniel yes that's why god has to do through us like the three hebrew boys like all the martyrs who went to the stick burned to death who went to the cathedral not the cathedral the amphitheater consumed by wild animals and the stories tell us some when they were burning they were singing hymns total commitment to god many who profess to be christ followers have an anxious troubled heart because they are afraid to give themselves to him they do not make a complete surrender because they shrink from the consequences that such a surrender may involve unless they make this surrender they cannot have peace ministry of healing page 480 paragraph three the surrender must be total because god does not tolerate partial obedience counsels for the church page 268 paragraph five god the history of god's dealing with his people in all ages shows that he demands exact obedience that's not legalism patriotism prophets page 479 paragraph two god shut moses out of canaan to teach a lesson which should never be forgotten that he requires exact obedience if neymar had only dipped 6.9 times he would never have recovered from leprosy god gave us ten commandments those commandments are a sign of his people in the last days he gave ten not nine and for someone listening to me who's observing sunday contrary to thus said the lord make that change you've got one change to make to come into full harmony with god just one you love the other nine let your love for the other nine lead you to obey the fourth obedience has side effects and so i ask you five minutes to eight i want you to think of what i'm about to say is there an area in your life where you know you're disobedient you willfully deliberately intentionally flagrantly disobedient shut it down tonight give it to god so father i have been rebelling against you in this area of my life please dear god i surrender it to you grant me the obedient heart of jesus you promised in ezekiel 36 26 a new heart also i give you give it to me to god and remove this area of rebellion and stubbornness ask god to do that because it only takes one area of rebellion to take you straight to hell when jesus said the kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed he could have said the kingdom of hell is like a grain of mustard seed you take that mustard seed of wrong and leave it unattended it will grow and consume the life tonight i offer you the only foundation of endless blessings that foundation tell me what it is obedience to god jesus died because someone disobeyed we are able to enter the early gates when christ comes because somebody obeyed and because we have a nature that hates god's law god does something divine in the life he changes that person with the person's permission a decent life is an admirable thing christ did not die to make you decent you can do be decent without christ's help christ didn't die to make us well cultured and smooth and we can do that without his help eloise says many a man of cultured intellect and pleasing manners who would not stoop to what is commonly regarded as an immortal act is but a polish instrument in the hand of satan christ died to change our hearts to make us like him and when we say the lord's prayer say it with me our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come you go on how on how as it is in heaven which means to your shock perhaps while on this earth we are called by god to live a heavenly life thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven the angels obey that way psalm 103 verse 20 bless the lord ye his angels that excel in strength that do his commandments hearkening unto the voice of his word the angels obey and god gives that same standard to us because for the universe for god's kingdom there is one standard that's the standard of his law which expresses the very character of god my brothers and sisters choose obedience it's the only way to express love for god and satan knows that that's why we're told in great controversy page 582 paragraph one from the very beginning of the great controversy in heaven it had been satan's purpose to overthrow the law of god it was to accomplish this that he ended up on his rebellion against the creator and though he was cast out of heaven he has continued the same warfare on the earth to deceive man and thus lead them to transgress god's law is the object which he has steadfastly pursued and you and i know from prophecy the issue of crisis in the last days will be the law of god shall i live by god's law or a man-made law tonight i ask you the presence of a holy god choose obedience that flows from love calvary is the most dramatic expression of the obedience of love let that soften your heart and mind and let us say lord hear my change me make me yours how many will stay with me tonight father renew a new spirit within me write your law again on my heart could you raise your hands stand up with me please write that law again because the ink is fading with all the daily struggles is fading right it again as bowed eyes closed father in heaven we thank you for your word and the challenge it brings to us but whatever you required a god you provide the power forgive us father where we've fallen short forgive us the god where we have accused you of having set low standards for us you've called us to obey because the foundation of your kingdom is your law and the life of christ is a living example of that law in action please god keep your word in ezekiel 36 26 a new heart also will i give you and the new spirit will i put within you do that for us dear god right where we stand and renew it every day as we depart this building let angels escort every vehicle every pair of feet watch over us tonight bring us back tomorrow day god to hear your word again and let the lies believe between them and now be a witness of your goodness to us i off this prayer for my heart in jesus name let god's people say [Music] amen [Music] you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 9,187
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: f0-sVPbUALQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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