Counsels on Stewardship | Pastor Randy Skeete

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by the word of the lord were the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth for he spake and it was done he commanded and it stood fast for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether there be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things consist remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the law thy god in it thou shalt not do any work thou not thy son nor thy daughter thy manservant not thy servant not thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it if you love me keep my commandments god is good and all the time happy sabbath everyone i do not believe the sun has actually set but we must live by faith we know it will sit so i said happy sabbath how was your day how was your week all right the lord brought you through day by day if you're sitting where you are now it means god in his mercy has brought you safely through there are multiple thousands of people who began the week and are now lifeless god has been merciful to us and we must never take life for granted as i was coming down the highway to this place and the cars were flashing by you've got to change this take this exit take that exit go through the easy whatever that thing is you thank god they're angels on either side of you now we're grateful they're driving tests and all of that fine don't remove them but let me tell you something particularly the children of god we arrive safely by the grace of god ministered through angels the devil is constantly trying to kill god's people angels protect us from a thousand different dangers and so i really thank god for that i have this practice the spirit of god i believe put on me it costs me money but i can't get away from it every time i'm about to turn a turn to one lane or switch lanes there's something called a blind spot and i think i've seen everything just as i'm about to turn there's a car sitting right there and i say lord thank you and the spirit said i want thirty dollars for that no i'm not joking the spirit says i want thirty dollars for that and i have to give him i was walking down the stairs in my house once and i almost tripped it doesn't take much to break your ankle the body is tough and also delicate the spirit said how much would it cost for surgery to repair that angle i want fifty dollars you're looking at me i need medication but i'm being very serious with you this has been put on me the past year and a half by the spirit of god and i said father you're robbing me blind but and today today i was going somewhere to um there is a walmart close to where i'm staying and i thought the road was clear you see when you drive in australian city you're really at a disadvantage and i wasn't sure which road was going i was about to go right across it was a whole lot of traffic coming this way and i stopped just in time the spirit said i want a hundred dollars i want a hundred dollars so i um you're looking at someone who tries to be as careful as possible so god doesn't take all my money but he said i and i have to give it to him he said i want a hundred dollars and what i do with the money i send it to people whom i know overseas are in great need and i send it to them but uh i thank god for keeping me from all kinds of dangers despite how expensive it is getting our subject for this evening councils on stewardship what did i say does that title bring anything to mind yes what is that there's a book called councils and stewards all of you should have said yes there's a book called oh read it by the way read that book please but before i get into that let me ask you of course to preserve reverence wherever you are i keep saying and i'll keep saying it god's holiness does not change because we are on zoom or facebook or youtube so wherever you are facebook youtube zoom uh the different platforms god is still holy when moses encountered him in the backside of the desert god said put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place where on thousandest is holy ground so remember we're worshiping a holy god he deserves reverence favor number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth the words that said let there be light there was light those powerful life-giving words life-transforming words those resurrecting words i want them placed in my mouth and favor number three i want you to think you are required to think the holy spirit guides your thinking but does not think for you god requires a tithe he will not take it out of your salary the god the way the government takes its taxes you know we have to do our part and we are required to think come now let us do what reason together saith the lord think my beloved brothers and sisters let us pray our father and our god we thank you we can come to you and call your father we thank you for christ who is brother and savior we thank you for the convicting work of your spirit and also his work of guiding our minds into truth we thank you thank god for the tireless work of protection of the angels who also assist us in the understanding of the word as we bow in your presence father if we've sinned forgive us their god cleanse us i pray and grant us a fresh infilling of your holy spirit the spirit of truth i commit this service to your glory day father and i ask you in the name of jesus christ put your words in my mouth because the carnal nature loves to say things that sound intelligent and cute and scholarly but father i desire to speak thus saith the lord put your words in my mouth i pray for your glory god and for the blessing of your people i pray for those listening who may have covered 19. father there's no disease you cannot cure if you can raise the dead you can remove a sickness so please heal those persons just because you delight in mercy according to micah 7 verse 18 heal them their god whether they're believers or not because you make your son to rise on the evil and on the good now that god touch all those listening particularly our visitors father bless them remember young boys and girls who are listening bless their little minds with a revelation of truth they god because they understand much more than we suspect bless this country of the united states god this powerful country bless the leaders let them make decisions that are righteous because righteousness exalteth the nation and also the individual who practices it bless every nation represented by those listening their god save us when you come father until then keep us faithful unto death in jesus name we pray amen what's our subject counsels on stewardship go with me to acts chapter 7 we shall read from verse 47 the book of acts chapter 7 reading from verse 47 7 30 on the dot i'll release you somewhere between 8 and 8 15. if you find the verses quickly acts chapter 7 reading from first this is a powerful sermon by that spirit-filled man called stephen and he lost his life for it by the way preaching truth is a very dangerous thing to do even in the church do you have the book of acts do you have chapter 7 verse 47 stephen says solomon built him a house how be it the most high dwelleth not in temples made with hands as saith the prophet heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool what how shall he build me saith the lord or what is the place of my rest hath not my hands made all these things what is christ saying by the way the creators jesus christ what is he saying how can you build a house for god listen again to verse 49 heaven is my throne i sit on the entire heavens the earth is my you have those couches there's a couch or a chair that reclines and there's a part for your foot god says the earth functions that way for me i just put my foot on the earth the entire heaven is my couch how can you build me a house we must stop thinking we do favors for god the only favor ever done is calvary by the way when you help someone you've done your duty only god can do a favor uh you didn't hear what i said perhaps you're trying to analyze what i said only god can do a favor we do our duty to our fellow man and fellow woman and so god says what house shall he build me god doesn't live in a physical building god doesn't live in the pastor's office or the baptismal font we cannot build a house for god the entire universe cannot house god are you with me all right having said that let's run over to book of acts we're still in acts chapter 17 we'll read from verse 22. the book of acts written by luke and i said previously the central figure of acts is the holy spirit the book of acts chapter 17 reading from verse 22. when you have that say amen then paul stood in the midst of mars hill and said ye men of athens i perceive that in all things you're too superstitious for as i passed by and beheld your devotions i found an altar with this inscription to the unknown god whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him declare i unto you now verse 24 carefully you can read with me if you like god that made the world and all things therein seeing that he is lord of heaven and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hand that's what we read in acts 7 47-50 neither is worshiped with man's hands as though he needed anything see if he given to all life and breath and all things verse 25 says we can't act as though god needs something from us he gives to us we need from god god was alive before we were given life and god will exist even after many people are destroyed god doesn't need us to exist god doesn't need us to survive god himself is life god himself is wealth god himself is wisdom god does not need us in order to be god we need him in order to live somebody say amen and recognize god what i am saying is not symbolic it is literal we've read from acts 7 47-50 we've read acts 17 22-25 let's go to psalm psalm 24 our subject counsels on stewardship 735 do you have a psalm 24 read verse 1 i read by the way from the king james version if you have it you may read with me the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein now if the earth is the lords we know mars is the lord's pluto is the lord's jupiter is the law saturn is the lord beetlejuice is the lord the son is the lord because god made heaven and earth the sea all that in them is all that in them is above everything belongs to god that's why he named them psalm 147 verse 4 he calleth them or he telleth the number of the stars he calleth them all by their names in the bible naming shows a special connection with the thing you named he named all the stars because he made them all the heavenly bodies because he made them the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof i'm trying to establish the universal ownership of god let us go to genesis 14. in this chapter lot has been captured by some armies from the other side of the euphrates river abraham is informed in verse 13 of chapter 14 that his brother lot was taken captive abraham arms 318 servants goes after the armies defeats them comprehensively because god was leading his his his army abraham's army abraham comes back with all the goods the booty the loot whatever and brought back lot all the people the women the goods everything he brings back verse 14 verse 18 of genesis 14 let me pray again father as i continue be with me to god i pray for your own sake the sake of your glory in jesus name i pray amen and melchizedek king of selem brought forth bread and wine and he was the priest of the most high god and he blessed him and said blessed be abram of the most high god finish that verse for me possessor of heaven and earth stop melchizedek upon whom the priestly ministry of christ is patterned he called god the possessor of heaven and earth all the heavens all the earth and verse 20 ends with this that abraham gave him tithes of all we're introduced in the bible for the first time to the concept of tithe which is a recognition that everything belongs to god there's a slightly twisted viewpoint among christians that i have to have given my tithe the nine tenth belong to me that's not true haggai chapter 2 verse 8 the silver is mine and the gold is mine said the lord when god put job in his place in job 38 he said where was thou when i laid the foundation of the earth now when god laid the foundation of their meaning he made the earth here is what god also put in the earth go to genesis 2. we read from verse 10. our subject counsels on stewardship we look at money we look at your body we look at your time we look at your ability councils on stewardship what is our relationship to god who possesses everything we have by right where did i tell you to go genesis chapter 2 we read from verse 10. and a river went out of eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into two heads the name of the first is paisan that is it which composes the whole land of havela read carefully now where there is gold and the gold of that land is good sorry there's dellium and the onyx stone the bible tells us clearly excuse me when god made the earth he made precious stones and he put them in the earth with this gold many economies are based on the gold standard am i right we used to be based but for some reason somebody changed it but gold is a precious commodity fort knox is protected more powerfully than the white house it is the most protected building on earth fort knox not because it contains bibles it contains the gold reserve of the united states i think an entire division or regiment of of of soldiers defend fort knox you can't dig down and get into it because it is so powerfully built you just cannot get why it contains gold not the testimonies now listen again that is it which composites the whole land of heavenly where there is gold and the gold of that land is good there's dellium and the onyx stone so the precious metals that today are regarded as indispensable to strong economies i mean countries like namibia and botswana and drc that mine for diamonds and gold in south africa these things prop up economies why am i saying that to say this the 19th belongs to god we need to think that way so proper stewardship of the the wealth god has entrusted to us requires that we understand it all belongs to god if you agree say amen the tithe has a special classification that's holy don't touch it god told me you see that tree leave it alone and we're introduced to the concept of some things we're not to touch there was nothing wrong with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because the bible says in verse 31 and god saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good and the trees were made on day three but it was not to be eaten stay away from it just stay away this is mine every other tree is yours so we have the concept of some things are set apart for god and to to to to manhandle them to tamper with them is to place your life in danger in verse 14 chapter 14 of genesis we are introduced to the concept of tithe well it's first mentioned but we have to reason that abraham got it from somewhere are you following me somebody told abraham about tide and someone told the person who told abraham so tithe while it's not mentioned especially must by reasoning honestly stretch all the way back one tenth of income belongs to god but the bible says will a man will a man rob god yet you have robbed me he said wherein have we robbed thee in tithe come on and offering our expression to love does not end with the tithe the tithe is stipulated the offering is up to you are you with me and i've heard some preachers say and i find no reason to disagree the tithe is really in the offering where you see love because it's up to you are you following me you can give god a nickel or you can give him whatever you can give him a second tithe a third the tithe is where we really show love for god god gives us no choice regarding sorry the offering is where we show love to god we have no choice regarding the tithe as far as its amount is concerned we have a choice to give it or keep it but regarding the offering that's up to us by the way let me digress briefly how many days did god made seven how many has he kept for himself one now does that mean he doesn't want any time from the other six uh no one is listening i'm talking to myself does he not want some time from the other six yes now our love for god may be seen more clearly in how much time we give him from the other six we we crowd everything on this earth because we're not giving him time between sunday and friday i am busy you have one day what else do you want we forget that god made all seven all seven belong to god i realize you don't look very happy but still stay amen all seven days belong to god he says the seventh is mine there's no discussion it's mine but can i have some time on tuesday and why would god want that because it is god who keeps us alive on tuesday and wednesday and friday and sunday let me stay on this road time is life who was the first person who came to this church tonight first person who walked in who okay let's say okay who what's the name tom dr tom god bless you now what time is it now it's uh quarter to eight let's assume it's eight o'clock and tom got here at six he has spent two hours am i right yes but there's a different way to say it he has lived two hours ah you didn't get it he has lived from six to eight am i right he has lived two hours time is simply a word that measures life it took me 45 minutes to come down the highway i live for 45 minutes on that highway are you following me i thank god for life so when we think of the other six days they all represent life whether the day is holy or the day is secular it is life and they all have 24 hours so during the week we know the sabbath is god's but let's show some love for god give him some time during the week we know the tensions is show some love with the offering because god can take all of him he can take your job i don't mean to come present god as a god who hijacks you and but he can take your job to save you from your selfishness he can put you flat on your back in a bed just to save you from yourself and so we thank god that he did not say give me all hundred dollars just ten huh we thank god he didn't say i had seven six days at sabo's you have one to work he didn't do that but look at the trees god told adam avoid how many trees one all the rest were for him avoid one somebody say man for god god is a nice person he gives us six days and he wants one he doesn't get it out of a hundred dollars he says you have 90 to manage give me 10 he doesn't get it he says some things are not to be touched they belong to me we tamper with them what's our subject councils on how do we manage finances how do we manage our time do we give time for the work of the gospel some people use a clever argument well just live the right life that's fine that's fine but how many evangelistic crusades result in baptism just because someone lived the right life are you following me jesus didn't just live the right life he preached he ministered this the disciples went out they ministered they knocked on doors they went from door to door they did that it's not just live the right life there is a place for that but if that's all we had to do christ would take millions of years to come we must give time to god to witness to others of the goodness we have experienced from god let me pray again father continue to be with me i pray please in the name of jesus christ i pray amen go to first corinthians 3 it's almost ten to eight first corinthians three we read from verse sixteen first corinthians three reading verse 16 and 17 have you found it read with me know ye not that year what the temple of god and that the spirit of god does what dwelleth in you know ye not that ye are the temple of god and that the spirit of god dwelleth in you now we're talking about this body in exodus 25 verse 8 no need to go there you know it very well let them make me a sanctuary that i may what dwell among them now we are this we are the sanctuary within which god desires to dwell in the person of his holy spirit knowing not that ye are the temple of the holy ghost temple of god and that the spirit of god dwelleth in you if any man do what defile this temple him shall god destroy for your what for the temple of god is holy come on which temple you are if any man defile this temple him shall god destroy revelation 11 8 in the bible says when god comes he will destroy those who destroy the earth he will destroy those who destroy his temple i'm dealing us now with the management of our bodies the physical we touch briefly on the money we touch briefly on timeline coming back to time we're looking at now this go to go to chapter six of first corinthians chapter six let's read verse 15. i want you to read that for me nice and clearly are you there as i said we're talking about the body what does it say no he not that what your bodies are the members of christ keep reading shall i then take the members of christ come on and make them the members of an harlot now why did paul say that there was a problem in the church of the men uh patronizing prostitution paul is saying i have to be delicate your body that you use for prostitution belongs to christ this hand belongs to christ i am pausing how can i see this your reproductive organs belong to christ and if we took that seriously a lot of things we wouldn't do with them that's what they were doing in corinth and so on don't you know that your bodies are the members of christ shall i then take the members of christ and make them the members of the heart connect them with a prostitute i can't do that why shouldn't this body stay in that chapter go to verse 19. now verse 15 begins with no ye not but look at how verse 19 begins how does that begin what stop what does that sound like shock so what don't you know adventist worship on sabbath what don't you know water is wet what so paul says what knowing not that what your body is the temple of the which is in you which you have of god come on and ye are not your own stop there's nothing symbolic about that listen to genesis 2 7 don't go there just listen and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground breathed into his nostrils the breath of life man became a living soul at death where does the body go well who made the dust god where does the breath go where did the breath originate from god everything is from god this really belongs this is a literal statement god has two certificates of ownership creation and salvation but knowing not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which you have of god and ye are not if you we take better care of the things that belong to others if i borrowed your car i'll be ten times more careful with it than i am with my own car if i'm speaking the truth come on say man yes i can wreck my car so okay okay but i can't wreck yours this belongs to god it has been entrusted to us for the glory of god and to emphasize this fact paul writes whether therefore he eat that's physical come on or drink that's physical or whatsoever you do do all to the glory of god what kind of dresses do you put up outfits male or female on this i can't decorate this like a maple you don't know what a maple is okay like a flag you know okay this belongs to god if you loan me your car your car's green nice respectful conservative gray then i pointed painted polka dots and striped how am i dressing this body what do i put on the inside why am i flooding my inside with alcohol and with cherry coke now i'm not trying to be what's the word there pharisaical why am i smoking damaging the lungs that do not belong to me from a biblical perspective they literally do not belong to me because i never made them you see ownership in the bible is based on creation if you can show you created yourself then you belong to you so as we continue with councils on stewardship this body what do we eat and how much what do we drink and how much who determines how it is a culture of the bible and since we're adventists plus delight from god's servant to this church whom we just universally ignore my brothers and sisters the councils on the stewardship i'm talking about is the stewardship of our physical bodies the stewardship of our income the stewardship of our time the stewardship of our talents if you look at the great black singers they all started in church well i'm going to show my age where you have marvin gaye or diana ross or she died recently um well you've been houston and the other aretha franklin these great singers and those who even way back they all began in church then the world pulled them out you have a gift you must manage that gift realizing the gift was given by god for his glory i've often said special music is not an audition neither is preaching preaching is not an auditory cv singing is not an audition for the grammys singing is an act of worship for god we must use our talents for the glory of god all that god has given to us is for his glory go to first chronicles 29 quickly let's read from verse 11. first chronicles 29 reading from verse 11 the time is five to eight our subject counsels on stewardship let me pray while you father as i continue please god restrain me constrain me direct me speak through me father in jesus name i pray amen you have first chronicles 29 we read from verse 11 council zone stewardship is our subject when you found it say amen thine o lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty now whatever victory is whatever matches you know victorious armies are allowed to be victorious by god uh vic every victorious army is allowed to be victorious by god when nebuchadnezzar overthrew jerusalem daniel 1 verses 1 and 2 tell us god gave jerusalem to him there is no victory in which god is not somehow connected thine o lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty read with me for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is dying thine is the kingdom of lord and thou what are exalted as head above all read verse 12 carefully both riches and honor come of they stop riches do not originate with gates or jeff bezos what's the fellow the other fellow has a lot of money don't remember warren both riches and honor come of thee and the rainest over all and in thy hand is power and might every ruler on earth must realize that power originates with god romans 13 verse 1 let every soul be subject to the higher powers for there is no power but of god the powers that be are ordained of god power originated with god now it's always misused power the concept of power originated with god and in thy hand is power and might and in thine hand it is to make great and to give strength unto all now power greatness might honor victory majesty you name it they all come from god do you occupy a high position in your company that's why god's doing don't run around with your chest in the air because god can flatten that chest you asked nebuchadnezzar when he puffed up his is this not great babylon that i have built god said oh no no no no let me show you who built it he put him down for seven long years the bible says when he lifts up his eyes and acknowledge god god restored his mind and his kingdom because god is a good god he isn't vicious he holds no grudges he desires to save and finally god was able to save nebuchadnezzar power comes from god honor are you widely respected that is a gift from god to be used to exert a saving influence on people it is not to build people and do whatever else people do are in powers of position look at verse 14. what does that say but who am i are you not there yet you lost you lost it first first chronicles 29 verse 14 first chronicles 29 verse 14. are you there now read with me but who am i and what is my people that we should be able to offer so willingly after the sky keep reading for all things come of thee finish it and of thine own have we given thee the only thing you and i can legally claim as our own is sin god owns that house where you live god owns that car that bank account that housed by the lake that cabin in the woods that motorhome gods because all the material required to make a motorhome god put in the earth those clothes you're wearing god because you did not invent cotton are you following me you didn't the shoes you're wearing gods because you did not create cows are you following me to provide leather everything now this is a mindset we must live by with that mindset it's easy to give i'll wait all night for one person to say amen forgive god loves you nonetheless he loves you more than he loves me perhaps counsels on stewardship let me get back to life the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein we read in first corinthians 6 19 what knowing not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which you have of god and ye are not your own for you but with a price name the price the blood of christ now give what christ paid for to him you have not yet made a decision to be baptized acknowledge that your life belongs to god and he wants it that's not different from the way we think you if you go online and order something from amazon you expect it delivered by drone in three days or two are you with me and if you don't get it you call i paid where's my product if it's lit five minutes you track it online it's down the street it's cause it's come around the corner it's on the sidewalk you track it because you're paid you go to a restaurant you sit down you give your order where's the food there's only five minutes where's the food god said i paid for you where's your life give it to me this is not your give it to me because it is mine and god has a legal document that's the document of salvation which only has meaning in the blood of jesus christ and his resurrection god has bought your life and the receipt is signed in blood and he wants your life give it to him we're not speaking from revelation i have not used one text from revelation i'm speaking literally your life belongs to god give it to him in surrender let him direct you anything in the hands of god is well preserved well managed and well protected are you listening to me anything in the hand of god it is well preserved well managed well protected and that management that preservation that protection extends into the life to come you may think you manage your life but that management will end when christ comes since a christian is an intelligent person we think of the long haul what did jesus say what is a man profited if he gains what the whole world and loses his soul this is the whole world this is the soul so tonight i ask you under the heading of councils on stewardship give your life to god it rightfully belongs to him give commit let me tell you what happened to me it actually happened it's uh three after eight i said i'll let you go by eight and eight fifteen many years ago i had a little car honda crx they don't make them anymore cute little thing two seats i bought it so only my wife and i can get into it the lord forgave me for selfishness can give anyone a ride yes my wife and i would write this thing but we grow in grace somebody say amen and we put off our folly and i was conducting a bible study at my local church and i talked about the fact that everything belongs to god and the members we discussed yes your house your car a couple of weeks later i was sitting in my car in the driving parking lot and the spirit and i said to god father i am teaching this lesson i need to apply it i commit this car to you it's yours i'll change the oil put in the gas drive it whatever but it's your car i am your chauffeur two things happened to me a couple of weeks later i was going somewhere and i was known in my church for flying law when i drove you don't know what flying law is we have somebody sitting next to you i would fly law once i was on highway going back to college i was doing 125 and the truckers were talking about me on the seabury that's how far back it was they were discussing me on yes did you see that guy and i'm alive today because god is merciful and there were five of us in that car one little wiggle and we've been dead i was getting ready to drive my little crx and the spirit of god said to me this is my car now you cannot drive it like that what did i say speak to me who did i say the spirit i heard the voice this is my car now you cannot now why did he speak to me i recognized his what's the second thing that happened i had measured the mileage on my little car 36 per hour that's very good not per hour on a highway per gallon excellent mileage two weeks later i measured it after i committed the car to god it was giving me 46 miles to the gallon i'm not saying he'd do that for you god blesses us in different ways i'm simply saying when i acknowledged god he delivered me from speeding and i didn't ask him he increased the mileage of my little limousine by 10 miles per gallon and god is listening to me he knows i'm not lying both up to this day i said godfather remember you took speeding from me and i didn't ask why don't you take this thing as well i keep asking i still have it why don't you take that as well i remind him all the time of when he took speeding from me from the day the spirit said this is my car now you cannot drive it that way all love for speeding left at that from that very point on up to this day i love to keep the speed limit and he increased the mileage by 10 miles per gallon what is god willing to do for you if you acknowledge his rightful ownership of your life his rightful ownership of your so-called possessions commit yourself to god with you comes everything you see when god gave christ he gave everything thank you thank you thank you he gave everything because god gave the creator of heaven and earth and you heard me read earlier all things were created by him and for him jesus says all thine are mine in uh john 17 verse 10 in john 16 verse 15 all things that the father hath are mine when god gave christ he gave everything eloise said he had nothing left now when you give yourself to god bring everything with you give him your job your health your romantic relationship your education and make sure everything is for his glory councils on stewardship when god made adam and eve he said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion not ownership with ownership there would have been no need to report to god are you with me with dominion which is management they had to report to god that's why the bible says in job 146 there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them from various worlds representatives came to god and this happened regularly satan would come to represent the earth that ceased when jesus died and rose because then christ became the legal representative of this earth that's why jesus said now as the prince of this world cast out he could no longer go back to heaven give your life to god you will never regret it my mother suffered from asthma all i could remember all her life after she got baptized the asthma virtually disappeared miraculously now god blesses people differently don't miss they don't think because you get wet you but it disappeared or was reduced to the point where it ceased to be a problem because i could remember sometimes as a little child i would hear my mother wheezing in the bedroom struggling for breath she gave her life to god and she accepted the truth of the sabbath god baptized and the lord gave a relief from that thing in a miraculous way all i'm saying is when we acknowledge god as the rightful owner of us totally god rewards us with blessings but he decides what the blessing will be and so tonight i call upon you wherever you are online at born again or fmc give your life to christ if the spirit of god has been moving you to get baptized make that decision the spirit may have been nudging you to be re-baptized because the life you've lived you see in the walk with god or the christian life let me say that there's no such thing as flat lining in the christian life you're either going this way finish my words or that way there's no flat lining you either growing or you're deteriorating now it is slow so slow it becomes imperceptible but it happens nonetheless so 15 years later you look back and you realize i no longer have an interest in the study of the bible when does that happen there's no specific date it happens gradually the growth happens grad you look back you realize you know there was a time when you said that ads knock you flat on your back what happened to me you changed christ wants your life for one major reason it's his but more than that he wants it because he wants you connected united with him and that's literal at a spiritual level he wants a oneness with us that is impossible without a total surrender to him and so he says thou shalt love the lord thy god how with all thine heart and with all thy soul with all thy might with all thy strength total surrender for those of you listening wherever you are make that decision to give your life to christ make the decision for baptism if you have been convicted that way and there is someone listening who would require some who requires a little more study contact the church let someone know and that church will make arrangements for you to receive the extra study you need to bring it to the point of that intelligent decision to get baptized and be connected with jesus christ because those who are baptized have put on christ for tonight i want you to make four decisions one return god's tithe to him malachi 3 verse 9 ye curse with the curse even though this whole nation for he have robbed me sorry even this whole nation there is a curse two make a commitment to give your body physically to christ watch what you eat what you drink how you dress it don't dress it so it looks like an idol you see the ancient heathens they were trying to look like the idols they dressed are you following me so they can identify with their idols they put things all over the idol's goal and then they put it on themselves so they look like the idols when god told moses to make garments for aaron he told him in exodus 28 verse 2 and thou shalt make holy garments for aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty in that order for glory and for beauty the designers operate on beauty and that's it so we have to have john you johnny hill finger whatever his name is we have to have uh uh somebody else from paris someone else from london so it we want the brand name so they give us class and a sense of purpose in life we are to dress first for glory whatever glorifies god is beautiful are you following me because we think with the mind of heaven not the mind of the earth i want you to give your time to god yes there's one holy day but the other six belong to him and he wants some of that time i want you to give your talents to god can you play can you sing can you write can you counsel can you listen and not feel overwhelmed give it to god for the glory of his name and for the blessing of the church family and beyond time talent treasure temple how many will say father by the grace of god i surrender all four to you can i see your right hand mean it with all your heart stand up with me please and for those who are making the decision for baptism which is tomorrow please contact the pastor or someone at your church who will get to the pastor make that decision i i insist with brotherly love make that decision it's a life and death decision let's pray father in heaven we thank you for your word we thank you lord the bible tells us how to exercise stewardship we thank you to god for the christ-like humility that comes with stewardship recognizing that my life my talents my temple my treasure rightfully belong to you dear god in heaven forgive us for the arrogance of thinking we own everything father forgive us their god we live and we learn from this time forward father we want to live and function with the consciousness that we are absolutely indebted to you father in heaven grant us an extra measure of your spirit and for that man that woman struggling with the concept of tithe if i return a tithe how will i manage this or that let that person understand a god that you will take care of him or her and same goes for all other areas of stewardship in the name of jesus father give us a love for you that supersedes all other concerns in this life let the words we've heard tonight remain in our hearts bring us back tomorrow day god to worship you again in jesus name we pray let god's people say amen and amen [Music] you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 12,506
Rating: 4.9172416 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: bn4QuHRcJxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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