Why Did He Come? | Pr. Randy Skeete | Ramsey SDA MN -USA (1 of 11)

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[Music] the lord is my shepherd i shall not want forgive me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the state waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thyroid thy staff they comfort me thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointes my head with oil my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life that i will dwell in the house of the lord forever god is good at time psalm 100 verse 5 for the lord is good if you believe that same amen his mercy is everlasting and i can prove the mercy of god how i'm alive i need no other evidence of god's mercy than the fact that i'm alive and i thank god for the great honor he's given me to be with you for the next week or this coming week prayer the words of life thus saith the lord elohim writes in prophets and kings pete 6 26 the words of the bible and the bible alone should be heard from the pulpit what does that mean for me i will keep my opinions to myself and i will give you thus saith the lord my nano missouri can you say amen all right is this this evening you are not a seventh-day adventist mercy your hand you are not a seventh-day adventist mercy your hand no hands inside or outside all right maybe they'll come tomorrow or sometime during the week as you press invitations upon them i hope to get right into the message i know how it it's for seventh-day adventists i want to be sympathetic without rushing the word of god by the way how many of you are from ramsey makes your hand hands down you're from any other sda church can i see your hand okay okay we have two visitors from another seventh the adventist church let me thank pastor mokula for the invitation i thank god for your servant your leader and a very very kind way he treats me may god bless you my pastor all the days of your life and because of your ministry may many many be ready to meet christ when he comes and may the lord put an unbreakable hedge of protection around your family thank you again for the kind where you always treat me i'm staying with the mokaya family again and god bless them super abundantly i am perfectly comfortable they keep telling me this is your house and so i try to act like it so thanks to god to all those concerned with my presence all right before i get into the message let me ask you please if you don't need one of these make sure they're turned off so that there's no disturbance in the house of god we are living in an age of electronic worship and i'm aware of that so we're on zoom we're on youtube we're on facebook and there are other platforms similar to zoom but i should tell you regardless of the method of worship or the platform we use that's a common word platform it does not change the holiness of god god is holy in a church building he's holy when we worship him on zoom and so keep in mind the absolute holiness of god and do all you can to preserve reference make sure these things are turned off let me make sure mine is turned off before someone says physician heal thyself fever number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord your words in that man's mouth and i need that very urgently it is not a casual request it comes from the foundation of my soul pray and ask you know elohim when peter was in prison the church prayed and god brought him out actually more than once when paul was in prison if the church had prayed the same way god would have brought him out but because the church did not pray for paul the way they prayed for peter god allowed him to stay in prison but of course he used him in the prison prayer is powerful if you say god put your words in that man's mouth god will answer you because any prayer that is god's will he answers this that's what the bible says in first john 5 14 and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will finish the verse he here with us and so from time to time simply say lord put your words in that man's mouth and favor number three think isaiah 1 18 come now let us do what reason together what does that tell me about god you and i serve a reasonable god the devil is not reasonable god is reasonable and so when adam and eve sinned he came down adam where are you let's talk when cain committed that murder he called cain where's abel what's going on he talked to cain and god calls upon this reason through the scriptures if there isn't one bible verse making the first day holy why are you keeping it reason says god reason let's pray father in heaven thank you for this tremendous honor of being asked to speak for you i thank you for traveling mercies to this place and i recommit my life to you nowaday god for service if i've offended you forgive me father cleanse me completely that i may be a fit vessel in your hands put your words in my mouth to god give me the mind of christ give me the heart of christ that i may speak with compassion even as i speak with boldness bless those who listening as they listen let them remember that you love them very personally and also as a church family father if anyone listening to me has contracted covet 19 in the name of jesus christ heal that person father completely not just improvement their god completely from this terrible condition but above all healers from sin i pray dear god be glorified through this message in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen our subject why did he come why did he come let us go to matthew 9 we'll read from verse 10 and i am reading from the king james version of the bible matthew 9 reading from verse 10 our subject why did he come it looks like 7 15 i'll release you by eight o'clock if not before does not take god long to bless his people can you say amen all right what book did i say what chapter reading from what verse 10 and it came to pass as jesus sat at meat in the house behold many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples and when the pharisees saw it they said unto his disciples why edith your master with publicans and sinners but when jesus heard that he said unto them they that behold need not a physician but they that are sick verse 13 but go ye and learn what that meaneth i will have mercy and not sacrifice finish the verse with me now for i am not come to call come on but sinners to repentance now based on matthew 9 13 why did jesus come that's our subject you can tell me based on matthew 9 13 which you just read why did jesus come to call sinners is that right but finish the statement to call sinners to repentance christ does not call you to continue your life he calls us to repentance let's take another look at why jesus came luke 19 we'll read verses 9 and 10 well 8-10 of luke 19 verses 8 to ten our subject why did he come luke is gospel number three luke was a medical doctor matthew was a tax collector he left it to follow jesus what are you willing to leave to follow christ you have to answer that in the privacy of your heart luke 19 8-10 and zacchaeus stood and said unto the lord behold lord the half of my goods i give to the poor and if i have taken anything from any man by false accusation i restore him fourfold and jesus said unto him this day is salvation come to this house for as much as he also is a son of abraham now read first stand with me if you have my version for the son of man it's come come on to seek and to save that which was lost according to matthew 9 13 why did jesus come to call sinners to repentance according to luke 19 verse 10 why did jesus come to seek and to save they go together in order to save you christ must seek you because no sinner seeks god i need to pause and say that again [Music] i'll say differently the carnal nature does not seek god it may see the fellowship a church offers it does not seek god that's why romans 3 verse 11 says there's none that understand it there is none that seeketh after god that's why god came to adam adam did not go to god [Music] let's take another look at why jesus came john 6 38 our subject why did he come john 6 38 when matthew luke the very next book is john one of the most beautiful books of the entire bible is the gospel of john written by the disciple who was closest to christ john 6 38 for i came down from heaven not to do my own will finish the first but the will but the will of him that sent me why did jesus come to do his father's will let me ask you a question but don't answer me why did god give you life is it to do his will why has god preserved this all these years is it to do his will or are we living on this world for our will and you have to answer that christ came not to do his will but to do the father's will in other words if christ is our example we must so live that we understand we are not on this world for our business we are here for god's business as verily as christ came for god's business but let's look at another reason why jesus came john 10 let's read verse 10 our subject why did he come why did he come john 10 reading verse 10. do you have that if you haven't seen amen the bible says the thief cometh not but for the steel to kill and to destroy i am come read with me now that they might have life and they might have it now more abundantly a life without christ is not an abundant life as heaven defines abundant the earth has a definition for abundant heaven has another definition for abundant jesus said peace i leave with you my peace i give unto you not as the world giveth there is a peace the world gives you which is fragile and temporary it only works as long as everything works the peace god gives allows you to sleep through a storm like jesus on that boat the peace god gives is unaffected by the circumstances in society covet 19 cannot disturb the peace of god the war in afghanistan cannot disturb the peace of god turmoil among your friends cannot disturb the peace of god because ultimately god's peace is a person for he is our peace and that person is jesus christ and so jesus says i am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly and i say again with respectful boldness a life lived without christ cannot be an abundant life it may be a life crowded with material things it is not an abundant life an abundant life requires christ right in the middle we looked at matthew 9 13 why did he come to call sinners to repentance we looked at luke 19 verse 9 why did he come to seek and to save that which was by the way that seeking and that saving goes all the way back to the garden of eden he came to seek to save adam and eve we looked at john 6 38 why did he come he came to do his father's will not his john 10 10 why did he come he came that we might have life more abundantly but there's another reason jesus came before i give you that listen to ellen white evangelism page 385 paragraph four evangelism page 385 paragraph four let me pray again before i give you that quotation father in heaven continue to direct my speech my thinking dear god suppress my carnal nature i pray and let only your glory be my concern in jesus name amen writing of jesus evangelism 385 paragraph four ella white right then he in person came to this world to show its inhabitants how to live sinless lives evangelism 385 paragraph four then he came in person to this world to show its inhabitants how to live what kind of lives sinless lives then is a sinless life possible yes or no yes well let's review matthew 9 13 i came not to call the righteous but sinister repentance luke 19 verse 9 verse 10 i have come to seek and to save john 6 38 i came not from heaven to do my own will but the will of the father john 10 verse 10 i am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly and evangelism 385 paragraph 4 he came in person to this world to show its inhabitants how to live sinless lives now go with me to first john chapter three let's see another reason why jesus came first john chapter three let's read verse eight let's read from seven let's read from seven first john chapter 3 reading verse 7 it's always nice to hear the pages of the bible turning in the church it's a lovely sound you don't get that sound on the phone it has no pages you have first john chapter 3 verses 7 and 8. little children let no man deceive you he that doeth righteousness finish the verse is righteous come on even as he is righteous which means the righteousness required of us the sinless life required as of us is the very life christ lived when he was on the earth he that with righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous notice i said the righteous life he lived in his humanity is the righteous life we're required to live by his abiding power now look at verse 8 of first john 3 he that committed sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning now read it with me for this purpose the son of god was manifested i said read it with me no one is that he might come on destroy the works of the devil question for you what is the question i'm about to ask you take a guess listen to how the verse ends for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil question for you what is that question what are the works of the devil and are you and i doing them let's go to second peter just before first john is second peter chapter three let's read verse 10. go to the left of first john you'll bump into ii peter chapter 3 verse 10. are you there but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with the great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat now finish that verse for me the earth also come on and the works that therein shall be burned up the works of christ can never be burned up well somebody said amen for the works of jesus the works of christ cannot be burned up but the bible says the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up anything god destroys by fire when he comes is no good the works that shall be burned up will be the works of the devil now let's split the works of the devil into two follow me closely the works of the devil may refer to the works he himself does personally then there are the works of the devil which are those works he gets us to do for him there are works that god does personally there are good works he gets us to do for him it works both way on it works the same way on both sides because both god and the devil use agents the devil doesn't rob banks are you with me what does he do he gets people to do that for him but no human being can send an earthquake most of the natural disasters are the work of the devil devil is the one who tempts that's his work but the devil can't go and you know take away your wife from you no someone will do that they are the works of the devil he does personally they are the works of the devil he invites us to do for him and sadly many of us cooperate now the bible says in first john 3 verse 8 one of the reasons jesus came was to destroy the works of the devil not only the works the devil does personally but the works he gets us to do for him the devil does not sit in a classroom and cheat on an example finish my words he gets a student to do that it is both the work of the student and the work of the devil it's the work of the student as an agent is the work of the devil as an instigator but it is still the work of the devil done through a human agent who was put on the earth to do the works of god when you disrespect your parents that's a violation of which commandment five now it is you disrespecting or i disrespecting but who is behind it satan is his work done through human agents jesus christ came to destroy the works of the devil now go with me to john chapter 5. what's our subject why did he come john chapter 5 we read verse 36. it looks like 25 26 23 to 8. we're in good time do you have john chapter 5 you read verse 36 i'll pray holy father as i continue speaking you speak through me literally dear god in jesus name i pray amen john 5 36 read with me what does that say but i have witnessed than john for the works which the father have given me to finish the same works that i do bear witness of me finish the verse that the father have sent me now look at that carefully as we talk about works listen to the verse again but i have greater witness than john how was john a witness of jesus christ the voice of one crying in the wilderness do what prepare ye the way of the lord make straight his paths john was sent as a forerunner to prepare the way of christ but jesus says i have a greater witness than john you and i need to understand what that witness is but i have a greater witness than john for the works which the father have given me to finish the same works that i do bear witness of me that the father have sent me the life jesus lived the his life of conformity with the father's will was a much greater witness than anything john preached jesus said the works the father give me to do now go to ephesians chapter 2. jesus said he had works to do let's go to ephesians 2 we read 8-10 our subject why did he come and the last reason we looked at was the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil we've looked at the works of the devil we're looking at works of god through jesus christ we've looked at that now ephesians 2 8 to 10. by the way ephesians is a lovely epistle reading sometime from beginning to end lovely epistle so is philippians if you have ephesians 2 say amen for by grace are you saved you ought to say that without looking for by grace are you saved come on through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works unless any man should boast now read carefully verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained come on then we should walk in them we were created for good works they will not perish by fire but there are works that will perish by fire according to ii peter chapter 3 verse 10 the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up now you take that you add that to first john 3 verse 8 the son of man was manifested or the son of god that he might destroy the works of the devil now jesus will come to destroy the whole earth we read from ii peter 3 verse 10 the earth also and the works that are therein but before jesus destroys the earth and the works that are the real he wants to destroy the works of the devil in your life at a personal level go to hebrews 2 hebrews 2 a subject why did he come hebrews chapter 2 [Music] every adventist should study hebrews if you want to understand the sanctuary work of christ now with leviticus in those early books hebrews absolutely essential learning everything in hebrews is better than the system in the old testament hebrews 2 reading from verse 14 if you have that say amen let me pray again holy father i'm not far from ending but continue to give me your grace and your words in jesus name i pray amen for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same meaning christ came in your condition and mind listen again for as much then as the children you and i are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same now listen carefully that through death he might do what destroy him that had the power of death now in first john 3 8 the bible says christ came to destroy the works of the devil hebrews 2 14 tells us that he will destroy the devil if you destroy the works and leave the devil alive he'll produce more works are you following me in order to destroy the works of the devil the devil must be destroyed but the devil's work must be destroyed in our personal lives first i don't know what work the devil is doing in your life perhaps nothing but let me address some issues that afflict members all over the world it is not satan that steals the tithe he gets he recruits come on he needs help to steal the tithe to whom does he go the members [Music] he says will you help me steal god's time and we say yes so he uses us to do his work christ came to do what destroy that work in your life the devil doesn't work on sabbath and get paid for it he gets us to do that to disobey the most important of the ten commandments let me say it again without hesitation the central commandment of the law is the fourth he says can i talk to you and we say yes by wasting time watching tv watching violent movies that's how we say yes you see and can you help me break the sabbath yes and so the works of the devil done through us so he comes to a man he says listen the woman living next door to you is very attractive i'd like to get her but can you get her for me and the man says yes [Music] and so the devil commits adultery by getting us to do it are you understanding what i'm trying to say the works of the devil are what he does directly and what he gets us to do for him because sin is not the work of jesus that it must be the work of the devil christ came to destroy that which means i can stop telling the tithe the bible says is anything too hard for the lord give me an answer no then he can get me to return a tithe if i'm willing god said to abraham is anything too hard for the lord then the lord can help me to stop doing the devil's work by working on sabbath and honor god's holy day jesus christ has the power to get me to do his work and his work is obedience the devil's work disobedience christ came to destroy the works of the devil but he needs our cooperation listen to me carefully sin and salvation both of them are teamwork you missed it let me try and explain we sin we're tempted we sin we do the works of the devil we do what's right because we love god and he gives us the power sin and salvation or righteousness are both both require teamwork and so elijah said to those gathered on mount carmel if they'll be lord come on come on serve him if the lord be god come on serve him get together with one or the other teamwork now i'm coming to an end but i'm sticking with christ came to destroy the works of the devil go to genesis 3 quickly one of the most well-known verses in all the bible genesis chapter 3. read verse 15 you know it very well i know you do the first mention of the gospel explicitly in the bible genesis 3 let's read verse 15. you have that some of you still looking for genesis how can you not find genesis you have it now chapter 3 verse 15 read with me and i will put enmity between thee and the woman between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel the prophecy says the seed of the woman christ first would bruise the head a fatal blow is to the head not the heel you wound someone the person who lives but is still alive shoot the person in the head most likely the person is dead christ would wound the head satan wounds his heal now listen again and i will put enmity between the woman between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head god is saying the seed of the woman christ will one day bruise your head crush your head and destroy you now go to romans 16 read verse 20. romans 16 verse 20 we're coming to the end of why did he come romans 6 20. you have romans 6 16 sorry verse 20 romans 16 verse 20 god bless all the little children with bibles so beautiful all right love to see that if you have it say amen now i want you to read the first half of that verse start now if you have my version come and the on of peace come on shall bruise satan come on under your feet shortly wait a minute what did god say in genesis 3 15 that the seed of the woman christ would brews the head of the serpent this occurred at calvary but is satan dead yes or no no we must cooperate with christ in the destruction of satan now listen to romans 16 20 again how many of you have the king james version makes your hand king james nobody number oh nobody oh i see ah one nice looking person okay god bless you read with me what does that say and the god of peace uh-huh shall brew satan under your feet what does it shortly mean give another word for shortly has four letters two o's in the middle soon which means it has not yet happened it has not yet happened when it happened fully it will be christ and the church the god of peace shall brew satan under your feet in other words satan must be destroyed where in our lives first now when i say that what i mean is he must be destroyed in a sense that his works in our lives are destroyed and then when christ comes the second time you and i will stand with him and watch that creature called satan burn finally destroyed but for you and for me to stand with christ at the end of the when he comes a third time and watch the destruction of satan his works must be destroyed in our lives when now for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil christ wants to destroy satan's works in your life and mine individually but the same way satan sins satan does his work through us he can't force it you know the devil cannot force you to sin but god cannot force you to do right ah i said it badly let me try again satan needs our cooperation are you with me but god needs our cooperation elohim writes in the work of redemption god requires the cooperation of man so to some degree your salvation is where in your hands i call heaven and earth to to the the said this that i've said before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life it's up to you i called heaven to record this day against you that i have set before you life death blessing and cursing you choose what did god tell adam here's the tree of life here's the tree of the knowledge of good and evil don't eat it you choose what you'll do tonight i want you to say father i choose to allow christ to destroy the works of the devil where in my life let me say it again father i choose which is i surrender to allow christ to do his work to destroy the works of the devil in my life how many will make that commitment can i show hell are you serious stand up with me this applies to any age are you a little child you disobey your parents you say jesus destroy the spirit of disobedience in my life this was one of the reasons jesus came to destroy the works of the devil which means that there's no reason why any child of god should be overcome by satan because the all-powerful jesus has as his mission the destruction of satan's work in your life god can jesus can deliver you from pornography addiction he can deliver you from smoking from drinking from gambling why all of those are the works of the devil tell him come destroy this work in my life because i cannot destroy it you talk to people who are addicted to one thing or another they cry they hate it but they do it they cry the addiction isn't love no addict loves his or her addiction they cry they know it's bad but they don't possess the power jesus said look i have come to destroy that thing but i need your surrender 100 heads bowed eyes closed our father in heaven we thank you that one of the missions of jesus christ was to destroy the works of the devil that destruction is both global and it is personal there are works the devil is doing in our lives with our permission father because his works are what he does personally and what he does through us we want to shut down the works he has done through us we want to cut off that spirit of cooperation with him their god because when we cooperate with him we subject you to universal embarrassment shame and humiliation now father to the degree we have worked with the devil and done his work forgive us god we're sorry as sorry as we can be and tonight we ask you give us the mind of christ a mind that shows death over sin the mind of daniel he chose death if necessary over sin the mind of the three hebrew boys who chose fire over sin please god help us to believe that jesus has the power to destroy the works of the devil in our lives as we leave tonight let us meditate on the power of that biblical statement a god let us allow christ to carry out his mission of destruction in our lives the destruction of the works of the devil let our lies be a witness to your glory your goodness and your power to save as jesus said to his listeners i have greater witness in that of john for the works which the father have given me to do the same works that i do bear witness of me that the father have sent me let the good works of christ in our lives be the witness that we are indeed the children of god go with us as we leave let angels protect us as we sleep tonight bring us back tomorrow to hear your word again we pray in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen [Music] you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 24,584
Rating: 4.8904109 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: PvgSSx72Rig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 6sec (2586 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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