Living in The Last Days | Pr. Randy Skeete | Houston International SDA Church (Prt 01)

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all right welcome again welcome welcome it is indeed my privilege to welcome each one of you here this morning my name is wayne webb i'm one of the serving elders this year at houston international sda church and again be welcomed in the presence of the lord amen amen and god speak all these words saying i am the lord thy god which have brought thee out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage thou shalt have no other gods before me thou shalt not make unto thee any grievan image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for i the lord thy god am a jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me ensuring mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain for the lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shall thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god in it thou shalt not do any work thou not thy son nor thy daughter the man's nor thy maidservant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the law thy god giveth thee thou shalt not kill thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear a false witness against thy neighbor thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife nor his manservant nor his maidservant nor his orks nor his ass nor anything that is thy neighbors god is good and all the time psalm 34 from verse 1 i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together i say again god is good and all the time psalm 100 verse 5 for the lord is good come on say that again the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations forever his truth endureth to all generations if truth endureth to all generations error must come to an end are you with me one day error false teachings will cease along with those who persist in living their lives by false teachings i thank god for this invitation he sent me through your handsome pastor pastor denton rohn very aristocratic sounding name denton ron i like it very much god bless you my pastor i really mean that from the foundation of my soul you know pastoring is not easy leadership is not easy moses asked god to do what to him kill him because the adventists back then were causing him to lose his hair moses asks god kill me people haven't changed as a matter of fact evil men will get worse and worse and so i i appeal to you pray for your pastor treat him nicely he did not ask me to say this but i know church leadership especially is hard but it must be done in the power of god i'm delighted to see you god bless you for those of you following somehow online whether it's facebook youtube whatever it is we thank you for your interest in the word of god thank you for your love of truth it is truth alone that makes a person free if we flip that coin error binds you truth releases you the devil binds you god sets you free what do i mean by that according to isaiah 14 17 speaking of the devil the bible says he openeth not the house of his prisoners listen to me carefully this is not my sermon but listen when the devil has you he does not let you go someone has to snatch you out of his grasp but when god has you you can just get up and leave that's freedom you can leave god anytime you like you can't leave the devil when you like someone has to come and get you and so satan binds us jesus does what sets us free how many of you love god can i see your hand you love god i love god and i like him he's a very nice person i really do i treat him badly often and he always forgives me and so i apologize to him publicly for treating him so badly so often but i thank him for his stubborn and relentless mercy i really do whatever country you're from may the lord bless that country may the lord bless the leaders of your countries and may the leaders make decisions in the light of this eternal truth righteousness exalteth a nation it also exalts the individual who practices righteousness i won't delay you long you know ella white said if sermons were cut by half they'd be more effective she probably saw me envision when she said that and so i will try to be shortened to the point because when you deal with prophetic subjects that's heavy stuff and people need time to go think of what they've heard so when you pile too much into the mind it interferes with comprehension our subject for today what's your group what did i say what's your group now i know you were blessed last week i wasn't here but i know you were blessed and i rule and regret the fact i did not get to meet pastor dan personally but may the lord bless him where he is i met him online briefly when i did a brief presentation for you for this church but i hope to meet that nice man sometime soon may the lord bless the training that he's doing jesus trained his disciples and leaders of the church must train members of the church to win souls what's your group is our subject before i get into that do three little favors for me it's 12 noon i'll let you out before one well before one favor number one while i'm speaking pray for me well no favor number one is preserve reverence where you are and this particularly perhaps applies to those of you watching online because services have shifted to an online format there's a tendency to make god informal god is not informal if you study the old testament and all that was required of the israelites in approaching god and the priests god is not informal if you don't believe me ask aza you know who aza is if you don't read ii samuel chapter six verses one to seven god is not informal god is a serious god but loving and so wherever you are preserve reverence favor number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth your words jesus said of his words the words that i speak unto you their spirit and their life he did not say that about my words so i'll keep my opinions to myself and give you thus said the lord along with any enlightening commentary from god's inspired servant whom he give as a gift to this church what's that person's name ah god bless you she's become largely forgotten in the church let nothing get between you and reading the counsel god has sent us through that woman and so ask god to put his words in my mouth that's based on jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth and i see god divine i'm human i'm dirt he puts his word that's divine into my mouth human and dirt and it's a privilege that god wants to work with and cooperate with humanity the almighty omnipotent god desires cooperation with weak human beings and so i thank god for that honor and favor number three think as you listen isaiah 118 come now let us reason together reasoning is a part of the christian life let me say differently a major part of bible religion is common sense guided by the spirit of god here is an example of god calling upon us to reason if thou has run with the foot men and they have weary thee how can't then contend can't thou contend with the horses so when god tells us let's reason together it tells me immediately i serve a reasonable god now satan is unreasonable but god is reasonable somebody say amen for a reasonable god god is reasonable the devil is unreasonable and so think let's pray dear god i come before you at your invitation i claim no fitness father i just lean on you completely you make me fit if i've offended you in these holy hours forgive me your word says if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness father do that for me right now it's not a command father it's an earnest request put your words in my mouth there god father i have a carnal nature and the carnal nature loves attention i ask you through the ministry of your spirit take my carnal nature by the throat and choke it into submission you have my permission that all that i say and do may glorify your name and bless your people father let the spirit speaking through me enlighten all those listening those online bless them as you bless us if anyone under the sound of my voice has contracted the coronavirus i ask you their god you presented yourself in exodus 15 26 as i am the law that healeth thee jesus healed everyone who came to him in the name of jesus the great physician touch everyone listening to my voice who may have contracted that virus and healed that person god not just improvement father i ask you heal the person 100 please [Music] whether the person is a believer or not because your word says he maketh his son to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust father it may be that this expression of mercy will draw someone to you because we love him because he first loved us blessed pastor ron all the elders working with him bless the texas conference bless pastor cerns and father reserve a small blessing for me hear this humble prayer father i offered from my heart in jesus name let god's supportive people say amen and amen what's your group let me tell you something about god ii peter 3 verse 9. you know it well the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us word not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance the verse clearly states that god has chosen the entire world for salvation but the entire world will not be saved let me pause and acquaint you with my emphasis for this week i will be emphasizing you as a person are you following me i will place the focus on you and christ if you're lost it will not be because of the beast is this microphone working all right let me say it again if i am lost i cannot blame the beast i can't blame my conference president in describing the conditions in the days of noah all flesh had corrupted his way adam and eve or adam speaking to god when god said in genesis 3 verse 9 and the lord god called unto adam and said unto him where are thou and he said i heard thy voice in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked finish the verse and i hid myself your wife cannot make you a sinner your husband cannot drive you to drink you have to choose that i'll be stressing you and jesus the lord is not slack concerning his promise has some men come slackness but is long-suffering to us with not willing it is against the will of god that people should be lost he is not willing that any should perish what is he willing that all should come to repentance question for you have you come to repentance don't answer me first timothy chapter 2 verse 4 we're discovering something about god are we being reminded about god first timothy chapter 2 verse 4 who will have all men to be saved people and to come unto the knowledge of the truth when you go out to evangelism this is an evangelistic effort remember it's god's will that all people would hear the truth listen again first timothy 2 4 who will have all to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth ezekiel 33 verse 11 say unto them as i live saith the lord it sounds like an oath he's swearing as i live saith the lord i have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his ways turn eternity from your evil ways for why will he die why are you killing yourself with drugs and drink and a wild life goddess why are you so determined to die i realize god is omniscient he knows everything but he almost sounds puzzled you know jesus said in john 3 19 and this is the condemnation that light is come into the world but men love darkness rather than light what's our subject what's your guru we've discovered that god wants to save everyone this is clearly outlined in the most popular verse in the bible say it for me for god so loved the world stop not just nigeria or kenya or indonesia or united states or monaco for god so loved the world which means who's in the world black white rich poor highly educated uneducated young old whatever sick well handsome and otherwise for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son numbers 23 verse 19 you know it well god is not a man that he should want what does that tell you about people say it loudly they lie which means that you cannot do what if i'm always lying you cannot do what trust me are you with me god is not a man that he shall lie neither the son of man that he should repent hath he said and shall he not do it or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good but let me be nice to human beings we can lie without setting out to deceive a lie can be a lie in this context is simply an inability to come through on your word and the example i usually use is of a parent promising a son a father promises a son a bicycle for christmas and a little boy that's all he lives for can't wait because all his friends in the neighborhood have their bicycles but before christmas comes the father loses his job the mother has a catastrophic illness that wipes out the savings and the father is unable to buy the bicycle in that sense that was a lie but not a moral lie are you following me he could not come through on his word that can never happen to god bring you all the tithe into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and say it with me prove me nowhere with saved the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it when you read that and you look at the little money you have on all your bills and three children need intuition remember god is not a man that he should lie we're looking at us we lie psalm 118 verse 8 and verse 9 our subject what's your group it is better to trust the lord than to put confidence in man verse 9 it is better to trust in the lord than to put confidence in princes psalm 146 3 put not your trust in princes or in man in whom is no help humanity naturally because of sin is unreliable untrustworthy can't depend with the best of intentions a human being will let you down why because we cannot control circumstances forces events i repeat this does not happen to god the red sea couldn't stop god a lack of food in the wilderness couldn't stop god lack of water in the wilderness couldn't stop god nothing prevents god from fulfilling his word so we can trust god god desires everyone saved we've learned that about him we are untrustworthy which means then god has to test us now let's reason together is god perfect yes or no come on say yes with energy is god sinless is god reliable does god need to be tested but does he invite us to test him yes here is a sinless god absolutely reliable god told joshua joshua 1 verse 5 i will not fail thee nor forsake thee yet he tells us test me now if a perfect god opens himself to being tested don't we need to be tested ah you said yes a half star of ds don't we need to be tested yes if you can test a god who always keeps his word people who always lie need to be tested now we're talking about living in the last days go to revelation 17 by the way i read from the king james version of the bible is 20 minutes after 12. revelation 17 reading verse 14 you have that the last book of the bible in which all of the books find fulfillment written by john who was the closest disciple to christ and ella white informs us of all the disciples he most perfectly reflected the image of god what we can learn from john when john refers to himself in his book as the disciple that jesus loved well jesus loved all 12. but john took it upon himself to get as close to jesus as he could so when christ was saying that someone would betray him john was so close to christ that peter virtually said to him ask him who it is are you following me because john was leaning on the breast peter said ask him let no one prevent you from being close to jesus revelation 17 14 they shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them for he is lord of lord and king of kings now keep in mind our title for the day finish that verse for me and they that are with him come on are called uh-huh chosen come on and faithful i'm stressing mindset for the last days they that are with him are called chosen faithful everyone called is not chosen and everyone chosen does not remain faithful let the bible give you an embarrassing example go to john 6 our subject what's your group we have called we have chosen we have faithful by the conclusion of this message i hope we shall all be able to say by the grace of god we are in the group labeled as faithful what book did i say john what chapter 6 let's read from verse 51. and again i ask my father in heaven to be with me as i deliver his holy word in the name of jesus i hope someone has prayed for me and said lord put your words in that man's mouth when i make that request i make it with concentrated seriousness never let a preacher occupy a desk and not pray for that person i am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that i will give is my flesh which i will give for the life of the world the jews therefore strove among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat then jesus said unto them verily verily i say unto you except ye eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood ye have no life in you who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and i will raise him up at the last day from my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and i in him as the living father have sent me and i live by the father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me now the reason why the jews strove among themselves in verse 52 they could not understand what christ was saying they knew from leviticus 17 11 and genesis 9 3 and 4 that blood was not to be consumed they also did not engage in cannibalism as a people so when jesus said eat my flesh and drink my blood it offended them as a matter of fact if you look down in verse 59 it said these things said he in the temple in the synagogue as he taught in capernaum many therefore of his disciples when they heard this said this is a hard saying who can hear it this is tough i don't know anyone who can follow that this is an hard saying have you ever heard the expression in ella white the straight testimony that is what will shift people out of the church and confirm others who stay truth fills churches and empties churches you don't hear what i said let me say it again truth fills churches and empties churches you take those mega churches you see on television you start preaching the third angel's message you preach repentance you preach the sabbath the very next weekend you will be speaking to a thoroughly empty church we naturally do not like truth whether in a biblical setting or in an interpersonal relationship setting we do not like truth so the disciples said this is a hard saying who can hear it who can live by this when jesus knew it himself that his disciples murmured at it verse 61 he said unto them that this offends you there are events coming upon us we already see the signs that will offend us some have already suffered offense by loss of job a friend of mine has been writing me from another country loss of job car repossessed struggling pleading with a landlord please let me stay even though i do not have the rent that's what that person is going through and i'm praying and praying because god does not but god brings us some time into circumstances for one purpose only to test us why does he do that go to titus chapter 1 let's read verse 16 of titus chapter 1. every young man shall read titus who has a desire to serve in god's church titus chapter 1 and also first and second timothy titus 1 reading verse 16. our subject what's your group time 27 after 12. are you in titus almost there the sister said all right sister do we have that now now whenever i preach in advertised churches and people take a long time to find the bible verses i i remember my boyhood days when finding a bible verse took 10 seconds because we took pride in being able to navigate through the bible with phones and ipads and screens and the screen does it for you the iphone no one how many of you can recite the bible the books of the bible from genesis revelation in order can i see your hand in order i see one just anyone else i see one okay god bless you i don't see the children raising hands but maybe they're modest all right ah okay all right tell that young man come tell him come come he's taller than me that's not right how are you all right genesis revelation genesis x this is the biggest numbers during the joshua judges group first and second same first and second kings president chronicles that's when you might estimate science providers ecclesiastes song isaiah jeremiah limitations ezekiel daniel jose joel [Music] i was romans president corinthians galatians ephesians philippians collages first and second thessalonians first stick first second timothy thief titus believe me first second john first god bless you if you think it's easy to stand up here and recite something you know very well it's a different story it is not easy what passage were we reading titus chapter 1 verse 16 let me pray again father continue to be with us i pray let your glory be my chief aim and the blessing of your people right after that in jesus name amen read if you have the king james version read titus 1 16 for me here's why we have to be tested they profess come on that they know god keep reading but in works they deny him let me give my modern version in times of prosperity everyone is faithful to god when things go wrong then that's when the men are separated from the boys or the women from the girls ella white writes in last day events page 173 paragraph five what book did i say what page and paragraph 173 paragraph five listen carefully prosperity multiplies a mass of professors now a professor in that context is not one who teaches is one who professes something prosperity multiplies a mass of professors in other words in good times everyone professes faith in god here's how it ends adversity purges them out of the church take my car and i leave god take my house and i leave god take my boyfriend and i leave god take my health and i leave god god knows that we have to be tested now we're on the the verge of canaan are you with me the verge of canaan this time god's people will be there forever we have to be severely tested the bible says there is coming a time of trouble such as the world has never seen reason with me if we are on the verge of a time of trouble the world has never seen what kind of faith is required to go through that a faith the world has never seen and so revelation 17 14 tells us they shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them for he is the lord of lord and king of kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful god has called the entire world for salvation who will have all men to be saved second peter 3 9 john 3 16. at some point god decided to work through a family because the world had gone off into idolatry and alright writes in uh page 125 i believe it is of patriarchs and prophets after the dispersal from babel you know the tower and all that nonsense the whole world again became well nigh idolatrous and so god chose abraham of the line of shem and made him the depositor of his law because the whole world had gone off into idolatry god found one family so now we have call the whole world now we have chosen but even we've chosen god shows abraham that he might be a blessing because god has never lost his desire to save everyone and so god told abraham in genesis 12 from verse 1 now the lord had said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that i will show thee and i will make of thee a great nation and i will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and i will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curse of thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed god is still thinking of the whole world even though now he's at the stage of chosen but let's go back to john 6 now let's go back to john 6. let's read verse 70 of john 6. john 6 by the way take time and study the gospel of john you your life will change john 6 70. do you have that read it with me listen to jesus and keep in mind our subject have i not what chosen you twelve finish it one of you is a devil revelation 17 14 they that are with them are called and chosen and faithful jesus said have i not chosen you twelve one of you is a devil by the way at the very earliest stage of the new testament church there was an active devil in the membership can you imagine how many devils there are today in human form you know the bible calls the antichrist the man of sin the son of perdition 2nd thessalonians 2 verse 3. that's the same word jesus uses for judas in john 17 verse 12. he was a child of the devil in a church pastored by christ so don't leave the church because a member is devilish are you following me now having read john 6 70 one of you is a devil let's go now to verse 66. after jesus said in verse 61 that this offend you we go to verse 66 from that time what's the next word manny stop give me that word again manny give it one more time many of his what disciples stop stop stop stop modernize that many drop the word disciples what other word would you use our expression many church members many elders many pastors went back finished the verse and walked no more with him they might have been called they were surely chosen finish my words they were not faithful living in the last days god must test us and the severest test who in the bible is considered the father of the faithful abraham the greatest test ever given a human being was not job it was abraham genesis 22 from verse 1 and it came to pass after these things that god determined abram abraham and said unto him abraham and he said behold here i am and he said take now thy son thine only son isaac whom thou lovest stop what is please what is apparently incorrect about those words from god apparently take now thy son thy only son isaac whom thou love is what's presumably incorrect he had two sons he had two name them ishmael and aiza who was born first he was the first born biologically not spiritually and so god says to abraham and we we get a sense of the depth of abraham's love for isaac that gold refers to isaac as his only son take now thy son isaac thine only son isaac whom thou love is and get thee into the mountain land of moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which i will tell thee of now it's 20 to 1 let's look at that there are several offerings in the bible the five major offerings were burnt offering meat offering trespass offering uh peace offering and there's another one that skips my mind now the most fundamental offering was the burnt offering when noah came out of the ark genesis 8 2021 he took off every clean base every clean file and offered burnt offerings on the altar even though burnt offering is not mentioned surely this was the offering abel offered outside the gates of eden what separated the burnt offering from other offerings it was the only one in which the entire animal was consumed minus the skin it was that's why it's called a whole burnt offering paul uses this when he says in romans 12 1 i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto god he's thinking of a birth offering which was a whole offering now god tells abraham that thing i want to use the word thing but that thing that means the world to you give it up that relationship you're in that's contrary to the word of god and the standards of the church give it up that academic program that has you taking exams on sabbath give it up because heaven shall not be lost for a piece of paper what am i saying we must belong to group three what's that guru faithful now how is god to know he can trust you in the time of trouble he that is faithful in that which is least are you tested from time to time yes are you pressured to work on sabbath yes the tests come in little ways if we fail the little tests it makes no sense to believe we shall pass the big test you don't prepare for success by practicing failure let me ask you this but don't answer me is there an area in your life where you are knowingly intentionally purposefully blatantly fragrantly unfaithful to god let's honor all that we heard last week by making a personal decision to so live today that when all that we studied breaks upon us we shall stand like an oak in the storm there is an area in our lives we need to give up there's a relationship that needs to be broken in more pieces than humpty dumpty jesus warned his people what is a man profited come on tell me if he gains what the whole world come on reason it makes no sense to lose heaven for a boyfriend they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful my question for you with great respect as a fellow human being made from dirt to which group do you belong let's make a commitment right where we sit by the grace of god to to enter into group number three faithful what does jesus tell us about faithfulness matthew 24 13 but he that shall endure how far to the end shall be saved which means in a certain sense salvation is not yet finished the act of justification yes is the process of sanctification goes on but the entire system of salvation will not end until azazil is destroyed this word made brand new it's all done there are some things we'll receive only when christ comes we have to be faithful and so those three hebrew boys stood before that flaming furnace the threat of loss of life if there's one thing we will protect it is life satan knew that so when he tried to overthrow job by destroying his possessions he went back to heaven job chapter 2 from verse 1. again there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them to present himself before the lord and the lord said on the satan whence cometh thou and satan answered the lord himself from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it and the lord said unto satan has thou considered my servant job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth god and as cheweth as stu means to avoid and still he hold this fast his integrity you see he was in group three he hold this fast he although the movies me against him to destroy him without a cause no one is destroyed by god without a cause and satan answered the lord and said verse 4 job chapter 2 skin for skin all that a man hath will he give for his life and so jesus tells us in luke 14 26 you cannot be my disciple unless you hate your own life by hate he means you've got to love your life less or you've got to love me above your life that's not strange i was talking about the three hebrew books in daniel 3. nebuchadnezzar said in verse 15 now if you be ready that at what time you hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sac but saltery and dulcimen all kinds of music he fall down and worship the image which i have made well a lot of people still believe that sin makes things well but if you worship not he shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace and who is that god that shall deliver you out of my hand shadrach meshach and abednego answered and said to the king o nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer in this matter if it be so if i've got to go to jail for the sabbath our god whom he serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thy hand o king but if not if not be it known unto the o king that we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image which thou has set up they had no idea they would be delivered but they were willing to die the test of diet in chapter one also included the threat of death we only think of the three hebrew boys in the fire and daniel chapter six in chapter one there was a threat of death because the prince of the eunuch said to daniel i fear the lord my king which hath appointed your meat and your drink for why should he see your faces worse liking than children that are of your sort then shall he make me endanger my head to the king the bible described nebuchadnezzar this way whom he would he slew whom he would he kept alive daniel 5 verse 18 19. there was a threat of death in chapter one with this test of diet chapter three worshiping golden graven images and chapter six praying to a man in each case they were willing to die now when someone says willing to die the words just bounce off people's heads no i'm not joking i'm not joking if we're not willing to die for truth we're not ready to live with christ christ died for us we must be prepared finish my words to die for him and that's not symbolic listen to first now you go with me first john 3 16 then i'll wrap it up first john 3 16. i just said we must be willing to die for god but there's something even more serious first john 3 16 why look for it i pray to god again fathers i'm coming to the end strengthen and tighten your grip on my faculties i pray in jesus name amen do you have first john 3 16 it sounds very similar to john 3 16. hereby perceive we the love of god because he laid down his life for us now you finish the verse we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren i said we must be willing to die for christ yes we must also be willing to die for one another this is a kind of test that reduces the membership of the church but we must be tested there's no other way we must be put through the fire you see jesus said in matthew 7 13 enter in at the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many they be which go in there at now their way is broad so you can take a knack sap a knapsack of worldliness and concerns and there's room but the straight gate it's narrow to fit in you've got to take things off few there be that find it it must have hurt christ to speak those words because he was he is not willing that then he should perish yet he says few will be saved most lost if you take that as a statistical statement and apply to every individual church in every church most people will be lost but you don't have to be forget the church i'm talking to you listen to these words and i close mind character and personality volume 2 page four twenty three paragraph two i'll give you that again mind character and personality volume two page four twenty three paragraph two listen very carefully the gospel deals with individuals every human being has a soul to save or to lose each has an individuality separate and distinct from all others each must be convicted for himself converted for himself he must receive the truth repent believe obey for himself he must exercise his will for himself i was preaching somewhere this man came every night very nice fellow accepted the truth called for baptism he was willing to be baptized but he wanted to wait until his wife was converted in matters of salvation you wait for whom no one i believe he's still waiting he is waiting for his wife to be converted it sounds so loving is a trick of the devil and i'll deal with deception in one of these presentations as the lord leads me but for today make up your mind that you will belong to which group three was that group faithful because he that endureth shall be saved have you seen the riots in europe because of restrictions people right europe germany i think amsterdam a normally peaceful country they're right in michigan people storm the capital with rifles because in my state you can carry a gun anywhere you like this term they stormed the capital when restrictions were placed on us in michigan i keep saying i'm closing but things things keep coming back to me there are people in the church they've been there for decades 40 50. who look like the high priest when the right crisis hits that's when they're exposed let me say it more bluntly there are members of the church who would gladly have joined that attack on the capitol but because the elders and deacons and conference officials they couldn't but their hearts were with those rioters and jesus told the scribes and pharisees you may not have lived in the days of the old testament prophets but you have the same mindset and so you're just as guilty it takes an event to expose that's why tests and trials are necessary make a commitment today father today don't worry about tomorrow today keep me faithful today let me anchor my position in group three which is what group faithful because the times coming require people who are faithful now so i ask you with respect how many will say father by the indwelling power of your spirit and the grace of your son keep me faithful one day at a time can i see your right hand ah god bless you i mean it stand up with me i have another question listen carefully how many sins did adam commit before god threw him out of the garden one tells you immediately one sin is one too many how did christ describe the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of heaven is like unto grain of mustard seed but so is the kingdom of satan just a negative mustard seed unattended you have the kingdom of satan growing in your life why am i saying that someone listening to me there's an area in your life you need to shut down shut and honor god that area is satan's access close it down if what i said applies to someone listening to me can i see your hand there's something in your life you need to shut down some area where okay keep your hand up heads bowed eyes closed father look at the hands raised they are speaking under the influence of your spirit and they're speaking honestly without using words and they're saying to you as you listen intently father there is an area of rebellion in my life it may be polite and classy rebellion refined rebellion but all forms of rebellion lead to hell and they want to shut it down in the name of jesus their god and because you love them help them to do that let that shutting down take place right now by faith as that publican said god be merciful to me a sinner and jesus said he went down to his house justified immediately do that for your people day god as they make this decision right now to shut down that area in their lives that represents rebellion against you father remind us day by day you are not willing that any should perish also remind us the devil is not willing that any should be saved please god give us the divine common sense to understand it is faithfulness in little things that prepares us for the big conflict ahead and it is coming now father i present your people to you bless them our challenges differ from one to the next our experiences are different and you deal with people individually father respond to each one according to that person's circumstances but let the outcome be the same salvation of the soul as we leave let us contemplate what we've heard let us leave believing that through this recommitment of the life we are now firmly in group three entitled faithful let nothing shake us dear god let us love you more than we love life let us love you more than we love spouse let us love you more than we love children let us love you more than we love money let us love you more than we love romance let us love you more than we love jobs hear this humble pray god save us when you come father save us when you come i pray if i said anything too harsh forgive me save us father in jesus name i pray amen hello my viewer welcome to 2cbn television my name is lydia presenting today's poem to cbn saving souls proclaiming the three angels message in this media technology age reaching out to all nations that is our main mission bringing hope to the world by sharing god's holy word shedding light to all souls turning souls into poles while the enemy surely tries to use media against god's cause with the word of truth we rise teaching men to love god's laws to cbn through television and internet and volunteers ready at work to spread the gospel we are set please remember to subscribe and click that notification bell and like and share [Music] you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 109,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Id: 50pqDF1poao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 20sec (3800 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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