Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Rated R | Don't Waste My Time

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many people been mourning the end of this series because apparently it has been causing great deliverance great blessing to people for some people context for why they should do something they have not been doing for other people they gave reason for them to break up with people let me see who's going to have courage how many of you in response to these teachings have made a permanent relationship decision let me see your hand if you let somebody go look around everybody now that's testimony service let me say this to all of you that raised your hand I'm proud of you amen come on Heaven is proud of you and the best to just before you it's a hard thing to break up particularly when you can figure out reasons why you should be with whatever you were in and all of that but this has been a dangerous series man and you know while I've enjoyed it it does grieve me how little Christians know about relationships and how little Christians know about male-female interaction how little Christians know about friendships this morning we concluded the morning portion of this with talking about enemies and the Bible has a lot to say about how to interact with your enemies it was very important I made people stand up I said if you don't have any enemies please stand up and they stood up rile and I said that means you're not doing anything with your life please have the only people in life who don't have enemies or people who are not doing enough if everybody likes you you're not advancement progress and arouses enemies and so if you don't have any you don't have enough distinction I'm gonna progress and your prop it's a very difficult thing to accept but it is so an enemy is awakened at every level of life advancement and I gave a theology this morning on how to enter I talked about that is Cardinal not to like people just cuz they don't like you and so I talked about different types of enemies what God uses enemies to do well God has enemies Jesus had enemies there's so much in the book of Exodus Deuteronomy first and second Kings about interaction with enemies and if you don't have a theology for that you're gonna end up being oval the first time somebody announced that they don't like you to incite evil against you and all of so you need to be be aware of I'm going to conclude this I thought about several ways to conclude this rate in our series but I want to set this up this way because this is very very very very important and something you don't about your relationships obviously this is gonna have a romantic undertone and undercurrent but I want you to apply this in both ways the first ordinance and the word ordinance basically means like a legislative order that the first ordinance on earth was the ordinance of time time was the first legislative order God created the heavens and the earth not for aesthetic purposes he didn't just say son come out because I want my my species to look at you moon go out because they need a little nightlight every now and again no there was a purpose and a ministry that the Sun in the and in the book of Genesis that purpose and that minute to teach or show the human race the difference between it's festivals in holidays that means that all of created order hinges as hinges upon the laws of time your life is going to manifest in times and seasons and there's a such thing as times there's a such thing as time and there's a such thing as appointed times fullness of time so the Bible gives a lot of different concepts about time what they do one of the church's challenges what understanding time is that it is a brainchild of eternity so time does not exist in and of itself time didn't just say oh let me exist it came out of eternity so if we as a people are still struggling to understand the eternal then of course we're going to have a hard time trying to discern why time it takes time for manifestation there's a relationship between times and when things manifest prayer is one of the resources that God has given us to manage times to govern times what should be what should not be and then in Daniel 7 I think around about the 25th verse it shows that one of the thing things that the devil loves to consume Satan wants to eat you the Bible talks about locusts canker worms those are all biblical terms for different evil forces who like termites to wood those things want to eat your so if we look at this on a relational sir I'm going to show you something about good pihl's whole point for dating wrong people sending seduction making you waste time with unequal yoke people trying to folk that don't belong in you trying to force fits Hills whole entire point for or even sleep with people you shouldn't be sleeping with it's time it's not physical is not just trying to get you with an STD or get you pregnant or make you have all of those the vision of the devil for wrong relationships is to make you waste time the adversive that is also true to determine whether a relationship romantic or otherwise it takes so both types of relationships in order to be energized but this is why you need wisdom to decide at the beginning of a relationship you're not just gonna waste money and you're not just gonna waste energy and you're not just gonna waste your emotion stay you're going to waste now that doesn't mean very much to you probably because you not in your destiny but if you are in your destiny then you understand the most important God gives you time as a currency to spend on your purpose one of the absolute pleasure wasting that's the point of a soul that's actually believe it or not the point of lust yes it wants to corrode break you down as a human being but the vision is greater I want to make sure by all me this person is not in their destined not in their purpose not in their material and that they settled to a calm this lesser thing here it's all about and you don't spend same results that we want to look at Psalms chapter 90 verse 12 to understand why this is so very important to on every relationship to number so that we make [Music] wisdom the whole objective of wisdom is to protect time if you don't have wisdom you will abuse every leader listen to me the hardest skill of any leader CEO husband father the most complex of your skills is going to be deciding who and what deserves your time and then you got to deal with people being mad and where you decide your time should go but if you watch and judge and measure people's acts their attitude their conversation their posture around you the Holy Spirit will make sure that you are aware no you are a waste of time even for any visionary for any leader if I can't stop you I want to stall you so I want to make sure you get enrolled in trivial non significant not important stuff because I have an appetite for your time teach us to number so that I may apply I heart to wisdom it would probably bless you to know got the entire point of the book of Proverbs is every second it's not just there to teach you about the strange woman and about the aunt all of that this is why when people come in your life and want to leave their purpose unknown and want to leave their intention without being defined no matter how much you love or care about them what you've done is you've invested time and the harsh truth is you won't get it back [Music] get it No oh come on I know you in a crisis you know I don't say that what happens is you become a grandma you start developing nicknames I'm a glam I'm I call myself chief fan okay whatever you call it ma'am the truth is is the seconds are leaving the days are becoming a little shorter and what you accomplished and every day is going to matter because it's how you do destiny is daily if we reduce this to the lowest common denominator your destiny is manifested days and weeks at a time so look at what addiction does makes you waste time look at what drunkenness does make you not know what you're doing with your time look at what clubbing and all of that stuff look at what with social media does it devours your time and whether or not you'll rock itself wanna admit it or not there is a war on how you spend your it'd be the sexiest people that come in your life after your time I don't care it'd be the most to see ugly people or people that are ugly to you then I don't waste your time you're gonna give them point two seconds can I have your number no and move on but let him look like what you want on the look what are you gonna give them even if that's time to consider you feel with the Holy Ghost with you [Music] see already you put about 20 minutes into decided am I gonna go out what are we gonna do is this actually worth did you invite him the family and friends day some of you did it right now I'm looking at you right now cuz you want to get these relationship principal I'm here to tell you you are sitting next to a dragon that's been sent by hell to take away your time the reason this is important is because of what Ecclesiastes 3 says to everything in life there is a time and a season you have a time to be born there'll be time to laugh you got a time to die you got a time to mourn so every event under the earth is open by its time this is also white I mean is some of you have a good thing that you rush in and you pervert the good thing because of the absence of your patient I can tell how spiritual you are by how long you're willing to wait now that's call for Christianity the impatient are carnal but when you take your time I don't think you realize how many unnecessary mistakes you make when you rush if you write a manuscript for example a book if you're more driven by a deadline it will compromise the quality of the information because you're not paying attention to how many words you type twice or how many places you put a comma or how many times you pointlessly reiterate a point that was already made why because when you rush you open up to the spirit of error truth manifests in patients but deception and error comes when you are in a rush this is why you never let your age determine who you marry nobody cares that you're 40 nobody cares that you 50 fool around and not let this relationship firm it the right way you're gonna marry a wolf in disguise cuz you were deciding that somebody else's journey and speed was appropriate for you take your time I know you don't want to hear this I'm aware but time is all you have it is all you have it may depress you particularly if many of you in the room spend time in bad relay to think about what you could have been accomplished and help me Jesus in here how many degrees you could have been finishing how many certifications you could have been going how many things you could have been doing while you were giving something that had a dead in there will be people sent to your life for that so they will appear they're not gonna tell you that but they will appear with the waste time you you can not is required you go to bear when you want you to give time to somebody who won't even commit to you takes time I want you to look at Psalms 31 verse 15 I'm now the people that tend to abuse time most are the immature they have a lot of time so they ended up doing whatever they want dating whoever they want because you got the rest of your life but start looking at time as the life budget for your destiny see the more time you spend being unoccupied with who you're supposed to be the less likely you're going to ever be in so it really does start with what you do every day that means that if somebody spends several months in your life several years of your life and there is no movement there is no progress you're the for allowing them to to continually prove that they're there to waste your time now how does this trap bus pay attention it traps us with word but relationships are not word so I can say I'm there for you I'll be here forever you will allow the world take your expectation in relationships actions talk louder than words oh my god it's quiet today I know you sisters as mad it's okay actions talk louder if I tell you I'm gonna be there but I've never been there then why did you have faith and what I'm saying to you maybe I really believe it but the thing is is there may be something in you that knows I have a weakness and a propensity to invest my time and dumb stuff all of your life goals require every one of them degrees money companies and a lot of you are like don't ever finish anything I just got programs Eataly Moshe how long our movie glory to God y'all I wanna have Hey look I'm gonna tell you where your success is pull up that cell phone bill look at them text messages find out how many late nights you didn't spend cooped up talking about a bunch of cotton candy when you should have been hustling to change your life you gave your time to nothing Psalm 31 15 my time are in your hands deliver me from my enemy Oh sue me correlates people-person [Music] deliver me from those that pursue my times are in which means that some relationship some relation we are going to David oh so strong about this he pray for deliverance it is possible for you to be in love I'm talking y'all onion here it is possible for you to be in love than enemy in disguise here is a deeper truth you can have an enemy that loves God that talks in tongues that looks good they're not all gonna be have a horse on their hair some of them are gonna play with you for years but once you have taken an adversarial posture to where I'm going in life and you're working against where I'm trying to go then you are an enemy and the worst thing to give your enemy time is an advantage on every war remember when Joshua was fighting and he was tired I loved the fact that he didn't pray for new weapons or a new army he didn't pray for whether I'd have been I lorrison fire from somewhere or some gore cows to come et people Ida had creative battle strategy but the Spirit of God inside Joshua prayed for more time because if he had more time agree for people dumb relationships in knowing there are some relationships let's talk about sexual relationships so let's talk about friend with benefits let's talk about relationships what you just got that dynamic where you are sexual social you you just got this thing you do now I'm talking to you that like the opposite sex and the same sex God has ordained that that relationship torment you you cannot have peace in a relationship that's from hell in God's goodness he will make sure you stay unhappy it's gonna be the goodness of God to make sure you cry over it that you still feel lonely that you feel empty he's gone it is God that's not guilt coming on you after you fornicate and you feel nasty that's the Holy Ghost making sure that you never become desensitized to the reality that you are not born to live this way you were not born to stay this way you ought to be scared if you start feeling good doing it but as long as you get done and feel disgusted as long as you get done you might want my doing this that it's the Holy Ghost way of getting a hold of your conscience to let you know at some point whether you know it or not you have got to come out of this hallelujah one of the things that depresses me not very many do but one of the reasons I would go to Kenwood liquors is if I thought about how much money had passed through my hands over the last 10 years think about how much money access to y'all don't like that think about it think about how many bonuses you got how many student returns you God how many raises you got birthday and think about what's still in your savings account and y'all a religious self think it's progress you like see it automatically comes out of my check every paper looks like thirty dollars in there over the last ten years if you had money consistently coming out of there you should be sitting on something but what the devil has got many of us doing is shouting and dancing and running and kissing and slip it and not realizing that what he has been able to do is consume precious time you won't ever get back the more influential you get more protective you have to be over your time the greater your responsibilities Wicker my daily prepping myself has helped me to discern a time waste helped me to know when something has been sent to waste my time because this is a part of my I owe it to the Lord to do do you not own that day you're not getting to know each other you're spending and into something that's the reverse is true let me spend time here and you make no priority for quality with your spouse you are in error I don't care if it's ministry reasons I don't care if this timeless when you put your children before your spouse now I know I'm going against all black people culture you don't do that but what's gonna happen is when Pookie ray-ray and all them turn 18 you gonna look up at him or her like I don't even know if I know you felt like the whole of your relationship was spent directed to children and/or using children as an excuse this is why now this is gonna be a prophecy for many of you you need to pray for an anointed babysitter praise God or some anointed godparents I'm talking to you you need to believe God for somebody who gonna let you have your Friday nights who gonna let you have your Saturday nights go to the Sybaris every night now take you a couple of days and go on and have some quality time to do nothing but make love I mean we ain't doing nothing woman but Stan we're gonna make up for lost time I can't hear nobody I'm gonna spend Friday and Saturday putting in overtime for the time I ain't wait I've been preaching a little bit let me make sure that you got an appetite so when the business the busy season come you got a support let me give you some memories warmer I won't you say man I'm gonna be busy again in a few weeks but I want to make sure I put it down so you won't get this heart attack shocker want you to meditate on me for a couple weeks Hey glory to the son of God come on you got to put it over time sometime if it's a busy season you got a lot of bills and stress you got to make sure that you provide our ample amount of time I tell you the women who nag the ones who ain't getting done if your woman is nagging that means she had all guys up it means she like peace I said that it means that she faking it y'all having sex like the color purple he just land on top of you missionary and you boil his head you thinking about groceries and why will you hurry up and get done and he'd get done rolling over and go to sleep but you sitting there like there was a waste of mine this is raining on I'm telling you the truth come to the Merritt play rekindled it'll help you with that seriously it's about time time to your spouse you give time to your spouse I'm talking you you ought to be married to your best friend you don't want to make the mistake of thinking that because you live with somebody you know them how many of you watch snapped there's a lot of couples who marry to a murderer and don't know it if my wife wanted to kill somebody she would be extremely successful because most of y'all would think it was me and she would probably be like it was him and nobody question you know why she smiles a lot it's it's been a friend I got frown Marshall everybody oh yeah he probably did it I know black people are fickle so I don't know somebody say I shot in the elbow but I always do it God was telling me in my spirit the whole time I ran just before I went on down but if she did it every but nobody would believe it your spouse has a potential to have a life aside from you if y'all work two different jobs y'all got two different friends it's a mistake to come home and not say how was your day what's going on with this what do you feel about that don't assume that you know him because you live with him the second problem is people change that ain't the woman I married 13 years ago she's a lot different and because she's changing I have to change there's a lot of spouses who feel neglected because they don't ask questions I talked to couples all the time who they did since they got in you need to rebuked have a day for everything else and then one day that's a little boring the spice is gone well you watching the Golden Girls everyday and you have no day for days you need a day for dates and I believe there's gonna make you squirm again you need to schedule your sex life if you in school if you work you schedule your hair appointments you schedule your car tuna we have a schedule a time slot I look on their calendars say Michael go to bed now go to bed Cary's put that iPad up mommy and daddy got a skirt y'all I want to have no - I got an agenda there's a meat tank in my room so gorgeous don't be it's on a schedule hey Lolita chisa I said it's on the schedule can I give my white time so it when Delilah comes on gotcha you have got to give the right person time cuz we don't want her to come they're gonna be looking for your time Lucas oh my son got time for that the easiest people in the world to ensnare are the board can I take this a little deeper Psalm 39 my fight my time are in the hands of the Lord now that may not seem like a romantic Scripture God's hand must control the seasons of your life now I'ma tell you why this is important many of you have Roman stuff on Instagram and something in there you ain't got to say man I know it's true your college roommates and stuff start getting married having kids and you come in and like oh I'm so happy have smiling the dress is so pretty come on let's be real and only inside you like starts to talk to you Babu says in the book of habakkuk right division make it plain that at the appointed time it will speak and not lied and sometimes when you're feeling lonely it gets a little aggressive hurry up here's a rebuke from men and women I understand that you may feel like your local church now that's for people who go to all nations and that's for those of you that watch me around the world I get it but you ought to realize what it says to God go outside of the kingdom blower marital potential it's sin whether it's normal we have not resolved that you're not going data unbeliever you probably not even say now I realize only twenty of you can clap because I know what I smell in here you get so frustrated at the lack of if you talk in tongues and you dating a Hebrew Israelite why won't nobody say nothin in here you running and shouting and dancing and you don't even know what this boy or this girl believe in all you know what she Q she grew up in the tree I didn't ask you how they grew up I want to know is she say oh you ain't same as I'm hit this harder what fellowship have darkness with life what fellowship have God with burn do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers he's a good man is he safe do we have the Holy Ghost come on are you listening to me do you know when the presence of the Lord is in the room and you ought to watch a man who refuses to cry many of them are liars if a man is not in touch with his emotions he can mislead you and never feel bad about it ladies have you dated somebody in all nations were sometime submitting you about 20 seconds looking to see if his hands as I'm opening a tie just a little bit and if he's worshiping you can't trust him if he's power you can trust him cuz it don't many perfect but it means he's you willing to be perfected if that Buddha had sitting next to you and the wind is in the room and he's on mood let him go let him go if you can't touch God you will not be touching me I wish I had some help up in here if you can't move God we're not gonna be moving in it is so it is so it is so hi you uncomfortable now No the fire-god come in a room presence of God come in the room and he's sitting there like this oh can I talk to my daughters for a minute you need a broken man he's gonna make mistakes he's gonna have to learn but if he's a broken man then it means that the Holy Ghost is always kind of opening to turn that heart the Holy Ghost has always got an opening to convict him this hires the Holy Ghost can do more than what you can do if he's not broken up you gonna have to stop him from cheating you gonna have to keep him in that house but when that man is broken oh god no keep them eyeballs he'll keep their memories he'll teach that man how to say no how to be faithful to you you need a man with the holy cow and now you wanna talk no you want somebody with gold teeth no you want somebody that smoke weed and sippin sizzurp oh but what the devil is trying to do to you is sign your life up to a sorcerer a wall somebody who has to have chemicals in him now have is right now I know you think a lost cigarette hurt nobody but look at what he'd given his piece to he's not gonna have peace unless he doing some drugs so look at what you're signing your life up to why would you settle for magic would you need to have miracles that warlock go I'm talking to you like that suit Sayoko you don't need somebody who Kate's functioning right but chemical or Dex art because what's gonna happen is this you gonna be in church worshipping dancing the Holy Ghost we do I want to use you like yes I'm taking you to nations you like then you got to go home to your authority and your authority is a captive what's ruling you is a slave so now your assignment is under the mercy of a man who won't obey God now your whole destiny is being managed by somebody who has the kingdom of darkness operating in them come on woman to God get free I know you can't clap cuz you love him his name on your boob you just left him this morning uh it's ok you can get tattoo removal I know what I'm talking about the Spirit of God is here to set you free baby he city man to paint you and he's like that loser God I feel the anointing for these women you wanna look at what's his last victory look at his track record you want to have a man there to tell you I've been set free from this I've been set free from that if he's still in process make him wait for you now he's sitting next to you and what he telling you is ain't nobody perfect it is Psalms to start making this default because they've been here you Jesus said I've chosen you you've not chosen me if people through that they don't want to produce to the side and make time for people who value your sound thirty nine and four what is the measure of my let me know how they are fleeting behold you surely all no this sounds like the Lord told me at the beginning of this year's started working on and I knew what he meant he meant start doing direct you to develop if I direct you to change some because ultimately when I'm currency of life how the rest from go into like a season of hardship and what he's trying to do is create character in you my money right don't go what should you be doing God told me as we were in worship one of the things he is healing he's putting where it used to be now here's a good news I know I depressed most of you all bollocks will be an amazing innovation it doesn't exist what it means for you you don't deserve especially in relationships it's why you always at that church I'm a man I got news what is it lizard telling you I don't like that you got to hear an earful because the godly relationship is not going Godley relationship is not going to prevent you from developing a godly relationship is going to do everything in its power what you need to do is surrender your time god is alpha he's the beginning he's the first is to repent what it means to for some of you it was imperative that you I'm turning away from you to what I should have been focused I found you as a form of repent so time is always going to be lost if if you continue this way with the same relationship who saw Bristow god remain when you change when you the way you do it's impressed he gives you the opportunity that you in stupidity when you repent there is no such thing as a missed moment what happens is God puts it on pause until you can handle it but when you make up your mind that you're going all the way with God I'm not going back to this he makes miss moments come back alive they prove it say prove it say prove it remember everything that David went through the loss of his baby the molestation of his children he's against him and then at the end of his life my god after he had saw all of that there's a scripture that we use all the time but I don't think we realized what the man was trying to say here's what David said I was young I'm about jhana I'm about to run about to kick everybody up there with a cartwheel and now I am old but I've never seen the righteous forsaken and I've never seen his see bad for brain now if you pay attention to the story David felt forsaken he saw his see bad for brand but what happened was after he repented God the pieces of the puzzle to fall where they should have been and he had no regard Israel again off again would their fetishes what they're monsters made them elongate a journey supposed to be seven days in seven days tested forty years see God what the direction you're choosing that I'm going to it was my preference that you simply obey me and prioritize me and I'll get you here the easy way my wheel is obedience is the short but when you disobey me I have to allow a spirit of difficulty into the midst to prove to you that it's not me you really want it's not my way you really want it's not my time you really want so if you want to waste these 40 years Israel I'll let you baby but there was a generation that died in the just and God was so irritating he was I look let him come on Joshua I want somebody they died in the world kids because you have your needs Bible says I didn't let your clothes shrink or your body swell you natural life yet well what would you do if the best thing you had was still just provision and not abundance still just resource and not supply you don't know it yet about Jesus that he came as Israel's promised Messiah it was his job to continue where Israel left off his whole point was to make sure that he that da they were looking for their Messiah the Prophet said behold your king comes and he's riding on a donkey he comes and and John is like man are you the one or should we look for another bro you're not moving and the reason why everybody was confused about his assignment is because of where he went first you know Israel was thinking if you're coming to Avenger said deal with our enemies and and make sure that all of them know that we're the chosen people that you ain't make sense that you go to church you didn't went to be baptized you fresh out the water and now you're going to some wilderness and you're talking about God is leading you there but they didn't understand God's priority see Jesus did not deserve the right to call himself the Messiah if he didn't go where Israel left off he was not supposed to start this thing in the synagogue he was not supposed to start this thing nowhere else but the wilderness why because that was where Israel left off lord have mercy I'm here to tell you it doesn't matter where you left off with God God can find you and he can pick up where you started I don't know who I'm talking to but some of you were in direction you were in focus and you got distracted and now you depressor but when Jesus comes into town sir lord have mercy come on shout with me I said he picks up where you left off and if that weren't enough how many years ben-israel spin in the wilderness I can't hear you I said how many years I'm about to commit but Israel's spin in the wilderness 40 long years 40 bloody years 40 dangerous years 40 scary years 40 depressing years 40 years that got so bad that they were like you know what skip all of this deliverance skip all of his salvation and least I'm the Pharaoh we had leeks and onions at least on the pharaoh we knew where we were going so Jesus Jesus picking up where they left off he went in the wilderness and you know what he did he spent one day for every year Israel spit in the wilderness what I'm trying to get you to see is when you let Jesus picked up where you left off you will get accomplished in one day what it used to take you a year to get done I'm here to tell you today if you let that knucklehead go God will get in your life and get busy the time when you were in that thing it took you a year to start that company God will miss around and blow on them 24 hours and you'll meet your manager by nine have your interview by chance and be running accompanied by pottery God is about to give some of you a good day that's all you need to turn this thing around is a good day and there's nothing like a good day that can reverse a bad year that's nothing like a good day that can I do what was done to you in a horrible season my purpose are to you you are about to have a good day why won't you shop with me [Music] gonna break what he'll do when you focus and you repent you'll be spending a whole year trying to get clarity what do I study what should I do but when God has your heart you go to bed in confusion and the dream of the Lord will come to you Joe thirty three and three and says on a man's bed when he sleeps the Spirit of God opens up his ears that gives him instructions she got has all the clarity you need he's just trying to make sure that heart is where he wants it and he'll give you the answer in a dream I'm here to tell you God knows stuff that Google don't know life would you focus your day start dancing they start doing things that your year could not do you could be struggling in your body for a whole year all it takes us for the right babe to kill look at this ratio when you are decided what you're going to do he can have it what you're wasting on now listen be fair Oh a PhD is three and a half to four years a masters is one and a half to two you could be achieving so waist Utah we'll restore Oh somebody best conniption material right there I said that's conniption I don't care how many people you slept with okay how many breakups you didn't have okay how many times you was almost married I don't care how many people you thought was the one would you turn to him I will restore you want to go crazy that the locusts Hey the Pomeroy the cat go on I will wish stall them i will restart them pointer somebody say he will restock somebody say he will restore oh I feel like running I said he will restore you've been sitting up and regret because of what you didn't accomplish what you didn't finish but I'm here to tell you God is pouring out extra time he's getting back refunds he's giving back coupons on hundred each time miss movements are coming back around lost opportunities are coming back around those of you who said I wish I knew then what I know now you about to have the opportunity to do God is about to turn your time I can't hear nobody pray Zi I can't hear nobody pray sir I can't hear nobody praising I came here nobody praising I can't hear nobody prays he's giving you the time you lost the time you wasted the time you let go I see the sands of time turning all the way for you Emily you could use some extra time well how does he do it does he reverse it does he turn back the hands of time No he puts life back he changes the quality of your days and makes up for lost time I call how many of you remember the movie what's that movie with Denzel Washington fallin about the demon named Azazel and it was a song that I believe is my victory chant for this evening that demon would go around dr. Pam and touch people and it had the nerve to have it - it was a tie so my side yes it is come on I declare that over you time is on your side time is on your side you are not running out of time you have not wasted time the devil should have killed you last night at 11:59 but because you've heard this word and because you're under the authority of this word and because you made a decision to do the right this time I declare to the I declare to every woman every boy every girl I declare over the singles I declare over the divorce I declare over the Meredith [Music] let moto your hip I can present that crazy [Music] right here present come on crazy right now he's given you some brand new time apply to that program compliment right that grin outs Tommy you have got nothing but space and a platoon you are shouting yes your prize [Music] miss coming back it's coming back time to finish time to start over time to complete time he time to deliver eternity time to step out he's giving you some more time go on touchy people say time time time time time come on touch me people the prophesy loose your time I loose your time come on devil I want every second you stole every minute you stole you both faces go this much somebody survived alone [Music] well I feel gone somebody's given a time restored right now I see it in your face no more depression no more loneliness no more regrets God has given me my time doctor he has put more life in my life and these are about to be the greatest days the greatest moments the greatest opportunities
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 50,353
Rating: 4.8952236 out of 5
Id: rCJIji38xII
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Length: 63min 28sec (3808 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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