He Gave Gifts To Men | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The Gift Of The Word of Knowledge

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we're in a very special teaching this is very important to me he gave gifts to men and we are talking about the generosity of our God in gift-giving we are in the season where the world likes to talk about giving gifts and our God is the giver of every good and perfect gift so this is important that we study and we re-evaluate and we look at because I have a prophecy for you before I prophesy or preach God is concerned about your treatment of your gifts he really is look at some I say that means you too he is concerned about what you know about them he is concerned about what you don't know about them he is concerned about how deliberate you are with using them God does not want accidental gift usage he doesn't want you using your gifts accidentally he wants you deliberately using your gifts here is my belief I'll give you a framework for this and then I'll teach I think that it is disrespectful to the giver to neglect the gift think about it when you give someone a gift if you are a generous person and that person you you spend money on it you save for it you prepare for it you plan for it you shop for it you especially if it's a surprise gift and you're not gonna person's house you put the gift there and then like thank you so much and then kick it let the dog pee on it burn it it has tapioca and Gerber food all over it although it's their gift you do take it personal because of the level of investment in sacrifice it took for you to receive the gifts a man the other thing about a gift being the gift is that you don't pay for it what am I saying to you Jesus Christ went through a lot to get you these abilities it costs the blood of Jesus now I know those of you that are anti charismatic or you go to when I'm the COO cube churches where they drink tea and the Saints were and all that crap you think social conscious churches and stuff you think that gifts are not necessary yeah you do you or you act like it and you you believe that if they happen they happen it's just all about the glory of God man this is B about the glory here's a problem salvation is a gift mercy is a gift the Holy Ghost is a gift forgiveness is a gift Jesus was a gift everything that comes from God is a gift we are just prejudiced on which ones we think are more significant you think the gift of salvation is important but think the gift of prophecy is unnecessary understand how this works if it comes from God it is a gift why because you can't deserve it now I could run around here but I'm not if it comes from God it is a gift your spouse was one your your next breath is one how about Baba it is a gift glory to God to somebody it is a gift it is a gift your sanity is one your peace of mind is one it's a gift so we have to develop a broad and appreciation for everything God gives fundamentally speaking you have gifts in you that are not your decision they are you're discovering God pre invests gifts pre invest gifts from before the foundation of the world for whatever he wanted you to do for whoever he wanted you to touch for whatever he wanted your life to mean he invested gifts in you the gifts and the callings of God are irrevocable they are without repentance which is why people who haven't repent can still use them see how that works so you don't have to be clean to be gifted that's the unfortunate thing there's a lot of dirty people who steal not gifted because God gives gifts to everybody Paul said severally as according to how he will so there's no way the Great Commission is going to be advanced without the gifts of the Spirit why because it is a supernatural Commission it mandate supernatural power so when you have the Holy Ghost lift your hands if you got the Spirit of God on you in you come on you baptizing the Holy Ghost do speak with you hey hey if you feel what the Holy Ghost you have access to all of the gifts based upon the need it does not mean that those are the ones that are resident in you so if somebody is sick and you need to pray for a sick person you shouldn't look at a sick person say I'm so sorry you just have to die I don't have the gift of healing No what you do is you prayer the prayer of faith now there are some people who specially have a gift of healing or gifts of healing or miraculous gifts power gifts I hope that by the time I'm done with this sermon series you have a hunger for power gifts America needs demonstration they need people who move in the miraculous they we need to see that there with this era is right for signs and wonders and one of the reasons why we don't see it is because of the absence of compassion miracles are a manifestation of mercy so merciless people cannot move in miracles every time Jesus moved in the miraculous it was a demonstration of mercy so one of the ways to qualify for miraculous power is to live a life of mercy that was free the rest is gonna cost you go to first Corinthians chapter 12 this is one of my favorite stories in the Bible but I'm going to give you the scriptural premise for this and then I'm gonna preach this gift but go back and watch the the recording from this morning I taught about the gift of discerning of spirits the gift of discerning of spirits I distinguished the difference between discernment and discerning of spirits I talked about how important it is to see the source of a thing to discern what's operating behind an action thought feeling deed and I also dealt with the myth that the only thing that needs to be discerned is the devil sometimes you need to give to be signing of spirits to discern value and something that looks like it's done the treasure in the earthen vessel so sometime a mention of the fact as an example don't take offense to this if you do would sue me that if if a crossdresser walks in here it is natural religious also but it's human to look at them like oh my god you need so much help and then we want to pray forms you know scrub the makeup off of them you know God and make it this way ha ha but but and that may work for some but it's not a trustworthy source of deliverance because nobody stays free if they don't know value it is going to take the gift of discerning of spirits to see past the eyelashes the makeup and to see what God sees because God is not looking at what you looking at that's free - he's looking at something else and sometimes it takes a gift of discerning of spirits to discern value in something that looks dirty so that you can endure a deliverance process I gotta get to my message but if you don't learn how to see past what you see if you don't develop the skill set to see behind what you see you're going to miss a lot in life the people of the Lord said amen first Corinthians 12 verse 7 but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal so we learned that a part of the reasons why the gifts of the Spirit are important is because they're supposed to profit increase value 4 to 1 is given by the spirit the word of wisdom I'll teach on that next week the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another divers kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues so these nine gifts are separated into three categories vocal revelation and power there's another set of gifts in Romans chapter 10 that I'm gonna walk you through because you may look at these gifts like I don't know if any of these are in me but some of you have a gift of generosity that is a gift of the Spirit Paul talked about if giving is a gift then give some people are gifted to give God if God is ever looking for a volunteer to be generous I'm going to lift my hands why cuz if that is a gift then that means that God has to make sure I'm supplied to do it come on every that that's one gift he ain't gotta ever say who will I see in I'll be like hey hey me amen I will finance things and buy things it is a part of the gift of God go to John chapter 4 this segment of this series I'm gonna talk about the gift of the word of knowledge the gift of the word of knowledge it is not the gift of knowledge it's the gift of the word of knowledge it is not natural knowledge just like the gift of the word of wisdom is not being wise the gift of the word of wisdom is the gift of God's wisdom the gift of God's knowledge to understand the difference between natural knowledge and natural wisdom insert the term God there it'll help you to conceptualize it it is the gift of God's knowledge the gift of God's wisdom so a person can be wise just by virtue of a life or personality and not have the gift of the word of wisdom there is a difference and so I'm going to show you the gift of the word of knowledge in one of my favorite Bible stories it's in John chapter 4 and I'll read it as fast as I can and give you the principles here forgive me though because this is my thing so you know when people preach their thing they preach it with a little bit more romance so I'm gonna try to be calm John 4:3 he left Judea Jesus and departed again into Galilee and he must needs go through Samaria and then cometh he to a city of Samaria which is called Sychar near the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph now Jacob's Well was there say the whale say the well say the well Jesus therefore being wearied with his journey set thus on the whale hey he sits on the whale and it was about the sixth hour there cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water we're gonna do a case study of how this gift manifested and jesus saith unto her give me to drink for his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat I think it's so unique that Jesus ministered to her when nobody was looking because the disciples probably would have been angered at jesus's conversations with her huh mino' the church has a bad habit of trying to qualify and disqualify people and Jesus dismissed the twelve so that he could minister to just one that was free I thank God he ain't asks you before he called me I praise God he didn't try to get you opinion hey hey I praise God he didn't involve you on what he was doing in my life it was a very personal decision that is so glory to God look at verse 9 then saith the woman of Samaria unto Him how is it that thou being a jew asketh drink of me which I'm a woman of Samaria for the Jews have no dealings with Samaritans cultural barrier racial barrier economic barrier sexist barrier all kinds of barriers presented between Jesus and this woman verse 11 no verse 10 sorry now look this is very important this is very very important that you study the Scriptures by the scriptures don't insert things into text that are not there Jesus did not tell this lady to get saved but when you read it fast you think so what did Jesus say if you knew the gift of God he didn't tell her go get saved he said if you had experience with what the gift of god jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee give me to drink that would have asked him and he would have gave the living water the woman saith unto him sir you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep from which has now given this living water aren't now greater than our Father Jacob which gave us the well and drank thereof himself and his children and his cattle and jesus said unto her whoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again but whosoever drinketh of the water that I will give him will never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him hey oh I'm sorry you know your church boy certain verses just affect you differently shall be in him a whale springing up into everlasting life turn to somebody say neighbor he's not a bad person she's not a bad person she's a thirsty person people are not bad people are not evil intrinsically people don't know what to do with their thirst and it is a mismanaged thirst and a mismanaged appetite that leads people into destructive behavior everybody's hungry for something everybody's thirsty for something those thirsts turn into pursuits explorations flirtations that lead people into the tempters snare but if we engage people through the door of their thirst if we engage people through the door of their hunger no church would be empty churches are empty because they are not giving water people are thirsty for something the body don't have but if we moved in water glory stopped Hamid I'm sorry I'm sorry the woman said unto him in verse 15 give me this water lady wasn't even in denial she liked look man you don't know what I've been through what I've seen who said what to me I could use some water to drink so that I never have to come back here again that I thirst not neither come hither to draw jesus saith unto her now listen this is where the gift of the word of knowledge comes in operation Jesus located her thirst and now is about to expose or reveal the reason behind her journey she said give me water now listen to me the Bible says you if you being evil and your sons ask you for bread will you give him a stone if you ask him for water will you give him a serpent's egg what does God say even your father delights to give good gifts to those that ax Jesus did not deflect he answered her she didn't realize she was about to get her answer because seemingly he changed the subject I'm not to preach mr. preaches on punishment you can still answer the question if you change the subject the subject to this woman was her thirst but the answer was her hurt Jesus changed the subject but he answered her question give me some water the woman says but I would know how to drink and she said Jesus said sure where's your husband where's your husband the woman said I don't have a husband jesus said you have said well he basically said you got that right you've had five husbands let's dig into this and he whom thou has I'm trying is not my husband in that you have said truly look at what mother said in verse 19 the woman saith unto him sir now look at the change in her attitude she was just talking smart liar you better than our fathers Jacob what water is this the word of knowledge ran through all of her suspicions all of her cynicism see when you minister to the facts of men's lives there's nothing left to talk about so we can either spin here talking to your logic your experience and all of this or I could minister a word to you pass your cerebral self pass your pretentious self and in the discussion I perceive that our prophet our fathers worshiped in this mountain now here's the real meat this is traditionally seen as an evangelistic text when you look at this stronger this woman was not foreign to the subject of worship which meant that she couldn't have been an unbeliever she was a backslider there is a difference look at what she said cuz you don't believe me our fathers worshiped in this mountain and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship jesus saith unto her woman believe me the hour cometh when ye shall neither worship in this mountain nor at Jerusalem worship the father what is Jesus doing giving her water she worship what he know not uh we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship now how did this conversation go from water to worship this one unbeliever he would have had to talk to her about why worship was necessary and I yeah but he did none of that listen he didn't even introduce himself you understand what happened we need to have a textual conversation about what made this lady go get water that day have you ever wondered why she ended up walking to the well to begin with have you ever wondered why she was coming to drink without any materials no cup no sister could it be that she was trying to get away from the man she lived with Jesus just told her to one you with now angel husband could it be that what her circumstance was drove her to want to go back to the one she had unfinished business with and she thought she was about to give him a long time away from her life and here's a man sitting there who's just dismissed his company as if he knew to expect somebody was coming the Bible say he needs go through Samaria in other words when he was training them he had the woman on his mind and whatever was going on her life made him schedule a visitation which somebody who society didn't think was worth it and when he got there he saw a need and a desperation and an attack and a disorder and a dysfunction and instead of judging it he revealed the source verse twenty-five I'm not preaching yet the woman said unto him I know the Messiah is coming which is called Christ listen listen listen watch this please when he is come he will tell us what all things it was the belief that when you saw Jesus or the Messiah he would tell you things I would never go to a God that in terms that implies your God was silent how dumb is that he's no different from Buddha in that case or any other statue you could go to our God talks it was their idea that when the Messiah came he would do what tell all things jesus saith unto her I that speak unto thee am he my god verse 27 and upon this came his disciples and marvelled that he talked with the woman yet no man said what secrets down o ye talkers with her the woman then watch this watch this the woman left her waterpot she forgot what she came there forth to begin with and then in her way where did she go where where where where where see Jesus's demonstration of the word of knowledge took this lady out of misery to the city you don't understand what I'm saying to you this lady tapped into an assignment she's now the first person to spread the message about Jesus she goes into the city and look at what she says I tried to hold it here it goes go and see a man that told me everything I ever did but he didn't tell her everything he ever did he didn't tell her who our mama was who her daddy was keep telling her that you told her you got five husbands what means what that means is this lady was probably so involved in the drama the trauma the pain of them 5min that there was the only thing that meant anything to her and when Jesus expose it the reason you're thirsty the reason you on this mountain the reason why you're coming back for unfinished business is because of you and how you were that made you be a sign for all these men to come and use you and sleep with you you may have even been in adultery at some point but there is a whale come on that God can open up that will spring up in you everlasting life I think that every thirsty person in the world no pun intended needs a whale you need a whale I need a whale we all need a whale if that makes you uncomfortable cuz you feel like I'm Church promoting well but I'm telling you there's only certain places that you can go when you need to drink everybody needs a whale and when you go to the whale not only do you drink you find revelation that can uncover what you bury under years of drama and years of trauma and deal with you now a word of knowledge can come very specifically it can tell you your blood type your address your mother's name your father's name it is supernaturally revealed information but it's different from the word of wisdom in that you can't really prove a word of wisdom a word of wisdom must be waited on because it is predictive in nature it's different from prophecy the reason why this is confusing is because prophecy often contains words of wisdom and words of knowledge a word of knowledge can be proven if I say to you your name is Edna you can pull you can pull out your ID and if your name is not Cynthia then it was the word of knowledge so what a word of knowledge is a supernaturally revealed fact a lot of the people y'all call puppets have the gift of the word of knowledge because nothing else they do is prophetic to test it you got to find out what they're doing when they're not proper sign that's how you see a prophet told another seminar but the gift of the word of knowledge can be embraced and tackled by any believer and I'm going to tell you why this is so necessary people that don't know God needs to see God proved or people that know God and don't like him right now backsliders sin cycles people that are living in rebellion when people in the human heart realizes that God sees everything about you it brings the fear of the Lord the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him so a manifestation of the supernatural gifts of God should always be the fear of the Lord the fear of the Lord is to depart from evil now listen the way I teach the gifts so that people don't start using like cotton candy and suckers and stuff as I teach that if a gift does not reveal Jesus it's a talent if every manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit should reveal an angle of Jesus you should be able to point to any of the gifts and point to a trait in Jesus that it upholds it reveals the trait in Jesus that the word of knowledge reveals is his omniscience everywhere all the time the eyes of the Lord to and fro throughout the earth if you've got a backslidden child who you've been praying for to get saved and in just like all this mama all this mama you expose something very specific about them that they didn't kept from you because listen people's decisions are in their secrets if you can minister to people's secrets and we all got oh come on look ISM I say YouTube it demonstrates the sovereignty of God we need secret ministry we need ministry to shake it's a lot of the people's so cooperation is found and what they're hiding from you Paul says if everybody prophesize the secrets of the heart made manifest churches need to have ministry to the secrets of the heart it's one of the ways that you make men bow you don't really see that very often and then when you do we stay away from I know we get scared or we think that it's crazy or or odd but it really does show the concern the attachment the involvement the investment of God and there is not a thing about you that is not important to God see the word of knowledge is a manifestation of God's investment in your details think about it your name is Justin Sena you're gonna have the gift I'm looking at your thoughts you will have this gift you're sitting there right now wondering man I really want to move more in that and I'm telling you as soon as I started preaching the thing came I hacked into what you were thinking and you will move powerfully in this gift not just with disease but with names and with numbers and souls are going to turn you are I don't even mean to go into this you are going to minister to agnostics and your whole life is a sign and a wonder you've asked for the gift it's yours now it's in you already all right I didn't know that I ain't talked to him I just saw it think about how many people would be delivered if they knew God knew their details well now the thing is uh when I so the way it works the longer Jesus talked to the woman the more details he got you've had five it ain't not listen the word of knowledge could have told him who they were what they look like how they did it and this is something that we need operative it's a part of our spiritual equipment as sight some of you understand that where's Langston I mean he told I shouldn't be able to miss him Oh Seraphim come in he sit up side the mercy seat just guarding it who this thing is opening up hurry up man I'm just giving you an example of how this works and why it's important for your life I'm gonna tell you something I don't know and it's actually kind of weird to me because I can't see you're doing it but apparently this is what you're doing okay lift your hands so I want to demonstrate this to you and I want it because I want you to see the person next to you has a set of needs without the gifts of the Spirit certain needs won't be met and in case you didn't realize it God is always concerned about meeting needs all of your needs are not Material sometimes you have needs that you need to know God is aware of it involved in you want to be a physical trainer and I don't know that cuz you look skinny like me but I'm looking at you right now and you're studying for some type of test preparing for some type of physical training and athletic preparation program or something and you want to start your own company with that and so you've been really involved and it's different from what you had hoped because it's only about a year in the making where you really started trying to study and investigate this but the favor of the Lord is going to be on you and it's going to set you up for your next decision okay do we talk about stuff like to have a talk is that true yeah if I'm a line prophet alright finally with this beard come in now listen I say this jokingly and I semi mean this I know when people come to all nations that's cuz they're really thirsty there is no way in the world a person in sin who don't want to change don't want no different I would never come to this church and if I did I would sit all the way in the back no shame but I will make sure I was sitting by somebody who didn't see me didn't know cuz you don't get how scarce stuff around here haha i play yeah you an affair with the person all the way in the back your wife don't know it bah blah I see a similar deal but I see bikes I see bikes bikes bikes what do you call it sickle in cycling programs I see you just on there just um riding with the music God wants you to know that he sees you that's what that does see when you realize God sees you it breaks you because it means that everything around you is important how you feel is important to what you want is important what you're doing is important it is all a part of God all right probably give him favor with that loose that bent loft on the second floor loose it to him in Jesus name come on give the Lord some praise all over the building hallelujah now listen if we had more believers you know who I love to minister to that way waitresses I love that when it's tip time I give him a real tip because think about how many people feel ignored overlooked or unseen by God if God is real he's not thinking about me he's not thinking about my issues in my life so it's the detail realm and God wants to move many people into that realm there are obviously prophets moving the word of knowledge but teachers moving it very powerfully people who move in healings also very I have seen ministry gifts describe disease with perfect detail of things that a person could not know these gifts are available now they are most effective in a clean life they can operate without repentance but when a clean life ministers and the gifts of the Spirit it does something much more powerful it affects think ounces need to give to the word of knowledge it is like the forensics of God how many of you know that when you go anywhere anybody in here I know you are into forensics forensic psychology when you go somewhere the proof the evidence of your being there is all around you go watch the oj case if you don't believe in the power of forensics but you leave a part of your story wherever you go whether it's hair fingerprints whatever they know where you've been they can investigate a crime scene do you think modern technology is more powerful than God do you know that prophets were the Old Testament internet there was no Google how did Sam you'll know whether donkeys were how did mean inquire of the Lord on what if they were gonna win a battle or win a would send up lady behind Vicki you yeah I see I don't know how um I probably shouldn't have taken my shoes off as the problem it looks like a 7-eleven but it's not talking about a place of employment and I wanna okay I'm gonna deal with your ex and I want to deal with this I'm trying to be discreet and disclose at the same time I want to deal with the money that you are owed it's right under like 20k you have been trying to figure out how you were going to pursue if the last legal representation you talked to which though was believable and you have been trying to make sure that you got the adequate academic support for your children the the behavioral and the reading coaches and stuff and it's been really overwhelming you but it seems like I keep here you know you walk into a 7-eleven or somebody then you hear the doorbell ding ding that's what I keep hearing God says you're not the next season you're not gonna walk in in and out of doors like that anymore he's pulling you out of the fast food industry that is God and he's going to move you into a realm and a degree of provision just so you know he loves you you need to know that oh you need to know that come up with those hands together for the Lord so it's that's a very very very important gift to have so if you are a healing minister if you want to see now listen this is not just for preachers believers need the gifts of the Spirit not just to help you minister but the word of the word of knowledge is so powerful I've even seen it with business deals with business deals I there are ways to use your giftings in every sphere of life in every angle of life if you don't think you need discerning of spirits get engaged if you don't move in designing a space you will miss you fool around marry a crook a pedophile criminal glory to God see out you ain't got to do a background check if you got the Holy Ghost that boy come upon you asking your number you I'll try to do one more there's a UH I don't know how to describe you and I want to do this right y'all know I'm awful with describing things and then I can't see you have on a tan blazer thank you that was easy you're sitting in front of Drew field or drew one of them there you go thank you now part of was shocking y'all is that my eyes are not in the back of my head I'm not like going in tongues and shaking and combo saying here's fine if God gives you a gift he no longer controls it now listen I know I just hit a bunch of religious nerves because you think that you can only flow in the gifts when you feel God that would make it a gift then if I give you something and tell you you can only use it when I'm around then it's not a gift it is a gift either it's in you or it's not so I ain't got a stir and shake and quiver in fast 30 days to tell you what your name is there is a river of life in me stop the music real quick how many of you are singers do you have to pray in tongues to sing how many of you can draw do you have to like go in a secret place and roll your eyes about your head to draw what those are your property stop letting religious teaching teach you that the gifts are loaned your gifting is not alone you don't just give you a gift when you need it didn't take it back to people I opted when they come on me and really come on me I don't get it all the time but when they do you better watch out is heavy what didn't you ain't got it ma'am you know different from Balaam's donkey or the order or the chicken that crawl to Peter you use anything if it's available it doesn't mean you have to give it means you were available if you have to give the gift works like a singer ain't got to be like father just give me a minute let me go and stir myself sock and get this soprano right no it's the same with the gifts of the Spirit all right come here man let your hands you you have such a profound profound healing anointing and you are a listener but a part of your desire as I began to teach this was for that loved one uh-huh that has turned away from the gospel and you see in your heart that now you don't have to blame yourself flow-rate to God that is so that through the power of the gifts of the Spirit you can reconnect that hard heart to God and give you the fresh start that you want come on put those hands together for the Lord now that's how it works there gonna be some prophecies that are long and Old Testament English and sometime the word of knowledge is is this you got a uh oh this must be for somebody I just heard it uh if you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis please stand stand come here thank you makes sense not only is gun okay I see some injections that you're not going to need glory to his name you will not deteriorate under this there is you are a stressor and it's almost like you don't know how to not be that way because you you mistake being responsible and stress it's the weird thing but God's gonna deal with your stress level and it's going to do it's just like to point one the spots that they're concerned about and it's not going to fully met hey it's on the left side of your brain it's not going to and it's like a shadowy thing they were even as I'm looking at the pictures I see the doctors in the room examining it and one of them was he the specialist that came in was very concerned about telling you this because they were like we're not certain maybe we need to run some more tests but the shorter doctor with the the black hair he's kind of eyeballed at the top and we switched over to the left he wanted to really really really really make sure that you had this so that he could move you on to another hospital or clinic but here's what I hear God's going to heal you I guarantee you come on look at somebody say he reveals it to heal it he reveals it to heal it father I declare healing over this woman from the top of your head literally to the soul of your feet and starting tomorrow you will never have a dizzy spell again put those hands together for Jesus what's wrong with child come on bunch up hallelujah he reveals it to heal it he reveals it to heal it he reveals it to healing all right that's how it brings glory to Jesus now listen let me give you a fatherly admonishment I don't do stuff like this so I can look special I don't want a person going back to see think whose show is anointed I know that already I want you going back to your seat thinking Jesus is real that's the point of the gifts if they point back to you then it's like a talent show I don't need none of your affirmation I know I hear God I see very well I don't need the applause what I'm trying to do is facilitate communication between heaven and earth if more preachers would hide behind the cross and get out of the way the power of God would flow freely in them services put your hands together for the Lord I'm gonna open the doors of the church I'm gonna open now listen now a lot of you when you come to my services you'll notice that I spend a lot of time staring it's because I have convictions about people coming to church with needs and I never wanted to be that somebody is on the verge of suicide or somebody is going to get shot or somebody is going to get raped or something and they were in my midst for a whole 90 to 120 minutes and nothing went off so I'm always looking to see God are there signals or signs going on over anybody's head is there something somebody needs to know because I feel like that's a part of the love of God true story I don't know if the gentleman is here because I don't know him last week while I was preaching in the middle of me preaching and that's how a words of knowledge sometimes come some of you my wife has the word of knowledge but it manifests powerfully in dreams so sometimes it'll come out of your mouth other times you can dream it like literally and I was in the middle of preaching and I said whoever you are Micah who just left the military don't give up on that business given new year and I just kept going I remember I did it last week go back it was crazy I just like I guess this for somebody you know the man of God emailed us Monday was it Monday jr. and he said okay this is scary but my name is Micah nobody here knows me they only know me as MB or something like that email nobody knows my full name cuz nobody here knows my family to snoop around I am home from the military I didn't want to be in Chicago and I was going through the time of my life trying to decide if I should stay put on Sunday and the minute he screamed that out he said I would have walked up there but I was wrecked and completely afraid but now I know I'm in my right place who wouldn't serve a god like that I'm praying for your backslidden family members goal stop fussing stop nagging go to God and ask him to share something with you that you don't know it's very simple Lord what is what's going on and you'll be shocked you don't have to wait for family meetings and stuff of Secrets to come out by the Spirit of God you can know thanks amen is that powerful okay was about to do open the door okay
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 62,269
Rating: 4.9188404 out of 5
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Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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