Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Rated R | Trust Issues

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we are in an amazing teaching series called rated-r and it has been getting great momentum if I must say so myself and I love this I like talking about relationships and I like helping people understand how to do relationship better so what happens is I do the more platonic stuff at 8 o'clock and I do two more get you a booster at 10:30 so folks probably gonna start gravitating at 10:30 because it's the hook-up service at least until one o'clock come back but at 8 o'clock we're we're gonna be learning how to do relationship the right way we are under conviction about this and it takes teaching to be able to help people know how to do relationships right there's a right and a wrong way [Music] yeah I don't know that y'all sanctify nature you went down in Jesus name I know I was testing you Amen but there is a right and a wrong way to luv some-somebody praise God let's keep sweating at these days anyway he producing producing whoo well tell him I say it higher yet hey Keef if you're watching this you a member of all nations online we welcome you to the place of great amen but we're in a very powerful relationship that series and it's been going viral people are sharing it and one of the things that shocked me when series like this get momentum it always shocks me how little people know about relationships I say stuff that's real simple to me and people be like oh my god I got the victory I just told you not the data dummy like so then I understand there is such a lack of information concerning Christians and relationship and let me say this as a precursor to where we're going even in 10:30 when you become saved you don't do relationships the same way unsaved people do that's a massive part of our strain relationally is because a lot of people get saved in their soul and not in their principles so what happens is they still try to let demonic or sinful or carnal principles when you get your soul saying but how many vino when God saves you he changes the rules of engagement so the way you used to do friendship and the way you used to do relationship are not effective when you intend to go to heaven now I could take an offer right there and send you home cuz a lot of our victory will come when we decide to let the Bible govern how we do relationship appreciate BT oh my this morning they don't want to have Church - I appreciate all the researchers and master class but you must let the Word of God determine the rules of engagement and God's Word has a lot to say about friends it fascinates me a lot to say about dating or not the same about how you should be relationally and so we're just tackling some of what God work God's word has to say about relationships now if this were an a a meeting and I was there and I would say this hi I'm Matthew Stephenson and I have trust issues how many of you would say I got him - where's your hands you got trust issues some of you won't even raise your hand cuz you entrust it I say how many you got trust issues I have trust issues fam they are deep and it seemed like the father they go they get much deeper and it's something I'm submitting to the Lord something I'm wanting to be freed up from because how many know when you have especially highly discerning people the devil loves to play with them and the door of their discernment to make them afraid of what they discern hear this God never intended for your ability to discern to birth fear in you when you become afraid because of what you discern the devil has taken your strength and used it against you you suppose a discerner thing to decide how to interact with it but you're not supposed to be afraid so what that trust is or that trust break or breach is really an inverted fear and I'm gonna show you some principles today concerning trust and concerning trust issues and how they affect you relationally first of all before I give you all these scriptures I want you to know that your chips is the primary place where your trust level is going to play out so I can tell the week engage if you have trust issues what they are why they are by how you interact with your platonic relationships now this is applicable sometimes in romantic relationships but those of us particularly for give my candor how horny you are or how lonely you are you will forego or ignore some of your trust principles for a man or a woman before you will a friend because you'll sleep with folk you don't know lord help me ensign you go to you know you won't ask questions about credit score you just eat cute there's enough of me all right but but but trust will show up in how you do platonic relationships and it amazes me my wife and I joke about all the time how at the end of every year everybody starts cutting everybody off I just got there and listen there is a time for separation do not get me wrong there are moments where in order to elevate you must separate because sometimes you befriend at the level of your understanding of yourself I'll get there in ten thirty based upon how you see yourself it determines what you think you need in friendships and so sometimes when you come to find out who you are and what God is doing those relationships are no longer necessary because you attach to them for codependent needs okay so sometimes it's your personal identity that determines the quality of your relationships but when you have friendship issues and you have trust issues there is a barrier in the way of your being able to relate to connect to receive and we learn last week that all relationships are just that they're a ship right but you are a gate and a door so when I meet you if I talk to you if we go to lunch if we decide to build a relationship I am either going to enter into something good or something bad the way God has set it up on the earth is that everything God wants to do for you will show up in the form of a person now I know that makes you mad cuz Vicky wine is a cinch all off and taught you how long as you got Jesus you don't need nobody else okay let me tell you what that's gonna get you because every promise of God for a deliverer for an answer for Savior showed up in the Bible in the form of a what person it went when Israel cried out for a deliverer God could have spoke the word and set him free but he didn't what'd he do he spoke to Moses so what you need is going to come packaged in a person hear me one of the ways Satan will keep you bankrupt is by making you overlook the package God has answered many of you several times but because you have people issues you did not endure long enough to reach inside your relationships to retrieve what you need you only want it directly from God God is my help and my everything and then all my all and all needs you Negro because y'all don't do enough of me grandmama told me you gotta watch who you trust and she died miserable after the seven husband living in the basement didn't pay a household making a couch in the basement you know liquor out of bread and apple you don't want that type of misery don't take that wisdom from folk who have brokenness in their lives do relationship right say yes sir now let's talk a little bit about this and I'm gonna walk you through some trust scriptures put a proverbs chapter 20 verse six proverbs chapter 20 verse 6 there is a biblical term and I want to teach you this so that you can study it yourself there is a biblical term called trust worthy trust worthy and its definition is very profound you ain't gonna believe it it's this is so deep it means to be worthy of trust then they blow you away BAM this is what that means you don't trust by faith you trust by proof God has commanded me to love you he did not force me to trust you so there's a lot of people who use their Christianity please hear me to continue in naivety but my being a Christian does not mean I have to be naive my individual challenge is loving you perfectly but I don't have to trust everybody the same way now why I do I do not trust you may or may not have anything to do with you as an individual there may be things and I've experienced things that I've seen that may impact my ability to trust period so then the more hole I become the more able I am to Lin trust even if it is risky or consequent oh but you have to be able to resolve that trust is something that grows Trust is not something you give so when people mess up or do friendship wrong or break relationship you don't owe it to them to automatically trust them and to forgive a person is not to requalified them for the place they had in your life we can we can walk in forgiveness and not give you the same depth of access until you become trust where they say I hear you now so the Bible term is trustworthy and in proverbs chapter 20 verse 6 it says this now this is so true in our culture because if you look down your timeline down your memes you look at the articles and vlogs everybody thinks they're trustworthy is so funny you know when people look at me today and be like I'm a loyalist I just land because I don't believe 90% of them I think people are lawyer with certain conditions is what I think and I think people are loyal until they have the opportunity to sell out to something better you won't be able to find out if somebody is loyal until adversity comes you cannot trust a loyalty that has not been tested you cannot trust it so when things are going well the Sun is out of course you loyal you've not had an opportunity to be inconvenient about who or what I am but when you've had an opportunity to see me at a low point and you choose to do whatever it's necessary to stay there then I understand that you're loyal your loyalty must have adverse conditions to be proven Lord is quiet today your loyalty must be tested in adverse conditions in proverbs 20 and 6 is what it says many a man proclaims his own loyalty and goodness if I were to give all of you a test and ask you for your good friend most of you blah yes if you get me I'm a jewel I'm a treasure Sam such a good friend cuz when I'm all in I'm all in let me say stuff like that many a man proclaims his own loyalty and goodness but who can find a faithful this is the amplified and trustworthy man he's basically saying that these people are rare these people are rare people that want to relate without motive they want to relate without expectation they want to relate now an expectation does not mean lack of definition sometimes and you have a person that wants to befriend you and they befriend you through the lens of expectation there is a controlling component that comes in that relationship I have desires but if you don't meet those desires I'm not going to judge you I mean you know if you set rules up call me three times a day or you ain't my sister ask me before you go on a date with somebody else what's gonna happen is there is a lordship slavery dynamic that's there it is okay to communicate desire but you don't love people through your own expectations Lord if you don't send a clapping angel in here that's trustworthy so let's look a bit at what trustworthiness looks like in friendship proverbs 14 and 5 proverbs 14 and 5 a faithful and trustworthy witness will not lie so one of the things that you'll show is when a person a person should not be trusted if they have a tendency to lie you can't to the lord help me you cannot trust a liar a Christian liar a liar with reason to lie a liar with logic to lie some of the most dangerous liars are smart liars because they meditate on how to make the lie believable and that you can lie directly Lord I'm looking at some little y'all looking at me like you can lie indirectly you can lie by editing information you can lie the driving spirit is deception and you [Music] now let's go deeper you can love a liar and you should love a liar but you are not to trust a lawyer loving a liar and trusting a liar is better safe and here's why you need to love Liars because there is a reason people laugh and the reason people lie most times because they don't first of all they probably lie to themselves so if I'm lying to me it's gonna be very difficult for me to be truthful to you am i lying to you is medicine about what I've refused to acknowledge of myself and you can either be mad at that take that personal or you can love me beyond the lie I'm talking growing up Christianity today now why can you love a cheat a whole manga you can love somebody who dishonest only taxes but somebody lie to you about what it was you like I can no longer continue now listen cowfish is necessary call him out hey chump you a bald-faced liar a ball head a liar you last so much and even know you lie how are we gonna fix this see what happens is in conflict this is why we don't have long-standing relationships every time something goes wrong we run and what you're doing is you're limiting your ability to mature in love cuz you're just used to starting over you vagabond your relational vagabond after the lie find out what's wrong smack them cuss him out you know call him whatever you want call him back in about seven days they're like why did you lie what about me made you not trust me with the truth am I not a safe place for you is this something that nobody knows come on y'all this is good stuff for friendship and so that's not always the Bible says a faithful and trustworthy witness will not lie but a false witness speaks lies here is another one proverbs 11 and 13 you have to learn this because my objective is to make you a trustworthy person a trustworthy person proverbs 11 and 13 he who goes about as a gossiper reveals secrets one of the things that will lend to not being able to be trustworthy is talking too much now listen there is a difference which will slick self between discretion and deception it's one thing to be discreet it's another thing to be deceitful the motive is to paint a picture that's not true to keep you in control of a storyline or in control of an outcome a man is it's not my place no you deceptive what you're doing is you're trying to mislead does that make sense to you it says he who goes about as a gossiper reveals secrets but he who is trustworthy and faithful keeps a mater hidden does that make sense to you let's go to something dangerous and let's do some more profound work here Jeremiah 17 and 5 Jeremiah 17 and 5 Jeremiah 17 and 5 because this is what a lot of dysfunctional Christians lose use to justify why they should not trust people because here's a problem in order to relate healthily you're going to have to gradually deliberately learn to trust if you don't trust you're not going to be able to give yourself to relationships so you have to learn to trust and you have to learn test watch trustworthy Jeremiah 17 and five this is what the Lord says cursed is the one who trusts in man who draw strength from the mere flesh now those of you who had bat mames bad daddies you were bullied in high school you had gender issues you grew up broke poor you thought your parents loved your brother more than you or your sister more than you and you grew up in that dark environment bred and dysfunction you stop right there cursed is the man that trusted I put my trust in the Lord I pray he cos he my god Hey go red man I let you down in a bit time baby but I just in a look you can hit him black people principles of abuse screaming from under that dysfunction Lukas my sin finish reading the scripture come on said somebody else finish reading the scripture don't stop there this is what it says who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord Jeremiah was not saying you'll curse if you trust people he was saying you're cursed if you trust people and you've not learned to trust God now you might be one of them there are people who trust people more than God what he's revealing is it really is impossible to learn to trust people if you have not first learned to trust God behind listen to me because this is gonna cut you behind your mistrust of people is a real bad dark truck to that you think people can hurt you you think that people have it in them to devastate you you think that people have it in them to do a thing that you can't recover from so your refusal to trust people it's really a statement of what you think God will no will not do at the end of the day if you let me down I'm working in here if you lie on me if you're not there when I need you I will be hurt but I will get over it because at the end of the day my trust is in the Lord I invested trusting you it didn't work out but you cannot harm me now some of you can't get that principle when you don't trust people it's because of what you don't believe God will do if you get hurt if you hurt me I'll cry I shop about how I'll hurt our sweat but guess what in about 30 days I'm gonna pull myself together cuz life goes on and my world didn't start with you it's not gonna end with you I was me before I met you imma be me back when you leave me it does not matter so you are willing to risk trusting somebody when you know the Lord has your back but if you've not secured your relationship with God can you think the end of a relationship is the end of your emotional stability that devil is a liar his momma halitosis people come and go but they should not have the to alter your emotional hell I hear you prison but I've been hurt before joining a human race I've been let down before join the human race this is an excuse for you to remain handicaps you need to learn how to trust people people are not gonna get anything from you given trust if you don't trust you remain trapped in your secrets slapped in your pockets shot in your peers trapped in the light trust releases you from the trap you find somebody stuck in a trap and I'll show you somebody that's not learned to trust at the end of the day my most profound trust is who God right and because I trust him even if you hurt me I still got somewhere to run David said when my heart is afraid I'm so but my heart is a friend I will tell you there are so many scriptures in the Psalms about trusting in the Lord trusting in the Lord and because I spent my time learning to trust him I have the same skills to try to trust you but even if my try to trust you that's not work I'm not gonna be some the real truth is you don't believe you gotta rock you don't believe you got a purchase you think is you and God's gonna let you fall but God is not the type of God to be ruined because people don't do right by you look at somebody say trust him then trust them a man or woman that trusts God has no problem with extending levels of trust to people cuz you can't end me I'm not nothing huh the fear of man brings a snare how many of you are living your life tormented cuz you refuse to try to trust trust starts with the choice not gonna be perfect but you have to be honest be like me admit your dysfunctions you gonna do tabligh yo I have severe issues and I'm just talking my way through there come on trying to teach you how to truck I've got a lot of issues right all wrong but this is me trying to give you some degree of access cuz at the root of that stuff is fear and it's not just fear of being hurt you got a fear of man you got a fear of what man can do to you but when the Lord is your life he's your salvation you're not afraid of my head he's not gonna leave me down there wobbling and what you did or did not do I will get up trust the Lord now when you trust people more than the Lord it will turn your heart away everybody who leaves the Lord for relationship had their heart turned away because they trusted somebody else more than the Lord and it is so now let's look at this go to 1st Samuel 22 David was known as a trust worthy man one of the things that he had I know he was anointed he was a singer he was a psalmist he was a prophet but one of his reputable things was that you can trust David David he's legit he's stable he's not gonna talk about you behind your back if people come to you talking about you'll come to him talking about you he's gonna shut him down he's not going you know do any inconsistent things you can trust David now look Saul I'm about to really help you with this Saul in this chapter because this is where David had gathered around himself the men of Abdullah that's the men in the cave of Abdullah he took some broke men you know he took he had a TLO he got some broken man he pulled him in a cave he poured himself into them and they became warriors and men of great wealth Saul in this skirt in this chapter looked at his service and said hey why are you going to back up David and not telling me where he is and hiding his stuff from me and the Bible says that the servant replied about David is there anybody else this is first samuel 22 and 14 right there down don't want you to look at this first samuel 22 and 14 he says is there anybody else in the whole of your kingdom as faithful and trustworthy as David see when you are a trustworthy person people will take note not necessarily the wrong people but the right people will note now now somebody needs to know you well enough to know your likelihood he may do that you may do this but he's definitely not gonna do that why because you've been trustworthy one of the things I think you should do is make it a habit of out in yourself yeah I fornicated yesterday my bad bro sorry come what is wrong with you people what do you think condemnation is it's secret conversations about your wrongdoing when you are condemned it's because you're the only person that knows very seldom is the flesh fair so you're not gonna release yourself from judgment it's gonna take somebody else to talk against what hell is talking to you about so telling yourself yep yesterday I went out found me a blunt or got me a brownie it was a bad day when you out yourself even after that hard conversation now you've got friends whose voice has more power than the enemy and they can say okay don't do that again here is our plan here is what we're gonna do this is why so many of you quit after an enemy says something you don't have friends friends the fuel the power of hell when you have an accuser and you have no advocate when you have an adversary but you have nobody to celebrate you then you're gonna always be drained please find you some friends what you do is you start on the fight the enemy no my enemies attack me I go to my friends that make sense and they they reorient me from the effects of what my enemies have done he said David is trustworthy so something about how David was how David behaved his character made people think he's somebody to trust let's see why go to first samuel 18 is our final scripture first samuel 18 and if you can up there put it up in the amplified first samuel 18 we are all whether you acknowledge it or not we are all looking for people to trust and i know you don't want nobody to know that no matter how tough you are no matter how smart you are everybody longs for somebody to trust and when you don't have somebody to trust it really does start breeding character issues in you but you need to stop acting like your trust issues is everybody else fall did you hear me you the cherry handed I said stop acting like your trust issues is everybody else fault at some point you have got to take responsibility for the dysfunction in your own character you walk around praising and shouting and dancing and you scared the Bible said perfect love casteth out fear I can't just cuz you I can't trust coz of you I can't show everybody else bought but you but say I can't trust cuz I'm bound in my heart I got issues and I need you Liveris I'm afraid that what you can do can end me say that that's a much better narrative than giving somebody else responsibility for you brokenness yeah what so ex-husband dear to you hallelujah okay what your teacher said to you okay how many best friends met what's your husband are you gonna stay like this for the rest of your life these people they moved on in a wickedness and it's not your fault but it is your responsibility get your black mother and repair yourself and take responsibility you have to take responsibility you're sitting here crippled down the one song to cuz point won't come back and say I was wrong I should have did that I'm sorry they're not coming back elbow somebody saying that coming back over your mouth and his Anglican sir they're not coming back they're not coming back they're not coming back so your options are to either sit here waiting on somebody acknowledge that wrong or you can pick up the pieces of your hope your trust your faith put it in the Lord and move on and get to victory and move on and get the future [Music] call me to God I could run there you cannot sit here in Greece because of people and now some people do I should have done that but it's very few it's very few why the mature apologize so some people do some people do not it takes a lot of Holy Ghost to say I was wrong and most folk only got Holy Ghost enough to talk in tongues but we ain't got enough Holy Ghost to say I was wrong come on to win the last time you went to somebody and didn't think it was wrong to say if I hurt you O Lord well I would say y'all don't like that type of teacher you like to be justify you want to argue but in this season if you're gonna do relationships right you're gonna either be right or you're gonna be wicked and style you're gonna either take school or you gonna come back together and let the purpose of God for that relationship man advice argumentative demon you want to prove a point and it gives you nothing you still only still can't manage relationships the right way you understand what do you do when you can't trust people deliver it is equally as wicked Oh Lord y'all first time you're 18 i'ma show this to you now at first Samuel 17 that's when David went and confronted Goliath and all of his siblings and stuff was like you go you know I ain't goin whatever you know the story he comes back at the end of 1st Samuel 17 with the head right and Samuel and Saul I'm sorry it's so impressed this is gonna give you so much I give you permission to preach this at your next engagement okay at the end of it Saul was like eh who is this kid that's got the head of this giant and David said this this is all David said hi I'm Jesse's son I'm your your loyal and faithful servant and Saul was fine but look at what who was watching when Saul was talking to David about his recent victory first samuel 18 in the amplified version please put up verse 1 when David finished speaking to Saul the soul of Jonathan was bonded to the soul of David look at me who was Jonathan Saul's son body has ever looked at this story from the eyes of Jonathan when you look at the Saul Davidson saga you always deal with the Saul David back and forth but why was Jonathan so attached to David you know what I think it was I think he found somebody he could choose I wish I had the time here's why Saul didn't just become Saul - David Oh y'all don't want to have Church what if you was the literal son of Saul when people are at work they're a different person but imagine now everybody knows saw was sketch so one of the verses says and Saul love baby very nice versa and Saul tried to kill David that man had multiple personality disorder what if you was the literal son of somebody with multiple personality disorder you didn't know whatever gonna be happy you didn't know whatever gonna be sad you didn't know we're never gonna hit your mama you didn't know where they were gonna feed you he had them up again off again personalities and I'm his son one of the only ones that we know you would be looking for somebody to try so Jonathan his heart tied to David because of David's reputation he's trustworthy Jonathan watched David talked to his daddy and the Bible says his soul wasn't it look at verse 2 Saul took David that day and let him not return to his father's house verse 3 then Jonathan made a covenant look at this I'm talking to you about friendship you love snapple hair thing you because we are let me tell you we are a covenant breaking generation we are a truce breaking people we are relationship harlots when one don't work we find one there too but we are afraid to unpack our past and say we don't get this right the whole ego reason we are not in revivals cuz we treat his house like a motel Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself in that the Golden Rule love your neighbor as yourself but if you can't love yourself you cannot really love your neighbor look at this verse for now I feel like preaching right here cuz this this is how I know if we trust each other for real you ready come on honey come on I pay you for amen look at verse 4 Jonathan you come out my son Jonathan didn't take him the coffee Kenny and he didn't buy him a balloon and he didn't go out with him to take a selfie to show folk first thing he did was strip himself I love that Jonathan want a relationship with David so bad partly because of the hell that was going on with his daddy let me show you I'm serious BAM now listen don't tell me you trust me if I can't see the scars I appreciate the birthmarks I appreciate the beauty marks but we don't trust each other until you know our fears oh yeah I'm working in here when you cannot strip we are not friends we are not a relationship we barely colleagues oh is quiet today I'm here to preach you out of relationship dysfunction and out of the spirit of poverty so you can go to the future this is the first step of relationship Ricky no you want to be a friend strip oh wait take it off here's what's happened to me I'm insecure hopefully y'all appleheads I'm insecure I think I'm ugly I like skinny people I got man issues I will s it strip strip strip why why when you strip you disarm people I got this when you strip people are like whoa maybe you don't want me for my money or maybe you don't want me see here's what I'm trying if you don't trust you won't ever be able to be vulnerable and that's what your heart is asking for that's what your future is asking for I need somebody that I don't have to be a preacher with I don't have to be a business I want to be me I want to be appreciated not for what I know and not for what I can do I need to strap under them achievements under their status and designation you are a person and you can hurt and you can bleed and you're gonna have high moments and you're gonna have a little moment but if you keep your clothes on if you don't strip if you don't show somebody yo this is me giving you pain I never gave it to nobody before this is a risk for me but I'm giving you the truth you will never activate the healing power of friendship in your life got to hurry up mom my guess is only way he's she stripped he stripped he stripped himself look at verse 4 call let's hurry up and he gave it to David he trusted his outer robes to David I'm giving this to you with his armor that means he took his armor off his defenses come on how many you know y'all got defenses some of you is a stayer I can call it what I want to call it it's a look you be like mmm nobody's scared of your armor you'll scare me my two-year-old does that foolishness grow up you've got Arrested Development you're trying to intimidate people and fight us cuz you too scared to be loved the right armor he gave him his armor then here's what I love about this look at this Kenny Kenny gave him his sward I'm gonna take off what I do to protect me and then I'm like imma give you what I do to fight I'm gonna give you my argumentativeness I'm gonna give you my my shut down stuff all of that stuff that you use as a weapon you know I'm going through I just shut down but ain't got you nowhere why y'all can't receive this meat on today give that up why when you drop your weapons you really have no other choice but to learn how to trust come on drop your weapons drop your weapons drop your weapons not for everybody but some of these Negroes you need a rock quarry to come but you got body then you can drop your weapons where I'm not gonna fight you I'm gonna make this as easy as possible for you to help get me together and get me home I'll fight them but I'm not gonna fight you I wanna trash give him a sward it's quiet today then he gave him his bow he gave him his bow what's that his arrow he entrusted him with his need for deliverance arrows our deliverance in the Bible he gave him his deliverance that looks like this if you're building a friendship yo I have an addictive behavior or yo sometimes I sleep with midgets or yo I mean come on whatever come on this is a church for the weirdos I want everybody comfortable you and your mama come on listen yeah Pope is sleeping with midgets for years they sleep with cats dogs some of your uncle's here today man glory to God your grandma wasn't always as holy she got some dirt down there too so if we don't make the church a place where people can come and say I sleep with horses or sleep with midgets we never don't really be the type of people that God want us to be at initial okay what did you around the corner I want all of them bring them all in here cuz I won't trophies I don't just want people who can sing it make my show work I want people to say this is my testimony I was bound in a mug I used to sleep with mr. head I used to get turned on when I wish it is you but that man of God laid hands on me I came in the mists of that people and they disrobe me in my destiny I want people you ain't gotta Front for me we all like something glory to God gave him his bow and he gave his belt belt this is my final verse so David went out look at this this is you have to get this David went out wherever Saul sent him and he acted wisely and prospered something about please hear this please something about Jonathan and David's relationship made David compliant he acted wise and prosper that means I could see the fruit of their relationship in David's career not just in David and Jonathan's interaction he was made a better person in stuff that didn't have nothing to do with Jonathan he acted wisely and prospered under Saul because of a good friendship and so appointed him David over the men of war and it pleased all the people and the fruit of real friendship in your life should be personal promotion I should be able to look at you grow up in your in your car go up in your prosperity go up in your money and say man you must really be surrounded with sound relationships I can tell it by how much you're evolving but if you remain the same you're not being promoted you're not going up in life and up in your emotional health because even if you ain't got the job you want you should have more peace even if you're not job in a car you want you ought to be less cantankerous unless now come on when you got a real friend you're gonna be better as a person if you get worse as a person either you got poor friends or you just full of stubbornness but it's one or the other amen amen all right god bless you put your hand on your heart say lord please heal me so I can get over my trust issues now listen at the root of this what you need to realize is people listen if I literally came in front of you right now and stabbed you with a hot spoon by Wednesday you'll be ok see what I'm trying to prove you is when you live your life in so much fear of people hurting you it's the devil's deception to keep you from growing in trust everything you need is trust based healing deliverance forgiveness you got even trust in prophecies if the word of the Lord has come over your life you've got to trust it understand what I'm saying so you need to get through these trust issues so you can learn to be made whole by relationships and the people of the Lord said [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 86,052
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Id: znoJoFw0f00
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Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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