Undercover | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The Power of Witchcraft

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I want you to get your notebooks out of your note-taking utensils out because I want you to learn and I want you to hear a lot of this then the series that we're going into and here's what you're going to notice I am on an assignment to align every campus we have for continuity so you're gonna notice that we're all gonna be preaching the same thing for the rest of the year if I'm preaching it every campus is preaching it and we're deciding are people in it for continuity we don't just want something to go grow big and wild we want to refine this thing and make sure that we have quality around the world and keeping true to our New Testament assignment so we're all preaching and saying the same thing so every campus is preaching this series called under cover and is based upon Psalms 91 and several other things where the Bible talks about whoever dwells under the shadow of the Most High shall abide in the secret under the secret place y'all about on the shadow of the Most High we're dealing with these principals and each of these principals have lost to them first of all honor has loss we're going to be dealing with the laws of honor we're going to be dealing with the laws of favor there is not a black person in America that don't need a favor and so I'm going to be teaching y'all that favor you cannot cheaply access favor many people are frustrated because they want favor that do not have so they spend years believing for favor as if there's nothing they can do to get it no you don't pray for favor you live for favor Daniel didn't pray for favor he behaved for favor so there is a way to figure favor out so we're going to be dealing with the laws of favor we're going to be dealing with the laws of promotion favor honor promotion so you want to be able to study with us these things cuz you're gonna learn some things that you didn't know and you're gonna learn some things that may be affecting you a great majority of you may be suffering from the consequences of dishonor unaware and because honor is a law its consequences are only reversible by replacing dishonor with honorable habits and behaviors and so honor is the way to the favor of God and so we had to learn what that looks like on every level to our superiors to our peers to those that we work over there is a such thing as an honorable posture and an honorable behavior and we have to know what that is and how to live that out so we're talking about this because there is a global well maybe not global let's deal with this a cultural it's an American issue and which is why I have to open this message this way sorry I'm so rude to all of my visitors I love y'all so much god bless you think you're coming okay there is a national assault on the subject of authority and we need to look at the subject of authority freshly freshly and a part of the problem is that we think that authority and power are the same things there are many people that have powerful abilities powerful callings or even some degree of spiritual power that don't understand the laws of authority and so what happens is when you expect from power what only flows by Authority you have to access an illegitimate power so all of the human institutions flow by Authority I hope you're taking notes because this is not intro anymore every human institution on earth flows by Authority now just to help you understand that let's walk through the human institutions marriage an authority issue family an authority issue even the Sun and the moon were given authority by God the Bible says that he has set up the Sun and the moon to tell times seasons festivals and moments of day so there is even authority over the Sun has authority to determine what's day moon has authority to determine what's not there is Authority in the animal kingdom all all every kingdom every institution on earth is governed by authority it is not governed by power it's governed by authority there's a message that I preached call who in hell are you and a part of what it means is that there is a way to use power to usurp divine authority when Paul walked up to the sons of sceva the Bible says that these boys tried to use what they learned from Paul against a demonic spirit but there was only one problem they had no authority Paul spoke to the spirit and the spirit said Paul the sons of sceva tried to address the demon and the Bible says the sons that keeps even Skiba said Paul I know Jesus I know who are you the principle is to be known in hell you must be an authority figure you don't have the same unless your hellish you need to be known inhale for the right reasons to be known inhale the right way is to be subject to and in the flow of authority and the people of God said a man so one of the problems with where America is going is that we're calling on things by power that can only happen by Authority sickness and infirmity is not an issue of power it is an issue over a thought of authority when Jesus gave the twelve of power the Bible says it he gave them power and authority to cast out unclean devils ask me why because you do not cast out demons by power you cast out Devils by Authority that's how they got Jesus's reputation wrong the Bible says that they accused him of casting out Devils by belzebub which was another power it was not authority so deliverance then is the combating and the conflicting of one authority over another authority does that make sense to you it is the invasion of one Kingdom against another Kingdom now already this is already messing with you because a part of how we treat especially the powers of hell is that it is a chaotic environment we act as if the forces of darkness are illogical that they have no systems they have no procedures they have no processes and those are myths the powers of hell are highly organized not only are they highly organized they are extreme legal is every generational curse or what the Bible calls a familiar spirit which are spirits that are assigned to families do not just arrive like the chicken pox they have to have legal points of access don't get bored yet cuz this is gonna bless you in a minute a familiar spirit or a spirit assigned to a family unit does not return normally until they've achieved their a 10-4 family but they do so by legal what authority does this make sense to you so all of the created order functions in the laws of authority now in the church we have suffered a major crisis when we started finding out that the Roman cap government was molesting and moving in pedophilia we have had so many scandals over the last several years probably 20 to 30 years of indiscretions and and drug addictions and all of that amongst passes that the subject of Authority no longer has the type of credibility that it did in fact leaders are running so far from being seen as oppressive that they almost never teach on Authority because to teach on Authority people hear propaganda agenda you want to tell me what to do and that the problem with that is when you come out of one kingdom whether you know it or not you were not just a sinner you were a slave to another God and when you got saved you shifted your God and you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life right it is unfortunate that you come into this Kingdom without learning it's protocols without learning its authority issues and without dealing with your fear of submission now the reason that's going to be key if you're taking notes you want to put a Astrid there because you'll never have a victory beyond submission every victory in your life will begin and in with submission therefore when the enemy gets you afraid to submit what he's really done is made a victory impossible submission is your key to a strength greater than yours submission is your key to a wisdom greater than yours if you only if you only find trustworthiness and doing what you want to do which is a curse behavior in the book of Judges and you only restrict yourself to your own logic your own reasoning your own way to live what you've really done is bankrupted yourself from another set of resources and you have to live life in your own strength and with your own knowledge why God sees submission as the green light to more of everything if you need more money he's gonna start with how submitted you are if you need more access or more influence it all flows through submission so now we see that poverty and about money until it's already fully in you poverty is broken by the power of information even when you have a spirit of poverty you have submitted your life to something called Mammon it is all a submission issue but if we conversely employed that principle than it means that when we do submit we have an inroad for something bigger than us and the people of the Lord said a man now we see how this operates and so I want to start this series we're teaching on something that I probably have not thoroughly taught on in the last 10 years or so because it's really at the fundament of who we are as people I've got to talk to you about the power of witchcraft and I'm going to teach you what the Bible says about witchcraft because if you're not in it you're probably under it and I'm gonna tell you why now immediately before you shut this out when you think which you think are wrong Green knows a mole on the side of the face or a broom somewhere and then some of you are friends with witches you talk to them daily listen but you don't think they're a witch because they don't think they're a witch you can be a witch and not know it say take it deeper you can be a thoughtful witch a kind which as a matter of fact most effective witches have to be thoughtful so that they retain their influence to your life and decisions if they're mean most people don't want to be around mean people so they're going to be the first to send you offerings I said that they're going to be the first to take you to dinner they're going to be the first to offer your vacations why it gives them access to sensitive areas to your life there is a such thing as Christian witchcraft I'm going to take you through everything the Bible says about witchcraft Louisville why's he talking about that because that is the Bible definition for the usurping of authority if you are against Authority you are in fact in witchcraft and I have Bible for all of it if you are again this is why when people send us emails or ask for counsel my pastor won't do this my pastor won't do that if for whatever reason you are in a local house or in a fellowship or whatever and you are in vehement disagreement with who is in authority it's always best for both parties that either you subject yourself or leave because if you stay listen and become the confidante the counselor was the advisor of other disgruntled people then what's going to happen is you have now made yourself an influence against authority consider the lesson of David David was anointed years before he was in position I think eight or nine was under he was anointed he had the ability to be king but he was not in position and because David knew what witchcraft was I'll prove it to you he did not lift a hand against Saul because he considered himself more competent and charismatic churches where people all have gifts and all have a voice and power to the people and I'm here for the struggle I'm going against the system and what you do is you you serve your personal ability or gifts against a position you have now qualified to be the local witch in the laws of authority when you defy authority you are in fact open to the spirit of witchcraft now before I give you my first scripture I want you to consider this on the earth the Word of God is the final authority can we say that together on the earth the Word of God is the final authority so if you don't have the Word of God as the highest authority in your life you are already very susceptible to deception very susceptible to being naive when it comes to your interactions with people your interactions with church because if you don't know the Word of God you don't know what you have a right to you don't know how to correct your behavior you have no text or no manuscript to manicure your posture before people who carry the power to promote you now I'll get there Sunday but all of your promotion is going to come through a vessel it's gonna come from the Lord but through a man so if you have people issues you'll always be poor and if you don't believe me go to work tomorrow give yourself a raise even if it was God's idea he's gonna do it through a man so the Word of God is the highest authority it is important to know the Word of God it governs all of the Christian life it's a dangerous thing for a believer to have a casual relationship with their Bible number two you have spiritual authorities now the Bible says there is no authority except for all that that is allowed and permitted by God and there are times when God allows for an authority to come into being even though he don't think it's the right guy he will give people the King based upon their desires so the kings of the people often reflect the desire in the heart of their people whether you want to hear this or not and this is not political propaganda because I say all to know over over again I'm not Democrat or Republican I'm Kingdom our current president reflects the soul of our nation which is about the only people that are really appalled at what he does is black people say long so spiritual authorities spiritual authorities what Israel cried give us a king give us a king we got what we wanted number two you have simple authorities your boss is your your job your managers those that are over you academically you know those are authorities number three you have familial authorities familial not family familiar but familial those are moms and dads those are authority figures okay so again those are those are the categories a Word of God is the highest authority which means that you don't violate the highest authority to appease the sex the secondary authorities a husband or wife a mom a dad a police officer should never be powerful enough to influence you away from right and wrong by the Word of God so the Word of God is the highest authority you have spiritual authorities a watchman that the Holy Ghost appoints over your soul then you have similar instead of those that operate with your human and your civilian life and then you have family Authority go to verse Samuel chapter 15 verse Samuel chapter 15 and I'm going to give you verse 20 through 23 now the prophet Samuel prior to the monarchy in Israel was the highest civil and spiritual authority in Israel please write this down before there was the monarchy in Israel which is basically the system of kings the highest authority was what the profits and then the judge the judge the judge Samuel was the last judge so they were equivalent to the head of the State of Israel so Samuel was an authority he developed over there birth kings he gave saul and instruction to kill a certain amount of animals and to make sure that they were all done for war purposes for context to understand this segment of scripture you have to understand what's albeit Sall went and killed most of the people and the animals the prophet samuel received word from the lord that saul did not obey he said i hear in the distance the cry of these animals what Saul did please pay attention because many of you are guilty of this he approached the directive as best he could but he did not obey completely partial obedience is disobedience you don't get credit for almost obeying Sall decided that he was going to save the people or the animals he didn't kill to make an offering to God he was like man it's been a rough year I'm gonna say it and spare these I'm not gonna follow the instruction but I'm gonna spare these to make an offering to God he was actually some people would have said he had good motive for he saved it to me and when he got to Samuel Samuel said God does not want your sacrifice because you've sacrificed disobediently it's like how many of you give God something he's not asking for you wanna preach sing dance around this issue that he really wants if God is giving you an issue to obey him on you can't disobey him on that and then try to get extra credit work by helping other people or publishing the book or going and doing a Facebook live or any of that because that's not what he wants he would rather have a broken and a contrite heart than a brand-new record he don't need no more EPS out what he wants is your sanctification with your first time your 1520 Saul said unto Samuel yeah I obeyed the voice of the Lord this is verse 20 and have gone the way which the Lord sent me and have brought Agag the king of the amalek have utterly destroyed the Amalekites but look at what 21 says but the people took up the spoil sheep and oxen so now he's lying because wherever there is disobedience deliberate disobedience you have to be dishonest either to yourself but to somebody else he says those people took the sheep on the oxen the chief of the things that should have been utterly destroyed and they wanted to sacrifice it Samuel said does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices better than obeying his voice that's where we get the phrase obedience is better than sacrifice it's not saying that God wants you to obey and not be sacrificial it's saying do what God asked you to do okay and instead of trying to appease him by doing what he didn't look at verse 23 for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft why in this particular text what is the highest authority the Word of God the leader that God sent to him rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft let's look at number two and stubbornness is as y'all coughin already boy and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry I'm about to make you very uncomfortable in five seconds because you have rejected the word of the Lord he has also rejected you from being king so we have several things to work through take notes first of all you're going to always find this quadrant this this group wherever there is rebellion you can be certain there will be witchcraft where there is witchcraft you're going to find that there's probably stubbornness stubbornness is idolatry and wherever you have all of that you're going to have a cloak of rejection let's look at it again you see rebellion don't you see that in the burst don't take my word for you see which crime you see stubbornness you see idolatry and you see rejection five themes of this verse now let me tell you how hypocritical most church people are if RuPaul came in here right now all six feet eight of him came in here right now and sat next to you most of you around him would be critical judgmental fault-finding oh my god is him nails oh my god what is this oh it's too much they doing to but in God's eyes if you are stubborn you are an idolatry it's just not as obvious as you bring in an elephant to worship but you're gonna get the same punishment when you get to hell you think about it in God's mind people who bow to the calf in the Old Testament are justice even as those of you who are stubborn you see in the church we don't treat the word of God plainly so we really think that God has harsh or judgments for more visible evils know if you're stubborn you are still going to find your way on the path to hell here's why stubborn people may not worship a goat or a cab they just worship their opinion they worship their view they worship their preference I know you uncomfortable y'all just itching and believe it in black God get it stubbornness is idolatry and rebellion is witchcraft now apostolic prophetic churches highly spiritual churches are especially sensitive to this spirit and susceptible to it because of their desire for the power but the supernatural power comes from two sources you can get supernatural power from heaven or supernatural power from hell supernatural power or influence can come from heaven and supernatural power or influence can come from hell so in essence witchcraft is the use of power not under Authority witchcraft can also be soulish power from a spiritual being y'all are so underwhelmed but anything that defies Authority is going to be his going to have to be rebellious and it's going to be moving in witchcraft you can be very certain and here's why if you are not in a legitimate Authority you can't exist on earth without being attached to some authority so the opposite of legitimate Authority is what illegitimate Authority and illegitimate Authority is packed or is protected by illegitimate power the name of that illegitimate power is what witchcraft now we're dealing with being undercover because Psalms 91 and all scripture that talks about Authority the real vision I want you to hear this the real vision is protection the problem with most people is they don't know how to be protected so they fight the subject of authority they fight the act of authority they fight authority scenarios because they have no context for what thing protect feels like does that make sense and when they're in a situation where they are vulnerable and need to be protected they find more comfortable that I make I can be my own protector and so they end up having to repel against the appointed authorities over and around their life so it is very important that you understand you will never be deeply involved in rebellion and not be in witchcraft ever conversely the occult is the same way and I'm gonna give you two more segments of Scripture but I'm gonna teach this as much as true if you deal with somebody who has gone off into the occult and you only deal with the occult you've not dealt with the root of the issue the root of the occult is rebellion when it drives occultic power is rebellion why witchcraft and the occult the whole idea is to over exert their will and ideas on you either obviously or not obviously believe it or not I mean if you're gonna laugh at this but I don't care I have seen witchcraft operate through the gifts I have seen where one or two people in smaller Pentecostal segments had a strong opinion about what the pastor's should do or not and how he should treat an issue or not and they didn't have the guts to man up about it because manipulation is never direct if they have to find a back way to get their point across so I'm washed it on government if I offended you yet I'm going to offend you in a minute so what they'll do is one of the people in the gossip group will get a tongue the other person the gossip group will interpret it and it'll be their public way of telling the leader how to run what he should do what is it manipulation you know who else can be master manipulators babies some of you are growing witches let me teach you how if a child knows that you're distracted on the phone hosting 40 and they know normally when your focus you're not going to give them a cookie they're never asked you for a cookie when they know you're coherent to know what they're doing but they know if mommy's hosting your daddy's hosting let me go an axe for cookie there Co horsing away to get their way and before you've known it you have advocated your role as the authority because you want to move on with what you do that stuff starts at 2 & 3 write this down the objective of witchcraft is to intimidate manipulate and dominate to intimidate manipulate and dominate it is all at the end of the day about taking a person's will and strength away and exerting your ideas and exerting your will the witches create a part of what you don't know we have we've been in deliverance in spiritual warfare all the life of this church Saturday night last Saturday what y'all don't know if you don't study deliverance the spiritual warfare is the largest satanic gathering in America the Saturday and Resurrection weekend is always the National witches gathering and a part of their Creed you know that we have creates denominations every a part of their treaty is do what you will just don't hurt them so it's all about exerting your will for a better way or what you feel like is superior intellect or superior knowledge you're going to always find that it's very it's almost impossible to be a dumb rebel most people who are rebellious are very knowledgeable and when they appear in your church they're gonna look like good resources they're gonna look like confidants they're gonna be like the representations of the pastor's they're gonna be the intimate area between leadership and people they're gonna say something like people just there are complaints and people always come to me right when they want to leave and what they're looking for is the right to be influential and powerful even if they don't have a position because if I have the influence I don't need the position if I can control who shooters should not be leading worship by the fact that they confided in me and I have their information then I can spread that or use that to disqualify them from the back road now in my experience most of the witches that have come here have been expertise in witches they coming into identifying everybody else as a witch and when I put my hand on them then all of a sudden with breakdowns sabotages threats all kinds of stuff why they're going to go out of their way to camouflage through language if I say I see which is you're not going to think I'm one but it's all about listen strategically posting yourself by people who either have to hear and I'm gonna tell you what a lot of witches want is favor therefore which identifies that you have favor in the thing or favor and momentum if they can't get it they're gonna post themselves by you disingenuously to try to borrow your own favor and you will only see it manifest when you restrict their access to it then the true colors will form my god I have seen witchcraft in marriage there can be witchcraft and holy matrimony I have two more segments of Scripture but I'm going to show you this because many of you your mom is a witch your daddy can move in witchcraft and here's how it is native to the feminine species to use manipulation as their witchcraft form for men they typically use intimidation so if you spend all of your life because your father has a hot button and he goes off and he punches walls and you're fighting for his acceptance living your life and eggshells making all of your decisions to not make him explode you had succumbed to that thing in his soul that's even from his his little uh his wheelchair he could be at home drinking a beer watching the NFL and you somewhere and came make an individual decision cuz you don't want his rage it's the spirit of witchcraft think about how powerful that is for you to be making a decision around his emotional stability sometimes in another city sometimes in another home but even from that chair with a remote he's controlling your life and choices it's a spirit of intimidation women do it by manipulation here is the common scenario if a man for whatever reason has proven not to be trustworthy those are the leave family like me to know this if a man is either cheated on his wife lost the job and can't provide or is a bum and don't want to get a real job and or whatever the case is and he has to as a condition of their reconciliation prove to his wife that he can support her then what happens is if she has a fit of rage see something a certain way is uncomfortable sometimes that man will abase his own judgment to appease the wife just to make her feel secure even if his in recklessness so what's happened is even from the place of being the weaker vessel she is now an emotionally manipulated him to do what she wanted so that he could prove to her that she was on her side even if it was in direct disrespect to the will and purpose of God if there is a Jezebel there isn't a ham now sometimes the genders are reversed because I have seen male Jezebel's and and and female a haps where the wife has no identity whatsoever she is just a counterpart and in addition to the elaborate story of a strong aggressive domineering man that woman is now in a half mothers can be manipulative use witchcraft and make first of all let me clarify why this is demonic acceptance is not something you fight for I need a whole month to teach you this stuff but you do not fight for acceptance if you've got to convince prove to mothers and fathers that you deserve to be loved and supported you have changed the nature of the relationship already to serve it master slave a slave owner if I am born to you I should not have to be good enough to be wanted so those of you that work over time I know I'm in here to get good grades to keep a job to prove that you can have a man to prove that you're doing something so you can finally get the acceptance of the people you were born to you have already relinquished your right to your own life sometimes a mom will cry sometime they'll give you wisdom many times they will compare you to another more achieved sibling it is all manipulative forms of witchcraft now you may be like well they mean well that's fine most witches mean well there's only a few witches that want to kill you it's not about meaning will it's about control they want the right to control do this or else do this or else I think I want get away blabbity blabbity blabbity blah it advocates your right to choose is this makes sense to you so I'm saying that if a husband by God's order when a woman and a man have a disagreement they go together to God prayerfully to consider the wisdom of God for that family it should never be that a woman nags and nags and nags and cries and cries and cries and make the man feel like his decision to obey God is leaving her exposed cuz she don't like something it's a form of witchcraft and in this church when wives have witchcraft they befriend each other because they don't want sober women to check them on their wit's craft listen if the basis of your friendship is who and what you don't like it kills me how people can't stand each other when they're members and become United when they leave that's how you know it's a spirit of witchcraft that I don't camp y'all friends with them I'm tangling us if they didn't talk I couldn't pay them to sit next to each other couldn't pay him to work on a project and then all of a sudden let's connect bro let's connect this God is joining us no no no no no no no y'all couldn't connect under Authority now why do you think you can connect when you're outside of authority it's cuz you're a bunch of witches took a treat conference 2018 you don't make friends on who you don't like and here's why here's why here's why gossip is a powerful form of witchcraft because what it does is it works to paint an image of a person that may or may not be true if I break this down on this level my experience with you may not be who and how you really are that may just be my experience with you maybe I just don't like you but to take that interaction and publicize that stigmatize that and spread that is a control issue because now what you're working to do is shape how people see me because your real problem Amy watch me is how people see me and you hate the fact that they love the one you don't like it's witchcraft so when a conversation started off what did you hear have you heard it got back to me or I got proof well I was in a meeting or I heard all of those are different weapons in the arsenal of a witch or warlock because it's all about the wheel it's all about power control knowledge if you are friends with people who only want to know what's going on in all nations I'm telling you you need to warn that is your sign that somebody listen I'm being very serious if they don't go here but they want to get next year to find out what's going on I heard this I said who works in the office who goes in a time who got ordained what are they doing like that what's the next thing I heard about that that's a new campus what are they looking for access points to sensitive information that will later become the point of a bride they are all witches go to Galatians five now some of you went here and can't say America's you're convicted we're going to do deliverance because you can move in witchcraft unaware Galatians five turn to Galatians chapter 5 I'm come up the power of witchcraft the power of witchcraft galatians chapter 5 verse 19 are you there are you there i'ma tell you another very common way this spirit comes through people and on people through group sexual experiences in the Old Testament orgies were a manifestation of a witchcraft spirit go to your local midnight musical find out where they hang out after the service being mean I'm being very honest now a lot of you because you didn't come up in church when I talk about stuff like this you like my god I can't believe they do that but it's a very real thing they'll get together and you know the Bible word for sorcery Pastor Mike which is why our musicians are so tormented many of them are in the stream of sorcery the devil has made them feel like they are their most creative they sing their best when they're on some type of hallucinate so they've got a drink they got a smoke and bring themselves to an out-of-body experience even their most reckless sexual decisions are done when they are on some external chemical agent that stuff is not new it's very ancient the Old Testament people that were in the temples have been doing that stuff to conjure fertility rites behind that spirit is always a drive of productivity you sleep with people to get on music labels you sleep with people to get deals and recommendations it's all fighting for productivity fertility gods it's demonic it's been there since the Old Testament it was never God's intention for you to be a part of a sex party in a room with 20 people and you don't even know this brother name you bump up there you go hey what's your name alright when you see me act like we don't know each other and the other is gonna go to the next musical and then the next musical and same background here and sing soprano over there and you all know y'all know what each other's birthmark is it's witchcraft it's a real thing Galatians 5:19 now here's a part of what you did not know about witchcraft and I'm not turning my plow Galatians 5:19 now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness uncleanness lasciviousness the next verse is verse 20 says idolatry what's next witchcraft now let's look at some of the characters statements that Paul categorizes with the spirit of witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath or anger problems I'll push you out push you up strife seditions and heresies so if we looking at this contention Li if you see heresy or false teaching a lot of these spiritus churches in Chicago have a rich heritage in spiritism they called themselves spiritual churches but it's really spiritism they reverence the dead they burn candles and call it good luck it's really you can sense that spirit it's been here and many of them Amen praise the Lord so uh strife seditions Arab hatred variance you're going to find that stuff always around witchcraft notice and many smaller especially highly Pentecostal segments you're going to find a lot more of that control where this where that we are the way to come against God separate from your family because they ain't say they weren't baptized in Jesus name or don't go to their church don't arch your eyebrows wear your hair like this you think what they made it seem like is that pleasing God is about rules and do's and though now let's make no mistake about it holiness is holiness sin is seeing them deliverance is deliverance my most popular YouTube video is forty signs of witchcraft churches and occult organizations that one video and the way it works with me is very few people are indifferent either you love me are you hating me very few people are like everybody's gotta be they gonna stand somewhere on the issue and it's a part of bringing attention to the agenda of witchcraft let me give you this if you don't want to be persecuted stay away from the Ministry of deliverance the devil is going to make sure that if you are in the Ministry of deliverance he's going to try to intimidate you out of it all the time and he does not use unbelievers to do it the Ministry of deliverance and spiritual warfare is a highly persecuted ministry Jesus's first accusation came after he started dealing with demons praise His name so it is a work of the flesh let's go to 2nd Kings 922 I'm almost done but I've got to teach this to you because some of you are suffering from witchcraft many of you are using witchcraft now we have to deal with this cuz it's a rising issue in the earth the assault on Authority the assault on Authority it's a powerful spirit of witchcraft look at second Kings 922 and it came to pass are you there and it came to pass when joram saw Jehu that he said is it peace Jehu now this is after JJ who went after Jezebel and he answered what peace so long as the whoredoms of thy mother who and her witchcraft are so many wherever you find the spirit of Jezebel there will be witchcraft Jezebel is a witchcraft spirit one of the ways now and every Jezebel is not loud and domineering many of them are but some Jezebel's are just seductive and it can be in men there is a seductive spirit in a lot of men that want to lure you in and you can really see it in the eyes there are certain people who try to lure you in by stares and glares and glances and you look at them so long you'll be in the sunken place right in the middle of trying to worship you just go right on it I get so weak in the knees no ma'am you're under witchcraft lady that's what's happening ain't no love supposed to make you weak and your knees it's supposed to make you stand get on up on this thing Jezebel and witchcraft are tie a domineering demeaning spirit it's a witch craft spirit I'm going to tell you a very uncommon metaphor very unsuspecting Jezebel manifestation is tears there are people who know that arguing with you won't work fighting with you won't work so they'll just cry why it's a way to gain control by the time I've cried you gonna stop digging and stop trying to figure out what's wrong because you I've been through so much and I can't go through this anymore I mean without food for seven days and then I came to the office and staple the paper and you didn't give me a position I could have went to corporate America and made $5,000 to staple this paper why because the ultimate objective is to snatch what you want what you know about Authority is that it is given you don't take authority it is given authority is given many of you are going to be insulted at this but I think it could help you this is very easy to have in this day when you there was a day when you had to be platform by someone more senior than yourself this is not that day this day you can create your own credibility you can literally open a Facebook page and call yourself a special anything and then because everybody's making money on these lives they have a Facebook live or a periscope or something and I'm an and here we go what's wrong with the black church and it's like unity to finish new members but let me explain something to you if that's not rebellion I don't know what is how in hell are you telling people how to leave a church and you barely go to one it's Rick's path confronting hypocrisy and pastor okay we'll step one you've got to have one and you probably should have had a meeting about your intent to do this before you start correcting beyond your authority level it's a spirit of witchcraft witchcraft listen is only as powerful as its reach so that spirit wants influence it may or may not want a title it may or may not want a microphone but it wants believability because the more souls I can collect then the more powerful I can become that makes sense let's go to Acts chapter 16 let's deal with witchcraft and the church Acts chapter 16 y'all tired of me yet now this is why listen I really do believe in counselors I do psychiatrist psychologist friends confidants but you have to be very careful about who you give sensitive information to I don't want to make you paranoid thinking that you know you're gonna go home and throw away your box of Lucky Charms and get away I don't want to make you go to that extreme you know but you need to be careful by the time you've been and when I teach our humility I'm gonna teach this one when the easiest ways to humble yourself is to confess your sins and we don't teach that anymore but the Bible says confess your sins one to another we don't do that we take a lot of our and it's very hard to be proud and have somebody else know your sin strategies to humble yourself but when you get people sensitive information like that if you're not certain that they're with you long term in line then what will happen is at another stage they're gonna use that stuff against you to try to co horse you I was there when they wasn't I know this about you I ain't telling about it and what it's secret control it's secret control are you at sixteen acts 16 I'm gonna start at verse 16 talking about the power of witchcraft the power of witchcraft anything that removes your psychological mental emotional spiritual white rights to choose is witchcraft it's spell bending and spellbinding chanting even sometimes that makes sense act sixteen and sixteen and it came to pass as we went to prayer so look at me the first thing that this is saying is you cannot be a powerful praying Church and not come up against witchcraft whenever you begin to take on greater dimensions in prayer and intercession a spirit of witchcraft will be drawn to you we act as if if we pray it'll pray the witchcraft away and for some cases it will but a lot of people move in witchcraft are drawn to that energy in that environment as you start to pray it sends off signal to people with witchcraft intent and so many of them will be drawn to where they see spiritual activity because that's the in hopes that their gifts will be recognised and they can bypass the process of authority so place me because I have a gift or place me I'm not gonna sit here I'm in the prophetess at Malaysia I don't care what y'all say anybody that bypasses the protocols of a place is moving against the divine authority on that house and it came to pass as we went to prayer a certain damned soul possessed with a spirit of divination met us now in the Greek that word is pytho s-- pytho s-- it literally means python in a spirit called python which brought her masters much gain now listen many agendas and spirits that move in the spirit of divination are gonna have access to some resource is how they get unrecognized so they're gonna be managers that can give you a good word with their boss they're going to be people and this is why council all of the pastor's I oversee I don't care how desperate you are for help if these ninjas ain't been with you longer than a year don't you promote them you let everybody you even everything out and what happens is if a pastor gets to a point of desperation where they need a music director or they need a armor-bearer or they need ru pastor and somebody comes in the door saying I've been the Lord sent me and what you do is you hear that as God's answer to prayer and you don't take the time to validate to examine to see what character is there because you're desperate for the resource you had positioned this person anyway where they can destroy your whole thing since you start saying them they're like I've been looking on you these Nick Devon doing nothing around here hey lazy I hate them that you PASOK ain't saying I'm so glad you a better solar worse than them and you start feeding this potential person with derogatory information about people that's been here now and you're not looking what this person is going to do is be embellished and inflamed because they got the heart and the ear of the leader and they know the leaders frustrations about the people they're leading that's a which you may that's a warlock you built this is why the greatest warfare in any house is in the inner circle of that leader there are people that can be powerful just by being the leaders confidants they gotta ever do nothing if they feel they'll see a certain way and convince or persuade then leader against the people it's very hard to turn that way but you don't ever give that type of sensitivity to somebody who comes in with a cave and acts like they're gonna bypass every protocol because of who they are what they have and if they are offended that you suggest that they should be processed it's the devil's way of saying hey I'm the devil don't see me hey ask me why the devil hates process did you hear what I said that devil hates a process you know you can't tell the devil wait you you're trying to tell a person with a demon of ambition you need to go through some more classes how many more class I gotta go through then demons don't even like you to redirect them to delegated authority depending upon their agenda if they come to you they want you and some of them spirits will say I came here for the senior leader I understand that I understand it that and were you listen you if you killing me with that you'll know me will and all cuz that's an automatic way for me to decide I will never listen to you again you just told me what was in you see I need somebody a greater power I can't handle an elder BJ I don't want to handle dr. Ross I need what song I've already had visions I've already had you in my mind I'm like winch winch winch winch winch influence is gained by process you don't give influence to an unprocessed anything and I don't care how annoying that you are if you were sent by the Spirit of God you ain't gonna have a problem with foundations you not gonna have a problem with new images do not have a problem prophetic training you are not gonna have a problem with the systems that are in place before you but when you want to be seen you will have a problem with process verse 17 now look the same followed Paul the same followed Paul now some of you leaders and influential people and elders in here don't be naive thinking that because you're apostolic and prophetic and bowling got discernment that people with witchcraft won't try to attach themselves to you don't think that I'll spot them a mile away okay some of them demons will show up and try to buy you know try to bless you try to pour your water you've got to know the motive of people and you've got they follow Paul and you would think this demon would be scared but she follow Paul I'm with the movement try now my truck I'm with my people hey listen what did she say these men are the servants of the Most High God which show us the way of salvation the problem is what she said was true what she said made sense it was not an obvious ploy many of us would say DS check out a prophetic gift verse 18 and this she did many days but Paul being what God has given every real leader of grief system if you are uncertain about a person a project and think you got to pay attention to how you feel in your spirit about there have been times where a move I wanted to make me so much sense up here but I just could not find a piece about it and I'm the type of person where if I can't find peace I would take as long as I need to to wait for it or I won't act on it at all peace is a sign of the direction of the Lord something should not be keeping you up at night disturbing your rest stressing you out if that is there that's God's Way of trying to talk to you in a way you'll hear because some of you will see somebody's potential and make a judgement on what they could be but what they are is still in witchcraft and if you put them in there before they're transform and before they're heal and before they're a whole you're gonna run the risk of hurting way more people to try to appease this person with a position see even somebody's wisdom can be witchcraft if they don't live to it that's why I hate Facebook lot of you cool almost call y'all combs lot of you people got so much advice that you don't live up to you want to talk about the church how to build a better brand how to come home to your husband and you don't apply nothing you living up to what is it control it's not just advice you wanna you want to imply superior intelligence even your wisdom can be a manifestation of witchcraft if you're not being measured by it it's a spirit of witchcraft a desire for power for influence and control this she did many days but Paul being green turned to her and said into the spirit I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and he came out the same hour so we don't know if it was a couple minutes we'll know if they had to roll around with that thing some of the people as I have had experience putas with this spirit some of the people that dealt with witchcraft the most were the people who you just would not imagine I'll be preaching and musicians will start writhing on the floor life snakes or sometime but the pastor's children or any of them like why and it's important these people start to manifest those spirits because of what they've lived under the domination the control and this is why even if people use witchcraft against you you need some ministry to make sure you don't give that out it is it is because you give what you've been given and dominated and control and your rights have been taken away from you and you bend emasculated people have robbed your individuality it's a chance that sometimes under pressure you're gonna snap into Total Recall and do what was done to you that's why deliverance is important hallelujah because they can set free the victim and the victimizer it can it can loose everybody a man pretty so this is why as a strategy against the church look what happened verse 19 says and when her masters saw that the hope of their guess cuz there were people making money off her her witchcraft it was a scheme selling stuff they caught who Paul and Silas and drew them into the marketplace with their rulers into a riot and ultimately tried to lock them up the whole agenda of this thing was to incarcerate the Apostles to make sure that they did not have free range to build to advance to move it's a spirit called Python you've got to be careful who wants to wrap themselves around you when you heard or when you're vulnerable or when you afraid or when you are offended those are the wrong times to start new relationships oh I'm talking in this Anglican Church somebody find out you offended and all of a sudden if you need some money Tom's here I got a new ministry called healing the sheep in my basement conference I want you to come and I'm gonna sell you some deliverance I want you to I'm gonna have a sale I'm a cast-out two rejections for $5.99 I'm coming to hear me and what's gonna happen is cuz you got pride and rebellion operating in you you're not asking what authority is overseeing this and here's a problem most of you can't get with this in a church context but if the person next to you tried to arrest you right now and there's something called a citizen's arrest and take you to jail you'd swing off of them why thank God no authority the authority is about how you were trained how somebody else stood over you to validate and to guarantee your service is called licensed bonded and in sure so which crab is the use of power without Authority the only difference in most cases the only difference between a murderer and a cop the weapon is the same but the training is different the accountability is different the flow of Authority is different this is why it's so hard to penalize crooked cops it's easier to deal with people who are not authority figures but there are procedures that protect those that have does that make sense to you now if we're looking at if we're looking at it in the realm of the spirit you may have a gun all right my gun is my marketplace anointing or my marriage ministry this is my gun i'ma go kimochi land made me a graphic let me find some I made me a graphic I might just come out here I'm here I don't have a badge so let's say something I teach causes somebody to stumble let's let's say I shoot the wrong bullet nothing can be done to remediate to rectify or correct my cry now let's say I use the same gun but I am an authority a traceable trackable verifiable Authority I have accountability if I teach you something stupid if I am in error if I lead you wrong if I counsel you against your spiritual leader or against your husband or against your wife there is a complaint that can be filed that can expose you as a crooked cop it makes sense to you many of us most of your teenagers know where they could go in the city and get a gun but it takes time processed to trust your use it's rebellion and this has got to be one of the most rebellious generations in the history of America now here's the danger of it the danger of it is that when people manifest rebellion whatever the reason is heard miscommunication whatever when a manifest rebellion I give you 2 to 3 years max before you beyond full-blown occult because it's gonna be the byproduct you're gonna eventually open yourself up to spirituality without making Jesus Christ the Lord of that thing because here's the deal you're not gonna be able to continue to come to prayer submit to the Word of God and not have that issue of rebellion meeting with most of them do if most of them get confronted on every building they go to Old Testament Israel if you tell them you I found you're out of order your mouth is out of order they're gonna say God call me like the Old Testament prophet in the cave we're the people stand up our rights we're coming against the system and they're gonna go to a pre Jesus world to justify their new testament lack of accountability you're gonna use the standards of men who didn't even have homes who roamed throughout the streets relying on widows to feed them for why you don't have to be accountable to a five-fold structure that can prove who you is and hate and some of them will go to a non prophetic Church to make sure that the leader can correct them it's about control so there'll be a prophetic person whisperer dream here the dream there little warning there squint give us the look consultant words to people and you let somebody judge the world list by telling you're off that ain't God all of a sudden that emotional Arrested Development that look girl start talking that leboy stop talking because most people stop maturing at the last place of the greatest trauma so you can be 40 as as an adult as a person naturally and be like 13 emotionally and it shows up in how you handle correction or not if we can have a corrective conversation before minute - you can having a mental breakdown biting your nails and rocking back and forth and you turn into the rage of Kari they're all laughing at you there are laughing at you something else is in operation it's the same with people who hurl insults in arguments it is the same if we can't healthily and intelligently argue without you immediately going to profanity and vowel language what's happened you have shown your emotional stagnation you're not mentally developed enough to have a conversation around the subject of difference so you want to hit while it hurts what is it control I'm trying to shut you down and bring this point so I can win I just want to win it's all about control I don't want to hear the conversation well I don't even want to come to a resolve I don't want to be reconciled I want my point her it's a spirit of witchcraft because it's control so the first thing when we're dealing with undercover I'm done and what why Authority is in the earth is for protection and listen types of stuff I'm called to one thing I don't want is to not be protected I don't understand people I want protection I've got some dangerous stuff amen that I'm called up against and I'm called to so the way to receive the protective ministry of God is to make sure that you are under authority because even if something is aimed at me if I've got the right girlfriend that thing will miss me and hit the head and if the head is right it's supposed to be able to handle what was trying to hurt me which is why okay but this is why if you in your heart of hearts feel like you're more anointed than your pastor that's not your pastor it's a pastor but it's not yours if you don't trust and if you have no confidence in your leaders spiritual ability to teach you wickedness to protect you from danger to warn you or even to give you hard words if you sit under that teach every wheel or here we go in this stupidity again what you said is your season is above the word the spiritual anointing and the rank of your leader which is why you're not gonna grow you're in whole defiance possible I want you to come to my church cut my passel you know he County not in the gifts when we want to win to come we be like okay can we get some all immediately I'm I listen it doesn't matter what I come and preach God charged that ahead with the responsibility of creating culture and your desperation or your fear of leaving to become a nobody it's not gonna put me in the position to go in and dishonor that man in his house as some people don't want to bring some people need to leave but their approach is I want to be changed I want to be the change and what they're afraid of losing is influence they're known they got relationships they the passes arm Ribera or the wife's hand baby and they don't want to go somewhere and start over because they put too much time man at another place but you're not gonna turn the Titanic in 20 days fam bet you that church is 200 years old one revival is not gonna change the whole culture and folk on fall spit up roll on the floor and everything and gonna get back up and do what they were programmed to do by the head all the majority of the change every church needs to make has to happen in the heart of that leader if the heart of that leader does not change y'all go forget it so the point is is don't you be in which crown sitting in the back shooting darts in this period I guess trying to make him preach or teach something else cuz you don't like it no lead out of integrity find somebody that you can obey but if you can't obey the last ten people you were under you're the problem it's rebellion and I listen this black man I'm not afraid to talk about rebellion it's a real issue and where there is rebellion there's going to be death there will be death something has to die in there was an Old Testament law if you ever find a rebel killer why because when a person is a rebellious person by Nature they're gonna repel after a while until there's not even logic oh they're just gonna do it to prove it can't be done and that's reckless what do you think is at the root of pedophilia do you think it's just perversion or do you think it's the thrill of not being called that demon starch was saying stuff like let's play a game how to ask how many of you were molested by that statement let's play house what demonic is it for you to have that first image of what houses like to be fondling an illegal sexual introduction in that demonic so what happens is because that was the first place of your hurt you never feel safe in a house again so you go from church to church from relationship to relationship because the molestation imparted a vagabond spirit in you where to be anywhere too long scares you you are afraid of stability and at the root of it is a spirit of rebellion let's pray the size of life now let me say this and with this mission and we can work the altar for some of you you know what grieves me and I'm gonna say this humbly I love I binge-watched certain things I'm the type of guy you know my wife will pick up a TV series order people around me pick up TV TV and if I miss the first episode I'm not watching it because it I hate people trying to explain to me an episode four oh man I can't stand it so I when my wife picks up a TV series like that I just disappeared for a month until it's over or I can binge watch it there is something I can binge watch all day I don't care what y'all feel about it y'all call her a witch or warlock whatever I love now I don't agree with her doctrine but I'm gonna tell you why I feel like she's doing with a lot of our churches with you used to do i watch this stuff part of what you see is how fearful controlling people are the root of that and spirit of control is a spirit of fear one of the manifestations of fear and because things have gotten out of control they got to get things under their control again one of the most powerful things you can do tell your mother no tell your daddy no and what they'll do is they'll try to manipulate you coercion erase yes that's fine thank you but it can turn into manipulation and control honor is not something that should ever be forced on you if it's not an act of your will that's not honor at all you've been hypnotized into doing it and you should a man praise the Lord praise God someone that's what some of y'all marriages at your mama mr. ding you know if they withhold and ain't doing that listen to brainy all day anyone tell you how to eat your wife but that's well and then listen every family structure is different but listen I when y'all invite y'all in longs to live with y'all and you can't even get busy in the room without seeing the Big Mama asleep or not I can't have I like adventure my mama could never come in my house and live I would be so ashamed of repenting of the stuff I do to my wife in that house I don't want I'm being very honest I don't want that and I also don't want to have to explain why we make the decisions we do why how do we do that because when you have that there mama why'd you say that to that part like that but and then your kids were wise enough y'all start going to your mom and dad like and now you are all surrounded with stuff that controls you y'all uncomfortable and you know why because I'm dealing with a lot of witchcraft in the black family there is a lot of witchcraft that operates in our families I'm gonna dismiss you and I'm gonna pray for many of you that's either in this spear you got a fear of authority of issues with authority figures you just don't do well with that or you've had hurt that's turned into witchcraft some of those powerful witches in the world got hurt and they wanted a way to access power if you understand even the broader sources of witchcraft those that go to the extreme of it like water witching or root working or those that use their menstrual blood to try to control me these are all yeah they'll make spaghetti they'll make chili for you and it's a form of witchcraft they believe it that's a way to make you fall in love they all know nothing about that I get them brothers single lady come up to you tell myself I made you some spaghetti you better push it back thank you get it down to your dog immediately do the devil is a lawyer I got you look red health and kick my ma'am it's real I know y'all don't think there's people out there like that but it's a very real thing witchcraft is real I'm with this mission i'ma pray for some of you we're gonna do some deliverance from this issue seriously and you leaders if you ain't got nothing else to do tonight don't you swish your hips about here I just gave you an instruction a Castile devil if you disobey you are when you're one of the ones who's violating Authority I told you to stay the Castile unless you got a fever and I know your knee is broken you if you tired join the human race we all time we all have been through some drinks of water but we gonna labor and we gonna minister to God's people father I thank you for this word now thank you for what you've done I thank you for what you're doing in this house I praise you Lord for this season where we are learning the power of authority and how Authority is the way to change and the way to upgrade and the way to advancement help us to live as men submitted to Authority as women submitted to Authority and as men and women who are worthy of greater authority to be used in the kingdom of God in the glorious name of Jesus I honor you and I praise you amen all right if you're leaving you can be dismissed if you are yeah if you leave it that was your benediction if you want prayer let me tell me all y'all under which if you leave it is it your dismissal if you're staying for ministry you can come Demoman deliberate as a series okay if this is it all y'all seating is staying then we gonna do Mass deliverance
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 169,481
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Id: lh-fjPICaXM
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Length: 78min 47sec (4727 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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