Night 1- What's My Anointing?: Dr. Matthew L. Stevenson

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[Music] [Applause] hallelujah let's just lift our hands to the Lord real quick and invite the Spirit of God in this place he's here we want to welcome his agenda we want to welcome his attitude we want to welcome what He desires to do Holy Spirit you are everything that we are not and we empty ourselves in this moment in between time and eternity to receive of you we thank you for your mind your mood your strength being in this building and we thank you that this environment is under arrest we thank you that you are moving in every heart to redeem time to break curses to open up different levels of depth in you we bless this nation we say that she is in travail and that as we gather this weekend you're going to induce what you've been bringing out of this place we bless every leader every ministry gift and we thank you now that the heavens are open and that your word is coming to pass with power now manifest yourself strong and say what you want in this place in Jesus name let's lift up one more shout to the Lord all over this building come on salute the chi-chi's worthy afraid they'd been before we take our seats can we acknowledge our Bishop and our pastor coffee and all of the team god bless you time son you can be seated in heavenly places it is such an honor to be here and I have no clue how so many of you know who I am but we are grateful to the Lord for his kindness and to all of you that are here I send something very unusual taking place prophetically and I just want to be able to give expression to what that is and and and what God wants to do how many of you are in need of a word from the Lord let me see your hand to the extent that if God does not say something to you that you are unwilling to move God has to talk God has to talk and we are in that time and we need those types of instructions and I do believe I have something from God and I'll try my best to behave 2:9 and then see what happens tomorrow but I do again want to acknowledge you and thank you so very much for your kindness for your hospitality and for all that you've done to make this event possible god bless you and all that you do I want to make mention of the fact that I did bring some books foundations are very important and we're living in a time in every nation in the body of Christ where God is visiting foundations there's a lot of things being built but there are not very many things that are being built with God's mind in heart and how many of you understand that the church is not the body until Christ as the head what God is doing is examining foundations the foundations of people the foundations of ministries the foundations of decisions and he's inspecting them and one of the things that the Lord has ver convicted me about is that as a believer you should never build a foundation in what you do well because when what you do well changes then you go into an identity crisis that opens your life to all types of snare from the enemy your foundation foundation as a believer is in the revelation of God his father if you don't start as a son you will end as a slave and it is so important that we take our destiny our future our potential out of the hands of talent and that we start to explore our relationship with God his father Jesus said pray this way our Father which are in heaven and what I've learned is that in every culture in every nation a large part of God's difficulty with people is that people interact with him as if he is their natural father so whatever mistakes or inconsistencies or ideas or experiences that we have had in the hands of men subconsciously get projected on our relationship with God and it's easily seen by how often God has to reiterate his word to us what it takes for us to believe him because we brace ourselves to be disappointed and so I wrote a book specifically for talented people for people who see themselves as high achievers as highly driven and it's a book called Abba and it is the total revelation of God as father it deals with separation anxiety it deals with fear of failure how many you know there is no greater terror on earth like the fear of failure there are more people who are afraid of failure than death and so I believe for what God is pouring out in the earth a part of what he has to address is the deadly fear of failure all of that is addressed in my book and so I've brought a lot of that I don't know where it is but I'm certain you will find it and I want you to go and get that and correct your foundations the Bible says if the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do and I want to make sure that what you do next has longevity by making sure you're not starting it in yourself or your gifting your skill but in your revelation that I am a son the Bible says that it was through him that we gave we were receive the power to become the sons of God and history has it that when God wants to get the job done he sends a son and so in order to succeed in what you're gonna do you're gonna have to see yourself as a sunny man alright I have a word from the Lord tonight we're gonna activate this corporately God is is talking to me and I don't know what's been being taught here or what's been being proclaimed but I sense very strongly that tonight between tonight of the two nights but especially tonight a part of what I'm supposed to declare unto you or to preach to you is how to protect the anointing God is doing something in the earth and and with this people where he is heightening the anointing in the midst of you I sensed very strongly that there was coming a greater corporate anointing there were coming greater individual anointings and so I'm going to work through what that means to you what your responsibilities are to it and how that works very specifically what I feel like is taking place as a byproduct of this revival is that this is going to unlock a time where the kingly and the prophetic anointing are going to start to work in tandem and those are born in prayer but there have been moments in history where those two anointings are at odd one of the things that happened to Saul was that he mismanaged his anointing now there's a lot of different teachings and preachings about how Saul ended up where he was but you cannot forget that he was anointed and kissed by the Prophet and so it was his casual relationship with the anointing that made him subsequently forfeited and in his life up in insanity and we you and I those of us that are of a supernatural DNA we have a regard for the glory of God the presence of God there is a great risk to become used to the anointing of God because we are so filled with Revelation and we see healings and deliverances and we see that the demand the demonstrations of the spirit of God and we have to really have a warning about becoming coming with the anointing you have to be careful about what you allow yourself to become used to and the people of God said amen so I want to talk to you about the anointing that is on your life I'm gonna give you several types of anointings and then walk you through a text and the text obviously is going to be isaiah 61 it's it's what jesus reiterated when he first platform door-mounted the platform in israel and i find it very very unique that jesus did not begin his ministry in defense of his assignment he didn't create or start his ministry even with a vision of what the future would be the first thing that came out of his mouth was I am anointed and he aligned the expectations of people based upon the anointing that was on his life and I'm gonna work through that when you are being launched into what every area whatever area of ministry that you're going to be commissioned into it is important that you learn to align people's expectation if you are an evangelist you have to align that expectation if you are a prophet you have to align that expectation if you are an intercessor you have to align that expectation and here's why if you don't correct people's expectation of what's on your life they're going to end up robbed when you don't produce what it is that they wanted so it is vitally important that you become acquainted with the individual anointing on your life and how it functions isaiah 61:1 it says the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me it is upon me now there is a strong difference between the Spirit of God upon you and the Spirit of God in you when the Spirit of God comes upon a man it is for the purposes of the people they're called to but the Spirit of God within you are for your own regenerative purposes when we pray in the spirit and we and intercession that's renewing our internet our inner man it's it's it's dealing with our capacity its confronting our limitations and it's broadening out the ability of God in us but when the Spirit of God comes upon a man like it was upon Samson or like it was upon John the Baptist it is for external use and there is a difference you can achieve things with the Spirit of God within you but you can also achieve different things when the Spirit of God comes upon you remember when Samson was confronted with a lion he was able to tear the beast apart because of what came upon him when things come upon you when the Spirit of God comes upon you either environmentally or while you're in a worship or while you're engaging the Word of God what's coming upon you is for something monstrous God is raising men in this very room that are called - wild beasts they're going to be things that manifests and things that are being I mean freaks of nature that are the byproduct of our culture and it's a perversion and God is pouring out things upon men that will rip them to pieces there is a level of demonization active in the earth right now that the average Christian has no clue about but I believe what God is giving us to counteract the level of darkness that's coming through our universities and through many churches and through bad doctors and false prophets is the Spirit of God upon a man the Spirit of God that descends upon a man and grips him to tear something up come on say it is so the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me now when he announces that he has been anointed he does not leave that statement there it's not an open-ended statement he now begins to go into the several facets of his anointing because the anointing upon you can be multi-faceted I really believe that it was God's intent that every family have an anointing on it every company have an anointing on it where I'm from I am a spiritual warfare person I have a very strong deliverance bit I believe that there are buildings Litoral Litoral architecture a part of what we don't realize is how much of the Old Testament was a war over land the Terra Firma the dry land one of the first things that God gave Adam was the right to rule the land and in my country one of the chief wars that very many Apostles or visionaries are in is the right to acquire land I believe it's demonic good Satan wants whole movements to be homeless because he knows that whoever owns the land wins the war but buildings if they are on the earth they have creative purpose they have potential there is a reason why God allowed every literal facility to get erected on earth and what we need our kings who cannot only address the purpose and the potential in people but who can also retrieve the destiny in whole buildings how do you understand that there are factories and there are schools and there are universities that came into the earth with the permission of God and if they came into the earth with the permission of God then it means that there has to be a purpose on that building that God needs the a man or a woman to get the guts to retrieve and use for the purposes of God it is a part of spiritual warfare we have to do more than buying and lose in prayer we've got to bind and loose by purchasing and acquiring areas in our city that have been claimed by darkness we're gonna read this but I just sensed this right now I declare over this people that every witch's Cove in every place that's been erected as a temple of Tolerance every sanctuary of perversion that's been erected in this in this city in this nation God is turning over the synagogue of Satan and handing over deeds to princes and prophets in the name of Jesus Christ who is the anointed one get ready for buildings to yield their fruit to you your company your program it is so in Jesus name I am anointed Jesus's to preach good tidings to the meek the first function of Jesus's anointing was Proclamation and you're going to notice as you engage this that there are certain functions to teaching that differ from preaching teaching appeals to the intellect you are matured by teaching it is the basis of what you understand that allows for you to be tested systemically speaking but preaching has different objectives to it preaching is going to appeal to the heart of the man it does not rationalize with the intellect or the sabri the cerebral front of a man it reaches right past experience to the core of a man and one of the things that we really do need to see is an increase in preaching I mean anointed preaching the crap that we hear in America that passes for preaching is the reason why we've not seen revival everything that we call revival is some humanly organized agenda driven by the flesh to push the brand of a man but when we've got anointed preaching you could be preaching for four minutes and a demon will cry out of the back saying Jesus thou son of David have you come to torment us come on look at somebody saying I'm anointed I'm anointed I'm anointed doesn't it interest you that after three years the disciples were still confused about who Jesus was some say you are the Christ some say you are Elijah but the minute Jesus opened up his mouth to preach my demon screamed out in a synagogue saying I know exactly who you are what we need is a reputation in heaven that gets a response upon the earth because the anointing has come upon us to advance the purposes of God in the earth so I want to challenge those of you that preach to contend for a greater preaching there are certain times where you need to teach and you need to labor like Paul said in doctrine but there are other things that can be conceived by the power of the declarative tongue I believe that God puts the spirit of wisdom in the mouths of preachers and he makes being stand on the horn until his purposes are produced we need anointed preaching not just Rhymes and rhythms and points and illustrations we need preaching that legitimately redeems time preaching that reverses iniquitous pattern and people preaching that pushes people out of the realm of indecision into the realm of wholehearted devotion and preaching produces that Jesus said I've been anointed to preach he has sent me to bind the brokenhearted now the way the anointing works is like this when you grow up in charismatic circles especially where I'm from the anointing is a feeling is I feel the anointing or the anointing is is something that kind of comes and goes but in the Bible to be anointed was an official act it was not something that you could feel like a goose bump or something it was literally an official to be anointed in the Old Testament meant to be separated unto a purpose relative for that moment you are anointed to be distinctive the oil was placed upon you to mark you so much so that you cannot blend in ever again so it was never something that could come and go based upon what was going and we say you know that song was anointed or that prayer was anointed but we've not highlighted the function of the anointing on that thing and so it's easy to disrespect to disregard or to ignore what the anointing does is because we're so common to using that language but the anointing was an official act and you had the kingly anointing Kings whirring on him you have the priestly anointed priests were anointed you had the prophetic anointing remember God totally lives I want you to in anoint Elisha in your stead I believe that servants were anointed there were men that were marked to serve in my own church I've become very very very burdened as of lately about how many armor bearers are not anointed it's more than pouring water and getting mince when you serve in the in the end of in the realm of armor bearing your job is to make the war easy you are the front line of defense for whatever is coming against who you're supposed to be protecting you can't volunteer for that type of that you must be anointed why because what's after there your leader is going to come and test you to see if you made of the same stuff and if they come upon you and realize that you're not made of what your leader is made of you will be devoured so you got to be anointed to serve you are not just some religious Butler you are literally an officer in the spirit with official capacity to prepare the grounds for whatever work your leader has to do so if you are not aware of the work that your leader does if you are not aware of the angelic reaction that comes when your leader speaks then you're just a waiter or waitress but an armor bearer has been anointed to carry the experior fighting weaponry but the man or the woman he's been sent to but you had to be anointed there was a priestly anointing in the Old Testament priests had to wear pomegranates on the end of their role if they try to journey too far beyond their experience beyond their endurance and they dropped dead the sound of the pomegranate would hit a bale at the edge of their roll to let somebody out there know this priest was an unprepared tree this priest was not a priest who was ready for the depth that they desire how many of you know there are many of us who cry out for the deep things of God and we won't let him have the deep things in us many of us are calling for God to be the Lion of Judah and we're saying kitty-kitty-kitty here kitty-kitty-kitty and we forget that he has teeth and when you called the fire of God in the room the first thing he's doing is coming for what's in you that's not like him so you're calling for him to turn everybody else's heart but he's looking to separate common ground in you that's revival it's birthed by no common ground no compromise and you must be anointed to handle that so Jesus now listen to this he teaches us through reiterating Isaiah 60:1 that the anointing on you will determine several things it's going to determine your audience you are not anointed for tasks this is a common charismatic misconception you are not anointed for tasks so bad that version you could get up and sing amazing grace and or sing a song and worship and it really be powerful but in our vocabulary we said man that was really anointed but if there was no fruit then the song had no function so a song needs a function a prayer needs a function if you cannot identify the function you cannot find a reason for the anointing and in the Bible you will never find whether it was wasted oil so God does not pour out the anointing on people for to fill it it is for a place and the people so if you are anointed that's the easy part the hard part is finding out who now why is that important for you because you will not be anointed in every place we often think about because we receive the anointing as our personal property or possession so we try to find effectiveness in front of every environment but there are going to be some environments where they celebrate you and they receive you and you change their lives and there gonna be other people who think you're too much you're too extra you're extreme I don't like that and it doesn't mean those people are demonic it means that those are not the people you call to the anointing on you will determine who likes you but it will also determine who hates you some of the people that hate you actually needs you nobody likes to surgery and nobody likes the inoculant so you have to be able to trace the audience that's been assigned to your anointing you will live your life in agony trying to force a people you've not been anointed for to receive you you you will live your life in excruciating pain and frustration trying to force your anointing to fit a culture that restricts your reason of it my goodness so you have to realize that this anointing requires integrity Jesus says I've been anointed to bind the brokenhearted to mend the broken hearted I believe that nations can have a broken heart families can have a broken heart if you look at my nation we are a broken hearted nation right now the nation's capital reveals the heartbeat of the nation but what happens is when you don't pay attention to the heartbeat of a people then you pray a Miss concerning what it needs if the nation needs to repent the wrong thing to do is to curse it and condemn it if a nation needs to repent you got to pray for a broken spirit a contrite heart that that nation responds to God's acts of Mercy because mercy and judgment must flow together if you have too much mercy then it will become perverse because it won't have parameters for correction if you have too much judgment you're not gonna get the redemptive purposes of Wrath when God allows his anger to flow through a place or people it always have redemptive purposes he is trying to restore redeem or retrieve something out of that but what's happened in the kingdom is either we have had judgment or either we have had mercy but to see the both of them is what revival really is we don't just want fire we want fire and water we don't just want Rayna we won't rain and smoke we need the old and the New Testament we need the water and the wine and we preach and teach as if it's either or when it's really both and we need judgment and mercy broken heartedness is an issue that needs your knowing now as I'm walking through this what I'm trying to help you realize is you can look at your immediate pains your immediate environments the people that are attracted to you and the people that attract you and you can come up with an idea of what your anointing is if Jesus was anointed to the brokenhearted who do you think we're going to be attracted to him people who had a broken heart now this is so important for you to realize because as you serve in purpose and ministry many of you will run the risk of becoming frustrated with your own assignment you will get mad about the quality of people around you when they're drawn to what's on your life for reason so I'm teaching you to protect your anointing so that you don't get frustrated with who it attracts is that makes sense she says he's sent me to bind the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives if it does not free a person it was not the anointing annointed to encourage you've got a lot of self-help coach people for that you can get encouragement from anybody you can Google encouragement the planets are yelling that stuff out people are going to zodia you don't need income you can get encouragement from a fortune cookie but the anointing is not just to encourage you it's to free you the Bible says in Isaiah 10:27 in that day the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing and it does not say that the yoke will be broken it says destroy if something is broken it can be put back together but when something is destroyed its function its origin his reason is completely unrecognizable and God wants to give men and women anointings don't they don't break yokes but that destroy the harnesses that come from hell that hold people hostage out of holiness out of prosperity out of freedom and out of purpose so it takes the anointing to do that Liberty to the capture every nation every people every church is called to a type of prisoner that's not just for missionaries that's not just for people who walk the street and witness it's for every New Testament believer and you need to become acquainted with the prisoner you've been assigned to some of us have been assigned to people who are first offenders others of us have been assigned to people who are in insane asylum but people like me I'm assigned to people on death row see I have an emergency anointing God literally sends me people who are this close out of the grips of the powers of death either this anointing is gonna work or they're gonna leave God all together it's a 911 how many of you realize that there is an Amber Alert that has gone out in the spirit because before people realize that they can abduct people Satan has been abducting so since the Garden of Eden so what happens is if you don't have people that comprehend that you are most effective in dark times then you can frustrate it with doors don't open or frustrated when it seems like you're not moving but there are some of us who has been held back so that the wickedness level could increase because of God sent some of us out before darkness is right then the world is not going to understand why we're here you are not being held back you've been pushed back like an arrow and when darkness gets ripe enough but the powers of hell get a ripe enough he's gonna shoot you it's got to get dark enough it has to get dark enough when it's dark enough the world will accommodate what rest on you and you don't have to adjust to what's active in it talks about Liberty to the captives now he talks about an opening the prisons to those that are bound opening the prisons to those that are bound he is tearing off the several levels of how his anointing works he's basically saying if you were captive I am a no net treat for you if you have experienced a prison sentence now in the scriptures you should see a prison sentence as a curse all right not righ T but RI te a demonic covenant a contract and there are certain sin issues and iniquitous patterns that open up people - demonic contracts the prophets of all proclaim the Book of Isaiah I will unknown your covenant with death but the spirit of perversion that's come through this culture it's not just moving rapidly to get people stuck in sin and sex and fornication and and and and an abortion and it's not that that's not the point the point of the Spirit and the agenda of perversion is to get people to come and come it with the spirit of death that's what happened - oh nana that's what happened to sana that's what happened to David when they fell what that Sheba the objective the objective of lust is death it's not just pleasure and sensuality the Bible says when sin is conceived it brings forth death when lust has conceived it brings forth death so the greatest strong man behind the porn industry and the greatest strong man behind prostitution and the greater strong man behind molestation and the greatest strong man behind sex trafficking is the spirit called death now death is an event death is an agenda but death is also a kingdom it has several ambassadors that represent it in several generations so when God says when Jesus says I've been anointed to open prisons and to say to them that are a captive go free he said I have the anointing to reverse the judgment of your criminal act I have been anointed to make sure that you don't have to live incarcerated because of a thing that happened to you or something that you happen to in a moment of passion and we are living in days especially now where God wants to regulate the passions of his people he wants to sanctify the passions of his people and make sure that his people have right passions that can be used in prayer and not self-destruction prison doors this is the season for the loosing of prison doors the reversing of judgments I believe that there are certain spirit better there are almost like demonic stalkers they will pay attention to a family and follow it for generations it will say I am the cancer demon and they'll come after your great-great-grandfather they'll try to come but now then the medical doctors call it genetic they they they they say it's hereditary what I call it is a generational curse and it has active right because of what's in your blood pattern now but this is what the Bible says that without the shedding of blood there could be no remission of sins so we must use the blood of Jesus to verse every judgment that was in our blood before we got saved before you got saved you were the seed and the byproduct of whatever contract was open on your life because of whoever opened up a door before you got here but when you submit to Jesus Christ and you make him King what happens is the blood that is on the mercy seat now becomes transfuse in you and you may look like your father or look like your mother but now whatever was after him has no right to you because of the blood transfusion but what happens is if you are ignorant about that and if you are unlearned about that you will live your life under the consequences of the decisions of generations before you are Papa when you experience the anointing one of the things it does is it breaks the power plug generational curses and it enforces generational blessings let's call heritage inheritance of purpose and prosperity but you will never have generational blessings well of course is still in operation and curses are not broken because you want them to be broken they're not broken because you wish them away you must experience the anointing and it is my objective that we need some curse breaking searches we need some curse breaking intercessors we need some curse breaking husbands we need some curse breaking wives we need some curse breaking preachers we need prophets who break curses who am i towing he teachers who break the curse of ignorance we need teachers who reverse the curse of Darkness who open people's eyes and you do that through the anointing that is Jesus said I've been anointed to open up prisons and that he says I've been anointed to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of the vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give them beauty for Ashes he has given us about nine or ten different bullet pointed functions of what rested on his life now part of what I'm trying to show you is you cannot work what's on you until you get acquainted with it if I were to give you a microphone or interview you would you be able to describe how the anointing on you functions or would you generalize it and would you give it a nice Christian mission statement and say I've been anointed to help people well we all have right but what are the specific strengths and zeals and burdens and burnings that are in you what can you not overlook that other people overlook all the time well what what breaks you what what is your education in the kingdom if you can examine all of that you end up being able to trace and track something that God is trying to anoint you to achieve now there is a such thing as being anointed and not ready being anointed does not mean being prepared and there are a lot of people who learn of their anointings and they do not prepare for its functions and so we misrepresent what's on us out of zeal but your anointing should determine what you study what you investigate many of you have made the mistake of taking on an assignment beyond your information none of you would allow a dentist to perform heart surgery on you you would not allow a car mechanic to do brain surgery on you so it is in the natural where the more informed you are about your opponent the more effective you can be when you are facing it you see the anointing gives you the official right to act but the information makes you effective as you act every Shepherd for example everybody knows that David was a shepherd boy how he paint him you know the the he his brothers were the Warriors and and the military man and he was just out there kissing little lambs and sheeps and writing poetry and Muslim life but what you you you realize that when a giant a literal bizarre monster approaches a culture nobody has the courage to face it and that's because the people that were around had not trained that to fight things bigger than them his brothers le of all of those guys were used to fighting human beings the levels had to be the same David however was accustomed to fighting things that were genetically different from him he was not afraid of monsters and we know that because what he says is hey the reason I'm qualified to approach the Philistine is because the other day when a lion and a bear came to snatch the Sheep your servant went against a lion and against the bear and i smote it with my bare hands now what is david revealing he is revealing that i am prepared for this moment because i was anointed for the moment I'm ready for Goliath not because of my personal vision statement or logo but because of my preparation when I was anointed it didn't just make me fall out and get back up when I got up I went to prepare and I started to study the audience of what was upon my life and I'm used to handling things that are bigger than me so that gives me an expertise for this giant hmm every Good Shepherd has to learn to be a hunter first I've taught this to pastors in America our problem is we want to Shepherd a sheep we don't know how to protect and we don't know how to protect them because we're not acquainted with their enemies all we know about is what's going to help them and what's going to heal them but we must be acquainted with what's going to harm them we must fight what's fighting our people you're not going to be able to free people from poverty if you've not personally conquered it you see the rule of authority is this if it's active in you you can't have any authority over it so when you get anointed you start to investigate who God's gonna use you for what he's gonna use you to achieve and then you step on the platform of the hearts of the people and you free them because of what you've been through so you may know you're all in knowing it but are you prepared how well do you know what's on your life this is something that is on God's heart because what I'm trying to do prophetically is give you some stewardship there is a different anointing coming upon you many of you when you leave here there's going to be something very unusual that comes upon you and you're gonna have to learn how to walk in it because it's not going to be the strength that you had in the last season God there are different gifts that are going to open up in you that you're not used to working there are different words that are gonna come out of you many of you are going to preach and teach and there's going to be a confounding wisdom that comes from the ages out of your mouth and you're gonna be like I didn't even realize that I know that but the Spirit of God is going to quicken your mind and quicken your intelligence and enable you to engage the ancient rid of the Scriptures in a way you've never done before and you must well that well if you're going to handle war I sense there are two anointings that are going to be birthed in a fresh way this weekend and it's going to be the kingly anointing now the way that Kings function is two people two territories two areas but a part of what they do is they serve is that they're the judges of their people they serve as the judges of their people the Old Testament judges before the monarchy came function as the nation's rulers but after Samuel came and brought the prophetic Sons and christened the first king the king then absorbed the role of a judge so if there's a kingly anointing coming upon you you must be versed in the Wars of God through the book of Judges you should learn what judges did and you find that judges became premier when God's people were in a cycle and the people of God did evil in the sight of the Lord and he raised the judge every chapter in the book of Judges opens up that way so if God is going to pour something kingly or princely upon you you have to know it's not for you to show off it's not for you to get a website it's not for you to become famous it's for you to become acquainted with the griefs of a people and to become determined to be a liberating force now when that happens God has to prosper you because good Kings don't lead bound people and so god prospers Kings to advance the prosperity of the people they lead so there's a kingly anointing coming upon very many of you when we when we walked in and we were in worship and prayer I started seeing jewels and diamonds and gold falling from the sky and I wasn't seeing it like we could collect it and use it as artifacts I believe what God is doing is raising finds of wealth whole streams and networks and resource under the earth in the waters from the caves it's not just going to be dollars and and and an economy that you can spend I'm talking about God shifting your ability to do a thing and God even in this weekend is going to make many of you a personal bank he's going to make you a bank he's going to give you the power to release things into people and you will Lynn I feel that anointing right here you will lend to many nations and you will not borrow in the name of Jesus I bind the curse of rich I bind the assignment of leasing I bind the curse of Rin off of you and I release upon you the hunger of a king the power of a king of the irritation of a king the vision of a king the power of a king he has made us kings and priests and nobody follows broke kings how many of you want to deliver the poor wave at me how many of you are serious about delivering the poor where the first thing you need to do is not be one it's warfare its warfare second annoying I see being released is a prophetic anointing we're going to see kings and prophets move together it's going to be a very powerful thing right now there is a crime in the earth where Kings don't have their profits and profits are not ruling by their kings one of the major mistakes in America is their profits moving and have not found their apostles they're still moving like they're in the Old Testament wandering roaming and homeless in caves apart from the body and then they have the nerve to be judging and criticizing a people they won't even be a part of but this is going to be the Ephesians 2:20 hour where we're going to see the foundations of apostles and puppets moving in tandem the kingly anointing and the prophetic anointing are going to begin to happen when that happens the height of what we build is going to be much more superb than anything we've ever seen before I believe that there is a prophetic anointing this weekend coming upon you intercessors it's coming upon you samus it's coming upon you counselors those of you that counsel people there is an anointing for the discerning of spirits but social workers and those of you that ministered that you are positions of the soul type powerful prophetic anointing is coming upon you for those of you that are puppets of God there is a forensics level word of knowledge coming to you well you're gonna help your government figure out crimes you're about to figure out we're missing people are you're gonna begin to identify who's guilty of certain judgments and you're going to be a solution come on say let it be so say let it be so now these anointings are happening I want to give this to you because I'm here to help you steward the anointing God is about to end power.this people in a way you can never imagine and you will do it by the anointing you will do it by the anointing there is an anointing coming upon you women he's doing something for the handmaidens of the Lord he's doing something for women who will weep he's empowering Esther's in this hour and he's doing something where he's opening up and he's suspending second heaven activity to allow the daughters to go free he's coming against the abuse and the stigma and the limitations and the restrictions upon women and he's raising world-changing women even from this people at this place there is a focus coming upon you to achieve things you've never achieved before come on serious so say it is self said is so many of you intercessors here is a here is a supernatural crime it should never be that an intercessor is poor we are accustomed to watching intercessors pray and go without but I believe that you never go to war without the spoils if you spend all day binding strongmen laboring for other people producing and birthing things in the spirit you don't leave the wealth upon the carcass of what you defeated if you are an intercessor in this place have you been called to pray and call to cry out I command the angels that retreat well to be found in your direction no longer will you go and your life powering it and big without and and not having enough but I release the power of el-shaddai upon you you are coming into more than enough and the abundance of cloth and the overthrow of God in the name of Jesus come on intercessor take upon your royal karma take upon your power of access in the name of Jesus let it be so at this place that intercessors covered in the heavenlies and they receive spoils they receive spoils a very sieve spoil these are here is your homework you need a visitation from God about the anointing that's coming upon you you've been frustrated because you're leaving out of one season in one level and you're about to go into another one and the anointing is coming upon you to achieve an effect but you must become acquainted with what what rests on your life if you are ignorant of what rests upon you it will work against you you can be punished by what's on you if you don't know how to use it God told Moses don't throw this staff now if you throw it down I'll show you what will become of it he had to step up cast it down and the same thing that split waters became a serpent you have to know how to use your stuff well now there is an identity crisis in the earth there are many people that are afraid to be who they are because they don't have templates so what they do is they go on YouTube or they go on the internet and they find a famous person to imitate and replicate because it's easier to be you if I'm still trying to learn to be mean and I've never seen a me before so being me is scary and being you is safe but your individuality is the key to mastering the anointing you see if I'm being you then that means that nobody's being mean they're people who come up to me all the time and say can I have your anointing and I just found and say absolutely not I'm still using it what you've got to do is find a way to access what God wants upon your life come on lift your hand say it's on me Oh your mouth says upon me say it's upon me say upon me coming upon you it's not coming upon who you think you are it's not coming upon who you really wish you are it's coming upon who you are so you must know yourself and know what God made you to be you must unbe come I release it upon your life you must strip and you must unbe come everything you became in response to life you must undo every vow every covenant every heart altar that you erected because of who hurt you who abandoned you who disappointed you and you must take off that armor to allow the anointing to hit your own head it's not coming upon grief it's not coming upon regret it's not coming upon sadness it's coming upon your hand and if you don't strip and allow yourself to become loose you will never explore and rest on your luck your life in the right way listen remember when Lazarus was called out of the realm of the Dead you remember that jesus walks up close him for he comes up he is alive but he's not loosed he's breathing walking functioning and not loosed God Jesus gives an assignment to those that are around him sing this words loose him let him go he charged his network his friends those that were around him to help him unroll from the clothing that was upon him that helped him be dead as a dead man you had to be run run trapped in certain stuff but when life came back him he had to take off would identify him as a dead man so that he could go free many of you you're not dead anymore you're saying you're filled with the Holy Ghost you're talking tongues you're just not loosed enough you don't have people around you that help you take off what you put on as a byproduct of death but in the name of Jesus I speak the miracle of the loosing of grave clothes upon you and I command your mind to be loosed I commend your heart to be LaHaye I command your heart to be loosed I command your tongue to be loosed I commend your gifts to be loosed I commend your potential to be loosed may your song be loose loose loose your daughters be loosed your clarity be loosed your boldness be loose your courage we loose your Papa debts be loosed your money be loosed your Bishop be loose loose [Music] [Applause] lift your hands and pray and the Holy Ghost will you lift your hands and pray at the Holy Ghost [Music] and when I sensed a pie of God bicha had spread the holy gold we didn't come here for an average meeting we didn't come here for an average meeting let the heavens be open over this place now and we welcome the king Leonor they say it is so we welcome the prophetic anointing cities so we welcome the anointing to conquer Syria so was since is really if you write you're a ascribe you write things there are pins falling in this room right now we release your knowing of the ready writer upon you say it is so you are going to chronicle revival say it is so you are gonna write down the thoughts of the God say it is so you are gonna take pictures of the power of God it is so for every creative in this room you are anointing to capture moves up the spirit said itself for every graphic designer you are coming into a greater degree of cranny it is so come on for every husband you are moving into entrepreneurship say it is so for every prophet of God there are millions upon millions upon millions coming to you give them on a shout of praise all of this [Music] [Applause] ha ha cha-cha [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna do one more thing before we prepare for tomorrow how many of you would say if you're in here that your your strength you are called Despres you are an intercessor that's what you do it's your ministry to the body wave at me there's something happening to intercessors you are responsible for what was just released in this off in this building there Burdick knees they're gonna happen in this building because a place that prayer is the labor room I believe that those of you that think you're prophets you need to get back to prayer drop the might fourth season and find the altar god is looking for people that don't want to be seen but who want to move in divine exchange and there is a turning over of demonic altars there is a turning over of covenants of the Damned there's a turning over of curses even in this place I sense it really strong come on if you are intercessor I'm gonna run up to this altar really quickly do it quickly about the five God is here give me something intense something's gonna happen to you I want you to lake are do that for me will you lake arms you've been straight not big on [Music] [Music] there is there is coming a powerful spirit of Prayer and it's for the purpose of changing history this is not just petition and this is not just supplication this is the power of prayer to arrange events in history there is an anointing a calendar like anointing coming upon the intercessors in this room and it's going to be a dangerous realm of Prayer with the groanings of the Spirit are being born in you ancient utterances are coming out of you and God is releasing the ana anointing the Daniel anointing the spirit of Elijah and I see prayer anointings intensifying you are getting ready to be arrested by the spirit of Prayer it's going to happen four days at a time you're going to experience time-lapses you will go to pray and it will feel like one hour and you will be out for a day supernatural things are happening and player the anointing for fastings the anointing for trances dreams are happening to you right now now come on they can't you pray in this spirit [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on mr. Boies yeah [Applause] [Music] the fires are faster the fires at prayer the fires come to you your hands in the name of Jesus we say that this weekend has been set apart and set aside for the purposes of God to be established and that you will move in two levels of authority you've never dreamed and we say that tonight and tomorrow there has been a trigger in the realm of the spirit for things to be born that could not be born before and the power Berenice the power of the Crouch the power of shield death Abaddon apollyon has been broken in Jesus name and there is a brand new release of authority in the heavens and on the earth and under the earth for kings and priests and prophets to move under the anointing let it be shown at this place in the name of Jesus come on seal that with praise right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tomorrow we're going to probably move more into a prophetic emphasis I'm seeing a lot of things happening of the spirit I'm gonna reserve a lot of that dispense of time prophesy but I want you to be aware of what your assignment is you will be visited by God I said you will be visited by God the hour of your visitation is here and the Spirit of God is here this week to achieve much prepare your hearts because his glory is going to be revealed if the glorious name of Jesus come up with those hands together for the Lord [Music] [Music] as a byproduct of the altars you've built before the Lord you're about to experience the elijah anointing there is [Music] you are moving into a four-year time where God is doing the thing with your mouth and with your words it's gonna make nations rise and fall there have been a fat doors and they are people that are studying even from afar that are under arrest even this week and God's going to begin to move that level of money in your direction for what you see so I was standing here preaching I begin to feel the ground shake and he showed me the campus that will be built even here and what he showed me was that you're going to experience an influx of people who move from around the world to be a part of what's going on here and you will become the voice that scopes and returns the hearts of fathers to sons the Elijah anointing the curse-breaking anointing the anointing that destroys idolatry is above you I fight over the king [Music] Kings are coming to the brightness of your rising did Jesus while we're here I'm at PASOK offer will you come behold the days come saith the Lord and I'm going to use you apostolic Lee even in this season for the terra firma for your heart had been postured purely before God and he had seeded and tested it sorely and now he's getting ready to pour out reward because of the decision you've made [Applause] I saw but at the beginning of this vision at the beginning of this this is the the the genesis of this you were greatly despised even the laughing stopped before many and there were many in high places that told you that it could not be and should not be and there were one that even had opposed you through paperwork and legality and what I see from the Spirit of God is the tables are turning [Applause] [Music] the Lord says is a byproduct of your fasting and prayer I'm going to disturb the cabinet of Chancellor's watch and see what I'm going to do after this meeting you shall see a seat open and you shall begin to see a succession of events and the favor of God is coming quickly now I saw where there was going to be vacant buildings I see places prayer Grotto's and places dedicated to training and it won't just be in one place it's going to be many buffs what you have seen as red tape and buildings and venues and he it's over for you're going to have a conference venue that you lease and rent to many for the purpose of revival it is so for the purpose of revival it is prepare yourself for there have been many witches that had opposed you and God says what I'm getting ready to do is turn over the secret of riches and hidden places and there are many more than a for you that that are not a gate that are against you prepare yourself for you're going to go to Asia there should be some travel and I will cause you to preach and declare the word of the Lord on the four corners of the earth much suddenly and much more quick there is a visitation coming to your intelligence and something's happening where you're going to begin to figure out problems much quicker than you've ever had before and there is an unknown name for a different team that I prophesy expansion on your team this coming pregnant people people that carry in the spirit and people that birth in business there is so come out somebody say there's some there is some say there's so [Music] I'm done but I lose great wealth upon this people I declare that if you believe this profits you prosper and I declare channels and channels and channels of the water spouts of wealth and Dominion in this race it is so and not otherwise to go give your quarters side all over this
Channel: CookieTruth
Views: 101,106
Rating: 4.8119755 out of 5
Keywords: Matthew Stevenson, preach, powerful, wildfire, purpose, anointing, function, Pastor Kofi, glory, jesus, worship, 2018, td jakes, candy west, brian williams, cookietruth, cookietruth matthew stevenson, apostle, prophecy, anwa
Id: z9mizFJHDEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 45sec (4545 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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