"F" You | Dr. Matthew Stevenson

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dearly beloved this is going to be a hard word prophetess stephanie and knowing you the lord probably talked to you about it already uh and if it weren't you would probably be prophetess katie but she texts me that's how i know i heard god she texted me this morning said whatever you have to say i'll be out of town i say oh god i know i got to deal with this all right you ready i'm going to say something is going to go viral some of you will use it against me my assistant pastor and my executive pastor are going to go off on me for the title of this message put your hand on your chest say f you [Applause] elder please i've heard god y'all i know y'all think i'm crazy i know i know i know look at the person next to you and tell them loud as you can f you [Applause] i gotta go by 12 30. my name is matthew lewis stevenson iii edd i've struggled with forgiveness um over the years there have been things that have transpired and i've been able to hide my forgiveness issues with my avoidance of things and stuff and stories that i needed to just forgive i got gripped by god the other day with the mystery of new testament forgiveness because i realize i've been talking in tongues and worshiping and singing leaving certain spaces in the heart not touched and one of the places in the heart that needed to be touched was have you forgiven i know you quiet today because of my background my mother's a thug so is my father i know how to move on real quick my move on game is strong i could date you friday and not know you saturday i have the i have the i have the it i have the emotional skill to undo you but god is not pleased this is uncomfortable for me because i've got to give you a parable that i think all of us know and we read i don't think we use it to measure ourselves on friday i was faced in a room with a bunch of people that i was still mad at and i had to preach and i had the prophet sign i got in that car and the holy ghost said i know you lying i said sir he said i want to know where you are with your realm of forgiveness do you continue to eter internally watch this calculate and measure the wrongs done to you and then come to me come open up and anticipate that i release you from the wrongs you've done to me you want me to hear your father i repent and yet you still emotionally charge people who may have done what you think or not but you perceived it and still charged it who do you think you are lift your hands and say f you and and that's gonna go viral people gonna make a t-shirt of it but i mean what i'm saying and once i give you this parable you'll understand how critical this is i believe with every fiber of my being that unforgiveness is the root of sickness unforgiveness is the root of disease unforgiveness is the root of depression there are people who have a spirit of heaviness that don't know it's root and the real truth is you've got several files in the heart that you need to shred and by faith here's where we're going to get difficult take it from the top start over y'all quiet i gave you a scripture y'all looking at me with a lazy eye but we got to process in this next several months forgiveness matthew chapter 18 in the niv and i have to hurry up because i got to hold myself accountable to this matthew chapter 18 verse 21 i have to actually the lord told me impart your way out so there's a lot i have to give you i have to teach you and one of the things that's been a school for me a training for me annually forgiveness god will allow somebody to do something that touches an immature place in your soul he won't stop it he will allow somebody's brokenness to hit yours to watch how you will react and whether you will use that circumstance to reach for agape or if you're going to stay stuck in the world called eros we love erotic love pleasurable love open up we like the love that we can feel but that unconditional thing that makes us like elohim is hard to mature to because what it takes is annual tests of fu in matthew's gospel chapter 18 verse 21 in the niv now y'all know i got a word from the lord because i don't even like the niv verse 21 pray me through this matthew 18 21 then peter came to jesus it would be peter lord watch this question this is this is the crate now here's the deal we've all studied this and never thought about it for real the the replacement apostle the successor apostle comes and says how many times do i have to forgive my brother or my sister open up that sins against me is seven enough he was one of us he went to fire conference and got activated with mary crum and so he he knew he knew biblical numerology can i forgive them seven times be done because that's the number of completion jesus looks at his successor his replacement it says nah bruh 70 times seven therefore the kingdom of heaven this is verse 23 is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servant internally there may be people experiences and stories that you feel like oh you and when you live your life considering the apologies you do you never accurately consider the ones you owe i'm talking to you if you sit in your your mental and emotional spaces in your indebtedness if the people that owe debts for how can we honestly pray forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors we have real deep apostolic oh lord prophetic deliverance teaching intercessory musical tlo unforgiveness it's deep and we'll spiritualize it and when you're a person who thinks you have the gift of discernment you can mask your unforgiveness as if you think the lord is trying to warn you but why would the lord warn you when both of you all got the same issue you mad at people for doing what you do for saying what you say for acting how you act without the grace of god you would be your mama open up without the grace of god you'd be your father you would be everything that disappointed you without the hand of the lord so we've got to dig real deep if we're going to ask for mercy we're going to ask for grace lord do i have unforgiveness maybe that's why you have a migraine maybe that's not a real muscle spasm you don't want to hear this maybe you've got an emotional retardation because you refuse to allow the scriptures to read you and make it applicable to where you are in your soul now the challenge with this is when we hear forgiveness we think agreement so if i release you open up if i release you from the the alleged debt it means i agree with the action that's not true i can forgive and release you and still think that what happened was wrong and lift your hands all forgiveness don't mean reconciliation why do i feel a chill in here some of us are afraid to forgive because we think we we've got to rebuild what we had i can forgive you and now decide watch me as the ceo of my own life who to hire i'm working in here who the fire who to release but i do not have the right to hold in my heart a charge that i could have done if i were in your circumstance everybody's going to hurt somebody while trying to love therefore the kingdom of god is like a man who wanted to settle accounts with his servants and as he began the settlement a man who owed him 10 000 bags of gold this is verse 23 read it was brought to him but he wasn't able to pay there are those of us that are charging people in our worlds and in our stories not recognizing their intellectual emotional spiritual insufficiency open yourself do you expect a carnal person to recognize they're wrong of you if they don't have the spirit of god they're not submitted to the word of god how can they be sober enough to realize a wrong toward you the truth is they can't i'ma tell you your problem take a deep breath it's me and you in starbucks right now open up you sick of being a bigger person you're tired of being the bigger person so in your mind you lie i'm not about to be the bigger person you're going to leave me to alone and i'ma smack you if you put me in this circumstance again but when the lord calls you to maturity [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i have to forgive because he's called me to maturity and and can we be family real quick being mature is not fun don't nobody like being a bigger man stop lying there are those of us that know we have to be the example but i don't like it [Music] because the the carnal nature apostle monique watch me come on let's go like this parable the parables are kingdom encryptions which means that when jesus gives us parables he's trying to open up a mystery to us that's counter-cultural he gives us parables that says this is how stuff in my kingdom works i don't care where you live this is how stuff that my kingdom functions i don't care what your mama taught you this is how stuff in my authority works this is how power flows this is how favorite flows the kingdom of heaven is like unto so it gives us this encryption and he's like yo somebody is going to have a debt to you sometimes purposefully open up sometimes accidentally but there will be people whose behaviors brokenness attitudes conversations issues views watch me take a deep breath i feel you tightening up or absences just not there may pierce you in such a way where you will live and grow the rest of your life without ever going to matthew 18 like lord how many times do i have to forgive my brother you don't want to talk about it because you don't want the responsibility of maturity and having to be the person that apologizes although you rightfully feel you didn't do nothing wrong that has the person that has to be the person watch me who has to live with the blessed curse quest of a big heart that you've got to learn how to guard how the world am i supposed to live the rest of my life trying to learn to guard a huge heart but then i've got to as your leader i'm being transparent then i've got to be convicted with the truth that my preaching is not what bless us prophesying is not what delivers it's the heart god gave me have you ever been before god and said lord i hate my heart you don't want to be honest have you ever been before the lord like lord can you please make me the jerk they say i am [Applause] please change me into the monster they're accusing me of being i'll tell you the problem elder jasmine i fooled around dorella five run off here catch me i fooled around and got the precious gift of the holy ghost and the part of what that means is that the holy ghost that i have don't let me stay mad lord y'all you simple randa you use him for that he comes to me like all right it's been 48 hours and your attitude is i'm working in here he comes to me like i know you lying your leader calls you y'all don't have that holy ghost and you didn't pick up the phone submit yourself i got the kind of a holy ghost that does not let me do what the heck i want to do that's the holy ghost i have and a part of a part of what he does part of what he does is he walks up on my bed at my desk in my car and it's like yo you at that 70 times seven yet lift your hands and say f you now the complications psychologically speaking of forgiveness is this the where we're trained or the way we are trained is that you have to know you harmed me for me to forgive you i know this is uncomfortable the way we're trained is in order for me to forgive you i need you to apologize first i i want you to i want you to acknowledge your crime then i will release you is that how repentance works do you are you that religion do you think that every day you keep a calculation of how many times your behavior and or thought and or feeling and emotions violate the scriptures and whatever your record is is wrong you thought something this morning and it's only noon that made the scriptures violated you felt something last night before you went to bed that was opposite of the scriptures some of you ninjas felt something at about 4 00 a.m and you found a cope but if god would mark iniquity if he were still keeping records if if the lord screamed holy i said scream holy we're as holy as he is and wonderful as he is and beautiful as he is and he says stuff like i even i like the lord is so god is so cool with it like you have to really like think about what he i even had for my own sake he basically says i'm forgiving you for me he's saying if i'm going to be god unmovable unchangeable unshakable if i'm to retain my stability as the extreme superior power of the universe that means that unforgiveness destabilizes he's basically saying i can't be god and stay the same and hold your wrong against you that's why you're losing your mind you got years and years of pictures moments disappointments fears open up you you got desires here's another area of this that's going to be hard for you okay we're in this together y'all you disappointment that's born from an unmet desire will bring you into positions of unforgiveness but here's why that's not fair say it ain't fair because most of our real desires we don't express the truest desires of your heart you keep to yourself until you can trust open up until you can trust enough to be vulnerable see expressing desire requires vulnerability you have to get naked and say i need this i want this i thought this and if you put that out there and a person or circumstance does not meet you at that desire the next destination is disappointment and when you end up at disappointment watch me open up and the person does not seem to know or care you go into unforgiveness here's why i know you're uncomfortable here here's here derek here's why that is dangerous you'll let open up y'all i have to do this myself your last disappointment becomes the measurement and the ruler for your next relationship a part of what that means is what hurt me last will measure you next and you don't have to be him her or them for me to act like you are i have faith in the fact that you're going to wrong me isn't it interesting what we have the anticipation of you walk around in life expecting people to lie and move and run and now how are you going to live like that and be healthy the truth is you can't so what happens is when i say i will lift my mother i will sing where i'm going is lord my heart is yours i was trying to teach you something today worship is the way where you find the reality of the heart and looking at the beauty of god will show you the cruelty of your own heart so whenever i'm trying to walk through anything hard we gonna worship for years because focusing on him helps me take my eyes off you and a part of what that means is that if you're struggling with your mama struggling with your daddy struggling with your siblings your friends open up struggling with your enemies if you're struggling to find a place of forgiveness you will only be able to avoid it for so long you can't keep shouting around unforgiveness come on i'm doing surgery on you today you can't keep singing around unforgiveness you cannot continue to prophesy build plan plant program seminar facebook live ig live you can't keep trying to distract yourself around the very real reality that there's something in that heart that's been shattered and if you don't fix it you'll never be able to give or receive love that's the problem with unforgiveness when you wrestle with unforgiveness you don't okay y'all okay when you wrestle with unforgiveness you don't think nobody loves you for real [Music] i'm talking to you pineapple people people you you start to hear the phrase i love you in suspicion from everybody i love you and in your mind you're always like you love me up until watch me or you love me until you see the truth or you love me until you see me at my lowest and then you leave all of that is back you only want to hear this all of that is back here but if it's in your heart watch me it will be in your conversation it will be in your relational penalizing of the same imperfect people that's attempting to learn the you you still don't know you're not who you were two years ago hopefully you shouldn't be who you were 10 years ago and so when i feel justified in my right to have unforgiveness because of your wrong what i don't realize is what all i'm holding myself back from i have a hard word for you it's going to make you feel real bad you missed out on some promotions they'll come back around but you outright missed a lot of favor because your heart couldn't handle the assignment there was some money you should have made by now that stuck in the second heaven because the lord knows if i finance this unforgiveness i can't make a bitter person an entrepreneur because then they use their power to punish you missed a lot now thanks be unto god he makes all things beautiful in its time so there is no such thing as a missed moment that won't come around you know why he's the alpha and the omega so he'll meet you like i i tried to do this in your 20s i tried to do this for your last birthday you would not come i'm going to do it again but this is the pre-wreck you have got to forgive jesus to his last day was teaching people how to forgive peter comes and asks it with all of his giftedness unto my sons of thunder but he was frustrated with the fact that he had to continually forgive and here's the problem money forgiving people that don't acknowledge that they need it it's harder because you wanted to be right say you wronged me say my silence saved your life say the fact that i didn't share my side kept your family together [Applause] tell them how much money i gave you but that's not god the hard truth is it's wicked it's antichrist but we we long for the wrong kinds of justice as a people we want a type of fairness that's carnal my fairness comes from calvary which is why i can read hard scriptures like turn the other cheek and then you can look at stuff like jesus being lacerated upon his back and saying stuff like father now here's it now listen can we be honest with family today okay put yourself theoretically on the cross you go right now so that's mentally so we so we're walking up you know on the cross an eight foot uh possibly or eight to ten feet accoutrement attached to you and you can't i'm about to weep fight back you have it within your resource too because jesus said if i wanted to oh have you ever had one of them like i got receipts put those hands together for a screenshot you don't want to clap if if i wanted to watch man i could come open up you're about to get some healing i could call a legion of angels i got bodyguards armor bearers fbi agents i could call and set you up i could make a sweet potato pine ruin your life honey i put some antifreeze in your greens and you never know what i'm old school if i wanted to i'd call legions of angels but i'm not watch me watch me but his last sermon brownie was father forgive them because they don't know what they're doing i have a hard word for you and i'm on your side i'm team whatever your name is okay so don't be too mad and if you do be mad i don't really care there are people that hurt you that don't know and you walk in your proud tale around in the prison of unforgiveness because you think everybody that harmed you is aware of it listen very seldom do people wake up and say i want to harm him there are some people that don't wake up and like i want to hurt her what happens is we are all in a darn journey and we got this stupid rule that says we've got to grow in love i like first corinthians 12. the gifts put me with the apostles and the prophets holy i see put me in there i don't like i can't stand first corinthians 13. i could go the rest of my life and never read it again i despise having to look at that chapter because it's not as fun as first corinthians 12. i see angels all the time tongues interpretations miracles i flow i can honey i can get deep i don't like first corinthians 13. especially dre dre the fact that love keeps no record of wrong jalen what do you mean don't everybody keep records why can i be like the better business bureau i got three uh uh a credit companies that monitor my financial behavior and give me scores why can't i do it to you because when i acknowledge my own sin i lost my right to penalize you for yours now we see that theoretically can we lie everybody's sins to god i ain't talking about that what you gonna do when they sin against you take a deep breath as a father of girls and women and as a man oddly called to women in ministry part of what i've experienced sometimes in trying to process women in their their change or their evolution in their leadership life is recognizing that they cannot guard themselves from who they used to be so i have female senior leaders at lee churches and and sometimes the women under them try them they get jumpy they get you know sister girling but if you have years of unforgiveness towards your mother your siblings and you hide it with a wedding you think marriage is going to fix you then what happens is when you try to love because here's how love works love is going to free you when it's real when it's right oh i feel the holy ghost love is going to hit your life and once you're done with the romantic part i'm gonna tell you exactly what love will do it's gonna find a bondage so year one of marriage is gonna be hell i ain't trying to scare you i'm saying the harder somebody loves you the more free you're going to be but the way it works is when love shows up and your life is going to hit your mama stuff it wouldn't be love if it didn't so when love shows up perfect love listen which means that there is a such thing as imperfect love people love you even when they don't know how you cannot go the remainder of this year i cannot go the remainder of this year without examining my heart you don't deserve to be promoted without real perspective of what's going on here if we don't deal with this it's just a new season not a new you there was a reason why saul needed a new heart for his assignment there was a reason why after samuel prophesied to him god had to give him something he did not have and i know listen to me sons and daughters and uncles and sisters and brothers and all of that i know some of you don't have anything to do especially if the act was egregious and if it was deliberate and intentional you don't have to have it within your power to do the only thing you need for forgiveness is faith that's all you need you don't need a conversation necessarily you don't need coffee you don't need nothing all you need is faith and faith in the scriptures so you can't say that the scriptures work avoid and evade principles of forgiveness and have faith for healing deliverance and all that stuff and not faith for forgiveness i'm forgiving you by faith i don't know what you're going to do who you going to be you may take my forgiveness for granted but that's not up to me to judge or decide the lord is the oh y'all don't like this teaching i gotta go the lord is the judge y'all think that when you wrong or when somebody's wronged you somebody wronged you and you like oh yeah god gonna get my enemy he gonna hold you in contempt of court because you don't touch mine touch knot but what happens when you're the one doing the touching problem is i'm screwed up evan and part of what that means is i know my need for god and i know exactly what i would be without him i'm not stupid i know my mother my father i know the map and the story the stuff i do know is scary enough for me to manifest what i don't know so what i do watch me sharing i put that iniquity under the blood what's in me what's around me and actions do you have a right to be hurt yeah somebody say something and do nothing and don't believe that sticks and stones may break my bones but words that's not true i know several people prophet of god that are suffering injuries from word curses judgments statements sometimes even nicknames that serve as a label are you all good but the problem is god will allow you to have a forgiveness test if he knows you're about to be promoted in my heart of hearts i'm like god just let me move into this new season without talking about this let me go to the east coast in peace let me go to my little condo and chill and the lord's like i know you lying you think you're going to stand in front of people with issues in your heart 20-plus years old and deliver my word purely you will not get in my way i'm just telling you how the lord deals with me because unforgiveness would make me an unfit messenger i know you don't want to hear that i i have too much conviction to stand on any stage knowing i'm mad at you trying to do miracles i'm not a wizard i'm a son so part of what that means is i've got to make sure i tend my heart and get to the place where i'm unoffendable that has to be a personal goal of yours as a man as a woman as everything you are your your growth goal should be lord if i get offended shorten the time of my recovery don't let me open up don't let me sit in this for years you have work to do you got stuff to build books to write places to go god loves you so much that he's he's keeping you single let me stay in my office the lord is responsible for them dried up dms he's not going to send you a gift if you still bitter in your heart you want to use the next one to heal from the last one when you need to forgive the last one i'm working in here so you can move on to the next one i know you want me to turn my plow i'm not gonna do it the solution is not a new bay dummy the solution is not a new boo the solution is this happened the solution is this happened and it hurt this happened and it's holding me back because of your injury to me i now am suspicious of anybody that reminds me of you [Music] so i i can't even learn you honestly because i'm still bleeding from the person that you remind me of the story you remind me of the situation you remind me of you're more anointed than you think you have more gifts than you've seen there are more assignments in you that you've not been able to be entrusted with you know why you don't see it you know why it's not time for you to be it and do it you got some unhad conversations with the word of god about that 70 times 7. how in the hades are you a intercessor a middle man you close the gaps you stand up at the top of service and you use your fancy tongues and call the fire in and all that stuff you go back to your seat and you still got issues with the person behind you what was you just praying about and who were you praying too because that prayer did not hit this ceiling it didn't go nowhere my bible says if you open up if you come to pray and your brother has offended you put that gift why are you still prophesying and unforgiveness get off the rotation don't you sing another song don't you wave one more banner you tell elder michelle i'm done wherever she is you stop it you put the pillow down you do all of it you get off the organ you get off the drums until you can man that heart because if you don't if you don't what will happen is you're going to make victims and and you will become the monster that you think wounded you i don't want to be like them i don't want to be like them yeah me and my heart don't get along all the time but i like the one god gave me and i don't want to change it now core if i change my heart there will be thousands of people that will not experience the fruit of my suffering and why am i going to waste my life going through apostolic suffering and lose my authority because i don't have the courage to look at you and say you hurt me but i release you people are walking around full of unforgiveness and they think that because they're anointed god ain't thinking about it peter came to jesus hey before you get out here talking about these keys and these kingdoms and binding and loosening i got a question about this forgiveness policy protect watch me particularly because i've signed up for a purpose that's going to mandate persecution peter as an apostle signed up for a life of being stoned broken up with walked away from all of the apostles died awfully horribly the apostolic call the greek word is stratheya it means the apostolic career or warfare the ministry of descent one so he signed up for a fighting life so before jesus leaves he's like hey before your ascension this forgiveness clause is this small print is this applicable for all of us can i get away from it and jesus is like hey you got your numerics wrong you think you only have it in you seven times to forgive an offense i want you to do it 70 times seven then he talks about settling accounts sometimes all you need to do is resolve what happened all right put this math equation down on your phone and i got to go do what i'm teaching acceptance plus focus equals resolve acceptance plus focus equals resolve here's why sometimes you the problem i get elder jason i get great joy out of telling people i'm crazy because i feel like it removes expectation for me i tell everybody all the time i'm crazy i'm moody i got an anger problem i smack you some days i hug you other days don't trust me just walk away right now because what it does it creates an expectation barrier you're not gonna you're not gonna ever deify me i'm not the one to be worshipped so i'm gonna make sure you know i'm crazy on purpose keep you off of me praise the name of the lord but when you've not resolved that about yourself open up i'm about to hit you in a nerve the people who refuse to recognize their own abandonment their own rejection their own fears those are the ones that struggle to forgive if you can cope with what's happened in your world then you're not going to stay too long in what another person's world has caused to yours you cannot be a new covenant christian walking around with knowledge of your own unforgiveness you have to forgive the living you have to forgive the dead you have to give the deliberate you have to forgive the accidental you've got to forgive the circumstantial you've got to forgive the situational you've got to forgive period or else you can't pray what i decided was i love prayer so much i love talking to god so much i love confiding in him and trusting him i don't want nothing in the way when you have unforgiveness and go to pray the signal drops you don't look like him enough so when i'm resting what i do is i'm like lord excuse my life why why is every profane word french is that true where did that come from they were like excuse my french that's not french at all stupid like what are you but i give god my honesty dre i get on my knees i cry it out and i'm like lord they made me so mad i was there i helped i sold i gave i trusted i handled i blah blah blah blah blah and when i'm done with all my accolades i then have to mirror my heart why'd you do it why were you there what did you want in return then i go into this jungle of conversations in the inner man where i understand what paul said oh wretched man that i i know i'm crazy so i can't be mad at you for being crazy and if i do i'm only going to be mad for about seven days i can't give you a year of my life i can't give you a month of my life lady you're a mother you're a mother or you're about to be one you can't afford to be bitter [Music] dude you're a father and if you're not one now you're in training to be one how are you going to be a husband with healing authority walking around in bitterness and unforgiveness you can't be nobody's gardener how are you going to do husbandry and grow your woman and allow your woman the space to prosper and flow and make all of her dreams come true and become the sponsor to the greatest visions of your children and the protector of their ambition how you gonna do all that mad at your dad mad at your boss how the truth is you can't and the reason why they hurt you because somebody hurt them so what forgiveness does is it breaks this hey hey hey hey hey hey hey what forgiveness does is breaks the cycle it breaks the authority of this cycle mandala forgiveness will give you years back forgiveness will give you clarity forgiveness will help you finish your homework forgiveness will help you go back to your spouse forgiveness will help you go to sleep at night forgiveness will help you to do what you need to do but if you avoid the conversation with the holy spirit and try to grow around it and live around it and move around it not going nowhere you're only elliptical baby you ain't going nowhere but you will lose your hair you will have carpal tunnel you're going to develop a spinal issue you'll be sick your kidneys will start to fail at some point something's going to happen to you physically because you were not physically designed to house unforgiveness so when that stuff is seated in the heart expect infirmity i have to pray and lay hands on you and prophesy to you about what's wrong with your body because you won't deal with what's in your heart so now i've got to ah come out be healed yeah yeah yeah and i have to get carpet burns because of what you won't confront in yourself make my job easy damn i gave you 18 years why can't you confront this yes sir you're right i got unforgiveness that friendship did not end how i wanted i got unforgiveness that person did not say thank you for what i did i got unforgiveness that man left me wrong for my friend i got unforgiveness that witch cursed me and i loved her i got um you have to acknowledge that stuff in you listen listen my kids ain't what i want them to be because you can as a parent have unforgiveness towards your children but they're gods he don't have to date who you want what where is this chill coming from she don't have to work where you want her to she can leave that church and choose her own pastor but in your witchcraft you want to control who they are what they do where they work because of your own unforgiveness here's the conclude you can't have unforgiveness and not have fear because what what unforgiveness is is a manifestation of fear fear has a lot of ways to show up so all fear is not ooh i'm scared of the boogeyman some fear is if i forgive you i'll be more vulnerable watch me and i don't want to be hurt but if you're in this sanctuary and you really honestly think you're going to go the rest of your life trying to love and not be hurt go drive into lake shore drive right now you get in your car and you just just full speed ahead because as long as you are around people as long as you're trying to find faith as long as you're trying to trust the word you're going to hurt yourself somebody else can hurt you now trust is a real thing i'm standing on this chair with all 186 pounds of me six foot one because i trust it maybe i shouldn't because if i fall it's gonna go all over the world i'm the one they love to hate but i trust it's design you don't ever stand on nothing you can't trust [Music] i want to be very clear so that y'all don't go home and post and tweet stuff i did not say i never said act like it didn't happen i said release them from the dead you owe me nothing i love you because i love jesus and i want to be right before him that's how deeply i love that man is that i'm not going to walk around some of you for years with unconfronted pain because you've got unforgiveness i have the right to choose my friends scream yes i got the right to choose my companion scream yes i got the right to choose where i want to live where i want to work you have all of those rights i'm not telling you go when i say fix it i'm not saying restore it as it was i'm saying position your heart to release you know why that's the same heart you need for vision it's the same heart you need for business intuition your their skills in the heart you need it as clear as possible apostle andrew but here's why that's difficult the heart has to be tended to it's like you got to like do the hard thing of sitting with yourself quietly like what's really happening here if you don't tend your heart what's gonna happen is watch me you'll learn yourself for real in your next argument so next time somebody makes you mad out of the abundance the mouth is going to spin and you're going to be arguing with your friends talking to your mama you're going to be arguing with your spouse talking to your daddy you're going to be rebellious to your authority figures because you had a weak or passive or silent father and you're so broke and you don't know how to be protected so you reject before it gets to you i'll get you before you give me you live your life in retaliation and revenge all of your life is like a gang scene you not in the mafia heal so that you don't have to emotionally have these irregularities that prevent you from being loved in the way you should be it's hard okay this is a hard truth and i gotta go damn i'm not excited about this one it's hard to love people that have unforgiveness if you have unforgiveness it is difficult to now i know you think you're a lovable person but you're the only one to feel that way you love yourself more than any of us loving you is taxing because don't nobody want to always be trying to prove themselves to you yeah i got it wrong yeah i didn't answer your phone call but i'm not i'm not about to planet fitness you for the rest of my life and play your emotional mind games when we both got same issues so the bottom line is the lord told me to tell this church you got from now to january want to fix it if you can fix it fix it and it don't mean replace it we're not going to ever be buddies but i release you you don't owe me nothing and you have to make and listen in the same way you make a grocery list make a forgiveness list lift your hands and say f you and start with yourself [Applause] here's why i'ma pray for you you i can't give it to you if i've not given it to me i've got to be honest and go before the lord in prayer like yo i forgive myself for what i didn't know i forgive myself for who i was not i forgive myself for not being the definition or and all of that i release myself and when you do that it's easy to give it to other people some of you cannot forgive others because the real truth is you mad at you you mad at your story open yourself you mad at your journey you didn't want it to be this way you're like man this ain't fair why they got that you know i'll never forget and this is why i'm talking about the the pain of a child prodigy i used to sit with black and miles in my car and get out my capri caprice classic it was a maroon when i and i would go and i would shout hey glory hey but because of my envy of the freedoms of my peers i would get in that car put my earrings back in i'm free now turn my head on backwards and i'd become the n-word i want it to be because i was mad that i was anointed what 12-year-old i don't want to be walking around here doing this i need a quarter juice some weed i want some flaming hearts a pickle and a peppermint i don't want to be a hectarian for the holy ghost it ain't fun and then you get mocked your peers are like look at you we out here at the roller rink route 66. was me i would preach sunday and then go do the crybaby on the skatering i was nasty i'm telling y'all now it was it was awful i'm from the ghetto forgive me but it was a war between me and god and me and my mandate and me and what i wanted and the unfairness of it all became the prison sentence of a lot of people that ain't do nothing to me are you mad at your call are you uh ticked that the lord selected you are you bitter about the route he chose to take you mad at where you live or how old you are or do not like the level you're at if that is your case and you're true the good news is there is grace for you what i love about the lord elder deborah is that he always gives me hey the grace i've never gone to him needing it and he didn't give it when i'm honest like lord god i don't know how to do this he gives me the grace but he giveth more grace problem is this if you have unforgiveness take a deep breath i'm about to rebuke you if you have unforgiveness you have pride the bottom line is it's pride and you have to crucify your pride if you want god's power in my life one is more important i want the power of god so god now god is patient so if you don't have it in you emotionally to do it yet take your time but be honest don't lie you y'all act like the lord don't know liars and you act like he's not the all-seeing god like he's not looking at you like what what are you doing and why won't you give this to me it's a he called israel he said they had a stony heart which means that unforgiveness if left unmanned will make you hard-hearted so you need to practice the art of forgiveness say fu like a muscle if you walk waking up doing push-ups and riding your bike and you have no heart exercises bodily exercise profited little but godliness with contentment is great gain so you have to start manning this heart so when you go home tonight i'm giving you an activity who you mad at y'all like that y'all like open your mouth and say no lord no lord no it's not it's awful actually when you go home tonight and get some quiet time if you need some rose or some chardonnay or a little spring water or seltzer water a couple of them whatever you need when in your time of reflection run that bath water don't you look candle out i don't know if y'all i'm so ghetto and so i used to we had my mama had incense all the time if you got to light something put you on some blues or something and be honest with yourself you get out that tub and you look at yourself dead in the mirror i forgive myself after you've done that dre go down the list and by faith even if your honesty charisse has to be i need to forgive you i'm not ready do i want to say this right now tito now i wish i was a pastor again so i could like avoid what i'm hearing from the lord i had an issue and um the way god deals with me and i'm telling you this as a map or a journey for your own story something happened to me it was painful it was excruciating to be frank the lord start dealing with me that's how i know i'm about to have to do something i don't want to do because he'll start weeks john john like hey get ready let me go on a vacation i'm hearing stuff this ain't god i know during the seven days of prayer he was dealing with me so bad i literally mama yelled out you're yelling at me because he was talking to me so strongly i knew i was about to be confronted face to face with an issue that i was struggling with forgiveness-wise i am a seer i'm about to explain how that works because i see the future all the time i hate surprises good bad or otherwise i don't like bad surprises because it makes me want to fight i don't like good surprises because i hate crying in front of people unless i'm in worship so i just can't stand surprises it brings anxiety i knew something was about to happen that was going to surprise me so i went into an environment is the best way to say it it's a sad environment and i was there doing my job um just being there present i was bare-hugged from behind from somebody that wounded me so deeply i literally i cannot believe i'm telling this i literally said get off of me i'm not ready that devil talked real loud didn't it that spirit spoke let me say get off me i'm not ready i won't do this wouldn't let me go i said not here not now let me go he wouldn't it wouldn't let your hand say god knows how to talk to me jasmine i was like two feet from my seat and immediately i was in a vision i wish i were lying i wish this was one of those moments i'm like this prophetic crap can go i don't like it i only like it when it works for them by the time i got to my seat i was immediately in the vision of possimoni i saw myself in an arab outfit i was dressed like a terrorist and i went to a home with a rifle this happened in like two seconds i shot in a window trying to aim for one person and i hit a baby [Music] and the lord spoke these words to me you will drop your weapons and you will cease fire because your aim at this is going to injure them yeah i felt helpless yeah i felt like it wasn't fair i'm like who gonna fight for me i drop my weapons because i want the mercy and i want the grace that i need my call is too big to be walking around here without an adequate amount of mercy and grace if you think you got a big assignment and a big call you can't afford to not give grace and mercy it does not mean you have to tolerate abuse it means you've got to extend what you need and i know god's called me to do big stuff and on my way to that big stuff i'ma make some mistakes which means i need his grace cease fire church drop your weapon there's nothing you can do about what happened to you all you can do is be responsible for it father i glorify you right here i honor your matchless name for the work you're doing in the hearts of your people you know exactly where they're going you know what you've called them to do you know who you call them to be i'm thanking you for the the work of grace in the heart that gives us the capacity even the strength my god to forgive help us to see that forgiveness is for the strong and that as we rely on you and turn to you you give us what we need to release men women people places stories versions narratives from the debt in the name of the lord jesus by faith help us to forgive lord we're confessing that it's going to be hard [Music] but help us that's all we could ask every day help us to journey through forgiveness now father i'm asking that by your spirit that you would give us and grant unto us dreams visions burdens convictions search us oh god [Music] search us and if there's an area of unforgiveness that we're trying to avoid reveal it show it to us help us to see it we want to be just like you so today we say yes to a process we say yes to a journey of walking out grace and mercy and truth you desire truth in the inward parts show us where to start in the name of the lord jesus now thank you for forgiving us hey hey hey hey oh you missed it thank you for you missed it i promise you did me thank you for forgiving us thank you for forget you missed it come on thank you for your forget hey hey thank you for your forgiveness oh god as many times as i failed you i would will you come with me or not as many times as i broke your heart as many times as i've disobeyed your word as many times as i've gone in the opposite direction of wisdom as many times as i did something catastrophic as many times as my tongue betrayed me as many times as my heart wasn't low enough as many times as i've said stuff you didn't say and thought stuff you didn't think as many times i showed up with as broken as i am you forgave me hey you purged me with this you washed me you cleaned me out you made it like it was never happened and though my sin was scarlet you made me wind up so thank you thank you and forgive us our debts [Music] forgive us our debts us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not temptation watch me and deliver us from evil because unforgiveness is evil don't lead us to evil but deliver us from it thine is the kingdom the power the glory [Music] i'm gonna give you a minute i feel like god's doing something okay [Music] it hurts it was bloody they were dead wrong cursed you judged you [Music] left you literally after everything you did and said they weren't the best dad they wasn't the best granddad children didn't realize how hard you worked to give them a life you never had they were ungrateful it literally happened that way but can you forgive and if you're deciding today that you cannot forgive you're also deciding that you can't prophesy you can't pray if you're deciding today that you don't have it in you to forgive you're also deciding that you don't have it in you to preach you don't have it in you to counsel you don't have it in you to sin shed all that tenor up don't give me no squawking sopranos if you're not going to tend that heart you have to and it's not for them i must say it again it's not for them it's not for them it's for you pull yourself out of prison pour your gifting out of prison for your ministry yes your potential out of prison ain't you tired aren't you tired [Music] of the work it takes to have unforgiveness you're exhausted and don't know why i challenge you let's do it together y'all i'm gonna give myself 48 hours of mad time from now on you made me mad 48 hours i'ma call you everything the devil tells me to and then after that 48 hours i'm going to say in the o god do i put my trust now on my rock and my fortress you hide me and you preserve me you keep me from the wicked one and i yield what i feel to you woe unto you that want the right to feel how you do you gotta release it you have no right to hold that that long let it go and move move i prophesy days of great movement in your life that you move forward into the purposes of god the plan of god now because i've said this to you expect to be bear hug like i was [Music] you are now officially accountable [Music] for what i just told you for whatever reason the lord knew what he told me to say he knew to wake you up today there's a reason why you ain't in vegas or tennessee or at uh uh old country buffet or wherever y'all go there's a reason you came to church today he knew what i would say expect to be bear hugged it is gonna walk up behind you the same way it did me and be like you know what that negro told me how long we gonna do this i'm like get off of me before i stab you and call annelise keating [Music] this is who calms me down i have to say i'm not ready but i had to the situation didn't know what it was doing but that situation evan was the exclamation point of god's dealings with me i knew it was coming i'm like leave me alone now you can manifest all you want stump screen i bought a punching bag my wife during the pandemic said you have anger issue and bought me a punching bag so i could slap the the bejesus out of it so brownie i'd wake up man i mean all but windmilling manifest but let it out and once you let it out let it go don't just let it out to express yourself and give yourself excuse to be carnal get my real feeling once that comes up make it an offering [Music] every ounce of this unforgiveness i wish you lift your hands i got to go every ounce of these internal penalties every ounce of these records and writings every ounce every dimension of it in me i give it to you like an offering my god receive it as an incense make it fragrant so that my life is pleasing to you in the name of the lord jesus if this message and prophetic word was for you let me hear those applause [Music] come on if god talk to you today let me hear those applause come on if god said something to you today let me hear those applause [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i want the roots out i want the roots out i i want the real child [Music] the roots now over the next couple of weeks i'm going to be spending a lot of time in prophetic ministry i'm warning you now i'll be prophesying for hours because i know god's got a lot to say about the future [Music] do what i said do today so that there is no obstruction to what the lord wants out of your future lift your hands and say it's not worth it it's not forgive [Music] forgive if if if you were molested forgive if you were raped forgive [Music] no it's not right [Music] but it happened if you had cheated on forgive if he didn't claim you forgive [Music] if she didn't tell you the truth about who your father was forgive forgive if he divorced you forgive if he died on you forgive your boss betray you forgive your pastor lied on you forgive if your friend walked away forgive [Music] if you were the victim of some form of treasonous scandal forgive you have no dog in the fight all you need is god's grace all right now some of you may need to go home and have a conversation with a mentor you may need to talk to a friend preface it by saying this i don't know if i'm right or wrong about what i'm about to say but i'm about to get it out you understand me and then at the conclude of that tell him to correct you once you're done talking say once i'm done talking let me know i'm wrong but don't cut me off i'm about to be carnal for 10 minutes and i'mma let all this pain out and then you can tell me what the bibles say but let me jerry springer for about 10 to 15 minutes and then get me together let your hand say f here pastor darrell is going to open the doors of the church dre and i would never tell you to do something i don't have to do i have to go do something i don't want to i'm mad but i've got to follow the scriptures i can't go to my next without dealing what's happening in here now so i have to leave you to lead you and go show you how to do what i need to do to the glory of god [Applause]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 36,462
Rating: 4.8922019 out of 5
Id: U-14nL36wEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 33sec (4893 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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