The Fight For The Future | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The Secret To His Strength

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of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father father helping a priestess in Jesus name a man I thought this morning is the secret to his strength the secret to his strength it is intriguing to study and investigate the human life of Jesus Christ and very often Christians miss the rich depth that we get from watching who and how he was as a man we have ample revelation and insight on who he was as God there are only very few streams of the world that are still wrestling with that but over here in holiness we know that Jesus is God and we know that he is the son of God somebody asked me this morning do you baptize in the name of the Father the Son of the Holy Ghost or Jesus and I said I baptized in Jesus name cuz he is the father he is the son and he is the Holy Ghost and they said well how can he be one in three I said the same way water can be rain ice and snow he is God and so we understand the divine nature of Jesus Christ profiteer is where we struggle is investigating and pulling from who he was as a man and I think that it's time for us to peer deeper into the immense level of victory and templates he gave for us in thirty three short years of life there was everything that was in the spectrum of the human experience that he had to conquer in order for him to rightfully and dutifully be called the Prince of Peace the Son of God I believe that he literally stayed on Calvary long enough to experience the full gambit of human emotion so he had to stay there literally and not die until he felt angry until he felt hurt until he felt betrayed until he felt perplexed any emotion you can have he couldn't have been called the King of Kings if he didn't conquer it therefore there's a lot in his experience that we can pull from down to how he treated his family you know when he was trying to be convinced out of his purpose his mother came to him and said don't do this he sir alongside of his siblings and very many of us fast forward to who he was at 30 but he had 1 through 30 that he had to investigate and learn himself those are fragile years and years when you're developing psychologically and you're trying to find your resolve I believe that by the time we saw him at age 30 it was too late for the devil to convince him out of the will of God because he was fighting in the silent years for his resolve now I need to get to my text but I want you to know that that's what the devil is after in you he's not just after your assignment he's after your attitude about it and he's after your acceptance of it very many of us know what we were assigned to do we just don't like it yet and the devil knows it in order to get you outside of your assignment to make your assignment and agonize you he wants your responsibility to be the source of your torment and he wants to wait upon you to be what overwhelms you and what brings you out of the purpose of God but the trap is if you're outside of the purpose of God you can't have the peace of God and so the devil always is after who you are say yes and so I've been spending this season of my life learning who Jesus was as a man submitted to God as a man who said I only do what I see my father do as a man who refused to move ahead of the leadings and the promptings of the Father as a man who would know everything there was to know about those around him and not allow what he perceived in them to disturb him I mean I don't know that I had the emotional dexterity to hold hands with Judas or if you consider what he did English Semele he called him friend after Judas betrayed him he said friend hurry up what to do and so Jesus had such an internal peace I mean such an internal fortitude that he was literally unmovable this is why when Kings would look at him and say are you the King of the Jews did you do this are you planning a revolt in Jesus had no need to prove himself say yes royal what he looked a herod and all those other kings and he said to them I am whatever you say I am in other words you can accuse me of whatever you can deem me whatever but what you say is not going to define what I and because what you say can't define me what you think can't control me I'm amazed at how disciplined the man was I'm amazed at how he treated Peter and how he looked at Peter with full conscious knowledge that Peter was going to betray him but Jesus said because I am aware watch this of what your weaknesses are and I paid attention to your patterns I know you're gonna betray me but I prayed for you I don't know that I'm there I don't know that I could look at somebody with knowledge that you were gonna turn me over and then I turn my plate over for your sake because the only reason you did that was because of you and not because of me it took immense level of discipline emotionally even in his speech you never find that Jesus assaulted or attacked anybody around him when he was rebuking it wasn't even sinners pastor Todd he rebuked hypocrites he restored sinners in the church we rebuke sinners and we love hypocrites as a whole backward paradigm we hold hands with the hypocrite and we bullied a sinner but Jesus rebuked the hypocrite and reached for the center I want to be like him I feel my pressure I want to be like him and I grew up in a house where that was the best song and that was the dance but when it comes to measuring up to what he was and who he was very many of us see him as an impossible target because he's God but he did not come to the world just to demonstrate what God was like he came to the world to demonstrate what it was like to be submitted to God in the second chapter of Paul's letters to the church at Philippi this is a very critical text for New Testament reality because it reveals something about Jesus that you and I don't preach about we preach about Calvary the blood communion cross one on what the issue Lazarus his daughter etc but we never leaned in to the secret of his strength what was it that prevented him from retaliating what was it that made him merciful to those that needed miracles what was it that would see a woman who was technically not a Jew and still give her America I'm gonna tell you exactly what it was it was his submission one of the demos ultimate goals for you is to bring as many areas in your life as possible out of submission he wants you to think you are submitted and make sure that you stay that way so that you never get the strength of God you see the secret to the strength of God is submission to God and in Paul's letter we find a whole different paradigm and it's because he starts off with examining where strife and vainglory comes from because where there is no submission that can only be selfishness that can only be self-centeredness and there can only be conceited now many of you are full of conceit and you don't realize it because you don't think you're better than other people but when you don't put yourself before others or when you don't put others before yourself that is the manifestation of conceit and the way to the culture of Honor works is that we don't care to be the preferred one it's amazing how many people want to be the guy i I really don't understand those of you that are in competition for the seat and for the spot and for the microphone you really don't know what you asking you have no clue what it takes to be a walking target and to walk around with the constant knowledge of how hated you are and how at any given moment people want to see you die and fail and to say I told you four it takes a lot of strength to walk around and not lose yourself under that responsibility but when you've got a culture that's bred with vanity you get energy from how people see you not who you really are you are energized by people's perceptions of you and your opinion and you don't do your internal work this is what the Apostle Paul goes down to the second verse and says therefore let this mind which shows that there is a mint that Jesus had that is the core driving force of Christianity if you don't have the right mentality for ministry the right mentality for marriage the right mentality for money then you're not going to submit what you're thinking wrong about and the core of your submission is your mental process on what's before you if you're not thinking right about who you are as a man and who you are as a woman and who you are as a father and who you are as a mother then you're not gonna submit it because you think if you keep these areas under your control you can do a much better leading you than God care but the secret of the strength of Jesus was his submission it makes me wonder how many of us are compliant and how many of us are submitted I know what you're thinking you're thinking that because I do what I'm told I'm submitted because I show up at the meetings I'm submitted because I'm where you told me to be and I pay my fee but I'm submitting you even think that because I'm here now I'm submitted but you can be seated in a brown seat and your heart can be at attention there's a lot of you sitting down and your heart is defying it I'm not asking you how compliant you are I'm asking how submitted compliance is about going here to cooperate obedience and Submission is about wanting to do what he asks you to do submission is about aligning your tongue even when your mind disagrees submission is about doing the unpopular and not allowing yourself to be recruited in rebellion or in hatred or in bigotry and jealousy I want to actually what God asks me every time I'm mad every time I'm confused every time I want to flee he asked me how submitted are you he is never in all my life ask me how I know and I was he has never asked me how gifted I was he never asked me how many tongues I spoke with he only asked me how submitted are you because it reveals in every season of your life your challenge is supposed to take you out of submission your stress is supposed to take you out of submission your attack it's supposed to take you out of submission and here's why every area in your life that's not submitted as governed by weakness if you're not submitted in that area you are weak in that area so the strategy of the devil is to make you unsubmitted here so that eventually a weakness can swallow you in every area of your life that should not deliberately submit it you are weak and here's why it takes strength to be submitted submission is not for the weak it is actually for those that are strong and we see exactly how Jesus did it in Paul's letter to the Philippians the way he did it was simple he knew who he was which means submission starts with accurate identity you can't submit if you don't know who you are this is why people are rebellious it's not always because they're defiant they just lack identity come through here and when you lack identity you can't have the power to come under because the image and the vain glory and the external you is not the real you so what you're bringing under is actually aesthetic and cosmetic and it has no internal power the key to submission is knowing exactly who I am watch me strange and all weaknesses in all powers and all talents and all when you don't know who you are you can't bring who you are under verse 6 says he knew he thought it not a robbery to be equal with God he was in God he was God but the new Bible says he did something that was very cheat or submitted life although he knew who he was from a secured identity he had to make himself of no reputation by virtue of his own personal decision he went out of his way to make sure that he did nothing to add to how people saw him let me ask you a question how many of you and don't lie on God's house just make it rhetorical how many of you work overtime at image let me sit here let me do this let me wear this let me befriend this let me go here let me be seen there let me get a how many of you 80% of your life is a photo op you know you have no money you just don't want them to think it you know the only thing you can get in your name is a facebook account but you want the veneer of arrival because it gives you a rented security it gives you a momentary satisfaction but you are only on your way to submission watch me when you can allow yourself to surrender your reputation what that looks like is a nickels worth of dog meat what you think about me my life's goal is to here and all day and there gonna be some times and you like it and there's gonna be some times what you don't but because I provide my ego you can attack my reputation because I laid that at the altar too many of us got our wallet there ha we've got our thoughts there we've got our resumes there but our ego is not on the altar we've got our children there and we've got our bills there our credit score out there but very many of you have not put your ego on the altar you see what the devil wants is to occupy you with image and reputation so much watch this because there is no greater snare than the fear of man and when you live your life every day trying to make sure that people don't see and people don't know and people don't attack and people don't question and people don't threaten and people don't criticize by the time it's time for you to obey God you get peated yourself up so much energy because you offered your worship to Negroes and now you have nothing left for God but I tell you in this season of your life in September 20 and 19 get yourself a fresh I don't care just get yourself a fresh I just don't care anymore they're gonna say whatever they're gonna do whatever and nothing I do is going to prevent it so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to voluntarily submit my reputation because I don't want the devil to take me from my submission slap your neighbor say I'm staying under I'm staying what it would take to make you repel have you ever thought about what the devil could touch to make you disagree with God have you ever thought about what could come under duress in your life to make you revoke that yes to the Lord but the only way you stay under is you've got to be willing to sacrifice how you're seen can I give you a word from the Lord you are about to be faced with an open door and at the beginning of that open door the first thing that's gonna come under question is your integrity God is about to open up a realm of favor for you and those that have been watching your life are gonna say you're changing I never seen you act like this you ain't never been that direct you ain't never been that buh-bye where you're going is about to cost you something more than money where you're going is about to cost you something more than your relationships up where you're going is going to cost you something more than a headache in the family it's going to cost you your image and ID is required for this level of failure either you're going to have favor watch me or you're going to have fans but God is looking for you to stay under so he can bring you over the secret the secret the secret of his strength was that there was no area of his life that God couldn't have hey the secret of his strength was that there was no area that he hid from the view of the Father he gave God his fears he gave God his hopes he gave God his dreams he gave God his doubts he even gave God his anger he gave God his body he gave God his call he gave God his youth he's surrendered his adolescent years to the Lord and many of you are not where you could be because you like God you can have this and you can have that but please don't touch this this is the only thing I've got left of my former life and God has been trying to drag many of you into the place called destiny but there is a fraction of you that still wants to be understood you still want to be supported you still want to be acknowledged you still want to be popular you still want to be your nickname you still want to be what you are known for but what God is looking for watch this is somebody that is willing to be obedient unto death that's how you know when you're really obedient is this something new dies in you everyday life is not a sign of obedience death is and when you can surrender your degree and surrender your marriage huh and surrender your goals huh and surrender your house huh and surrender your path and surrender your dog and surrender your goldfish huh and surrender your career and serenity and surrender your iPad when you can surrender him huh when you can surrender her huh when you can surrender their mom when you get surrender that huh when you can surrender your shoes your nails your poodle huh well you can surrender all of that then you know that no good thing will the Lord where the whole from those and all October I bet pie here I'm talking to you about submission submission is under attack surrender and submission is under attack and so the devil s philosophize the whole generation making them think that the way to strength is rebellion and the way to strength is individuality and independence but those of us that get closer to God realize how much we need him you know I thought it was the reverse I thought when I got close to him I would how wonderful I was and I thought that when I got close to him I would see how powerful I was I thought that when I got close to him I would see how my enemy was the one that was going to get closer and then we got a new age spirit Hidalgo shot a New Age spirit in America has got you in the worship of self and they're calling it as steam when your Gospel tells you huh that any man that does not lay his life down huh we'll lose it already huh I'm looking for somebody in here that's willing to be a part of a backwards Kingdom that's willing to be a part of an upside-down coach ah where in order to get hired you got to stay low and in order to walk in you got to come out I'm talking about something miss we don't preach it no more well teach it no more because we got a generation being that screams control control Oh Oh nobody tell them what to do don't want nobody telling them where to go can't handle being told no don't respond well to correction and more than submitting to human authorities it really reveals that you've not submitted to divine authority because your posture before human Authority is a reflection of your posture before divine authority you cannot be a a promoted rebel a favored rebel of a happy rebel ah a peaceful rebel ah you can be a victorious rebel ah the Bible said you got to stay under to be safe to those around you you got to stay under to be trustworthy to those around you and many of us are living destructive lives because we've grown you're one of re in your business nobody asks can you question the Oh nobody asking you why you choose her well why you choose him or why you going back or who told you this you clown what you don't realize is this is the bait of the devil trying to make sure that you be pretty and wheesh smart and weak married and weak a principle and weak a dentist and weak he wants to put all of this pressure upon a weak foundation because he knows you may enjoy it for five or six years but you have no endurance if you're not submitted up what I love about my tech said that it reveals how to get it says it because Jesus made himself of no reputation and he came all the way under and he became obedient to death now I need to get to my next point but grab somebody say i'ma obey to death i'ma obey to death look at somebody else a to death do us part to death do us part I want to know if you're in this for the long run I want to know if you sacrifice your plan B oh that feels good I want to know if you got an alternate to the will of God huh I want to know if you got a just-in-case plan huh I want to talk to somebody this morning huh this out here on a limb trusting God huh I don't have nothing else to fall back on huh I don't have nobody else to lean on huh I don't have nobody else to get me through so if I fall you don't have to catch me up if I get down you don't have to raise me up if I get sick you gonna have to heal me if I get cold you don't have to warn me I'm out here on a limb but thanks beyond the daughter Jesus said I am the tree and he you are the branches huh and apart from me you can do nothing I'm submitted to him obedient to death obedient to death I was preparing for this word yesterday and the Lord opened the mystery unto me your only calling is obedience what you've been calling your calling is an assignment you got one call God has not called you to do nothing then obey he's not calling you to figure it out he's posed to obey he's not called you to conquer your enemies he calls you to obey he didn't call you too well huh he calls you to obey everything that comes as the fruit of obedience hassle attention but you not giving your energy to the ultimate goal of Christianity which is reckless obedience because you're scared to submit because God is not double minded he's not schizo friend he not like fluky Christians who say one thing and do another he not gonna firm you in your face and then down you in your back he's not gonna invest in you in your face and then sabotage you behind your back he is a faithful God can I preach like i feel this my grandmother used to sing great is that faithfulness every summer and winter spring time and harvest the sun the moon and the stars in their courses above they join with all nature singing to your great faithfulness i'm here to tell you it's the faithfulness of god that gives this to those that submit watch because jesus submitted john john wherefore God hath highly exalted him now that doesn't mean nothing to you because you've invested your life on exalting yourself but this is a paradigm shift it means that if I abandon all my stuff on him whoo if I give him all my hopes all my dreams all my strengths all my weaknesses all my doubts all my troubles in all my fear then I can't be the one that raises me up ain't got nothing left you got to trust God rocky until you ain't got nothing left you got to obey God until you ain't got nothing left you got to follow God until you ain't got nothing left and it's when you ain't got nothing left that God goes to work on lifting you when you ain't got nothing left he makes an example out of you to show this is what I do when I'm man obeys me this is what I do when a woman follows me this is what I do when a family obeys me up wherefore god I feel like preaching in here hi highly exalted him high and gave him a name now here's a problem because you got rid of your own name and crucified your own name the pattern of Jesus is if I kill my own God's got to be the one that restores it that's got to be the one that lifts it up he told Abram I will make your name great the only way to greatness in God is submission to God that is above every name so therefore this is not just a secret to strength it's the secret to success the suede Oh success of millennial culture is likes tweets posts shares flyers logo but how many of us God I feel the glory are popular on earth and unknown in heaven how many of us have volume in earth and we are ignored in hell the way you get hell to respond to you is you got to submit why you are on earth you got to have a yes sir in your mouth you got to say yes Lord on your face if you're not submitted you want a stranger Paul I know Paul I know Paul I know Paul I know Paul I know Paul I know Jesus I know though for them was submitted watch me but who in hell are you we don't know you down here you say come out and we say no you say I bind you and I shall bind you God isn't looking for a generation of people that's gonna be submitted at all cause I know you want me to turn my plow I'm teaching you submission submission is not submission when they see submission is not submission if you've got to let people know how submitted you are submission is not submission if it's only done when I'm present you spirit of idolatry in this church that's not you seeking attention from leadership but got you from under your Lodge is coming down in the name of Jesus you only show up when it's your turn you only come to church when it's your turn you only attend meetings when you got a part to play that's exactly why your successes on fumes money on fumes don't you realize that you struggling don't you realize that it's hard to make money and hard to get progress and hard to find your pace and deliverance submission and the way it works is that I show you a mystery many of you are only submitted enough to be saved but you're not submitted enough to behold you submitted enough to make it into heaven scarcely but you now submitted enough to have your inner man strengthened where if the god of this world comes to you he finds nothing in you I wanna know how deep is it is it people enough to hit them desires and people enough to hit that tongue and deep enough to hit them genitals I want to know how deep is it can I tell you know and you still shout look at somebody say how deep is it can I tell you not yet and you still time I want to know how deep is it if I tell you walk away but you still were shown me it's beautiful its historic I'm going to submit to God that's where you get your resistance power from the devil comes and tries to take your call take your clarity take your sanity and you got to rebuke him because you ain't learn to resist him but I'm here to tell you a resist is stronger than a rebuke anybody can say devil stop but only those of us that are submitted can make him run and many of us are trying to get a Moroni but you ain't under another submit to God God is building your resistance God is wonderful God I'm not as anything as they think and I don't want to please nobody America ain't gonna send me to hell I'm gonna help a TV in the word BT MTV whatever God does for my name is gone because I'm submitted to his name the only reason I have a name is because he has a name I want to know are you coming on that's where your strength comes from my siblings were talking to me this week it's the tenth anniversary of my father's murder and they were asking me how'd you do it I stayed under but what you mad yes but I didn't let my hand go pull me from under why you still preaching do you like Christians that much no I don't even know how many adults are like right now I'm finding myself like kids more but you know why I'm gonna be found exactly where he told me to be all the time it's cuz I know my calling and I'm not walking away from my calling because of an assignment you're not mad at your calling you mad at your assignment the season reveals the assignment but your calling is while you were born I am a prophet I am an apostle unfortunately almost cussed I am a father unfortunately I'm a protector an innovator a strategist a historian a theologian I'm all of that but that ain't my call my call is obedience I honestly am NOT trying to change the world I'm trying to obey God and whatever happens from the flow of my obedience is going to be the reverberating effects that save lives and raises men from the dead I'm not dealing bitly trying to be anything other than OBT many of you God has been trying to tug you into a deeper level of submission and you put your feet in like now they're not doing it no there's got to be an easier way no if I do that to that degree they're going to mock me but I want to know who and he loves them enough to make yourself of no reputation because if you do that you don't have to ever again worry about popularity God raises submitted men if you ask me what's the secret to your success if that's what you call it is that when I'm confused I submit when I'm mad I submit when I'm angry I submit I may manifest but only for a moment you give me a couple of moments that manifestation is gonna be coming all free they said this and they said that and I'm got mad but after about thirty minutes I made an altar I feel the glory of God what did you do with your last heartbreak what did you do with your last doubt last time God told you I'm taking you here what did you do with your last question what did you do with your last betrayal your last accusation what did you do with your last delay did you let it just sit there did you make it a fragrant Burnie did you make it altar did you complain let me steer my office I feel like God is requiring a new altar and it's not a physical one this time it's an internal way you are about to cross over into 2020 and some of the things I've seen from the Holy Ghost I don't even know how to describe but I know what to do and God wants you to do what you know to do imma build an altar right here whatever you're saying I'm not gonna even worship what you're saying because what you're saying is still not who you are so you may be showing me you taking me somewhere but I meant no worship before that I'm not gonna submit for that my only goal and I want to obey until it gets dangerous I want to submit until hell is afraid of me I want to submit until I'm walking down the street and demons call my full name say have you come to torment us we're not there we walk in malls and they say I know you from but they don't respond in torment because they know what's on you is powerful and not from the earth that's how submitted this place is called to be and I can't speak for any other movement any other stream I can speak for the all nations worship assembly and we're going to be as submitted people lift them hands before your God [Music] if you are in need of a new realm of strength maybe you're not completely weakened maybe you're not completely broken but you know God is calling you somewhere that you've not been before and you know the Holy Ghost is plumping you to make some strong moves and you've been sensing it what I feel in my spirit as many of you have something going off in your belly where you know something's coming but you don't have the language that you don't have the words here the word of the Lord here's what's next submission here's where he's taking you a submission here is his promise of submission and if you submit if you stay under and if you surrender your rights hey if you surrender your record if you surrender your reputation if you surrender what you're known for her if you surrender your squad your friends justice if you surrender your personality if you surrender your pinkie if you surrender all of it he will raise you up I want to hear the cry other people best determined to stay under I want to hear the cry of the people huh that I determined to stay in their place I'm not gonna let offense take me out I won't let her take me out I'm not gonna even let stress take me out money's not gonna do it up a budget is not going to do it I fear it's not going to do it a phobia is not going to do it or is it don't do it resentment don't do it resent me think don't do it up resentment ain't going to understand all the way under y'all can go there but I change y'all can do this but I cannot I've got a standard up and I'm only safe when I'm under there I've gotta stand it up and I've only clear when I'm under there I've got a standard and I'm only saying I'm only consistent you don't wanna know the unsubmitted me you don't want to experience the unsubmitted me the unsubmitted me is not safe the unsubmitted me is not trustworthy you don't submitted me is not intelligent i'm only strong come on and try come on time come on you wanna be an apostle you wanna be a prophet you want to be an author you wanna be an evangelist but do you want to be submitted you wanna be a wife you want to be a husband but do you wanna get do you wanna get it do you wanna stay long do you wanna stay long that's how you change your appetites that's how you change your designers at all costs don't your heart to give lift it up but you catch down every high thing that exalteth itself against Hema come on well there you go all nations you in there now you win there now you in there now this time you get the wisdom you mean this how you get the power you need this how you get the relationships you need this is how you get your tools this is how you get your resources up you must come on a little while longer you see the area that God has been reaching for you see that area that the Lord has been trying to put his hand on them give it to em right now that one area you've been scared out of your hand he won't you know and he won't remove he walks it all and he will not I hear him saying I want it all I want it all [Music] at all I want it all I want it all I want it all I'm gonna be the Lord of everything or not gonna be the Lord of nothing I'm either don't be caught over everything up I'm not gonna be thought of nothing I don't want to share I'm chalice I want it all yeah come up your fears yeah give it over I want your preferences I want your family I want your money I want your button I want your brand hey I want your portfolio I want your plan oh I want your help wait what you gonna do with a healthy body what you gonna do with a healthy mind are you gonna sign me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh all power to you [Music] power to Holy Father we worship precious Jesus I said Holy Spirit we wait on you Holy Spirit we wait on you Holy Spirit we wait on you for five [Music] [Music] put it on my heart Oh God put it on my mouth of God put it in my belly God we wait on you for fire [Music] we don't fire fire we watch out fire we watch on fire yes Lord come on up come on say we laid on you fire Foxfire come on senator we land on you topside fire come on askin for it who asked you for real Avon you folks fire [Applause] but I tell you you don't mean that come ask him right now come on take that last no and make it a yes come on and you know that thing he called you to do and you told God no let that fly you're hidden right now that different assignment touch that new task that we're doing sponsibility we want your fire we'll talk come on or never [Applause] ooh mama watch em order come on say yes to the commander yes to the responsibility yes yes yes yes yes so we want your paw [Music] [Music] [Applause] or believe some of you in here like I'll never say no again will never steal again I'll never say no again my answer is my answer is yes [Music] yeah [Music] father we we make an altar right now [Music] we know it's not your hand to harm us it's not your hand to hurt us you want us under so you can lift us to be the people to be the person to be the place you've destined for ordained help us to stay as surrendered as you've called us to be help us my god to stay as submitted as you've called us don't allow the enemy to take us from being submitting no pressure no pain no problem keep us keep us and we know you'll give us the victory I want everybody in here that's determined to get as submitted as you're supposed to be to lift up a shout of victory all over this building come on I'm not there yet but I'm on my way that's the praise I want right now I got a long way to go but I'm on my way that's the praise I want right now I've got a lot to work on but I'm on my way come on raise them right there looking up to Jesus come on who is the author hey here is the finish my honey come on from your belly I can't hear you come on I'm teaching you how to get there hallelujah come on your belly come on you are the Most High no cleaner luck no ha ha ha T ha T ha T ha ha ha yes the Most High God the Most High not the Most High we met you Alan Alda we will come up with every decision we check above every desire we on every season on every occasion come on sire come on shop shop
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 57,261
Rating: 4.9083967 out of 5
Id: 5xfXR-vYB1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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