Dr. Matthew Stevenson | They Just Didn't Have It

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apparently i started a mess last week your name is worthy uh call f here and jordy i had no clue that folks was gonna make it as viral as it was and talk about it but it helped me see danielle we really have been dancing over unforgiveness and and and it's almost prophetess katie the greater white elephant and lust i found out elder candace that some people are in lust because they're in unforgiveness lust is the tylenol of unforgiveness and we started processing some stuff last week and i was all right lord we good he said i know you lying so i'm about to hit you again i'm glad prophet jasmine we got our praise out glad we danced prophet of god because we got word to do i am determined to live life as a christian and i know that sounds simple but it's not next month when i start in new york city act like you don't know and i start my weekly services on tuesdays god gave me a sermon series for them called dear god i hate christians because there's a lot of christian mannerisms behaviors reactions and reflections that's committed almost to killing people paul called it carnivore christianity and the way he said it darrell was if we bite and devour each we're christians that have an appetite for blood ask your neighbor are you a vampire i'm going to stay in my office for a minute prophet to shakeetha i'm a new testament apologist by virtue of the integrity of my apostolic function and what i have a problem with is the gospel is not moving as fast as the gossip either you're going to open up or i'll crack in here [Applause] drake gossip moves at the speed of light in the church god's people have a palette for gossip and have the nerve to not know the gospel [Music] so i have to keep this in new testament congruency and deal with this issue of forgiveness so i'm warning you now if you don't want to hear it go back to y'alls little cyber church your app anointing but if you're ready to grow up [Applause] get ready you're not gonna like this but i'm emeritus so i'm gonna say what i want get ready to say i'm sorry get ready to call some enemies get ready for some reconciliation i know you don't like it get ready for some hard conversations get ready to look in the mirror and say it was you stupid you did that and blamed them because god's moving us into greater lift your hands and scream the word influence elder jasmine what the lord is teaching me about bigness and influence is this got to have purity and so if you get bigger and can't man your own heart you're dangerous maybe you're not a prophet at all you're one step away from a wizard maybe you're not an intercessor especially if you've not stopped accusing maybe you're not a christian at all because the way you behave when you're offended as you go into your chakras i'm here you go into new ageism breathing and blowing to deal with what you won't talk about nobody cares about your exercises and what you do to calm down put your green tea up save the sage for the turkey wings hey glory to god i'm sorry and forgive i'm not teaching you something i'm not doing i'm serious as ever about this i told the lord don't give me more influence until my heart can handle it and he said are you sure and i said i think so kind sir then i started to do some stuff so we are here i'm going to give you a word from the lord and i promise you i'm going to be timely today because i got to go see lizzie j shout out to lizzy j if you're watching this baby your family is proud of you keep killing the game lift your hands lift your hands lift your hands i release the anointing of business on you serial entrepreneurialism and multi-business in different ways and facets come upon you like a garment get ready to be about your father's business say so be it sorry i'm going to flow in and out luke's gospel to the glory of god luke's gospel chapter eight all right praise and worship team i'm gonna need you to push me through this one because they gonna be like i know you lied luke chapter 8 praise the name of the lord verse 43 through 48 when you're there scream at me i'm there luke 8 43 now there was a woman who had been suffering from hemorrhages for 12 years and though she spent all she had on physicians no one could cure her she came up behind jesus touched the fringe or the hem of his garment all right i'm about to lose it and immediately when you get in contact with the right power the process changes i'll move forward and immediately her bleeding stopped but then jesus asked who touched me when everybody denied it peter said master the crowd surround you and press in on you but jesus said nah somebody touched me i noticed that the virtue had gone out for me and when the woman saw that she could not remain in hiding because sometimes you feel guilty for your healing she came trembling and falling down before him she declared in the presence of all of the people why she had touched him and how she had been immediately healed and he and he this is a stranger no introduction but he said to her daughter your faith has made you well [Music] go in peace and the word of the lord was blessed before i got here take a deep breath exhale put your hand on your chest this is group therapy or therapeutic preaching as i call it and say this they didn't have it one more time say they just didn't have it i am enjoying more now than ever in my journey in the scriptures the study of ecclesiology because of the the devil's assault on the local church and so i've been delving my way into the mysterium of the church every place in the scriptures where the church is hidden or revealed or explained i've been throwing myself into finding out who she was and what she did and who what god wants from her in jeremiah what i found out was the gospels give us what god wants lift your hands and say from the church now i know i'm a part of a real a rare breed of of of dying leaders that still believe in the church because everybody wants to be a guru and a self-help coach and a consultant and very few people want to be a churchman anymore good god from zion but i'll start this whole discussion with saying i still love the church i know it gets bullied by you brainiacs that think you know everything and use the phrase beyond the four walls to dishonor her but anything jesus died for is worth my life i love the church i even love her with her brokenness her dysfunctions but here's the hard truth pride without the brokenness of the church you wouldn't have a calling what's wrong with the church is why you were revealed what she lacks is why you have impartation you have no right according to the scriptures to stand in a posture of criticism against the body the psalmist says but none of her bones would be broken and so i've made a new commitment to stand in defense of the church with as broken as she is say yes with as hypocritical as she is say yes with this inconsistent as she is say yes with as deceived as she can be say yes but i have inherited and born into a new testament office that means i am obliged to keeping up the integrity of the church and so i've started some investigatory research in the gospels about what the church is and you know where i found her and the woman with the issue of blood because it is my belief that any woman whose name was excluded in the account has to be about the church could not prematurely tell us who she was or else we would miss her mystery screen preach so i'm going to give you several principles i've made it so easy for y'all so that you can take notes and apply it to you but i found something in this account and to be very frank prophetess shakita good to see you baby because this is an easy preach and i'm not an easy preacher it's boring i like hard things give me a good melchizedek i feel like preaching give me a good garden of eden give me but but but when the heart of god has turned in the direction of the messaging to the church i've got to obey him and apparently lachelle priest doesn't quote me he loved the woman with the issue of blood in the same way he loved the woman that broke her alabaster box in the same way he cast out seven devils of mary magdalene and then had the nerve to apostolize her so something is happening in this they show me a mystery i didn't hear you say show me a mystery so we're going to go through the the texture of this text with great technical skill and you are officially as of this very second a seminary student i'm going to crack open for you something that will change your life if you receive it in faith number one these verses show us something that is applicable to both you and i and the first p of this text hey china is the problem the the problem now that that sounds easy to you like give me some more but but but what i'm trying to say is we are all born into circumstance i feel like preaching today circumstance is something that you do not decide you don't wake up and you don't choose your birthday you don't choose your mama your daddy your inclinations your partic your proclivities but you're not born into a hospital alone you're born into a circumstance my mama didn't have this my daddy didn't know that my family didn't do this and the problem with circumstance is that it scopes personality it decides behavior come on open up it's too early and so all of us were born with a problem now you don't like that because you like to know that you were born with potential and it's true but even your problems have potential what that means is that if you don't fix your problems i love your word they will grow to deeper pain and destruction and what i've learned about problems prophet rhys i love you is that problems are not selfish if i don't manage my problems i will bring others into pain and so the problem i was born into is a circumstance now if you pay technical attention to this text jasmine something went wrong dre the way most simple preachers forgive me preach this is they act like this woman was sick all her life but the bible said for 12 years and she wasn't 12 years old i show you a mystery and immediately on this miracle itinerary after he heals a woman that was sick for 12 years he finds a girl that was 12 years old and raises her up what is god saying about the number 12 that when things are in order when he wants to reach the world he talks to a girl anyway and so uh so so we've got to be aware through the scriptures i feel like preaching today baby about our problems justin is that you come hug me now and hurry up because i want to preach faster the the way what y'all clapping for the way the way the church builds us is to hide the problem the the way men handle us is to not have the problem the way we grow up watch me is it based upon who we want to make proud we hide the problem but the real truth is if you want us to know you as a person you've got to be okay with admitting lift your hands and scream the problem can we be all nations real quick and make the church mad and say i got problems 99 problems but uh church ain't won problems oh you got a master preacher this morning problems problems i have a problem and what ticks me off sorry about my problems is that some of them weren't even mine [Music] open yourself up i didn't choose my blood type my race my gender my ethnicity i didn't choose my city nobody came to me and offered me a questionnaire that is circumstance so when you have a sickle cell trait when you are born with a learning disability come on y'all let's go when when you don't like the sex you were born nobody invited you into a meeting in your mother's womb and say hey what are your options but then in jeremiah he says before i formed you in your mother's womb i knew biblical word decided lift your hands and say he decided me but even though you're decided it doesn't mean you don't need deliverance you are called but you have a circumstance factors around who you are uh apostle talent when i look at the rich nature of this texture i see a woman who was probably in my estimation doing okay the bible says she had money so that being she had a career we don't know what she was but you and i arrive at her life at the point of her pain [Applause] who were you before we knew you were hurt [Music] who were you what were you doing watch this john john take a deep breath son what were you studying what were you learning where were you going before we saw you bleed the problem is that people judge you by the point of your pain and not the point of your purpose you are not your pain lift your hands in the name of jesus get ready to be delivered from years and years and years of pain yours and everybody else you are about to reject the pain that's been put on you by other people if you believe that lift your hands and say i receive that [Music] so we enter this text elder at the point of a circumstance and i don't think christians understand circumstance because when we tell you don't wear pants we tell you don't get tattoos and we tell you don't switch until you don't talk like that but don't walk like that on a whole year we put our ideas of masculinity and femininity and marriage and family on you we do it from the place of our own insecurities and fear and so because the only thing we are intelligent enough is to see is your circumstance we can't reach your soul [Applause] but ernest he didn't die for my circumstance he shed his blood for my soul so i want to go to predate this woman she probably woke up just like you and i went to work packed her clothes was normal she probably text her friends but something just happened now this is going to make you uncomfortable but what i'm trying to do is walk you through life there's going to be something that happens and when you want an injust vindication it turns into retaliation open up and a crave for revenge either from your god so you impurely say stuff like vengeance his mind said the lord that's not what he meant because your enemies need the same blood as you open yourself now so she was having a normal life watch me and sometimes you don't know how healed you need to be when you've got a routine lift your oh i'ma lose it i'm tell you now lift your hands and scream this with everything in you thank you 20 20. [Music] when when your routine is interrupted you are forced to move into some revelation that you didn't know you needed and so something happened to her okay let's go deeper that means there was something traumatic that happened to a norm so so when trauma comes to your life your norm is disrupted and it makes you look at this who are my friends open up who do i love who loves me who am i do i like me where are we going where do i live what do i do and so this woman's cycle was interrupted and we we read so fast and we disneyed this story so deep that we didn't go into the psychological implications of this scripture if you were this woman and life as you knew it was ruined by a condition that hit you out of nowhere there is a desperation i feel like preaching that there is a confusion there there is a there is a disturbance that happens to everything you do now if you don't agree and understand with that you acting like you ain't never been in pain but people like me know what it is to be happy one day inside the next be working one day and fire the next have a company one day and have bankruptcy the next and so we've got to look at how we handle when something happens that we didn't see come and preach negro when something happens that we could not predict when something happened that god allows because he's trying to train lift your hands and say my trust bear with me i'm trying to trust don't judge me i'm trying to trust be patient i'm trying to trust the woman with the issue of blood had something happened and here's what i love about the bible sometimes it just don't say stuff my my grandma was a fan of crossroads puzzles it was the weirdest thing she was going to look and circle i'm like this is dumb let me go get a game but the bible is a huge book of documented encryptions because we grow watch me we grow off what it says but we heal off of what it doesn't nothing about the human race changed in 2022 that wasn't applicable to this day which means she had feelings emotions come on y'all views you know what you didn't know about the woman with the issue of blood jasmine she had parents she had to have resource because she had a career and so the first thing that i want to open up as we process this issue of forgiveness is don't be uh oh mad about your problems when i taught forgiveness last week all y'all went to people you should have started with forgiving your problems where you should have started was what don't i like come on open yourself about my life oh come on open up i don't need a man i'll give myself one i got an organ in my belly you should have acted like what is around me that makes me feel like i'm not me what do i do and what do i have and what do i need and what do i lack and what do i remember and what do i forget and what do i suppress and do i have the faith to forgive all of that this woman this text shows us the new testament power of reaching for a problem say i hear you not say put your weight on it and now now now now after the problem we got to talk about the pain because the problem and the pain are related but they're different so i can be born into a problem but the problem does not prescribe and or reveal the pain whatever happened to her left her in a bad position where that meant that she was trying to walk and hurt i'm talking to a bunch of people that's quiet in the mud because you're doing your best to walk and hurt at the same time you're doing your best to obey god you heard him right he called you it's on you you know you are what you are but you hurt baby and and and and and it's only going to be a matter of time before you can't walk anymore if you don't deal with your pain if if there is an and what i love about now here's the deal i'm not medical doctors get on my nerves they scare me with my wife turn into that i back up i can't handle it because what happens is they ask you questions ken like what type of pain is it can i preach like i want to is it a numbing pain is it a stabbing pain and then the last time i went to the er they asked me rate it zerek de marx said from one to ten i'm like it just hurt give me something now i feel like preaching to make it not hurt i don't wanna say one through ten i wanna say drugs alcohol sex whiskey give me something you won't open up [Applause] tylenol ain't strong enough put me under you won't help me preach give me some laughing gas cause i've been crying this whole time take me out [Applause] cause it hurts all right are we together are we a family take a deep breath okay i'm about to expose the person next to you something hurt them something hurt them you don't know what it is you don't know how it happened they don't want you to see it because you church people love to bully the hurting it makes you feel closer to i'm working in here bullies feel anointed bullies feel like they have authority but bullies like to get mad and leave because there's too many these at this church bullies like to make sure that they break people with their facebook posts and status because it gives them a sense of superiority and righteousness but the truth is negro you are too and if we both are hurt why can't we both heal [Music] oh i'm preaching better than what you said there was a pain jordy you can't bleed out and not hurt this woman had a blunt borrow cosmetic she had a blunt trauma something happened to watch me come on y'all open up her reproductive system was injured the devil wants you in pain so you won't be able to produce he wants you in pain so you can conceive this woman was bleeding out because the devil was afraid of her womb lift your hands in the name of jesus i break the whoa whoa whoa i break the curse off of your ability to produce and reproduce something is talking [Applause] she was in pain go ahead baby let it out i can preach pain come on pretty pain [Applause] preaching pain publishing pain singing pain writing plate makeup pain weak pain eyelash pain jeans pain adultery pain marital pain pain the people of god need pastors that can handle their you negroes can take their money and can't handle their pain you people can use their talents and can't handle their pain you can put them on the orchid but won't touch their pain but i've got some people in here that's like whether you do it or not i'm coming out of this place [Music] shout hallelujah [Applause] all right have a seat [Applause] [Music] i have a problem come on y'all come on my problem has caused me some pain but here's the next p look sometimes this is all in my text it takes for me to run into other people for we for me to realize how much pain i'm in that's why you isolate yourself you're not funny acting maybe you're not an introvert at all maybe i have a social no you trying to run from mirrors and you know the way the lord created relationships was to reveal yourself and when you are around people you realize how broken you are how hurting you are what you lack and most importantly here's what y'all scared of what i need if i don't go around people i don't know what i need open up open up open up open up if i stay around people and teams and don't get a part of certain environments and i stay away from auxiliaries and i leave the worship team because i'm mad and i leave this department because the real truth is you don't want to see yourself because the way the lord has situated human engagement is when i go to you i learned me so we got a problem that problem has caused us some pain then that pain got found out in front of people people people people people pissy people i'm sorry it's in the bible so people people the end people get on my nerves can i preach like i want to i'm like god i was doing fine preaching to my teddy bears i was doing fine playing church in my mirror i had no heartbreaks or bleeding or woundings playing my tambourine in my room when i was calling peter popoff to order that lying miracle water nothing was wrong with me i had no church hurt before people i had no disappointment before people i had no fears before people but then the lord anoints you and says hey here's your people it gives you authority and says here's your people he starts teaching you how to think it makes you get stupid degrees that you think you're going to use one way open yourself now and then he says psych i've got a plan why do i feel a chill want me to turn my plow god gave me this plow god oh don't shout y'all god is about to grab your paperwork okay go ahead get it out for two seconds that whatever you studied and learned that you think is a waste i'm saying the hand of god is about to grab your paperwork throw them hands up and say i got papers baby hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey it wasn't wasted it was hey it wasn't wasted he had you on a journey he just didn't want to show you why you had to learn what you're learning it looked like you had a life crisis and had to abandon your degree and your certificate and all you were in school for an assignment you don't see and it's still gonna work throw them hands up and say for my good will be for your good and unto his glory but you've got to resolve people are people now if i am being empathetic with the woman with the issue of blood say stay in the text how do you handle being in pain born with a problem in front of people it's hard because people will make you feel like you've got to be perfect zarek they won't say amen and and then when you remind them you're a person like me neglect they persecute you for similar pains that they have you mad at your mama too papa was a rolling stone too one of your relatives died as well somebody broke a promise to you and so there's no such thing as a person that don't know pain and when there is a person that acts like they don't know pain they become a sociopath open yourself now they become a narcissist they become adolf hitler they start killing so that they can feel healed and you may not have a gun but you're a pimp you may not have a knife but in order to sleep with you all i got to do is say please you entertain everything in front of you because the real truth is your pain has emitted a signal that says use me open up abuse me take advantage of me because i want to hurt myself you may not be a teenager cutting yourself but you're doing so in your dating life [Applause] now we don't look at this enough from this woman's perspective because here is the truth take a deep breath yo i'm not done pain will give you perspectives to the pure all things are pure and what we see in this text this woman had a bloody sight i wonder who you misunderstand they won't help me i wonder who you misjudged i wonder what you miss here because of what happened to you pain will give you perspective my wife's spiritual mom when we got married we went through deliverance for a year i know y'all don't do that no more because y'all go to courthouses but anyway and um so when we wanted covenant we wanted to be clean lord have mercy and so we brought our soul issues to her and she said something to me that frankly humbly made me want to elbow her or run out the room what you said to me was hey forgive the people in your life that only loved you how they knew i wanted to take prophetess pam and tasmanian devil her in her own house but then i realized they just so now justin we got this issue with all of these p's and now this woman is like i'm tired of being this way i'm tired of bleeding it costs more to be sick than it does to be healed oh i'm tired of it i'm just exhausted i'm tired and so she starts a journey this journey brings her in front of some people who are trained known for reputable for educated for healing if i go to you and you are a specialist i'm working in here and i say yo i've been bleeding for 12 years and i read your information on google and i came to you and you had no prescription all right i'll get a second opinion hey dr whoever my name is woman with the issue of blood because apparently my identity is so deeply hidden in my sickness nobody knows my name so so so lift your hands as they put some respect on my name so she goes to another clinic and they're like sorry ma'am we don't take your type your kind is not welcome here but she's like but i'm bleeding why can't i come to your church because i'm bleeding why why can't you mentor me open up because i'm bleeding okay why would you abandon me just because i'm bleeding i thought this is what people like you did am i misinformed because everything on your business card said that you were a physician how many of us have gone to doctors that didn't work how many of us have tried clinicians that quit how many of us have done everything in our power to try to find healing only to be turned away now here's the next one let's go deeper take a deep breath what's interesting is she was in pain and had money because you people think rappers preachers [Music] you think their money is their quality of life i'm trying to imagine being bent over i'm in my text ricky and yet finding a way to write a check spending what they have lift your hands i've got a word god is calling you out of insufficient funds [Applause] i will shout by myself if you force me to god is calling you out of doing too much over extending overstepping over saying going where you ain't welcome shouting where you ain't look he's pulling you out of the red and putting you in your budget lift your hands and say glory [Applause] spending spending china it makes me wonder as a scholar and a theologian and a sociologist and a historian all that stupidity it makes me wonder that if people spin too much if that's one of the ways they're saying they're hurt why you the only one buying the birthday gifts they won't open up why you got to be the only one at the birthday parties and the only one doing it because you're trying to convince people to love you that ain't you [Applause] you and i've got to if i've got to bribe you to love me i don't want nothing to do lift your hands and say bye if jesus couldn't love me in my blood [Music] so she starts spending money it's interesting i'm like wow i've never seen a cancer patient write a check yet she did this now we're moving fast you all ready can you handle more i love her choice of posture at this parade now you know we got bud billiken in chicago everybody celebrated you got floats and south shore drill teams and when i was coming up they would have the rifles i'm so chicago everybody stand up come here there go to the back of this church now your word is so life to me don't play yet because you'll move me get on all fours crawl to me an event where men are celebrating and praising and dancing does this not look strange to you if we are in a parade and we're being entertained we're enjoying ourselves and we see somebody like this does that not look weird you got to be willing come here son you got to be willing to look weird to get your healing you got to be willing to be attacked for your anointing you got to be willing to do what they want hey you got to be willing to get low lord have mercy can i preach like i want to will you grab somebody and say sure they get low get a little the reason you ain't healed is because your posture is wrong all nation chicago i've got a rebuke for you you ain't low enough for your leadership you ain't low enough for your level and in this next season if you want to grow you got to get [Applause] [Music] hey hey heart lower still saith god come on open yourself the problem with your life is you're not low enough the problem with your brain is that you're not low enough your marriage won't work because you won't get low have a seat [Applause] i feel a chill in here [Music] i am enamored at her posture at a parade i'm looking at this parade like that and this woman is willing to get low because i don't want what they want i've had enough parties the parties is why i'm bleeding now i got to oh lord have mercy i've got to get low so so so so making sure you check your lowness and perfect your posture is the way to bring you to this the right posture will give you the right press i found in my life that people quit that people that quit get too high i know you don't like that when they threaten you with the quit i'm walking away i'm running and and they act like that's a statement of maturity and dignity when actuality is a statement of posture the problem is the poor is never up you got to get low so so we move and she starts to press but she presses now in the right posture are you ready for a word from the lord this next press my god from zion this next press is going to be different it's going to be different from two well 2017's press 2018's press nah baby 2019's press no this next press if you press from a low place then god is going to reach for everybody that gets low moving on into the story as i hurry up she don't grab his hand because she wasn't trying to be ordained open yourself [Applause] she didn't ask for a hug because she didn't want attention wasn't about sitting on front row she was i'm gonna reach lord have mercy for this here in this next season of your life listen to me you have to ask the holy spirit to show you how to pull your problem is your pride won't allow you to pull god is looking for a receiving church a church that knows how to pool a church who knows how to obey when the preacher says say oh a man a church who will not hesitate to lift their hands because they're not in a bad mood you got to know how to pull you missed a lot over the last several years because you didn't understand pulling power and god is looking for a receiving church in acts chapter 1 he said and ye shall receive hey i'm not just a believer glory to god i'm a receiver i know how to pool if the anointing is there i know how to pull i ain't got to be your fan to know what's in your hand what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull by faith i'm going to pull by grace i'm going to pull my study if you preach i'm taking notes if you preach i'm re-watching it i'm not going to be committed to netflix and miss my man of god and then got the nerve to buy some stupid relationship book when i'm not even in one yet you need to center yourself and learn how to [Applause] is in the pool you can be around the power and it do different stuff from different people and if you don't know how to pull that same power will not work for you will you become a receiver will you abandon your ideas of masculinity and maturity and femininity and individuality you ready for me will you crucify your personality your enneagram your zodiac sign to learn oh god i feel the annoying how to pull i have more points but i want to coach you through this because i feel you tightening up the problem with your pool is probably your parents because they taught you that the world is cruel do for yourself be for yourself grow up be a man get a job do your chores work for this earn this prove that you deserve this and so when the savior comes to town you don't even know how to pull but when sheep i could run smooth through here when she pulled i got to close on the right point but when she pulled when she you're looking at a man who learned how to pull ain't nothing special about me i'm you the difference is i learned very uh give me that she got healed watch me and she got healed without nobody watching do you want to be healed so they can see i mean do you want to get healed so you can sell a book do you want to get healed so you can have a program on 30 days of healing do you want to be healed so you could do an ig life do you want to be here or do you want to be healed because you want to live she gets healed moving forward into the situation something happens if i'm honest rules apply that ain't happened to me in years virtue left jesus i ain't really felt virtue leave me in a while tired yeah busy yeah but ain't nothing left and it's because people in their pride don't know how to pull and if you want to be healed you can't look at who got it at the eye level pull how questions how honor how opportunity how recognition how wisdom how your tongue notice justin you know what's amazing about this the lady ain't saying nothing the whole time shut up so you can heal some of you won't heal because you talk to jesus said something left me and he wasn't complaining apostle b his disciples took it offensively because they didn't realize he was still in school and didn't know what he knew so they took it disrespectfully when he was like i'm saying this like this is great finally in the middle of a crowd somebody know what to do because my theory is she couldn't have been the only one sick i loved your word somebody else had a disease but only one anyway she got healed you know the story jesus told him now go get your goal go and grow but i'm gonna tell you my theological contextual sociological historical conflict did she ever forgive the incompetent inconsistent unreliable positions i know where i went with this text is man i wonder once she got healed if she had an issue with the people that she went to first with the churches that she went to first with the last 20 spiritual fathers she had first because i know y'all think uh oh pull out amen i i would i would i because i'm still crazy would have got my radiation got my healing got my medicine and then be like now mr doctor keep that same energy because i'm about to use my healing to prove you wrong my prosperity to prove you wrong you should have been there for me but what if i can be mad at a doctor that was never my deliverer i can be mad at a position that was not my messiah yes i went to you but the problem was my expectation not your education and i went to you looking for him so i forgive those that darrell what if they did have it what what if they made up a prescription say hey betty take this amount of this and this and this and this you would have become an addict and not healed what if they would have said do more of this and go get you some marijuana or focus on this and and you found a way to cope but you still weren't cured and can you walk in your calling if you're not cured just questions my my theory is if god is god hold on if jesus is jesus if his word is his word i think i think the lord ordained those doctors to not have it you i think he stopped them mid-career my goodness to make sure that this one cure they'd never study him that this one disease they wouldn't know how to figure out because he knew i'm going to get the glory out of this and i don't want some low-class doctor taking the credit for what only the healer could do i am jehovah rapha so if i am the healer you can't be lift your hands and say ask you [Applause] maybe mama didn't have it maybe bishop didn't have it maybe grand mama didn't have it and how fair is it of you to be a christian to be mad at what somebody don't have they just and god if you believe he's in control of your life control of your details and control of your story then you've got to have an honest forgiveness conversation about the people you relied on that was depleted anyway you want somebody without the holy ghost to understand you [Applause] they my family yes but they're going to fire they're going to hell they're not saved they've now been rescued by the gospel and you are in this church i love you jesus mad at a heathen because they couldn't heal you if you're mad take a deep breath i know i'm hitting you exhale if you're holy and you're mad at a heathen that can't heal you you sir are a hypocrite because we were never told to look to them for it we were never told to run to them for it we were never told to expect that they would fix us but there is one who will and there is one who does and there is one that can in conclusion my brothers and sisters sons and daughters nieces and nephews uncles and aunties all y'all this is the most beautiful depiction of the new testament church what are you willing to do to get healed the reason jesus felt virtue leave is because she pulled for the gospel and became one of the first examples of what he was about to build in the earth new testament ecclesiology is revealed here when you grow up a bit i'ma show you how you can find the whole bible in the lord's prayer you're not ready but but but but but but now what you can handle is you are a part of the church i must say that again you get the privilege you're not doing me us or nobody else a favor by coming to church this spirit of carnal millennial entitlement that thinks that we ought to thank you for being apart girl boy stay sick if you want to but if you are willing to be healed get low and reach i want you to make a list this week of the people that the places that open up the relationships that the seasons that the atmosphere is that the rooms that and release them ask me why because the harsh truth is that somebody's trying to crawl to you [Music] and you [Applause] you got a boyfriend right now looking for his mama and you [Music] [Applause] you got a girlfriend she wants to be loving likes romance but what she's trying to communicate is i've never been protected nobody fought for me and so you put daddy pressure and you gonna have a divorce if you don't realize i just did there's some hey there are some things that only god can do some things only jesus wants the credit for so it helps you to have perspective in your forgiveness journey so you are the woman with the issue of something are you mad because you keep going and going and going you know what that is it's a cycle it's anniversaries you keep looking from here to there to this to that for that for that and it's always everybody but you when the real issue is they just ain't got it and i'm not mad for what you don't have and i don't want glory what you don't have what i want is to be healed so humbly respectfully f you i forgive you for what you don't have and i forgive myself for wanting it from you what i was really looking for was healing watch me watch this y'all because when i was whole and could walk i had friends i had family loved ones a job but when i got sick and started to bleed and couldn't walk all i knew to do was to find him so the word of the lord to all nations worship assembly chicago is focus yourself dude find him every day of your life go look for um look for him don't you eat breakfast lunch and dinner without going to look for him because that's where the healing is if you get a therapist and i am an advocate believer in therapy i believe it i believe in therapy deliverance and pills i do i really do but but if you do all of that i know a threefold cord is not easily broken but my bible told me except the lord build the house your life is a home and accept the lord build the house those that labor labor in vain if you're not going to look for him stop going to therapy because again they got papers no power you need both and then your therapists your friends your spiritual parents your disciples your confidants your your safe places whatever it is they are instruments in god's hand they are not your healers and when you look to them to be your healer you get disappointed all the time and then bitter because bitterness is grown up disappointment i am you i have had to laugh at my full self i realize that what the heck was you mad for you have to forgive people's capacity if you're born to a 16 year old for whatever the circumstance is they wasn't done learning how to be a woman much less a mother and you tooting your anointed arrogant tale around testifying acting like she deliberately did something to you and subsequently you bitter and now you don't like no woman around you you mad at your daddy because he didn't know he is no example no education no support and you're looking at your life self-centered selfishly like they robbed something from you lift your hands now say i was not robbed another wait a minute the reason that's important for you to resolve is because that's what the devil likes to tell us look at all you've done and all you am and they took it from you they didn't take nothing because they didn't have nothing you weren't wrong the lord will sent you in a situation where you could be a seer and i'm saying that broadly i'm not specifically saying you're a prophet but like you have a vision and he could call a blind man to groom you and if you don't believe me ask samuel this is the seer whose words never fell to the ground groomed in eli's house where was what i'm saying is god will anoint some people to not see you there are some people justin who's not supposed to see because if they do their claim i built that open up i groomed that i grew that no you're not supposed to see me so i can be stretched out and then i'll be able to lift my hands and say to god be the glory for the things he's done you need to repent of your unforgiveness and your man pleasing lift your hand say man does not have my medicine man does not have my miracle man does not control my mandate now sit in that [Music] you are traveling to keeping god yes you are a covenant keeping god [Music] your name is yahweh covenant keeping god you are yahweh shoving it keeping several years ago we were in a service um we're about to worship just a little and um the testimony of jesus i love that word because it means when he's in rooms he takes responsibilities for who's in the room is the spirit of prophecy and one of my prophets i don't know if she's here prophet stephanie turner she said apostle i have a word i said okay and and she stood up and she did this [Music] and i looked i said what she said [Music] now we were being critical like what the heck is going on and she just kept going in her magic she said [Music] now we hey we live in a culture of comparison follow me follow me now i've left already we live in a culture of contrast dom we like to say this and that ying and yang black and white and so one of my favorite things sorry to say to the lord is there is no one like you oh god they didn't have it but i sure know who do she kept standing she said she said [Music] she said she holds the stars in their place he speaks to wind and even sees they open he rolls the stars in their place he speaks even sees the obey she who holds the stars [Music] sees [Music] is [Music] [Music] there was i went to the liquor store and i found out that there was no way that even my weed man couldn't help me cause there was [Music] went to my bishop and found out that there was tried to get a degree and found out that there was [Music] i even wrote a book but there is no [Music] [Music] got you a new boyfriend but there is i left my church but [Music] i did everything i could and i found out so this morning i'm resolved with my hands lifted high [Music] now with my mouth lifted in prayer gratitude because i know that i know that i'm not very is [Music] [Music] i know [Applause] is [Music] [Music] if you need to be here worship come on uh [Music] is [Music] all right everybody that need to be healed worship with all of your heart and do it right now come on if you want the healer open your mouth now come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now [Music] there it goes [Music] [Music] [Music] now oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] and i'm not ashamed to say there is no one nowhere like you [Music] not ashamed [Music] to admit that there's no one [Music] our god [Music] isn't [Music] is [Music] he is [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is power [Music] he is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hey i feel that can we do that one more time i feel like breakthrough is in the home one more time let's let the devil know we know who got it she [Music] and he has always been and he will always be everything to me he is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is you are good hallelujah with my abs elder catherine i love you honey my favorite verse in the bible is his mercy endureth forever if god can have mercy for you you need to have mercy for them give me 30 seconds lift your hands real quick i'm trying to teach you how to heal sing of his goodness in the midst of their crimes you [Music] uh [Music] it was wrong but you are good [Music] lord it hurt buddy you are i was afraid but you are [Music] you never left me cause you are [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] 2021 prove you [Applause] [Music] i got my right mind so you [Music] should i'm not hopeless [Music] i got the activities i feel your favorite hallelujah hallelujah [Music] ah i'm not ashamed to tell the world [Music] not ashamed to tell the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey to the righteous one to the living god i'm not ashamed of the world [Music] father perform your work [Music] yes [Music] it's never been there this won't be my declaration [Music] [Music] you are [Music] i'm not ashamed to tell the world you're the living god i want you in this room ye that are [Music] god is more committed to you than you are to yourself i want you to tear this place up with praise because when father and mother forsake you the lord [Applause] even when he's gotten all the way up now go up now praise him call it i can't hear you i left 30 minutes ago and you still on the earth come on let's move i'm not ashamed come on open up hell my soul love you my soul love you my soul i got a room full of lookers a room full of watches i don't need a handful of places real quick i can't play with you i've got to be here i can't stay down here i got to be here i cannot fight you i've got to be here shout out hey from your belly to the healer bro foreign thank you for healing healing or not wait a minute wait a minute hold up i said the healing gonna hold on something's new here jesus now son of david heal your people heal your people they've been bleeding for a long time how about you hear us savior redeemer master heal your people come on and go with me if you want but i'm about to be caught up in punch because he healed me okay [Music] my grandma used to say it's a stranger in town and he's giving sight to the blind and he's here wait a minute hold on he's here he's here he's here [Music] wow look at he's me he's healing the rebels go with me because they look at his healing and my bible says oh matter of face you're not the first and you're not the worst leave your hand to say he's here [Music] the devil's a liar shut up you're not undeliverable he's healed that i find you spirit of hopelessness he's healed that hey glory hey all right let's do some belly worm let's go hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah handkerchiefs and oil he's healing shadows and pets he's here at fasting and steady but he's healing [Music] i said he's healing buddha can't heal i'm about to leave [Music] [Music] wow [Music] i'm trying to let it go i feel under arrest he's healing right now if you receive and the power of the lord was present to him i said heal foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's healing he's healing he's healing your thought life he's healing your love life he's healing your money life he's healing your conversation he's healing your view of yourself he's healing your family glory to god and he's also healing your future now only the people that believe me should go up right there because your future ain't sick [Music] call me to the son of god i said your future is sick because he's healing hey josh lord thank you for healing me i never thought it would happen never trained it with me but to rest out of here [Music] healing me hallelujah from the inside out call me took up healing [Music] that's the name of my hospital high place medical center went to the secret place and he healed hey [Music] amen if you judge the person next to you because of how they look right now when they fool around and get healed you're gonna regret that you overlook them i want those of us that took a selfie of the past i got a vision of the future to go in right now i can't wait to see my heel self i can't wait to meet my heels help i'm not gonna always be like this you better come now cause i'm getting ready to be healer [Music] god god has a vision for your healing my god and he will never give up on you he's determined i said he's determined i said he's determined to see you shield and then when you've been converted [Music] go and strengthen [Music] your brother you look at somebody and say be healed with me they don't want okay i got i don't want to do that okay come on say let's heal together open your mouth betty say let's heal together come on you went to dinner together you gossiped together you had sex together but come on and heal with me i need somebody here get you a healing partner you had a dysfunctional one you had a crazy what you had a leftover i need help healing lord have mercy [Music] [Music] [Music] wow if you're watching me i on live stream he's still he's still healing yo with love and kindness and great compassion don't believe the lie of the wicked one he can heal anything and you may be watching me i'm gonna give this sword to our pastor same with apostle i'm like the dog i've done too much i had too much happen but even the dogs have their day the crumbs are coming get ready to be healed for i've not seen such faith in israel god's getting ready okay i gotta leave to heal all those that claim and all those that try and all those that wail and mourn and travel blessing are those that lord for they shall probably be competent generally you know your defeated self you ain't even met your heel but he's still healing [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 6,632
Rating: 4.954751 out of 5
Id: 94dwqdzKBas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 9sec (6189 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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