Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Rated R | Kill It

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hallelujah but really so it's now rated raunchy it's it's just rated relationship fellas you know Sophie it's okay and this is so important because relationships are Kingdom currency the way God gets things in and out of lives is by relationship and we just came out of a season of leadership training and development in our church and amen and one of the things that I really harped on was the necessity of understanding human behavior and in human development you would be shocked or maybe not at how many leaders preachers teachers are over humans and know nothing about human behavior they know very little about the psychological makeup of people the emotional makeup of people they feel like all they need to lead effectively is the scriptures but they know absolutely nothing about the way God made the human race and the heart has several longings I mean people are born within eight longings and one of them is for relationship you were literally created to relate this is why if you think about the way if you are a criminal or you get convicted of a crime punishable by law one of the most harsh prison sentences is one in solitary confinement and what they do is they arrest you and they lock you away from the general public and what happens is people have a tendency to go crazy why you were not psychologically built to handle life alone it was not meant for you to be that way now in the book of Genesis when we read that God said that we always point that to marriage it's not good for man to be alone but God the Bible didn't say it's not good for man to not have a spouse it said that it's not good for men to be alone there are people who were attained to be unmarried now don't bind it cuz it might not be you if you did if you have a desire to be married and that's not for you Paul called it a gift he said that it was a gift that he had so people who are going to be unmarried they actually are very content with unmarried life but he was talking but God was talking about the way he formed Adam he formed Adam in such a way that there were certain things about Adam that Adam would not know until he was around people and around people healthily and effectively so it is a tremendous disservice for you to become Christian lay your former life down or not and and and pursue deliverance and pursue destiny and potential and not learn the rules of relationship when you really get saved if you know what it is to really lay your life down for the Lord the first thing the man touches is your relationship if you have not had to sacrifice your social life you ain't save yet you're not because when you really commit to the Lord even if you don't make immediate changes you start getting immediately convicted the baptism of the Holy Ghost starts messing with how you like to spend your time and so it's a real thing we we need to learn friendship praise God we need to learn healthy colleague interaction we even need to learn the appropriate way I intend to hit this in this series but how many of you know you also need to not learn the necessity and the value of an enemy there are many of you who don't realize how arrested you are in life because of your unwillingness to make a foe but you cannot be an effective Christian I know I'm talking good in here and not have at least one enemy everybody has enemies now even your enemies have enemies so if everybody has enemies and and and the Scriptures give us insight about how having at verse relational interactions work toward the good of the development of the character of people and so we have got to go to relationship school now I know that when you hear teachings like this it's a normal tendency to take the victim role that's right because they did that to me come I don't know what it is to have a hater they'd let me go and drop me when I need them the most they shared my secret so I can't say Bluff and lord help me but I want you to realize that you were at least 50% of the problem in a messed up relationship oh I miss working today listen to me people ask me what's the top reason that marriages don't work out is it sex is it money is it kids and my answer is neither none of them one of the things that you need to know about marriage is it is the most resilient force on the planet we have seen marriages recover from everything if the parties were willing the number one reason why marriages don't work is cuz one or more parties are unwilling to change they are unwilling to change and who is quiet today I neither got to the bad stuff yet so we need to learn how to do relationships well we even if you're honest we've not always learned to do relationships well I saw a proverb yesterday in my study for today that talked about how the poor man's neighbor hates him but the wealthy has many friends if you want to see how the soul works get rich it's successful become wealthy and you're gonna have friends out the wazoo I have seen it happen in my whole life and people around me you take one selfie and a world changes conference where somebody who people think is important that you got DM Zim bounces I've been thinking about connecting with you God highlighted you in my spirit when we was in worship I've been trying to figure out how to and I think is the only thing I did was switch my seat I've been sitting in the church the whole time I moved up two seats up and all of a sudden you see significance and who I am as a person so if we don't have biblical scriptures and biblical concepts for dealing with relationships a lot of people are going to be hurt and a lot of people are going to herb that's principle number one principle number two is I am so tired of Krishna's not getting married it is irritating me I feel like Christians I said that I feel like Christians should be encouraged to pursue marriage if you are say if you I deliver if you have money I think it is immature at best demonic at worse for you to spin your life thinking that marriage is a prison sentence and that you're going to lose your freedom once you have to find commitment let me tell you what type of schools you've been to you've been a whoremonger school inaudible shot you've been to perversion school you've been to LA why because the devil has done a masterful job at making Christians afraid of marriage and the odd thing is there are Christians who are afraid of the Covenant of marriage and didn't think they're gonna be faithful to the Lord it is the same muscles that keep you faithful to God that keep your faithful to a spouse so one of the things I'm a preacher rock itself out of it's a fear of marriage I hate that spirit I can't stand this culturally induce fear of marriage that's got you feeling like settling down is the only thing you do in a marriage how many of you know real love you don't have to fall in to say something's up if love make you fall in ain't love you rise in love y'all don't want to hear this I'm in love don't make you fall that's it that's hypnotizing and seduction and witchcraft so I'm sorry so we're gonna learn all the lanes of love amen you can fall in love you can fall out of love so I'm gonna walk through a whole bunch of stuff one of the messages I work through for this is called Lord teach me how to trust because by enlarge relationship is a gradual exchange of trust and trust levels now so we're starting from the top we're taking it from the top and so to do that we've got to clean the relationship slate join me at Deuteronomy 13 I sure will join me at Deuteronomy 13 while you're going there this is a message I preached when I was in my teenage years and I'm gonna preach it again because it is all the more significant when you accept Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life you enter into salvation when you enter into salvation that gives the Lord the right to bring you into deliverance he cannot deliver you if you won't let him save you so what happens is you say lord I want to make you the Lord of my life you are in control I don't know save me I acknowledge my sins I confess my faults and then that yes invites Jesus Christ to sit on the throne of your heart and then he frees you he can't Ammon AIT's the evidence against you now if you understand the judge did the justice system any evidence of your guilt of your wrongdoing is inadmissible in the court of a law if it's been contaminated with what happens is Satan enters evidence against you you are this you are that you did that you were born to this you saw that you wanted that once you get saved the Lamb Sparkle's blood on the evidence and it is now inadmissible in the court of law because it's been contaminated with you can't see your fingerprints because the blood has smeared it so when you start to get delivered from where you've been your social circle is the first to respond Satanists put at notice immediately this person has changed their life and so what happens is you have to relearn the premise for friendship before you are saved you start friendships for all kinds of reasons you start relationships for all kinds of reason but after you get saved there ought to be other things that justify or become the premise for why you decide to relate to other people now this has to be the beginning point of this discussion because of this there are two things when you're thinking about relationships all form that you must protect at all costs and the first is your deliverance oh I know I'm right about it you must protect your deliverance at all costs you must defend your deliverance at all costs you are not any good to God if you're not free so you must protect your deliverer down at all costs you are not surrender your deliverance for company you are not surrender your deliverance for people for pictures for celebrations so when you're thinking about understanding relationship the first thing that is a priority is my deliverance come on I must protect my deliverance at all call put your hand in your chest I must protect my deliverance at all costs that's number one number two you must protect your destiny at all costs your destiny when you think about why you got saved you had to consider that there was a point and a purpose of God for wooing you for saving you and the first is your delivers and the second is your destiny so when it comes to relationships friendships colleagues Brotherhood's romantic interests they are two you must protect my deliverance and my destiny in the relationship praxis you're going to find that most relationships are either going to reinforce those two things or assault those two things there will be relationships they're highlighted to stand post by your deliverance and by your destiny or stand as a spy an open door a snare to those two posts so all relationships herbs and flow between those two DS my deliverance and my destiny so what I want you to do is consider this passage of Scripture and how this needs to apply and call you into action you ready for this Deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 1 is quiet today oh it sound like say Agnes in here I even got started yet if they arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and he giveth thee a sign or a wonder and the sign or the wonder come to pass where of he speak unto thee saying let us go after other gods which thou has not known and let us serve them thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams for the Lord your God prove with you - no look at this whether you love the Lord your God with all of your heart and all of your soul so inevitably relationship and social interaction is a heart and a soul issue it is a heart and a soul issue very often you attract or repel what's going on in your soul verse 4 you will walk after the Lord your God and fear Him and keep his Commandments and obey his voice and you shall serve Him and cleave unto him that is what we're protecting what are we protecting I'm walking after the Lord I'm going to fear the Lord I'm going to keep his Commandments I'm going to obey his voice I will serve Him and I will cleave unto him a six full life policy these are non negotiables in the life of every believer Bullock in verse five and that prophet that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death because he has spoken to turn you away from the Lord your God which brought you out of the land of Egypt at once that deliverance right and redeemed you out of the house of bondage to thrust the out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in so shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee now here's where we get to our verse if your brother help me Holy Ghost the son of your mama I rebuke you mama the son of thy mother or thy son or a knight daughter or thy wife all of those are different what you're looking at all of those are different classes of relationship or your friend which is as they know so entice thee secretly saying let us go and serve other gods which thou has not known you are your father's namely the gods of the people which are round about you die unto you or far off from thee from the one end of the earth or even unto the other end of the earth look at verse eight thou shalt not consent unto him nor hearken unto him neither shall your I pity him as soon as you start breaking up with people they're going to manipulate you for having to leave them for your destiny look at this I'm gonna make you man neither shouting imma give you good building blocks next week but I got to tear the darn thing down today neither shalt thou spare him and don't cut and seal here with your line tail don't hide it don't keep it from the public don't conceal him but look at where births 9 say this is my message daddy but Dow you not God not not the holy ghost not your mentor your disciple but thou shalt surely kill him by I'm about to wear you out because I might say I got murder on my mind I'm calling you into a season of holy homicide you have got to get rid of any relationship that reminds you I'm working at him that entices you that shares the same bondage same slavery same appetites or same cycles bad relationships is the devil staple to an old season now let's do some work Moses gives us a law and you know what's interesting about this Amber but 10 commandments that you're not supposed to kill but when it came to relationships that sparked interests in other gods Moses made an exception to the law and said don't spare him kill him the next verse says take a rock your hand shall be the first to kill him he pivoted him in such a way where you must take responsibility for your relational direction here is a theological idea of this please pay attention a godly relationship whether it's a friendship a colleague ship whatever ship the idea of any ship is to take you from one place to the next you are going to notice if it's from God it will focus you if it's from hell it will distract you and I'm here this morning to talk to you about the weapon of distraction relationships are a very easy way to distract a life from what God is doing that means when God assigns a relationship or opens a relationship something about the way the relationships are formed are going to bring you into a focus that you've never had but if it's from the devil you're going to find up being limited in our discipline you're going to be you're going to put off instructions from God you're gonna make time for stuff that have nothing to do with the Lord wants to do in you so God never arranges for relationships that call you out of the last set of instructions he gave you that's how you know it is from hell it's called the camouflage tactic I can't tell you how many people in here have lost months years weeks days because they didn't respond to a warning about relationships Yolo I poo hair itself is in an unnecessary snare because you had a set of social rules that were not biblical a set of social and cultural definitions that you embraced and you never let the rock of deliverance kill those cravings I can show you where you are in friendship by how focused you are because friendship is supposed to focus you believe it or not even a romantic situation my god it's supposed to focus you like if you go into dating or if you go into courting whatever you guys call it and you end up noticing that you're deviating further and further from the Lord the first thing that's gonna go is your devotion Wow because it requires your heart if you're so in love you can't pray help me Angels if you're so in love you're my ugly self is hungover Saturday night when you stop going to church I'm talking to your snotty nose so if you start finding out that you're doing more of what you gave up of you're starting to open up more any relationship should progress you not take you back look at somebody say kill it kill it kill it kill it you y'all look so uncomfortable it's hilarious tell somebody kill it kill it kill it kill it now you can be an associate we can associate Jesus was accused of being an associate of wine-bibber he went out had a glass of wine and the Jewish priest as I look at him he say he the Messiah and he a friend of tax collectors and and and and publicans cuz it is the same today you know if you say you're Republican and lily surrounding anybody black they think you the devil Jesus Jesus they accuse him of being around publicans and then they said he's a wine-bibber he's going places where peace shouldn't be associated with them which shows that Jesus was so resolved and who he was and what he was doing that it didn't matter who he associated with him because he could associate and not necessarily be converted by his associates so you can't control who your boss hires you can't control the people you have to relate to positively but you can't control the permission you give a relationship to open up things in your life or to excuse things from your life I have to associate with you by virtue of what we do but that does not mean I have to define this and that I have to have expectation for you to be something to in my life so you got association did you got colleagues you know people that you're gonna partner with for projects there's a lot when I was in corporate America I couldn't stand none of my colleagues I hated all of their guts but I had to work in a way because they were controlling cantankerous most of them did believe in God they was drunks and lewd trying to hear about how many focuses you know and everything in me had to stop them call them home records and streetwalkers and one mother cuz they just was covered by sex and sexuality our culture it's so sensual I mean it's just filled with it's everywhere it's the only way to advance and eminence it's almost like you got to flirt to make a living and so all the sick of being around this stuff but I didn't remove myself and go change my cubicle so I could go and speak in tongues what did I do I made sure that every door every window every page but in me despise that stuff to keep me out of it so I wanna just because I know God wants to get the best out of me I've got to do what I need to do to convert these appetites and I've gotta hate it enough to stay up out of it here is how you test every relationship and whether it needs to be put to death or not does it bring out a new degree of focus is it so needy that I change ever find time to make sure that I am devoted wholeheartedly to what God is doing or saying to me like if you got a man or a woman who mandates that you become less spiritual be best hundred to obeying to accommodate who they are I'll get that ten thirty then you are being enticed not by the person but by the thing in them and the devil knows that if something is hosting him okay if he wants to allure you it must attract you it's got to pull you in this scripture says anything that makes you go serve another car kill it because the instrumentation Fredi of relationships is to bring things in and out of your life that means godly relationships are going to free you godly relationships are going to show you areas of bondage in your attempts to love you're gonna find out things about yourself godly interactions are going to help you become accountable to your potential demonic relationships is gonna have you becoming less convicted I know I'm right about it it's going to change your sensitivity to the things of the Spirit it's gonna have you negotiating your value systems and the things that are important to your future and your destiny then if you start to back up they're going to blame or make you hate your life change every since you start doing this every since you start going there every since you start hanging on there then you start acting funny toward me a godly friendship is going to point you toward the Lord and support you in your progress a demonic one is going to make you share the attention between them and their needs and y'all's journey and your similarities and y'all's our criminal opinions and is going to distract you away from the Lord now you got associates affiliates colleagues and you got friends in that friendship realm you have to allow yourself two experienced friends that focus you and here's why everything that God does around your life will require a new level of focus so like if God sets you free from a habit a issue and you remain distracted at the level of that snare you will continue to be bound see a part of what protects your freedom is your focus if God sets you free you've now got to use that freedom opportunity to become more focus than you've ever been so that means your days ought to look differently your conversations I don't look differently your your your your responses and your reactions ought to look differently so you into finding that a lot of people backslide because they never close the door to their former lives or desires many people while they're learning to trust God leave the crack and that door open just enough so that if they get stressed if they get discouraged if they get confused they have somebody then it's not going to hold them accountable to the truth that is gonna transform them so they don't understand we got this little thing and a little dynamic we got going on here and we are both slaves and in this church the slaves sometimes are the loudest people around gossip demos talk demos but when God is trying to free you on another level he's gonna give you good friends Oh ba ba ba ba ba ba he's going to highlight good friends now this is something you're going to have to work at because you'll never lack negative relationship if you make a decision right now I'm about to give up Newport shorts in a box the Lord want me to loose this out of my life I'm gonna give it up I'm but although Bo safe guess what you're gonna immediately find that the friends that are bound by the god of nicotine are going to now miss you I know what I'm talking about you don't believe me look in your deal look in your inboxes look in your text messages have somebody for it's night it's not coincidental have you ever wondered why right around the second weekend December all your old lover stopped popping up don't get nervous where you been thinking of you smoochy face it's by divine designer I hate them emojis I can't stand it's by divine design why the competition over your life Direction is raging and what's going to give you momentum in either direction are the people you choose to be friends with there is a such thing as a willful bondage that means there are people who are bound because they want to be there are some people who are bound because the thing is stronger than them there are other people that are bound because they are unwilling to allow themselves to labor in love so if you look at your life Direction you should be able to discern what's going on Deuteronomy 13 is so key for half of you in here because it's showing that you got to be aware first of all love enticement all enticement is not cleavage dies and a song some enticement is is tea koffing now a lot of you I'm looking at your face you grieved about your success and where you should be and what you should be doing but the problem with you is you won't let God have your social life if I were God and I'm not I wouldn't be breathing behind a success that's gonna take you from me I wouldn't be granting you a favor that's gonna further distract you and make you feel like I'm okay with what you're choosing to do and B and all of that stuff I wouldn't do it so that means you know the way deception works is that the first several months everything goes well you found a man or a woman on some stupid website or you're gonna you look dumb class for you and you know y'all rekindle the old flame you're gonna feel joy I feel like the first mug you like oh I never felt this much you know you get that I'm every woman's spirit you put on them boots [Music] it's all in you changing the color your lights got you look stupid incense burning [Music] you're going to fire conference nying got to em tired same thing is true with friends if you get tired of God's requirement for you and you reach back years see with me oh I have a phobia I don't have very many but when you start time on going bad like when you anything that reminds me of anything like that I'd go off on it's like a I'm allergic to the pass okay and I break out in bump don't care who you is and what happens is when you start moving forward here comes the past well me how you doing this is the true story Hagee my wedding day the day I walk down I had about six women sitting on the very first row soon as I walked and I don't know how nothing ballhead helped us knew each other I said that they got together and was holding hands so imagine me coming out to rule and I look to the right and he'd go Moe Larry and curly my immediate thought was first of all how you clowns know each other but here's a deal people will gather and develop relationship around demonic things and that discerner we don't really have a relationship this is a support group for rebellion for destruction and we need a tandem strength to disobey the direction of God let me talk to you about networking one day I'm going to be in government I'm walking through how this works I'm gonna be in government one day I know exactly the type of stuff is active in government you got warlocks you got you got real-life mafia stuff you got people who gamble for positions and seats sleep with positionings and if you ain't got the Holy Ghost you got to do what you got I mean I understand if you ain't saved you got just get favor however you want so everybody sleeping with everybody you sprinkling cat bones and stuff to get married all that stuff I'm aware I'm sorry that's a Cajun in me yeah you it cat bones and be on it and bury it in the yard and all that witchcraft understand but when you think about government the Principality that governs it is the Antichrist spirit the Antichrist agenda I realize the type of pressures that that's going to be to be a tongue talking righteous engaging person thought leader involved in corruption so a part of what I know I'm giving an example that I'm gonna have to do is learn networking without it affecting my nature what you call networking is not networking because when you are around it it reminds you of what you think you're missing out on in life particularly if you under 30 you not about shy I know what I'm talking about you get around people that move him shake him they on bt top five and you like dang we graduated together dang we the same age dang it if I wasn't so busy fast and I could probably be over here with you I know what I'm talking about and you end up grieving like man this is where Deuteronomy 13 starts off Johnno when your heart says I'm behind in life because of what I see somebody who's in sin achieving whether that's money marriage career the Deuteronomy 13 propaganda is alive in you this is why if you are trying to work on your relationships and I know I harp on this a lot one of the first things you got to do is stop scrolling the Bible said you're i offending i'm gonna add this if your thumb offend me break that joker off some of you don't know what to do you just your whole life is spent here and what you're doing is social media gives you a ruler for accomplishment for success for a peace of mind so you're looking at all of these devils get married having babies a bachelor party and here you are at the Levitical order meeting or any evangelist I'm training and feeling left out ain't got no I'm just not in the mood today but your problem is you're distracted and you don't realize how everything you used to love it's calling you back you may not have oh what the heathen has but you have something more powerful than what the he that has greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world they may get it before you they may achieve it before you they may accomplish it before you but they don't have life insurance that can make sure that the thing they attain does not destroy them whenever you do it does happen you don't have to worry about the devil stealing it because he didn't give it to you focus yourself if you don't kill it it's going to kill you are you listening to me if you don't chill it is going to kill you and if you don't kill it it's gonna give you a glossary for all new relationships nobody cares about who your sister was before you guys say define if they're not interfering with your life direction then fine but if they start becoming personally offended that for a season you've got to make some personal changes then they're not really friends to begin with if my friends start changing and it's for their better my posture is whatever it takes for you to have peace with God I'm not gonna put my needs above your direction from the Lord so if you can't go out as often if you can't be there as often if you're not on the phone I'm not gonna take it personal and then punish you I'm gonna be mature in say what do you need how can I help that's the posture of real friendship but if I'm selfish come on if I'm looking for a core enabler or a sinner I'm going to be insulted that you got to change Wow the premise of our relationship was interdependent disobedience she might tell you how many of you feel lonely he got that day and I'm about to prophesy because I see some stuff I'm gonna tell you how many of you feel lonely you fooled around and got whole got a heel and God forgive it and so what happened was all of the relationships where the premise was your brokenness and the premise was your dysfunction when all this stuff that shake you no longer had a doorway for them relationships so what happened is the guy start healing you stuff starts falling off and you're looking around like oh my god why is everybody acting like this it's because what justified us walking together whether you were sick sad and bleeding and didn't know it and that gave us a premise to be able to relate so sometimes when you get home is gonna be lonely for a season because I might say just kill they're just killing my dad when I tell you is an anointing on my life I am anointed to kill relationship and sometimes if you get close enough to me even on accident your relationship gonna start in and I'm just telling you what if he is not an axe for it's an anointing and I believe God put it on my life because one of the things that prophets do is call people into focus and there are things around you that are in people that are distracting you no matter how much I got a comment no matter how y'all like each other it's distracting you from your deliverance and your destiny now the closer you are to maturity you gonna have to be around some Devils you're gonna have to they got the money I'll judge me why no bro I'm not about to have no professional network setting in here no you know we're living in a generation where everybody got a brand and I mean it's so it's so oversaturated it's disgusting and real business minds are not impressed okay everybody's writing a blog everybody's selling pillows and I got my own website finger nail files of faith okay all right praise the Lord we paying for your hobbits and you'll have these you know alright got it the lifespan on these businesses is this big why I'm gonna tell you why church people don't like me because I'm not reaching for them and it and it offends them I am literally anointed for the world not in the sense that I'm gonna impact everybody I'm reaching to the world so the church is like No we have to like you we need to understand you do it our way and because I preached over that and around that and I build over that they get trouble I'm reaching for the world Wow because the Bible does not say go get into all the church Bible said go years on the wall I'm gonna try to please you old Apple head watermelon eating sunflower seed eating I'm trying to appeal to the world that's how you change history you don't preach to each other you preach to the world [Applause] my care you tambourine thugs don't care about you're not liking me you'll be fine you and your fish dinners that's why they get mad at me cuz I'm reaching for the world and God is trying to anoint you to reach for the world but he's got to get the world out of you he's got to get carnality out of you he's got to get them appetites out of you and then I can arrow up deliverance after he is pulled you all the way he's gonna shoot you real fast [Music] I know this is basic ten-thirty I'm gonna hit romance it's gonna help a lot of you I know y'all ain't coming back but it's okay when you get when you huh when you get saved you must renew your mind about relationship I'm gonna close with this and here's why according to Deuteronomy 13 when the first thing that changes or should change once you get saved is your definition of loyalty in the world when you said when you're not saying loyalty is no matter what happens right wrong and different do you agree with me and don't like who I don't like I find out you like somebody I don't like the you ain't lawyer you a snake that's carnal well you get saved you now got to allow your definition of loyalty to come from the Scriptures and you've got to realize that God really loves the people you don't like I know you look strange incense PayScale think because you matter somebody god is and because somebody don't like you God gonna get him I what happens is God does not involve himself in civilian affairs when he looks at he judges everybody you wicked you wicked don't know y'all look like me so I'm not teaming up with you so you got to change your ideas of loyalty if I looked at you cross the street and I saw a Mack truck go on full speed ahead and looked at you and said go ahead bro I'm Wich that's hate that's hey I see you walk down the street and somebody pull out a gun never to blow your brains out and I'm like I'm with you all the way that's hey what love would do is say [Music] move out the way negro and they would make a scene until you were not in the path of destruction see here's a problem I can tell you your relationships are fake because of the silence you mandate when you are in the wrong because of how you mute people around you when you could be doing something better see relationships should focus you but these are enticing you that's cold serve other gods come on now there I know you like well that's pretty extreme cuz you don't think you're bowing to Buddha or elephant were like 20 arms but going to serve another God means that you're going to have to use your offerings your sacrifices your life directions to appease to something else to trust it to push your life forward so maybe it's the god of your career maybe it's the god of success and fortune the name of that demon is Mammon maybe it's the God of love I'm gonna get to there the eros God maybe it's the god of comparison but it's pushing you in that direction and your Bible says you got to love the Lord with all your heart all your soul all your strength any demonic relationship is going to hinder your ability I'm gonna tell you what to do at your marriage I do stuff I don't talk to if if if I'm kissed you if you if you put a hickey on my neck if we held hands if I wrote you a letter let's say if you like me circle yes or no we don't talk you get uncomfortable I know I understand stay where you are I get it we'll talk I know hey I'll see you in the store I'm changing my grocery lists just stay away from you why I no longer see you as a person I see you as an opportunity for distract I wish I could help Oh Lord what is this I see y'all friends with exes in here that's why you're not married you got active so ties cuz now you to try to transform us there and attract we're both adults ah why are you like that cuz I want there is nothing I want more than my future I want my future I have been through hell homeless death addiction I'm not giving up my future for social reasons no [Music] hey man you nedd one-night stands and to night festivals and speed-dating and a steel check Utama Oh be cool we just read know how that works say once a weapon always a weapon a gun does not not become a gun a sward remains a swore if something was a weapon to you then the only way it is no longer a weapon to you is if you remove yourself from it you cannot be friends with the weaponry of hell against you just killing just killing now some of you don't want to do that because a relationship is hard work you like where do we imma start over yes that's what you got safe oh boo is to start over if any man be in Christ he is a new quit you're supposed to start over but don't let cultural pressure make you feel like you're behind cuz you have to start over I appreciate starting over cuz if I was getting it wrong stand up in his red right here come here man bring me the oil I'm done and until 10:30 calculating on there tell you what I know is it she with you Rapha dairies come on over here step back y'all stand right there you face that way real quick Paris go stand at the end of it i'ma tell you do something is real stupid now I want you to fall get coach in the middle of I want you to put your hands up here so you don't attack you run to him real quick I hate him run back do it again you're one more time [Music] I'll come back to the middle [Music] I'm sending you Apostolic Lee prophetically deeper into the NFL lift your hands I'm looking at your life I see that you you play college football you're in some aggressive training right now but you are going apostolic Lee into the NFL it's not going to be the the the way you add hope but I'm looking at the contract listening at the discussions of the recruiters it has been so hard for you to figure out relationships because of what's on its way to your life I had you run because the Lord said to tell him he's like Jacob and what I've done is I've touched his thigh now I know you don't realize it but when you ran three times a miracle was done in your hamstrings it is so God did some things in your hamstrings that's going to put some speed deeper in you and I see your yardage train changing okay God is about to and and a lot of these changes are going to be over the next 72 hours okay wherever you supposed to be Monday morning God wants you to know it's going to change and you are about to come to a new level of influence in America this is your life dream and God wants you to know because of what you walked away from I'm going to open up doors of great favor great success great opportunities and I'm going to impart to you the gift of discerning of spirits because for where you're going you're going to need it the women are gonna be crazy the men are gonna be crazy the friends are gonna be crazy because this thing is in speed drive [Music] in November of last year there was a switch in the turn of events in your life that pushed this thing into speed drive so you don't even have a full year to catch your breath you are about to take off in the world of sports in the world of entertainment it's going to be very strong and God's going to prove to you that what you laid down particularly when you almost lost your mind what you lay down was for him and I'm looking at how you got saved I'm looking at you being filled with the Holy Ghost and this loose small the Bible study of people in their teenagers and teenage years this looked like a prayer group or something God wants you to know that just like he gripped you then you're going to very often on that field feel the fire and it will be like Samson the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power and will enable your arms your legs the strength of God is coming to you Father like Samuel did today then we're not holding him back from this world we're not calling him out of it we're sending him into the NFL we're sending him into the arena of sports we're sending him we're sending him we're sending him father give him influence give him access give him reach get him depth and I'm praying that there is a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost from the top of his head to the sole of his feet strengthen them legs you put your hand on it and I pray that like Jacob wrestled with an angel give him the sign and the proof in the symptom of a man that's been at a war with God and may he excel in this thing in Jesus they come up with those hands together for the Lord [Music] together put Jesus [Music] [Applause] gather for Jesus see he's trying to send you he's trying to send you that's why you gotta give your relationships right he's trying to send you he's trying just said Oh crazy [Music] I just want to pray a prayer over all of you I really feel like this is for God before success you must align your social life before success you must align your social life now on a practical level just get you about three or four friendships to work on it's gonna be hard but build them right but start placing people around your deliverance and your destiny and you become hold as a person all right lift your hands in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I break the power of distraction I command the forces of distraction to be broken off of this people and I pray for an unprecedented focus I pray for a laser sharp focus through conversation through counsel through wisdom through correction through affirmation through validation empowering discussions empowering dialogue stretch them out uh-huh challenge them and bring them into the next degree a favor and power for their lives in Jesus name I command you to prosper in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and everything robbing you of that right is broken and exposed in Jesus they put those hands together for the Lord will you
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 91,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Im_j0AXuLiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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