Newbirth Senior Pastor Dr Jamal Harrington Bryant Apostle Mathew L Stevenson I'M Still HUNGRY

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[Music] in biblical times Lord you know what with everything y'all been through this year it's the last quarter of the year don't you let nobody stop your praise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] come on idatr put your hand on it [Music] take that neighbor by the hand take that neighbor by the hand out even across the aisles those of you who are viewing online I'm coming into contact with you tonight [Applause] [Music] make sure somebody's hand is in your hand [Music] johnathan it reaches to the highest mountain come on everybody let's sing it together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] his I need somebody's hand in your hand the Word of God is getting ready to go forth there's somebody tonight who's tuned in from a hospital bed somebody who's right on the verge of a breakdown somebody who feels like they're about to emotionally collapse you'll need realize that somebody is tuned in tonight who questions their very existence but tonight the power of the blood of God is gonna prevail over all of it how many of you tonight believe in the power of prayer I can't hear any intercessors I said how many of you believe in the power of prayer I'm gonna charge the atmosphere I wanna charge the atmosphere for one minute one minute only one minute uninterrupted you get ready to pray out loud here's gonna be a test of your faith you get ready to pray for somebody you don't know get ready to pray for somebody you never met pray for somebody whose name you don't know what are you gonna pray you're gonna pray that whatever you survive this year nobody else will have to go through it I can't hear nobody I said whatever you had to deal with that somebody I don't care where they are I'm not gonna have to deal with that same burden our heads about all eyes are closed open up your mouth beginning to pray right now hallelujah come on pray for that every legal cases get ready to be settled pray for every disability check is gonna be mailed on time pray for that they're not gonna have to sit out a semester pray for that their blood pressure is gonna be regulated pray for that their cholesterol comes into submission pray for that gotta give them a way of escape over every tribulation praying for that God will safeguard their mind and safeguard their heart pray for [Applause] [Music] that the very gates of hell shall not prevail against them and those of you who are like kindred spirits who understand that we want my faith and not by sight I want you to lose that hand and thank God for answered prayer I can't hear you I said open up your mouth lift up that force Southie Allah come on I said sound the alarm angels are worried for you tonight salvia live your hands are limited as an antenna unto God I prayed over this night who would make the deposit from heaven who would be the Oracle on God's behalf and God only dropped one name for this night an amazing man of God who carries a global mantle on his back I believe that God has in fact Hume from the earth for such a time as this generations yet unborn will be able to record the decibel of the intonation of the sound of his voice that when he spoke governments begin to shift because of what God put in him economies begin to research because of what God has deposited in him the body of Christ began to lean upwards I don't want us to put an undue burden on this man of God here's what I want you to do just to offend the enemy I want you to worship God in advance for the food you are about to receive come on I can hear them on it that everything that is spoken is gonna meet your name is gonna address your circumstance is gonna confirm your vision is gonna repay on your assignment come on open up your mouth and heaven no I am in agreement heaven no I'm on tiptoe anticipation come on lift up that force come on lift up that part I want you to make as much noise as you can to receive the minister gifting of my covenant brother prayer partner and friend I'm thankful for him thankful for his life and thankful with all of the demands that he found in not robbery to come to new MuRF Cathedral come on would you sound the alarm and welcome for the first time apostle matthew stephenson come on give God some praise for [Music] praise the name of the Lord listen we're going to set the room upright for what God wants to do but there is that a city a place of space that I go into that I don't make this announcement I do realize and understand that there are forces that like to operate to resist what God wants to say and do to you next and there is something that I learned this year that has revolutionized my thinking my pace my trust and I learned that in seminary learned it in Bible College learned it in university but didn't get in real to this year and what I learned was the devil still has a boss and a part of our that's important is that sometimes we act as if he gets to do everything he wants to do but my new theology is if the Lord allows it he intends to use it just repeat after me God is exalted the devil is defeated and I've got the victory sin again God is exalted the devil is defeated and I've got the victory now put a preacher voice on said God is exalted the devil is defeated and I still got the victory I just want a hundred of you to throw your head back and give the Lord some glory right there hey come on give the Lord something he can feel come on of you no he's still in control okay here I said if you know he's still in control hallelujah listen while you're on your feet I am an honorable man and I endeavour to remain honorable I dare not go into our conversation tonight without acknowledging the the premier leadership one of the most brilliant men I think of this century and beyond brilliance has been legitimately for the last several years of my life one of the most authentic people I have ever met in my life an ear and an heart that is not cheap at all will you help me in honoring dr. Jamal Bryant please I love you sir I'm with you and listen when we first met the Lord spoke to me and told me I was to be his intercessor so his problems are my problems and we handled him in the spirit realm I'm committed to praying for him laying on my face for his assignment and not resting until who he is has made manifest totally in the earth put those hands together for dr. Jamal Bryant I'd also like to acknowledge lady Vanessa long I honor you I honor you come on let's make some noise for her I honor your work your wisdom your resilience your strength I honor who you are and what you've done for us finally my brother before we sit down I want to acknowledge the prophet of God I told dr. Bryant this morning if your mother is not present neither will I be and so luckily she's here let's acknowledge God's prophet Reverend C Brian Bishop John and his absence thank you so much you can be seated in the presence of the Lord I don't want to be labor at the time I'm going to humbly submit my Sunday School lesson and then I'm going to be seated but I do believe the Lord has something to say to you and we're going and journeying into Luke's Gospel and I'm going to be reading out of chapter 4 and our segment is 27 through 35 again that's Luke's Gospel the fourth chapter verses 27 through 30 assuming that we all know exactly where Luke is if you see anything next to Genesis or Exodus you are at the opposite end of the book while we're looking for it I would like to acknowledge all of the ordination candidates the Deacons the elders and ministers god bless you thank you for your willingness to say yes to the Lord if you're at Luke 4 say I'm there if you're not there say wait on me the I'm there still the way Tom needs to hurry up in Luke chapter 4 verse 27 in the New International Version it reads as such just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman but no one acts what do you want or why are you talking with her the next verse says then leaving her water jar the woman went back to the town and said to the people come see a man who told me everything I ever did could this be the Messiah verse 30 says they came out of the town they being the disciples and made their way toward him and meanwhile his disciples urged him saying rabbi eat something verse 32 says but he said to them I have food to eat that you know nothing about if my memory serves me right the KJV says I have meat to eat and then his disciples said to each other could someone have brought him some food and look at what Jesus says that introduces our paradigm for tonight my food or my meat said Jesus is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work don't you have a saying it's still four months until harvest and I tell you open your eyes and look at the fields for they are arrived arriving our thought from the conversation between the disciples and the Messiah coming in 33 then his disciples said to each other could someone have brought him some food and jesus said my food is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his is work tonight is gonna be a bit different because we're going to preach this together and I believe that what I'm supposed to do is voice activate some things and you will you shout with me as hard as you can these words I'm still hungry the way I want to do this tonight is going to be different because what I have to say to you doesn't have very much to do with where you've been and what I have to say to you may or may not apply to where you think you are but I have to connect a path of principles that are necessary for your future self you need a narrative for what you are about to go through so I want you to hear me as it were prophetically because this is going to be applicable to the next series of events before this year terms if my prophetic intuition is correct there are some adjustments and some renovations you are about to undergo before January 1 2020 therefore and thereby it is very important that you remain hungry let's do some work his Stuart history provides Mosaic law and dietary law around the consistent subject of meats and foods and things to avoid and things to evade a casual perusal of Moses as law in the Old Testament reveals that God was very vocal ofttimes about the types of foods he wanted his people to eat say yes he told them what to avoid he told them what was not preferential he even talked to them at moments and times about why they could not eat what they could not eat down to the cuff and what what they eat would eat and so he was very very vocal about the concept of his dying dietary preferences I'd also like to show that fasting was a very important weapon in Old Testament Israel they would use the concept of intentional hunger which is what a fast is to do things that would turn the hand of God it was a common weapon of Israel to get answers it was a common weapon of Israel to change outcomes it was a common weapon of Israel to combat hardship there was a common weapon of Israel to change an atmosphere therefore fasting was used to reverse things that could not be managed in human strength if people knew that they needed to achieve something and exert a different realm of strength we'll find a different degree of intelligence or do what was uncommon for the nation or the generation then they would need to abstain watch me or position themselves and purposeful hunger it was not accidental or coincidental or circumstantial hunger they would do things for periods of time all throughout the Old Testament to force themself to stay hungry if you don't believe that then consider the patterns of Elijah considered the patterns of Daniel consider the patterns of all of the Old Testament prophets when they needed to do something in the mean time in between time when they stood in the middle of a tragedy and a current reality when they wanted something to break open that had not been broken open before when they needed to achieve a level of courage because what they stood before had not been tackled by anybody before them and when what was before them was unprecedented what they did was they understood that if we in faith listened show God that we won't ever be satisfied and turn a plate over and do the opposite of what men are doing in their days then perhaps God will move in a way that will change the records oh yes the statistics the outcome and the judgment it was fasting I know that there's a little silence in the room because we are in 2019 and we understand that salvation is by grace through faith but I believe for the challenges that lay ahead of us we ought to start fasting just a little more I'll get to my text I do realize that Greek and Hebrew is very important to her the first thing Jesus did before he took his first microphone was termed the plate and it didn't make him appear any different in the spirit but what it did was keep him in intentional hunger what that means is that whatever God is about to do for you next you've got to be hungry on purpose I'll get there you got to do it to yourself you got to make the decision watch me to postpone what you could have and keep in before you a present hunger so that you are not complacent we are standing in America before principality called this kind I'm trying to slow down Jesus said that this kind does not go out by writing books and this time does not go out by be checks on Facebook this pine does not go out by docking one another one to death rubbing shoulders with the illegal we're getting preferred seating but Jesus said this time door without only I think it helped by prayer and by fasting there is a certain type and a certain card that only responds to the hungry have a seat sorry and so we have ample Old Testament support that this was the technology of the Spirit something that God's people had access to to do things in heaven and to do things on the earth but to also achieve a respect in hell I believe that the hour is upon us where we've got to stop wasting time trying to be popular on the earth watch me because there's a lot of people who are popular on the earth and they are strangers inhale I believe this last season has taught us that the devil is asking who in hell are you Paul I know watch me Jesus I know but you are a stranger down here you got likes and shares tweets and clicks following and streaming but I don't know you you know why if you get too complacent user authority but when you are hungry hell's got to listen to you will you help us somebody who looks a bit tired and tell him I'm hungry baby this reveals forgive my hollowing this reveals that a large part of the plan of God from the age of Israel to the church aid takes place in the realm of the appetite pay attention if my doctrine range true then there is warfare and there is assault and there is attack and there is challenge in every realm of a man it'll make sense in a minute there are those of us that experience a warfare in the mind in the psychological realm pay attention because in every battle the terrain matters if you're fighting things in the air like they're specialists on the ground you are guaranteed to lose and the way the things in the spirit the things in the kingdom the things in the ministry and the things in the industry the way all of it operates is you got to know your turf before you learn who's working to pay attention and many of us have studied our enemy but we've not studied their environment I'm getting there a part of what we need to do is a better job at understanding the specialty of what's after us the only way the powers of darkness are gonna get weakened against you and your company and your book and your documentary and your series and all that you put your hand to do if they know if you don't understand their realm then you're gonna try to fight them unwise but when you have a real adversary preaching it grow and you've got a real opponent a part of what happens is you study the weakness of your opponent and the weakness is they have a round and a space and allocated specialty and the real problem is as long as God who owns a whole earth Psalm 24:1 reference it is it is the Lord it means that he can teach you how to win in the air watch me how the win on the earth watch me how to win in the mountain watch me how do we the family watched me how to win in the field how to win in the suburbs how to win in the synagogue how to win in the Moscow how to win on Capitol Hill he can show me how to win because the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof watch me that means every zone is a victory zone I've just got to stay hungry and I'm going to win this oh yeah and the easiest way I'm getting to my point and the easiest and one of the favorites of the devil beloved and one of his zones that he likes to walk up on a man in it's not just their mind and not just their heart and not just their toes I believe we've got to shift our doctrine from thinking that the enemy's greatest ploy is to attack you physically by the time you are under physical decay he has already started to move at the genetic level it'll get there in a minute he started to do some things at the molecular level and I had ample Bible support that the favorite platform the favorite stage the favorite space that he likes to fight watch me is the place called the appetite I'm coming through here what he wants to do is show up at the realm of the appetizer and introduce a warfare there pay attention the appetite is a door for every victory and every defeat and there are people on your row that are not making the money they should be making up cause a not hungry people on your who won't stay up late burning the midnight oil to finish a PhD cause they ain't hungry people on your roll who really want to keep paying rent and don't realize that as long as you are renting you are still homeless because they just not hungry there's certain things God has to do watch me by steering the belly in the direction of the breakthrough it's the appetite it's the appetite it is the lust of contentment it is the lust of complacency it is the fear of faith that wants us to be comfortable enough before we all be gone but tonight there is going to be the impartation of a hunger you know how to hold your ear but I've got to make you stay hungry there are still things that need to come out of your life that you have not even cerebral e conceptualize therefore this word has got to bypass your memories pay attention I've got to bypass your stats pay attention I've got a bypass your categories and your clues and hit you in your inner man because the stomach is the steering wheel there for somebody to say the stomach is the steering wheel come on don't look at me in that tone of voice tell somebody else the steering wheel is the stomach that means the way God drives you to your destiny is he reaches past your budget reaches past your vocabulary and he grabs the whole of your appetite and turns it where he wants you to go oh yeah I'm working in here and so now we find that we've got to substantiate if my claim is true and due diligence to my text I have proven and asserted that the appetite is a platform of battle it is a place where the devil likes to talk it is a place where he likes to lurk he wants to know how bad you want whatever you want if he shows up in the realm of the appetite there's very little you will not do if you're hungry for the wrong things I want you to know too there are whole generations that are in hardship because they are hungry for the wrong things there are a host family lines now you're not sitting here just as a person I'm creeping there you are sitting here as the repercussion pay attention and the consequence pay attention and the Summum bonum of a story that predated you and the enemy has been after watch me the destiny of your last name you see it's not just your first name that's important in the spirit you've been sent pay attention and schedule down you could not even get a birthday and the problem with us is let me flip this you just now learning how to understand your purpose but the problem is you were a purpose before you were a person and many of us are trying to figure out our and we have no clue about our purpose but the only reason you are a person is because you were a purpose person watch me and you did not desire to become a person until your purpose was complete therefore we should spend more time learning who we are as a purpose and then the person will submit ogor to who the person was meant to be who you are your gender on purpose I feel map you are your aids on purpose you are your race on purpose you have your complexion on purpose and God is so meticulous about sculpting you for what he wants out of you that you can't even get a lining from your barber you can't change your wig or your hair without the Angels our justing there is number therefore to keep accurate records I've got to make sure that every time you get Alya justed every time she gets braised I just you're a big deal so you gotta stay home oh yes oh yes you are not an accident or mistake god I love your word you are not I don't care what the circumstances were that got you here the only reason your parents are your parents are is because God needed up to genetic trails huh to leave within you a set of sensitivities and skills to bring up on the air for divine repercussion now I told you I need your help to preach I want you to put your hand on your chest real quick I'm cracking to the meat of this but I want you to say I'm a divine repercussion come on decree that over you if I could I would lay hands on every one of you but since I can't do that tonight do it to yourself so I'm a divine consequence I'm a divine repercussion what that means is that you only exist because God needs a new weapon to prove to an old devil that if you ever come against my throne again I got a speaker I got a mover all I got to do is find some dirt I put my spirit in it and I'll kill the devil with the dirt I'm trying to help you realize your steam is too low how were you about to go anyway so in order to prove that this is true please be seated and forgive my yelling again that that if my suspicion is correct and the enemy loves to show up at the realm of your appetite what do you want what wakes you up what makes you go to sleep what determines when you need a nap what determines what exhausts you what determines what energizes you because I feel in my spirit after tonight what energizes you is going to change in the last season of your life you may have been energized by attention you may have been energized by company you may have been energized by status but your appetite is about to experience a regulation from the hand of God and what gives you energy is about to change because you're going where you didn't know you were gonna go so you got to feed on what you didn't know you got to feed I have to find this because I've seen that intentional hunger and staying hungry is important but it was very obvious that this was a priority of the devil because at the point of our text there's about 10 to 11 significant excruciating exhausting punishing events that happen in the life of the Messiah pay attention and so before I give you that principle I want to give you a precept which is this in Matthew the fourth chapter you got to look at the terrain and a part of the terrain that we see is a wet Jesus I feel mr. preach you find the wet Jesus fresh out of the baptismal pool and I got baptized in the Holy Ghost after I was already born Baptist so you got to forgive me I still believe in the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and I believe that their name is Jesus I believe that when Jesus walked in the river that John the Baptist lifted his hand and if I'm wrong just sue me but here's what I think he said in obedience through the great head of the church watch me and I baptized you and he took the man on the pay attention Jesus gets up God speaks to him and all of a sudden the Spirit of God descends on him grabs ahold of one type of steering wheel when we imagine this scenario we think that the Spirit of God descended on his shoulder I think that God in his gut because something on the inside of him drove him to an inhumane place I drove him to a place that everybody else avoided he drove Jesus into a nightmare can I give 20 of you a prophetic word I know that you think that your destiny is safe pay attention but there are certain dangers that are signed to you and it's gonna look more scary to those that's not called to it but dangerous environments belong to dangerous destinies Jesus finds him so hire you in a dangerous environment what's coming next in your life and go looks safe at all it's gonna really be dangerous and if it looks safe it ain't God he told us he was our rock and if he is our rock in a peaceful place then something is wrong he told us he was our shield he told us he was our sworn so the whole of your destiny means there are certain delegated dangers that are assigned to you and only you Jesus goes into this dangerous place and here is my point here comes a tempter you gotta pay attention to us you're missin the tempter comes and attempted says a number of things to tempt Jesus and but I notice around about verse 3 or 4 this comes up if you are the son of God if you were born to do what you said you were born to do if the last thing Elohim declared over you is true then take this rock I want you to take this object this thing that was not designed for consumption you've been in this place for 40 days it'll make sense in a minute you've got to be hungry you got to be at the end of yourself you have nothing left you can't even cry you so hungry I want you to take this stone and what it means is when there is desperation at the apatite level that's where perversion comes in pay attention because you grab things you shouldn't bribe up and try to force it to what you needed to be even if it was not designed to be what you want it to be this is my certain relationships don't work it broke up because it fulfill this purpose this is my certain partnerships don't work I concluded his purpose how many of us try to make Rock Bridge look the things it was not molecular Li built to feed us and try to force the fit and foster feed but Jesus looked at him I'm preaching to me now and said listen to me mister Lucifer I've been sent here to accomplish the will of God I've been sent here to do what nobody before me could do because when the blood of bulls and goats fail Paulsen is only I'm sorry his only begotten Son and in the likeness of sinful flesh he condemned sin in the flesh so if this were in another environment if I were in Jamaica if I were in the Bahamas I might take you up on your dinner offer but because I'm in the wilderness and that's the place where my people were defeated I've got to make sure that I stay hungry on purpose because if I feed myself I've lost my weapon I'm going to beat hell with the weapon of hunger pay attention man doesn't not live I said man does not live I said man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God and the devil could do no more dialogue because he checked Jesus at the apatite level and found that there was no entry point I'd like to show you that a part of what hunger will do are you ready for this a part of what hunger will do will decrease your time frames what I'm trying to show you is that all around the subject of hunger Jesus spent one day for every year Israel spent in the wilderness he was able to achieve in days what nations could not do any years cuz he refused to lose his hunger I'd rather be hungry to accomplish and die under standard defeat I was not saved to be standard up I wouldn't say to be normal I promise you I tried it was the most boring two minutes of my life I got saved to have the strength of a supernatural God to defy every record defy every definition and to allow them to follow me because I'm home Green he shows up and there was a change in them events now I can preach at the point in apex of our text Jesus has had several things happen around him he's met several people he's been to the synagogue he's had some level of persecution a deacon stands up from the back and says who are you I know who you are you've come to torment us and he's had a level of miracles you know people talk so although they were told at Cana not to talk about the water and the wine somebody sent a text message so there was a reverberating effects of suspicion about the Messiah being on the scene and the Bible said that once he got to this point he had already selected some disciples which means that he had already had the challenge pay attention of coming on the scene of one more influential than him being mindful of the fact that his influence grew as his miracles grew this is not that generation we don't become famous for miracles we get famous for controversy and there is a demonic thing called demonic Fame when people want popularity but don't want power I'm just getting back to my text at the end of the day Jesus got popular because of what he cashed up Jesus got popular because of what he could break Jesus got popular because of who and what he would save he is already experienced some persecution because when the church people came up and saw him he wasn't dressed like him and then he had the unmitigated gall to be sitting at the table with some pencil and some prostitutes and some strippers and some drug addicts and everybody that had went through training and everybody that it went through catechist if he is Jesus why is he sitting with such filthy legs a queer and disreputable sinners and what they didn't realize that I am the name that is above every name so we don't matter what you named him when I step in front of him the first thing I'm gonna do is give them a new nature and if they get a new nature they'll have a new name he's a bad man he's a real bad he's the only person that can take your reputation i baptize it in the fire of God and use what you used to be known for to break the powers of Hell down if you stay hungry it'll change your reputation it's not somebody say oh yes you will come on open your mouth say oh yes you will so now we have this itch this situation now where he's had a lot of stuff happening he went through 40 days of fasting and now we're at a popular scene where there is a woman who's going up to the will god I love you word and when he gets to that well the Bible said there was a woman that comes there now paying attention to how strategic Jesus is he knew that the disciples were still religious that they still had within there my reference on who the Messiah came for and Jesus didn't prematurely try to mature them he was on a schedule I will you slap somebody next to you who's going to sleep and tell them you are on a schedule come on slap somebody else and say you are on a schedule now listen Jesus is on a schedule so as to not waste time he sends people away I feel like preacher who would have unnecessary questions he sends people away who will have unnecessary observations unnecessary objections because of what I'm about to do in the life of this woman who is a picture of the New Testament church I got to send y'all away cuz now stuck in the Old Testament and you ain't got grace to see the new I am the New Testament so when I send you away he's gonna meet the new public before y'all do y'all get in later and so he sends the disciples away and when he sends it his slap was away he starts talking to this lady it'll make sense and the lady is mad and disgruntle and and Jesus is why you up here what'd you come here for and she says my ancestors came to this mountain god I love your word history came to this mountain great-grandmother came to this man Big Mama evangelist any missionary Deborah they all came here and they were looking for the water I'm just doing my bear bear bear introduction and Jesus said I've got some water for you will you look at somebody say just stay hungry stay hungry and she said okay fine but I'm not interested in this water and Jesus said you don't understand you come to this mountain but you worship what you do not know which introduces to us a paradigm of ignorant worship and prayer you can play to a person you still don't know and Paul says you're playing a Miss what Jesus was about to do are you ready was break the ignorance off of her whenever you've been called to be an interrupter you gotta be delivered from ignorance that in this nation we want to be delivered from poverty but we don't want to touch ignorant in the name of the Son of God may the powers of ignorance be broken off your life husband in Jesus name you worship what you do not know but I've got some water for you tell me where I can get this one glory to the son of God she didn't realize she was talking to mr. h2o himself hi yah yah yah yah yah yah she didn't realize that she was talking to the water man she didn't realize who she was talking to and so what he does to lure her watch me out of a place of ignorance I was find out where she was at the appetizer round show me where your husband is and she said I got one and Jesus said you got that right now pay attention he didn't use his supernatural insight to condemn her he used his supernatural insight to convert her and what y'all don't realize is all cannot convert who you continue to condemn but John 3 says I didn't come to the world to condemn the world through me Jesus did for ichika what Jesus did was answer a question he was not going to give her the answer he was going to allow her to go through a process of discovery because you are not delivered until you find out the problem if you continue to blame other people for where you are in your life and blame other people how you think until you can diagnose yourself you will miss you use your own deliverance so Jesus asked a question of her to pull out the content of the appetite pay attention and he identified the source of the problem then mother said I perceive watch me because a hungry man don't need to praise himself glory to a hungry man don't need to sell himself we got to start doing some countercultural teaching in this generation we promote ourselves but my Bible said at the mouth of another praise you and what we see right here is he didn't walk up and say I'm prophet Jesus he just walked up to him and did what he was designed to do if I can give you a warning as a prophet of God don't you let this title change you don't you let this title entitle you don't you start walking around being mean to janitors because you got a title don't you start walking around walking past homeless people because you got a title huh if you let your title I become your idol you're gonna lose the title and you're gonna be at the mercy of the idol because I deserve to be by the grace I know exactly what you are you are a prophet nobody could do what they did and know what they knew now this woman becomes a perceive Angeles God I love you word because after this the Bible said that the disciples were still struggling to find out who he was huh but when this woman got a life changed at the well she went to the city and told everybody she Noah and from the context of my touch god I love you word what she said was she identified five husbands but the woman told everybody he didn't identify five husbands huh he told me everything which means that each of those men huh were markers in her history she probably remembered who she was when she met Darryl huh who she was when she met Erica who she was she made so she remembered who she was and those men were representations of those moments also her message was he changed my whole life by dealing with my appetites the good tomorrow so Jesus leave this counseling session he walks down the altar I'm trying to fix my tone and he gets halfway down this mountain and by this time the disciples who went to Starbucks because they were not used to being a hungry people they were spoiled rabbinical Jews who knew when they were going to get what they were gonna get they never knew what it was to go it out they had perfect patterns of perfect provisions and perfect meals so now when they come back full and they come back satisfied they're concerned about Jesus talking to this person but perhaps your lack of hunger is the answer behind your lack of right conversations uh many of us can have the right conversations cuz we're too satisfied but when you're hungry God can introduce you to the hurting when you're hungry God can introduce you to the wealthy when you're hungry darken is to introduce you to those that are supposed to escort you to your next level the content can't have the right conversation Peter the disciples walked up Master why are you talking to her why does she qualify Jesus ignores it and then one of them Colley Thomas says have you had that new Popeyes sandwich have you tried that new chick-fil-a we just got done I'm sorry we just got done eating and we want to know if you want some we just met our own appetite we had a signal and removed we had a desire and reacted we had a need and emptiness a pain and we wanted to hurry up and make sure that my all means don't feel a hunger pain you want to make sure that we are as comfortable as possible because you're talking about journeying and walking and all this stuff and we need to eat to be ready for it Jesus typical to how he does everything reverses their mentality go eat something go eat something now I know you don't realize how this is applicable to you but in your life you are about to experience watch this the pain of a different metric what happens when your time line is different from those around you what happens to you when you have to achieve something in a particular season of your life and it looks like you're hustling and grinding and yawning and those around you are working less and sleeping more and got the nerve to be promoted you're not being honest but but they're people under the sound of my voice who have inherited a different metric and here's why some of us in the room we are when I call 911 there are certain anointings that are not born for crisis there's certain anointings that are stabilizing anointings but those of us that have been held back almos ran through here those of us that have been drawn back those of us that were not groomed in the light but were groomed on the backside of deserts in the belly of whales we are crisis ministers we are anointed for crisis unknown in four four four abductions are noted for Amber Alerts and sirens and signals in the spirit so I know you got ordained tonight but some of you can expect to be held back and the only reason you're gonna be held back it's got to be to the nation grab some money say stay hungry stay hungry stay hungry not only is this scenario giving us the pain of a different metric it's also giving us the pain of a different measurement take a deep breath in whoosh ah do you realize your standards are not gonna be like those next to you your disciplines are not gonna be like those around you the Lord is going to require you pay attention to be as regimented as your revelation you must have the regimen to support your revelation and the discipline to support your study if you know it you will be held accountable to us and that may be your standard and your code of operations and your operand aspire but the person next to you may be able to get away with what you can't get away with an example when I was grooming myself before the Lord and in the presence of God I wanted to have fun I didn't like boring church life I wanted to smoke weed I wanted to go to the clubs I wanted to twerk and I wanted to saw I wanted to get some strippers and do all of that but if I were as much as run a red light I would get up and try to preach and wouldn't be no activity in the room there would be a known drug addict sitting right next to me that would get up and say hallelujah dying the glory and folks will get healed everywhere and I was mad at my standard I know you want me to turn my plow I was mad at my standard I was angry at my level but God told me I want more than one of you but those that I don't want more than one uh I let them have a long leash but if I intend to get more of you out of you if I'm gonna multiply you if I'm gonna make you the example I'm gonna shortly Sony huh so you don't have to ask me where to go haha and ask me what arena and ask me what to study and you're gonna need my permission but everything around you is the measurement it's the measurement I'm talking to people who are depressed because of the measurement it looks like the resources God uses to measure you are different from the purple piece and next the people next to you then you've got the pain of a different make up the way the Lord made you is differently there are people around you that may need to eat sooner than you do there are people around you that may not be able to survive in the environments of the realms that you do I'm a different do you know what the devil has been trying to do to you all your life get you to despise hate be angry with and have no resolve with your difference he's been trying to make you be mad at how different you are he's been trying to get you to attack your own difference so that you will be exactly like what is I had the church the church not this one the church thinks that different is synonymous with demonic so if it's two different we've got to call it demonic cuz we don't like difference difference be superior and if you give her there what am I so I'll call you a devil even though you just different I want about 100 people in here that's from the hood to scream I'm get friend together I'm different [Applause] finally this scenario shows the pain of a different mandate not only were you may different you're going to have a different audience who they've been working for and preaching to and reaching for won't be who you anointed for and I would that we stop acting like we're anointed for everybody if you don't like me is cuz I'm not assigned to you and I'm okay with that you're not supposed to be liked by everybody feel a chill in here you got to stop competing for the applause of people and you got to be willing to be misunderstood understanding is an amenity it is not a necessity it's like an indoor pool to a house but as long as you got a house you'll need the pool be willing to be misunderstood if it means you're in your right assignment well yeah but the pain of a different makeup the pain of a different metric the pain of a different measurement in the pain of a different mandate this is the war on satisfaction staying hungry is the only way to handle the unfinished business that God has signed you to this pain is showing up because Jesus says two things that is my whole message I have point number one meet that you don't know nothing about I have something that feeds me that you can't comprehend I show you a mystery God has blinded very many people around you they're not supposed to see everything that's in you I know you get offended cuz folk don't let you use your gift but I serve a God who will put blinders on foot watch me this is my Samuel grew up as a seer in the house of a man that could not if he'll I could see what was in Samuel he would have groomed them to act like Eli jr. because when what birth you despise is your individuality then they might corrupt it so they can be okay with it they're not supposed to see they're not supposed to completely understand because if they see it you may compromise so they can accept it I'm walking in here some of you are trying to force blind people to be a part of what's on the inside of you but you don't need them to see it for you to be you got to be willing to do it invisibly you are an unknown factor God's not going to explain you he's not going to introduce you he's simply going to reveal you you don't want to shout with me I said won't be a bunch of noise but you're who blah it'll be like to go show yourself to a.m. allow me to reintroduce myself he gets up and shows themself and it reveals that everybody around you won't comprehend what you've been called to eat or your appetite I have meat to eat that you know not of can you be willing to be misunderstood can you be willing to embrace not exhausting yourself to explain your next big move when I walked in here I walked into a series of decisions I felt in the spirit and there's gonna be certain people around you who are not supposed to understand why your method is your method why your market is your market and why your strategy has got to be your strategy they are not supposed to see point number two I have meet that you know not uh I don't expect you to understand this I'm not here for that that's point number one point number two of my sermon is this my meat is to do its to do my meat is to do tamo the will of him that sent me be close and watch me I'll shout there to finish it listen listen listen listen listen the will of God cannot be known until it's done what I mean by that is there are those of you who are not moving at all you have surrendered your hunger because it looks like God ain't saying enough but if there is an active note in your heart God I'll do everything but I'll obey up until I'll do with these following contingencies God does not waste waste comers say Shinto a non-compliant heart so he waits until your heart is submitted before he keeps talking if you don't know what to do next is cuz you're not ready to do it you've got to be ready to do it for him to keep talking and many of you are moving beyond your last sentence if it looks like God's not blowing up on your next step it's because you missed one you got to go back and see if I've not done of what he told me to do last before he continues my instructions my meat is to do my meat is to do I'm here tonight because there was a brand new do about to come upon you you're about to do some stuff you ain't ever done this ain't got nothing to do with your experience this is about to do in you and your destiny is not just about what you know it's about what you're willing to do as a matter of fact if you're willing to do it God can show you what on-the-job-training many of you don't know how to be a husband but if you're willing to do it but if you don't know how to be a businessman but if you're willing to do it God has a way of arranging in sequential order the wisdom the knowledge the understanding and the relationships that you need but the signal that you're ready for that is that you gotta know and I do in your spirit there's a new do a brand new do what you're willing to do will determine what he's going to say then he says my meat is to do I'm hungry I'm not ready to eat like y'all yet I've got to spend some more time the will of him that sent to me God is about to deliver you from volunteer assignments some of you are mentally emotionally relationally exhausted cuz you volunteered for something you wasn't sent for you saw a need and thought because you were Christian admit that you were automatically anointed for the need to draw past the corner saw an empty spot and said huh I think a church goes there and you didn't have the invisible resources I know you don't like that you didn't have the angels or the anointing for that city and you tried to force your mantle on a market that was not designed for you you got to be willing to realize there is a very specific tail custom-design thing that God is trying to do on the inside of you it's what you've been sent to do that you're going to be successful at pay attention I'm warning you tonight about the dangers of fake success the deception of fake success only those who are hungry don't think we've arrived what do you think we have my meat is to do the will of him that sent me to finish that's this season we are moving in several months of divine finishes what that looks like is everything in your space is about to be rehabbed dramatically Jesus says I've got to finish they're looking live right now you don't want to eat with us you talk about I'm hungry you grinding and stand up and depriving yourself of what you could have and Jesus switches and says look up see the work around you the harvest is right and you're only acting like y'all got four months now we see the meaning of his saying he's saying I got four months I'm moving on my schedule I'm not here for 40 years I got thirty three so a part of what that means is why you're wasting time eating what's available I've got to accelerate time by denying myself and doing watch me what feels unnatural and doing what feels abnormal so that I can finish well it's not until you're willing to do what other people are not willing to do that you'll finish and many of us have unfinished everything´s business plans unfinished books unfinished goals unfinished but the finishing anointing lives in the appetite round so if you can protect your appetite you're going to maintain the endurance to finish I cook my wife does not I cook rather well and there is a theory in my house and probably every african-american house in the world called the itis you've never experienced that it's it's when you you eat and you eat and the only thing you want to do is sleep it's so bad in my house when I have the ideas I don't even like to think I don't like to dream I don't like to imagine I barely like to laugh I just want to lay the problem with spiritual artists and a fat church culture that refuses to be hungry is that we lose markets that only speak hunger if you show me a bad person do you think is a bad person or an unworthy person I'll show you somebody that's hungry and when you are hungry you speak the language of hunger even when I get ready to cook I cook my best when I want something to eat I've eaten already I don't put the same effort in my food but when I'm starving I'm not about to make everything you about to get all I'm not to express myself in this kitchen how many of us shout dance preach teach build with the itís just for a bunch of lessons and no sacrifice bunch of photo ops and no real endurance I'm more anointed by more sensitive can't handle being criticized don't like being unlooked eight head into a folksy when you're hungry only a few things matter if you're really hungry you'll spend the gas money you won't if you're really hungry you go when my wife was pregnant that hunger was supernatural she didn't care if that thing was 30 miles across the city mother would wake up and say if you love me you're gonna go and get me whatever I'm craving I've been sent here tonight to engage an area in your life that ain't been engaging along and is your hunger if you're satisfied you're going to slow down look at your life in any area in your life that's slow I'll show you somewhere you satisfied prima tour contentment premature safety in it you have to get hungry the Lord has shown me some things coming in 2020 and only the hungry can handle some of you are this close from being out of your mind it's because your laws hunger you get up to work and talk to people that's full of the devil and won't wake up early to pray you lost your hunger some of you are on fire for the Lord when you got saved you became a church expert and you ain't fasted all year you did Allah measly seven days in January and for the rest of this year you've been full of everything including yourself but when you are hungry there are certain levels that change will you grab somebody tell them there are levels to this now I know this may make you sensitive but all the business people in the room are gonna shout with me there is too much money in the world to be made for me to be trying to PayPal anything from anybody I don't know about you but I intend to build an inheritance for everything connected to me and I can't do that being average I've got to do that being hungry somebody before me bad for so I'm going to live hungry I'm hungry I'm not satisfied I'm not satisfied I'm not satisfied this is not enough numbers it's not enough people is not enough TV anus hunger not for success but for transformation God entrusts you with unusual things you've got to get hungry again you got to be with you we're so unhung Gris and that we run from Jehovah's Witnesses and the Bible that they used to intimidate us we have sittin in our rooms they use what we have not studied to embarrass us and we go like cowards in our house close our blinds and you ain't letting nobody to the Lord all year were rushing to acquire it herself and so a demonized person on the street and didn't stop enough to do what your savior would have done where did the hunger go we live in a nation where no matter where you are in the earth a member of Islam will stop talking to you and get on his face and pray meaning no disrespect to you and we can go days we can go weeks we can go months in our churches the average choir rehearsal is more populated than meeting senior citizens but everybody wants a microphone let me bust the devil up to the light meter you are not stand before them before you bow before him and your preaching is only as powerful as your plan oh you didn't like that I know you didn't like it you got to pray you got to stop delegating the prayer responsibilities everything can be prayed for by the mothers we love them but I think we need some men intercessors I think we need some Elijah's they don't say honey I'm about to put my shirt on and go to my garage and don't mess with me I've got to wrestle with God I know you like that you have much where the preacher but God is about to break in America the idolatry of microphones and the idolatry of platforms and he's going to break me and down at the knee level cuz if I can make you hungry I'll make you heal is the key to your success the crisis is the opportunity if you get satisfied now things are gonna remain the same generations are not reliant on your looks they're not reliant on your cell phone pictures they're relying on you to stay hungry somebody's got to pass a possibility somebody's got a worth until their children have a blank canvas to dream on somebody's got to work so that we don't pass them debt at 18th and license them over to Fannie Mae or Sallie Mae or Deborah May all of the maze we've got to work until they turn 18 watch me and we hand them houses and we hand them companies and we hand them for one case before they 22 that didn't hit you you need to get hungry too we gotta move in a divine Caesar of reversal for generations and only the hungry can handle that bottom line is if you eat now if you stay as satisfied as the people around you you'll never know the miracle of acceleration you never know what it is to have your body in the grave and your brain in the earth I'm talking about hunger I'm talking about being the type of a life that people read about decades after you're gone I'm talking about museum rooms of your hard work I'm talking about those of us that use our disturbances to push us to a place of discipline because if you don't who will put your head on your chest say I'm not satisfied you don't sound like you really mean that let the devil Here I am not satisfied a thousand dollars is not enough a million dollars is not enough a bank loan is not enough one house ain't enough one car any enough I'm not using these things for things sake on my back is the kind of an assignment that's gonna shift history and I'm not going to go to sleep when I should be protecting my hunger lift your hands I'm a prayer and I'm about to sit up in the name of the Son of God right here and right now every demonic thing operating against your appetite every frustrating thing operating against your appetizer every implant but the enemy in your appetite is broken not by the power of God every soul tie every psychological assault every chemical imbalance every demonic diagnosis that's removing your hunger pain trauma trauma and crisis pain trauma trauma crisis bad memories missing the way of new vision in the name of Jesus your appetite is being turned right now fathers we lift our hands up we say give us this day give us this day we don't want the brand of yesterday we want the destiny of tomorrow may divine hunger revolutionize your life and maybe play twenty20 be the year where every standard every record every barrier of your life is broken by the weapon of hunger scream I'm hungry
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 101,180
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Id: pdtFNgt2yVI
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Length: 73min 8sec (4388 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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