Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, TALK DIRTY TO ME - February 16th, 2020

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I was sinking deep in sin very deeply stained within then the master of the sea he heard the despairing cry and now say em you gotta talk dirty tour I searched all over I couldn't find nobody I searched high and low and I still couldn't find nobody nobody's greater you gotta talk dirty to him happy if you didn't love me where would I be if he didn't care can I go further I don't know jesus loves me I don't know he cares I love know why he's sacrificing life but I'm so good I'm lost without you you you are the air I breathe I live I move very big without him I am nothing without him I would Sam some of y'all don't need God that's why you sitting there with your arms folded and your legs crossed but I need somebody who knows God I can't take a day without you you've been better to me they're bad to myself [Music] some of y'all can't worship could you think you gods fear you think you are gods a level but if y'all know just another day then she has catfish would you take a moment right here this ain't for your neighbor this is for God lift up that head and open up your mouth dirty to God you know I fall apart you know I'm right on the edge of a breakdown you know about to lose my [Music] [Applause] [Music] as the Jill joined me Luke's Gospel chapter 22 Luke 22 Matthew Mark Luke [Music] 22 if you don't have a Bible would you be kind and Christian enough to share with somebody close by [Music] if neither of you have a Bible get new friends this year the Bible verse passage will be provided for you on our closest Corinne when Jesus followers saw what was going to happen they said Lord should we stripe with our swords one of them struck the servant of the high priests cutting off his right ear but jesus answered no more of this and he touched the man's ear and healed him you may be seated when Jesus's followers saw what was going to happen they said Lord should we strike with our swords Peter pulled out his pocketknife chopped off the year of one of the Centurion soldiers Jesus rebuked him said no more of this picked up the man's ear put it back on the side of his face I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject talk dirty to me because of the sensitivity of the subject please don't turn to your neighbor just you don't know them liked in saving more lives than Sanjay Gupta dr. Hawes and dr. Phil combined is probably Gary Chapman psychologist and author the New York Times bestseller with 12 million sold the five love languages how to express heartfelt commitment to your main five love languages how to express heartfelt commitment to your main he recognized dr. Chapman does that many relationships are going awry because of key elements being lost in translation it's not a matter of whether your native tongue is English or Arabic if all you comprehend is hieroglyphics more fluent than any UN interpreter dr. Chapman was able to decode cryptic messages that the heart is prone to put out in the lexicon of emotions he compiled that most people primarily receive love from five different ways number one receiving gifts number two quality time number three acts of service number four physical touch and number five words of affirmation many of you realize how difficult it is just trying to find somebody who speaks your language you're talking about legacy and they just want to talk about louis vuitton you want to talk about ideas and they're stuck on Instagram would it have been a compatible has become combustible simply because the communication was off-kilter she just wanted to spend time and you thought you could just satisfy her with gifts all he wanted was acts of service with a cooked meal and a clean home but you she believed that a night of eroticism would eclipse home economics I want to urge all of you this morning and all of you who are viewing that you would take a free evaluation so that you're able to find your love language I want you to write this down please don't go to it while I'm preaching but I want you to fill it out after service the five love languages calm five love languages calm is not just significant for who you're dating who you're married to is for the people who are in your intimate space so you can find out what language are they speaking and all the more what language are you able to hear taking the test several times with the results always coming back the same they have the significant people in my life including my children to take it words of affirmation is not just loosely saying what you feel but explaining of what you feel so it is not dismissively I love you but I love you why I love the fact that you always have a listening ear love that you're always compassionate love that you are accountable so words of affirmation is not just about being spoken to is about feeling valued understood and appraised most recently and dawned on me that the most meaningful relationship that any of us will ever have is with the master all the energy all the time all of the effort that you put on mastering relationship have you ever once pause to consider what is God's love language because we can't test God we can study him and I've discovered through deductive reasoning that words of affirmation must be God's language reason for my conviction is that he spent more time developing the ear than any other part of the body Dawkins you fool argues that what you work on the most you do the best I better say that again what you work on the most is what you do the best and God spent more sensitivity more intricacies on developing our ears than any other part of the body in the physical review letters published at MIT it disclosed that how both ears have hyper sensitivity and selectivity they are tectorial membrane that lie atop the tiny hairs that line the inner ear that actually act as satellite microphones so your ears can hear what's going on in the next room was going on downstairs or your ears can train themselves to tune people out there talking but you selectively are not listening in it interesting in it interesting to defend my argument my point about gods affinity or fetish for ears is that your ears are the lead erogenous zone on the body there are three parts of the ear the outer and the inner three parts of the ear the outer the middle and the ear for those of you who are stood in Scripture you're mindful of the fact that there are three parts of the temple the outer court the inner court and the Holy of Holies and so our ears are designed strategically to mirror the temple the outer court the inner court and the Holy of Holies all three of those layers are surrounded by open large nerve endings there's a nerve ending in every dimension to your ear so to even whisper in somebody's ear if too close you'll arouse something that may not even be intentional in middle school the only move you knew to make was to blow in a girl's ear and then run away [Applause] well you don't even understand is that worship is equivalent to blowing in the ear of God and God likes when we worship Him but it is not just saying I love you dismissively he wants to hear the intimacy of why do we love him why do we value him why do we trust him and is that fact that he wants us to talk dirty to him what do you mean by that pastor I'm clutching my pearls I'm having an asthma attack what do you mean talk dirty to God when you talk dirty to God it is in fact understanding that I am describing the condition of where I am and how bad I need him weary worn and sad but I found in him a resting place and he has made me glad top dirty tour I was sinking deep in sin very deeply stained within then the master of the sea he heard the despairing cry and now say em you gotta talk dirty tour I searched all over I couldn't find nobody I searched high and low and I still couldn't find nobody nobody greater you gotta talk dirty to him where would happy if he didn't love me where would I be if he didn't care can I go further I don't know why Jesus loves me I don't know why he cares I don't know sacrifices life but I'm so glad that a turn got on and that turns him on it it turns God off when you sit in worship and feign as if you don't need him but I need somebody who understands I know how to get God's attention I gotta tell her I'm lost without you you you are the air I breathe it in you I live I move I have my very big without him I am nothing without him you want to talk dirty to God you gotta tell God how bad you need him how desperate you need him some of y'all don't need God that's why you sitting there with your arms folded and your legs crossed but I need somebody who knows God I can't take a day without you you've been better to me then I bantam ice some of y'all can't worship could you think you gods beer you think you are gods a level but if y'all know just another day that she has kept me would you take a moment right here this ain't for your neighbor this is for God lift up that hand and open up your mouth talk dirty to God you know i'mma fall apart you know I'm right on the hair jumper breakdown you know I'm about to lose my target oh the prodigal son he spent all that he had went into the pigs pen and then he thought to himself I got a struggle like this so he got up out of the Pigpen went to his father's house and when the father saw him afar off you know what he did he put a robe on him y'all ain't saying nothing got a ring and put it on his finger had a cookout in the backyard but do you notice what God never did he never washed the face of the prodigal son he said I know you got mud on you but because you came to me I'm still gonna bless you some of y'all think you can't get to God until you clean up your life God said come to me nasty me messed up come to me fallen apart I'll put you back together again you gotta talk dirty to her the ER is so important it's so important to God because you remember when the Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit after it is that God told them not to eat of the fruit that they go hiding in the Garden of Eden but something peculiar takes place what takes place in the garden at a risk our attention today is that they heard God coming are y'all ain't saying nothing the reason why your enemies can't stand you is that in spite of your sin you can still hear God in spite of messin up you still can have a sense of the direction of God I wonder if there's anybody here that know I'm broken I'm glad I got some issues but I still hear the voice [Music] they lost their favor but never lost the capacity to be able to hear the voice of God there was a prophet by the name of Elijah and Elijah is in the middle of a drought and he sends his assistance ago see do you see a sign of anything and the assistant came back and said I don't see nothing and he said to him prepare yourself I hear the sound of the abundance of rain some of y'all don't understand why the person next to you worship they are not shouting based off of what they say they are shouting coz of what they heard if there's anybody that here's abundance commander your life I don't want to the sound of your bank account over your house I want you to shout over the promise of a your life I hear I hear the sound of the abundance of rain you are not going to live in adequacy you are getting ready to live in the extravagance of God the decadence of His Holiness is getting ready to overwhelm you I need you to help all your neighbor and tell him is coming is coming handily I can't hear anybody I said it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming your season of struggling is over it's time I can't hear the body the race in giving to the Swift or to the strong but to those that endure to the end I said Lord you gotta show me this is the world that you got for me this mother she said to moan look outside it was clear yesterday but today I am sending their pockets of rain I need you to shout for what God is sending [Applause] but I'm sending it sending the abundance of rain Jesus knew that his end was coming and he's spending his last moments with the disciples and out of nowhere the police department for Jerusalem show up and they're coming to arrest him the disciples are trying to figure out what is the plan that we got to be able to defend the Savior Jesus is telling them pipe down when you have truth you don't need to be defended you'll just miss what I just said this is only for 50 y'all that don't mind shouting out loud he said this week i'ma fight for you in the presence of people that have been betraying you and stabbing you in the back you don't need nobody to speak up for you and they're coming to arrest Jesus Peter pulls out a switchblade pulls out a switchblade and cuts off the ear of a centurion soldier by the name of mouthiest and Jesus said Shawn stop y'all gotta stop this foolishness this is not what I'm looking for you all to do he picks up the ear he picks up the ear and puts it back on the soldier he does it for two reasons number one Jesus was mindful of Leviticus the Leviticus says that if anybody is named they are not fit to be a priest y'all just miss them if anybody is missing a limb they are disqualified from ministration the enemy for the last three years has been trying to cut off pieces of your testimony so that you will not be used for his glory but God said would ever be enemy cut off I am about to restore whenever they use a disqualifier I'm about to put it back in place according to the Roman government according to the Roman government if you assault an officer it is considered a capital offense if you assault an officer it is a capital offense if Jesus would have left the ear on the ground then by law they would have had to arrest Peter and Peter would have been crucified y'all just missed it but before they could read him his rights Jesus picked a year up from the ground and put it back on his face do you know why you ought to be shouting you ought to be shouting because Jesus got rid of the evidence whatever the enemy thought it was don't do to you God said if you can make it always that got no ever did said certainly I gotta put the ear back on because I don't want him to be in my presence and not be able to hear me you just miss what I said Jesus said I don't want him to be this close to me and not be able to hear my voice I want you to lift up that hand I want to say something over you and I want you to be able to receive it with an open heart God said as of 12:00 noon today you are gonna be able to hear the voice of God with more clarity than you've had over the last 10 years those of you that want to be able to hear God's voice to give you direction and instruction would you open up your mouth and worship Him like you need [Applause] come on come on I said if you want to hear them this week you need clarity on something you need transformation for something open up your mouth [Applause] be seated I gotta tell you this how young I went a couple of weeks ago I flew back home a couple of weeks ago surprising my daughters they didn't know that I was coming I flew in Surprise them picked him up took him to the mall and we were walking around the mall and they see it's a sale that fell for 21 we want through the mall and I'm feeling great pull on me trying to make me see that there's a sale I'm looking straight ahead acting like I don't see it she said daddy okay can we just go in there for a minute I said sure I said okay and see where this is going so I gave all three of them $50 said grace you got fifty ain't you you got a fifty door you got fifty I'm gonna meet y'all at the cash register you got 15 minutes got 15 minutes we gotta get out of here grace took her 50 ran off adora got her 50 ran over to the earrings and just wrecking up an angel said daddy I want to stay with you I said okay some walking-around forever21 with angel and say dey you like them jeans I said those are nice jeans she say she say you the best daddy ever you think I should get them I said yeah I think you should get him she get the jeans we start walking since a daddy I can't believe you came here you the best daddy at the whole school what you think about that sweater said that sweater is nice she said you think I should get it I said I think you should get it she picked up the sweater we keep walking around the store she said daddy I can't believe after all you had to do you flew here after preaching that new birth and just to come see me what about that coke do you like that color [Applause] I said I like that color she say you think I should get it I said yeah I think you should get it we almost finish we walking through the store she says lord I daddy I don't got no earrings do you think I should get some earrings I said yeah you should get some earrings so she went got one pair earring she said now these earrings is just for everyday but I need another pair of earrings for special occasions I said yeah go get the other ones if you like she said Oh daddy I love you so much I can't believe you getting all of this we get to the cash register and grace and adore are already there with $50 worth of stuff ha god help me but angel got a hundred and fifty [Applause] sitting on the counter her sister's got an attitude and say why she get all the debt and all we got is this in angel said cuz I walked with don't let sayin nothing here's some stuff you can read it again when you learn how to walk with God when you learned how to talk to him when you learned how to speak in this hair God you think I should get that house you think I should get that car do you think I should get that business and funk wonder now did you get all that here [Applause] [Music] I want you to grab somebody's hand real quick grab somebody's hand and tell them you better learn how to walk with them everything you ask God for is dinner ready to happen for you everything that you prayed about is about to be delivered everything you said in secret God is never give it to you in public I don't need you to shout for me Oh [Music] [Applause] lift up off of those hands lift up both of those hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Bible says his ear is not heavy that he cannot hear his arm is not short that he cannot save he inclines his ear towards the worshiper but that hand lifted God Nutella said we can't just be hearers of the word but we gotta be doers also would you just take 30 seconds if you indulge me 30 seconds forget about the people around you would you take 30 seconds and open up your mouth and just talk to God yes his love language he wants to hear your voice y'all ain't say I'm not turning up the volume of it come on that's his love language let him hear how bad he you need them how desperate you are to be in his presence you only got 30 seconds left open up your mouth [Music] come on just then I love [Music] when I hear I'm desperate I'm desperate [Music] come on everybody lift up that hand let's turn God on everybody I lost with come on [Applause] [Music] with [Music] listen everybody is standing further evidence that words of affirmation are the Masters love language everybody of standing watch the formula for salvation it's not for you to dance it's not for you to scream is not for you to sing the formula for your salvation hear this if you confess your sins he's faithful and he's just cleanse you from all unrighteousness stop saying you can't wait til you get yourself together you ain't never gonna be together till you turn your life over to him if you're in this room and you're saying pastor I gotta get saved today I gotta join this church today I got a blow in the ear of God today that's who you are that's where you are I want you to please meet me at this altar I want new birth to be your church I wanna be your pastor but more than anything I want Jesus to be your Lord if you're here in this place you came with a friend came with a co-worker came with a neighbor came by yourself but she's saying God is speaking to me today I had no idea that maybe I haven't been hearing from God because he has not been hearing from me where you are in this place the journey of a million miles starts with one step I want you to come quickly please come on come on come on come on Newberg would you clap your hands for for those that are coming I need you to shop for this brother coming for these men coming [Applause] [Music] bless his name would you clap for this beautiful family coming I need to declare [Applause] [Music] we intentionally a making sure we're demonstrating the spirit of love come on give God glory as they come [Music] I need you to do me a favor I've done what I can now I need you to help me I want you to help me open the doors of the church I want you to help me invite somebody to be a part of the greatest church this side of heaven would you do me a favor please so please ma'am would you talk to somebody around you somebody who you don't know somebody who you don't recognize some are you ain't seen around these parts before I need you to go ask a man are you saved ask him do you have a church home have you given your life over to God I need you to come quickly I can't believe y'all they talking to nobody demonstrate the love of God expressed the love of God show I need y'all to shout for this brother coming [Applause] both of you are part of our virtual community some 40,000 of you are worshipping with us online you want to be a part of this ministry I want you to enlist in role I want you to become a part right now a new birth dad org I need y'all to shout for these young adults coming [Music] I would love love love for you to make the best decision of your life I would love love love for you to in fact get instead become a part of our community be a part of our family this way you belong your whole life was setting you up for this moment you are not here by accident you're not here by coincidence you are here by divine providence I need y'all to shout for these teenagers coming [Music] [Applause] let's just night alright we won't do spin 360 and we out of here what is there pester you don't do a quick spin class I need to talk to the person on your left on your right in front of you behind you clap your hands for this young man coming as a person on your left on your right tap the person in front of you pull on the person behind you ask them do you need me to walk you down there are you sure you saved are you sure you got a church home are you sure you've given your life over to God come on here they come y'all you ought to be shout for the overflow put away [Music] [Applause] Lissa's now search a right-hander faith they came as friends but they're leaving this family hold up wait a minute come on clap your hands [Music] listen hold on musicians I gotta do this hold on one minute I need y'all to go crazy over this you know what I just realized y'all ain't gonna believe this Nate this has blown my mind can y'all believe we got more men at the altar dude women [Music] [Applause] haha [Music] Here Come another brother come on [Applause] there's another brother that wants to get save wants to give your life over to God wants to join the church come on sister if you want to be a part of this last wave come on come on come on we saving the last dance for you wherever you are I need you to come quickly let's try it again stretch your right hand into faith we got to move stretch your right hand into faith repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God and I know that's right if your norm writes say show your right come on let's give God a handclaps of praise I said you'll please follow us out this way new bird make some noise come on make some noise [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 64,598
Rating: 4.8294392 out of 5
Id: wHgUCw6DMgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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