Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, BETTER LATE THAN NEVER - January 13th, 2019

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am i capable do I have what it takes maybe is something wrong with me the greatest frustration you can ever have is to be gifted with no opportunity you didn't hear what I just said one of the greatest frustrations in the world is to be gifted with no opportunity and you see less gifted people pass you and you're trying to figure out what in the ham sandwich is going on when is it gonna be my season and God said because you've been faithful over few things i'ma make you ruler over minute don't you - yes [Music] direct your attention to Luke chapter 13 no chapter 13 Matthew Mark Luke looking lost Luke chapter 13 I don't want to consider verses 6 7 & 8 Luke 13 6 7 & 8 we're continuing our series there's nothing wrong with me would you look at the person beside you and tell them you look at him tell him you are not your issue nothing wrong with me Luke chapter 13 verses 6 through 8 once you found I want you to Clare I have it then he told this parable a man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard and he went to look for fruit on it but didn't find any so he said to the man who took care of the vineyard for three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any cut it down why should it use up the soil sir the man replied leave it alone for one more year I'll dig around it and I'll add some fertilizer you may be seated I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject better late than never better late than never before black people started pecking out papayas the king of poultry was Kentucky Fried Chicken what you may not know is that Colonel Sanders didn't stumble into success until he was 65 after spending a lifetime outside of the kitchen trying to find the right career he tried his hand at being a farmer a lawyer a tire salesman and an insurance salesman but for him nothing seemed to catch when he hit 40 he opened a gas station but not even that took off so in an attempt to attract more customers he bought his first pressure cooker to start selling his delectable birds to drum up more business to make matters worse construction started to build on what we now know as I 75 so he had to shut down his service station but found a little piece of property that was big enough just for take-out restaurant he was beginning to think his entire life was a waste until he sold his secret recipe truth be told he didn't reach millionaire status until 73 clad in a white double-breasted suit he became famous in commercials for describing his product as finger lickin good it took to the end of his life to get the taste of average out of his mouth yet today all over the world 12 million people will eat at KFC in over 109 countries sometimes it may take you a minute but you'll finally get it you have to stop measuring your life by other people's timetable when you're looking at the plantation of your life experiences you must be very careful not to confuse undeveloped flowers for weeds a late bloomer is a person whose talents or capabilities are not visible to others until later than usual historically the terms been attached to adolescents whose progress is at a slower pace than their peers but eventually they catch up and in some instances they surpass in terms of adults it applies to a talent or genius in a particular field that doesn't become evident until their latter years new birth do you know that Albert Einstein the architect behind the theory of relativity was dismissed by teachers because he did not start speaking until he was four just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I don't have anything to say it was believed to have dyslexia or 80-day he failed all of his college entrance exams but today is considered to be one of the smartest men who ever lived I want to park here parenthetically and say stop writing eulogies prima or late you don't know what your child is going to become I don't care what the teacher says I don't care what the test says there is a hidden genius in your child that is about to be exposed in the year of 2019 I don't need all of you to shout just parents who believe there is greatness in your children would you shout for them now for those that are entrenched in Scripture we can't ignore the fact that even Jesus was outside of his call for thirty years Jesus did not come to the earth to become a carpenter but for the majority of his life he was cutting wood to construct tables and build chairs he was caught in a caste system that trapped him in a generational occupation it wasn't until he was thirty that he embraced the Epiphany of his assignment you might be bouncing around because what you need is not another job you need a life assignment and for somebody who's in this room the light bulb is about to go off and God is getting ready to put things in divine alignment so that your passion will catch up with your purpose and when your passion catches up with your purpose God is going to help you turn the profit I came to tell somebody who is agonizing about where you are in life all God wanted you to know today is better late than never and it is not too late for you to occupy your gift your assignment and your call day is more to you than paying utility bills there's more to they're making somebody else will be there's more to you than doing menial paperwork but God said this is the year that before December 31st everything you were born and created to do it's gonna become evident in your life and those of you that have faith that day is not a job for me but there is a life assignment for me give God your best shelter Thanksgiving like you are excited about your chapter the light bulbs get ready to go off because this didn't work that didn't work the other thing didn't work and God says I'm getting ready to show you what I have in mind for you what I have in store for you I want to see those of you who have a job but you're dissatisfied would you lift up their head those of you are made up in your mind you can't go another year stressed out at a job you do not like those of you who are frustrated because you know that there's an entreprenuer trapped in your spirit I want you to lift up that hand I speak over every lifted hand that God this year is going to make the connections easy he's going to put you in the atmosphere of influential people who will push you in the path of your destiny I speak over heavy lifted hair that last year was your lowest income but this year God is gonna blow your mind by doing for you when nobody in your family was ever able to accomplish a spit over your life the mediocrity is under your feet and excellence and success is getting ready to come into your path I cancel the assignment of every negative supervisor and co-worker that sets you up for failure you are now stepping into the greatest season of your life and those of you that believe it open your mouth and wave your hair let you trust God so what you're getting ready to accomplish a new body race accomplish what you will Harlen hallelujah I got a pause right here I want you to worship Him for your business for your your your your your mouth [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's gotta be more for me hallelujah it's gotta be more for me it's gotta be more for my life it's gotta be more for my family I'm too gifted to be struggling I'm I'm too anointed to be unhappy there's gotta be something long before long before you could freeze embryos the establishment Aryan of Judaism it's a man by the name of Abraham was occupying a place called Earth of the Chaldeans he's considered the father of the faith and yet he and his wife are unable to recreate God made Abraham a promise at 75 but it didn't manifest until he was 99 did you hear what I just said God made him a promise at 75 but he did not see evidence of it until she was 99 for 24 years he's stepping out on faith believing what God had promised him was coming to pass and yet he saw nothing for 24 years he would go in the bedroom close the blinds tell Sarah tonight is the night and still nothing would happen went down to the pharmacy got some blue pills [Applause] [Music] and nothing happened and God says I saw you sweating I saw you frustrated and I saw you watch this when you had nothing to show for your sacrifice but this year whatever you work for you're getting ready to see it coming to your hand I'm talking to Saints who are tired of woken and having nothing to show for if you worship Him God said everything you had to spend out of your savings account is about to be replenished you had to live without to restore you the moment you almost gave up on your faith and gave up on your God is CEO this has been a long time but you didn't doubt me I'm talking to some people who came to them a crossroad in your own life where you started second-guessing yourself am i capable do I have what it takes maybe is something wrong with me the greatest frustration you can ever have is to be gifted with no opportunity you didn't hear what I just said one of the greatest frustrations in the world is to be gifted with no opportunity and you see less gifted people pass you and you're trying to figure out what in the ham sandwich is going on when is it gonna be my season and God said because you've been faithful over a few things i'ma make you ruler over many don't you dare second-guess the hand of God this on your life you don't even recognize about yourself is that you are nothing more than a late bloomer I'm not talking to you I'm talking to somebody behind you but if you know you have everything that you need inside of you but it just hasn't taken root would you lay hands on yourself and just declare out loud I must be a late bloomer just because it hasn't come doesn't mean it's not coming you just missed it just because it hasn't come doesn't mean it's not coming I need you to shout out loud I must be a late bloomer those that study those that study botany I've got to be keenly aware of a plant in Peru known as the queen of the Andes the plant watch this the plant can push out eight to twenty thousand flowers every three months eight to twenty thousand flowers every three months it sprouts up to 41 feet in the air making it the tallest species of its kind the glitches that the queen of the Ender's only grows every 80 years so people who don't know what it is will dismiss it will underestimate it will ignore it because they don't know how long it takes just for the tree to get right there are some people who are gonna owe you an apology because they thought you should be further along by a certain time but they don't know I don't come to impress you I come to serve God and when God says don't look like much seventy-nine years no sign of growth no evidence that there's anything trapped in it but in the 80th year all of the cylinders start moving in motion and it begins to grow you are about to glow up you committee to move into areas and in two dimensions and platforms and stages that nobody in your inner circle has ever occupied you get better to be a influencer in a world changer and a history make of the oil or you are so profound that they can't make a move without your buy-in and your consultation you Theriault oil that will shift atmosphere there and undergird strategies and shift generation this is your year stay here the late bloomer I want to say that again this is the year for the late bloomer I can't find who I'm preaching to yet this is the year for the late bloomer hallelujah I'm sick are you talking about me yes if I don't know what you said Luke chapter 13 Jesus tells the tale of a man who had a feature he grown in his backyard but it wasn't bring him forth any fruit and in righteous indignation he went to the garden and bemoaned how for three years nothing has come out of it please forgive me for meddling but I feel like I'm preaching some people in this room that the last three years almost wiped you out the last three years knocked the wind out of you the last three years has been nothing but attack after attack the last three years as soon as you got something together something else would fall apart the last three years that you assumed would have your back stabbed to it said I've been watching you for three years and for three years I didn't see you produce for three years I never saw anything come out of your life for three years you have been barren he says what I'm going to do is I want to cut you down hallelujah do you know how many people lifted an axe to your name they wanted to cut you apart because you were not producing at their level of expectation but I want to speak a prophecy over somebody who's in this room the first three months of this year I'm gonna make up for the last three years of your life didn't hear what I just said the first three months of this year I'll go make three years so your life the next three months are gonna be so good it's gonna be like the last three years never happened I can't hear nobody in here God says I owe you some stuff and I'm get ready to bless you for the seasons you wouldn't cry in public I'm a bless you the loser when why antagonizing yeah imma hold you together when the doctor gave you a negative report the first three months we're gonna make up for the last three years I don't know who it is for but I January you gonna be blessed for whatever happened in 2016 I can't believe y'all not hand up your search fabula you gonna be blessed for whatever you have to deal with in 2017 I can't hear nobody up to you for what your headache powder it's where they hate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the first three months of the year are gonna make up for the last three years of your life and the owners said what I want to do is cut it down for the spectators in the room please forgive us because this sound the worship is gonna be alien to you the only reason why I'm shouting screaming and dancing in church is I can think about the seasons of my life where God should have cut me down but he gave me another chance and he gave me another opportunity and he gave me another day you think I'm not go crazy with yet all right to cut me [Applause] and the gardener began to plead on the trees behalf and said don't cut it down I know what needs to happen in order for the tree to produce put fertilizer round it some of y'all are slow the only thing that's gonna make you grow is your mess the enemy meant it for evil but God is don't work it out for your good you are stronger because of what you enjoyed a [Applause] gardener knew what the owner didn't and that is what's this that figs don't grow every year every fruit has a season as a consequence I don't know why you allow people to put you under pressure like you supposed to be on all the time I need some real people right there here there there's some days I just don't feel like it some some days I don't want you rubbing my back I don't want no script you're my handsome machine just give me a minute I'm going through offseason says I'm gonna dig around it I'm gonna dig around it and I'm gonna put some some mess around it cuz if I put some mess around it it'll force it to grow I want to argue with the text very quickly I want to argue with the text and then I'm I'll let you go here is my problem with the tax Bishop McKenzie my problem it's the Garden of negotiated with the owner don't cut it down give me one more year i scoured sacred texts Matthew Mark Luke John watch this and I got a problem Atlanta that I got to tell you my problem is I have no scriptural evidence that the owner ever came back to check on its growth pastor what are you saying to me I'm saying to you there are people looking at you when you don't produce but when you stop producing they act like they don't see you I want you to be seated please stop asking God to kill your enemies stop asking God to remove them God says this is the year I am gonna let every person who underestimated who you are see the glory of God manifest over your life families don't see it your friends are gonna see it your head says go see it look Road I'm getting ready to bear [Applause] late bloomers this is your year to finally catch up with your potential the calendar has just been refreshed the timetable has just shifted forget about all you have never accomplished this is the year that God said everything I spoke over your life while you were in your mother's war is getting ready to come the pass and those of you that have an agreement with God for something you've been waiting on and you ain't seen nothing yet but you worship God like you believed this year [Applause] I said open up your mouth like their share [Applause] I can't hear anybody there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up that hand I want to speak to late bloomers and show us your season it's your time you don't helped everybody else [Applause] [Music] God says I'm gonna let you be selfish for a change this time take care yourself you don't delayed your own life you don't pull off your own goals you have sacrifice your intellect God said never again let God arise lift up that hand I want to pray for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I only want to hear the sound of late bloomers it ain't fair it ain't right you should have more by now late bloomers [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that hand is lifted I'm gonna say a word to the parents that a in this room softly Michels thank you lift up that hand I'm gonna say a word to parents who are in this room don't you give up on your child prematurely doing a radio interview this week they said pastor why didn't new birth do all the debt for Bennett College and I said to the radio show whole sigh I felt like I had to because HBCUs made opportunities for people who never would have went to college [Applause] for one month being your pastor and people have come before you told you I went to Morehouse told you how I went to Duke tells you how studied at Oxford it graduated from the Graduate theological foundation to get a doctor to Ministry degree but over there Simone all the people that have stood before you to introduce me none of them told you I failed the 11th grade none of them told you I got a GED got put out of high school cuz Church people like your New Testament they don't like your Old Testament but I need some people that know I made some mistakes in my life but the hand of God [Applause] cuz get ready to open the door for somebody in this room in normal circumstances should never get the opportunity that's get ready to be afforded to you but that's the favor of God over your life the house you get ready to get done match your credit score [Applause] lift up that hill lord I pray over every lifted hand that in this first quarter of 2019 help him to grow fast help them to outlive their mistakes help them to go further than anybody would have ever expected imagined or predicted have every lift at hand and every person is connected to their family bloodline that they get ready to see a shift in behavior in cognitive skills in development in comprehension I pray that the first three months of the year will make up for the last three years of their life and those of you your faith comes into agreement with the faith of your pastor would you give God a shelter Thanksgiving now come on you can't you got a shout out loud knock out trust God [Applause] better late better late than never there's some people in this room you've been around church but you ain't been in Christ people in the room your grandmother your mom used to drag you to church but you never gave him who you are I don't care if you're 43 eilen Campea 17 I don't care if you you're 15 I don't care if you're 59 if you old enough to pick out your clothes you old enough to pick out your Savior you're here in this room say pastor I don't know how you got the cold to my email the password to my text messages but you were talking to me pastor you got no idea I always look at my phone but I got nobody to talk to if you're here in this room and you are the quintessential late bloomer you saying you know what I don't wasted a whole lot of my life but I'm not gonna do it again today starts the first quarter of my year and I need God to ship some things on my behalf the first would be last the last be first cuz this is the year for the late bloomer throngs of people are getting ready to get saved you may join the church might I entreat you to stand wherever it is that you are cuz I don't want anybody to climb over you [Applause] if you here in this room says passionate you just got here I don't know how you know all my business but you were talking to me if you're here in this room and you're saying this the kind of church I need to join this is the kind of message I need to be hearing this is the kind of worship I need to experience I want you to give God some praise as they come [Applause] [Applause] come on new brush [Applause] new birth I don't know what's wrong with y'all today come on [Music] new birth y'all know what we supposed to do [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on new guys [Music] they still coming and y'all gonna shout about it I need outer shell for these young people coming from the back come on open up your mouth [Applause] [Music] they still coming y'all come on which I'll shout for this brother come and come out and each other's shelf and his sister coming down now come on give God glory for [Music] let's the Lord Alleluia listen to me alright new perk you know the rules as long as they come and keep making noise I said as long as they coming [Applause] [Music] all right come on which our chef and his mother and child coming come out [Applause] [Music] all right listen is saw new birth make some noise [Music] [Applause] here comes somebody else in this out come on [Applause] listen to me new birth dear Lord they're still coming a young girl shall put his young man coming [Applause] get it come on time to stop kill a cow okay so real quick I'm waiting on twelve people to come I'm waiting for twelve people I get ready to come to get saved while coming to join the church get connected with the greatest church in the world it's twelve of them know where they are but I need y'all to help me go find them real quick do me a favor please real quick everybody in the room go to two people that you don't know two people that you don't recognize and find out for me are they saved if they don't know what that means bring them to me ask them do they have a church home are they a member of a ministry that's growing that as Jesus as the center and the community at heart here comes one come on wherever you are here comes two [Music] here comes three y'all didn't believe me it comes forward here comes bad here comes six here comes Sabbath y'all they sound good [Applause] here comes a here comes Ted win that 12th one top y'all artists out for this family cometh [Applause] [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 40,101
Rating: 4.8886895 out of 5
Id: gt2kZAzy_VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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