Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, DON'T SWITCH UP ON ME - October 20th, 2019

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every now and again people who are jealous of you they're jealous of you without knowing what's on you you you are carrying some stuff that would have crushed some other people but we God chose the difficulty for your life he knew that you were strong enough to deal with it and you would not succumb to the pressure in the other person with all the stuff that you dealing with they would have had a nervous breakdown they would have strangled somebody they would have put on a hoodie in the middle of the night drove across town sat outside somebody's house but God said if you hold your peace I'll fight your battles for you I gotta make this announcement there's somebody you don't even know how strong you are with God that is all yeah you did not stumble under the weight you didn't lose your man under the pressure but you're able to declare I'm still here after all that I've been through I'm still here and y'all know what's crazy when folks see you shout they think you ain't care you're nothing but they don't know the grace of God is helping me to carry this even while I'm under pressure [Music] - Tim New Testament book of mark right after Matthew Mark chapter 10 I want us to consider I want us to consider verses 21 through 23 mark chapter 10 verses 21 through 23 Micah thank you for worshiping with us today [Music] Maur chapter 1 verse 21 through 23 here's how it reads in the New International Version Jesus looked at him and loved him one thing you lack he said go sell everything you have give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come follow me at this the man's face fell he went away saying because he had great wealth Jesus looked around and said to his disciples how hard is it for the rich to enter the kingdom of God he may be seated I want to preach for a little while this Sunday morning using as a subject don't switch up on me don't switch up on me would you looking at the person miss I didn't tell them after everything I've been through consistency matters whatever you gonna do look at me 9 please don't switch up on me it's hard to play the game when the rules always change equality can only happen if the starting line is the same for everyone and the expectations don't shift there's a book parents I want to recommend to you it's called the coddling of the American mind how good intentions and bad ideas are setting a generation of for failure book is called coddling the American mind how good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for failure the author's uncover how the requirements even for first grade have changed in one generation prior to 1988 there was a checklist of requirements before your child could start the primary process this is pre 1988 in order for your child to start the first grade before 1980 the child had to be number one at least six years old and six months in order for them to start the first grade before 1988 number two they had to have three to five permanent teeth before 1988 foot it could start the first grade number three they had to be able to speak audibly enough for a police officer or crossing guard to understand their speech number four for you to start the first grade prior to 1988 you had to have the capacity to draw in the lines number five you had to be able to tell and discern your left hand from your right hand number six corn in the first grade before in 1988 they had to be able to be away from their parents without becoming upset number seven going into the first grade before 1988 they had to be able to repeat eight to ten word sentences number eight they had to be able to count ten pennies correctly number nine they should have the ability to be able to copy letters this was they get in the first grade before 1988 by today's standard to get in the first grade after the No Child Left Behind Act a first grader has to be able to identify and write numbers all the way to a hundred by first grade they have to be able to count by tens number three they have to be able to read books with five to ten words per page number four they have to be able to form sentences on paper using phonetic spelling all of our first grade and days gone by kindergarten was consisted mostly of social interaction with hands-on exploration so your kindergarten class they had to pretend snore they had to pretend kitchen.you to sit in a semi-circle indian-style and to be able to do finger paint learn a couple of songs memorize the alphabet but by today's standards first graders are expected to be sedentary and structured to sit at a desk as a consequence many of us who are listening to me today both in this place and my stream or by podcasts or on television many of us had we been in first grade by today's standards we would have been labeled as a DD we would have been given a prescription and we would have been charted for special education to make a first grader sit still for seven hours and only raise their hand if they have to go to the bathroom or otherwise be considered a disruption is that we are not even considering the long term backfire effects that are limiting emotional development so by first grade they don't even have any real friends they don't know how to work through disagreements they're not even going outside and in many public schools there is no longer an art or music class therefore there's an obvious connection in the surge of prepubescent suicide so you got nine year olds who are cutting themselves 11 year olds who are hanging from their bedroom lights and 14-year olds who become conflicted about their identity because they were made to be restrained in their creativity and never expressed their uniqueness or their identity all work and no play sets the stage for emotional dysfunction we're seeing the reverberation now from our children who resent coming to church because we want them to sit still for a nine-hour service that does not relate to where it is that they are that does not speak to their language and so now they know the mechanics of church without an intimate relationship with their God so if you look around as I asked our young people to stand today it is a off kilter number by the representation of parents who are present so many parents have made worship and elective when we were raised to know that church was a part of our core curriculum so now we have not raised our children in the fear and the admonition of the Lord they don't know the lord's prayer they don't know the 23rd psalm they're not able to talk to God for themselves and yet they have Jesus tattoos on their neck they wear a crucifix around their necklace praying hands on their arm but we never introduce them to relationship only rules so now we've got a generation that does not believe in deliverance only in discretion so I really don't want Christ until I get caught so the moment it is that I find myself in a wrinkle of my own matter that I produce that's when I want to pray to God so our children only now want to pray when they have the threat of sitting out a semester when their period is late when it is that they're being bullied when they have a conflict about their sexual identity but don't even know Jesus for the pardoning of their sins because they have watched their parents treat God like a sugar daddy and a atm who only talked to God when they need something and when there is a crisis God says if we're gonna turn around the whole community we've got to start indoctrinating our children of the understanding that God is not some old man with a long beard that has a voice like Charlton Heston that mirrors our oppressor but understand that God is a God who had hair like lamb's wool who had skin that was of bronze that he did not come for wounds but he came for relationship and I can tell some of y'all don't know that kind of God because you only shout when somebody tells you to you only clap when somebody demands that you do it when this is sanctified fully yet nobody ought to have to make you give God glory but when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me and here's the real test something is wrong if you only shout when you get in here there ought to be some praise and worship in your living room you you ought to be putting Crisco grease on your children's forehead and reminding them that no weapon formed against them shall be able to prosper the criminal justice system seems to be a con game when it comes to people of color I'm still aghast at the three-ring circus that took place in Dallas Texas in the case of Pithom James the innocent brother who was the praise and worship leader gunned down senselessly by a white police officer named umber Gaytan critical question that I've got to ask you as critical thinkers is how do you think the case and the media would have responded differently if blonde hair and begotten was a praise later sitting in her home and a black male police officer broke in her apartment and shot her when she had no weapon if you don't believe me ask yourself how did amber Gaytan only get ten years in prison when Tanya McDowell got five years for registering her daughters in the wrong School District how did Marissa Alexander get a dozen years for discharging a weapon against her abusive husband and hit nobody but in empty sea life the US Sentencing Commission in the most recent support a recent report disclosed that black men get 19 percent longer sentences for the same federal crimes as their Caucasian counterparts if the even after guidelines have been said for equitable sentencing many judges particularly in the South elect to abide by their own discretion too many of us have exchanged forgiveness for tolerance I think I've lost you Lee Merritt who served as the attorney for bhavam had said in an interview immediately after the trial that he didn't begrudge the younger brother for forgiving amber but his question was how do you forgive somebody here it is they're still lying because under oath amber Guyton argued that brother bhavam had in that charge towards her when the forensic evidence gave us clear indication that Buffum was sitting down and not only was he sitting down but his hands that were lifted and yet he was killed an amber even in court under oath lied about it can I help somebody in here some of you all have been giving out too judiciously forgiveness people who don't deserve it now I know that y'all to get better to cast me out because you're super spiritual but I want to remind you that while Jesus was hanging on the cross and he looked at the Syrian soldiers he never said I forgive them he said father you forgive them see sometimes you got to put some stuff in the father's hands because you tired of people treating you like you crazy like you don't know no better they will lie to your face and go down swinging knowing is alive and trying to convince you that it is so Adolphe Hitler said if you tell a lie enough people will begin to fake that is the truth but I came to tell you on this Sunday morning the devil is a liar and not only is he a liar he's a deceiver too but jesus said I came that you might have life and have it more can't help can't help but think about Simon serene who is drafted to carry the cross of Christ amazingly Simon of Cyrene a black brother wasn't a disciple and we waited over till acts he wasn't even an apostle got no evidence that he had been at any of Jesus's teachings but while it is that something was going for here this they drafted him and told him to take the cross something is significant friends when God puts you in a place to put you on something that you didn't sign up for the Bible is clear historians are accurate that Jesus's cross was 300 pounds and even while the cross was 300 pounds please don't let the enemy distract you stay focused please is that even while that cross was 300 pounds nobody begs the question why did they choose Simon then they choose Simon because his soft shoulders were Brod they were choose simon because his calves look sturdy all we know is that when they put the cross on him he number stumbled and he never fell even now and again people who are jealous of you they're jealous of you without knowing what's on you you you are carrying some stuff they would've crushed some other people but we God chose the difficulty for your life he knew that you were strong enough to deal with it and you would not succumb to the pressure in the other person with all the stuff that you dealing with they would have had a nervous breakdown they would have strangled somebody they would have put on a hoodie in the middle of the night drove across town set outside somebody's house but God said if you hold your peace I'll fight your battles for you I gotta make this announcement to somebody you don't even know how strong you are with the power of God that is all yeah you did not stumble under the weight you didn't lose your man under the pressure but you're able to declare I'm still here after all that I've been through I'm still here and y'all know what's crazy when folks see you shout they think you ain't care you're nothing but they don't know the grace of God is helping me to carry this even while I'm under pressure be seated please be seated right where you are I need you to just make this declaration over somebody would you just tell somebody it won't crush you hallelujah that's the wrong neighbor I need you to find somebody else tell them I know you dealing with a lot but it is not gonna crush you you are built to last God puts you in some stuff just to show you how strong you are you gonna make it in spite of your mama dyin you can't make it in spite of the divorce you can't make it in spite of the lawyer you can't make it in spite of your child's decisions you gotta give God glory greater is he that is the end be they called them they put their cross on him and he never stumbled you want to talk about life being unfair you look at life being unfair you can't erase mark chapter 10 when a wealthy young man who had ambition it was his aim his desire to be the 13th disciple and in the middle of his interview Jesus said to him in verse 21 please make sure if you want to be one of my disciples don't steal don't cheat don't lie don't miss handle people honor your mother and father even if you don't agree with him god I can't hear nobody honor your mother and father even after they no longer have a memory honor your mother and father even if they require a bedpan your mother and father even if they gotta go to the doctor twice a week on your mother and father even if they're alcoholics said honor your mother and father the young man says I was raised in church and then done all of that my whole life Jesus then in verse 21 says there's one last thing that you got to do go sell everything you have give it to the poor and then come back and you can follow me what an unusual request that God would tell him the ghost sell everything but you got to consider the source God was telling him to give up everything what's this even though he himself gave up living in a gated community he walked away from living in a place where the streets were paved with gold and look how much he had to give up being obedient to God God made him to come through to teenage parents to teenage parents that didn't even have insurance the evidence that they didn't have insurance is that when Jesus was being born maybe you didn't pay attention they didn't even go by the hospital they just went by a hotel they didn't have a credit card so they couldn't even get admission into the hotel then on top of that maybe y'all forgot that Mary Joseph or guilty of breaking and entering then there's nobody permission to go in that barn but they broke in there in spite all of that Mary Joseph gave birth to Jesus in the atmosphere there once an attorney then him calling a midwife no evidence that they had ever washed their hands he made come to parents Mary 14 years old only got a sixth grade reading level Joseph never finished high school was a blue-collar worker but God said imma make you come to that and still bring greatness out of you some of you ought to be giving God glory little eight where you came from is where you are right now and folk that no idea by looking at you what you survived in your life but the anointing on your life is greater than your circumstance and he says to him give up everything and accept before we see a picture of sanctified socialism we're selling everything to make sure nobody in the church was in need but they did that in acts after the resurrection is easy to be obedient after you've witnessed a miracle but can you trust God why you still waiting on one I think I just plucked a nerve right through there some of y'all don't know why we shout right here it's not because we've already had the miracle it's cuz we waitin on one and if there's anybody who believes by faith that before this year is over you are gonna witness the biggest miracle of your life I don't want you to shout after it happens I want you to give God glory why are you waiting on it [Applause] and the Lord says to him is this to him if you want to follow me sell everything don't keep a profit give all of it away and come back and be with me don't forget that this rich young ruler grew up in church knew the Word of God had upheld the Ten Commandments and now Jesus is asking him to do something that's not in the Word of God he's got to feel hoodwinked bamboozled run them up because Jesus in mark chapter 10 tells him sell everything after you've lived a righteous life he's got a right to be angry cuz he got the early printed edition of Luke chapter 19 and he remembers what happened with Zacchaeus Zacchaeus worked for the IRS he got wealthy on the backs of poor people everything that he had he got it here it is from an immoral means runs up into a sycamore tree Jesus is passing by and the master says come down I want to go to your house I better stop right here some of you ought to be excited because today God says I'm coming to your house but everything that's out of order in your house by the time you get home from church it's gonna be worked out whatever don't look like me that's in your house is going to be evict Zacchaeus says in Luke chapter 19 I'll follow you watches Axios he says how follow you and his was excess but I am going to sell half of what I have and the master says that is sufficient I don't miss you I don't I don't want you to miss this to the man who it upheld the Word of God who had been holy and righteous his entire life who built relevant businesses from scratch he says to him sell everything but the one who is living grimey who was doing that which was immoral and borderline illegal he said to him sell Finkle oh sure sometimes you can get frustrated because here you are trying to live for God and it looks like you gotta give up more than the people that's running in the street Oh y'all ain't saying nothing to me and it's unfair here you are trying to do right and the folk that's right dirty seem to get every opportunity for you I need you to be honest you didn't struggle like this before you started following God y'all ain't saying nothing stuff then get this tight until you made a commitment to God you didn't have this many people lie on you and betray you when you were in the club it was only when you got the church that church people stabbed you in the back and you say your problem is you keep comparing your life to the lives of people who don't carry your knowing it to who much is given much is required you better be careful who you jealous uh because what they going through is no reflection of what you about to possess I came to tell 500 of you if you're going through an attack elevation God had to make you go through some the real evidence of your relationship with God is how do you trust him after a loss everybody can shout win it's harvest season everybody can praise them when you got more than enough but I'm talking to some children of God the last three years have been rough but just still trust in here with everything you got where you give God already so whatever you're lost he's gonna make it up to you [Applause] he walks away he walks away please be seated I got to show you this he walks away rich young ruler does and Peter guessing his feelings and say master would you just ask to him is what we've done we gave up everything to follow you Jesus responded to him what is my responsibility to respond to you this morning he said to Peter what I'm saying to those of you who are streaming online in a in this room he said to Peter if you have suffered for the gospel god help me in here if you had to turn your cheek you had to bite your tongue you had to keep your fists in your pocket because you were trying to be a better representation of Jesus in the other God told me to tell you he old juice stuff because you've been faithful over few thing is about to make you ruler and here is the best news that I got in this text he said you are about to receive a one hundred fold return I got the wrong church I said you are about to give a one hundred fold return for everything that you lost pay everything that was taken from you from everything that was promised and not delivered she said I'm gonna give it to you watch this any changes in language he say you ain't gonna get it in heaven you don't get it here in the earth I came to prophesy just some praises in here that whatever God is supposed to give you you are gonna have it before December 31st I shout over every workshop of the life you are to get ready for the biggest blessing are your eyes that is don't be pressed down shaken together [Applause] be seated and this is the last time I'll let you two do it please I need you to be seated please would you be seated please hallelujah I feel glory coming now I need you to pull on that neighbors head and tell him I know it's been a rough three years ain't no way in the world you should have gone through what you've been through you have shown Atlanta how to suffer wit class that even while you are going through you didn't beg nobody for nothing it is sleep with nobody for nothing do they compromise yourself for nothing and God say brace yourself we got the biggest blessing of your life it's about to hit your life I don't know how you feel about it but an incredible God deserves an incredible place where you shout right now but the biggest blessing let's go get your life before this year lift up that hand [Applause] it's unfair how God switches up on me what he asked of me he don't ask the other people what he made other people give up pales in comparison to what I had to lose he said it's only because I needed you to walk with me and I really didn't know how you felt about me till I saw how you handled loss I'm waiting on the matura church right here I needed to see how it hears you would worship me when you didn't have everything I want to just see how you would bless me when you had to keep checking your account I wanted to see if you a magnified me when it pains you to tell your child no lift up that hand said I saw you I saw you you took the high road I saw you you had enough stuff on the blow up their whole operation I saw you when it is that you struggled in silence around people who would jealous of you because they thought you had everything I saw you people had no idea how much energy it took just for you to smile in public I saya when you had to embrace folk who didn't know you knew what they've been saying about you god I can't hear nobody in here when you were nice to nasty people I saw you when you forgave folk that never apologized I said I saw what you gave up so what you gave up never took them to court never slammed them in front of your children god I can't hear no worshipers in here I saw yet you sucked it up cuz people had an opinion about you and didn't even know you for real I saw you how they overlooked you for the position cuz you won in the clip god I can't hear nobody I I saw how they killed your ideas cuz they didn't like you I saw how you helped them with no strings attached only because you hate seeing stuff out of order I saw you how they resented you and they didn't even realize you were the only real friend they hand i saya how you had to defend yourself just for being honest lift up that hand cuz they don't switch up on me can't the same God that give come on Joe the same God that gives candy take away I want to see what you were going to do in your season of loss I wanted to see how you were gonna respond when I went multiplying but I was subtracting how what did you say what you were gonna do when I move people out of your circle who you had always been therefore I wanted to see how you would keep your countenance about you when your greatest level of attack came from people that had your last name [Music] said I see you in this moment that hand is lifted I don't know who this is for it's not a random word is for some specific people in this room the enemy didn't want you to hear it he set up every possible distraction but God needed you to know for somebody who's in this room sometimes God comes in the earthquake sometimes it comes in a whirlwind sometimes he comes in a still small voice I don't had a band jumping I don't have a praise team moving ain't got Jonathan singing because I needed you to hear this with no distraction when I say it everything in your spirit is gonna respond if you've done this word ain't for you I'm gonna say it too even for those of you who online I gotta say it and I hope everything in you will respond that this is the voice of God God told me to tell every lifted hand your season of losing stuff is over [Applause] god I can't hear nobody in here I said you're citizen of loose and stuff that is significant and substantive here so you're not gonna lose another deal not gonna lose another property not gonna lose another car 12 yo you better tear this church up you will not lose another family member this year I can't hear nobody god said your stay sir I'll lose this house [Music] whenever God is give me do something crazy he gives unusual instructions I'm telling you now this is not fair everybody please hear me I'm gonna be consistent with the text that I wrestled with God about it I fought with him over it he said your mom my elect will know who I'm talking to he said only a couple will understand and identify that the loss was a part of my process that I needed the loss in order to trust him only fifteen of y'all are gonna get it said those of you who believe watch this today my losing season is over that this is what God required of me I had to go through it just so I could have a closer walk with him here's what I want to ask you to do I'm telling you the same for every about it I'm telling you it ain't for everybody but those of you who know that God is calling you to a higher level to a more intimate walk to a greater call to aloft to your assignment and who knows but your loss is connected to it here's what God told me to do no warning win into 35 days first route said Jamal those who you're talking to ask them to get every piece of currency in their possession dumb - give it to me see if they'll trust me not knowing where I tell you to run - no ATM give me well I said whatever is on you did you saying God i'ma give you my last cuz you've always given me this way you I need you to be right I need you to get it in I don't need more tuna to deliberate in other words you to second-guess it if it makes you feel a certain way that ain't who I'm talking to I said it's just a few of you say god I'll Neve know why are you asking I mean this you only ask for ten percent so that's a regular people those of you who are saying passer I'm gonna give God the last of what I got on I trust him for it well girls don't give me in return of it pales in comparison to what I'm giving you [Music] any way around this all the fault I want you to just drop the god I'm giving you my mouse I'm giving you literally my last fat out so I trust you [Music] every calling I got in my possession grab I'm unprepared to do this I didn't expect this but I'm gonna do it cuz I trust [Music] we have not been in church my whole life I will never expect it [Music] [Applause] God asking me my lass he said when I speak of every person s in this out how difficult is it for wealthy people to into the kingdom hallelujah every person who's walking right now get ready for your wealthy season you committed a cash the biggest checks of your life sign the biggest contracts are your life dividends are coming back to you interests on investments you forgot about I need you to bring it [Music] I don't want you to do it because I'm asking you I want you to do it cuz I trust you I trust you I trust him I trust him [Music] I needed this use some stuff I gotta do this week you know how crazy I am I trust him [Music] jehovah-jireh don't need my money he needs my sacrifice you got a cattle on a thousand Hill I trashed him while you're trusting I've never seen the righteous forsaken sea begging for bread I need you right where you are just start clapping your hands why cuz you don't know the faith walk some of these people are here right now [Music] come on she clapping at him you don't know how much but already this is taken for them right now [Music] how much they gotta trust God in this moment you got no idea how many people walking down this aisle fighting God how do you show up you sure you talk to me [Music] he's gonna make it up to you god never fails god bless you I say God never fails [Music] [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 107,363
Rating: 4.8363523 out of 5
Id: c5_aWuaJtXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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