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but many of us are guilty of typecasting people as if gang as as if grace has limitations just because somebody smells like we don't mean they don't know scripture just cuz they got pink purple and green hair don't mean that they don't have a prayer life and just because they got piercings don't mean that they are absent of purpose you gotta get rid of your bougie superficial shallow self and understand that there's a cross for everyone and all the world has got a bow down and his name just because you got on a three-piece suit and stiletto heels that don't make you make you righteous I'd rather have somebody will cut off jeans and flip-flops that got up your heart and clean hand and understand what price is supposed to look like [Music] for those who have an authentic legitimate relationship with God you understand how necessary fellowship is y'all may say nothing to me every now and again I gotta be in the presence of other worshipers so I can remind myself I'm the only one going through but here's some other people that need His grace just like me so if you come to church and you don't feel like jumbo sit next to me cuz imma get on your last nerve [Music] [Applause] [Music] - 20 verse 7 through 12 on the first day of the week we came together to break bread Paul spoke to the people and because he intended to leave the next day he kept on talking until midnight there were many lambs in the upstairs room where we were meeting and seated in a window was a young man named eutychus who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on when he was sound asleep he fell to the ground from the third storey and was picked up dead Paul went down threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him don't be alarmed he said he's alive they went upstairs again and broke bread and ate after talking until daylight he left the people took the young man home alive and was greatly comforted would you go back to verse number nine of Acts chapter 20 seated in a window was a young man named eutychus who was sinking into a deep sleep because Paul wouldn't stop preaching he got so deep in the sleep he fell out the window fell three stories down hit the pavement and was dead you may be seated I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject I'm tired at his church [Applause] I'm tired at his church no matter what the harka textual design the biggest door in most churches today is the back door from those who were in attendance but made an unannounced exit the varied and unexplained reasons a testimony was transcribed at a nondescript Worship Center where young ladies set up a meeting with her pastor to formally terminate her membership the cleric query as to why in which she was gon leave the church she wrote out a litany of displeasures but why she hated the church from the women gossiping the praise ting bein Petty the men had roaming eyes and the youth were underutilized the pastor completely unphased bargained with her and said before you leave our church would you do me a favor she acquiesced and answered the pastor what is it that you want me to do she said take a full glass of water and walk around the church three times without spilling a drop on the ground and if you accomplish this there'll be no further debate and I'll let you leave the sister accepted the challenge and walked around the entire circumference of the church as she was dared to do and never dropped any of the water the pass - extended congratulations and then propositioned one question the pastor asked of the young lady while you were walking around the church with this cup of water did you happen to hear any women gossiping she said no says while you walking around the church did you notice any of the men googling you she said no so he walked around that church for the third time did you happen to notice or pay attention to any of the youth daydreaming she said no the pastor said do you know why you didn't and she hesitantly retorted back no I have no idea the pastor chimed in see your focus was on the glass and because you were focused on your walk and making sure you didn't stumble and fall you didn't have time or energy to pay attention to what other people are doing too many of you are missing the reason why we are in worship you should be caught up on who sitting next to who or who's got their hair done or who got what on if your focus is on Jesus and not on what other people are doing you will be so consumed with your walk with Christ you don't have time to focus on other people in a video that went viral this summer little boy believed to be seven or eight he's propped up in the pulpit passed a microphone in order to deliver some sort some oration or play a part in the program absent of any inkling of reverence he pollutes in the microphone in absolute disgust untied at his church then proceeds to stomp down the center aisle as if he had a car to drive or had somewhere to go the clip was passed around and reposted all across social media most laughed but very few zoomed in to do actual critical analysis the sentiments of that seven-year-old are seemingly shared by the vast majority of 16 to 34 year olds who have collectively concurred that the church carries no currency within their generational community it is amazing that this is the largest number of Africans living in America who say that they believe in God but will not align themselves with a community of faith the Barna Group who conducted an exhaustive study that has unearthed startling discoveries have to figured out some of the reasons that contributed to the spiritual epidemic known as lethargy and I want to underscore for you this morning three reasons why it is your children don't come to church with you three reasons why it is that we've got two generations in church old people and babies three reasons why it is that the church is getting older and dying off younger and still not letting its voice be heard the first reason why it is that many Millennials Gen Xers and Generation Z are not coming to church the first reason why they are not coming to church any longer as they now that the church is irrelevant route magazine which is my generations evany magazine has for the third straight year publish their route 100 of the 100 most influential African Americans and for the third consecutive year I would have you to know that not one pastor is on the list and it amazing that black lives matter is the very first civil rights movement in the history of our people that is not led a religious figure Nipsey Hussle had more influence than any preacher that is presently alive you don't understand why it is that your children do not see the church as relevant maybe in part because they do not hear the church say anything about the issue around abortions the church is saying nothing about gender equality the church doesn't speak to gentrification the church does not address the Prison Pipeline the church does not educate about vaccinations the church does not try to address affordable higher education the church seems to be absolutely oblivious to global warming the church does not participate in diasporic trade the church does not foster a spirit of entrepreneurship the church doesn't say anything about food deserts the church does not give any redress to health disparity the church doesn't do anything about infant mortality the church never speaks up about red line of zip codes the church doesn't say anything about special education and the growing numbers of autism and asthma the church does nothing about curbing unemployment church does nothing about literacy whether it be educational or financial the church does not participate in economic development but every time they come to the church that they have met with a bake sale of fashion show anniversary annual day or the pastor's picture and can't find anything that is relevant about community building and so while it is that the church keeps building buildings we say nothing while our communities become dilapidated and so they get tired of it because we have become a church that speaks in tongues but doesn't speak truth to power we are Church that is open on Sunday morning but goes dark and dismal and drastically disconnected Monday through Saturday your children and young adults will not come to church because your proper politicians to come speak at election time but they don't see you me anytime in between to give any address to what's taking place in their community the church has become irrelevant because we want to go along to get along with everybody as if we have forgotten that the real responsibility of the church is to speak truth to power even at the risk of being offensive the church ought to be at a place where we make people upset and angry because we are preaching the real unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ in 1969 J Edgar Hoover said that the Black Panther Party was the most dangerous obstruction to democracy in America and at the time the Black Panther Party only had 300 paid members what does that now say about the onslaught of these mega churches that don't even have an FBI profile because we won't say anything about what's taking place in the community because we glad to have pictures at City Hall and at the governor's mansion when you don't understand that your responsibilities in the role of the prophetic is to let them know you cannot treat oppress people that kind of way and think we just don't roll over and play dead and say absolutely nothing I don't know how y'all feel about it that might be true for every other Church but that is not the case for Newport because Newport is a church in the words of Hosea Williams that is unbought and it is unbossed and I get all of your emails wanting to know pastor Brian why in the world every time you get up you say something about black people mr. Brian why every time you stand up you preach enough about African Americans Negroes you one other and you ought to know that you would never go to a synagogue and a synagogue not talk about Jewish people every time you come in this church you ought to be hearing something that's gonna empower you so who you are the church has become irrelevant secondly the church has become intimidated it is hard to have earnest conversations with people who have closed minds but open mouths the church is guilty of killing what it can't comprehend we get upset over every little thing that goes against our culture and confuse culture for scripture y'all not saying nothing to me but many of us are guilty of typecasting people as if gay as if grace has limitations just because somebody smells like we don't mean they don't know Scripture just cuz they got pink purple and green heya don't mean that they don't have a prayer life and just because they got piercings don't mean that they are absent of purpose you gotta get rid of your bougie superficial shallow self and understand that there's a cross for everyone and all the world has got to bow down at his name just because you got on a three-piece suit and stiletto heels that don't make you make you righteous I'd rather have somebody will cut off jeans and flip-flops that got a pure heart and clean head and understand what grace is supposed to look like as Christians we have to learn how to disagree without being disagreeable God has not given us the spirit of fear and so when we know the Word of God and it is rightly divided we ought to be able to speak to anybody at any time about anything just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean that God still loves them y'all y'all ain't saying nothin to me I was convicted in my honor former church I was in at the back of my church shaking hands up one Sunday and a young man 19 20 years of age I hugged him as I did every Sunday and said man I love you he said pastor you'll love me I said man I do love you says that you won't love me pastor I said what why you think I don't love you say you don't love me cuz I'm gay and I heard you preach against gays I said sir I need you to know that I love you even when I don't agree with you and though some of y'all scared right now but it is not my job to be politically correct I'm supposed to be spiritually correct and we gotta get to a place where we gotta be able to love people even when we don't agree with them even if they are gay or lesbian sto your son they're still your daughter yeah y'all ain't sayin nothin to mean I want to say to you you are welcome at this church because I cannot preach against homosexuals when I got reckless heterosexuals so something has gotta be in order about how we deliver the grace of God people don't come to church because the church has become irrelevant the church has become intimidated and the church has become impotent there is no power in the present Church there's a problem with you come to church and if you hear the pastor's name more than the Savior's name yeah I said it if you hear Jamal Bryant more than Jesus Christ's then this has become a temple of idolatry I don't want you to get caught up with me cuz I'm gonna let you down I'm gonna make some mistakes I'm a fall short of his glory but if you look to the hills from whence cometh your help from the Lord you go to some churches you hear music for 30 minutes and it feels more like a performance because there is absence of glory there's a whole lot of announcements but there are no declarations motivational speaking has taken the place of authentic gospel preacher so we got three steps to a turnaround five steps to prosperity two steps of Jesus to glory but nothing to get you to salvation so people get upset because we spend all this time opening the doors of the church for people to get saved and for people to get their lives right with God I need you to know if in fact you want motivational speaking go find Les Brown or mr. Roberts if you want good gospel music please please whatever you do please whatever you do just go and listen to the radio but if you want to see demons get destroy you wanna see yokes get broken you wanna see heaven open up this is the place where God is gonna put his foot on the ground and say if be lifted ja a contemporary church has no signs and wonders we just got slideshows and camera phones I came up out of an ad that folk with throw there came down we'd get up out of the wheelchair people who were deaf in one ear could finally hear the name of Jesus I know some many y'all are trying to be cute but I was raised in a generation where you had to stay at the altar to you felt something you had to keep speaking his name until something was broken loose I was a part of a church where you will come on Sunday morning then come back at 3:30 in the afternoon and eat chicken in the fellowship ah I was a part of a church where you didn't have a choice you had to be on the Usher board or the choir or you had to be in the prayer ministry but now you just come to be entertained okay for somebody that understood I don't know what you came to do it was long ago long ago in Acts chapter 20 in Acts chapter 20 a group gathered to explore the truths as espoused by the Apostle Paul then the third story duplex apartment complex department that they were in was big enough to be able to hold those who had gathered to worship because at this time the Christians are being persecuted and are being being hidden because the government is after to kill them because they are threat to obstruct destruction the Apostle Paul had a lot that he wanted to impart but because he was balancing limited time before he had to leave to go to his next location Paul was absent of time-management the sonographer who's in the Bible study stops even looking at the watch past midnight all he writes for us that Paul just keeps on talking and he just kept on talking and seated in the window is a young man by the name of Eutychus who's trying to stay awake trying to stay awake trying to be respectful I can only assume his mother in some way in there because he don't leave [Applause] he stays there now and he's sitting by the window hoping to catch a draft hopefully a fresh wind can keep him awake but the preachers just keep on talking and just keep on talking and Eutychus is getting tired he is in a place of power but he is tired safely everybody is just for a few of you a lot of people have no idea how much work energy and effort it is for you to just keep staying in church god help me yes it's a terrible thing because most of the ministry and the impartation and the prophecies that go forth office seekers and for new believers and nobody ever says a word for those who have been standing in the gap and just get tired and you'll know how to adjust don't know how to pivot because people are used to you being strong they don't know how to handle your weak moment people who are grounded are easily irritated because you quote in to me scriptures I already know you giving me prayers they don't even have any real power so I gotta keep going through the motions because I know how to encourage other people but I've lost the capacity to be able to encourage myself I stopped really praying for real for real because I ain't seen God do nothing I don't really fast unless the church calls for it I don't really read the word unless I got to teach a lesson and I'm getting tired and I'm talking to some people in this room who love God but you getting tired of Church you don't like jumping through the hoops you don't like playing politics you don't like dealing with people's Korpi personalities you don't like folk trying to judge you when they don't even know you you get tired of Church in your mind you keep wanting to quit cuz you ain't learning nothing you feel like it's all at the remedial level everything is still that kindergarden and you've got a graduate understanding of the Word of God and you you mature to turn to your neighbor and wanna do it and shake my neighbor's hand I wanna know is there a revelation from my life that it's going to help me live to another week without me killing somebody or hurting myself I get tired of coming to church and I got a temper myself off because I feel myself getting cynical I can now tell who's phony who's fake who's running to get attention and who trying to be seen and who China position for a place of authority pastor help me I'm getting tired of Church try the church is here and ain't it I don't love God I'm just tired of dealing with all of it folk folk folk judging me because of what I got on people I'm thinking that they know me because they know one slice of my testimony I I get tired of the church they're folk will look at me out if I don't know the songs if I don't know winter stand up if I ain't got a special seed what what happened to man looked at the outer appearance but God looks at the heart I get tired of the church of just going through the motions and just feel like like this is what I do on Sunday but my spirit is not being stretched my mind is not being in lumen my focus is not being sharp in my revelation he is not being confirmed I'm getting tired of church pastor you gonna have to do something cuz I feel myself slipping I've been doing well for a while but recently I'm entertaining Fox that I haven't always had I feel drawn to stuff I thought I had gotten bad I'm making myself available to people that God had already delivered me from I'm getting tired of smiling when I feel like cussing I'm tired I've acted like everything is alright when I feel like punching somebody in the face I'm tired I'm feeling like I gotta pretend and not be honest about how I feel eutychus gives so tired and he falls asleep and falls out the window new birth you ain't gonna believe it and falls down three stories I'm gonna say to somebody who's watching online you cannot fall out of the environment of worship and think you'll stay on the same level for those who have an authentic legitimate relationship with God you understand how necessary fellowship is y'all ain't saying nothing to me every now and again I gotta be in the presence of other worshipers so I can remind myself ain't the only one going through but here's some other people that need His grace just like me so if you come to church and you don't feel like some don't sit next to me cuz imma get on your last nerve but I came to give God glory falls asleep and when he falls out falls asleep he falls out the window the Bible says to us picture wrestling he falls down three stories hits the cement sidewalk and that's the only thing that made Paul stop preaching Paul stop preaching it is and goes down three flights of stairs and does something that the contemporary church has failed to do he got on the young man here it is and covered up my problem with some of your church folk is you stick with people until they gotta fall and then when they gotta fall you back up off up as if you ain't never made a mistake in your life you gotta with me the Salvation Army is the only high me that leaves wounded soldiers when I am going through that ain't the time for you to leave me I need you to cover me until I can get myself together I need you to help me right through here I need you to just tap the person in front of you and tell them I got you covered until right now until right now you Simba side the wrong person soon as you mess up that person they gonna leave you but you gotta find somebody there says I know it is like to make a fall but I also know it is like forgot to pick you back up again and I only want those of you that have made some Falls in your life here's your shout that should've killed you the grace of God the power goes out and he makes an announcement don't be alarmed he is alive the boy had a fall fell three stars should have died right there and dead but the man of God made an announcement I know what's going on with your son should have killed him but don't be alarmed the power of God is gonna restore your son I don't know where you are but you ought to be shouting for your son's life that's the devil father had but he's walking out of it he stores a five [Applause] [Music] this is not for everybody it's just for those of you they got sons you've been worried about I want you to lift up that hand God told me to tell you whatever the enemy thought he was gonna do to your son this one has just backfired your son is more than a conqueror your sauna is coming out stronger than ever Oh God [Applause] I know who this is for but when I speak it if your spirit resonates you better shout behind it God told me to tell you your sons [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I gotta show you something take that neighbor by the hand my time is almost up I gotta show you this Paul goes down three stories such a horrible Oh [Applause] Paul goes down three stories lays on them then picks him up and carries him back up three stories that's the word for the person whose hand you hold Goss head based off of how you worship me this morning I hope you'll get it I'm telling you gonna tear that row up he's that based off of how you worship me this morning I am gonna restore you listen to me he said I'm gonna restore you to the place you were before the fall God y'all didn't hear what I just said wherever you were before the divorce before the layoff before the breakup before the car case God said I'm putting you back to them [Music] somebody hand is in your hand and the Bible said they are rejoiced when they one know their son they were just excited that somebody was being restored the church cannot be effective if we only shall and celebrate when is something that gotta do with you but when you learn how to shout for other people success [Applause] that swing glory is exposed I need you to shake that neighbors hand you're holding and tell him I'm not like the rest of your friends I'm not jealous to you I'm not threatened by you I'm not in competition with you I'm excited about where God is getting ready to take you and I pass out for the levels you go into the shadow right now [Music] I tell nobody I need you to shout right now I'll do two [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna do this I'm off the docks I need your faith I'm finished preaching but I'm not finished [Music] God gave me this word other other day I'll slam you said he gave me this word I'm gonna lease it in this room but I'm telling you I need you to rejoice as they did about [Music] come on there's over church right now Scizor join the church you can save don't move yet [Music] robbery was coming off her son [Music] [Music] I'm easy to talk [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want y'all to see the spirit moving here [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 27,926
Rating: 4.8687258 out of 5
Id: toNBEckCPiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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