Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " I'LL GET TO IT WHEN I CAN " - JULY 11th, 2021

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[Music] i'm gonna be preaching about that through the entire month of july would you meet me in john chapter 11. pastor johnson we're glad to have you with us john chapter 11 verse number 6 john 11 verse number 6. would you do me a favor tag somebody text somebody call somebody let them know you need to hear this word something is happening that new birth today john 11 verse number six so when he heard lazarus was sick he stayed there two more days amen john 11 verse number six when he heard lazarus was sick he stayed there two more days i want to preach for a little while today using as a subject i'll get to it when i can i'll get to it when i can peter drucker once said you cannot manage time you can only manage yourself you can't manage time you can only manage yourself there is perhaps no area of your life in which self-discipline is more important than the way you manage time my friends a time management is a core discipline that largely dictates the quality of your life in and of itself is perishable which means hear this time cannot be saved because time is perishable time cannot be saved time is irreplaceable i can't exchange it for something else i can't even compare it to anything else time here this is irretrievable once it's gone i can't call it back time here this is indispensable you can't save time all you can do is spend it you can't save time all you can do is spend it all achievements all results all success requires a time but i want you to know as a decibel and glimmer of hope you do have the power to reallocate your time so that you're able to discern what has a high value and what is low value time management if um i can make it at his most basic integer time manager management at its core is the ability to choose the sequence of events time management means i choose the sequence of events therefore sons and daughters of the most high god you have the authority over time to choose to do with it first or what you're going to do with it at all mike murdock said this to me many years ago poverty is the picture of poor time management here's what he said to me and it's blown my mind he said most people in poverty you never see wearing a watch because they don't value time you can tell the value that something has to you by the amount of time they're willing to invest in it you can always pay attention to how they spend time on what is valuable to them i got to ask you this as an internal introspection question if you say god is important to you how much time did you give him this week in your prayer life in meditation and reflection in studying the word of god what you value you put time in don't tell me your goals if you haven't spent time in them please don't tell me that you want to be with them but you can't find time to be with them a lot of people spend more time with the things in their garage than the things that are in their head [Applause] because like colleagues they don't even understand there's always going to be an accident when a couch is placed where they're supposed to be drive many of you keep crashing because you don't know where to put time the challenge then comes in finding the discipline to set clear priorities you have to consciously and deliberately select the most valuable important things you want to achieve and i am challenging you in the middle of the summer that you begin to set your mind on what is going to see my time for the rest of this year before you do anything else that is time consuming you can't be afraid to ask yourself is this the best use of my time before you answer that call is this worth my time before i accept this date is this worth my time before i watch another show on netflix is this the best use of my time i want to introduce you to a word that i've just discovered and i want to yield it to you it is a word that i want you to treasure and to cuddle for the rest of this summer most of us are used to a word priorities but we don't know the word i just found out it's called posterities post arties a priority is something you do more of and sooner a priority is something you do more of and sooner a post already is something you do less of and later did you hear that a priority is something i do more of and sooner a post already is something i do less of and i do later before you embark on your next task you must abandon an old task that's my thesis statement i want you to have it before you go after a new assignment you're going to have to divorce an old assignment getting into something new requires you get out of something old god is about to send you something new but you keep holding it up because you won't release what's old it is time i want you to hear this i want some of you to write this down it is time in this season of your life for selective abandonment i'm not giving up i'm just giving up on that to best manage your time you need a mechanism that counters procrastination in order for you to manage your time what are you going to do to fight off procrastination a system needs to be put in place that requires self-discipline willpower and prioritizing at the start of your day you're going to have to relearn your abc's i'm not talking about head start program i'm not talking about kindergarten i'm not talking about at nana's lab you got to re-learn your abc's i know you're fully grown i know you got a master's degree i know you're fully vested and lettered but i want to give you abcs that you're going to need for the rest of the summer i want to challenge you to write them down please a i need you to please write this down you got to go over this list every day a your a is what i must do my a is what i must do there is a serious consequence for non-completion my a list is what i must do and there is a serious consequence for non-completion b here it is you got to do this on tomorrow morning b is what i should do there's a mild consequence for doing it or not doing it so if i don't get it done it's alright if i do get it done okay but it ain't gonna change my life so a is what i must do b is what i should do c i want you to write this down it's nice to do it's nice to do but there is no consequence to my doing it or not doing it many of you don't know the difference between what you must do what you should do and what is nice to do d is a very difficult one but i need you to please have it those of you who are in leadership those of you who are in management those of you who are reshaping who it is that you are in this season of your life outside of what you must do what you should do what is nice to do d is what do i delegate others to do everything you can possibly free up for more time is what you got to learn to do you doing everything is poor time management you trying to do everything is poor time management if you don't believe me jesus got all power why are disciples necessary you gotta learn how to delegate even when you know how to do it e hear this a is what i must do b is what i should do c is what's nice to do d is i gotta delegate what to do e what i eliminate doing e is what i eliminate doing i discontinue all tasks all activities all interactions that are no longer essential to what i'm trying to achieve i gotta line it up does this match where i'm trying to go is this a toll booth or a detour [Applause] i gotta review that list before i walk out of the house before i get on social media before i pick up the phone i gotta really figure out is this a must do is this a should do is this nice to do is this something i can delegate to do is this something that i've gotta eliminate doing i'm gonna give you this challenge i want you to do this list of abc's every day for the next two weeks and i want you to see how it is that your life begins to change how it begins to reshape how it begins to evolve and how it begins to morph the law of forced efficiency the law of force efficiency says there is never enough time to do everything but there is always time to do what's important you just missed it there's never enough time to do everything but there is always enough time to do what's important you have wasted so much time from not discerning what must be done what should be done what's nice to be done what needs to be delegated to be done and what needs to be eliminated from doing and so here you are highly anointed and lowly effective amazingly gifted but poorly productive because you have no time management and i never thought about it in the life of the master until i saw how he responded and what seemed for me to be a crisis in john chapter 11. his phone just keeps blowing up he had gotten calls for a couple of days but because he was spending time with his team he said i'll get to it later he finally checks his uh text thread and see that he's getting text messages from two sisters marion martha and watch with the text thread says on jesus's device it says come quick the one you love is sick unto death because they didn't even know what he was doing and all the more i want to show you something they never asked what he was doing when people have an urgency they do not care about your priority so you gotta figure out do i abandon my assignment for what you think is an emergency and jesus takes back without even raising his voice without accelerating his uh blood drive and says this sickness is not unto death it's only so i can get glory so the whole narrative would have shifted had mary and martha read the text and digested it that jesus is saying all of this can stop if we just give him glory but they don't follow the instructions from the text they begin to panic and have anxiety instead of listening to the directions they plan the funeral do you know how many people have tried to overstep god because they didn't listen that some of the stuff you are in is just because he requires glory he saw them the last time they're frying chicken and they're pouring out oil but they had not given him glory they saw lazarus in the lazy boy chair watching espn but he had not given him glory so their calamity would have been aborted if he had felt for a moment he was a priority so he said i will kick over your whole life until you make me your first priority he said seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all things will be added unto you i better tell you right there while you're sitting on that couch on our 20 get up from that couch and give him glory god said whatever you're dealing with i can stop it but i'm waiting to see you give me glory [Music] we've got instances in uh sacred texts where um uh that there is a somebody who has a loved one that jesus is just meeting and he says jesus you don't even have to come to the house just sing your word mary and martha if they had a decibel of exercise faith they could have said lazarus you do not have to come quickly to see about lazarus just send your word but they didn't have hear this the faith of a stranger [Applause] some of the people who will stress you out the most are the people who are closest to you they know what you're working on they know what you up against they know what's on your plate but they don't care about none of that because they will always seek out their interests first and want you to put yourself on a secondary position the devil is alive if you care about me care about my time and it's amazing um so jesus does something to show us something about time management the text shows us um that he waits thomas two more days he waits two more days and then starts heading to go see about it so by the time he crosses into the city limits lazarus has been dead for four days pastor why is this important you just talked about the number four last sunday um he's um he's been dead for four days why is this critical um because uh according to morticians in the fourth day is when rigor mortis sets in [Music] in the fourth day the body begins to decay in the fourth day here it is the um the organs are no longer reversible so jesus says i'ma show you something about time management because you rushed me and did not exercise patience for my timing i'm gonna let everything fall apart until you can't do nothing to save it and all you can do is wait for me to retrieve it some of you are at a place that you don't even understand this is a season where god is testing my patience to see will i believe he will resurrect him so here is the tension of john 11. the tension of john 11 is lazarus gotta stay longer dead than jesus [Music] jesus is only dead for three days but lazarus is dead for four god said when you think you are my equal i will put you in a position to see if you'll resurrect yourself i will wait until you surrender and say lord not my will but yours be done [Music] so he shows us he shows us how to do our abcs what do i need to do what is nice to do [Music] what do i have to do what do i need to eliminate doing and here's where i want to get you is um today what do i delegate doing hallelujah he shows up new birth you're not going to believe it he shows up and marry your mother instead of thanking god for his arrival meet him with a complaint hallelujah what are you going to do when god shows up in your crisis what are you going to do when god arrives in your cemetery how are you going to respond when he steps into your courtroom or into your hospital room are you gonna complain about the time that i lost or are you gonna rejoice for the time that you got left i gotta make an announcement he's in the room i gotta make an announcement he's already here i gotta declare now he is president he shows up in the room and when he shows up in the room hallelujah he says show me where you later [Music] hallelujah jonathan this is the only miracle that require class participation hallelujah this this is the only miracle where he gets corporate by it jesus said my only job here this is to call you my only job is to call you i better say it for somebody to hear me my only job is to call you you still didn't get out of that bed my only job is to call you i called him somebody else gotta move the stove i'm speaking to somebody in here there's somebody you care about they got a call on their life but god is waiting on you to move the stone god said if you shout right now whatever stone is in the way of who you care about it will be moved with every obstacle whatever issue whatever pain it shall be i'm delegating i'm delegating the responsibility that my job is to call but the friends got to remove the stone they removed the stone and now he makes the call i gotta say this tiffany i need you to hear lazarus does not get a call on his life until he dies oh my god anybody who claims to be called has got to survive something you were supposed to die here i'm talking to somebody in this room that knows i should have been dead i should have been in my grave they should have had my funeral but when nothing else would help it was love that lifted me the friends they moved the stone hallelujah and lazarus comes out and when legends comes out the bible says that he's leaping he's jumping he's dancing watch this and then he has got to take the death clothes off himself [Applause] other people can remove the stone but i gotta get off me shhh what other people tried to bury me with y'all can sit there if you want but god said if you praise me whatever issue they tried to use to kill you with it's coming off for you she said if you lift me up i'm taking off the room i'm taking off the reputation i'm taking off the bad credit i'm taking off what my family did to me some stuff i gotta do it by myself i'll get to it i'll get to it when i can when service is over i gotta run to the store i get to it when i can i got some dishes in the kitchen i'll get to it when i can i gotta load the laundry i gotta put in the dry i'll get to it when i can't but right now i got time to dash i feel like lifting him up i feel like blessing his night i feel like magnifying him because when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me we should give somebody a high five and tell him i don't know what you came to do but today i will bless the love and all time i pay to scream in that apartment until the cats come knocking to declare can nobody give me like jesus he picked me up he carried me around he breaks my feet on solid ground and i'm still here and i still here and i'm still here these sucks he never left me can i get my grandmother he's an on time god yes he is he's i'll get to it when i got time i want you to lift up that hand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'll get to it i got a lot of stuff i'm trying to get done [Applause] [Music] a lot of stuff i got to accomplish a lot of stuff that is assigned to my hand i'll get to it because some stuff is no longer a priority for me y'all ain't saying nothing to me i no longer care what other people feel think or say i am past that season of my life that is not a priority for me i want you to lift up that hand i want to pray for you there's some stuff you ain't got no business doing there's some stuff you shouldn't even try to do how you look trying to roll away the stone of somebody who likes being dead [Music] [Applause] how you look trying to take death clothes [Music] off of people who think it's fashionable [Music] how you look russian for somebody who would take their sweet time helping you i said i need you to rearrange your priorities you may not be able to do it today but take a couple of days figure out what you need to be doing what you should be doing what you ought to be doing i want to pray here this for your time to lift that hand i'm going to pray for your time [Music] hallelujah the old testament prophet said the lord will restore not the days he's going to restore the years that were taken from you i know some of y'all ain't gonna shout about it maybe none of y'all will can i tell you god owns you a couple years [Applause] 2019 2020 was rough but i'm believing that god is going to restore years all the years that you wasted all the years that you misappropriated [Music] all the years you invested in the wrong people god you owe me some years i need somebody to shout out loud god you owe me some years [Music] that dream of joseph said there's gonna be seven years of famine and then seven years of harvest can you believe god is gonna release to you seven years of an amazing harvest some of y'all don't even know when to shout say i'm telling my seven good years of your life where you ain't gonna be struggling you ain't gonna be depressed you ain't gonna be anxious you ain't gonna be wary can you imagine seven years of not having to defend yourself seven years of not owing nobody nothing i said i'ma give you those seven years lift that hand please i am not asking god to give you more time i'm asking god to give you the discipline to manage the time you have i'm asking god to deposit for you the discernment to understand what you must do and what's nice to do i am praying that god give you the unction to understand that everything is not necessary [Music] i want to say this and five of y'all are going to pull your hand down i need you to have the grace to know that sometimes being polite is a curse you can't say yes to everything you can't be agreeable to everything just because i'm free don't mean i'm available stuff that i got to do with my life lord i pray over every lifted hand that for the next two weeks you will awaken us with your finger of care so that we're able to gauge what we must do what we should do what's nice to do what needs to be delegated to do and what we need to eliminate doing god we thank you for assigning people to our lives who will move the stone for us we give your name praise we give your name glory we give your name thanksgiving those of you who are coming into covenant with your pastor that the next two weeks i am gonna be diligent about safeguarding my time if that's you i day to give god glory even right now come on y'all ain't clapping good i said open up your mouth i don't want to waste your time i i want you to be a part of a church that's going to maximize your time i want you to be in a ministry that is going to think about every second of your worship encounter i want you to be a part of an aggregation that is mindful that you could right now be streaming 5 000 different other ministries but i brought you here because there was something you needed something you had to have something that needed to quench the appetite of your time if that's you that i'm talking to i promise you as pastor i will never waste your time every time god gives me the strength to stand i covenant to you i will never stand unprepared ill equipped or unconsecrated whenever it is that i stand i am grace to be able to speak on god's behalf i want you to share with me in a seed of 72 i want you to share with me a seed of 72 dollars because i'm believing watch this in the next three days god is going to awaken some things god is going to reinvigorate some things god is going to put some things back together that you thought deteriorated the family said to jesus by now his body stinks here it is because they thought he would stay in the state he was in and had no faith that he would come to his future self sometimes you will never get resurrected until it's your own family that buries you sometimes you will not get to your greatest place in victory until you understand that your assignment does not come with public affirmation i want you to get that seat of 72. whether you're giving through giveaway whether you're through push pay whether you give it through text to give i need you to do it right now because i declare over your life it's a new season it's a new day it's a fresh anointing it's coming your way it's a season of power it's a season of prosperity and here's the good news it's all already here i can't wait to see you on tuesday night manage your time well please know your pastor loves you i'm praying for you and i can't wait to see what you produce now that you stop managing your time come on jabar we give god glory and [Music] praise
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 72,146
Rating: 4.8985868 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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