Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, KEEP IT MOVING - February 09th, 2020

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please don't look for somebody behind me sometimes when I'm moving it's the hand of God that had to push me out of a circumstance that I thought I was gonna stay in I need somebody that can testify I was in some things I never thought I would escape but God pushed me and I I believe for some of y'all that ain't afraid or shame to give Him glory he'll put you out of their job he'll push you out of their Palacios ship he'll push you out of that frame of a cake make the force be with you the boys of God [Music] you [Applause] [Music] chapter 17 and I only want to illuminate one verse and that verse is verse 28 X 17 verse 28 once you found the one to say I have it if you can't find it say lord help me y'all pray for the morticians Thank You heck's chapter 17 verse 28 it reads on this wise in the New International Version for in him we live and move and have our being as some of our poets have said we are his offspring acts 17 or 28 let's read it together with uplifted voices for in him we're gonna read it a third town with a little bit more vim vigor and vitality everybody lift up your voice for in him [Applause] a man you may be seated I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject keep it moving look at the person beside you and tell them you might as well just keep it moving the World Health Organization has everybody on high alert the virus has claimed almost 425 deaths every aircraft connected to China has been canceled college students have now been quarantined and the value of gold has descended before impact is still left untold as face masks are now sold out it's almost reminiscent of the Great Plague that hit Europe in the sixteen hundreds his impact was so detrimental that even Cambridge University had to close for two years when they reopened it in 1667 a young brilliant student enrolled by the name of Sir Isaac Newton he was to begin two years prior but the virus interrupted his plans but even he didn't realize that he was right on track many of you had experiments with life that took you at least two years to come out of but somehow another you found the fortitude to just keep it moving you seated near somebody who's barely survived at the last two years of their life the life for them has been no crystal stair they had boards torn up but they're still rising and they really haven't had the time to pin their own Odyssey about what the last two years of their life look like not too long after the completion of his degree Sir Isaac Newton rocked the world with a riveting paper entitled mathematical principles of natural philosophy or commonly known as the three laws of motion Newton's first law of motion is sometimes identified as the law of inertia because inertia is the resistance of an object to change its state the hood translation being it is what it is the underlying principle is that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless it's interrupted prime example would be a bowling ball that if you roll it it's going keep going unless it hit something or unless somebody picks it up he woulda testified this morning many of us were spinning out of control until the Lord sent something to disrupt us and it was that disruption that saved you from destruction conversely if something is sitting still is gonna stay in that position until it gets a push look at what happened when Lazarus showed up when Jesus showed up at Lazarus tomb the sister said to the master it's too late by now his body steaks jesus said pump all the dead showed me where you laid them they pointed out to where he was in the cemetery and notice what Jesus says in his instructions he said roll the stone away why because the stone had been sitting at the mouth of that tomb because it was laid there it was idle the stone was in a place of inertia but when God gave the direction rolled the stone here it is nowhere in sacred texts can you ever see where the salt stone stopped rolling it just kept moving and I believe that over the life of every person who's in this room every person who's tuned in online I need you to know that whatever it is that thought it will keep you locked in the stone is rolling away whatever they thought they were gonna do to block your advancement your achievement and your elevation gods move the stone and the stone is rolling away you you better not look too fast because going right by your role in this moment is the thing the enemy put in front of you that he thought was gonna block you from your desire your dream your goal and your ambition and God told me to tell you I'm rolling the stone away I don't understand how you able to sit in church knowing that every diabolical plot and scheme and device of the enemy that was set up to keep you in bondage just got rolled away because they didn't stop it is still rolling Newton's second law of motion is one of the most striking principles in the lexicon of physics it represents the fact that objects can only accelerate if they are forces placed on the object the principle is that the force must weigh more than the object in order to push it or to pull it the practical example would be if after church today you take your child to the park sit him on a swing all they gonna do is just sit there why because based off of Newton's second law of physics the law of motion there's got to be something stronger than it in order to push it there are some of you who have become stagnant and had no idea that the only thing that gets you out of the bed in the morning the only thing that helps you to fight your way through a miserable existence as you understand has got to be something stronger than me that is a pushing me hallelujah while while Jesus is in that cemetery he tells them rolled the stone away but it wasn't enough it wasn't enough because nothing happened there then Jesus had to speak he had to speak and he calls him by name Lazarus come forth in it amazing that Lazarus never had his name called until he died some of you claim you want a call on your life God ain't never gonna really speak to you until there's a party you just got to die I'm talking to somebody in this room that knows God's hand meet me at the most critical juncture of my life and if I'm honest it was not while I was on top God had to come get me while I was in the swallows of despair and I didn't know how I was gonna make it but I heard the voice of God some some sometimes if it is the voice of God that is that force the force of God that is your force and that is their force and so now when they open up their tomb watch Newton's second law of motion come in the past if that God calls or Lazarus his name and says come forth Jesus watch this heals him resurrects him and never touches him hallelujah some of you all will not worship could you say and I'll feel nothing you waiting on the choir to sing your song you waiting for the preacher to get to your point cuz you think that a move of God is connected to a feeling but those that have a relationship with him understand that sometimes God ain't even gotta touch me all I gotta do is hear his voice and his voice is the push it's the push that I need I need you to do me a favor would you just push the person in front of you and tell them God is pushing you to do something great how God is pushing you to achieve something amazing God is pushing you to accomplish what nobody in your family has ever done God yes pushing you not to give up God is pushing you out of depression and other just bad anxiety all I need from God it's a word that'll push so when you see me moving in church please don't look for somebody behind me sometimes when I'm moving it's the hand of God that had to push me out of a circumstance that I thought I was gonna stay in I need somebody that can testify I was in some things I never thought I would escape but God pushed me and I I believe for some of y'all that ain't afraid or shame to give Him glory he'll push you out of that job he'll push you out of that relationship he'll push you out of that frame of thinking may the force be with you the fire of God first law of motion is whatever is in motion is gonna stay in motion whatever is that wrist is gonna stay at wrist second law of motion is in order for you to move there's got to be a force behind you that pushes you beyond where it is that you are Newton's third law of motion evolves around action and reaction action and reaction for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction the size of the force on the object mirrors the size of the force of the second object in order to achieve balance the push has got to be as strong as the pole I think I've lost you I said the force of that which is pushing you has got to be as strong as the force that is pulling you and the simplest of terms of gravity is pulling you down with a force of 500 neutrons but you're standing up with a pole of a force of 500 neutrons so the balance of what keeps you upright is that which is trying to pull you down it's not as strong as that which is holding you up therefore you make the pull of my problems must match the push of my praise in order for me to have balance therefore you're able to give an assessment that those who are not shouting in church are not having to pull against anything but those that understand that I'm being warfare of my life that I've gotta give God glory why because the enemy keeps trying to pull me back into the thing I used to be he time to pull me in the places about droney she's trying to pull me in that happens I already broke and so when I give God glory I'm telling the enemy get off me that's great so I go back to that graveyard one last time when I go to that graveyard one that time when Jesus told them the road to stone the way it is Newton's first law of motion he moves the stone until it keeps moving when he calls him forth it is Newton's second law of motion because he understood that there's got to be a force greater than the power that is holding it back but the third long operation does not manifest until Lazarus gets up he gets up watch this and starts jumping out of the tomb the Lord didn't tell him to jump he just told him to come forth y'all the Masonic God didn't tell him to dance he just told him to come forth but Lazarus understood that the pool of the grave is so heavy that there's so much in the universe that wants me to die that I can't come out regular I gotta come out with a phrase in me so when you see me shout in church it's just a surprise some stuff that should've killed me win you see me jumping if does not know I should've lost my mind I need somebody in this room that knows Oh death where is your sting o grave where is your victory something y'all they build to nothing and that's why you ain't got a praise in you but God said if you jump today you coming out of their grave you coming out of that circumstance you come out of any issue you come out of that disease matter that brokenness your praise that's gotta be bigger than the pole [Applause] out of it I'm waiting on the Chester South you coming out of that dead you coming out of that divorce you come out of that sickness see the face hallelujah I'm begging you please be seated Lazarus why you jumping like that letter say tell new birth I'm coming out of it when my family didn't think I'd survive my friends gave up on me when they wrote me off movement movement is an integral part of every function and process within our bodies strength and endurance isn't just about psychosis and emotions is also emanates around movement bodies were angelically designed not to be still our bodies are designed to move not just in a straight line but in all directions look how limber God made you to give you the capacity to bend to twist to jump to reach two stretch Tyrande you were created not to sit still you were created to make a mood there were some lepers who were sitting idly and they asked themselves are we gonna sit here and die or we gonna make a move to get our lives back on track and that's what I want to ask some of you who are sitting in this church are you sitting there waiting to die are you getting ready to make a move to understand in this season of my life I got nothing to lose but my mind I got to keep it moving movement here this movement helps boost your mood movement here this improves at your sleep movement sharpens your focus movement reduces your stress movement retrieves the stored energy they that wait upon the Lord are y'all here today they shall renew their strength this is why you have thrown your haters off they thought you were gonna sit while you were waiting but they didn't understand I'm not gonna wait until the battle is over I'm a shout right now there's some of you that ought to be celebrating that whenever you go in through God said I want you to move in February like it's already handled in March I I need you to give me glory like I've already charge dr. rumack dr. James Levine dr. James Levine from the Mayo Clinic warns that this current generation will die earlier than the previous this present generation will die earlier than the previous generation due to diseases correlated to a Centon tarry lifestyle excessive sitting is now linked to 35 conditions obesity hypertension back pain cancer cardiovascular disease and depression is connected to you not moving being seeded is a newfound phenomenon in human history whereas 200 years ago 90% of the population worked in agriculture so we only sat 3 to 5 hours a day to rest from working but now we sit 13 to 15 hours a day there is sickness connected to sitting I better back that thing up give it to you again there is sickness connected to sitting as a consequence I am scared to go to a church that just sits in worship I know y'all didn't see me coming a church that will just sit down up for two hours it's not a church that is committed to live it but David said let everything that has breath praise the Lord here is the best shout of your life in that when I am shouting in church it is not for cause clothes in money I am praising God here this like my life depends on it i appraising God like my health depends on if you don't need God to move in your body said that but if you need God to move you wanna stop moving if you need God to stop slower than y'all right you wanna start move the more you praise him the better you'll feel in Acts chapter 17 the Apostle Paul goes to Athens when he goes to Athens he's concerned because he sees them worshipping all these fake gods in the next chapter 17 that discloses us that they even have an altar that the altar has an inscription and the inscription says to the unknown God and Paul is confused because he's trying to figure out how will they worship in a God that they do not know oh my god they're some of you and I got a question your relationship with God cuz I'm trying to figure out how you sitting there like you don't know him but if there's anybody that says I know him for myself he's been better to me than I I been to myself and yet you know him and you ain't saying nothing buddy if you know in the words are big my man then he woke me up this since I got a move I got a move like my life depends on it I got a move like my health depends on it and he said there are those who worship and unknown God and yet you know God and you don't do anything Paul said in acts chapter 17 that's not my testimony I know who God is in him I live I gotta get out of here but I wish I had a church if if I was that new perfect be going a whole lot different in here my I live but not only do I live can I find some worshipers but also ill him what you gonna do I move and yet y'all ain't been doing nothing I'm preaching the whole month of February on the intimacy of praise and worship on how to make love to God I'm not taking a long road home but I'm finally the way I'm getting ready to go is that you need yet you didn't even understand that praise is connected to physics don't you you didn't know that praise was connected to physics why because praise is manifested on cause and effect hallelujah yeah yeah y'all don't believe it let me let me give you the physics principle when the praises go I'm waiting on the worship was to show up India when the phrases go up the bless him gotta come down y'all if you don't need a blessing don't make a move if you don't need God to do nothing don't match up oh god that hit the praises so praise Russ's ISM is locked in physics be seated for just one moment I'm coming I'm just lecturing the day be seated I'll preach next week be seated I've got to show you this so this is a it's a multi-generational Church I got baby boomers Gen X's Z generation and so I want to try to make physics practical I'm gonna make physics practical so you need to understand how God's praise is interlocked with physics because it is the law of motion principle one that whatever is at rest is going to stay at rest whenever is in motion is going to stay in motion how about you also understand here it is up that the law of motion are a law to is under saying there's got to be a force behind it that is in fact of a greater weight to push it in order so it cannot be remained that stuck and so that hip-hop prophet hip-hop prophet that comes out of Atlanta y'all know I'm Ludacris he understood the principle of physics but did not understand the theological application Ludacris said it this way when I move I'll help make you move just like that now she was talking about the DJ y'all ain't sayin nothin but you'll even understand that's where God is saying God I said if you stop moving I'll stop moving on your back laughs you don't need God to move don't make a move but if you need to move on sir in this white come to me real quick yeah you come to me come yes so she said watch this when you move I'm gonna move stay right there behind me so he says you gotta find something that is stronger than you god help me that will push you to the next level yeah yeah yeah y'all ain't saying nothin to me cuz you don't stay right where you are but you don't know if something greater in store for you go ahead and push me you can I say push me don't pat me secure they ain't gonna tackle you you all right the push of God will get you out of where you wanna be [Applause] [Music] that you don't wanna see gotta get you to the next while you live [Music] what we check the let's say that [Music] all you need it is one push God said if you shout in this church today you don't push me to bless you okay you know about it she said if you scream [Music] ah data just push somebody around you tell them welcome to your wealthy place welcome to your next assignment welcome to where darkness taking you all you need [Applause] my time is up but y'all ain't moving yet I said make a move like your addresses getting ready to move back up those light your credits door let's get ready to bow match opposed Junko records lift up that knee up I want us to be coping your life I wanna speak over your life why you are moving I'm speaking of your life while you're moving no hip replacements god I can't hear nobody no knee replacements I can't hear nobody in here nobody is don't be in Hospice no nobody is gonna be in a medically-induced coma God is gonna give you the activity of your lil [Music] [Applause] [Music] I speak of every lifted hand I speak of every lifted hand that this week you gonna make some money moves god I can't hear nobody I said this week you gonna make some money moves this this week you gonna make some power moves dancing you gonna make the greatest move in your life I speak of every lifted hand they gotta give you the faith to move he'll give you the fortitude to move they got this week is gonna move your foot off the brake God this week is gonna kick your angels into overdrive this week a door is gonna open for you and all that is required is for you to run through it you better stop acting scared you know who your God is this is your season to make her moan those of you your faith come into agreement with my faith this morning and you're believing that God is anointing you to make the most strategic move of your life would you give God praise glory Thanksgiving I can't hear I can't believe did you really hear all of that and think you can praise him sitting still you gotta make a move you gotta make a critical move for your life and the critical move that you gotta make for your life Scott today wants you to join this church today God wants you to get saved today he wants you to make up in your mind in him I live in him I move in him I have my very being if you're in this room and you're saying pastor today I gotta get right with God I got to do it right now forget about what these other people think what they say what they feel what they believe today you gotta make a move come on I want you to make the best step of your life grandma used to say if you take one step he'll take two he just waiting for you to make that move women is that you are would you come don't let nobody stop you till you get to this altar come on clap your hands as they come [Music] come on clap your hands as they come [Music] even our friends who are viewing from around the world and you say yes I want to get associated I want to give me connected I want to be in covenant I need you to company this is named listen softly I need you to do me a favor I'm looking for a harvest today I don't know where you are but this gonna be the best move in your life Newburgh I don't know what's wrong with y'all y'all running on empty today y'all know what we do when they start coming give God glory as they start coming [Music] I want to do this listen to me I don't know where you I don't know who you are but hear me very carefully there's 20 more y'all that's holding up the servers come on I need you to come on the way you are this is what I'm gonna do real quick this is what I need to do real quick I need you all to take two steps up take two steps up for me police is 20 people they've got to come behind you hear me very carefully I need you new birth that's what I need you to do go talk to somebody ask him not yet are they saved you they have a church on I'm gonna give you a unfair advantage go talk to somebody who don't have red on let me name been to church in the last three weeks so I need you to go talk to somebody doesn't have red on ask him add now you remember the church Here Come three y'all ain't giving God glory I'm waiting on 17 to come [Applause] no matter where you're watching whether you're in Mississippi you're Marilyn you're in Milwaukee I want you to be a part of what God is doing there's 16 that's 15 there's 14 come on somebody give God glory [Applause] all right listen I need y'all to do a roll check for me real quick get somebody on your roll who's been avoiding our contact here come thirteen here come twelve there's 11 [Music] here comes 10 I can't believe y'all they don't make more noise than that [Applause] what here comes man I'm gonna throw that net out because there's somebody hiding out on your roll I want you to do spin 360 I want you to I still got this one here come eight and here comes seven come on give God glory for me here comes six y'all thought I'm up here playing around here comes five I need you to do a role check for me check the people on your row ask about they saved ask him do they have a church on we waiting on the Jackson 5 come on wherever it is that you are the Jackson 5 we're waiting on you we already got Tito we waiting on you come on quickly please there's somebody else that needs to get saved I want you to come I want you to give me your hand but I want you to give God your heart if you're in this room I want you to come some of y'all are looking at me I'm already saved I know it's hard to believe but I am I'm saved by grace amen there five more of you that need you to come some young person some older person come on I need you to come please a whole family I want you to come [Applause] I think there's one person coming some down the for Michael don't left the group I got the Jackson four come on I'm waiting on four more you to come please real quick four more and need for you to come I need you to come everybody in the room everybody in the room give God some praise I'm waiting on three somebody give God some praise here comes somebody I'm waiting on two somebody give God a shout y'all here come one last one y'all better tear the roof off this church [Applause] [Music] this is named alright search the right hand into faith search it right hand into faith towards our friends if you're here even if you're a part of our cyber community you want to be a member I need you to hear you up and do it you're watching online go to new birth org it doesn't matter where you live in the world you can still get connected to the move of God that's happening in Stonecrest Georgia wherever it is that you are and need for you to come I already hit my goal with is God that I serve exceeds expectations you'll do what no other power can do if you're here you still know that I'm talking to you I'm praying right now that the very sound of my voice will irritate you that you'll have no risk to you get to this altar wherever it is that you are I need you to please cover I need you to come are y'all going shout that y'all gonna hate [Applause] [Music] come on y'all gotta shout better than that [Music] all right stretch your right hand to faith unless you coming the price is right come on down roses name repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God and I know that's right if you're no right would you give God a hank leper praise for God are y'all gonna be happy go ahead come on get happy play I wanna ask those of you who have come if you come this way if you'll follow us out this way new birthday came as our friends they leaving as our family come on give God some praise you may be seated [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 118,239
Rating: 4.8206158 out of 5
Id: WMNbQ_-xlL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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